Cleanup IP Maestro Deployment
Cleaning up the IP Maestro process involves systematically shutting down all the IP Maestro components, removing associated directories, and purging any superfluous artifacts.
• IP Maestro must be up and running.
Perform the following to clean the IP Maestro:
1. Clean up all the IP Maestro created resources using the command nsmo - -- all -v
Execute the command sudo rm -rf nsmo to completely clean IP Maestro deployment from the host.
Note: The sudo rm -rf command deletes all directories and its contents, including IP Maestro contents.
2. Execute the command sudo docker system prune -a to delete all Docker images from the host local repository.
Here is an example of the warning message displayed while performing the above steps:
WARNING! This will remove:
- all stopped containers
- all networks not used by at least one container
- all images without at least one container associated to them
- all build cache
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