OcNOS DC : NetConf User Guide : Sys-Update using NetConf
Sys-Update using NetConf
This chapter contains examples of carrying out Sys-update using NetConf.
The system update feature provides the user with the option to upgrade or downgrade the OcNOS image in a router. A router's software can be upgraded when a new feature is introduced or when software bugs are fixed.
NetConf provides the user with the following options for sys-update:
1. Download the image and install.
2. To delete the downloaded image.
3. To cancel the image download which is in progress.
Download the Image and Install
On the Switch:
Connect to yangcli and proceed as shown below:
yangcli ocnos@127.1> sys-update-get url=
Download the OcNOS image. After the command, wait for some time for the image to download. Same can be verified through CLI “show installers” (Refer to validation logs)
yangcli ocnos@127.1> sys-update-install installerName=EC_AS7326_56X-OcNOS-
Install the downloaded image.
Note: The sys-update-get CLI is updated with known-hosts-add parameter too support SCP and SFTP. Use the sys-update-get known-hosts-add=true CLI to download the OcNOS image file via SCP/SFTP.

When known-host-add parameter is given as true then the IP address/hostname is added into known_hosts file and proceed to sys-update.

If known-host-add parameter is not given and IP address/hostname is not present in the known_hosts file then sys-update-get via SCP/SFTP throws an error message
'%% Download failed, SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK'
Show installer output while image download is in progress:
tmp string is used before the image name to represent download is in progress
#show installers
Show installer output after completion of image download:
#show installers
To Delete the Downloaded Image
On the Switch:
Connect to yangcli and proceed as shown below:
yangcli ocnos@127.1> sys-update-get url=
Download the OcNOS image. After the command wait for some time for the image to get downloaded. Same can be verified through CLI “Show installers” (Refer to validation logs)
yangcli ocnos@127.1> sys-update-delete imageName=EC_AS7326_56X-OcNOS-
Delete the downloaded image.
Show installer output after completion of image download:
#show installers
Show installer output after deleting downloaded image:
#show installers
To Cancel the Image Download:
On the Switch:
Connect to yangcli and proceed as shown below:
yangcli ocnos@127.1> sys-update-get url=
To download the OcNOS image.
yangcli ocnos@127.1> sys-update-cancel-download
Cancel the download.
Show installer output while image download is in progress:
tmp string is used before the image name to represent download is in progress
#show installers
Show installer output after canceling of download:
#show installers