OcNOS DC : System Management Guide : NetConf Configuration : NetConf Port Access Control
NetConf Port Access Control
NetConf is a software tool that provides a mechanism to configure and manage remote network devices seamlessly. It uses a simple Remote Procedure Call (RPC) mechanism to facilitate communication between a client and a server.
During the OcNOS installation, the NetConf subsystem called “netconf” is installed. It runs on the default access port 830 over SSH and port 6513 over TLS.
Typically, these default access ports are not configurable and controlled. The NetConf port access control feature enhancement ensures that the Netconf-SSH and NetConf-TLS port access can be controlled and configurable.
Feature Characteristics
This feature allows access control capabilities for the NetConf-SSH and NetConf-TLS ports.
Enabling/disabling the port.
Changing the default port.
Accessing and controlling the NetConf services through Inband and Outband.
Applying ACL rules to the NetConf port to control its access.
This feature enables the user to control the NetConf port access and change the default port.
To configure either NetConf-SSH port or the NetConf-TLS port, perform the following steps. After completing the steps you will be configured with a port for NetConf.
1. Disable netconf-ssh and netconf-tls feature
2. Configure port for netconf-ssh and netconf-tls
3. Enable netconf-ssh and netconf-tls feature
NetConf Access Port Topology
Enable Netconf-ssh on the default and vrf management port
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode.
R1(config)#feature netconf-ssh
Enable netconf-ssh via default port.
R1(config)#feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Enable netconf-ssh via vrf management port.
Commit all the transactions.
Enable Netconf-tls on the default and vrf management port
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#feature netconf-tls
Enable netconf-tls via default port
R1(config)#feature netconf-tls vrf management
Enable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
Execute the below commands to verify the NetConf port is enabled on VRF Management.
Following is the output of the NetConf server status and port.
#show netconf server
VRF Management
Netconf SSH Server: Enabled
SSH-Netconf Port : 830
Netconf TLS Server: Enabled
TLS-Netconf Port : 6513
VRF Default
Netconf SSH Server: Enabled
SSH-Netconf Port : 830
Netconf TLS Server: Enabled
TLS-Netconf Port : 6513
Following is the output of NetConf server configurations.
#show running-config netconf-server
feature netconf-ssh vrf management
feature netconf-tls vrf management
netconf server ssh-port 2000 vrf management
netconf server tls-port 60000 vrf management
feature netconf-ssh
feature netconf-tls
netconf server ssh-port 1060
netconf server tls-port 5000
Following is the output of the NetConf server configuration in XML format.
#show xml running-config
<netconf-server xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-management-serve
<network-instances xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-network-insta
<vrf xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-vrf">
<vrf xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-vrf">
<interfaces xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-interface">
Following is the output after login to the NetConf interface (YangCLI) on R1 node via the default NetConf port:
root@OcNOS:~# ip netns exec zebosfib0 yangcli --server=127.1 --user=ocnos --password=ocnos
yangcli version 2.5-5
libssh2 version 1.8.0
Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Andy Bierman, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Vladimir Vassilev, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenClovis Inc, All Rights Reserved.
Type 'help' or 'help <command-name>' to get started
Use the <tab> key for command and value completion
Use the <enter> key to accept the default value in brackets
These escape sequences are available when filling parameter values:
? help
?? full help
?s skip current parameter
?c cancel current command
These assignment statements are available when entering commands:
$<varname> = <expr> Local user variable assignment
$$<varname> = <expr> Global user variable assignment
@<filespec> = <expr> File assignment
val->res is NO_ERR.
yangcli: Starting NETCONF session for ocnos on 127.1
NETCONF session established for ocnos on 127.1
Disable netconf-ssh via default and vrf management port
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#no feature netconf-ssh
Disable netconf-ssh via default port
R1(config)#no feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Disable netconf-ssh via vrf management
Commit all the transactions
Disable netconf-tls via default port and vrf management port
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#no feature netconf-tls
Disable netconf-tls via default
R1(config)#no feature netconf-tls vrf management
Disable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
Execute the below commands to verify the NetConf port is disabled on VRF Management.
Following is the output of the NetConf server status and port.
#show netconf server
VRF Management
Netconf Server: Disabled
VRF Default
Netconf Server: Disabled
Configuring NetConf Port
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#no feature netconf-ssh
Disable netconf-ssh via default port
R1(config)#no feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Disable netconf-ssh via vrf management port
R1(config)#no feature netconf-tls
Disable netconf-tls via default port
R1(config)#no feature netconf-tls vrf management
Disable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#netconf server ssh-port 1060
Configure port for netconf-ssh default
R1(config)#netconf server ssh-port 2000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-ssh vrf management
R1(config)#netconf server tls-port 5000
Configure port for netconf-tls default
R1(config)#netconf server tls-port 60000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-tls vrf management
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#feature netconf-ssh
Enable netconf-ssh via default port
R1(config)#feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Enable netconf-ssh via vrf management port
R1(config)#feature netconf-tls
Enable netconf-tls via default port
R1(config)#feature netconf-tls vrf management
Enable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
Following is the output of the NetConf server status and port.
#show netconf server
VRF Management
Netconf SSH Server: Enabled
SSH-Netconf Port : 2000
Netconf TLS Server: Enabled
TLS-Netconf Port : 60000
VRF Default
Netconf SSH Server: Enabled
SSH-Netconf Port : 1060
Netconf TLS Server: Enabled
TLS-Netconf Port : 5000
Following is the output after login to the NetConf interface (YangCLI) on R1 node via the user defined NetConf port:

root@OcNOS:~# ip netns exec zebosfib1 yangcli --server=127.1 --user=ocnos --password=ocnos ncport=2000
Warning: Revision date in the future (2022-08-30), further warnings are suppressed
ietf-netconf-notifications.yang:46.4: warning(421): revision date in the future
yangcli version 2.5-5
libssh2 version 1.8.0
Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Andy Bierman, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Vladimir Vassilev, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenClovis Inc, All Rights Reserved.
Type 'help' or 'help <command-name>' to get started
Use the <tab> key for command and value completion
Use the <enter> key to accept the default value in brackets
These escape sequences are available when filling parameter values:
? help
?? full help
?s skip current parameter
?c cancel current command
These assignment statements are available when entering commands:
$<varname> = <expr> Local user variable assignment
$$<varname> = <expr> Global user variable assignment
@<filespec> = <expr> File assignment
val->res is NO_ERR.
yangcli: Starting NETCONF session for ocnos on 127.1
NETCONF session established for ocnos on 127.1
Checking Server Modules...
yangcli ocnos@127.1>
Ping between two nodes via Yang CLI
Perform the following configurations to verify the reachability among R1, R2 and R3 routers via NetConf-SSH and NetConf-TLS port.
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#no feature netconf-ssh
Disable netconf-ssh via default
R1(config)#no feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Disable netconf-ssh via vrf management port
R1(config)#no feature netconf-tls
Disable netconf-tls via default port
R1(config)#no feature netconf-tls vrf management
Disable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#netconf server ssh-port 1060
Configure port for netconf-ssh default
R1(config)#netconf server ssh-port 2000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-ssh vrf management
R1(config)#netconf server tls-port 5000
Configure port for netconf-tls default
R1(config)#netconf server tls-port 60000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-tls vrf management
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#feature netconf-ssh
Enable netconf-ssh via default port
R1(config)#feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Enable netconf-ssh via vrf management port
R1(config)#feature netconf-tls
Enable netconf-tls via default port
R1(config)#feature netconf-tls vrf management
Enable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#interface xe1
Enter interface mode
R1(config)#ip address
Configure ipv4 address on the interface xe1.
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R2(config)#no feature netconf-ssh
Disable netconf-ssh via default
R2(config)#no feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Disable netconf-ssh via vrf management
R2(config)#no feature netconf-tls
Disable netconf-tls via default
R2(config)#no feature netconf-tls vrf management
Disable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R2(config)#netconf server ssh-port 1060
Configure port for netconf-ssh default
R2(config)#netconf server ssh-port 2000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-ssh vrf management
R2(config)#netconf server tls-port 5000
Configure port for netconf-tls default
R2(config)#netconf server tls-port 60000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-tls vrf management
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R2(config)#feature netconf-ssh
Enable netconf-ssh via default port
R2(config)#feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Enable netconf-ssh via vrf management port
R2(config)#feature netconf-tls
Enable netconf-tls via default port
R2(config)#feature netconf-tls vrf management
Enable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R2(config)#interface xe1
Enter interface mode
R2(config)#ip address
Configure ipv4 address on the interface xe1.
Commit all the transactions
Following is the output of the configured NetConf port.
#show netconf server
VRF Management
Netconf SSH Server: Enabled
SSH-Netconf Port : 2000
Netconf TLS Server: Enabled
TLS-Netconf Port : 60000
VRF Default
Netconf SSH Server: Enabled
SSH-Netconf Port : 1060
Netconf TLS Server: Enabled
TLS-Netconf Port : 5000
OcNOS#show running-config interface xe1
interface xe1
ip address
Press CTRL+C to exit
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.567 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.258 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.241 ms
--- ping statistics ---
3 packets transmitted, 3 received, 0% packet loss, time 80ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.241/0.355/0.567/0.150 ms
Following is the output after login to the NetConf interface (YangCLI) on R2 node through the user defined NetConf port:

root@OcNOS:~# ip netns exec zebosfib0 yangcli --server= --user=ocnos --password=ocnos ncport=1060
Warning: Revision date in the future (2022-08-30), further warnings are suppressed
ietf-netconf-notifications.yang:46.4: warning(421): revision date in the future
yangcli version 2.5-5
libssh2 version 1.8.0
Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Andy Bierman, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2013-2015, Vladimir Vassilev, All Rights Reserved.
Copyright (c) 2012-2016, OpenClovis Inc, All Rights Reserved.
Type 'help' or 'help <command-name>' to get started
Use the <tab> key for command and value completion
Use the <enter> key to accept the default value in brackets
These escape sequences are available when filling parameter values:
? help
?? full help
?s skip current parameter
?c cancel current command
These assignment statements are available when entering commands:
$<varname> = <expr> Local user variable assignment
$$<varname> = <expr> Global user variable assignment
@<filespec> = <expr> File assignment
val->res is NO_ERR.
yangcli: Starting NETCONF session for ocnos on
NETCONF session established for ocnos on
Checking Server Modules...
ACL Rule with IPv4 Configuration
Perform the following configurations to apply an ACL rule to allow or deny traffic from R1 to other nodes via NetConf port.
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#no feature netconf-ssh
Disable netconf-ssh via default
R1(config)#no feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Disable netconf-ssh via vrf management port
R1(config)#no feature netconf-tls
Disable netconf-tls via default port
R1(config)#no feature netconf-tls vrf management
Disable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#netconf server ssh-port 1060
Configure port for netconf-ssh default
R1(config)#netconf server ssh-port 2000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-ssh vrf management
R1(config)#netconf server tls-port 5000
Configure port for netconf-tls default
R1(config)#netconf server tls-port 60000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-tls vrf management
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#feature netconf-ssh
Enable netconf-ssh via default port
R1(config)#feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Enable netconf-ssh via vrf management port
R1(config)#feature netconf-tls
Enable netconf-tls via default port
R1(config)#feature netconf-tls vrf management
Enable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#interface xe1
Enter interface mode
R1(config)#ip address
Configure ipv4 address on the interface xe1.
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#interface xe2
Enter interface mode
R1(config)#ip address
Configure ipv4 address on the interface xe2.
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R1(config)#ip access-list ACL1
Create ip access list
R1(config)#permit any host any
Create an acl rule to permit
R1(config)#deny any host any
Create an acl rule to deny
Commit all the transactions
Perform the following configurations to apply an ACL rule to allow or deny traffic from R2 to other nodes via NetConf port
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R2(config)#no feature netconf-ssh
Disable netconf-ssh via default
R2(config)#no feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Disable netconf-ssh via vrf management
R2(config)#no feature netconf-tls
Disable netconf-tls via default
R2(config)#no feature netconf-tls vrf management
Disable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R2(config)#netconf server ssh-port 1060
Configure port for netconf-ssh default
R2(config)#netconf server ssh-port 2000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-ssh vrf management
R2(config)#netconf server tls-port 5000
Configure port for netconf-tls default
R2(config)#netconf server tls-port 60000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-tls vrf management
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R2(config)#feature netconf-ssh
Enable netconf-ssh via default port
R2(config)#feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Enable netconf-ssh via vrf management port
R2(config)#feature netconf-tls
Enable netconf-tls via default port
R2(config)#feature netconf-tls vrf management
Enable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R2(config)#interface xe1
Enter interface mode
R2(config)#ip address
Configure ipv4 address on the interface xe1.
Commit all the transactions
Perform the following configurations to apply an ACL rule to allow or deny traffic from R3 to other nodes via NetConf port.
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R3(config)#no feature netconf-ssh
Disable netconf-ssh via default
R3(config)#no feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Disable netconf-ssh via vrf management port
R3(config)#no feature netconf-tls
Disable netconf-tls via default port
R3(config)#no feature netconf-tls vrf management
Disable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R3(config)#netconf server ssh-port 1060
Configure port for netconf-ssh default
R3(config)#netconf server ssh-port 2000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-ssh vrf management
R3(config)#netconf server tls-port 5000
Configure port for netconf-tls default
R3(config)#netconf server tls-port 60000 vrf management
Configure port for netconf-tls vrf management
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R3(config)#feature netconf-ssh
Enable netconf-ssh via default port
R3(config)#feature netconf-ssh vrf management
Enable netconf-ssh via vrf management port
R3(config)#feature netconf-tls
Enable netconf-tls via default port
R3(config)#feature netconf-tls vrf management
Enable netconf-tls via vrf management port
Commit all the transactions
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
R3(config)#interface xe11
Enter interface mode
R3(config)#ip address
Configure ipv4 address on the interface xe11.
Commit all the transactions
Following is the output to verify the user defined NetConf port.
R1#show running-config netconf-server
feature netconf-ssh vrf management
feature netconf-tls vrf management
netconf server ssh-port 2000 vrf management
netconf server tls-port 60000 vrf management
feature netconf-ssh
feature netconf-tls
netconf server ssh-port 1060
netconf server tls-port 5000
R1#show netconf server
VRF Management
Netconf SSH Server: Enabled
SSH-Netconf Port : 2000
Netconf TLS Server: Enabled
TLS-Netconf Port : 60000
VRF Default
Netconf SSH Server: Enabled
SSH-Netconf Port : 1060
Netconf TLS Server: Enabled
TLS-Netconf Port : 5000
Following is the output of the show running-config in XML format.
R1#show xml running-config
<netconf-server xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-management-serve
<network-instances xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-network-insta
<vrf xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-vrf">
<vrf xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-vrf">
<interfaces xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-interface">
Implementation Examples
The below examples are based on the topology given in Topology section.
Accessing R1 from R2 with default port
Below is an example to access R1 from R2 with default port.
feature netconf-ssh
feature netconf-ssh vrf management
feature netconf-tls
feature netconf-tls vrf management
From Yang CLI:
root@OcNOS:~# ip netns exec zebosfib0 yangcli --server=127.1 --user=ocnos --password=ocnos
Accessing R1 from R2 with user defined port
Below is an example to access R1 from R2 via user defined port.
netconf server ssh-port 1060
netconf server ssh-port 2000 vrf management
netconf server tls-port 5000
netconf server tls-port 60000 vrf management
From Yang CLI:
root@OcNOS:~#ip netns exec zebosfib1 yangcli --server= --user=ocnos --password=ocnos ncport=2000
Applying ACL rule to permit or deny any Node
Below is an example to permit any traffic originating from IP address and deny any traffic originating from
ip access-list ACL1
permit any host any
deny any host any
Permitting R2 and denying R3
From Yang CLI:
root@OcNOS:~# ip netns exec zebosfib1 yangcli --server= --user=ocnos -- password=ocnos ncport=2000
New CLI Commands
feature netconf-ssh
Use this command to enable or disable the netconf-ssh feature specific to the management VRF. When netconf feature-ssh is enabled, it allows the logins through the default netconf-ssh port or through default ssh port if feature SSH is also enabled.
Command Syntax
feature netconf-ssh (vrf management|)
no feature netconf-ssh (vrf management|)
vrf management
Specifies the management Virtual Routing and Forwarding
Disabled by default.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.4.1.
The following example shows you how to enable NetConf SSH on either the VRF management port or the default port. The no parameter disables the same.
(config)#feature netconf-ssh vrf management
(config)#feature netconf-ssh
(config)#no feature netconf-ssh vrf management
(config)#no feature netconf-ssh
feature netconf-tls
Use this command to enable or disable the NetConf TLS feature specific to a VRF. When netconf feature-ssh is enabled, it allows the logins through the default netconf-tls port and allows login through a default TLS port when the TLS feature is also enabled.
Command Syntax
feature netconf-tls (vrf management|)
no feature netconf-tls (vrf management|)
vrf management
Specifies management Virtual Routing and Forwarding.
Disabled by default.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.4.1.
The following example shows how to execute the CLI:
(config)#feature netconf-tls vrf management
(config)#feature netconf-tls
(config)#no feature netconf-tls vrf management
(config)#no feature netconf-tls
If either NetConf SSH or NetConf TLS are disabled one after the other, the following error message will be displayed, % Disabling this will stop the netconf service that is running in management vrf” as shown below.
Management VRF Configuration
OcNOS#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
(config)#no feature netconf-ssh vrf management
(config)#no feature netconf-tls vrf management
% Disabling this will stop the netconf service that is running in management vrf.
Default VRF Configuration
OcNOS#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
(config)#no feature netconf-ssh vrf management
(config)#no feature netconf-tls vrf management
% Disabling this will stop the netconf service that is running in defualt vrf.
netconf-ssh port
Use this command to either configure or unconfigure the custom NetConf SSH port.
Command Syntax
netconf-server ssh-port <1024-65535> (vrf management|)
no netconf-server ssh-port (vrf management|)
Port range values
By default, the netconf-ssh port value is 830.
Specifies the management Virtual Routing and Forwarding name
Command Mode
Config mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.4.1.
The following example shows how to execute the CLI:
(config)#netconf server ssh-port ?
<1024-65535> port
(config)#netconf server ssh-port 1024 vrf management
(config)#netconf server ssh-port 2000
(config)#no netconf server ssh-port
(config)#no netconf server ssh-port vrf management
netconf-tls port
Use this command to either configure or unconfigure the indicated NetConf TLS port.
Command Syntax
netconf-server tls-port <1024-65535> (vrf management|)
no netconf-server tls-port (vrf management|)
Port range values
By default, the netconf-tls port value is 6513.
Specifies the management Virtual Routing and Forwarding name
Command Mode
Config mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.4.1.
(config)#netconf server tls-port ?
<1024-65535> port
(config)#netconf server tls-port 5000 vrf management
(config)#netconf server tls-port 3000
(config)#no netconf server tls-port vrf management
(config)#no netconf server tls-port
show netconf server
Use this command to display netconf server status.
Command Syntax
show netconf server
Command Mode
Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 6.4.1.
The following example shows the output of the CLI:
OcNOS#show netconf server
Netconf Server: Enabled
SSH-Netconf Port : 1000
TLS-Netconf Port : 7000
Netconf Server: Enabled
SSH-Netconf Port : 4500
TLS-Netconf Port : 3000
show running-config netconf server
Use this command to display the NetConf server settings that appear in the running configuration.
Command Syntax
show running-config netconf-server
Command Mode
Exec mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.4.1.
The following example shows the output of the CLI:
OcNOS#show running-config netconf-server
feature netconf vrf management
netconf server ssh-port 1000 vrf management
netconf server tls-port 7000 vrf management
feature netconf
netconf server ssh-port 4500
netconf server tls-port 3000
Revised CLI Commands
ip access-list tcp|udp
The existing ip access-list tcp|udp CLI is updated with the following two options to support the Access List (ACL) rules on the NetConf port. The ACL defines a set of rules to control network traffic and reduce network attacks.
Secure Shell Network Configuration
Transport Layer Security Network Configuration
For the complete command reference, refer to ip access-list tcp|udp CLI in Access Control List Commands (XGS) section.
The following are some key abbreviations and their meanings relevant to this document:
Access control list
Remote Procedure Call
Secure Shell
Transport Layer Security