OcNOS DC : Virtual Extensible Local Area Network Guide : Virtual eXtensible Local Area Network Configuration : VXLAN Quality of Service Configuration
VXLAN Quality of Service Configuration
This chapter contains the configurations for VXLAN Quality of Service (QoS) .
VXLAN enables multiple tenants to operate in a data center. Each tenant is assigned a priority group to prioritize their traffic. Cloud carriers want to use quality of service to differentiate different applications.
Data center networks are being increasingly used by telecommunications operators as well as by enterprises. Currently these networks are organized as one large Layer 2 network in a single building. In some cases such a network is extended geographically using Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) technologies as an even larger Layer 2 network connecting the virtual machines (VM), each with its own MAC address.
Multiple tenants might want their own isolated network domain. In a data center hosting multiple tenants, each tenant may independently assign MAC addresses and VLAN IDs and this might lead to duplication.
Cloud carriers wish to categorize the traffic based on the application such as voice, video, etc. Based on the type of the application different traffic classes may be identified and different priority levels can be assigned to each. To do so, quality of service marking is needed in VXLAN.
This chapter shows how to mark packet headers with the VXLAN tunnel end point (VTEP) when the frames are introduced by the virtual machines. The (re)marking /setting of QoS field DSCP/TOS in the VXLAN IP header is done with the two modes which are set globally.
#configure terminal
Enter Configure mode.
(config)#mac vrf vrf1
Create mac routing/forwarding instance with vrf1 name and enter into vrf mode
Assign RD value
(config-vrf)#route-target both
Assign route-target value for import/export
Exit from vrf mode
(config)#qos enable
Enable qos
(config)#qos profile cos-to-queue COS-QUE
Create qos profile for mapping traffic towards tunnel from access-if.
(config-ingress-cos-map)#cos 2 queue 3
Configure particular COS value to the queue value for con-figured profile.
Exit from qos profile config mode
(config)#qos profile queue-color-to-dscp QUE-DSCP
Create qos profile for attaching in vxlan tunnel egress.
(config-egress-dscp-map)#queue 3 dscp 16
Configure particular queue value to the dscp value for configured profile.
Exit from qos profile config mode
(config)#interface po2
Create a port channel po2
Configure port as switchport
(config-if)#load-interval 30
Set load-interval
(config-if)#interface po24
Create a port channel po24
(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure port as switchport
(config-if)#ip address
Set load-interval
(config-if)#interface lo
Enter in to loopback interface
(config-if)#ip address secondary
Configure ip address
(config-if)#interface xe1
Enter in to interface mode
(config-if)#channel-group 2 mode active
Map to channel-group
(config-if)#interface xe2
Enter in to interface mode
(config-if)#channel-group 2 mode active
Map to channel-group
(config-if)#interface xe14
Enter in to interface mode
(config-if)#channel-group 24 mode ac-tive
Map to channel-group
(config-if)#interface xe15
Enter in to interface mode
(config-if)#channel-group 24 mode ac-tive
Map to channel-group
(config-if)#router ospf 1
Create ospf instance
(config-router)#ospf router-id
Configure ospf router-id
(config-router)#network area
Configure loopback network address in to ospf
(config-router)#network area
Configure network address in to ospf
(config-router)#router bgp 100
Enter into Router BGP mode
(config-router)#neighbor re-mote-as 100
Specify a neighbor router with peer ip address and remote-as defined
(config-router)#neighbor up-date-source lo
Specify the neighbor to use loopback address as source
(config-router)#address-family l2vpn evpn
Enter into l2vpn evpn address-family
(config-router-af)#neighbor activate
Activate the neighbor to address-family
(config-router)#nvo vxlan vtep-ip-global
Configure Source vtep-ip-global configuration
(config)#nvo vxlan tunnel qos-map-mode cos-dscp egress QUE-DSCP
Configure the mapping qos profile in to vxlan tunnel egress
(config)#nvo vxlan id 1 in-gress-replication inner-vid-disabled
Create vnid 1 and disable inner-vid
(config-nvo)#vxlan host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp vrf1
Assign vrf for evpn-bgp to carry EVPN route
(config-nvo)#nvo vxlan access-if port-vlan po2 1001
Create vxlan access-if with vlan 1001
(config-nvo-acc-if)#no shutdown
No shut the vxlan access-if
(config-nvo-acc-if)#map vnid 1
Map vnid to the vxlan access-if
(config-nvo-acc-if)#map qos-profile cos-to-queue COS-QUE
Map qos profile for vxlan access-if ingress traffic from CE
Exit from VxLAN access-interface mode and enter into configuration mode.
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
#configure terminal
Enter Configure mode.
(config)#interface po24
Create port channel
(config-if)#load-interval 30
Set load-interval
(config-if)#ip address
Assign ip address
(config-if)#interface po46
Create port channel
(config-if)#load-interval 30
Set load-interval
(config-if)#ip address
Assign ip address
(config-if)#interface lo
Enter in to loopback interface
(config-if)#ip address sec-ondary
Assign secondary ip address
(config-if)#interface xe4
Enter into interface mode
(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Map port channel to the interface
(config-if)#interface xe5
Enter into interface mode
(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Map port channel to the interface
(config-if)#interface xe14
Enter into interface mode
(config-if)#channel-group 24 mode active
Map port channel to the interface
(config-if)#interface xe15
Enter into interface mode
(config-if)#channel-group 24 mode active
Map port channel to the interface
(config-if)#router ospf 1
Create ospf instance
(config-router)#ospf router-id
Configure ospf router-id
(config-router)#network area
Configure ospf network address with respective area
(config-router)#network area
Configure ospf network address with respective area
(config-router)#network area
Configure ospf network address with respective area
Exit from router mode.
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
#configure terminal
Enter Configuration mode
(config)#mac vrf vrf1
Create mac routing/forwarding instance with vrf1 name and enter into vrf mode
Assign RD value
(config-vrf)#route-target both
Assign route-target value for import/export
Exit from vrf mode
(config)#qos enable
Enable QOS
(config)#qos statistics
Enable QOS statistics
(config)#qos profile queue-color-to-cos QUE-COS
Create qos profile for mapping incoming traffic from tunnel to access-if.
(config-egress-cos-map)#queue 4 cos 5
Configure particular queue value to the cos value for con-figured profile.
(config-egress-cos-map)#qos profile dscp-to-queue DSCP-QUE
Create qos profile for attaching in vxlan tunnel ingress.
(config-ingress-dscp-map)#dscp 16 queue 4
Configure particular dscp value to the queue value for con-figured profile.
(config-egress-dscp-map)#interface po46
Create port channel
(config-if)#load-interval 30
Set load interval
(config-if)#ip address
Assign ip address
(config-if)#interface lo
Enter into loopback interface
(config-if)#ip address secondary
Assign secondary ip address
(config-if)#interface xe4
Enter into interface mode
(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Map channel group into the interface
(config-if)#interface xe5
Enter into interface mode
(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Map channel group into the interface
(config-if)#interface xe15
Enter into interface mode
Make interface as L2 port
(config-if)#load-interval 30
Set load interval
(config-if)#router ospf 1
Create ospf instance
(config-router)#ospf router-id
Configure ospf router-id
(config-router)#network area
Configure ospf network address with respective area
(config-router)#network area
Configure ospf network address with respective area
(config-router)#router bgp 100
Enter into Router BGP mode
(config-router)#neighbor re-mote-as 100
Specify a neighbor router with peer ip address and remote-as defined
(config-router)#neighbor up-date-source lo
Specify the neighbor to use loopback address as source
(config-router)#address-family l2vpn evpn
Enter into l2vpn evpn address-family
(config-router-af)#neighbor activate
Activate the neighbor to address-family
(config)#nvo vxlan vtep-ip-global
Configure Source vtep-ip-global configuration
(config)#nvo vxlan tunnel qos-map-mode cos-dscp ingress DSCP-QUE
Configure the mapping qos profile in to vxlan tunnel ingress
(config)#nvo vxlan id 1 in-gress-replication inner-vid-disabled
Create vnid 1 and disable inner-vid
(config-nvo)#vxlan host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp vrf1
Assign vrf for evpn-bgp to carry EVPN route
(config-nvo)#nvo vxlan access-if port-vlan xe15 1000
Create vxlan access-if with vlan 1000
(config-nvo-acc-if)#no shutdown
No shut the vxlan access-if
(config-nvo-acc-if)#map vnid 1
Map vnid to the vxlan access-if
(config-nvo-acc-if)#map qos-profile queue-color-to-cos QUE-COS
Map qos profile for vxlan access-if egress traffic to CE
Exit from VxLAN access-interface mode and enter into configuration mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
As per the QoS configuration, when L2 traffic with cos value 2 sent to VTEP1 access-if, the packets forwarded to queue 3 and packets in queue 3 are mapped with overlay dscp value 16 while egress out of tunnel. At VTEP2, when packets with overlay dscp value 16 ingresses at tunnel, it is forwarded to queue 4 and packets of queue 4 are remarked with cos value 5.
VTEP1#sh run nvo vxlan
nvo vxlan enable
nvo vxlan vtep-ip-global
nvo vxlan tunnel qos-map-mode cos-dscp egress QUE-DSCP
nvo vxlan id 1 ingress-replication inner-vid-disabled
vxlan host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp vrf1
nvo vxlan access-if port-vlan po2 1001
map vnid 1
map qos-profile cos-to-queue COS-QUE
VTEP1#show run qos
qos enable
qos profile cos-to-queue COS-QUE
cos 2 dei all queue 3
qos profile queue-color-to-dscp QUE-DSCP
queue 3 color all dscp 16
VTEP1#show interface xe14 count queue-stats
E - Egress, I - Ingress, Q-Size is in bytes
| Queue/Class-map | Q-Size | Tx pkts | Tx bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped bytes |
q0 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q1 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q2 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q3 (E) 12517376 205284588 188040683524 0 0
q4 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q5 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q6 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q7 (E) 12517376 7518 1007412 0 0
VTEP1#show interface xe15 count queue-stats
E - Egress, I - Ingress, Q-Size is in bytes
| Queue/Class-map | Q-Size | Tx pkts | Tx bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped bytes |
q0 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q1 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q2 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q3 (E) 12517376 205624494 188352040168 0 0
q4 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q5 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q6 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q7 (E) 12517376 9006 1136741 0 0
VTEP1#show nvo vxlan
VXLAN Information
Codes: NW - Network Port
AC - Access Port
(u) - Untagged
VNID VNI-Name VNI-Type Type Interface ESI VLAN DF-Status Src-Addr Dst-Addr
1 ---- L2 NW ---- ---- ---- ----
1 ---- AC po2 --- Single Hommed port --- 1001 ---- ---- ----
Total number of entries are 3
VTEP1#show nvo vxlan mac-table
VNID Interface VlanId Inner-VlanId Mac-Addr VTEP-Ip/ESI Type Status AccessPortDesc
1 po2 1001 ---- 0000.2000.9991 Dynamic Local ------- -------
Total number of entries are : 1
VTEP1#show nvo vxlan tunnel
VXLAN Network tunnel Entries
Source Destination Status Up/Down Update
==================================================================================== Installed 00:11:29 00:11:29
Total number of entries are 2
VTEP1#show qos-profile COS-QUE
profile name: COS-QUE
profile type: cos-to-queue
profile attached to 1 instances
configured mapping:
cos 2 dei all queue 3
Detailed mapping:
---------------+----------------- | ---------------+-----------------
---------------+----------------- | ---------------+-----------------
COS | DEI | Queue | Color | COS | DEI | Queue | Color
-------+-------+-------+--------- | -------+-------+-------+---------
0 0 0 green | 0 1 0 yellow
1 0 1 green | 1 1 1 yellow
2 0 3 green | 2 1 3 yellow
3 0 3 green | 3 1 3 yellow
4 0 4 green | 4 1 4 yellow
5 0 5 green | 5 1 5 yellow
6 0 6 green | 6 1 6 yellow
7 0 7 green | 7 1 7 yellow
VTEP1#show qos-profile QUE-DSCP
profile name: QUE-DSCP
profile type: queue-color-to-dscp
profile attached to 1 instances
configured mapping:
queue 3 color all dscp 16
Detailed mapping:
----------------+-------- | ----------------+-------- | ----------------+--------
----------------+-------- | ----------------+-------- | ----------------+--------
Queue | Color | DSCP | Queue | Color | DSCP | Queue | Color | DSCP
-------+--------+-------- | -------+--------+-------- | -------+--------+--------
0 green 0 | 0 yellow 0 | 0 red 0
1 green 10 | 1 yellow 12 | 1 red 14
2 green 18 | 2 yellow 20 | 2 red 22
3 green 16 | 3 yellow 16 | 3 red 16
4 green 34 | 4 yellow 36 | 4 red 38
5 green 40 | 5 yellow 40 | 5 red 40
6 green 48 | 6 yellow 48 | 6 red 48
7 green 56 | 7 yellow 56 | 7 red 56
VTEP2#show run nvo vxlan
nvo vxlan enable
nvo vxlan vtep-ip-global
nvo vxlan tunnel qos-map-mode cos-dscp ingress DSCP-QUE
nvo vxlan id 1 ingress-replication inner-vid-disabled
vxlan host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp vrf1
nvo vxlan access-if port-vlan xe15 1000
map vnid 1
map qos-profile queue-color-to-cos QUE-COS
VTEP2#show run qos
qos enable
qos statistics
qos profile queue-color-to-cos QUE-COS
queue 4 color all cos 5
qos profile dscp-to-queue DSCP-QUE
dscp 16 queue 4
VTEP2#show nvo vxlan mac-table
VNID Interface VlanId Inner-VlanId Mac-Addr VTEP-Ip/ESI Type Status AccessPortDesc
1 ---- ---- ---- 0000.2000.9991 Dynamic Remote ------- -------
Total number of entries are : 1
VTEP2#show nvo vxlan tunnel
VXLAN Network tunnel Entries
Source Destination Status Up/Down Update
==================================================================================== Installed 00:09:39 00:09:39
Total number of entries are 2
VTEP2#show nvo vxlan
VXLAN Information
Codes: NW - Network Port
AC - Access Port
(u) - Untagged
VNID VNI-Name VNI-Type Type Interface ESI VLAN DF-Status Src-Addr Dst-Addr
1 ---- L2 NW ---- ---- ---- ----
1 ---- AC xe15 --- Single Hommed port --- 1000 ---- ---- ----
Total number of entries are 3
VTEP2#show interface xe15 count queue-stats
E - Egress, I - Ingress, Q-Size is in bytes
| Queue/Class-map | Q-Size | Tx pkts | Tx bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped bytes |
q0 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q1 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q2 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q3 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q4 (E) 12517376 37895872 36455829826 0 0
q5 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q6 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
q7 (E) 12517376 0 0 0 0
VTEP2#show qos-profile QUE-COS
profile name: QUE-COS
profile type: queue-color-to-cos
profile attached to 1 instances
configured mapping:
queue 4 color all cos 5
Detailed mapping:
----------------+-------- | ----------------+-------- | ----------------+--------
----------------+-------- | ----------------+-------- | ----------------+--------
Queue | Color | COS | Queue | Color | COS | Queue | Color | COS
-------+--------+-------- | -------+--------+-------- | -------+--------+--------
0 green 0 | 0 yellow 0 | 0 red 0
1 green 1 | 1 yellow 1 | 1 red 1
2 green 2 | 2 yellow 2 | 2 red 2
3 green 3 | 3 yellow 3 | 3 red 3
4 green 5 | 4 yellow 5 | 4 red 5
5 green 5 | 5 yellow 5 | 5 red 5
6 green 6 | 6 yellow 6 | 6 red 6
7 green 7 | 7 yellow 7 | 7 red 7
VTEP2#show qos-profile DSCP-QUE
profile name: DSCP-QUE
profile type: dscp-to-queue
profile attached to 1 instances
configured mapping:
dscp 16 queue 4
Detailed mapping:
Ingress map for dscp to queue-color
-------+----------------- | -------+----------------- | -------+----------------- | -------+-----------------
-------+----------------- | -------+----------------- | -------+----------------- | -------+-----------------
DSCP | Queue | Color | DSCP | Queue | Color | DSCP | Queue | Color | DSCP | Queue | Color
-------+-------+--------- | -------+-------+--------- | -------+-------+--------- | -------+-------+---------
0 0 green | 16 4 green | 32 4 green | 48 6 green
1 0 green | 17 2 green | 33 4 green | 49 6 green
2 0 green | 18 2 green | 34 4 green | 50 6 green
3 0 green | 19 2 green | 35 4 green | 51 6 green
4 0 green | 20 2 yellow | 36 4 yellow | 52 6 green
5 0 green | 21 2 green | 37 4 green | 53 6 green
6 0 green | 22 2 red | 38 4 red | 54 6 green
7 0 green | 23 2 green | 39 4 green | 55 6 green
8 1 green | 24 3 green | 40 5 green | 56 7 green
9 1 green | 25 3 green | 41 5 green | 57 7 green
10 1 green | 26 3 green | 42 5 green | 58 7 green
11 1 green | 27 3 green | 43 5 green | 59 7 green
12 1 yellow | 28 3 yellow | 44 5 green | 60 7 green
13 1 green | 29 3 green | 45 5 green | 61 7 green
14 1 red | 30 3 red | 46 5 green | 62 7 green
15 1 green | 31 3 green | 47 5 green | 63 7 green