OcNOS DC : Layer 3 Guide : Unicast Configuration : Internet Protocol SLA Configuration
Internet Protocol SLA Configuration
Internet Protocol Service Level Agreement (IP SLA) is an active method of monitoring and reliably reporting on network performance. By "active," I refer to the fact that IP SLA will generate and actively monitor traffic continuously across the network. An IP SLA Router is capable of generating traffic and reporting on it in real time
IP SLA can be configured in two parts. There is the IP SLA router, which generates the traffic, and the IP SLA Responder (which can be any device, not just a router). The IP SLA Responder is not required for IP SLA to function, but it does allow for more detailed information gathering and reporting.
After an IP SLAs operation has been configured, you must schedule the operation to begin capturing statistics and collecting error information. When scheduling an operation, it can start immediately or start at a certain month, day, and hour. There is a pending option to set the operation to start at a later time. The pending option is also an internal state of the operation visible through SNMP. The pending state is also used when an operation is a reaction (threshold) operation waiting to be triggered. You can schedule a single ip slas operation or a group of operations at one time.
Note: IP SLA sessions are scaled to 500 sessions on Edgecore AS7316-26XB switches. This limit may vary on other devices based on the device capacity and performance.
IP SLA Topology
Configure IP Address
Configure the IP addresses on the PE-1, P routers.
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode.
(config)#interface xe1
Specify the interface (xe1) to be configured.
(config-if)#ip address
Set the IP address of the interface to
Exit interface mode.
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode.
(config)#interface xe1
Specify the interface (xe1) to be configured.
(config-if)#ip address
Set the IP address of the interface to
Exit interface mode.
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
Configure IP SLA Configurations on PE 1 router
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode.
(config)#ip sla <1-65535>
configure IP SLA with a unique no
(config-ip-sla)# icmp-echo ipv4<destination IP> source-interface <interface name>
configure the icmp-echo using destination Ip Address and source interface name
(config-ip-sla-echo)#threshold <1000-60000>
Configure the threshold value
(config-ip-sla-echo)#timeout <1000-60000>
Configure the Timeout value
(config-ip-sla-echo)#frequency <1-60>
Configure the frequency value
Exit icmp-echo mode
Exit from IP SLA mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
(config)#time-range <1-60 characters>
configure a time-range
(config-tr)#start-time 11:22 3 july 2021
configure a start-time
(config-tr)#end-time after 200
Configure end-time
(config-tr)#frequency hourly
configure frequency
exit from time-range
(config)#ip sla schedule <1-65535> time-range echo_schedule
Schedule a IP SLA measurement
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
#sh running-config ip sla
ip sla 1
icmp-echo ipv4 source-interface xe1
frequency 6
threshold 50000
timeout 55000
ip sla schedule 1 time-range tr1
#sh running-config time-range
time-range tr1
start-time 05:00 21 september 2021
end-time 06:40 21 september 2021
Press CTRL+C to exit
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.436 ms
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
#sh ip sla summary
IP SLA Operation Summary
Codes: * active, ^ inactive
ID Type Destination Stats Return Last
(usec) Code Run
*1 icmp-echo 2000 OK 2021 Sep 21 05:01:00
#sh ip sla statistics 1 detail
IP SLA Statistics
Start Time : 2021 Sep 21 05:00:00
Elapsed time(milli sec) : 25003
Packets Sent : 5
Packets Received : 5
Packet Loss(%) : 0.0000
Invalid Tests : 0
Round Trip Delay(usec)
Minimum : 1000
Maximum : 1000
Average : 800