OcNOS-RON : Layer 1 Guide : Layer 1 Configuration Guide : Cross-Connect (XC) Resiliency
Cross-Connect (XC) Resiliency
This Chapter contains the cross-connect resiliency configuration example.
This feature is to support resiliency to port level cross connect link by providing backup link if primary link goes down. Whenever, any of the endpoint of cross-connect goes down, pre-configured backup endpoint will be chosen and cross-connect will be up with backup endpoint. Same backup endpoints cannot be used in another cross-connect.
This following are the types of end points supported as backup endpoints.
1. Native Ethernet interface
2. LAG interface
Cross-connect Resiliency Topology
LFPT (Link-Fault-Pass-Through)
If one endpoint goes down, other endpoint of the link should get notified and port status should be made as DOWN.
Example: If po100 interface of Node-1 goes down, then Node-2 will inform to Node-3 via LFPT to down the po300 interface.
When primary EP comes up, then traffic need to switch from backup EP to Primary EP.
Example: Suppose po100 is down on Node-1, so the traffic flows via backup EP1 i.e., po300.But when po100 comes up on Node-1 then the traffic need to switch from backup EP to primary EP i.e., from po300 to po100
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode
(config)#hostname Node-1
Configure the hostname
(config)#coherent-module 7
Enter into coherent-module
Enabling the coherent module
Exiting the coherent module
(config)#interface po100
Create port channel interface
Configure switchport on LAG port
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce29
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 100 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce30
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 100 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface po300
Create port channel interface
Configure switchport on LAG interface
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce6/1
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 300 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce15/1
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 300 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce2/1
Enter interface level
Configure switchport
(config)#interface ce4/1
Enter interface level
Configure switchport
Exit the interface level
(config)#cross-connect sample
Create cross-connect by providing the name
(config-XC)#ep1 po100 ep2 ce2/1
Add end-points end-point1 and end-point2
(config-XC)#backup ep1 po300
Add backup end-point1
(config-XC)#backup ep2 ce4/1
Add backup end-point2
(config-XC)#cross-connect switchover type revertive
Configure revertive mode
(config-XC)#link-fault-pass-through enable
Configure LFPT
Commit the configuration
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode
(config)#hostname Node-2
Configure the hostname
(config)#coherent-module 4
Enter into coherent-module
Enabling the coherent module
Exit from coherent module mode
(config)#coherent-module 3
Enter into coherent-module
Enabling the coherent module
Exiting the coherent module
(config)#interface po100
Create port channel interface
Configure switchport on LAG port
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce23
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 100 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce24
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 100 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface po300
Create port channel interface
Configure switchport on LAG interface
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce21
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 300 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce22
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 300 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#cross-connect sample2
Create cross-connect by providing the name
(config-XC)#ep1 po100 ep2 po300
Add end-points end-point1 and end-point2
(config-XC)#link-fault-pass-through enable
Configure LFPT
Commit the configuration
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode
(config)#hostname Node-3
Configure the hostname
(config)#coherent-module 1
Enter into coherent-module
Enabling the coherent module
Exiting the coherent module
(config)#interface po300
Create port channel interface
Configure switchport on LAG port
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce13
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 300 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce14
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 300 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface po100
Create port channel interface
Configure switchport on LAG interface
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce1/1
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 100 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce2/1
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 100 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce4/1
Enter interface level
Configure switchport
(config)#interface ce5/1
Enter interface level
Configure switchport
Exit the interface level
(config)#cross-connect sample3
Create cross-connect by providing the name
(config-XC)#ep1 po300 ep2 ce4/1
Add end-points end-point1 and end-point2
(config-XC)#backup ep1 po100
Add backup end-point1
(config-XC)#backup ep2 ce5/1
Add backup end-point2
(config-XC)#cross-connect switchover type revertive
Configure revertive mode
(config-XC)#link-fault-pass-through enable
Configure LFPT
Commit the configuration
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode
(config)#hostname Node-4
Configure the hostname
(config)#interface po100
Create port channel interface
Configure switchport on LAG port
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce1/1
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 100 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce2/1
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 100 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface po300
Create port channel interface
Configure switchport on LAG interface
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce8/1
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 300 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#interface ce15/1
Enter interface level
(config-if)#channel-group 300 mode active
Add member port to the port channel interface
(config-if)#lacp timeout short
Configure LACP timeout as short
Exit the interface level
(config)#cross-connect sample4
Create cross-connect by providing the name
(config-XC)#ep1 po300 ep2 po100
Add end-points end-point1 and end-point2
(config-XC)#link-fault-pass-through enable
Configure LFPT
Commit the configuration
Cross-connect using Dynamic LAG on Node-1
Node-1#sh etherchannel summary
Aggregator po100 100100
Aggregator Type: LayeNode-2
Admin Key: 0100 - Oper Key 0100
Link: ce29 (5073) sync: 1
Link: ce30 (5074) sync: 1
Aggregator po300 100300
Aggregator Type: LayeNode-2
Admin Key: 0300 - Oper Key 0300
Link: ce6/1 (5005) sync: 1
Link: ce15/1 (5006) sync: 1
Node-1#sh running-config cross-connect
cross-connect sample
ep1 po100 ep2 ce2/1
cross-connect switchover type revertive
link-fault-pass-through enable
backup ep1 po300
backup ep2 ce4/1
Node-1#sh cross-connect
Codes: EP - Endpoint, Bkp_EP - Backup endpoint
* - Active Endpoint, none - not configured
Cross-connect name : sample
EP1:po100 EP2:ce2/1 Revertive:Yes Bkp_EP1:po300 Bkp_EP2:ce4/1 Admin Status:UP Oper Status:UP
| EP | OVID | IVID | Rx packets | Rx bytes | Tx packets |Tx bytes |Interface Status|
| EP1* | - | - |0 |0 |5974137342 |764688374912 |UP |
| EP2* | - | - |5973605019 |764619747456 |0 |0 |UP |
| bkp_EP1 | - | - |5973879754 |764654827904 |0 |0 |UP |
| bkp_EP2 | - | - |0 |0 |0 |0 |UP |
cross-connect summary
Total XC : 1
Admin Up : 1
Admin Down : 0
Total Rules : 1
Cross-connect using Dynamic LAG on Node-2
Node-2#sh etherchannel summary
Aggregator po100 100100
Aggregator Type: LayeNode-2
Admin Key: 0100 - Oper Key 0100
Link: ce23 (5067) sync: 1
Link: ce24 (5068) sync: 1
Aggregator po300 100300
Aggregator Type: LayeNode-2
Admin Key: 0300 - Oper Key 0300
Link: ce21 (5063) sync: 1
Link: ce22 (5064) sync: 1
Node-2#show running-config cross-connect
cross-connect sample2
cross-connect sample2
ep1 po100 ep2 po300
link-fault-pass-through enable
Node-2#sh cross-connect
Codes: EP - Endpoint, Bkp_EP - Backup endpoint
* - Active Endpoint, none - not configured
Cross-connect name : sample2
EP1:po100 EP2:po300 Revertive:No Bkp_EP1:None Bkp_EP2:None Admin Status:UP Oper Status:UP
| EP | OVID | IVID | Rx packets | Rx bytes | Tx packets |Tx bytes |Interface Status|
| EP1* | - | - |3710 |470780 |723 |90626 |UP |
| EP2* | - | - |72 |6468 |14 |1548 |UP |
cross-connect summary
Total XC : 1
Admin Up : 1
Admin Down : 0
Total Rules : 1
Cross-connect using Dynamic LAG on Node-3
Node-3#sh etherchannel summary
Aggregator po100 100100
Aggregator Type: LayeNode-2
Admin Key: 0100 - Oper Key 0100
Link: ce1/1 (5005) sync: 1
Link: ce2/1 (5006) sync: 1
Aggregator po300 100300
Aggregator Type: LayeNode-2
Admin Key: 0300 - Oper Key 0300
Link: ce13 (5011) sync: 1
Link: ce14 (5012) sync: 1
Node-3#sh running-config cross-connect
cross-connect sample3
ep1 po300 ep2 ce4/1
cross-connect switchover type revertive
link-fault-pass-through enable
backup ep1 po100
backup ep2 ce5/1
Node-3#sh cross-connect
Codes: EP - Endpoint, Bkp_EP - Backup endpoint
* - Active Endpoint, none - not configured
Cross-connect name : sample3
EP1:po300 EP2:ce4/1 Revertive:Yes Bkp_EP1:po100 Bkp_EP2:ce5/1 Admin Status:UP Oper Status:UP
| EP | OVID | IVID | Rx packets | Rx bytes | Tx packets |Tx bytes |Interface Status|
| EP1* | - | - |201 |13536 |83318167485 |10664725404928 |UP |
| EP2* | - | - |93501105144 |11968141426060 |2 |128 |UP |
| bkp_EP1 | - | - |0 |0 |10171776397 |1301987373312 |UP |
| bkp_EP2 | - | - |93501187674 |11968152089344 |0 |0 |UP |
cross-connect summary
Total XC : 1
Admin Up : 1
Admin Down : 0
Total Rules : 1
Cross-connect using Dynamic LAG on Node-4
Node-4#sh etherchannel summary
Aggregator po100 100100
Aggregator Type: LayeNode-2
Admin Key: 0100 - Oper Key 0100
Link: ce1/1 (5005) sync: 1
Link: ce2/1 (5006) sync: 1
Aggregator po300 100300
Aggregator Type: LayeNode-2
Admin Key: 0300 - Oper Key 0300
Link: ce8/1 (5009) sync: 1
Link: ce15/1 (5012) sync: 1
Node-4#sh running-config cross-connect
cross-connect sample4
ep1 po300 ep2 po100
link-fault-pass-through enable
Disable the Cross-connect on Node-1
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode
(config)#cross-connect sample
Enter into cross-connect mode
Disabling the cross-connect
Commit the configuration
Exit the cross-connect
Disable the cross-connect on Node-1
Node-1#sh cross-connect
Codes: EP - Endpoint, Bkp_EP - Backup endpoint
* - Active Endpoint, none - not configured
Cross-connect name : sample
EP1:po100 EP2:ce2/1 Revertive:Yes Bkp_EP1:po300 Bkp_EP2:ce4/1 Admin Status:DOWN Oper Status:DOWN
| EP | OVID | IVID | Rx packets | Rx bytes | Tx packets |Tx bytes |Interface Status|
| EP1* | - | - |0 |0 |5974137342 |764688374912 |UP |
| EP2* | - | - |5973605019 |764619747456 |0 |0 |UP |
| bkp_EP1 | - | - |5973879754 |764654827904 |0 |0 |UP |
| bkp_EP2 | - | - |0 |0 |0 |0 |UP |
cross-connect summary
Total XC : 1
Admin Up : 0
Admin Down : 1
Total Rules : 0
Enable the Cross-connect Node-1
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode
(config)#cross-connect sample
Enter into cross-connect mode
(config-XC)#no disable
Enable the cross-connect
Commit the configuration
Exit the cross-connect
Cross-connect after enable on Node-1
Node-1#sh cross-connect
Codes: EP - Endpoint, Bkp_EP - Backup endpoint
* - Active Endpoint, none - not configured
Cross-connect name : sample
EP1:po100 EP2:ce2/1 Revertive:Yes Bkp_EP1:po300 Bkp_EP2:ce4/1 Admin Status:UP Oper Status:UP
| EP | OVID | IVID | Rx packets | Rx bytes | Tx packets |Tx bytes |Interface Status|
| EP1* | - | - |0 |0 |5974137342 |764688374912 |UP |
| EP2* | - | - |5973605019 |764619747456 |0 |0 |UP |
| bkp_EP1 | - | - |5973879754 |764654827904 |0 |0 |UP |
| bkp_EP2 | - | - |0 |0 |0 |0 |UP |
cross-connect summary
Total XC : 1
Admin Up : 1
Admin Down : 0
Total Rules : 1