#configure terminal | Enter the Configure mode. |
(config)#interface eth0 | Enter interface mode for eth0. |
(config-if)#ipv6 address fe80::3037:3aff:fe3a:3a32/64 | Configure the IPv6 address for interface eth0 to be in network 0. |
(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode. |
(config)#interface eth1 | Enter interface mode for eth1. |
(config-if)#ipv6 address fe80::3037:a0ff:fea4:3539/64 | Configure the IPv6 address for interface eth1 to be in network 1. |
(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode. |
(config)#router ipv6 vrrp 1 eth0 | Create a VRRPv6 instance for interface eth0. |
(config-router)#virtual-ipv6 fe80::3037:3aff:fe3a:3a32 owner | Configure R1 as the owner. |
(config-router)#advertisement-interval 100 | Configure the default value for the advertisement interval. The configurable range is <5-4095> (value must be a multiple of 5). |
(config-router)#preempt-mode true | Set true as the default value for the field. |
(config-router)#enable | Enable the VRRPv6 session on the router. |
(config-router)#exit | Exit Router mode. |
#configure terminal | Enter the Configure mode. |
(config)#interface eth0 | Enter interface mode for eth0. |
(config-if)#ipv6 address fe80::3037:3aff:fe3a:3b45/64 | Configure the IPv6 address for interface eth0 to be in network 0. |
(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode. |
(config)#interface eth1 | Enter interface mode for eth1. |
(config-if)#ipv6 address fe80::3037:a0ff:fea4:3a40/64 | Configure the IPv6 address for interface eth1 to be in network 1. |
(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode. |
(config)#router ipv6 vrrp 1 eth0 | Create a VRRPv6 instance for interface eth0. |
(config-router)#virtual-ipv6 fe80::3037:3aff:fe3a:3a32 | Configure Router 2 (R2) as the backup. |
(config-router)#advertisement-interval 100 | Configure the default value for the advertisement interval. The configurable range is <5-4095> (value must be a multiple of 5). |
(config-router)#priority 100 | Set the default value for the backup router. |
(config-router)#preempt-mode true | Set true as the default value for the field. |
(config-router)#enable | Enable the VRRPv6 session on the router. |
(config-router)#exit | Exit Router mode. |
#configure terminal | Enter the Configure mode. |
(config)#interface eth0 | Enter interface mode for eth0. |
(config-if)#ipv6 address fe80::3037:3aff:fe3a:3a11/64 | Configure the IPv6 address for interface eth0 to be in network 0. |
(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode. |
(config)#ipv6 route 5ffe:14:14:14::/64 fe80::3037:3aff:fe3a:3a32 | Configure a static route to reach interface eth2 of R1 through the virtual IPv6 address. |
#configure terminal | Enter the Configure mode. |
(config)#interface eth1 | Enter interface mode for eth1. |
(config-if)#ipv6 address fe80::3037:a0ff:fea4:1111/64 | Configure the IPv6 address for interface eth1 to be in network 1. |
(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode. |
(config)#interface eth2 | Enter interface mode for eth2. |
(config-if)#ipv6 address fe80::3437:30ff:fe35:a6ac/64 | Configure the IPv6 address of interface eth2. |
#configure terminal | Enter the Configure mode. |
(config)#interface eth0 | Enter interface mode for eth0. |
(config-router)#shutdown | Shut down the interface |