Commit Rollback
The Commit Rollback capability in Common Management Layer Commands (CMLSH) is designed to execute a rollback operation for a set of configurations that were previously committed, with each commit operation identified by a unique commit ID. The Commit ID is numeric value and is generated by the CMLSH Commit, Confirmed Commit and Commit Rollback.
This Commit Rollback application is used for rolling back the commits that are performed after the specified commit ID whether they were executed through either Commit or Confirmed Commit operations.
Here, you find the description for Commit and Confirmed Commit:
Commit operation: Involves committing the candidate configuration to the running configuration.
Confirmed Commit operation: Provides more options to the commit operation with timeout parameter, user could provide timeout for the commit (default is 300 seconds).
During this timeout interval, users can either confirm the commit or cancel it, and if no confirmation or cancellation is provided before the timer expires, commit will be automatically rolled back after timeout. For an example, see the Example section of commit-rollback CLI.
Feature Characteristics
The Confirmed-Commit operation temporarily applies the configuration for the duration specified in seconds. If the user does not confirm the configuration within this timeframe, an automatic rollback will be initiated once the timer expires. For committing the configurations with timings, see commit.
Once the configurations are confirmed, users can use the commit rollback operation to revert the configuration, whether it is for a commit operation or a confirmed commit operation.
With the integration of CMLSH Commit Rollback with Standard or Confirmed Commit, users can initiate a rollback operation for any specific commit, utilizing the associated commit ID to revert the configurations to their previous state. In this way, reverting to an earlier state, functional configuration is possible in case the new configuration is compromised or if the configuration makes the device unstable.
Before configuring this operation, enable cml commit-history to ensure the commit records are stored in the commit history list. By default, cml commit-history is enabled. For enabling or disabling it, see cml commit-history (enable | disable).
Commands for Commit Rollback
For the commands, refer to the Common Management Layer Commands section in the System Management Command Reference guide.
List of key terms used in this document is:
Common Management Layer Commands