OcNOS-SP : Layer 2 Guide : Layer 2 Configuration Guide : Disable Spanning Tree Configuration
Disable Spanning Tree Configuration
This chapter describes disabling spanning tree operation on a per Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI) basis.
Disable Spanning Tree Topology
Note: Run the switchport command on each port to change to Layer-2 mode.
Disabling MSTP Configuration
Bridge 1
Disabling MSTP per instance
Bridge1(config-mst)#no bridge 1 instance 2
Disable spanning tree for MSTP on instance 2
Bridge1(config-mst)#no bridge 1 instance 3
Disable spanning tree for MSTP on instance 3
Commit the configure on the node.
Disabling MSTP globally
Bridge1(config)#no bridge 1 multiple-spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
Disable spanning tree globally for MSTP and keeping the ports in forwarding state.
Commit the configure on the node.
Disabling MSTP per port
Bridge1(config)#interface ge2
Enter interface mode for ge2.
Bridge1(config-if)#bridge-group 1 spanning-tree disable
Disable spanning tree per port for MSTP and put port on forwarding state. This command disables any type of STP on the port.
Commit the configure on the node.
Bridge 2
Disabling MSTP per instance
Bridge2(config-mst)#no bridge 1 instance 2
Disable spanning tree for MSTP on instance 2
Bridge2(config-mst)#no bridge 1 instance 3
Disable spanning tree for MSTP on instance 3
Commit the configure on the node.
Disabling MSTP globally
Bridge2(config)#no bridge 1 multiple-spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
Disable spanning tree globally for MSTP.
Commit the configure on the node.
Disabling MSTP per port
Bridge2(config)#interface xe2
Enter interface mode for xe2.
Bridge2(config-if)#bridge-group 1 spanning-tree disable
Disable spanning tree per port for MSTP and put port on forwarding state. This command disables any type of STP on the port.
Commit the configure on the node.
Bridge 1
Verify MSTP details with the show spanning-tree mst detail command.
#show spanning-tree mst detail
% 1: Bridge up - Spanning Tree Enabled - topology change detected
% 1: CIST Root Path Cost 0 - CIST Root Port 905 - CIST Bridge Priority 32768
% 1: Forward Delay 15 - Hello Time 2 - Max Age 20 - Transmit Hold Count 6 - Max-hops 20
% 1: CIST Root Id 80003417ebfbe9c4
% 1: CIST Reg Root Id 80003417ebfbe9c4
% 1: CIST Bridge Id 800064006ac779a0
% 1: 9 topology change(s) - last topology change Thu Nov 17 15:06:17 2016
% 1: portfast bpdu-filter disabled
% 1: portfast bpdu-guard disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout interval 300 sec
% ge2: Port Number 905 - Ifindex 5001 - Port Id 0x8389 - Role Rootport - State Forwarding
% ge2: Designated External Path Cost 0 -Internal Path Cost 20000
% ge2: Configured Path Cost 20000 - Add type Explicit ref count 2
% ge2: Designated Port Id 0x838a - CIST Priority 128 -
% ge2: CIST Root 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge2: Regional Root 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge2: Designated Bridge 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge2: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% ge2: CIST Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge2: CIST Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 4 - Hello Timer 0 - topo change timer 0
% ge2: forward-transitions 1
% ge2: Version Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol - Received MSTP - Send MSTP
% ge2: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% ge2: bpdu-guard default - Current bpdu-guard off
% ge2: bpdu-filter default - Current bpdu-filter off
% ge2: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
% ge2: Configured Link Type point-to-point - Current point-to-point
% ge2: No auto-edge configured - Current port Auto Edge off
% ge3: Port Number 908 - Ifindex 5004 - Port Id 0x838c - Role Alternate - State Discarding
% ge3: Designated External Path Cost 0 -Internal Path Cost 20000
% ge3: Configured Path Cost 20000 - Add type Explicit ref count 2
% ge3: Designated Port Id 0x838b - CIST Priority 128 -
% ge3: CIST Root 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Regional Root 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Designated Bridge 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% ge3: CIST Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge3: CIST Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 5 - Hello Timer 1 - topo change timer 0
% ge3: forward-transitions 2
% ge3: Version Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol - Received MSTP - Send MSTP
% ge3: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% ge3: bpdu-guard default - Current bpdu-guard off
% ge3: bpdu-filter default - Current bpdu-filter off
% ge3: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
% ge3: Configured Link Type point-to-point - Current point-to-point
% ge3: No auto-edge configured - Current port Auto Edge off
% Instance 2: Vlans: 2
% 1: MSTI Root Path Cost 20000 -MSTI Root Port 5001 - MSTI Bridge Priority 32768
% 1: MSTI Root Id 80023417ebfbe9c4
% 1: MSTI Bridge Id 800264006ac779a0
% ge2: Port Number 905 - Ifindex 5001 - Port Id 0x8389 - Role Rootport - State Forwarding
% ge2: Designated Internal Path Cost 0 - Designated Port Id 0x838a
% ge2: Configured Internal Path Cost 20000
% ge2: Configured CST External Path cost 20000
% ge2: CST Priority 128 - MSTI Priority 128
% ge2: Designated Root 80023417ebfbe9c4
% ge2: Designated Bridge 800264006ac779a0
% ge2: Message Age 0
% ge2: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge2: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 4 - Hello Timer 0
% Instance 3: Vlans: 3
% 1: MSTI Root Path Cost 0 -MSTI Root Port 0 - MSTI Bridge Priority 32768
% 1: MSTI Root Id 800364006ac779a0
% 1: MSTI Bridge Id 800364006ac779a0
% ge3: Port Number 908 - Ifindex 5004 - Port Id 0x838c - Role Designated - State Forwarding
% ge3: Designated Internal Path Cost 0 - Designated Port Id 0x838c
% ge3: Configured Internal Path Cost 20000
% ge3: Configured CST External Path cost 20000
% ge3: CST Priority 128 - MSTI Priority 128
% ge3: Designated Root 800364006ac779a0
% ge3: Designated Bridge 800364006ac779a0
% ge3: Message Age 0
% ge3: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge3: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 0 - Hello Timer 1
Verify MSTP configurations when MSTP is enabled globally.
#show running-config
bridge 1 protocol mstp
Verify MSTP configurations when MSTP is disabled globally.
#show running-config
bridge 1 protocol mstp
no bridge 1 multiple-spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
Verify MSTP configurations when MSTP instance 2 and 3 is enabled.
#show running-config spanning-tree
spanning-tree mst configuration
bridge 1 instance 2
bridge 1 instance 2 vlan 2
bridge 1 instance 3
bridge 1 instance 3 vlan 3
interface xe2
bridge-group 1 instance 2
interface xe3
bridge-group 1 instance 3
Verify MSTP configurations when MSTP instance 2 is disabled
#show running-config spanning-tree
spanning-tree mst configuration
bridge 1 instance 3
bridge 1 instance 3 vlan 3
interface ge3
bridge-group 1 instance 3
Verify MSTP configurations when spanning-tree is enabled on interface.
#show running-config interface ge2
interface ge2
bridge-group 1
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 2
bridge-group 1 instance 2
Verify MSTP configurations when spanning-tree is disabled on interface.
#show running-config interface ge2
interface ge2
bridge-group 1 spanning-tree disable
switchport mode access
switchport access vlan 2
bridge-group 1 instance 2
Verify MSTP details after disabling spanning-tree on interface ge2 with the show spanning-tree mst details command.
#show spanning-tree mst detail
% 1: Bridge up - Spanning Tree Enabled - topology change detected
% 1: CIST Root Path Cost 0 - CIST Root Port 908 - CIST Bridge Priority 32768
% 1: Forward Delay 15 - Hello Time 2 - Max Age 20 - Transmit Hold Count 6 - Max-hops 20
% 1: CIST Root Id 80003417ebfbe9c4
% 1: CIST Reg Root Id 80003417ebfbe9c4
% 1: CIST Bridge Id 800064006ac779a0
% 1: 10 topology change(s) - last topology change Fri Nov 25 21:21:05 2016
% 1: portfast bpdu-filter disabled
% 1: portfast bpdu-guard disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout interval 300 sec
% ge2: Port Number 905 - Ifindex 5001 - Port Id 0x8389 - Role Disabled - State Forwarding
% ge2: Designated External Path Cost 0 -Internal Path Cost 20000
% ge2: Configured Path Cost 20000 - Add type Explicit ref count 2
% ge2: Designated Port Id 0x838a - CIST Priority 128 -
% ge2: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% ge2: CIST Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge2: CIST Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 4 - Hello Timer 0 - topo change timer 0
% ge2: forward-transitions 2
% ge2: Version Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol - Received MSTP - Send MSTP
% ge2: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% ge2: bpdu-guard default - Current bpdu-guard off
% ge2: bpdu-filter default - Current bpdu-filter off
% ge2: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
% ge2: Configured Link Type point-to-point - Current point-to-point
% ge2: No auto-edge configured - Current port Auto Edge off
% ge3: Port Number 908 - Ifindex 5004 - Port Id 0x838c - Role Rootport - State Forwarding
% ge3: Designated External Path Cost 0 -Internal Path Cost 20000
% ge3: Configured Path Cost 20000 - Add type Explicit ref count 2
% ge3: Designated Port Id 0x838b - CIST Priority 128 -
% ge3: CIST Root 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Regional Root 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Designated Bridge 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% ge3: CIST Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge3: CIST Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 4 - Hello Timer 1 - topo change timer 0
% ge3: forward-transitions 3
% ge3: Version Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol - Received MSTP - Send MSTP
% ge3: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% ge3: bpdu-guard default - Current bpdu-guard off
% ge3: bpdu-filter default - Current bpdu-filter off
% ge3: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
% ge3: Configured Link Type point-to-point - Current point-to-point
% ge3: No auto-edge configured - Current port Auto Edge off
% Instance 2: Vlans: 2
% 1: MSTI Root Path Cost 0 -MSTI Root Port 0 - MSTI Bridge Priority 32768
% 1: MSTI Root Id 800264006ac779a0
% 1: MSTI Bridge Id 800264006ac779a0
% ge2: Port Number 905 - Ifindex 5001 - Port Id 0x8389 - Role Disabled - State Discarding
% ge2: Designated Internal Path Cost 0 - Designated Port Id 0x8389
% ge2: Configured Internal Path Cost 20000
% ge2: Configured CST External Path cost 20000
% ge2: CST Priority 128 - MSTI Priority 128
% ge2: Designated Root 800264006ac779a0
% ge2: Designated Bridge 800264006ac779a0
% ge2: Message Age 0
% ge2: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge2: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 0 - Hello Timer 0
% Instance 3: Vlans: 3
% 1: MSTI Root Path Cost 20000 -MSTI Root Port 5004 - MSTI Bridge Priority 32768
% 1: MSTI Root Id 80033417ebfbe9c4
% 1: MSTI Bridge Id 800364006ac779a0
% ge3: Port Number 908 - Ifindex 5004 - Port Id 0x838c - Role Rootport - State Forwarding
% ge3: Designated Internal Path Cost 0 - Designated Port Id 0x838b
% ge3: Configured Internal Path Cost 20000
% ge3: Configured CST External Path cost 20000
% ge3: CST Priority 128 - MSTI Priority 128
% ge3: Designated Root 80033417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Designated Bridge 800364006ac779a0
% ge3: Message Age 0
% ge3: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge3: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 4 - Hello Timer 1
STP Configuration
Bridge 1
Disabling STP globally
Bridge1(config)#no bridge 1 spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
Disable spanning tree globally for STP.
Commit the configure on the node.
Disabling STP per port
Bridge1(config)#interface ge2
Enter interface mode for ge2.
Bridge1(config-if)#bridge-group 1 spanning-tree disable
Disable spanning tree per port for STP and put port on forwarding state. This command disables any type of STP on the port.
Commit the configure on the node.
Bridge 2
Disabling STP globally
Bridge2(config)#no bridge 1 spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
Disable spanning tree globally for STP.
Commit the configure on the node.
Disabling STP per port
Bridge2(config)#interface xe2
Enter interface mode for xe2.
Bridge2(config-if)#bridge-group 1 spanning-tree disable
Disable spanning tree per port for STP and put port on forwarding state. This command disables any type of STP on the port.
Commit the configure on the node.
Bridge 1
Verify STP details when stp is enabled globally and ge2 and ge3 are part of the bridge using the show spanning-tree command.
#show spanning-tree
% 1: Bridge up - Spanning Tree Enabled - topology change
% 1: Root Path Cost 4 - Priority 32768
% 1: Forward Delay 15 - Hello Time 2 - Max Age 20 - Transmit Hold Count 6 - Root port 905
% 1: Root Id 80003417ebfbe9c4
% 1: Bridge Id 800064006ac779a0
% 1: 3 topology changes - last topology change Tue Nov 15 21:33:53 2016
% 1: portfast bpdu-filter disabled
% 1: portfast bpdu-guard disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout interval 300 sec
%ge2: Port Number 905 - Ifindex 5001 - Port Id 0x8389 - path cost 4 - designated cost 0
%ge2: Designated Port Id 0x838a - state Forwarding -Priority 128
%ge2: Designated root 80003417ebfbe9c4
%ge2: Designated Bridge 80003417ebfbe9c4
%ge2: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
%ge2: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
%ge2: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 18 - Hello Timer 1 - topo change timer0
%ge2: forward-transitions 1
%ge2: No portfast configured – Current portfast
%ge2: bpdu-guard default- Current bpdu-guard off
%ge2: bpdu-filter default- Current bpdu-filter off
%ge2: no root guard configured- Current root guard off
%ge3: Port Number 908 - Ifindex 5004 - Port Id 0x838c - path cost 4 - designated cost 0
%ge3: Designated Port Id 0x838b - state Blocked -Priority 128
%ge3: Designated root 80003417ebfbe9c4
%ge3: Designated Bridge 80003417ebfbe9c4
%ge3: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
%ge3: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
%ge3: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 19 - Hello Timer 1 - topo change timer0
%ge3: forward-transitions 0
%ge3: No portfast configured - Currentportfast off
%ge3: bpdu-guarddefault- Current bpdu-guard off
%ge3: bpdu-filter default- Current bpdu-filter off
%ge3: no root guard configured- Current root guard off
Verify STP configurations when STP is enabled globally.
#show running-config
bridge 1 protocol ieee vlan-bridge
Verify STP configurations when STP is disabled globally.
#show running-config
bridge 1 protocol ieee vlan-bridge
no bridge 1 spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
Verify STP configurations when spanning-tree is enabled on interface.
#show running-config interface ge2
interface ge2
bridge-group 1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
Verify STP configurations when spanning-tree is disabled on interface.
#show running-config interface ge2
interface ge2
bridge-group 1 spanning-tree disable
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
Verify STP details after disabling spanning-tree on interface ge2 with the show spanning-tree command.
#show spanning-tree
% 1: Bridge up - Spanning Tree Enabled
% 1: Root Path Cost 4 - Priority 32768
% 1: Forward Delay 15 - Hello Time 2 - Max Age 20 - Transmit Hold Count 6 - Root port 908
% 1: Root Id 80003417ebfbe9c4
% 1: Bridge Id 800064006ac779a0
% 1: 5 topology changes - last topology change Fri Nov 25 21:15:35 2016
% 1: portfast bpdu-filter disabled
% 1: portfast bpdu-guard disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout interval 300 sec
% ge2: Port Number 905 - Ifindex 5001 - Port Id 0x8389 - path cost 4 - designated cost 0
% ge2: Designated Port Id 0x838a - state Disabled -Priority 128
% ge2: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% ge2: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge2: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 18 - Hello Timer 0 - topo change timer 23
% ge2: forward-transitions 2
% ge2: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% ge2: bpdu-guard default - Current bpdu-guard off
% ge2: bpdu-filter default - Current bpdu-filter off
% ge2: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
% ge3: Port Number 908 - Ifindex 5004 - Port Id 0x838c - path cost 4 - designated cost 0
% ge3: Designated Port Id 0x838b - state Forwarding -Priority 128
% ge3: Designated root 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Designated Bridge 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% ge3: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge3: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 19 - Hello Timer 1 - topo change timer 23
% ge3: forward-transitions 2
% ge3: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% ge3: bpdu-guard default - Current bpdu-guard off
% ge3: bpdu-filter default - Current bpdu-filter off
% ge3: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
RSTP Configuration
Bridge 1
Disabling RSTP globally
Bridge1(config)#no bridge 1 rapid-spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
Disable spanning tree globally for RSTP.
Commit the configure on the node.
Disabling RSTP per port
Bridge1(config)#interface ge2
Enter interface mode for ge2.
Bridge1(config-if)#bridge-group 1 spanning-tree disable
Disable spanning tree per port for RSTP and put port on forwarding state. This command disables any type of STP on the port.
Commit the configure on the node.
Bridge 2
Disabling RSTP globally
Bridge2(config)#no bridge 1 rapid-spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
Disable spanning tree globally for RSTP.
Commit the configure on the node.
Disabling RSTP per port
Bridge2(config)#interface xe2
Enter interface mode for xe2.
Bridge2(config-if)#bridge-group 1 spanning-tree disable
Disable spanning tree per port for RSTP and put port on forwarding state. This command disables any type of STP on the port.
Commit the configure on the node.
Bridge 1
Verify RSTP details when rstp is enabled globally and ge2 and ge3 are part of the bridge using the show spanning-tree command.
#show spanning-tree
% 1: Bridge up - Spanning Tree Enabled - topology change detected
% 1: Root Path Cost 20000 - Root Port 905 - Bridge Priority 32768
% 1: Forward Delay 15 - Hello Time 2 - Max Age 20 - Transmit Hold Count 6
% 1: Root Id 80003417ebfbe9c4
% 1: Bridge Id 800064006ac779a0
% 1: last topology change Tue Nov 15 21:44:31 2016
% 1: 7 topology change(s) - last topology change Tue Nov 15 21:44:31 2016
% 1: portfast bpdu-filter disabled
% 1: portfast bpdu-guard disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout interval 300 sec
% ge2: Port Number 905 - Ifindex 5001 - Port Id 0x8389 - Role Rootport - State Forwarding
% ge2: Designated Path Cost 0
% ge2: Configured Path Cost 20000 - Add type Explicit ref count 1
% ge2: Designated Port Id 0x838a - Priority 128 -
% ge2: Root 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge2: Designated Bridge 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge2: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% ge2: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge2: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 4 - Hello Timer 1 - topo change timer
% ge2: forward-transitions 1
% ge2: Version Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol - Received RSTP - Send RSTP
% ge2: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% ge2: bpdu-guard default - Current bpdu-guard off
% ge2: bpdu-filter default - Current bpdu-filter off
% ge2: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
% ge2: Configured Link Type point-to-point - Current point-to-point
% ge2: No auto-edge configured - Current port Auto Edge off
% ge3: Port Number 908 - Ifindex 5004 - Port Id 0x838c - Role Alternate - State Discarding
% ge3: Designated Path Cost 0
% ge3: Configured Path Cost 20000 - Add type Explicit ref count 1
% ge3: Designated Port Id 0x838b - Priority 128 -
% ge3: Root 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Designated Bridge 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% ge3: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge3: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 5 - Hello Timer 0 - topo change timer
% ge3: forward-transitions 2
% ge3: Version Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol - Received RSTP - Send RSTP
% ge3: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% ge3: bpdu-guard default - Current bpdu-guard off
% ge3: bpdu-filter default - Current bpdu-filter off
% ge3: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
% ge3: Configured Link Type point-to-point - Current point-to-point
% ge3: No auto-edge configured - Current port Auto Edge off
Verify RSTP configurations when RSTP is enabled globally.
#show running-config
bridge 1 protocol rstp vlan-bridge
Verify RSTP configurations when RSTP is disabled globally
#show running-config
bridge 1 protocol rstp vlan-bridge
no bridge 1 rapid-spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
Verify RSTP configurations when spanning-tree is enabled on interface.
#show running-config interface ge2
interface ge2
bridge-group 1
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
Verify RSTP configurations when spanning-tree is enabled on interface.
#show running-config interface ge2
interface ge2
bridge-group 1 spanning-tree disable
switchport mode trunk
switchport trunk allowed vlan all
Verify RSTP details after disabling spanning-tree on interface ge2 with the show spanning-tree command.
#sh spanning-tree
% 1: Bridge up - Spanning Tree Enabled - topology change detected
% 1: Root Path Cost 20000 - Root Port 908 - Bridge Priority 32768
% 1: Forward Delay 15 - Hello Time 2 - Max Age 20 - Transmit Hold Count 6
% 1: Root Id 80003417ebfbe9c4
% 1: Bridge Id 800064006ac779a0
% 1: last topology change Fri Nov 25 21:08:56 2016
% 1: 11 topology change(s) - last topology change Fri Nov 25 21:08:56 2016
% 1: portfast bpdu-filter disabled
% 1: portfast bpdu-guard disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout interval 300 sec
% ge2: Port Number 905 - Ifindex 5001 - Port Id 0x8389 - Role Disabled - State Forwarding
% ge2: Designated Path Cost 0
% ge2: Configured Path Cost 20000 - Add type Explicit ref count 1
% ge2: Designated Port Id 0x838a - Priority 128 -
% ge2: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% ge2: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge2: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 5 - Hello Timer 0 - topo change timer 0
% ge2: forward-transitions 2
% ge2: Version Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol - Received RSTP - Send RSTP
% ge2: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% ge2: bpdu-guard default - Current bpdu-guard off
% ge2: bpdu-filter default - Current bpdu-filter off
% ge2: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
% ge2: Configured Link Type point-to-point - Current point-to-point
% ge2: No auto-edge configured - Current port Auto Edge off
% ge3: Port Number 908 - Ifindex 5004 - Port Id 0x838c - Role Rootport - State Forwarding
% ge3: Designated Path Cost 0
% ge3: Configured Path Cost 20000 - Add type Explicit ref count 1
% ge3: Designated Port Id 0x838b - Priority 128 -
% ge3: Root 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Designated Bridge 80003417ebfbe9c4
% ge3: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% ge3: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% ge3: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 5 - Hello Timer 1 - topo change timer 0
% ge3: forward-transitions 3
% ge3: Version Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol - Received RSTP - Send RSTP
% ge3: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% ge3: bpdu-guard default - Current bpdu-guard off
% ge3: bpdu-filter default - Current bpdu-filter off
% ge3: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
% ge3: Configured Link Type point-to-point - Current point-to-point
% ge3: No auto-edge configured - Current port Auto Edge off