OcNOS SP : Quality of Service Guide : Quality of Service Configuration : Displaying QoS Information
Displaying QoS Information
The following QoS information can be displayed:
QoS Configuration Information – QoS configuration such as qos mapping profiles, class-maps and policy-maps can be verified by using show commands.
QoS Packet and Byte Statistics – count of packets and bytes matching the match criteria configured in class-maps bound to ingress ports through policy-maps can be displayed when QoS statistics is enabled.
Displaying QoS Configuration Information
The QoS configurations that can be displayed are listed below:
Mapping profile configuration
Class-map configuration
Policy-map configuration
Display Mapping Profile Configuration
Mapping profile configuration can be displayed using the command:
show qos-profile (type (cos-to-queue | dscp-to-queue | exp-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos | dscp-to-dscp | dscp-to-exp) |) (PROFILE-NAME|)
Refer to the “Configuration Guide” for detailed information of the mapping profile output.
Display Class-map Configuration
Class-map configuration can be verified with the command show class-map (type qos|NAME|).
Sample output for the class-map configuration is shown below:
#show class-map type qos
Type qos class-maps
class-map c1
match vlan 200
class-map type qos match-any class-default
Display policy-map configuration
Policy-map configuration can be verified with the command show policy-map type qos (NAME|).
Sample output for the policy-map configuration is shown below:
#show policy-map type qos
Type qos policy-maps
policy-map type qos p1
class type qos c1
police cir 2 mbps
Display Policy-map Configured on an Interface
Type qos policy-map configured on an interface is displayed by the command show policy-map interface INTERFACE-NAME type qos.
Sample output of this command is shown below:
#show policy-map interface xe1 type qos
Interface xe1
Type QoS statistics status : disabled
Service-policy (qos) input: parentPmap
Class-map (qos): vlan2 (match all)
match vlan 2
police cir 2 mbps
Child Service-policy (qos) : childPmap
Class-map (qos): class-default (match any)
Class-map (qos): cos1 (match all)
match cos 1
police cir 1 mbps
To display a specific class within type qos policy-map configured on the interface use the command show policy-map interface INTERFACE-NAME (class NAME|) type qos.
Sample output of this command is shown below:
#show policy-map interface xe0 class cos1 type qos
Interface xe0
Type QoS statistics status : disabled
Class-map (qos): vlan2 (match all)
Class-map (qos): cos1 (match all)
match cos 1
police cir 1 mbps
Displaying QoS packet and Byte Counters
QoS statistics can be enabled, displayed and cleared as described in following section:
Enabling QoS packet and byte counters
Displaying QoS packet and byte counters
Clearing QoS packet and byte counters
Enabling QoS Packet and Byte Counters
Enable ingress and egress statistics using the command qos statistics as shown below.
(config)#qos statistics
The default for this command is disabled statistics.
Using no option statistics can be disabled.
Displaying QoS Packet and Byte Counters
Once statistics are enabled, type qos policy-map statistics and configurations can be displayed using the command show policy-map interface INTERFACE-NAME type qos.
A Sample output of this command is shown below:
#show policy-map interface xe0 type qos
Interface xe0
Type QoS statistics status : enabled
Class-map (qos): vlan2 (match all)
match vlan 2
police cir 2 mbps
Class-map (qos): class-default (match any)
matched : 5503 packets, 8254500 bytes
transmitted : 92 packets, 138000 bytes
dropped : 5411 packets, 8116500 bytes
Class-map (qos): cos1 (match all)
match cos 1
police cir 1 mbps
matched : 11010 packets, 16513500 bytes
transmitted : 94 packets, 141000 bytes
dropped : 10916 packets, 16372500 bytes
Statistics of type qos class-maps in the type qos policy-maps that are configured on the interfaces can be displayed using show policy-map statistics (interface INTERFACE-NAME|) (class NAME|) type qos.
A Sample output of this command is shown below:
#show policy-map statistics type qos
| Class-map | Match pkts | Match bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |
cos1 9012 13516500 8935 13401000
class-default 4452 6678000 4302 6453000
#show policy-map interface xe0 statistics type qos
| Class-map | Match pkts | Match bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |
cos1 1073131 1609695000 1063993 1595988000
#show policy-map statistics class cos1 type qos
| Class-map | Match pkts | Match bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |
cos1 1399290 2098933500 1387374 2081059500
#show policy-map int xe0 statistics class cos1 type qos
| Class-map | Match pkts | Match bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |
cos1 1563686 2345527500 1550370 2325553500
Note: In order to check statistics, QoS statistics profile need to be enabled for Qumran devices. QoS can either use ingress-acl statistics profile or ingress-qos statistics profile. When ACL groups are configured on the same interface as QoS and both ACL and QoS need explicit counters, then ingress-qos statistics profile need to be configured along with ingress-acl statistics profile. However, this will have other limitations on statistics profiles. See the hardware-profile statistics command in the System Management Guide for details.
Clearing QoS Packet and Byte Counters
QoS statistics can be cleared using the command clear qos statistics. This clears both ingress QoS and egress queuing statistics.