OcNOS SP : Quality of Service Guide : Quality of Service Configuration : Display Queuing Information
Display Queuing Information
The following queuing information can be displayed:
Queuing Configuration Information
Queuing Packet and Byte Statistics
Displaying queuing configuration information
The queuing configurations that can be displayed are:
Policy-map configuration
Interface level queuing configuration
Display Policy-map Configuration
Use the following command to verify configurations on policy-map:
show policy-map (type queuing|NAME|)
NAME is an optional parameter which allows verifying a particular policy-map. Qumran supports only default queuing policy-maps.
Sample output for queuing policy-map configuration is shown below:
#show policy-map pq1
Type queuing policy-maps
policy-map type queuing default pq1
class type queuing default q0
shape percent 60
wfq-queue weight 20
class type queuing default q1
shape percent 20
wfq-queue weight 50
class type queuing default q2
priority level 2
class type queuing default q3
priority level 3
class type queuing default q4
priority level 4
class type queuing default q5
priority level 5
class type queuing default q6
priority level 6
class type queuing default q7
priority level 7
Interface level queuing configuration
The following command shows the configuration on eight priority queues of an interface:
show queuing interface INTERFACE-NAME
Sample output of interface based queue configuration is shown below:
#show queuing interface xe1
Egress Queuing for Ethernet xe1 [System]
L0 L1 L2 Group PrioLevel Shape Bandwidth
q0 - - 60 percent -
q1 - - 20 percent -
q2 - High - -
q3 - High - -
q4 - High - -
q5 - High - -
q6 - High - -
q7 - High - -
Display Type Queuing Policy-map Configuration and Statistics on an Interface
Type queuing policy-map configurations and statistics can be displayed using the command:
show policy-map interface INTERFACE-NAME type queuing
Sample output is shown below:
#show policy-map interface xe0 type queuing
Interface xe0
Type Queuing policy-map : pq1
Class-map (queuing): class-default-q
shape 1000000 kbps (inherited)
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 1253376 bytes/10 ms (default)
match queue 0
Total : 14303226 packets, 21454839000 bytes
Green : 14303226 packets, 21454839000 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
match queue 1
match queue 2
match queue 3
match queue 4
match queue 5
match queue 6
match queue 7
Class-map (queuing): service3
match service-template v3
shape 1000000 kbps (inherited)
wfq-queue weight 1
Class-map (queuing): class-default-q
shape 1000000 kbps (inherited)
wfq-queue weight 1
Class-map (queuing): data
shape 1000000 kbps (inherited)
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 1253376 bytes/10 ms (default)
match queue 0
match queue 1
Total : 4717105 packets, 7075660500 bytes
Green : 4717122 packets, 7075684500 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Rate : 118443.625 kbps
match queue 2
Configurations and statistics of a particular class in the type queuing policy-map on an interface can be displayed using the command show policy-map interface INTERFACE-NAME (class NAME|) type queuing
Sample output is shown below:
#show policy-map interface xe2 class service3
Interface xe2
Type Queuing policy-map : pq1
Class-map (queuing): service3
match service-template v3
shape 1000000 kbps (inherited)
wfq-queue weight 1
Class-map (queuing): class-default-q
shape 1000000 kbps (inherited)
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 1253376 bytes/10 ms (default)
match queue 2
Total : 111200 packets, 166801500 bytes
Green : 111209 packets, 166813500 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Rate : 59141.176 kbps
match queue 3
Class-map (queuing): data
shape 1000000 kbps (inherited)
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 1253376 bytes/10 ms (default)
match queue 0
match queue 1
Total : 222450 packets, 333678000 bytes
Green : 222466 packets, 333702000 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Rate : 118287.391 kbps