OcNOS SP : Quality of Service Guide : Quality of Service Configuration : Display Queue Level Packet and Byte Counters
Display Queue Level Packet and Byte Counters
Queue level statistics can be displayed and cleared as described in the following section:
Displaying queuing class configuration and queue packet and byte counters
Clearing queue level packet and byte counters
Queue level statistics can be displayed using the command:
Display queue level statistics using the commands:
Sample output is shown below:
#show policy-map statistics type queuing
| Class-map | Total pkts | Total bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |
q1 1142 1713000 133978 200965500
q3 1138 1707000 66451 99675000
q1 1133 1699500 134476 201715500
q2 1155 1732500 66655 99984000
#show policy-map statistics class q1 type queuing
| Class-map | Total pkts | Total bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |
q1 5110 7665000 598853 898278000
q1 5084 7627500 598821 898231500
#show policy-map int xe0 statistics type queuing
| Class-map | Total pkts | Total bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |
q1 5943 8914500 697242 1045861500
q3 5925 8887500 345696 518542500
#show policy-map int xe0 statistics class q1 type queuing
| Class-map | Total pkts | Total bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |
q1 7314 10971000 858974 1288461000
Sample output for interface based queue statistics is shown below:
#show interface xe1 counters queue-stats
E - Egress, I - Ingress, Q-Size is in bytes
| Q | Q-Sz | Tx pkt | Tx byte | Drp pkt | Drop byte |
q0 629160 100 12000 0 0
q0 629160 0 0 0 0
q0 629160 0 0 0 0
q0 629160 0 0 0 0
q0 629160 0 0 0 0
q0 629160 0 0 0 0
Display Queue Level Instantaneous Transmission Rate
The instantaneous rate at which packets are de-queued/transmitted from the queues can be displayed using
show policy-map (interface INTERFACE-NAME|) statistics (class CLASS-NAME|) type queuing (rate (kbps|mbps|gbps)|)
Sample output of the command is shown below:
#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
q1 1.031
q3 1.031
q1 1.031
q2 0.824
#show policy-map interface xe0 statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps)|
q1 0.700
q3 1.168
#show policy-map interface xe0 statistics class q1 type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
q1 0.937
Clearing Queue Level Packet and Byte Counters
Queue statistics can be cleared using the command clear qos statistics and clear interface counters.