OcNOS SP : OpenConfig Command Reference : LLDP OpenConfig Translation
LLDP OpenConfig Translation
Enable Management Attributes
This XML configuration snippet is used to enable LLDP and all the management TLV attributes.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
OpenConfig NETCONF Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to enable LLDP and all the management TLV attributes.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OcNOS CLI command
The below CLI command is used to enable LLDP and all the management TLV attributes.
lldp run
lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt port-description
lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-name
lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-capabilities
lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-description
lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt management-address
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to enable LLDP and all the management TLV attributes.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">
Validation with NETCONF get
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information about enabling LLDP and all the management TLV attributes.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
Configure chassis-id
This XML configuration snippet is used to set the locally assigned chassis name for the LLDP interface.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
OpenConfig NETCONF Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to set the locally assigned chassis name for the LLDP interface.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OcNOS CLI command
The below CLI command is used to set the locally assigned chassis name for the LLDP interface.
set lldp chassis locally-assigned host7028_AS5912-54X
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to set the locally assigned chassis name for the LLDP interface.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">
Validation with NETCONF get
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information about setting the locally assigned chassis name for the LLDP interface.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
The chassis type MAC_ADDRESS is fixed and assumed by default.
Configure suppress advertisement
This XM configuration snippet is used to configure suppress TLV advertisement for one or more attributes.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
OpenConfig NETCONF Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to configure suppress TLV advertisement for one or more attributes.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OcNOS CLI command
The below CLI command is used to configure suppress TLV advertisement for one or more attributes.
no lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-description
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to configure suppress TLV advertisement for one or more attributes.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">
Validation with NETCONF get
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information about configuring suppress TLV advertisement for one or more attributes
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
By default, all basic tlvs are disabled and can be configured using this leaf. The default behavior is 'suppressed', so this leaf-list will only show up if at least one advertisement is enabled.
As OpenConfig and OcNOS have a reverse logic for the TLV (suppress vs enable), when the suppress is present on OpenConfig, the translation forces deletion of the attribute on the Ocnos side. This is equivalent to deleting a configuration that does not exist, in which case, an error may be returned.
Configure system name
This XMl configuration snippet is used to configure the system-name (hostname).
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
OpenConfig NETCONF Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to configure the system-name (hostname).
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OcNOS CLI command
This CLI command is used to configure the system-name (hostname).
hostname host7028
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to configure the system-name (hostname).
<system-info xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-system">
Validation with NETCONF get
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information about configuring the system name (hostname).
<get xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:NETCONF:base:1.0">
<filter type="subtree">
<system-info xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-system">
<hostname />
<system xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/system">
The configuration is same as system hostname, so both are modified when applied.
The same restrictions as for system hostname apply:
Per RFC 952 and RFC 1123, a hostname string can contain only the special characters period (“.”) and hyphen (“-”). These special characters cannot be at the start or end of a hostname. The number of characters in the hostname must be between 1 and 63 characters.
Enable LLDP on an interface
This XML configuration snippet is used to enable LLDP on an interface.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
OpenConfig NETCONF Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to enable LLDP on an interface.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OcNOS CLI command
The blow CLI command is used to enable LLDP on an interface.
interface xe10
set lldp enable txrx
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to enable LLDP on an interface.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">
Validation with NETCONF get
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information about enabling LLDP on an interface.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
When enabled = true, the configuration mode is tx-rx in OcNOS. When enabled = false, the OcNOS mode is set as rx-only.
LLDP get Attributes
The following attributes are read-only (runtime) for LLDP.
This command is used to display LLDP counters.
OpenConfig Filter
Here is the OpenConfig filter for the get operation that results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OpenConfig get result
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information on the configuration and runtime.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OcNOS get result
Here is the NetConf response in IPI datamodel representation.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">
Only the counters remote-ageouts, remote-drops, remote-deletes, and remote-inserts are supported.
Interface counters
This command is used to display LLDP interface counters.
OpenConfig Filter
Here is the OpenConfig filter for the get operation that results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<filter>/// <lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OpenConfig get result
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information on the configuration and runtime.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OcNOS get result
Here is the NetConf response in IPI datamodel representation.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">
Only the counter frame-out is supported.
This command is used to display neighbors.
OpenConfig Filter
Here is the OpenConfig filter for the get operation that results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OpenConfig get result
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information on the configuration and runtime.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
<state><id>b86a.97be.193e</id><system-description>Hardware Model:EC_AS5912-54X</system-description>1<ttl>121</ttl><port-id-type>MAC_ADDRESS</port-id-type><port-description>xe1</port-description><port-id>b86a.97be.193e</port-id><chassis-id-type>NETWORK_ADDRESS</chassis-id-type><chassis-id></chassis-id><system-name>7031</system-name><management-address>b86a.97a7.253c</management-address><management-address-type>MAC Address</management-address-type></state>
<capabilities xmlns:oc-lldp-types="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp/types">
OcNOS get result
Here is the NetConf response in IPI datamodel representation.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
<state><id>b86a.97be.193e</id><system-description>Hardware Model:EC_AS5912-54X</system-description>1<ttl>121</ttl><port-id-type>MAC_ADDRESS</port-id-type><port-description>xe1</port-description><port-id>b86a.97be.193e</port-id><chassis-id-type>NETWORK_ADDRESS</chassis-id-type><chassis-id></chassis-id><system-name>7031</system-name><management-address>b86a.97a7.253c</management-address><management-address-type>MAC Address</management-address-type></state>
<capabilities xmlns:oc-lldp-types="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp/types">
Neighbors name and description
This command is used to display neighbors' name and description.
OpenConfig Filter
Here is the OpenConfig filter for the get operation that results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OpenConfig get result
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information on the configuration and runtime.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
<system-description>HPE OfficeConnect Switch 1920S 24G 2SFP JL381A PD.01.05 Linux 3.6.5-ac96795c U-Boot 2012.10-00118-g3773021 (Oct 11 2016 - 15:39:54)</system-description>
<system-description>Hardware Model:EC_AS5912-54X</system-description>
<system-description>Hardware Model:EC_AS5912-54X</system-description>
OcNOS get result
Here is the NetConf response in IPI datamodel representation.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">
<system-capabilties-enabled>Bridge Router</system-capabilties-enabled>
<system-capabilties>Bridge Router</system-capabilties>
<system-description>Hardware Model:EC_AS5912-54X</system-description>
<address-sub-type>MAC Address</address-sub-type>
Neighbors chassis-id, type and ttl
This command is used to display neighbors' chassis-id, type and ttl.
OpenConfig Filter
Here is the OpenConfig filter for the get operation that results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OpenConfig get result
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information on the configuration and runtime.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OcNOS get result
Here is the NetConf response in IPI datamodel representation.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">
<system-capabilties-enabled>Bridge Router</system-capabilties-enabled>
<system-capabilties>Bridge Router</system-capabilties>
<system-description>Hardware Model:EC_AS5912-54X</system-description>
<address-sub-type>MAC Address</address-sub-type>
Neighbors port-id, type and description
This is used to display neighbors' port-id, port-id-type and port-description.
OpenConfig Filter
Here is the OpenConfig filter for the get operation that results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OpenConfig get result
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information on the configuration and runtime.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OcNOS get result
Here is the NetConf response in IPI datamodel representation.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">
<system-capabilties-enabled>Bridge Router</system-capabilties-enabled>
<system-capabilties>Bridge Router</system-capabilties>
<system-description>Hardware Model:EC_AS5912-54X</system-description>
<address-sub-type>MAC Address</address-sub-type>
Neighbors custom TLVs type/subtype
This command is used to display neighbors' custom TLVs type/subtype.
OpenConfig Filter
Here is the OpenConfig filter for the get operation that results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OpenConfig get result
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information on the configuration and runtime.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
<state><id>08f1.ea53.dbf2</id><system-description>HPE OfficeConnect Switch 1920S 24G 2SFP JL381A PD.01.05 Linux 3.6.5-ac96795c U-Boot 2012.10-00118-g3773021 (Oct 11 2016 - 15:39:54)</system-description>0<ttl>120</ttl><port-id-type>MAC_ADDRESS</port-id-type><port-description>19</port-description><port-id>08f1.ea53.dbf2</port-id><chassis-id-type>MAC_ADDRESS</chassis-id-type><chassis-id>08f1.ea53.dbf0</chassis-id><system-name>LAB1-SW13</system-name><management-address></management-address><management-address-type>IP Address</management-address-type></state>
<capabilities xmlns:oc-lldp-types="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp/types">
<state><id>b86a.97be.193f</id><system-description>Hardware Model:EC_AS5912-54X</system-description>1<ttl>121</ttl><port-id-type>MAC_ADDRESS</port-id-type><port-description>xe2</port-description><port-id>b86a.97be.193f</port-id><chassis-id-type>MAC_ADDRESS</chassis-id-type><chassis-id>b86a.97a7.253c</chassis-id><system-name>7031</system-name><management-address>b86a.97a7.253c</management-address><management-address-type>MAC Address</management-address-type></state>
<capabilities xmlns:oc-lldp-types="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp/types">
<state><id>b86a.97be.193e</id><system-description>Hardware Model:EC_AS5912-54X</system-description>1<ttl>121</ttl><port-id-type>MAC_ADDRESS</port-id-type><port-description>xe1</port-description><port-id>b86a.97be.193e</port-id><chassis-id-type>NETWORK_ADDRESS</chassis-id-type><chassis-id></chassis-id><system-name>7031</system-name><management-address>b86a.97a7.253c</management-address><management-address-type>MAC Address</management-address-type></state>
<capabilities xmlns:oc-lldp-types="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp/types">
OcNOS get result
Here is the NetConf response in IPI datamodel representation.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">
Neighbors custom TLVs
This command is used to display neighbors' custom TLVs.
OpenConfig Filter
Here is the OpenConfig filter for the get operation that results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OpenConfig get result
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information on the configuration and runtime.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
<state><id>b86a.97be.193e</id><system-description>Hardware Model:EC_AS5912-54X</system-description>1<ttl>121</ttl><port-id-type>MAC_ADDRESS</port-id-type><port-description>xe1</port-description><port-id>b86a.97be.193e</port-id><chassis-id-type>NETWORK_ADDRESS</chassis-id-type><chassis-id></chassis-id><system-name>7031</system-name><management-address>b86a.97a7.253c</management-address><management-address-type>MAC Address</management-address-type></state>
<capabilities xmlns:oc-lldp-types="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp/types">
OcNOS get result
Here is the NetConf response in IPI datamodel representation.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">
Neighbors capabilities
This command is used to display neighbors' capabilities.
OpenConfig Filter
Here is the OpenConfig filter for the get operation that results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
OpenConfig get result
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information on the configuration and runtime.
<lldp xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp">
<state><id>b86a.97be.193e</id><system-description>Hardware Model:EC_AS5912-54X</system-description>1<ttl>121</ttl><port-id-type>MAC_ADDRESS</port-id-type><port-description>xe1</port-description><port-id>b86a.97be.193e</port-id><chassis-id-type>NETWORK_ADDRESS</chassis-id-type><chassis-id></chassis-id><system-name>7031</system-name><management-address>b86a.97be.193e</management-address><management-address-type>MAC Address</management-address-type></state>
<capabilities xmlns:oc-lldp-types="http://openconfig.net/yang/lldp/types">
OcNOS get result
Here is the NetConf response in IPI datamodel representation.
<lldp xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-lldpv2">