OcNOS SP : Timing and Synchronization Guide : Precision Time Protocol Configuration : PTP Default Profile Configuration
PTP Default Profile Configuration
This chapter shows how to configure a PTP Default profile over IPv4 and IPv6. You can configure T-GM and boundary clock with more than one port.
Note: You can enable the default profile on L3 physical interfaces, sub interfaces, LAG interfaces and VLAN interfaces.
Configuration Topology
In this example, SW1, SW2 and SW3 are running PTP. SW1 acting as T-GM and SW2, SW3 acting as boundary clock.
Default Profile Configuration
This section shows how to set up a Default Profile.
SW2 (boundary clock)
#configure terminal
Enter Configure mode
Enter configure Synchronous Ethernet mode.
(config-synce)#synchronization option 1
Set the synchronization network type.
Exit Synce mode
(config)#interface xe6
Configure interface eth1
(config-if)#ip address
Configure the IP address of the interface.
Exit synce Configure mode.
(config)#interface xe12
Configure interface eth2
(config-if)#ip address
Configure the IP address of the interface.
Exit interface mode
(config)#ptp clock 0 profile default
Enables Default PTP profile
(config-ptp-clk)#number-ports 2
Configure the number of PTP ports on the instance
(config-ptp-clk)#clock-port 1
Configure ptp port
(config-clk-port)#transport ipv4
Set transport type ipv4
(config-clk-port)#network-interface xe6
Configure underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port
(config-clk-port)#master ipv4
Set master clock source address
Exit ptp clock port mode
(config-ptp-clk)#clock-port 2
Configure ptp port
(config-clk-port)#transport ipv4
Set transport type ipv4
(config-clk-port)#network-interface xe12
Configure underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port
Exit ptp clock port mode
SW3 (Boundary clock)
#configure terminal
Enter Configure mode
Enter configure Synchronous Ethernet mode.
(config-synce)#synchronization option 1
Set the synchronization network type.
Exit Synce mode
(config)#interface xe12
Configure interface eth1
(config-if)#ip address
Configure the IP address of the interface.
Exit synce Configure mode.
(config)#ptp clock 0 profile default
Enables DEFAULT for PTP time/phase telecom profile
(config-ptp-clk)#number-ports 2
Configure the number of PTP ports on the instance
(config-ptp-clk)#clock-port 1
Configure ptp port
(config-clk-port)#transport ipv4
Set transport type ipv4
(config-clk-port)#network-interface xe12
Configure underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port
(config-clk-port)#master ipv4
Set master clock source address
Exit ptp clock port mode
SW1 (T-GM)
#configure terminal
Enter Configure mode
Enter configure Synchronous Ethernet mode.
(config-synce)#synchronization option 1
Set the synchronization network type.
Exit Synce mode
(config)#synce-interface gps
Configure synce interface gps
(config-synce-if)#mode synchronous
Configure synchronous mode
(config-synce-if)#input-source 1
Configure the interface as an input source with priority 1
(config-synce-if)#quality-level QL_PRC
Configure QL-value.
(config-synce-if)#wait-to-restore 1
Configure Wait-to-Restore timer.
Exit Port Configure mode
(config)#interface xe6
Configure interface eth2
(config-if)#ip address
Configure the IP address of the interface.
Exit interface mode
(config)#ptp clock 0 profile default
Enables DEFAULT PTP profile
(config-ptp-clk)#clock-type tgm
Enables clock type as T-GM
(config-ptp-clk)#number-ports 2
Configure the number of PTP ports on the instance
(config-ptp-clk)#clock-port 2
Configure ptp port
(config-clk-port)#transport ipv4
Configure the port as an master-only port
(config-clk-port)#network-interface xe6
Configure underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port
Configure the port as an master-only port
Exit ptp clock port mode
(config-ptp-clk)#clock-port 1
Configure ptp port
(config-clk-port)#network-interface gps
Configure underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port
Exit ptp clock port mode
#sh ptp clock 0 dataset
Default Dataset:
Two Step Flag : No
Clock Identity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:8F:B4:31
Number Of Ports : 3
Priority1 : 128
Priority2 : 128
Slave Only : No
Local Priority : 128
Max Steps Removed : 255
Domain Number : 0
Clock Quality :
Clock Class : 248
Clock Accuracy : 254
Offset ScaledLogVariance : 65535
Current Dataset:
Steps Removed : 1
Offset From Master : -24 nsec
Mean Path Delay : 3080 nsec
Parent Dataset:
Parent Port ID :
Clock Identity : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
Port Number : 1
Parent Stats : No
Observed Parent O.S.L.V : 65535 (Offset Scaled Log Variance)
Observed Parent P.C.R. : 2147483647 (Phase Change Rate)
Grandmaster Identity : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
Grandmaster Priority1 : 128
Grandmaster Priority2 : 128
Grandmaster Clock Quality :
Clock Class : 6
Clock Accuracy : 32
Offset ScaledLogVariance : 0
Time Dateset:
Current UTC Offset Valid : True
Current UTC Offset : 37
Leap 59 : False
Leap 61 : False
Time Traceable : True
Frequency Traceable : True
PTP Timescale : True
Time Source : Atomic clock
Time of Day : Mon 11 Jul 2022 11:07:31 UTC
#show ptp clock 0 port Port 1:
Port State : Slave
Port Identity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:5C:77:6C:00:01
Peer Mean Path Delay : 0
Log Announce Interval : 1
Log Min Delay Req Interval : 0 Log Sync Interval : 0 Announce Receipt Timeout : 3
Delay Mechanism : End to end
Version Number : 2
Local Priority : 128
Master only : False
Signal Fail : False
Network Interface : xe6
Vlan Configured :
Description :
TTL : 64
DSCP : 56
Unicast Grant Duration : 300 Configured delay asymmetry : 0 nsec
Number of Foreign Masters : 1 Current Foreign Master : 0
Foreign Master #0
IPv4 Address :
Grandmaster clockIdentity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:69:4D:1A
Port ID : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:69:4D:1A:00:01
clockClass : 6
Clock accuracy : 33
Offset scaled log variance : 20061
priority1 : 128
priority2 : 128
Steps removed : 1
PDV Scaled Allan Variance : 12
Received Packets :
Discarded Packets : 3
Transmitted Packets : 313
Drop Counters
Pkt rcvd on bad port state : 3
Peer #0
IPv4 Address :
Clock Identity : e8:c5:7a:ff:fe:69:4d:1a
Received Announce : 154
Received Sync : 306
Received Delay Response : 304
Received Signalling : 9
Transmitted Delay Request : 304
Transmitted Signalling : 9
Master #0 :
Port 2:
Port State : Master
Port Identity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:5C:77:6C:00:02
Peer Mean Path Delay : 0
Log Announce Interval : 1
Log Min Delay Req Interval : 0 Log Sync Interval : 0 Announce Receipt Timeout : 3
Delay Mechanism : End to end
Version Number : 2
Local Priority : 128
Master only : False
Signal Fail : False
Network Interface : xe12
Vlan Configured :
Description :
TTL : 64
DSCP : 56
Unicast Grant Duration : 300 Configured delay asymmetry : 0 nsec
Received Packets : 259
Discarded Packets : 0
Transmitted Packets : 641
Peer #0
IPv4 Address :
Clock Identity : b8:6a:97:ff:fe:f5:e7:c4 Received Delay Request : 253
Received Signalling : 6
Transmitted Announce : 128
Transmitted Sync : 254 Transmitted Delay Response : 253 Transmitted Signalling : 6
Slave #0
IPv4 Address :
Clock Identity : b8:6a:97:ff:fe:f5:e7:c4
Delay Mechanism : End to end
log Announce Interval : 1
log Sync Interval : 0 Log Delay Req Interval : 0
#show ptp servo
PTP servo status for clock 0
Servo Config : Freq + Phase Correction
Servo State : Time Locked
Servo State Duration : 00:04:56
Servo APTS Mode : PTP
Frequency Correction : 0.170 ppb
Phase Correction : 0.000 nsec
Offset From Master : 35.500 nsec
Mean Path Delay : 101 nsec APTS GPS to PTP Offset : 0 nsec Sync Packet Rate : 1
Delay Packet Rate : 1
#show ptp servo
PTP servo status for clock 0
Servo Config : Freq + Phase Correction
Servo State : Time Locked
Servo State Duration : 00:00:26
Servo APTS Mode : PTP Frequency Correction : -2.146 ppb Phase Correction : 0.000 nsec
Offset From Master : -190.000 nsec
Mean Path Delay : 100 nsec APTS GPS to PTP Offset : 0 nsec Sync Packet Rate : 1
Delay Packet Rate : 1
#sh ptp clock 0 dataset
Default Dataset:
Two Step Flag : No
Clock Identity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:8F:B4:31
Number Of Ports : 3
Priority1 : 128
Priority2 : 128
Slave Only : No
Local Priority : 128
Max Steps Removed : 255
Domain Number : 0
Clock Quality :
Clock Class : 248
Clock Accuracy : 254
Offset ScaledLogVariance : 65535
Current Dataset:
Steps Removed : 1
Offset From Master : 29492 nsec
Mean Path Delay : 3075 nsec
Parent Dataset:
Parent Port ID :
Clock Identity : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
Port Number : 1
Parent Stats : No
Observed Parent O.S.L.V : 65535 (Offset Scaled Log Variance)
Observed Parent P.C.R. : 2147483647 (Phase Change Rate)
Grandmaster Identity : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
Grandmaster Priority1 : 128
Grandmaster Priority2 : 128
Grandmaster Clock Quality :
Clock Class : 165
Clock Accuracy : 32
Offset ScaledLogVariance : 0
Time Dateset:
Current UTC Offset Valid : True
Current UTC Offset : 37
Leap 59 : False
Leap 61 : False
Time Traceable : True
Frequency Traceable : True
PTP Timescale : True
Time Source : Atomic clock
Time of Day : Mon 11 Jul 2022 11:15:16 UTC
#sh ptp clock 0 port
Port 1:
Port State : Slave
Port Identity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:8F:B4:31:00:01
Peer Mean Path Delay : 3073
Log Announce Interval : 1
Log Min Delay Req Interval : 0
Log Sync Interval : 0
Announce Receipt Timeout : 3
Delay Mechanism : End to end
Version Number : 2
Local Priority : 0
Master only : False
Signal Fail : False
Network Interface : xe0
Vlan Configured :
Description :
TTL : 64
DSCP : 56
Unicast Grant Duration : 300
Configured delay asymmetry : 0 nsec
Number of Foreign Masters : 1
Current Foreign Master : 0
Foreign Master #0
IPv4 Address :
Grandmaster clockIdentity : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
Port ID : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:01
clockClass : 6
Clock accuracy : 32
Offset scaled log variance : 0
priority1 : 128
priority2 : 128
Steps removed : 1
Received Packets : 96
Discarded Packets : 6
Transmitted Packets : 37
Peer #0
IPv4 Address :
Clock Identity : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
Received Announce : 20
Received Sync : 39
Received Delay Response : 34
Received Signalling : 3
Transmitted Delay Request : 34
Transmitted Signalling : 3
Master #0 :
#show ptp servo
PTP servo status for clock 0
Servo Config : Freq + Phase Correction
Servo State : Time Locked
Servo State Duration : 00:03:24
Servo APTS Mode : GPS Frequency Correction : -9.900 ppb Phase Correction : 0.000 nsec
Offset From Master : 0.000 nsec
Mean Path Delay : 0 nsec
APTS GPS to PTP Offset : 0 nsec
Sync Packet Rate : 0
Delay Packet Rate : 0
#sh ptp clock 0 dataset
Default Dataset:
Two Step Flag : No
Clock Identity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:8F:B4:31
Number Of Ports : 3
Priority1 : 128
Priority2 : 128
Slave Only : No
Local Priority : 128
Max Steps Removed : 255
Domain Number : 0
Clock Quality :
Clock Class : 248
Clock Accuracy : 254
Offset ScaledLogVariance : 65535
Current Dataset:
Steps Removed : 1
Offset From Master : -24 nsec
Mean Path Delay : 3080 nsec
Parent Dataset:
Parent Port ID :
Clock Identity : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
Port Number : 1
Parent Stats : No
Observed Parent O.S.L.V : 65535 (Offset Scaled Log Variance)
Observed Parent P.C.R. : 2147483647 (Phase Change Rate)
Grandmaster Identity : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
Grandmaster Priority1 : 128
Grandmaster Priority2 : 128
Grandmaster Clock Quality :
Clock Class : 6
Clock Accuracy : 32
Offset ScaledLogVariance : 0
Time Dateset:
Current UTC Offset Valid : True
Current UTC Offset : 37
Leap 59 : False
Leap 61 : False
Time Traceable : True
Frequency Traceable : True
PTP Timescale : True
Time Source : Atomic clock
Time of Day : Mon 11 Jul 2022 11:07:31 UTC
#sh ptp clock 0 port
Port State : Slave
Port Identity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:69:4D:1A:00:01
Peer Mean Path Delay : 0
Log Announce Interval : 1
Log Min Delay Req Interval : 0
Log Sync Interval :0
Announce Receipt Timeout : 3
Delay Mechanism : End to end
Version Number : 2
Local Priority : 0
Master only : False
Signal Fail : False
Network Interface : gps
Vlan Configured :
Description :
TTL : 64
DSCP : 56
Unicast Grant Duration : 300
Configured delay asymmetry : 0 nsec
Received Packets : 0
Discarded Packets : 0
Transmitted Packets : 0
Port 2:
Port State : Master
Port Identity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:69:4D:1A:00:02
Peer Mean Path Delay : 0
Log Announce Interval : 1
Log Min Delay Req Interval : 0
Log Sync Interval :0
Announce Receipt Timeout : 3
Delay Mechanism : End to end
Version Number : 2
Local Priority : 128
Master only : True
Signal Fail : False
Network Interface : xe6
Vlan Configured :
Description :
TTL : 64
DSCP : 56
Unicast Grant Duration : 300
Configured delay asymmetry : 0 nsec
Received Packets : 299
Discarded Packets : 0
Transmitted Packets : 744
Peer #0
IPv4 Address :
Clock Identity :e8:c5:7a:ff:fe:5c:77:6c
Received Delay Request : 293
Received Signalling : 6
Transmitted Announce : 149
Transmitted Sync : 296
Transmitted Delay Response : 293
Transmitted Signalling : 6
Slave #0
IPv4 Address :
Clock Identity : e8:c5:7a:ff:fe:5c:77:6c
Delay Mechanism : End to end
log Announce Interval : 1
log Sync Interval : 0
Log Delay Req Interval : 0
Note: Use show ptp stats to collect the PTP statistics and use clear ptp stats to clear the same.