All the paths mentioned below have restrictions:
This association is not supported on OcNOS model.
This association is not supported on OcNOS model.
Path /qos/queue-management-profiles is available on OpenConfig versions above v1.0.0.
Path /qos/queues was restructured on OpenConfig versions above v1.0.0.
Create Forwarding-groups profiles
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.0.
The OpenConfig profile Forwarding-group does not have an equivalent model on OcNOS model, so this object is stored inside Translation Auxiliary Database.
The object name on OpenConfig format allows any string value. However on OcNOS, all Forwarding-profiles have fixed names that follow the pattern q[0-7]. Hence the Forwarding-groups leaf name must follow this pattern.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to create Forwarding-groups profiles.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
QoS OpenConfig Translation
Enable QoS on OcNOS
The below configuration is used to enable QoS on OcNOS.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.1.0
The QoS protocol is enabled by default in OcNOS version 6.5.0. However, the QoS protocol needs to be enabled in the older versions before configuring QoS features.
Note that there is no equivalent configuration to enable/disable QoS protocol in OpenConfig model.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
There is no equivalent configuration in OpenConfig model.
OcNOS CLI command
The below CLI command is used to enable QoS on OcNOS.
OcNOS#configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
OcNOS(config)#qos enable
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to enable QoS on OcNOS.
<qos xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-qos">
Validation with NetConf get
There is no equivalent configuration.
In OcNOS version 6.5.0, the QoS protocol is enabled by default.
In OcNOS versions before 6.5.0, the QoS protocol needs to be enabled before configuring QoS features.
Enable QoS Profile on OcNOS
The below configuration is used to enable QoS Profile on OcNOS.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 5.1.
The QoS feature on OcNOS model needs the Hw profile to be enabled on SP Hardware types.
Note that there is no equivalent configuration on OpenConfig model.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
There is no equivalent configuration.
OcNOS CLI command
The below CLI command is used to enable QoS Profile on OcNOS.
hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv4-qos enable
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is the OcNOS NetConf Payload to enable QoS Profile on OcNOS.
<profiles xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-platform">
<hardware-profile xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-platform">
<filters xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-platform">
<config xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-platform">
Validation with NetConf get
There is no equivalent configuration.
Create Classifiers profiles
The below configuration is used to create Classifiers profiles.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.1.0.
The OpenConfig QoS Classifiers is a profile responsible for handling data traffic classification.
This configuration does not have a direct equivalent object on OcNOS model. To configure classifier on OcNOS model it needs to be translated to ACL, class-maps and policy-maps objects.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to create Classifiers profiles.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
OcNOS CLI command
The below CLI command is used to create Classifiers profiles for handling data traffic classification.
qos enable
ip access-list IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
1 permit tcp dscp af21
ip access-list IN_CUSTOMERIF$20
1 permit tcp dscp af31
class-map type qos match-any IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
match access-group IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
class-map type qos match-any IN_CUSTOMERIF$20
match access-group IN_CUSTOMERIF$20
policy-map type qos IN_CUSTOMERIF
class type qos IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
set queue 0
class type qos IN_CUSTOMERIF$20
set queue 1
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS Netconf Payload to create Classifiers profiles for handling data traffic classification.
<acl xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-acl">
<qos xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-qos">
Validation with NetConf get
Here is the NetConf validation response that provides detailed information about creating Classifiers profiles.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
This translation is only available for SP Hardware type.
All the paths mentioned below have restrictions:
This association is not supported on OcNOS model.
This association is not supported on OcNOS model.
Path /qos/queue-management-profiles is available on OpenConfig versions above 1.0.0.
Path /qos/queues has been restructured on OpenConfig versions above 1.0.0.
Create Forwarding-groups profiles
The below configuration is used to create Forwarding-groups profile.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.1.0.
The OpenConfig profile Forwarding-group does not have an equivalent model on OcNOS model, so this object is stored inside Translation Auxiliary Database.
The object name on OpenConfig format allows any string value. However on OcNOS, all Forwarding-profiles have fixed names that follow the pattern q[0-7]. Hence, the Forwarding-groups leaf name must follow this pattern.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to create Forwarding-groups profiles.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
OcNOS CLI command
There is no equivalent configuration.
OcNOS NetConf Payload
There is no equivalent configuration.
Validation with NetConf get
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information about creating Forwarding-groups profiles.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
This translation is available only for SP Hardware type.
Paths /qos/forwarding-groups/forwarding-group/name and /qos/forwarding-groups/forwarding-group/config/name have fixed leaf names that follow the pattern q[0-7].
Create Queues and Queue-Management-profiles entries
The below configuration is used to create Queue and Queue-Management-profiles entries.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.1.0.
The OpenConfig profiles Queues and Queue-Management-Profiles do not have an equivalent model on OcNOS, so this object is stored inside Translation Auxiliary Database.
These OpenConfig profiles are used to configure on OcNOS model random-detect configuration from policy-map type queuing object.
The object name on OpenConfig format allows any string value. However on OcNOS, they have fixed names that follow the pattern q[0-7]. Hence the Queues and Queue-Management-Profiles leaf name must follow this pattern.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to create Queues and Queue-Management-profiles entries.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
OcNOS CLI command
There is no equivalent configuration.
OcNOS NetConf Payload
There is no equivalent configuration.
Validation with NetConf Payload
Here is the NetConf response that gives detailed information about creating Queues and Queue-Management-profiles entries.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
This translation is available only for SP Hardware type.
Path /qos/queue-management-profiles is available on OpenConfig versions above 1.0.0.
Path /qos/queues has been restructured on OpenConfig versions above 1.0.0.
The following paths and associations are not supported on OcNOS models.
The paths below have fixed leaf names that follow the pattern q[0-7].
Create Scheduler-policies Entries
The below configuration is used to create Scheduler-policies entries.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.1.0.
This configuration snippet is used to set a one-rate-two-color VLAN match.
The scheduler-policies input configuration for OpenConfig XPath /oc-qos:qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/schedulers/scheduler/inputs/input/config now has its leaf queue as mandatory in operations "create", "delete", "remove" and "merge". This is because the translation mapping done on OcNOS datamodel to XPath /qos/global/policy-maps/policy-map/classes/class and the queue leaf points to class-map-name leaf on OcNOS. If this condition is not addressed, the Translation Framework throws an error when the OpenConfig payload is applied.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to set a one-rate-two-color VLAN match.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
OcNOS CLI command
The below CLI command is used to set a one-rate-two-color VLAN match.
qos enable
ip access-list IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
1 permit tcp dscp af21
ip access-list IN_CUSTOMERIF$20
1 permit tcp dscp af31
class-map type qos match-any IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
match access-group IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
class-map type qos match-any IN_CUSTOMERIF$20
match access-group IN_CUSTOMERIF$20
policy-map type qos IN_CUSTOMERIF
class type qos IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
set queue 0
class type qos IN_CUSTOMERIF$20
set queue 1
policy-map type queuing default SCHEDULER_POLICY_1
class type queuing default q0
shape 256000000 kbps
wfq-queue weight 5
queue-limit 64000 bytes
random-detect min-threshold 128000 bytes max-threshold 256000 bytes drop-probability 80
class type queuing default q1
shape 256000000 kbps
wfq-queue weight 15
queue-limit 64000 bytes
random-detect min-threshold 256000 bytes max-threshold 512000 bytes drop-probability 80
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample NetConf Payload to set a one-rate-two-color VLAN match.
<acl xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-acl">
<qos xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-qos">
Validation with NetConf get
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information about setting a one-rate-two-color VLAN match.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
This translation is done only for SP Hardware type.
Path /qos/queue-management-profiles is available on OpenConfig versions above 1.0.0.
Path /qos/queues was restructured on OpenConfig versions above 1.0.0.
The only valid value for path /qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/schedulers/scheduler/config/priority is STRICT.
Path /qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/schedulers/scheduler/inputs/input/config/queue has leaf name with fixed patternq[0-7].
The scheduler-policies input configuration for OpenConfig XPath /oc-qos:qos/scheduler-policies/scheduler-policy/schedulers/scheduler/inputs/input/config now has its leaf queue as mandatory in operations "create", "delete", "remove" and "merge". This is because the translation mapping done on OcNOS datamodel to XPath /qos/global/policy-maps/policy-map/classes/class and the queue leaf points to class-map-name leaf on OcNOS. If this condition is not addressed, the Translation Framework throws an error when the OpenConfig payload is applied
All the paths below have restrictions as mentioned:
This association is not valid on OcNOS and is not supported.
This association is not valid on OcNOS and is not supported.
This association is not valid on OcNOS and is not supported.
This association is not valid on OcNOS and is not supported.
This list has a fixed max-element as one entry.
This configuration has a fixed value ONE_RATE_TWO_COLOR.
This configuration has a fixed value QUEUE.
This association is not valid on OcNOS and is not supported.
This configuration has a fixed value SHAPE.
This association is not valid on OcNOS and is not supported.
This association is not valid on OcNOS and is not supported.
This association is not valid on OcNOS and is not supported.
This association is not valid on OcNOS and is not supported.
This association is not valid on OcNOS and is not supported.
Create Interfaces Classifier Association
The below configuration is used to create interfaces classifier association.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.1.0.
On OpenConfig model, the classifier profile can be associated to an interface on egress and ingress direction, and a list of classifiers can be associated to an interface. But on OcNOS model, the interface only allows one classifier object, and the association is in ingress direction.
On OcNOS model, the association between QoS ingress interface and QoS classifier profile needs the hardware-profile ingress-ipv4-qos to be enabled before the association. The translation adds the hardware-profile ingress-ipv4-qos configuration during translation on XPath /oc-qos:qos/interfaces/interface/input/classifiers/classifier/config/name.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to create interfaces classifier association.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
OcNOS CLI command
The below CLi command is used to create interfaces classifier association.
hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv4-qos enable
qos enable
ip access-list IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
1 permit tcp dscp af21
class-map type qos match-any IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
match access-group IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
policy-map type qos IN_CUSTOMERIF
class type qos IN_CUSTOMERIF$10
set queue 0
class type qos IN_CUSTOMERIF$20
set queue 1
interface eth2
service-policy type qos input IN_CUSTOMERIF
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to create interfaces classifier association.
<profiles xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-platform">
<acl xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-acl">
<qos xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-qos">
<interfaces xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-qos-if">
Validation with NetConf get
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information about creating interfaces classifier association.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
This translation is only available for SP Hardware type.
The translation of XPath /oc-qos:qos/interfaces/interface/input/classifiers/classifier/config/name adds the OcNOS hardware-profile ingress-ipv4-qos configuration.
Path /qos/queue-management-profiles is available on Open Config versions above 1.0.0.
Path /qos/queues was restructured on Open Config versions above 1.0.0.
All the paths mentioned below have restrictions:
Only one entry can be inserted into this list.
This association is not supported on OcNOS model.
This leaf must have the format “<interface>.<subinterface>” For example, xe10.2, and it must be limited to 32 characters.
Create Interfaces Scheduler-policies Association
This configuration is used to create interfaces scheduler-policies association.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.1.0.
On Open Config model, the scheduler-policies profile can be associated to an interface on egress and ingress direction.
On OcNOS model, the interface only allows the associate one scheduler-policies object, and the association is on ingress direction.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to create interfaces scheduler-policies association.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
OcNOS CLI command
The below CLI command is used to create interfaces scheduler-policies association.
hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv4-qos enable
qos enable
policy-map type queuing default SCHEDULER_POLICY_1
class type queuing default q0
shape 256000000 kbps
wfq-queue weight 5
queue-limit 64000 bytes
random-detect min-threshold 128000 bytes max-threshold 256000 bytes drop-probability 80
interface eth2
service-policy type queuing output SCHEDULER_POLICY_1
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to create interfaces scheduler-policies association.
<profiles xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-platform">
<qos xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-qos">
<interfaces xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-qos-if">
Validation with NetConf get
Here is a NetConf validation response that provides detailed information about creating interfaces scheduler-policies association.
<qos xmlns="http://openconfig.net/yang/qos">
This translation is only available for SP Hardware type.
Path /qos/queue-management-profiles is available on Open Config versions above 1.0.0.
Path /qos/queues has been restructured on Open Config versions above 1.0.0.
This leaf must have the format “<interface>.<subinterface>”. For example, xe10.2, and it must be limited to 32 characters.