OcNOS SP : Segment Routing Guide : Segment Routing Configuration : Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) over SRv6
Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) over SRv6
This chapter contains configurations of OAM with SRv6.
IPv6 OAM operations can be performed for any SRv6 SID whose behavior allows Upper-Layer header processing for an applicable OAM payload (e.g., ICMPv6, UDP).
Ping to an SRv6 SID is used to verify that the SID is reachable and is locally programmed at the target node.
Traceroute to a SRV6 SID is used for hop-by-hop fault localization as well as path tracing to a SID.
IPv6 OAM operations can be performed with the target SID in the IPv6 destination address without an SRH or with an SRH where the target SID is the last segment. In general, OAM operations to a target SID may not exercise all of its processing depending on its behavior definition.
This document only illustrates ICMPv6-based ping and UDP-based traceroute to an SRv6 SID.
For example, ping to an End.X SID only validates the SID is locally programmed at the target node and does not validate switching to the correct outgoing interface.
OAM over SRv6 Topology
PE1#configure terminal
Enter configure mode.
PE2(config)#bfd interval 3 minrx 3 multiplier 3
Configure bfd interval 3 min 3 multiplier 3
PE1(config)#bfd multihop-peer cafe:1:2::11 interval 250 minrx 250 multiplier 250
Configure bfd multihop peer interval 250 min 250 multiplier 250
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE1(config)#tunnel-policy policy0
Configure tunnel policy
PE1(config-tnl-policy)# color 1
Configure color code
PE1(config-tnl-policy)# tunnel-type srv6
Configure tunnel type as srv6
Exit from tunnel policy
PE1(config)#ip vrf vrf103
Configure ip vrf vrf name
PE1(config-vrf)# tunnel-select-policy policy0
tunnel-policy to be mapped
PE1(config-vrf)# rd 10:103
Configure route distinguisher value
PE1(config-vrf)# route-target both 10:103
Configure route-target import and export
Exit from vrf mode
Enable Segment Routing
Segment-Routing over IPv6 Data-Plane
Configure SRv6 locators
PE1(config-srv6-loc)#locator SR7029
Configure SRv6 locator name
PE1(config-srv6-loc-conf)#prefix cafe:1:2:a11::/64
Configure prefix for locator
Exit from locator
Exit from locators
PE1(config-srv6)# exit-srv6
Exit from srv6 mode
Configure Segment Routing traffic engineering
PE1(config-sr-te)#segment-list PE1-PE2
Segment List configuration
PE1(config-sr-sl)#index 1 segment-type-2 cafe:1:2:a22:2001::
Specify the entry index Segment-descriptor type: SRv6 Prefix
Exit from segment list
PE1(config-sr-te)#policy P1
Configure policy policy name
PE1(config-sr-pol)#color 1 end-point cafe:1:2::22
SR Policy color value policy end point ipv6 address
PE1(config-sr-pol)#candidate-path 1
Configfure policy candidate path value
PE1(config-sr-pol-cp)#explicit segment-list PE1-PE2
Configure explicit candidate path segment list with name of the SID list
Exit from policy
Exit from traffic engineer
Exit from segment routing
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE1(config)#interface lo
Enter the interface mode
PE1(config-if)#ip address secondary
Assign the ipv4 address
PE1(config-if)#ipv6 address cafe:1:2::11/128
Assign the ipv6 address
PE1(config-if)# ipv6 router ospf area tag 100 instance-id 0
Configure ospf area as 0 tag is 100 and instance id as 0
Exit from interface mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE1(config)#interface ce1.4001
Enter the sub-interface mode
PE1(config-if)# encapsulation dot1q 4001
Enable encapsulate dot1q vlan id
PE1(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vrf103
Enable vrf forwarding vrf name
PE1(config-if)# ip address
Assign the ip address
Exit from interface mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE1(config)#interface ce15
Enter the interface mode
PE1(config-if)# load-interval 30
Enable load interval
PE1(config-if)# ipv6 address 1000::1/64
Assign the ipv6 address
PE1(config-if)# mtu 9216
Set the mtu size
PE1(config-if)# ipv6 nd suppress-ra
Enable ipv6 supress ra
PE1(config-if)# ipv6 ospf network point-to-point instance-id 0
Configure ip ospf network as point to point
PE1(config-if)# ipv6 router ospf area tag 100 instance-id 0
Configure ospf area as 0 tag 100 and instance id as 0
Exit from interface mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE1(config)#router ipv6 ospf 100
Configure ospf instance
PE1(config-router)# router-id
Configure ospf router id
PE1(config-router)# bfd all-interfaces
Enable bfd all interfaces
PE1(config-router)# segment-routing srv6
Enable segment routing srv6
PE1(config-router-srv6)# srv6-locator SR7029
Configure srv6 locator name
PE1(config-router-srv6)# exit-srv6
Exit from srv6
Exit from router ospf mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE1(config)#router bgp 65010
Configure bgp instance
PE1(config-router)# bgp router-id
Configure bgp router id
PE1(config-router)# neighbor cafe:1:2::22 remote-as 65010
Configure neighbor remote as 65010
PE1(config-router)# neighbor cafe:1:2::22 update-source lo
Configure neighbor update loopback
PE1(config-router)# address-family vpnv4 unicast
Configure address family vpnv4 uncast
PE1(config-router-af)# segment-routing srv6
Enable segment routing srv6
PE1(config-router-vpnv4-srv6)# srv6-locator SR7029
Enable srv6 locator name
PE1(config-router-vpnv4-srv6)# exit-srv6
Exit from srv6
PE1(config-router-af)# neighbor cafe:1:2::22 activate
Activate the ipv6 neighbor
PE1(config-router-af)# neighbor cafe:1:2::22 capability extended-nexthop-encode
Configure neighbor ipv6 address capability extended nexthop encode
PE1(config-router-af)# exit-address-family
Exit from address family
PE1(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf vrf103
Enter address family ipv4 vrf vrf name
PE1(config-router-af)# redistribute connected
Configure redistribute connected
PE1(config-router-af)# segment-routing srv6
Configure segment routing srv6
PE1(config-router-vrfv4-srv6)# sid-alloc per-vrf
Configure sid per vrf
PE1(config-router-vrfv4-srv6)# exit-srv6
Exit from srv6
PE1(config-router-af)# exit-address-family
Exit from address family
Exit from bgp instance
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
P#configure terminal
Enter configure mode.
P(config)#bfd interval 3 minrx 3 multiplier 3
Configure bfd interval 3 min 3 multiplier 3
P(config)#bfd multihop-peer cafe:1:2::33 interval 250 minrx 250 multiplier 250
Configure bfd multihop peer interval 250 min 250 multiplier 250
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
Enable Segment Routing
Segment-Routing over IPv6 Data-Plane
Configure SRv6 locators
P(config-srv6-loc)#locator SR7030
Configure SRv6 locator name
P(config-srv6-loc-conf)#prefix cafe:1:2:33::/64
Configure prefix for locator
Exit from locator
Exit from locators
Exit from srv6 mode
Exit from segment routing mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
P(config)#interface lo
Enter the interface mode
P(config-if)#ip address secondary
Assign the ipv4 address
P(config-if)#ipv6 address cafe:1:2::33/128
Assign the ipv6 address
P(config-if)# ipv6 router ospf area tag 100 instance-id 0
Configure ospf area as 0 tag is 100 and instance id as 0
Exit from interface mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
P(config)#interface ce4
Enter the interface mode
P(config-if)# load-interval 30
Enable load interval
P(config-if)# ipv6 address 2000::2/64
Assign the ipv6 address
P(config-if)# mtu 9216
Set the mtu size
P(config-if)# ipv6 nd suppress-ra
Enable ipv6 supress ra
P(config-if)# ipv6 ospf network point-to-point instance-id 0
Configure ip ospf network as point to point
P(config-if)# ipv6 router ospf area tag 100 instance-id 0
Configure ospf area as 0 tag 100 and instance id as 0
Exit from interface mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
P(config)#interface ce5
Enter the interface mode
P(config-if)# load-interval 30
Enable load interval
P(config-if)# ipv6 address 1000::2/64
Assign the ipv6 address
P(config-if)# mtu 9216
Set the mtu size
P(config-if)# ipv6 nd suppress-ra
Enable ipv6 supress ra
P(config-if)# ipv6 ospf network point-to-point instance-id 0
Configure ip ospf network as point to point
P(config-if)# ipv6 router ospf area tag 100 instance-id 0
Configure ospf area as 0 tag 100 and instance id as 0
Exit from interface mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
P(config)#router ipv6 ospf 100
Configure ospf instance
P(config-router)# router-id
Configure ospf router id
P(config-router)# bfd all-interfaces
Enable bfd all interfaces
P(config-router)# segment-routing srv6
Enable segment routing srv6
P(config-router-srv6)# srv6-locator SR7030
Configure srv6 locator name
P(config-router-srv6)# exit-srv6
Exit from srv6
PE2#configure terminal
Enter configure mode.
PE2(config)#tunnel-policy policy0
Configure tunnel policy
PE2(config-tnl-policy)# color 1
Configure color code
PE2(config-tnl-policy)# tunnel-type srv6
Configure tunnel type as srv6
Exit from tunnel policy
PE2(config)#ip vrf vrf103
Configure ip vrf vrf name
PE2(config-vrf)# tunnel-select-policy policy0
tunnel-policy to be mapped
PE2(config-vrf)# rd 10:103
Configure route distinguisher value
PE2(config-vrf)# route-target both 10:103
Configure route-target import and export
Exit from vrf mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE2(config)#bfd interval 3 minrx 3 multiplier 3
Configure bfd interval 3 min 3 multiplier 3
PE2(config)#bfd multihop-peer cafe:1:2::11 interval 250 minrx 250 multiplier 250
Configure bfd multihop peer interval 250 min 250 multiplier 250
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
Enable Segment Routing
Segment-Routing over IPv6 Data-Plane
Configure SRv6 locators
PE2(config-srv6-loc)#locator SR7028
Configure SRv6 locator name
PE2(config-srv6-loc-conf)#prefix cafe:1:2:a22::/64
Configure prefix for locator
Exit from locator
Exit from locators
Exit from srv6 mode
Configure Segment Routing traffic engineering
PE2(config-sr-te)#segment-list PE1-PE2
Segment List configuration
PE2(config-sr-sl)#index 1 segment-type-2 cafe:1:2:a11:2001::
Specify the entry index Segment-descriptor type SRv6 Prefix
Exit from segment list
PE2(config-sr-te)# policy P1
Configure policy policy name
PE2(config-sr-pol)#color 1 end-point cafe:1:2::11
SR Policy color value policy end point ipv6 address
PE2(config-sr-pol)#candidate-path 1
Configure policy candidate path value
PE2(config-sr-pol-cp)#explicit segment-list PE1-PE2
Configure explicit candidate path segment list with name of the SID list
Exit from candidate path
Exit from policy
Exit from traffic engineer
Exit from segment routing
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE2(config)#interface lo
Enter the interface mode
PE2(config-if)#ip address secondary
Assign the ipv4 address
PE2(config-if)#ipv6 address cafe:1:2::22/128
Assign the ipv6 address
PE2(config-if)#ipv6 router ospf area tag 100 instance-id 0
Configure ospf area as 0 tag is 100 and instance id as 0
Exit from interface mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE2(config)#interface ce4
Enter the interface mode
PE2(config-if)# load-interval 30
Enable load interval
PE2(config-if)# ipv6 address 2000::1/64
Assign the ipv6 address
PE2(config-if)# mtu 9216
Set the mtu size
PE2(config-if)# ipv6 nd suppress-ra
Enable ipv6 supress ra
PE2(config-if)# ipv6 ospf network point-to-point instance-id 0
Configure ip ospf network as point to point
PE2(config-if)# ipv6 router ospf area tag 100 instance-id 0
Configure ospf area as 0 tag 100 and instance id as 0
Exit from interface mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE2(config)#interface ce14.4001
Enter the subinterface mode
PE2(config-if)# encapsulation dot1q 4001
Enable the encapsulate dot 1q vlan id
PE2(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vrf103
Enable vrf forwarding vrf name
PE2(config-if)# ip address
Assign the ip address
Exit from interface mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE2(config)#router ipv6 ospf 100
Configure ospf instance
PE2(config-router)# router-id
Configure ospf router id
PE2(config-router)# bfd all-interfaces
Enable bfd all interfaces
PE2(config-router)# segment-routing srv6
Enable segment routing srv6
PE2(config-router-srv6)# srv6-locator SR7028
Configure srv6 locator name
PE2(config-router-srv6)# exit-srv6
Exit from srv6
Exit from router ospf mode
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
PE2(config)#router bgp 65010
Configure bgp instance
PE2(config-router)# bgp router-id
Configure bgp router id
PE2(config-router)# neighbor cafe:1:2::11 remote-as 65010
Configure neighbor remote as 65010
PE2(config-router)# neighbor cafe:1:2::11 update-source lo
Configure neighbor update loopback
PE2(config-router)# address-family vpnv4 unicast
Configure address family vpnv4 uncast
PE2(config-router-af)# segment-routing srv6
Enable segment routing srv6
PE2(config-router-vpnv4-srv6)# srv6-locator SR7028
Enable srv6 locator name
PE2(config-router-vpnv4-srv6)# exit-srv6
Exit from srv6
PE2(config-router-af)# neighbor cafe:1:2::11 activate
Activate the ipv6 neighbor
PE2(config-router-af)# neighbor cafe:1:2::11 capability extended-nexthop-encode
Configure neighbor ipv6 address capability extended nexthop encode
PE2(config-router-af)# exit-address-family
Exit from address family
PE2(config-router)# address-family ipv4 vrf vrf103
Enter address family ipv4 vrf vrf name
PE2(config-router-af)# redistribute connected
Configure redistribute connected
PE2(config-router-af)# segment-routing srv6
Configure segment routing srv6
PE2(config-router-vrfv4-srv6)# sid-alloc per-vrf
Configure sid per vrf
PE2(config-router-vrfv4-srv6)# exit-srv6
Exit from srv6
PE2(config-router-af)# exit-address-family
Exit from address family
Exit from bgp instance
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
End from config mode
PE1#show ipv6 ospf neighbor
Total number of full neighbors: 1
OSPFv3 Process (100)
Neighbor ID Pri State Dead Time Interface Instance ID 1 Full/ - 00:00:30 ce15 0
PE1#sh ipv6 ospf database locator
OSPFv3 Router with ID ( (Process 100)
Locator-LSA (Area
LS age: 712
LS Type: Locator LSA
Link State ID:
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 0x80000001
Checksum: 0xA9F0
Length: 120
Locator-TLV (Length:96):
Route type:0 Algorithm:0
Flags:0 Metric:0
Prefix: cafe:1:2:a22::/64
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:a22:2001::
End-point behaviour: End with PSP (2)
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:a22:1001::
End-point behaviour: End with USP (3)
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:a22:801::
End-point behaviour: End with USD (28)
LS age: 748
LS Type: Locator LSA
Link State ID:
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 0x80000001
Checksum: 0x73BD
Length: 120
Locator-TLV (Length:96):
Route type:0 Algorithm:0
Flags:0 Metric:0
Prefix: cafe:1:2:a11::/64
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:a11:2001::
End-point behaviour: End with PSP (2)
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:a11:1001::
End-point behaviour: End with USP (3)
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:a11:801::
End-point behaviour: End with USD (28)
LS age: 344
LS Type: Locator LSA
Link State ID:
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 0x80000007
Checksum: 0xE788
Length: 120
Locator-TLV (Length:96):
Route type:0 Algorithm:0
Flags:0 Metric:0
Prefix: cafe:1:2:33::/64
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:33:2001::
End-point behaviour: End with PSP (2)
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:33:1001::
End-point behaviour: End with USP (3)
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:33:801::
End-point behaviour: End with USD (28)
LS age: 344
LS Type: Locator LSA
Link State ID:
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 0x80000007
Checksum: 0xBFAC
Length: 120
Locator-TLV (Length:96):
Route type:0 Algorithm:0
Flags:0 Metric:0
Prefix: cafe:1:2:33::/64
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:33:2001::
End-point behaviour: End with PSP (2)
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:33:1001::
End-point behaviour: End with USP (3)
SRv6 END Sub TLV (Length:20):
Flags:0 Reserved:0
END SID: cafe:1:2:33:801::
End-point behaviour: End with USD (28)
PE1#sh ipv6 ospf database router
OSPFv3 Router with ID ( (Process 100)
Router-LSA (Area
LS age: 1476
LS Type: Router-LSA
Link State ID:
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 0x80000006
Checksum: 0x80FA
Length: 40
Flags: 0x00 (-|-|-|-|-)
Options: 0x000133 (AF|*|*|DC|R|-|-|E|V6)
Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
Metric: 1
Interface ID: 10147
Neighbor Interface ID: 10147
Neighbor Router ID:
LS age: 345
LS Type: Router-LSA
Link State ID:
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 0x80000007
Checksum: 0xEFD8
Length: 40
Flags: 0x00 (-|-|-|-|-)
Options: 0x000133 (AF|*|*|DC|R|-|-|E|V6)
Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
Metric: 1
Interface ID: 10061
Neighbor Interface ID: 10151
Neighbor Router ID:
LS age: 351
LS Type: Router-LSA
Link State ID:
Advertising Router:
LS Seq Number: 0x8000000A
Checksum: 0xE8C4
Length: 56
Flags: 0x00 (-|-|-|-|-)
Options: 0x000133 (AF|*|*|DC|R|-|-|E|V6)
Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
Metric: 1
Interface ID: 10147
Neighbor Interface ID: 10147
Neighbor Router ID:
Link connected to: another Router (point-to-point)
Metric: 1
Interface ID: 10151
Neighbor Interface ID: 10061
Neighbor Router ID:
PE1#sh ip bgp neighbors
BGP neighbor is cafe:1:2::22, remote AS 65010, local AS 65010, internal link
BGP version 4, local router ID, remote router ID
BGP state = Established, up for 01:13:26
Last read 00:00:17, hold time is 90, keepalive interval is 30 seconds
Neighbor capabilities:
Route refresh: advertised and received (old and new)
Address family VPNv4 Unicast: advertised and received
Received 177 messages, 0 notifications, 0 in queue
Sent 177 messages, 0 notifications, 0 in queue
Route refresh request: received 0, sent 0
Minimum time between advertisement runs is 5 seconds
Update source is lo
For address family: VPNv4 Unicast BGP table version 3, neighbor version 3
Index 1, Offset 0, Mask 0x2
AIGP is enabled
Extended Nexthop Encoding: advertised and received
Community attribute sent to this neighbor (both)
Large Community attribute sent to this neighbor
1 accepted prefixes
1 announced prefixes
Connections established 1; dropped 0
Local host: cafe:1:2::11, Local port: 46015
Foreign host: cafe:1:2::22, Foreign port: 179
Nexthop global: cafe:1:2::11
Nexthop local: ::
BGP connection: non shared network
PE1#sh segment-routing srv6 transports
Codes: > - installed P6, * - selected P6, p - stale P6,
U - unknown P6
Code FEC SRv6-Policy-Name color Pri Out-SID Out-Intf Nexthop
> cafe:1:2::22 P1 1 Y cafe:1:2:a22:2001:: ce15 fe80::5e07:58ff:fe71:205d
PE1#sh segment-routing srv6 services
Status codes: > - installed, * - selected, T - Uses service-mapped tunnel
Service Flags vrf FEC SID Nexthop SRv6-Policy-Name
vpnv4 >T vrf103 cafe:1:2:a22:8001:: cafe:1:2::22 P1
PE1#sh segment-routing srv6 sid
SRv6 Segment ID table:
SID Operation Nexthop Originator
cafe:1:2:a11:801:: END[usd] :: nsm
cafe:1:2:a11:1001:: END[usp] :: nsm
cafe:1:2:a11:2001:: END[psp] :: nsm
cafe:1:2:a11:2002:: END.X[psp] fe80::5e07:58ff:fe71:205dospf
cafe:1:2:a11:8001:: END.DT4 vrf vrf103 bgp:65010
PE1#sh segment-routing srv6 sid id cafe:1:2:a11:2002::
SID Operation Nexthop Originator
cafe:1:2:a11:2002:: END.X fe80::5e07:58ff:fe71:205dconnected
Last update 00:19:54 ago
PE1#sh segment-routing policy
Policy-Name Color End-point State Forwarding-Info
P1 1 cafe:1:2::22 UP cafe:1:2:a22:2001::/ce15
PE1#sh segment-routing policy detail
Policy-Name: P1 Color 1 End-point cafe:1:2::22 Tunnel-ID: 1
Admin-Status: UP Oper-Status: UP for 00:38:54
State Transition Count: 3
CP ID: 1, Active
Preference: 100 Path Type: Explicit CP Origin: Local
CP state: Valid
Segment List:
Total no. of segments: 1
Segment0[SRv6]: SID :cafe:1:2:a22:2001::
Out-if: ce15 Out-label-stack: cafe:1:2:a22:2001::
Explicit segment-list Name: PE1-PE2
Ping srv6 ipv6 with option
PE1#ping srv6 ipv6 cafe:1:2::22
Sending 5 SRV6 Echos to cafe:1:2::22, timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 1.44 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.68 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.34 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.51 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.36 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.34/0.89/1.44
PE1#ping srv6 ipv6 cafe:1:2::22 interval 10
Sending 5 SRV6 Echos to cafe:1:2::22, timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.56 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.67 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.54 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.54 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.50 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.50/0.59/0.67
PE1#ping srv6 ipv6 cafe:1:2::22 repeat 10
Sending 10 SRV6 Echos to cafe:1:2::22, timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.49 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.46 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.48 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.52 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.50 ms
! seq_num = 6 :: 0.56 ms
! seq_num = 7 :: 0.30 ms
! seq_num = 8 :: 0.49 ms
! seq_num = 9 :: 0.45 ms
! seq_num = 10 :: 0.53 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (10/10)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.30/0.43/0.56
PE1#ping srv6 ipv6 cafe:1:2::22 source-ip cafe:1:2::11
Sending 5 SRV6 Echos to cafe:1:2::22, timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.73 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.32 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.30 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.42 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.36 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.30/0.51/0.73
Ping srv6 with Policy
PE1#ping srv6 policy P1
Sending 5 SRV6 Echos to P1 , timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.62 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.29 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.32 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.67 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.53 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.29/0.48/0.67
PE1#ping srv6 policy P1 candidate-path 1
Sending 5 SRV6 Echos to P1 , timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.62 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.52 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.38 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.50 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.44 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.38/0.50/0.62
PE1#ping srv6 policy P1 interval 15
Sending 5 SRV6 Echos to P1 , timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.65 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.60 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.44 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.58 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.55 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.44/0.55/0.65
PE1#ping srv6 policy P1 repeat 15
Sending 15 SRV6 Echos to P1 , timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.63 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.40 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.27 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.38 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.34 ms
! seq_num = 6 :: 0.36 ms
! seq_num = 7 :: 0.50 ms
! seq_num = 8 :: 0.63 ms
! seq_num = 9 :: 0.47 ms
! seq_num = 10 :: 0.53 ms
! seq_num = 11 :: 0.48 ms
! seq_num = 12 :: 0.71 ms
! seq_num = 13 :: 0.70 ms
! seq_num = 14 :: 0.54 ms
! seq_num = 15 :: 0.53 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (15/15)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.27/0.49/0.71
PE1#ping srv6 policy P1 source-ip cafe:1:2::11
Sending 5 SRV6 Echos to P1 , timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.51 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.48 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.50 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.53 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.35 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.35/0.44/0.53
Ping srv6 with SID
PE1#ping srv6 sid cafe:1:2:a22:2002::
Sending 5 SRV6 Echos to cafe:1:2:a22:2002::, timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.42 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.34 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.40 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.32 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.37 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.32/0.37/0.42
PE1#ping srv6 sid cafe:1:2:a22:2002:: interval 20
Sending 5 SRV6 Echos to cafe:1:2:a22:2002::, timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.67 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.57 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.49 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.50 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.74 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.49/0.62/0.74
PE1#ping srv6 sid cafe:1:2:a22:2002:: repeat 20
Sending 20 SRV6 Echos to cafe:1:2:a22:2002::, timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.71 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.40 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.48 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.52 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.47 ms
! seq_num = 6 :: 0.45 ms
! seq_num = 7 :: 0.39 ms
! seq_num = 8 :: 0.57 ms
! seq_num = 9 :: 0.46 ms
! seq_num = 10 :: 0.56 ms
! seq_num = 11 :: 0.63 ms
! seq_num = 12 :: 0.63 ms
! seq_num = 13 :: 0.52 ms
! seq_num = 14 :: 0.54 ms
! seq_num = 15 :: 0.47 ms
! seq_num = 16 :: 0.53 ms
! seq_num = 17 :: 0.67 ms
! seq_num = 18 :: 0.63 ms
! seq_num = 19 :: 0.47 ms
! seq_num = 20 :: 0.50 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (20/20)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.39/0.55/0.71
PE1#ping srv6 sid cafe:1:2:a22:2002:: source-ip cafe:1:2::11
Sending 5 SRV6 Echos to cafe:1:2:a22:2002::, timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.56 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.46 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.32 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.40 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.51 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.32/0.44/0.56
Ping srv6 with Protocol Origin
PE1#ping srv6 protocol-origin local policy P1
Sending 5 SRV6 Echos to P1 , timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.44 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.28 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.33 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.35 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.53 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (5/5)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.28/0.41/0.53
PE1#ping srv6 protocol-origin local policy P1 repeat 10
Sending 10 SRV6 Echos to P1 , timeout is 5 seconds
'!' - Success, 'Q' - request not sent, '*' - timeout,
'x' - Retcode 0, 'M' - Malformed Request
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
! seq_num = 1 :: 0.70 ms
! seq_num = 2 :: 0.24 ms
! seq_num = 3 :: 0.30 ms
! seq_num = 4 :: 0.44 ms
! seq_num = 5 :: 0.42 ms
! seq_num = 6 :: 0.35 ms
! seq_num = 7 :: 0.51 ms
! seq_num = 8 :: 0.62 ms
! seq_num = 9 :: 0.48 ms
! seq_num = 10 :: 0.52 ms
Success Rate is 100.00 percent (10/10)
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.24/0.47/0.70
Traceroute srv6 with ipv6
PE1#traceroute srv6 ipv6 cafe:1:2::22
Traceroute to cafe:1:2::22 ( cafe:1:2::22), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
1 1000::2 0.73 ms 0.49 ms 0.33 ms
DA: cafe:1:2::22
SRH:(cafe:1:2::22,SL = 0)
2 cafe:1:2::22 0.50 ms 0.51 ms 0.50 ms
DA: cafe:1:2::22
SRH:(cafe:1:2::22,SL = 0)
3 cafe:1:2::22 0.33 ms
PE1#traceroute srv6 ipv6 cafe:1:2::22 source-ip cafe:1:2::11
Traceroute to cafe:1:2::22 ( cafe:1:2::22), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
1 1000::2 0.80 ms 0.46 ms 0.46 ms
DA: cafe:1:2::22
SRH:(cafe:1:2::22,SL = 0)
2 cafe:1:2::22 0.51 ms 0.56 ms 0.36 ms
DA: cafe:1:2::22
SRH:(cafe:1:2::22,SL = 0)
3 cafe:1:2::22 0.51 ms
Traceroute srv6 with Policy
PE1#traceroute srv6 policy P1
Traceroute to P1 ( P1 ), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
1 1000::2 0.86 ms 0.50 ms 0.39 ms
DA: cafe:1:2:a22:2001::
SRH:(cafe:1:2:a22:2001::,SL = 0)
2 cafe:1:2:a22:2001:: 0.61 ms 0.41 ms 0.57 ms
3 cafe:1:2:a22:2001:: 0.61 ms
PE1#traceroute srv6 policy P1 candidate-path 1
Traceroute to P1 ( P1 ), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
1 1000::2 0.80 ms 0.49 ms 0.51 ms
DA: cafe:1:2:a22:2001::
SRH:(cafe:1:2:a22:2001::,SL = 0)
2 cafe:1:2:a22:2001:: 0.73 ms 0.57 ms 0.69 ms
3 cafe:1:2:a22:2001:: 0.49 ms
PE1#traceroute srv6 policy P1 source-ip cafe:1:2::11
Traceroute to P1 ( P1 ), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
1 1000::2 0.72 ms 0.61 ms 0.62 ms
DA: cafe:1:2:a22:2001::
SRH:(cafe:1:2:a22:2001::,SL = 0)
2 cafe:1:2:a22:2001:: 0.63 ms 0.52 ms 0.49 ms
3 cafe:1:2:a22:2001:: 0.35 ms
Traceroute srv6 with Protocol Origin
PE1#traceroute srv6 protocol-origin local policy P1 candidate-path 1
Traceroute to P1 ( P1 ), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
1 1000::2 0.73 ms 0.50 ms 0.46 ms
DA: cafe:1:2:a22:2001::
SRH:(cafe:1:2:a22:2001::,SL = 0)
2 cafe:1:2:a22:2001:: 0.50 ms 0.44 ms 0.50 ms
3 cafe:1:2:a22:2001:: 0.52 ms
PE1#traceroute srv6 protocol-origin local policy P1 candidate-path 1 source-ip cafe:1:2::11
Traceroute to P1 ( P1 ), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
1 1000::2 0.71 ms 0.47 ms 0.49 ms
DA: cafe:1:2:a22:2001::
SRH:(cafe:1:2:a22:2001::,SL = 0)
2 cafe:1:2:a22:2001:: 0.53 ms 0.29 ms 0.36 ms
3 cafe:1:2:a22:2001:: 0.52 ms
Traceroute srv6 with SID
PE1#traceroute srv6 sid cafe:1:2:a22:2002::
Traceroute to cafe:1:2:a22:2002:: ( cafe:1:2:a22:2002::), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
1 1000::2 0.76 ms 0.66 ms 0.45 ms
DA: cafe:1:2:a22:2002::
SRH:(cafe:1:2:a22:2002::,SL = 0)
2 cafe:1:2:a22:2002:: 0.49 ms 0.52 ms 0.60 ms
3 cafe:1:2:a22:2002:: 0.46 ms
PE1#traceroute srv6 sid cafe:1:2:a22:2002:: source-ip cafe:1:2::11
Traceroute to cafe:1:2:a22:2002:: ( cafe:1:2:a22:2002::), 30 hops max, 80 byte packets
Type 'Ctrl+C' to abort
1 1000::2 0.67 ms 0.47 ms 0.36 ms
DA: cafe:1:2:a22:2002::
SRH:(cafe:1:2:a22:2002::,SL = 0)
2 cafe:1:2:a22:2002:: 0.38 ms 0.36 ms 0.66 ms
3 cafe:1:2:a22:2002:: 0.50 ms