OcNOS SP : Virtual Extensible LAN Guide : Virtual Extensible LAN Configuration : VxLAN Unicast Configuration
VxLAN Unicast Configuration
This chapter contains basic Static-VxLAN unicast configuration examples.
Port Mapping
In this example, each VTEP (VTEP1 and VTEP2) is a multilayer switch where xe2 is an access port and xe1 is network port.
After we start sending a packet (say untagged ipv4 packet) from VM1, it hits the VTEP1 which does an encapsulation based on the VNID configured and sends it on xe1. Once the packet reaches VTEP2, it is decapsulated and is sent out on access port and reaches the destination VM, VM2.
The procedures in this section use the following topology:
VxLAN unicast
#configure terminal
Enter the configure mode
(config)#interface xe2
Enter interface mode
Configure the interface as switchport
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode
(config)#interface lo
Enter the configure mode
(config-if)#ip address secondary
Configure IP address on the interface xe1
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode
(config)#interface xe1
Enter the configure mode
(config-if)#ip address
Configure IP address on the interface xe1
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode
(config)#ip route
Configure static route
(config)#hardware-profile filter vxlan enable
Enable hardware-profile filter for VxLAN
(config)#nvo vxlan enable
Enable VxLAN globally on this vtep
(config)#interface Tunnel 2
Specify the interface (Tunnel2)to be configured and Enter interface mode
(config-if)#tunnel mode vxlan
Assign this tunnel mode as VxLAN
(config-if)#tunnel source
Configure the source IP of this tunnel as an IP address which is configured on the interface xe1 of VTEP1
(config-if)#tunnel destination
Configure the destination IP of this tunnel as an IP address which is configured on the interface xe1 of VTEP2.
Exit interface mode
(config-if)#nvo vxlan vtep-ip-global
Configure Source vtep-ip-global configuration - Use loopback
ip address
(config)#nvo vxlan id 100 ingress-replication inner-vid-disabled
Configure a VNID on this VTEP and enter the nvo mode.
(config-nvo)#vxlan map-network tunnel Tunnel2
Map the tunnel 2 with VNID 2
Exit the nvo mode
(config)#nvo vxlan access-if port xe2 10
Map the access port xe2 of this VTEP
(config-nvo-acc-if)#map vnid 100
Map the VNID 2 to access-port xe2
(config-nvo-acc-if)# arp-cache disable
Disable arp-cache - mandatory
Exit the nvo access-if mode
Perform commit operation for the changes to take effect.
#configure terminal
Enter the configure mode
(config)#interface xe2
Enter interface mode
Configure the interface as switchport
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode
(config)#interface lo
Enter the configure mode
(config-if)#ip address secondary
Configure IP address on the interface xe1
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode
(config)#interface xe1
Enter the configure mode
(config-if)#ip address
Configure IP address on the interface xe1
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode
(config)#ip route
Configure static route
(config)#hardware-profile filter vxlan enable
Enable hardware-profile filter for VxLAN
(config)#nvo vxlan enable
Enable VxLAN globally on this vtep
(config)#interface tunnel 2
Specify the interface (Tunnel2)to be configured and Enter interface mode.
(config-if)#tunnel mode vxlan
Assign this tunnel mode as VxLAN
(config-if)#tunnel source
Configure the source IP of this tunnel as an IP address which is configured on the interface xe1 of VTEP1.
(config-if)#tunnel destination
Configure the destination IP of this tunnel as an IP address which is configured on the interface xe1 of VTEP2.
Exit interface mode.
(config-if)#nvo vxlan vtep-ip-global
Configure Source vtep-ip-global configuration - Use loopback
ip address
(config)#nvo vxlan id 100 ingress-replication inner-vid-disabled
Configure a VNID on this VTEP and enter the nvo mode.
(config-nvo)#vxlan map-network tunnel Tunnel2
Map the tunnel 4 with VNID 2
Exit the nvo mode.
(config)#nvo vxlan access-if port xe2 10
Map the access port xe2 of this VTEP
(config-nvo-acc-if)#map vnid 100
Map the VNID 100 to access-port xe2
(config-nvo-acc-if)# arp-cache disable
Disable arp-cache - mandatory
Exit the nvo access-if mode
Perform commit operation for the changes to take effect.
VTEP1#sh nvo vxlan tunnel
VxLAN Network tunnel Entries
Source Destination Status Up/Down Update
============================================================================ Installed 00:04:59 00:04:59
Total number of entries are 1
VTEP1#sh nvo vxlan mac-table
VxLAN MAC Entries
VNID Interface VlanId In-VlanId Mac-Addr VTEP-Ip/ESI
Type Status MAC move AccessPortDesc
100 xe2 10 ---- 903c.b393.e001
Dynamic Local ------- 0 -------
Total number of entries are : 1
VTEP1#sh nvo vxlan arp-cache
VxLAN ARP-CACHE Information
VNID Ip-Addr Mac-Addr Type Age-Out Retries-Left
Total number of entries are 0
VTEP1#sh nvo vxlan
VxLAN Information
Codes: NW - Network Port
AC - Access Port
(u) - Untagged
VNID VNI-Name VNI-Type Type Interface ESI VLAN Vlan
-Range DF-Status Src-Addr Dst-Addr
100 ---- L2 NW ---- ---- ----
100 ---- -- AC xe2 --- Single Homed Port --- 10
---- ---- ---- ----
Total number of entries are 2
VTEP1#sh nvo vxlan access-if brief
Inner Vlan Admin Link
Interface Vlan vlan Range Ifindex Vnid status status
xe2 10 --- --- 500000 100 up up
Total number of entries are 1
VTEP2#sh nvo vxlan tunnel
VxLAN Network tunnel Entries
Source Destination Status Up/Down Update
============================================================================ Installed 00:05:30 00:05:30
Total number of entries are 1
VTEP2#sh nvo vxlan mac-table
VxLAN MAC Entries
VNID Interface VlanId In-VlanId Mac-Addr VTEP-Ip/ESI
Type Status MAC move AccessPortDesc
100 xe2 10 ---- 0018.2359.69b7
Dynamic Local ------- 0 -------
Total number of entries are : 1
VTEP2#sh nvo vxlan
VxLAN Information
Codes: NW - Network Port
AC - Access Port
(u) - Untagged
VNID VNI-Name VNI-Type Type Interface ESI VLAN Vlan
-Range DF-Status Src-Addr Dst-Addr
100 ---- L2 NW ---- ---- ----
100 ---- -- AC xe2 --- Single Homed Port --- 10
---- ---- ---- ----
Total number of entries are 2
VTEP2#sh nvo vxlan access-if brief
Inner Vlan Admin Link
Interface Vlan vlan Range Ifindex Vnid status status
xe2 10 --- --- 500000 100 up up
Total number of entries are 1
Press CTRL+C to exit
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.392 ms
--- ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.392/0.392/0.392/0.000 ms
Press CTRL+C to exit
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.704 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.259 ms
Intermediate Non-VxLAN Router
This example is same as port mapping but with an intermediate non VxLAN router. It does forwarding based on IP header.
The procedures in this section use the following topology:
VxLAN unicast
#configure terminal
Enter the configure mode.
(config)#interface xe2
Enter interface mode.
Configure the interface as switchport.
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode.
(config)#interface xe1
Enter the configure mode.
(config-if)#ip address
Configure IP address on the interface xe1.
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode.
(config)#ip route
Configuring static route
(config)#hardware-profile filter vxlan enable
Enable hardware-profile filter for VxLAN
(config)#nvo vxlan enable
Enable VxLAN globally on this vtep.
(config)#interface tunnel 4
Specify the interface (Tunnel4)to be configured and Enter interface mode.
(config-if)#tunnel mode vxlan
Assign this tunnel mode as VxLAN.
(config-if)#tunnel source
Configure the source IP of this tunnel as an IP address which is configured on the interface xe1 of VTEP1.
(config-if)#tunnel destination
Configure the destination IP of this tunnel as an IP address which is configured on the interface xe1 of VTEP2.
Exit interface mode.
(config)#nvo vxlan id 3
Configure a VNID on this VTEP and enter the nvo mode.
(config-nvo)#vxlan map-network tunnel Tunnel4
Map the tunnel 4 with this VNID
(config-nvo)#vxlan static-entry host-mac 0000.0000.aaaa remote-vtep-ip
Configure a static entry for remote VM with MAC address and IP address.
(config)#nvo vxlan access-if port xe2
Map the access port xe2 of this VTEP
(config-nvo-acc-if)#map vnid 3
Map the VNID 2 to access-port xe2
Exit NVO access-interface mode
Perform commit operation for the changes to take effect.
(config)#interface xe1
Enter the configure mode.
(config-if)#ip address
Configure IP address on the interface xe1.
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode.
(config)#interface xe2
Enter the configure mode.
(config-if)#ip address
Configure IP address on the interface xe2.
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode.
Perform commit operation for the changes to take effect.
#configure terminal
Enter the configure mode.
(config)#interface xe2
Enter interface mode.
Configure the interface as switchport.
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode.
(config)#interface xe1
Enter the configure mode.
(config-if)#ip address
Configure IP address on the interface xe1.
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation with the no shutdown
Exit interface mode.
(config)#ip route
Configuring static route
(config)#hardware-profile filter vxlan enable
Enable hardware-profile filter for VxLAN
(config)#nvo vxlan enable
Enable VxLAN globally on this vtep.
(config)#interface tunnel 4
Specify the interface (Tunnel4)to be configured and Enter interface mode.
(config-if)#tunnel mode vxlan
Assign this tunnel mode as VxLAN.
(config-if)#tunnel source
Configure the source IP of this tunnel as an IP address which is configured on the interface xe1 of VTEP1.
(config-if)#tunnel destination
Configure the destination IP of this tunnel as an IP address which is configured on the interface xe1 of VTEP2.
Exit interface mode.
(config)#nvo vxlan id 3
Configure a VNID on this VTEP and enter the nvo mode.
(config-nvo)#vxlan map-network tunnel Tunnel4
Map the tunnel 4 with this VNID
(config-nvo)#vxlan static-entry host-mac 0000.0000.bbbb remote-vtep-ip
Configure a static entry for remote VM with MAC address and IP address.
(config)#nvo vxlan access-if port xe2
Map the access port xe2 of this VTEP
(config-nvo-acc-if)#map vnid 3
Map the VNID 3 to access-port xe2
Exit the NVO access interface mode
Perform commit operation for the changes to take effect.
VTEP1#show nvo vxlan tunnel
VxLAN Network tunnel Entries
Source Destination Status Up/Down Update
==================================================================================== Installed 00:37:56 00:37:56
Total number of entries are 1
VTEP1#show nvo vxlan
VxLAN Information
Codes: NW - Network Port
AC - Access Port
(u) - Untagged
VNID VNI-Name VNI-Type Type Interface ESI VLAN DF-Status Src-Addr Dst-Addr
3 ---- L2 NW ---- ------ ---- ----
3 ---- -- AC xe2 --- Single Homed Port --- ---- ---- ---- ----
Total number of entries are 2
VTEP1#show nvo vxlan mac-table
VxLAN MAC Entries
VNID Interface VlanId Inner-VlanId Mac-Addr VTEP-Ip/ESI Type Status AccessPortDesc
3 ---- ---- ---- 0000.0000.aaaa Static Remote ------- -------
3 xe2 ---- ---- 0000.0000.bbbb Dynamic Local ------- -------
Total number of entries are : 2
VTEP1#sh nvo vxlan mac-table vnid 3
VxLAN MAC Entries
VNID Interface VlanId Inner-VlanId Mac-Addr VTEP-Ip/ESI Type Status AccessPortDesc
3 ---- ---- ---- 0000.0000.aaaa Static Remote ------- -------
3 xe2 ---- ---- 0000.0000.bbbb Dynamic Local ------- -------
Total number of entries are : 2
VTEP2#show nvo vxlan tunnel
VxLAN Network tunnel Entries
Source Destination Status Up/Down Update
==================================================================================== Installed 00:34:02 00:34:02
Total number of entries are 1
VTEP2#show nvo vxlan
VxLAN Information
Codes: NW - Network Port
AC - Access Port
(u) - Untagged
VNID VNI-Name VNI-Type Type Interface ESI VLAN DF-Status Src-Addr Dst-Addr
3 ---- L2 NW ---- ------ ---- ----
3 ---- -- AC xe1 --- Single Homed Port --- ---- ---- ---- ----
Total number of entries are 2
VTEP2#sh nvo vxlan mac-table
VxLAN MAC Entries
VNID Interface VlanId Inner-VlanId Mac-Addr VTEP-Ip/ESI Type Status AccessPortDesc
3 xe1 ---- ---- 0000.0000.aaaa Dynamic Local ------- -------
3 ---- ---- ---- 0000.0000.bbbb Static Remote ------- -------
Total number of entries are : 2
VTEP2#sh nvo vxlan mac-table vnid 3
VxLAN MAC Entries
VNID Interface VlanId Inner-VlanId Mac-Addr VTEP-Ip/ESI Type Status AccessPortDesc
3 xe1 ---- ---- 0000.0000.aaaa Dynamic Local ------- -------
3 ---- ---- ---- 0000.0000.bbbb Static Remote ------- -------
Total number of entries are : 2