OcNOS SP : Carrier Ethernet Guide : Carrier Ethernet Configuration : Ethernet Test Signal Lock Configuration
Ethernet Test Signal Lock Configuration
ETH-TST (Ethernet Test Signal) and ETH-LCK (Ethernet Lock Signal) protocols are defined in Y.1731. ETH-TST is used to perform one-way on-demand in-service or out-of-service diagnostics tests. This includes verifying bandwidth throughput, frame loss, bit errors, etc.
ETH-LCK is used to communicate the administrative locking of a MEP and consequential interruption of data traffic forwarding towards the MEP expecting this traffic. It allows a MEP receiving frames with ETH-LCK information to differentiate between a defect condition and an administrative locking action at lower level MEP.
ETH Test Signal Topology
ETH-TST Configuration
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode.
(config)#hardware-profile filter cfm-domain-name-str enable
Configure Hardware profile filter.
(config)#hardware-profile statistics ingress-acl enable
Configure hardware profile statistics ingress-acl.
(config)#vlan database
Enter Vlan config mode.
(config-vlan)#vlan 2-100 bridge 1 state enable
Configure Vlans.
Exit Vlan config mode.
(config)#interface xe15
Enter Interface config mode.
Configure Interface as switchport.
(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure bridge-group.
(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
Configure switchport mode as trunk.
(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan all
Configure all vlans as part of switchport trunk.
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation.
Exit interface mode.
(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name test1 level 7 mip-creation none
Enter ethernet cfm mode by specifying domain name and bridge.
(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name test1
Configure service ma.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 10 bridge 1
Configure service Vlan.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mip-creation none
Configure mip-creation type.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 200 active true xe15
Configure ethernet cfm mep.
(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable
Enable multicast state.
Exit Ethernet ma mep mode.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 100
Configure RMEP.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#cc interval 5
Configure interval in ma mode.
Exit ma mode.
Exit Ethernet cfm mode.
(config)#ethernet cfm test-signal profile-name test
Configure Ethernet cfm test-signal profile.
(config-cfm-tst)#mode both
Configure test-signal mode as both(generator and receiver).
(config-cfm-tst)#frame-size 1518
Configure test-signal frame-size.
(config-cfm-tst)#cir 100 kbps cos 3 dei 1
Configure test-signal committed information rate (CIR).
Commit the candidate configuration to the running
Exit Ethernet cfm test-signal mode.
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode.
(config)#hardware-profile filter cfm-domain-name-str enable
Configure Hardware profile filter.
(config)#hardware-profile statistics ingress-acl enable
Configure hardware profile statistics ingress-acl.
(config)#vlan database
Enter Vlan config mode.
(config-vlan)#vlan 2-100 bridge 1 state enable
Configure Vlans.
Exit Vlan config mode.
(config)#interface xe15
Enter Interface config mode.
Configure Interface as switchport.
(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure bridge-group.
(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
Configure switchport mode as trunk.
(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan all
Configure all vlans as part of switchport trunk.
(config-if)#no shutdown
Bring the interface into operation.
Exit interface mode.
(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name test1 level 7 mip-creation none
Enter ethernet cfm mode by specifying domain name and bridge.
(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name test1
Configure service ma.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 10 bridge 1
Configure service Vlan.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mip-creation none
Configure mip-creation type.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 100 active true xe15
Configure ethernet cfm mep.
(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable
Enable multicast state.
Exit Ethernet ma mep mode.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 200
Configure RMEP.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#cc interval 3ms
Configure interval in ma mode.
Exit ma mode.
Exit Ethernet cfm mode.
(config)#ethernet cfm test-signal profile-name sample_tst
Configure Ethernet cfm test-signal profile.
(config-cfm-tst)#mode receiver
Configure test-signal mode as receiver.
(config-cfm-tst)#cir 100 kbps cos 3 dei 1
Configure test-signal CIR.
Commit the candidate configuration to the running
Exit Ethernet cfm test-signal mode.
Before the ETH-TST signal is started, convergence needs to be established. Convergence is checked as mentioned below:
CE1#sh ethernet cfm errors domain test1 bridge 1
Domain Name Level Vlan MEPID Defects
test1 7 10 200 .....
1. defRDICCM 2. defMACstatus 3. defRemoteCCM
4. defErrorCCM 5. defXconCCM
After the above convergence is established with the receiver node, ETH-TST signal is started from the exec mode as mentioned below.
Generator node
#test-signal start-time relative 0 stop-time relative 4 tst-profile-name test domain test1 ma test1 mep 200 target mac-address 0018.236c.5cca bridge 1
Receiver node
#test-signal start-time relative 0 stop-time relative 4 tst-profile-name sample_tst domain test1 ma test1 mep 100 target mac-address e8c5.7a78.712d bridge 1
ETH-TST Signal initiated is checked as mentioned below :
Generator node
#show ethernet cfm test-signal sessions
MEP-Id Status StartTime Tst-Profile Peer MAC-Address
200 Active 2019/02/15 16:32:59 test 0018.236c.5cca
#show ethernet cfm test-signal domain test1 ma test1 mep 200 bridge 1 stats gtf
TST Session status : In-Progress
Elapsed Time(sec) : 77
MD : test1
MA : test1
MEP : 200
Peer MAC Address : 0018.236c.5cca
RMEP ID : 100
Start Time : 2019 Feb 15 16:32:59
CIR Transmitted Packet Count : 509767
Receiver Node
#show ethernet cfm test-signal domain test1 ma test1 mep 100 bridge 1 stats ctf
TST Session status : In-Progress
Elapsed Time(sec) : 83
MD : test1
MA : test1
MEP : 100
Peer MAC Address : e8c5.7a78.712d
RMEP ID : 200
Start Time : 2020 Dec 16 16:34:21
CIR Received Packet Count : 545827
CIR Out-of-Order Packet Count : 0
CIR Error Packet Count : 0
CIR Last Packet Sequence Number : 664967
ETH-LCK Configuration
Eth-Lck configuration is performed at the MEP Level as shown below :
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode
(config)# ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name test1 level 7 mip-creation none
Enter ethernet cfm mode by specifying domain name and bridge.
(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name test1
Configure service ma
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 10 bridge 1
Configure service Vlan.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mip-creation none
Configure mip-creation type.
(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 200 active true xe15
Configure ethernet cfm mep
Eth Lck configuration is performed in MEP Mode
Default state of the Ethernet cfm Lck details is as mentioned below:
#show ethernet cfm lck details domain test1 ma test1 mep 200 bridge 1
Maintenance Domain : test1
Maintenance Association : test1
MEP ID : 200
LCK PDU state : Unlocked
LCK Message Level : 0
LCK PDU Interval : 1 sec
LCK PDU Priority : 3
(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#state ?
lock Enable adminstrative locking state
unlock Disable adminstrative locking state
(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#state lock
#show ethernet cfm lck details domain test1 ma test1 mep 200 bridge 1
Maintenance Domain : test1
Maintenance Association : test1
MEP ID : 200
LCK PDU state : Locked
LCK Message Level : 0
LCK PDU Interval : 1 sec
LCK PDU Priority : 3
(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#message level ?
<0-7> Enter the level for LCK transmission
(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#message level 3
#show ethernet cfm lck details domain test1 ma test1 mep 200 bridge 1
Maintenance Domain : test1
Maintenance Association : test1
MEP ID : 200
LCK PDU state : Locked
LCK Message Level : 3
LCK PDU Interval : 1 sec
LCK PDU Priority : 3
(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#interval ?
1min PDU transmit interval is one minute
1s PDU transmit interval is one second(default)
(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#interval 1min
#show ethernet cfm lck details domain test1 ma test1 mep 200 bridge 1
Maintenance Domain : test1
Maintenance Association : test1
MEP ID : 200
LCK PDU state : Locked
LCK Message Level : 3
LCK PDU Interval : 1 min
LCK PDU Priority : 3
(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#frame priority ?
<0-7> Enter the priority for LCK transmission PDU.Default is 3
(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#frame priority 7
#show ethernet cfm lck details domain test1 ma test1 mep 200 bridge 1
Maintenance Domain : test1
Maintenance Association : test1
MEP ID : 200
LCK PDU state : Locked
LCK Message Level : 3
LCK PDU Interval : 1 min
LCK PDU Priority : 7