NetConf Command Reference
Configure feature enabled
Enable callhome feature on the NETCONF server
Attribute Name: feature-enabled
Attribute Type: unit8
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
Command Syntax
callhome enable (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure port
Callhome server listening port number
This command is supported when following feature are enabled NETCONF feature
Attribute Name: port
Attribute Type: inet:port-number
Default Value: 4334
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
Command Syntax
callhome server WORD (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (port <1-65535>|)
Configure enable
specifies whether server will reconnect after client closes the session
This command is supported when following feature are enabled NETCONF feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
Command Syntax
reconnect enable
Configure retry max attempts
Specifies the number of retry attempts the server should attempt to the callhome server before giving up. Set 0 to retry infinitely.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled NETCONF feature
Attribute Name: retry-max-attempts
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 3
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
<retry-max-attempts>0</retry-max-attempts> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
retry-max-attempts <0-255>
Configure retry interval
Specifies the number of seconds to wait after a connect attempt to the callhome server has failed
This command is supported when following feature are enabled NETCONF feature
Attribute Name: retry-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 300
Attribute Range: 1-86400
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
<retry-interval>1</retry-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
retry-interval <1-86400>
Configure vrf name
Enable debugging info for callhome
This command is supported when following feature are enabled NETCONF feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug callhome
Configure translation mode
Enable/disable NETCONF translation
This command is supported when following feature are enabled NETCONF feature,NETCONF translation feature
Attribute Name: translation-mode
Attribute Type: enum (openconfig)
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
<translation-mode>openconfig</translation-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
netconf translation (openconfig)
Configure feature netconf ssh
Use this attribute to enable or disable NETCONF SSH feature.
Attribute Name: feature-netconf-ssh
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
<feature-netconf-ssh>true</feature-netconf-ssh> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
feature netconf-ssh (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure feature netconf tls
Use this attribute to enable or disable NETCONF TLS feature.
Attribute Name: feature-netconf-tls
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
<feature-netconf-tls>true</feature-netconf-tls> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
feature netconf-tls (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure ssh port
Use this attribute to set the ssh-port number on which the NETCONF server listens for connections. The default port on which the netconf-ssh server listens is 830.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled NETCONF feature,Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: ssh-port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1024-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
<ssh-port>1024</ssh-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
netconf server ssh-port <1024-65535> (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure tls port
Use this attribute to set the tls-port number on which the NETCONF server listens for connections. The default port on which the netconf-tls server listens is 6513.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled NETCONF feature,Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: tls-port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1024-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
<tls-port>1024</tls-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
netconf server tls-port <1024-65535> (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure max cache notifications
Specifies the maximum number of notifications those can be stored in cache. Set 0 for infinite notifications.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled NETCONF feature
Attribute Name: max-cache-notifications
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 100
Attribute Range: 0-10000
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
<max-cache-notifications>0</max-cache-notifications> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-cache-notifications <0-10000>
Configure cache period
Specifies the number of seconds, cmld store notification messages in cache since it started
This command is supported when following feature are enabled NETCONF feature
Attribute Name: cache-period
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1200
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
<cache-period>1</cache-period> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cache-period <1-3600>
Configure disable commit history
This attribute is used to disable features like commit confirmed and commit rollback
Attribute Name: disable-commit-history
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
</disable-commit-history><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cml commit-history disable
Configure bulk config cpu limit enabled
This attribute is used to enable and disable bulk config cpu limit
Attribute Name: bulk-config-cpu-limit-enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<netconf-server xmlns="">
</bulk-config-cpu-limit-enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cml bulk-config limit cpu enable
Configure config maximum subscribe paths
Maximum number of sensor-paths supported for this device
Attribute Name: config-maximum-subscribe-paths
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 10-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<config-maximum-subscribe-paths>10</config-maximum-subscribe-paths> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
telemetry maximum-subscribe-paths <10-1000>
Configure config minimum sample interval
Minimum sample-interval supported for this device
Attribute Name: config-minimum-sample-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 10-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<config-minimum-sample-interval>10</config-minimum-sample-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
telemetry minimum-sample-interval <10-3600>
Configure feature enabled
Use this attribute to enable or disable Telemetry feature
Attribute Name: feature-enabled
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
Command Syntax
feature streaming-telemetry (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure insecure tls
Disable certificate validation in a TLS-enabled connection
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: insecure-tls
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: tls-port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 32768-60999
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<tls-port>32768</tls-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</insecure-tls><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tls tls-port <32768-60999> (insecure|)
Configure non tls port
Insecure port for Telemetry feature
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: non-tls-port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 32768-60999
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<non-tls-port>32768</non-tls-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
port <32768-60999>
Configure retry interval
If the grpc-tunnel-server is unreachable, the gnmi-server retries to connect with gnmi-client after the retry-interval
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: retry-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 30-3000
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<retry-interval>30</retry-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
grpc-tunnel-server retry-interval <30-3000>
Configure name
Reference to the identifier of the subscription itself. The id will be the handle to refer to the subscription once created
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<persistent-subscription> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
subscription-name NAME (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure encoding
Selection of the specific encoding or RPC framework for telemetry messages to and from the network element. The encoding method controls specifically the wire format of the telemetry data, and also controls which RPC framework may be in use to exchange telemetry data
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: encoding
Attribute Type: enum (json-ietf|json|proto)
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<encoding>json-ietf</encoding> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
encoding (json-ietf|json|proto)
Configure sensor group
Reference to the telemetry sensor group name
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: sensor-group
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: sample-interval
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 10-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<sensor-profile> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sensor-group SENSOR-GROUP-NAME sample-interval <10-3600>
Configure group id
The destination group id references a configured group of destinations for the telemetry stream
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: group-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<destination-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
destination-group GRPC-GROUP-NAME
Configure sensor group id
Name or identifier for the sensor group itself.Will be referenced by other configuration specifying a sensor group
Attribute Name: sensor-group-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<sensor-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sensor-group SENSOR-NAME (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure path
Reference to the path of interest
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: path
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<sensor-path> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sensor-path SENSOR-PATH
Configure vrf name
Unique identifier for the destination group
Attribute Name: group-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<destination-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
destination-group TUNNEL-NAME (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure destination port
Reference to the port number of the stream destination
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: destination-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
<destination> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel-server ip A.B.C.D port <1-65535>
Configure gnmi severity
device’s debug telemetry severity level
Attribute Name: gnmi-severity
Attribute Type: enum (debug|info|warning|error|fatal|panic|d-panic)
Default Value: error
Attribute Name: gnmi-debug
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
</gnmi-debug><!-- operation="delete"-->
<gnmi-severity>error</gnmi-severity> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug telemetry gnmi enable severity (debug|info|warning|error|fatal|panic|d-panic)
Configure gnmi debug
Enable or Disable device’s debug telemetry
Attribute Name: gnmi-debug
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<telemetry-system xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug telemetry gnmi enable
Configure severity
If notification enabled, all the notifications having severity higher than or equal to this severity allowed.If notification disabled, all the notifications having severity lower than or equal to this severity not allowed
Attribute Name: severity
Attribute Type: enum (all|info|warning|minor|major|critical)
Default Value: all
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<management-server xmlns="">
Command Syntax
module (auth|bgp|cmm|hostp|hsl|isis|ldp|lag|l2mrib|mstp|mrib|nsm|onm|oam|ospf|ospf6|ptp|rip|pim|rib|vrrp|sflow|rsvp|pserv|cml|ndd|ripng|vlog|all|synce|pcep|udld) notification (disable|enable) (severity (all|info|warning|minor|major|critical)|)
Configure instance name
Network Instance Name. For VRF and MAC VRF, instance name can be up to 32 chars long. For VPWS and VPLS instances, instance name can be up to 128 chars long. For L2NI (bridge) instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-32). For Cross-Connect, instance name can be up to 30 chars long. For Bridge-domain, instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-2147483647).
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<network-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip vrf WORD
Configure instance type
Network Instance Name. For VRF and MAC VRF, instance name can be up to 32 chars long. For VPWS and VPLS instances, instance name can be up to 128 chars long. For L2NI (bridge) instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-32). For Cross-Connect, instance name can be up to 30 chars long. For Bridge-domain, instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-2147483647).
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<network-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mac vrf WORD
Configure description
VRF-specific description
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
description LINE
Configure tunnel select policy
tunnel policy to be configured
Attribute Name: tunnel-select-policy
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-127
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<tunnel-select-policy>NAME</tunnel-select-policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel-select-policy NAME
Configure lsp encap dscp preserve
Enable or disable dscp preserve on the VRF
Attribute Name: lsp-encap-dscp-preserve
Attribute Type: enum (enable|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<lsp-encap-dscp-preserve>enable</lsp-encap-dscp-preserve> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls lsp-encap-dscp-preserve (enable|disable)
Configure router id
VRF Router ID
Attribute Name: router-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<router-id>A.B.C.D</router-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
router-id A.B.C.D
Configure evpn layer3 network id
L3 EVPN Identifier
Attribute Name: evpn-layer3-network-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<evpn-layer3-network-id>1</evpn-layer3-network-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
l3vni <1-16777215>
Configure mtu
This attribute is used to confiure the MTU on VRF
Attribute Name: mtu
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 64-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<mtu>64</mtu> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mtu <64-65535>
Configure snmp context name
Use this attribute to set the SNMP context for VRF.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP feature
Attribute Name: snmp-context-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<snmp-context-name>WORD</snmp-context-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp context-name WORD
clear router-id
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-default-router-id xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear router-id
clear router-id vrf (VRFNAME|)
Attribute Name: vrfName
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-vrf-router-id xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear router-id vrf (VRFNAME|)
Configure name
The textual name of the interface. The value of this object should be the name of the interface as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device’s ‘console’. This might be a text name, such as ‘le0’ or a simple port number, such as ‘1’, depending on the interface naming syntax of the device. If several entries in the ifTable together represent a single interface as named by the device, then each will have the same value of name. Note that for an agent which responds to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other (proxied) device, then the value of name for such an interface is the proxied device’s local name for it. If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string.
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-49
Attribute Name: enable-switchport
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
interface IFNAME (switchport|)
Configure enable switchport
This attribute is used to set the mode of the Hybrid Switch Router feature to switched only.All interfaces are configured routed by default
Attribute Name: enable-switchport
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
</enable-switchport><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure vrf name
This attribute is used to associates an interface with a VRF
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<vrf-name>WORD</vrf-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip vrf forwarding WORD
Configure vr name
This attribute is used to associates an interface with a VR
Attribute Name: vr-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<vr-name>WORD</vr-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
virtual-router forwarding WORD
Configure mtu
This attribute is used to set mtu value to interface.The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received on the interface, specified in octets. For interfaces that are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the interface.
Attribute Name: mtu
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 64-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<mtu>64</mtu> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mtu <64-65535>
Configure dot1ad ether type
This attribute is used to configure the ethertype value for the interface in the format 0xhhhh. Currently supported values are 0x8100 (default) or 0x88a8 or 0x9100 or 0x9200.
Attribute Name: dot1ad-ether-type
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 6-6
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<dot1ad-ether-type>ETHERTYPE</dot1ad-ether-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1ad ethertype ETHERTYPE
Configure bridge domain forward
Attribute to change domain forward value
Attribute Name: bridge-domain-forward
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
</bridge-domain-forward><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge-domain forward
Configure description
Use this attribute to set description for the interface
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<description>1</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
description LINE
Configure shutdown
Use this attribute to enable the selected interface. This leaf contains the configured, desired state of the interface. The testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can be passed. When a managed system initializes, all interfaces start with ifAdminStatus in the down(2) state. As a result of either explicit management action or per configuration information retained by the managed system, ifAdminStatus is then changed to either the up(1) or testing(3) states (or remains in the down(2) state).
Attribute Name: shutdown
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
</shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure if loopback
This attribute is used to enable port loopback
Attribute Name: if-loopback
Attribute Type: enum (tx|rx)
Attribute Name: if-loopback-level
Attribute Type: enum (mac|phy)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
Command Syntax
loopback (tx|rx) (mac|phy)
clear interface (IFNAME|) counters
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-interface-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear interface (IFNAME|) counters
Configure id
identifier value for the administrative group
Attribute Name: id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-31
Netconf edit-config payload
<admin-groups xmlns="">
<admin-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
admin-group NAME <0-31>
Configure name
identifier value for the extended administrative group
Attribute Name: id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 32-95
Netconf edit-config payload
<extended-admin-groups xmlns="">
<extended-admin-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
extended-admin-group NAME <32-95>
Configure duplex mode
Use this attribute to set the duplex mode for the interface. Auto-negotiation if enabled, is turned off when duplex mode is set for the interface. When auto-negotiation is enabled, the interface should negotiate the duplex mode directly (typically full-duplex).
Attribute Name: duplex-mode
Attribute Type: enum (half|full)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<duplex-mode>half</duplex-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
duplex (half|full)
Configure secondary mac address
Use this attribute to set the secondary mac address for an interface to terminate L3 packets.
Attribute Name: secondary-mac-address
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
</secondary-mac-address><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mac-address secondary peer-mlag
Configure port speed
This attribute is used to set the link speed for the interface. To enable auto-negotiation for the interface, set this attribute to value auto. When auto-negotiation is enabled, it is expected that the interface will select the highest speed available based on negotiation. When auto-negotiation is not enabled, sets the link speed to a fixed value -- supported values are defined by IF_INTERFACE_SPEED_T enum. When limited auto-negotiation is required, select the speed after the auto option. With this only the specified speed will be advertised and interface will negotiate with peer with that speed only.
Attribute Name: port-speed
Attribute Type: enum (10m|100m|1g|2.5g|10g|20g|25g|40g|50g|100g|200g|400g|auto|auto 10m|auto 100m|auto 1g)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<port-speed>10m</port-speed> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
speed (10m|100m|1g|2.5g|10g|20g|25g|40g|50g|100g|200g|400g|auto|auto 10m|auto 100m|auto 1g)
Configure enable rcv
The textual name of the interface. The value of this object should be the name of the interface as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device’s ‘console’. This might be a text name, such as ‘le0’ or a simple port number, such as ‘1’, depending on the interface naming syntax of the device. If several entries in the ifTable together represent a single interface as named by the device, then each will have the same value of name. Note that for an agent which responds to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other (proxied) device, then the value of name for such an interface is the proxied device’s local name for it. If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string.
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: enable-rcv
Attribute Type: enum (off|on)
Attribute Name: enable-snd
Attribute Type: enum (off|on)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
Command Syntax
flowcontrol both
Configure enable rcv
This attribute is used to show flow control on receive
This command is supported when following feature are enabled L2 feature
Attribute Name: enable-rcv
Attribute Type: enum (off|on)
Default Value: off
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<enable-rcv>off</enable-rcv> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flowcontrol receive (off|on)
Configure enable snd
This attribute is used to show flow control on send
This command is supported when following feature are enabled L2 feature
Attribute Name: enable-snd
Attribute Type: enum (off|on)
Default Value: off
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<enable-snd>off</enable-snd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flowcontrol send (off|on)
Configure primary ip addr
Use this attribute to specify that an IP address and prefix length will be used by this interface. If the secondary parameter is not specified, this attribute overwrites the primary IP address. If the secondary parameter is specified, this attribute adds a new IP address to the interface. The secondary address cannot be configured in the absence of a primary IP address. The primary address cannot be removed when a secondary address is present.
Attribute Name: primary-ip-addr
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv4 xmlns="">
<primary-ip-addr>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</primary-ip-addr> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip address (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D)
Configure enable dhcp ip address
Use this attribute to specify that a DHCP client will be used to obtain an IP address for an interface.
Attribute Name: enable-dhcp-ip-address
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv4 xmlns="">
</enable-dhcp-ip-address><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip address dhcp
Configure ip addr label
Label of this address.
Attribute Name: ip-addr-label
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Attribute Name: primary-ip-addr
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv4 xmlns="">
<primary-ip-addr>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</primary-ip-addr> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ip-addr-label>LINE</ip-addr-label> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip address (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) label LINE
Configure ipv4 unnumbered if name
This attribute is used to Enable IP processing without an explicit address
Attribute Name: ipv4-unnumbered-if-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv4 xmlns="">
<ipv4-unnumbered-if-name>IFNAME</ipv4-unnumbered-if-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip unnumbered IFNAME
Configure remote address
This attribute is used to set the remote address of the PPP link
Attribute Name: remote-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv4 xmlns="">
<remote-address>A.B.C.D/M</remote-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip remote-address A.B.C.D/M
Configure primary anycast
Use this attribute to set the anycast flag for the IPv4 primary address of an interface.
Attribute Name: primary-anycast
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: primary-ip-addr
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv4 xmlns="">
<primary-ip-addr>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</primary-ip-addr> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</primary-anycast><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip address (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) anycast
Configure ip address
Use this attribute to specify a secondary IP address that will be used by this interface. The secondary address cannot be configured in the absence of a primary IP address. The primary address cannot be removed when a secondary address is present.
Attribute Name: ip-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv4 xmlns="">
<secondary-addresses> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ip-address>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</ip-address>
<ip-address>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</ip-address>
Command Syntax
ip address (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) secondary
Configure ip label
Use this attribute to specify a descriptive label for this IPv4 address.
Attribute Name: ip-label
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv4 xmlns="">
<ip-address>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</ip-address>
<ip-label>LINE</ip-label> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip address (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) secondary label LINE
Configure secondary anycast
Use this attribute to set the anycast flag for the IPv4 secondary address of an interface.
Attribute Name: secondary-anycast
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv4 xmlns="">
<ip-address>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</ip-address>
</secondary-anycast><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip address (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) secondary anycast
Configure enable auto config
Use this attribute to enable autoconfiguration of IPv6 address in host interface. IPv6 address are formed using the Prefix learned from RA and suffix formed using EUI-64 method.
Attribute Name: enable-auto-config
Attribute Type: boolean
Attribute Name: max-autoconfig-address
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv6 xmlns="">
<max-autoconfig-address>1</max-autoconfig-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<enable-auto-config>true</enable-auto-config> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 address autoconfig (max-address <1-64>|)
Configure ipv6 unnumbered if name
Use this attribute to enable IP processing without an explicit address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: ipv6-unnumbered-if-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv6 xmlns="">
<ipv6-unnumbered-if-name>IFNAME</ipv6-unnumbered-if-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 unnumbered IFNAME
Configure enable dhcp ipv6 address
Use this attribute to specify that a DHCP client will be used to obtain an IP address for an interface.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: enable-dhcp-ipv6-address
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv6 xmlns="">
</enable-dhcp-ipv6-address><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 address dhcp
Configure enable dhcp temporary ipv6 address
Use this attribute to specify that a DHCP client will be used to obtain an temporary IP address for an interface.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: enable-dhcp-temporary-ipv6-address
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv6 xmlns="">
</enable-dhcp-temporary-ipv6-address><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 address dhcp temporary
Configure dhcp address prefix length
Use this attribute to configure the prefix length for the dynamically learnt ipv6 address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: dhcp-address-prefix-length
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-128
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv6 xmlns="">
<dhcp-address-prefix-length>1</dhcp-address-prefix-length> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp address-prefix-length <1-128>
Configure ipv6 address
Use this attribute to set the IPv6 address of an interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: ipv6-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv6 xmlns="">
<addresses> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 address X:X::X:X/M
Configure anycast
Use this attribute to set the anycast flag for the IPv6 address of an interface. Anycast flag cannot be deleted for an IPv6 address once set. Please delete IPv6 address and reconfigure to remove anycast property.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: anycast
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ipv6 xmlns="">
</anycast><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 address X:X::X:X/M anycast
Configure disable ip forwarding
Enable IP forwarding for the router
Attribute Name: disable-ip-forwarding
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-global xmlns="">
</disable-ip-forwarding><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip forwarding
Configure disable ipv6 forwarding
Enable IPv6 forwarding for the router
Attribute Name: disable-ipv6-forwarding
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-global xmlns="">
</disable-ipv6-forwarding><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ipv6 forwarding
Configure router id
Router id of the router - an unsigned 32-bit integer expressed in dotted quad notation
Attribute Name: router-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-global xmlns="">
<router-id>A.B.C.D</router-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
router-id A.B.C.D
Configure enable auto router id selection
Turn on Automatic Selection of Router ID
Attribute Name: enable-auto-router-id-selection
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-global xmlns="">
</enable-auto-router-id-selection><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
automatic-router-id-selection enable
Configure default vrf enable icmp broadcast
This attribute is used to control ICMP echo broadcast reply. It ignores ICMP echo broacast when set to true
Attribute Name: default-vrf-enable-icmp-broadcast
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-global xmlns="">
</default-vrf-enable-icmp-broadcast><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip icmp-broadcast
Configure disable ip vrf forwarding
Turn on IP forwarding for the VRF instance
Attribute Name: disable-ip-vrf-forwarding
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-global xmlns="">
</disable-ip-vrf-forwarding><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip forwarding vrf NAME
Configure disable ipv6 vrf forwarding
Turn on IPv6 forwarding for the VRF instance
Attribute Name: disable-ipv6-vrf-forwarding
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-global xmlns="">
</disable-ipv6-vrf-forwarding><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ipv6 forwarding vrf NAME
Configure enable icmp broadcast
This attribute is used to control ICMP echo broadcast reply for VRF instance. It ignores ICMP echo broacast when set to true
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: enable-icmp-broadcast
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-global xmlns="">
</enable-icmp-broadcast><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip icmp-broadcast vrf NAME
Configure group index
This attribute specifies the port group number
This command is supported when following feature are enabled dune feature,hal feature and following feature are disabled swfwdr feature
Attribute Name: group-index
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: group-speed
Attribute Type: enum (1g|10g|25g|40g|50g|100g)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-group-speed-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
port-group <1-64> speed (1g|10g|25g|40g|50g|100g)
Configure protected port
Attribute to change port protectedtype value
Attribute Name: protected-port
Attribute Type: enum (community|isolated|promiscuous)
Default Value: promiscuous
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
Command Syntax
switchport protected (isolated|promiscuous)
Configure name
Attribute to change port protectedtype value
Attribute Name: protected-port
Attribute Type: enum (community|isolated|promiscuous)
Default Value: promiscuous
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
Command Syntax
switchport protected (community|isolated|promiscuous)
Configure link flap error disable
This object specifies whether the interface is enabled for link-flap error-disable or not. If this is ’0’, then interface is not enabled. Otherwise it is enabled.
Attribute Name: link-flap-error-disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
</link-flap-error-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no link-flap errdisable
Configure storm control error disable
This attribute specifies whether the interface is enabled for storm-control error-disable or not. If this is not set, then the interface is not enabled. Otherwise it is enabled.
Attribute Name: storm-control-error-disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
</storm-control-error-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no storm-control errdisable
Configure mac move limit error disable
This object specifies whether the interface is enabled for mac-move-limit error-disable or not. If this is ’0’, then interface is not enabled. Otherwise it is enabled.
Attribute Name: mac-move-limit-error-disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
</mac-move-limit-error-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no mac-move-limit errdisable
Configure disable snmp trap link status
This Object is used to set the snmp trap link status in an interface
Attribute Name: disable-snmp-trap-link-status
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
</disable-snmp-trap-link-status><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no snmp trap link-status
Configure mac move priority
This object used to set the priority of mac-move of an interface
Attribute Name: mac-move-priority
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<mac-move-priority>1</mac-move-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mac-move-limit priority <1-255>
Configure mau default type
This attribute is used to set the mau type in an interface
Attribute Name: mau-default-type
Attribute Type: enum (dot3MauType10BaseTHD|dot3MauType10BaseTFD|dot3MauType100BaseTXHD|dot3MauType100BaseTXFD|dot3MauType1000BaseXHD|dot3MauType1000BaseXFD|dot3MauType10GigBaseCX4|dot3MauType10GbaseKX4|dot3MauType10GbaseKR|dot3MauType40GbaseCR4)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<mau-default-type>dot3MauType10BaseTHD</mau-default-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mau-default-type (dot3MauType10BaseTHD|dot3MauType10BaseTFD|dot3MauType100BaseTXHD|dot3MauType100BaseTXFD|dot3MauType1000BaseXHD|dot3MauType1000BaseXFD|dot3MauType10GigBaseCX4|dot3MauType10GbaseKX4|dot3MauType10GbaseKR|dot3MauType40GbaseCR4)
Configure debounce time
Use this attribute to set the interface debounce timer value
Attribute Name: debounce-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 250-5000
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<debounce-time>250</debounce-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debounce-time <250-5000>
Configure raon aodu port
To enable RAON AODU connectivity over physical port.
Attribute Name: raon-aodu-port
Attribute Type: enum (enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<raon-aodu-port>enable</raon-aodu-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
raon (enable)
Configure ucmp port
To enable UCMP support.
Attribute Name: ucmp-port
Attribute Type: enum (enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<ucmp-port>enable</ucmp-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ucmp (enable)
Configure revertive timer
Use this attribute to set the timer for MC-LAG switchover revertive ty. Default switchover type is revertive 10s.
Attribute Name: revertive-timer
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<revertive-timer>1</revertive-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
raon ip-switchover type revertive <1-255>
Configure enable non revertive
Use this attribute to set the MC-LAG switchover to non-revertive type. Do not switch back to the initially-active node after failure recovery. Default switchover type is revertive 10s.
Attribute Name: enable-non-revertive
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
</enable-non-revertive><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
raon ip-switchover type non-revertive
Configure enable re routing
Enable re-routing when the bandwidth crosses down the minimum bandwidth
Attribute Name: enable-re-routing
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
</enable-re-routing><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable speed
This object is used to enable port-monitoring for the specified parameters, average speed of the interface
Attribute Name: enable-speed
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
</enable-speed><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
monitor speed
Configure enable queue drops
This object is used to enable queue-drops of the interface
Attribute Name: enable-queue-drops
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
</enable-queue-drops><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
monitor queue-drops
Configure warning threshold
This object is used to specify warning threshold for port speed monitor. Warning threshold must be greater than recovery threshold. Default value of warning-threshold is 90.
Attribute Name: warning-threshold
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-100
Attribute Name: recovery-threshold
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
Command Syntax
monitor speed threshold warning <1-100> recovery <1-100>
Configure subif service queue
This attribute specifies the sub interface queue type
This command is supported when following feature are enabled subinterface feature
Attribute Name: subif-service-queue
Attribute Type: enum (physical|flow-id)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<subif-service-queue>physical</subif-service-queue> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service-queue (physical|flow-id)
Configure aclif type
Use this attribute to set the Hardware timestamp
Attribute Name: aclif-type
Attribute Type: enum (failover|no-failover)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<aclif-type>failover</aclif-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aclif (failover|no-failover)
Configure encap default
Use this attribute to configure encapsulation as default
This command is supported when following feature are enabled subinterface feature
Attribute Name: encap-default
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
</encap-default><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
encapsulation default
Configure encap untagged
Use this attribute to configure encapsulation as untagged
This command is supported when following feature are enabled subinterface feature
Attribute Name: encap-untagged
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
</encap-untagged><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
encapsulation untagged
Configure vlan action
The textual name of the interface. The value of this object should be the name of the interface as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device’s ‘console’. This might be a text name, such as ‘le0’ or a simple port number, such as ‘1’, depending on the interface naming syntax of the device. If several entries in the ifTable together represent a single interface as named by the device, then each will have the same value of name. Note that for an agent which responds to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other (proxied) device, then the value of name for such an interface is the proxied device’s local name for it. If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string.
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-action
Attribute Type: enum (pop|push|translate)
Attribute Name: push-tpid
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: push-outer-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rewrite (push) (dot1q|dot1ad|TPID) <1-4094>
Configure push tpid
The textual name of the interface. The value of this object should be the name of the interface as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device’s ‘console’. This might be a text name, such as ‘le0’ or a simple port number, such as ‘1’, depending on the interface naming syntax of the device. If several entries in the ifTable together represent a single interface as named by the device, then each will have the same value of name. Note that for an agent which responds to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other (proxied) device, then the value of name for such an interface is the proxied device’s local name for it. If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string.
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-action
Attribute Type: enum (pop|push|translate)
Attribute Name: push-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1q|dot1ad)
Attribute Name: push-outer-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: push-inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rewrite (push) (dot1q|dot1ad) <1-4094> inner-dot1q <1-4094>
Configure rewrite translate action
The textual name of the interface. The value of this object should be the name of the interface as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device’s ‘console’. This might be a text name, such as ‘le0’ or a simple port number, such as ‘1’, depending on the interface naming syntax of the device. If several entries in the ifTable together represent a single interface as named by the device, then each will have the same value of name. Note that for an agent which responds to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other (proxied) device, then the value of name for such an interface is the proxied device’s local name for it. If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string.
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-action
Attribute Type: enum (pop|push|translate)
Attribute Name: rewrite-translate-action
Attribute Type: enum (1-to-1|1-to-2|2-to-2|2-to-1)
Attribute Name: dot1q-dot1ad-tpid
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: outer-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rewrite (translate) (1-to-1) (dot1q|dot1ad|TPID) <0-4094>
Configure dot1q dot1ad tpid
The textual name of the interface. The value of this object should be the name of the interface as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device’s ‘console’. This might be a text name, such as ‘le0’ or a simple port number, such as ‘1’, depending on the interface naming syntax of the device. If several entries in the ifTable together represent a single interface as named by the device, then each will have the same value of name. Note that for an agent which responds to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other (proxied) device, then the value of name for such an interface is the proxied device’s local name for it. If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string.
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-action
Attribute Type: enum (pop|push|translate)
Attribute Name: rewrite-translate-action
Attribute Type: enum (1-to-1|1-to-2|2-to-2|2-to-1)
Attribute Name: dot1q-dot1ad-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1q|dot1ad)
Attribute Name: outer-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-4094
Attribute Name: i-dot1q-dot1ad-tpid
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rewrite (translate) (1-to-2) (dot1q|dot1ad) <0-4094> (dot1q|TPID) <1-4094>
Configure outer vlan id
The textual name of the interface. The value of this object should be the name of the interface as assigned by the local device and should be suitable for use in commands entered at the device’s ‘console’. This might be a text name, such as ‘le0’ or a simple port number, such as ‘1’, depending on the interface naming syntax of the device. If several entries in the ifTable together represent a single interface as named by the device, then each will have the same value of name. Note that for an agent which responds to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other (proxied) device, then the value of name for such an interface is the proxied device’s local name for it. If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string.
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-action
Attribute Type: enum (pop|push|translate)
Attribute Name: rewrite-translate-action
Attribute Type: enum (1-to-1|1-to-2|2-to-2|2-to-1)
Attribute Name: dot1q-dot1ad-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1q|dot1ad)
Attribute Name: outer-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-4094
Attribute Name: i-dot1q-dot1ad-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1q)
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rewrite (translate) (2-to-2) (dot1q|dot1ad) <0-4094> (dot1q) <1-4094>
Configure enable pop
This attribute is used to configure pop outer and inner tag. To change the rewrite config, delete and recreate the entire rewrite config.
Attribute Name: enable-pop
Attribute Type: enum (1tag|2tag)
Attribute Name: vlan-action
Attribute Type: enum (pop|push|translate)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rewrite (pop)
Configure vlan action
This attribute is used to configure pop outer and inner tag. To change the rewrite config, delete and recreate the entire rewrite config.
Attribute Name: enable-pop
Attribute Type: enum (1tag|2tag)
Attribute Name: vlan-action
Attribute Type: enum (pop|push|translate)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rewrite pop-2tag
Configure encapsulation type
This attribute is used to configure the encapsulation type(dot1q/dot1ad).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled subinterface feature
Attribute Name: encapsulation-type
Attribute Type: enum (dot1q|dot1ad)
Attribute Name: outer-vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<single-tag-vlan-match> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
encapsulation (dot1q|dot1ad) VLAN_RANGE2
Configure outer vlan id
This attribute is used to configure the outer VLAN tag as a single value alone
This command is supported when following feature are enabled subinterface feature
Attribute Name: outer-vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<double-tag-vlan-match> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
encapsulation (dot1q|dot1ad) VLAN_RANGE2 inner-dot1q VLAN_RANGE2
Configure split horizon group
This attribute is used to configure the split-horizon
This command is supported when following feature are enabled subinterface feature
Attribute Name: split-horizon-group
Attribute Type: enum (network|access1|access2)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<split-horizon-group>network</split-horizon-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
split-horizon group (network|access1|access2)
Configure linkup debounce time
Link debounce timer value for down-up transition
Attribute Name: linkup-debounce-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-5000
Attribute Name: linkdown-debounce-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-5000
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
Command Syntax
link-debounce-time <0-5000> <0-5000>
Configure rate
Interface minimum bandwidth
This command is supported when following feature are enabled TE Enabled
Attribute Name: rate
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-1000000000
Attribute Name: rate-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
Command Syntax
minimum-bandwidth <1-1000000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps)
Configure l2cp type
This attribute is used to configure the layer2 control-protocol type
Attribute Name: l2cp-type
Attribute Type: enum (stp|lacp|dot1x|lldp|efm|elmi|synce)
Attribute Name: protocol-process
Attribute Type: enum (peer|tunnel|discard)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<extended xmlns="">
<l2-control-protocol> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
l2protocol (stp|lacp|dot1x|lldp|efm|elmi|synce) (peer|tunnel|discard)
Configure forward err correction
This Object is used to set forward-error-correction to interface
Attribute Name: forward-err-correction
Attribute Type: enum (off|on|auto|on cl74|on cl91|on cl108)
Default Value: auto
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<extended-ethernet xmlns="">
<forward-err-correction>auto</forward-err-correction> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fec (off|on|auto|on cl74|on cl91|on cl108)
Configure load interval
This attribute is used to configure load interval period in multiples of 30 seconds
Attribute Name: load-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 300
Attribute Range: 30-300
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<extended-ethernet xmlns="">
<load-interval>30</load-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
load-interval <30-300>
Configure bcast value
This attribute is used to set the storm control configuration, Set Broadcast Rate Limiting of layer2 Interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled rate limit feature
Attribute Name: bcast-value
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: bcast-rate-limit-format
Attribute Type: enum (level|kbps|mbps|gbps)
Attribute Name: bcast-burst-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<storm-control xmlns="">
Command Syntax
storm-control broadcast level LEVEL (burst-size <1-33292>|)
Configure bcast rate limit format
This attribute is used to set the storm control configuration, Set the format for units in kbps|mbps|gbps or level for threshold percentage
This command is supported when following feature are enabled rate limit feature
Attribute Name: bcast-rate-limit-format
Attribute Type: enum (level|kbps|mbps|gbps)
Attribute Name: bcast-value
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: bcast-burst-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<storm-control xmlns="">
Command Syntax
storm-control broadcast <0-4294967294> (kbps|mbps|gbps) (burst-size <1-33292>|)
Configure mcast value
This attribute is used to set the storm control configuration,Set Multicast Rate Limiting of layer2 Interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled rate limit feature
Attribute Name: mcast-value
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: mcast-rate-limit-format
Attribute Type: enum (level|kbps|mbps|gbps)
Attribute Name: mcast-burst-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<storm-control xmlns="">
Command Syntax
storm-control multicast level LEVEL (burst-size <1-33292>|)
Configure mcast rate limit format
This attribute is used to set the storm control configuration, Set the format for units in kbps|mbps|gbps or level for threshold percentage
This command is supported when following feature are enabled rate limit feature
Attribute Name: mcast-rate-limit-format
Attribute Type: enum (level|kbps|mbps|gbps)
Attribute Name: mcast-value
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: mcast-burst-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<storm-control xmlns="">
Command Syntax
storm-control multicast <0-4294967294> (kbps|mbps|gbps) (burst-size <1-33292>|)
Configure dlf bcast value
This attribute is used to set the storm control configuration,Set DLF Broadcast Rate Limiting of layer2 Interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled rate limit feature
Attribute Name: dlf-bcast-value
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: dlf-bcast-rate-limit-format
Attribute Type: enum (level|kbps|mbps|gbps)
Attribute Name: dlf-bcast-burst-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<storm-control xmlns="">
Command Syntax
storm-control dlf level LEVEL (burst-size <1-33292>|)
Configure dlf bcast rate limit format
This attribute is used to set the storm control configuration, Set the format for units in kbps|mbps|gbps or level for threshold percentage
This command is supported when following feature are enabled rate limit feature
Attribute Name: dlf-bcast-rate-limit-format
Attribute Type: enum (level|kbps|mbps|gbps)
Attribute Name: dlf-bcast-value
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: dlf-bcast-burst-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<ethernet xmlns="">
<storm-control xmlns="">
Command Syntax
storm-control dlf <0-4294967294> (kbps|mbps|gbps) (burst-size <1-33292>|)
Configure error disable stp bpdu guard
This object is used to configure error disable STP BPDU Guard
Attribute Name: error-disable-stp-bpdu-guard
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<global xmlns="">
<error-disable-stp-bpdu-guard>true</error-disable-stp-bpdu-guard> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no errdisable cause stp-bpdu-guard
Configure reason
This object is to enable various error-disable reasons like lag-mismatch, stp-bpdu-guard, link-flap and loopback-detection. As the datatype is BITS, 0th bit corresponds to lag-mismatch, 1st bit corresponds to stp-bpdu-guard, 2nd bit corresponds to link-flap
Attribute Name: reason
Attribute Type: bits (lag-mismatch|link-flap|mac-move-limit|storm-control)
Attribute Name: error-disable-stp-bpdu-guard
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<global xmlns="">
<error-disable-stp-bpdu-guard>true</error-disable-stp-bpdu-guard> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<reason>lag-mismatch</reason> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
errdisable cause stp-bpdu-guard {lag-mismatch|link-flap|mac-move-limit|storm-control}
Configure link flap timer interval
This object is configure timer interval for link-flap timer
Attribute Name: link-flap-timer-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-1800
Attribute Name: link-flap-max-count
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<global xmlns="">
<link-flap-max-count>1</link-flap-max-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<link-flap-timer-interval>1</link-flap-timer-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
errdisable link-flap-setting max-flaps <1-100> time <1-1800>
Configure storm control timer interval
This attribute is configure timer interval for storm-control timer
Attribute Name: storm-control-timer-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-1800
Attribute Name: storm-control-max-count
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<global xmlns="">
<storm-control-max-count>1</storm-control-max-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<storm-control-timer-interval>1</storm-control-timer-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
errdisable storm-control discard-hit <1-100> time <1-1800>
Configure timeout interval
This object is to configure timeout for error-disable automatic recovery timer
Attribute Name: timeout-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-1000000
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<global xmlns="">
<timeout-interval>0</timeout-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
errdisable timeout interval <0-1000000>
Configure mac move limit
This object configures threshold for mac movement
Attribute Name: mac-move-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 100
Attribute Range: 1-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<global xmlns="">
<mac-move-limit>1</mac-move-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
errdisable mac-move-limit <1-1000>
Configure protocol process
This attribute is used to configure the layer2 control-protocol type
Attribute Name: l2cp-type
Attribute Type: enum (stp|lacp|dot1x|lldp|efm|elmi|synce)
Attribute Name: protocol-process
Attribute Type: enum (peer|tunnel|discard)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<global xmlns="">
<l2-control-protocol> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-interface l2protocol (stp|lacp|dot1x|lldp|efm|elmi|synce) (peer|tunnel|discard)
Configure if type
use this attribute to configure if-type
Attribute Name: if-type
Attribute Type: enum (eth-switchport|eth-routed|l2-subif|l3-subif|svi|lag|mlag|bvi|irb)
Attribute Name: mtu
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 64-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<global xmlns="">
<mtu> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-interface type (eth-switchport|eth-routed|l2-subif|l3-subif|svi|lag|mlag|bvi|irb) mtu <64-65535>
Configure mode
This attribute is used to unset the tunnel mode
This command is supported when following feature are enabled tunnel feature
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (vxlan)
Default Value: vxlan
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<tunnel xmlns="">
<mode>vxlan</mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel mode (vxlan)
Configure src
This attribute is used to set tunnel source
This command is supported when following feature are enabled tunnel feature
Attribute Name: src
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<tunnel xmlns="">
<src>A.B.C.D</src> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel source A.B.C.D
Configure multicast interface
This attribute is used to configure egress multicast interface for tunnel
This command is supported when following feature are enabled tunnel feature
Attribute Name: multicast-interface
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<tunnel xmlns="">
<multicast-interface>IFNAME</multicast-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel egress-multicast-interface IFNAME
Configure dst
This attribute is used to set destination of tunnel packets
This command is supported when following feature are enabled tunnel feature
Attribute Name: dst
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<tunnel xmlns="">
<dst>A.B.C.D</dst> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel destination A.B.C.D
Configure checksum enable
This attribute is used to enable end to end checksumming of packets
This command is supported when following feature are enabled tunnel feature
Attribute Name: checksum-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<tunnel xmlns="">
</checksum-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel checksum
Configure tos byte
This attribute is used to set type of service byte
This command is supported when following feature are enabled tunnel feature
Attribute Name: tos-byte
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<tunnel xmlns="">
<tos-byte>0</tos-byte> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel tos <0-255>
Configure ttl
This attribute is used to set time to live
This command is supported when following feature are enabled tunnel feature
Attribute Name: ttl
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<tunnel xmlns="">
<ttl>1</ttl> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel ttl <1-255>
Configure path mtu enable
This attribute is used to enable Path MTU Discovery on tunnel
This command is supported when following feature are enabled tunnel feature
Attribute Name: path-mtu-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<tunnel xmlns="">
</path-mtu-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel path-mtu-discovery
Configure dst mac address
This attribute is used to set next Hop Destination MAC Address of Tunnel Packets
This command is supported when following feature are enabled tunnel feature
Attribute Name: dst-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<tunnel xmlns="">
<dst-mac-address>MAC</dst-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel dmac MAC
Configure gre key
This attribute is used to set the gre-key for tunnel
This command is supported when following feature are enabled tunnel feature
Attribute Name: gre-key
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<tunnel xmlns="">
Command Syntax
tunnel key (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>)
Configure link scan timer
Link timer value at which device scans its network links to check their status
Attribute Name: link-scan-timer
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 50-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<link-scan xmlns="">
<link-scan-timer>50</link-scan-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
link-scan-timer <50-1000>
clear interface (IFNAME|) cpu counters
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-interface-cpu-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear interface (IFNAME|) cpu counters
clear interface (IFNAME|) fec
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-interface-forward-error-correction-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear interface (IFNAME|) fec
clear interface IFNAME error-disable
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-interface-error-disable xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear interface IFNAME error-disable
clear l2protocol interface (IFNAME|) counters (peer|tunnel|discard|tunnel-discard|)
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: protocol
Attribute Type: enum (peer|tunnel|discard|tunnel-discard|all)
Default Value: all
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-l2protocol-interface-counter xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear l2protocol interface (IFNAME|) counters (peer|tunnel|discard|tunnel-discard|)
no sniff
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<interface-sniff-disable xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no sniff
Configure flowspec disable
disable FLOWSPEC for an interface
Attribute Name: flowspec-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<interface-flowspec xmlns="">
</flowspec-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv4 flowspec-disable
Configure enable
Use this command to configure Synchronous Ethernet. This command changes the mode from configure mode to configure Synchronous Ethernet mode and initializes the global Synchronous Ethernet parameters.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure network option
Use this command to set the synchronization option for the internal clock that is locked in frequency to an incoming signal.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: network-option
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Default Value: 1
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<network-option>1</network-option> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
synchronization option (1|2)
Configure clock selection mode
Use this command to determine whether to use the Quality Level (QL) as a criteria when selecting a clock
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: clock-selection-mode
Attribute Type: enum (ql-enabled|ql-disabled)
Default Value: ql-enabled
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<clock-selection-mode>ql-enabled</clock-selection-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
clock-selection mode (ql-enabled|ql-disabled)
Configure dpll3 select 10mhz in
Use this command to select/deselect dpll3 input
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: dpll3-select-10mhz-in
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
</dpll3-select-10mhz-in><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dpll3-select 10mhz-in
Configure holdover timer
set this command to enable synce holdover (default 120 min)
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: holdover-timer
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 0-1440
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<holdover-timer>0</holdover-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
holdover <0-1440>
Configure name
Use this command to enable Synchronous Ethernet for an interface. This command changes the mode from interface mode to interface Synchronous Ethernet mode. This command does not automatically start synchronization distribution. You must explicitly give the mode command, specifying the synchronous option
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure synchronous mode
Use this command to configure the interface as synchronous or non-synchronous
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: synchronous-mode
Attribute Type: enum (synchronous|non-synchronous)
Default Value: non-synchronous
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<synchronous-mode>non-synchronous</synchronous-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mode (synchronous|non-synchronous)
Configure input source priority
Use this command to set an input timing source. Synchronization packets are received from this source and sent to the clock selection algorithm
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: input-source-priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 255
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<input-source-priority>0</input-source-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
input-source <0-255>
Configure is output source
Use this command to configures an Ethernet interface as a timing output interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: is-output-source
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<is-output-source>true</is-output-source> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure wait to restore timer
Use this command to set the wait-to-restore timer in minutes. The wait-to-restore time ensures that a synchronization source that previously failed is considered by the selection process again only if it is fault free for a certain time.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: wait-to-restore-timer
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 0-12
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<wait-to-restore-timer>0</wait-to-restore-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
wait-to-restore <0-12>
Configure vlan id
use this command to configure and unconfigure the dot1q 1-4095
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1q <1-4095>
Configure hold off timer
Use this command to set the hold-off time in milliseconds. The hold-off time ensures that short activation of signal fail is not passed to the selection process.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: hold-off-timer
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 300
Attribute Range: 300-1800
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<hold-off-timer>300</hold-off-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hold-off <300-1800>
Configure quality level
Use this command to set the quality level (QL) for the timing source
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: quality-level
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<quality-level>QL_VAL</quality-level> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
quality-level QL_VAL
Configure clock source id
Configure clock-source-identifier
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: clock-source-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<clock-source-id>1</clock-source-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
clock-source-id <1-255>
Configure auto neg mode
Use this command to configure mode
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: auto-neg-mode
Attribute Type: enum (master|slave)
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<auto-neg-mode>master</auto-neg-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
base-t (master|slave)
Configure external synce interface
synce external interface name
Attribute Name: external-synce-interface
Attribute Type: enum (gps|10mhz-in|ptp|bits-t1|bits-e1|2mhz-in|bits-t1-1|bits-t1-2|bits-t1-3|bits-e1-1|bits-e1-2|bits-e1-3)
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<external-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
synce-interface (gps|10mhz-in|ptp|2mhz-in)
Configure options
Use this Attribute to set or unset the SyncE debug related configurations
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (event|recvd|trans|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<synce xmlns="">
<options>event</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug synce (event|recvd|trans|all)
clear synce stats (interface IFNAME|)
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-synce-stats xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear synce stats (interface IFNAME|)
debug synce (event|recvd|trans|all)
Attribute Name: debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|recvd|trans|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<synce-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug synce (event|recvd|trans|all)
no debug synce (event|recvd|trans|all)
Attribute Name: debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|recvd|trans|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<synce-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug synce (event|recvd|trans|all)
Configure hostname
Use this command to set the network name for the device. OcNOS uses this name in system prompts and default configuration filenames. Setting a host name using this command also sets the host name in the kernel.After giving the hostname command, you must write to memory using the write command. If you do not write to memory, the change made by this command (the new host name) is not set after the device reboots.
Attribute Name: hostname
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-info xmlns="">
<hostname>WORD</hostname> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hostname WORD
Configure disable
disable system request
Attribute Name: disable
Attribute Type: boolean
Default Value: true
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-info xmlns="">
<disable>true</disable> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sysrq disable
Configure timezone name
The attribute display timezone name used for the system
Attribute Name: timezone-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-info xmlns="">
<timezone-name>WORD</timezone-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
clock timezone WORD
Configure options
Use this attribute to debug nsm
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (addressmonitor|bfd|events|hal events|hal ipc|linkmonitor|packet|packet detail|packet recv|packet recv detail|packet send|packet send detail|vxlan|ipsec|mpls|mpls sr ftn|mpls sr ilm|mpls ldp ftn|mpls ldp ilm|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-services-manager xmlns="">
<options>addressmonitor</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug nsm ((addressmonitor|bfd|events|hal events|hal ipc|linkmonitor|packet|packet detail|packet recv|packet recv detail|packet send|packet send detail|vxlan|ipsec|mpls|mpls sr ftn|mpls sr ilm|mpls ldp ftn|mpls ldp ilm|all)|)
Configure module name
Use this attribute to set debug HSL module
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HSL feature
Attribute Name: module-name
Attribute Type: enum (general|ifmgr|bridge|msg|fib|fdb|devdrv|pktdrv|platform|pbr|bfd|lacp|qos|helper|rbridge|nvo|ofl|mlag|mpls|srv6|ptp|extphy)
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: bits (all|default|info|debug|warn|error|fatal|admin|counter|pkt)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-services-manager xmlns="">
<hsl-module> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug hsl (general|ifmgr|bridge|msg|fib|fdb|devdrv|pktdrv|platform|pbr|bfd|lacp|qos|helper|rbridge|nvo|ofl|mlag|mpls|srv6|ptp|extphy) {all|default|info|debug|warn|error|fatal|admin|counter|pkt}
debug nsm ((addressmonitor|bfd|events|hal events|hal ipc|linkmonitor|packet|packet detail|packet recv|packet recv detail|packet send|packet send detail|vxlan|ipsec|mpls|mpls sr ftn|mpls sr ilm|mpls ldp ftn|mpls ldp ilm|all)|)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (addressmonitor|bfd|events|hal events|hal ipc|linkmonitor|packet|packet detail|packet recv|packet recv detail|packet send|packet send detail|vxlan|ipsec|mpls|mpls sr ftn|mpls sr ilm|mpls ldp ftn|mpls ldp ilm|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<nsm-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug nsm ((addressmonitor|bfd|events|hal events|hal ipc|linkmonitor|packet|packet detail|packet recv|packet recv detail|packet send|packet send detail|vxlan|ipsec|mpls|mpls sr ftn|mpls sr ilm|mpls ldp ftn|mpls ldp ilm|all)|)
no debug nsm ((addressmonitor|bfd|events|hal events|hal ipc|linkmonitor|packet|packet detail|packet recv|packet recv detail|packet send|packet send detail|vxlan|ipsec|mpls|mpls sr ftn|mpls sr ilm|mpls ldp ftn|mpls ldp ilm|all)|)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (addressmonitor|bfd|events|hal events|hal ipc|linkmonitor|packet|packet detail|packet recv|packet recv detail|packet send|packet send detail|vxlan|ipsec|mpls|mpls sr ftn|mpls sr ilm|mpls ldp ftn|mpls ldp ilm|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<nsm-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug nsm ((addressmonitor|bfd|events|hal events|hal ipc|linkmonitor|packet|packet detail|packet recv|packet recv detail|packet send|packet send detail|vxlan|ipsec|mpls|mpls sr ftn|mpls sr ilm|mpls ldp ftn|mpls ldp ilm|all)|)
debug hsl (general|ifmgr|bridge|msg|fib|fdb|devdrv|pktdrv|platform|pbr|bfd|lacp|qos|helper|rbridge|nvo|ofl|mlag|mpls|srv6|ptp|extphy) {all|default|info|debug|warn|error|fatal|admin|counter|pkt}
Attribute Name: module-name
Attribute Type: enum (general|ifmgr|bridge|msg|fib|fdb|devdrv|pktdrv|platform|pbr|bfd|lacp|qos|helper|rbridge|nvo|ofl|mlag|mpls|srv6|ptp|extphy)
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: bits (all|default|info|debug|warn|error|fatal|admin|counter|pkt)
Netconf RPC payload
<hsl-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug hsl (general|ifmgr|bridge|msg|fib|fdb|devdrv|pktdrv|platform|pbr|bfd|lacp|qos|helper|rbridge|nvo|ofl|mlag|mpls|srv6|ptp|extphy) {all|default|info|debug|warn|error|fatal|admin|counter|pkt}
no debug hsl (general|ifmgr|bridge|msg|fib|fdb|devdrv|pktdrv|platform|pbr|bfd|lacp|qos|helper|rbridge|nvo|ofl|mlag|mpls|srv6|ptp|extphy) {all|default|info|debug|warn|error|fatal|admin|counter|pkt}
Attribute Name: module-name
Attribute Type: enum (general|ifmgr|bridge|msg|fib|fdb|devdrv|pktdrv|platform|pbr|bfd|lacp|qos|helper|rbridge|nvo|ofl|mlag|mpls|srv6|ptp|extphy)
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: bits (all|default|info|debug|warn|error|fatal|admin|counter|pkt)
Netconf RPC payload
<hsl-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug hsl (general|ifmgr|bridge|msg|fib|fdb|devdrv|pktdrv|platform|pbr|bfd|lacp|qos|helper|rbridge|nvo|ofl|mlag|mpls|srv6|ptp|extphy) {all|default|info|debug|warn|error|fatal|admin|counter|pkt}
debug pktmgr (l2 protocol cfm|l2 protocol eapol|l2 protocol efm|l2 protocol igmp-snoop|l2 protocol lacp|l2 protocol lldp|l2 protocol mldp-snoop|l2 protocol mstp|l2 protocol ptp|l2 protocol all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (l2 protocol cfm|l2 protocol eapol|l2 protocol efm|l2 protocol igmp-snoop|l2 protocol lacp|l2 protocol lldp|l2 protocol mldp-snoop|l2 protocol mstp|l2 protocol ptp|l2 protocol all)
Netconf RPC payload
<pktmgr-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
<terminal-debug-options>l2 protocol cfm</terminal-debug-options>
Command Syntax
debug pktmgr (l2 protocol cfm|l2 protocol eapol|l2 protocol efm|l2 protocol igmp-snoop|l2 protocol lacp|l2 protocol lldp|l2 protocol mldp-snoop|l2 protocol mstp|l2 protocol ptp|l2 protocol all)
no debug pktmgr
Netconf RPC payload
<pktmgr-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug pktmgr
debug pktmgr enable
Netconf RPC payload
<pktmgr-debug-statistics-enable xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug pktmgr enable
debug pktmgr disable
Netconf RPC payload
<pktmgr-debug-statistics-disable xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug pktmgr disable
debug pktmgr stats
Netconf RPC payload
<pktmgr-debug-statistics-get xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug pktmgr stats
debug pktmgr (stats|pkt-errors)
Attribute Name: debug-error-statistics
Attribute Type: enum (stats|pkt-errors)
Netconf RPC payload
<pktmgr-debug-error-statistics-get xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug pktmgr (stats|pkt-errors)
clear nsm ipc stats
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-nsm-ipc-statistics xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear nsm ipc stats
clear nsm server ipc-stats
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-nsm-server-ipc-statistics xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear nsm server ipc-stats
snmp restart nsm
Netconf RPC payload
<nsm-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart nsm
debug nsm mpls dev
Netconf RPC payload
<nsm-terminal-debug-nsm-mpls-dev-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug nsm mpls dev
no debug nsm mpls dev
Netconf RPC payload
<nsm-terminal-debug-nsm-mpls-dev-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug nsm mpls dev
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable global bridge vlan check
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<global-bridge-vlan-check xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
global-bridge-vlan-check enable
Configure protocol
Bridge protocol type
Attribute Name: protocol
Attribute Type: enum (ieee|ieee vlan-bridge|rstp|rstp vlan-bridge|mstp|provider-rstp|provider-mstp|rstp ring|mstp ring|provider-rstp edge|provider-mstp edge|rstp vlan-bridge ring)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> protocol (ieee|ieee vlan-bridge|rstp|rstp vlan-bridge|mstp|rstp ring|mstp ring|rstp vlan-bridge ring)
Configure instance name
Bridge protocol type
Attribute Name: protocol
Attribute Type: enum (ieee|ieee vlan-bridge|rstp|rstp vlan-bridge|mstp|provider-rstp|provider-mstp|rstp ring|mstp ring|provider-rstp edge|provider-mstp edge|rstp vlan-bridge ring)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> protocol (ieee|ieee vlan-bridge|rstp|rstp vlan-bridge|mstp|provider-rstp|provider-mstp|rstp ring|mstp ring|provider-rstp edge|provider-mstp edge|rstp vlan-bridge ring)
Configure disable dynamic learning
Network Instance Name. For VRF and MAC VRF, instance name can be up to 32 chars long. For VPWS and VPLS instances, instance name can be up to 128 chars long. For L2NI (bridge) instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-32). For Cross-Connect, instance name can be up to 30 chars long. For Bridge-domain, instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-2147483647).
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: disable-dynamic-learning
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no bridge <1-32> acquire
Configure l2 protocol destination mac
This attribute changes L2 protocol destination MAC
Attribute Name: l2-protocol-destination-mac
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: 0100.C2CD.CDD0
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<l2-protocol-destination-mac>XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</l2-protocol-destination-mac> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> l2protocol encapsulation dest-mac XXXX.XXXX.XXXX
Configure dot1ad encapsulation
Configure to use encapsulated dot1ad value for switching and routing by bridge ports
Attribute Name: dot1ad-encapsulation
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
</dot1ad-encapsulation><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> encapsulation dot1ad
Configure spanning tree protocol status
Attribute specifies to enable/disable Spanning Tree Protocol on a interface
Attribute Name: spanning-tree-protocol-status
Attribute Type: enum (enable|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
Command Syntax
bridge-group <1-32> (spanning-tree (enable|disable)|)
Configure disable mac learning
Use this attribute to disable MAC learning on a interface
Attribute Name: disable-mac-learning
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
</disable-mac-learning><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no mac-address-table learning bridge <1-32> interface IFNAME
Configure interface name
The textual name of the interface
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Attribute Name: action
Attribute Type: enum (discard|forward)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (discard|forward) IFNAME
clear mac address-table (multicast) cvlan VID svlan VID bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: mac-type
Attribute Type: enum (multicast)
Attribute Name: cvlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: svlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<bridge-clear-provider-edge-mac-address-table xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table (multicast) cvlan VID svlan VID bridge <1-32>
clear mac address-table (multicast) (interface IFNAME|) (address MACADDR|) (vlan VID|) bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: mac-type
Attribute Type: enum (multicast)
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<bridge-clear-mac-address-table xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table (multicast) (interface IFNAME|) (address MACADDR|) (vlan VID|) bridge <1-32>
clear mac address-table dynamic cvlan VID svlan VID bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: cvlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: svlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<bridge-clear-provider-edge-dynamic-mac-address-table xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic cvlan VID svlan VID bridge <1-32>
clear mac address-table dynamic (interface IFNAME|) (address MACADDR|) (vlan VID|) bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<bridge-clear-dynamic-mac-address-table xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic (interface IFNAME|) (address MACADDR|) (vlan VID|) bridge <1-32>
clear mac address-table dynamic interface IFNAME instance INST bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Attribute Name: instance-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<bridge-clear-mstp-port-dynamic-mac-address-table xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic interface IFNAME instance INST bridge <1-32>
Configure disable mac learning
Use attribute to disable mac address learning
Attribute Name: disable-mac-learning
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<vlans xmlns="">
</disable-mac-learning><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no mac-address-table learning bridge <1-32> vlan VLAN_RANGE
Configure vlan id
Vlan identifier
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (customer)
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: state
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<vlans xmlns="">
<vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vlan VLAN_RANGE (type (customer)|) bridge <1-32> (name WORD|) (state (disable|enable)|)
Configure type
Vlan identifier
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (point-point|multipoint-multipoint|rooted-multipoint)
Attribute Name: state
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<vlans xmlns="">
<vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vlan VLAN_RANGE type service (point-point|multipoint-multipoint|rooted-multipoint) bridge <1-32> (state (disable|enable)|)
Configure instance name
Vlan identifier
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (point-point|multipoint-multipoint|rooted-multipoint)
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: state
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<vlans xmlns="">
<vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vlan VLAN_RANGE type service (point-point|multipoint-multipoint|rooted-multipoint) bridge <1-32> name WORD (state (disable|enable)|)
Configure instance type
private vlan type
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (community|isolated|primary)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<vlans xmlns="">
Command Syntax
private-vlan <2-4094> (community|isolated|primary) bridge <1-32>
Configure secondary vlan
Use this attribute to configure associated secondary vlan for private vlan
Attribute Name: secondary-vlan
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<vlans xmlns="">
<secondary-vlan>VLAN_ID</secondary-vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
private-vlan <2-4094> association add VLAN_ID bridge <1-32>
Configure mac address
Use this attribute to configure classifier for given MAC address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled VLAN Classifier feature
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vlan-classifier xmlns="">
<mac-address>WORD</mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vlan classifier rule <1-256> mac WORD
Configure ipv4 address
Use this attribute to configure classifier for given IPv4 address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled VLAN Classifier feature
Attribute Name: ipv4-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vlan-classifier xmlns="">
<ipv4-address>A.B.C.D/M</ipv4-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vlan classifier rule <1-256> ipv4 A.B.C.D/M
Configure ether type
Use this attribute to configure classifier for protocols based on Ethertype value
This command is supported when following feature are enabled VLAN Classifier feature
Attribute Name: ether-type
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<vlan-classifier xmlns="">
Command Syntax
vlan classifier rule <1-256> proto (ETHERTYPE|ip|x25|arp|g8bpqx25|ieeepup|ieeeaddrtrans|dec|decdnadumpload|decdnaremoteconsole|decdnarouting|declat|decdiagnostics|rarp|atalkddp|atalkaarp|ipx|ipv6|atmmulti|pppdiscovery|pppsession|atmtransport)
Configure group id
Classifier group ID
Attribute Name: group-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<vlan-classifier xmlns="">
<classifier-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vlan classifier group <1-16> add rule <1-256>
Configure port name
VLAN classifier group ID
Attribute Name: group-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-16
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<vlan-classifier xmlns="">
<port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vlan classifier activate <1-16> vlan <2-4094>
Configure disable vlan classifier feature
Use this command to enable or disable VLAN classifier feature.
Attribute Name: disable-vlan-classifier-feature
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<layer2-global xmlns="">
</disable-vlan-classifier-feature><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no feature vlan classifier
Configure disable port security
Use this attribute to disable or enable port-security globally.
Attribute Name: disable-port-security
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<layer2-global xmlns="">
Command Syntax
port-security disable
Configure vlan xlate 1
Use this attribute to set vlan xlate
Attribute Name: vlan-xlate-1
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<layer2-global xmlns="">
</vlan-xlate-1><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vlan-xlate-1 large
Configure table name
Use this to configure the name of the CVLAN registration table.
Attribute Name: table-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<cvlan-registration-tables xmlns="">
<cvlan-registration-table> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cvlan registration table WORD bridge <1-32>
Configure svlan id
Service VLAN ID in registration table
This command is supported when following feature are enabled VLAN feature,Provider Bridging feature
Attribute Name: svlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Attribute Name: translated-cvlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<cvlan-registration-tables xmlns="">
Command Syntax
cvlan VLAN_RANGE2 cvlan <1-4095> svlan <1-4095>
Configure cvlan id
Service VLAN ID in registration table
This command is supported when following feature are enabled VLAN feature,Provider Bridging feature
Attribute Name: svlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<cvlan-registration-tables xmlns="">
Command Syntax
cvlan VLAN_RANGE2 svlan <1-4095>
Configure cos to queue
Name of CoS to queue profile to map to CVLAN ID
This command is supported when following feature are enabled VLAN feature,Provider Bridging feature
Attribute Name: cos-to-queue
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: translated-cvlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Attribute Name: remark-cos
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<cvlan-registration-tables xmlns="">
Command Syntax
cvlan VLAN_RANGE2 cvlan <1-4095> svlan <1-4095> ({ remark-cos| cos-to-queue NAME }|)
Configure untagged ep
Customer/provider edge port is untagged for specified CVLAN
This command is supported when following feature are enabled VLAN feature,Provider Bridging feature
Attribute Name: untagged-ep
Attribute Type: bits (default|untagged-pep|untagged-cep)
Attribute Name: remark-cos
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: cos-to-queue
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<cvlan-registration-tables xmlns="">
Command Syntax
cvlan VLAN_RANGE2 svlan <1-4095> ({ remark-cos| cos-to-queue NAME| untagged-pep|untagged-cep }|)
Configure isolated vlan id
Isolated VLAN identifier
Attribute Name: isolated-vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-4094,2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<isolated-vlan-id>2</isolated-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport (provider-network) isolated-vlan WORD
Configure cvlan registration table
cvlan registration table
Attribute Name: cvlan-registration-table
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<cvlan-registration-table>WORD</cvlan-registration-table> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport (customer-edge) vlan registration WORD
Configure interface mode
Set the interface to access or trunk or hybrid mode for VLANs
Attribute Name: interface-mode
Attribute Type: enum (access|hybrid|trunk|customer-network|provider-network|customer-edge access|customer-edge hybrid|customer-edge trunk)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<switched-vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport mode (access|hybrid|trunk|provider-network|customer-edge access|customer-edge hybrid|customer-edge trunk)
Configure name
Set the interface to access or trunk or hybrid mode for VLANs
Attribute Name: interface-mode
Attribute Type: enum (access|hybrid|trunk|customer-network|provider-network|customer-edge access|customer-edge hybrid|customer-edge trunk)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<switched-vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport mode (customer-network)
Configure acceptable frame type
Use this attribute to set the interface acceptable frame types. This processing occurs after VLAN classification
Attribute Name: acceptable-frame-type
Attribute Type: enum (vlan-tagged|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<acceptable-frame-type>all</acceptable-frame-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport mode (hybrid) acceptable-frame-type (vlan-tagged|all)
Configure disable native vlan
Use this attribute to disable native VLAN for the port. Untagged frames will be dropped.
Attribute Name: disable-native-vlan
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
</disable-native-vlan><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport mode (trunk) disable-native-vlan
Configure remove default vlan
Use this attribute to remove default VLAN for the port. Untagged frames will be dropped.
Attribute Name: remove-default-vlan
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
</remove-default-vlan><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport mode (trunk) remove-default-vlan
Configure vlan id
Default VLAN identifier
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<vlan-id>2</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport (access|hybrid) vlan <2-4094>
Configure native vlan id
Native VLAN ID
Attribute Name: native-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<native-vlan-id>2</native-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport (trunk) native vlan <2-4094>
Configure translated svlan id
Specifies translated service VLAN identifier
Attribute Name: translated-svlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<translated-svlan-id>VLAN_ID</translated-svlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport (provider-network) vlan translation svlan VLAN_ID svlan VLAN_ID
Configure original svlan id
Specifies translated service VLAN identifier
Attribute Name: translated-svlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<translated-svlan-id>VLAN_ID</translated-svlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport (customer-network) vlan translation svlan VLAN_ID svlan VLAN_ID
Configure translated cvlan id
Specifies translated service VLAN identifier
Attribute Name: translated-svlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: translated-cvlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<translated-cvlan-id>1</translated-cvlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<translated-svlan-id>VLAN_ID</translated-svlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport (provider-network) vlan translation svlan VLAN_ID cvlan <1-4095> svlan VLAN_ID
Configure cvlan id
Specifies translated service VLAN identifier
Attribute Name: translated-svlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
Command Syntax
switchport (provider-network) vlan translation cvlan <1-4095> svlan <1-4095> svlan <1-4095>
Configure svlan id
Specifies translated service VLAN identifier
Attribute Name: translated-svlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
Command Syntax
switchport (customer-network) vlan translation cvlan <1-4095> svlan <1-4095> svlan <1-4095>
Configure logging
port security logging
Attribute Name: logging
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
</logging><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport port-security logging enable
Configure mode
port security mode type
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (static|default)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
Command Syntax
switchport port-security
Configure maximum limit
Maximum limit for port security
Attribute Name: maximum-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<maximum-limit>1</maximum-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport port-security maximum <1-1000>
Configure mac address
Use this attribute to configure the static forwarding entry for port-security
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Provider bridging feature
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<default-vlan-mapping> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport port-security mac-address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX
Configure associate vlan id
Private VLAN Association
Attribute Name: associate-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
Command Syntax
switchport private-vlan host-association <2-4094> add <2-4094>
Configure mapping vlan id
Primary vlan identifier
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: mapping-vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
<association> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchport private-vlan mapping <2-4094> add VLAN_ID
Configure association trunk vlan id
private-vlan Mapping
Attribute Name: association-trunk-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<port-vlan xmlns="">
Command Syntax
switchport private-vlan association-trunk <2-4094> <2-4094>
Configure instance name
Specifies service VLAN identifier for static MAC entry
Attribute Name: svlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Attribute Name: action
Attribute Type: enum (discard|forward)
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<vlan-static-fdb xmlns="">
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (discard|forward) IFNAME vlan <2-4094> svlan <2-4094>
Configure instance type
Specifies VLAN identifier for static MAC entry in case of provider-network VLAN will be considered as service VLAN
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Attribute Name: action
Attribute Type: enum (discard|forward)
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<vlan-static-fdb xmlns="">
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (discard|forward) IFNAME vlan <2-4094>
Configure ageing time
Use this attribute to specify the aging-out time for a learned MAC address. The learned MAC address persists until this specified time. Setting value to 0 would disable ageing of the bridge.
Attribute Name: ageing-time
Attribute Type: union
Default Value: 300
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<ageing-time>300</ageing-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> ageing disable
Configure instance name
Use this attribute to specify the aging-out time for a learned MAC address. The learned MAC address persists until this specified time. Setting value to 0 would disable ageing of the bridge.
Attribute Name: ageing-time
Attribute Type: union
Default Value: 300
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<ageing-time>300</ageing-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> ageing-time (0|<10-572>)
Configure enable cisco interoperability
Use this attribute to enable/disable Cisco interoperability for MSTP (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol). If Cisco interoperability is required, all devices in the switched LAN must be Cisco-interoperability enabled. When router interoperates with Cisco, the only criteria used to classify a region are the region name and revision level. VLAN-to-instance mapping is not used to classify regions when interoperating with Cisco.
Attribute Name: enable-cisco-interoperability
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
</enable-cisco-interoperability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> cisco-interoperability enable
Configure forwarding delay
Use this attribute to set the time (in seconds) after which (if this bridge is the root bridge) each port changes states to learning and forwarding. This value is used by all instances
Attribute Name: forwarding-delay
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 4-30
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<forwarding-delay>4</forwarding-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> forward-time <4-30>
Configure hello time
Use this attribute to set the hello-time, the time in seconds after which (if this bridge is the root bridge) all the bridges in a bridged LAN exchange Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs). A very low value of this parameter leads to excessive traffic on the network, while a higher value delays the detection of topology change.This value is used by all instances.Configure the bridge instance name beforeusing this attribute. The allowable range of values is 1-10 seconds. However, make sure that the value of hello time is always greater than the value of hold time (2 seconds by default)
Attribute Name: hello-time
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 1-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<hello-time>1</hello-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> hello-time <1-10>
Configure max age
Use this attribute to set the maximum age for a bridge. This value is used by all instances. Maximum age is the maximum time in seconds for which (if a bridge is the root bridge) a message is considered valid. This prevents the frames from looping indefinitely. The value of maximum age should be greater than twice the value of hello time plus 1, but less than twice the value of forward delay minus 1. The allowable range for max-age is 6-40 seconds. Configure this value sufficiently high, so that a frame generated by root can be propagated to the leaf nodes without exceeding the maximum age.
Attribute Name: max-age
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 20
Attribute Range: 6-40
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<max-age>6</max-age> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> max-age <6-40>
Configure max hops
Use this attribute to specify the maximum allowed hops for a BPDU in an MST region. This parameter is used by all the instances of the MST. Specifying the maximum hops for a BPDU prevents the messages from looping indefinitely in the network. When a bridge receives an MST BPDU that has exceeded the allowed maximum hops, it discards the BPDU.
Attribute Name: max-hops
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 20
Attribute Range: 1-40
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<max-hops>1</max-hops> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> max-hops <1-40>
Configure bridge priority
Use this attribute to set the bridge priority for the common instance. Using a lower priority indicates a greater likelihood of the bridge becoming root. The priority values can be set only in increments of 4096.
Attribute Name: bridge-priority
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 32768
Attribute Range: 0-61440
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<bridge-priority>0</bridge-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> priority <0-61440>
Configure transmit hold count
Use this attribute to set the maximum number of transmissions of BPDUs by the transmit state machine
Attribute Name: transmit-hold-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 6
Attribute Range: 1-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<transmit-hold-count>1</transmit-hold-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> transmit-holdcount <1-10>
Configure enable bpdu filter
All ports that have their BPDU filter set to default take the same value of BPDU filter as that of the bridge. The Spanning Tree Protocol sends BPDUs from all ports. Enabling the BPDU Filter feature ensures that PortFast-enabled ports do not transmit or receive any BPDUs.
Attribute Name: enable-bpdu-filter
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
</enable-bpdu-filter><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> spanning-tree portfast bpdu-filter
Configure enable bpdu guard
Use this attribute to set the portfast BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) guard or filter for the bridge
Attribute Name: enable-bpdu-guard
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
</enable-bpdu-guard><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> spanning-tree portfast bpdu-guard
Configure enable error disable timeout
Use this attribute to enable the error-disable-timeout facility, which sets a timeout for ports that are disabled due to the BPDU guard feature. The BPDU guard feature shuts down the port on receiving a BPDU on a BPDU-guard enabled port. This attribute associates a timer with the feature such that the port gets enabled back without manual intervention after a set interval.
Attribute Name: enable-error-disable-timeout
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
</enable-error-disable-timeout><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> spanning-tree errdisable-timeout enable
Configure force version
Use this attribute to set the version for the bridge. A version identifier of less than a value of 2 enforces the spanning tree protocol. Although the attribute supports an input range of 0-4, for RSTP, the valid range is 0-2. When the force-version is set for a bridge, all ports of the bridge have the same spanning tree version set.
Attribute Name: force-version
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<force-version>0</force-version> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> spanning-tree force-version <0-4>
Configure path cost method
Use this attribute to set a spanning-tree path cost method. If the short parameter is used, the switch uses a value for the default path cost a number in the range 1 through 65,535. If the long parameter is used, the switch uses a value for the default path cost a number in the range 1 through 200,000,000.
Attribute Name: path-cost-method
Attribute Type: enum (short|long|default)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<path-cost-method>default</path-cost-method> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> spanning-tree pathcost method (short|long)
Configure bridge type
Network Instance Name. For VRF and MAC VRF, instance name can be up to 32 chars long. For VPWS and VPLS instances, instance name can be up to 128 chars long. For L2NI (bridge) instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-32). For Cross-Connect, instance name can be up to 30 chars long. For Bridge-domain, instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-2147483647).
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: bridge-type
Attribute Type: enum (spanning-tree|rapid-spanning-tree|multiple-spanning-tree)
Attribute Name: disable-spanning-tree
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<network-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no bridge <1-32> (rapid-spanning-tree|multiple-spanning-tree) enable
Configure disable spanning tree
Network Instance Name. For VRF and MAC VRF, instance name can be up to 32 chars long. For VPWS and VPLS instances, instance name can be up to 128 chars long. For L2NI (bridge) instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-32). For Cross-Connect, instance name can be up to 30 chars long. For Bridge-domain, instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-2147483647).
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: bridge-type
Attribute Type: enum (spanning-tree|rapid-spanning-tree|multiple-spanning-tree)
Attribute Name: disable-spanning-tree
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: bridge-forwarding
Attribute Type: enum (bridge-blocked|bridge-forward)
Default Value: bridge-blocked
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<network-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no bridge <1-32> (rapid-spanning-tree|multiple-spanning-tree) enable (bridge-blocked|bridge-forward)
Configure bridge forwarding
Network Instance Name. For VRF and MAC VRF, instance name can be up to 32 chars long. For VPWS and VPLS instances, instance name can be up to 128 chars long. For L2NI (bridge) instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-32). For Cross-Connect, instance name can be up to 30 chars long. For Bridge-domain, instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-2147483647).
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: bridge-type
Attribute Type: enum (spanning-tree|rapid-spanning-tree|multiple-spanning-tree)
Attribute Name: disable-spanning-tree
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: bridge-forwarding
Attribute Type: enum (bridge-blocked|bridge-forward)
Default Value: bridge-blocked
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<network-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no bridge <1-32> spanning-tree enable (bridge-blocked|bridge-forward)
Configure enable shutdown
Network Instance Name. For VRF and MAC VRF, instance name can be up to 32 chars long. For VPWS and VPLS instances, instance name can be up to 128 chars long. For L2NI (bridge) instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-32). For Cross-Connect, instance name can be up to 30 chars long. For Bridge-domain, instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-2147483647).
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: enable-shutdown
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<network-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge shutdown <1-32>
Configure region name
Use this attribute to create an MST region and specify its name. MST bridges of a region form different spanning trees for different VLANs.
Attribute Name: region-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: Default
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<region-name>REGION_NAME</region-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> region REGION_NAME
Configure revision number
Use this attribute to specify the number for configuration information.
Attribute Name: revision-number
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<revision-number>0</revision-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> revision <0-65535>
Configure vlan id
Use this attribute to simultaneously add multiple VLANs for the corresponding instance of a bridge.The VLANs must be created before being associated with an MST instance (MSTI). If the VLAN range is not specified,the MSTI will not be created.
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<vlan-id>VLANID</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> te-msti vlan VLANID
Configure disable spanning tree
Use this attribute to diasble spanning tree for TE MSTI instance
Attribute Name: disable-spanning-tree
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
</disable-spanning-tree><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no bridge <1-32> te-msti
Configure name
The textual name of the interface
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge-group <1-32> instance te-msti
Configure instance id
Network Instance Name. For VRF and MAC VRF, instance name can be up to 32 chars long. For VPWS and VPLS instances, instance name can be up to 128 chars long. For L2NI (bridge) instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-32). For Cross-Connect, instance name can be up to 30 chars long. For Bridge-domain, instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-2147483647).
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: instance-id
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<network-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> instance <1-63>
Configure instance type
Use this attribute to simultaneously add multiple VLANs for the corresponding instance of a bridge.The VLANs must be created before being associated with an MST instance (MSTI). If the VLAN range is not specified,the MSTI will not be created.
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<vlan-id>VLAN_RANGE</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> instance <1-63> vlan VLAN_RANGE
Configure instance id
Use this attribute to simultaneously add multiple VLANs for the corresponding instance of a bridge.The VLANs must be created before being associated with an MST instance (MSTI). If the VLAN range is not specified,the MSTI will not be created.
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<vlan-id>VLAN_RANGE</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> instance <1-62> vlan VLAN_RANGE
Configure path cost
Use this attribute to set a path cost for a multiple spanning tree instance. Before using this attribute, you must explicitly add an MST instance to a port using the bridge-group instance attribute.
Attribute Name: path-cost
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 20000000
Attribute Range: 1-200000000
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<path-cost>1</path-cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge-group <1-32> instance <1-63> path-cost <1-200000000>
Configure port priority
Use this attribute to set the bridge instance priority.The Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol uses port priority as a tiebreaker to determine which port should forward frames for a particular instance on a LAN, or which port should be the root port for an instance. A lower value implies a better priority. In the case of the same priority, the interface index will serve as the tiebreaker, with the lower-numbered interface being preferred over others.
Attribute Name: port-priority
Attribute Type: int16
Default Value: 128
Attribute Range: 0-240
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge xmlns="">
<stp xmlns="">
<port-priority>0</port-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge-group <1-32> instance <1-63> priority <0-240>
Configure port configuration
Use this attribute to set a port as an edge-port and to enable rapid transitions.
Attribute Name: port-configuration
Attribute Type: enum (edgeport|portfast)
Default Value: portfast
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
<port-configuration>portfast</port-configuration> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spanning-tree (edgeport|portfast)
Configure enable automatic edge detection
Use this attribute to enable automatic edge detection.
Attribute Name: enable-automatic-edge-detection
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
</enable-automatic-edge-detection><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spanning-tree autoedge
Configure bpdu guard
Use this attribute to set the portfast BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) guard or filter for the bridge.When the BPDU guard feature is set for a bridge, all portfast-enabled ports of the bridge that have the BPDU guard set to default shut down the port on receiving a BPDU. In this case, the BPDU is not processed. You can configure the errdisable-timeout feature to enable the port after the specified time interval.
Attribute Name: bpdu-guard
Attribute Type: enum (enable|disable|default)
Default Value: default
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
<bpdu-guard>default</bpdu-guard> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spanning-tree bpdu-guard (enable|disable|default)
Configure bpdu filter
Use this attribute to set the portfast BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) guard or filter for the bridge.All ports that have their BPDU filter set to default take the same value of BPDU filter as that of the bridge. The Spanning Tree Protocol sends BPDUs from all ports. Enabling the BPDU Filter feature ensures that PortFast-enabled ports do not transmit or receive any BPDUs
Attribute Name: bpdu-filter
Attribute Type: enum (enable|disable|default)
Default Value: default
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
<bpdu-filter>default</bpdu-filter> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spanning-tree bpdu-filter (enable|disable|default)
Configure enable root guard
Use this attribute to enable the root guard feature for the port. This feature disables reception of superior BPDUs.The root guard feature makes sure that the port on which it is enabled is a designated port. If the root guard enabled port receives a superior BPDU, it goes to a Listening state (for STP) or discarding state (for RSTP and MSTP).
Attribute Name: enable-root-guard
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
</enable-root-guard><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spanning-tree guard root
Configure link type
Use this attribute to enable or disable point-to-point or shared link types. RSTP has a backward-compatible STP , spanning-tree link-type shared. An alternative is the spanning-tree force-version 0
Attribute Name: link-type
Attribute Type: enum (shared|point-to-point|auto)
Default Value: point-to-point
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
<link-type>point-to-point</link-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spanning-tree link-type (shared|point-to-point|auto)
Configure enable restricted domain role
Use this attribute to set the restricted-domain-role value of the port to TRUE.
Attribute Name: enable-restricted-domain-role
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
</enable-restricted-domain-role><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spanning-tree restricted-domain-role
Configure enable restricted role
Use this attribute to set the restricted-role value of the port to TRUE
Attribute Name: enable-restricted-role
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
</enable-restricted-role><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spanning-tree restricted-role
Configure enable restricted tcn
Use this attribute to set the restricted TCN value of the port to TRUE
Attribute Name: enable-restricted-tcn
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
</enable-restricted-tcn><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spanning-tree restricted-tcn
Configure enable instance restricted tcn
Use this attribute to set the restricted TCN value for the instance to TRUE
Attribute Name: enable-instance-restricted-tcn
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
</enable-instance-restricted-tcn><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spanning-tree instance <1-63> restricted-tcn
Configure enable instance restricted role
Use this attribute to set the restricted role value for the instance to TRUE
Attribute Name: enable-instance-restricted-role
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
</enable-instance-restricted-role><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spanning-tree instance <1-63> restricted-role
Configure forward delay
Use this attribute to set the time (in seconds) after which (if this bridge is the root bridge) each port changes states to learning and forwarding. This value is used by all instances
This command is supported when following feature are enabled provider bridge feature
Attribute Name: forward-delay
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 4-30
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
<forward-delay>4</forward-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
customer-spanning-tree forward-time <4-30>
Configure svlan id
Use this attribute to set the bridge path cost.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled provider bridge feature
Attribute Name: path-cost
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-200000000
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
<path-cost>1</path-cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
customer-spanning-tree provider-edge svlan <2-4094> path-cost <1-200000000>
Configure options
Debug configuration flag
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (mstp protocol|mstp protocol detail|mstp timer|mstp timer detail|mstp packet tx|mstp packet rx|mstp cli|mstp bpdu|mstp mcec|mstp all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<xstp xmlns="">
<options>mstp protocol</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug (mstp protocol|mstp protocol detail|mstp timer|mstp timer detail|mstp packet tx|mstp packet rx|mstp cli|mstp bpdu|mstp mcec|mstp all)
debug (mstp protocol|mstp protocol detail|mstp timer|mstp timer detail|mstp packet tx|mstp packet rx|mstp cli|mstp bpdu|mstp mcec|mstp all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (mstp protocol|mstp protocol detail|mstp timer|mstp timer detail|mstp packet tx|mstp packet rx|mstp cli|mstp bpdu|mstp mcec|mstp all)
Netconf RPC payload
<mstp-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
<terminal-debug-options>mstp protocol</terminal-debug-options>
Command Syntax
debug (mstp protocol|mstp protocol detail|mstp timer|mstp timer detail|mstp packet tx|mstp packet rx|mstp cli|mstp bpdu|mstp mcec|mstp all)
no debug (mstp protocol|mstp protocol detail|mstp timer|mstp timer detail|mstp packet tx|mstp packet rx|mstp cli|mstp bpdu|mstp mcec|mstp all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (mstp protocol|mstp protocol detail|mstp timer|mstp timer detail|mstp packet tx|mstp packet rx|mstp cli|mstp bpdu|mstp mcec|mstp all)
Netconf RPC payload
<mstp-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
<terminal-debug-options>mstp protocol</terminal-debug-options>
Command Syntax
no debug (mstp protocol|mstp protocol detail|mstp timer|mstp timer detail|mstp packet tx|mstp packet rx|mstp cli|mstp bpdu|mstp mcec|mstp all)
clear spanning-tree detected protocols bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-spanning-tree-detected-protocols-per-bridge xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree detected protocols bridge <1-32>
clear spanning-tree detected protocols interface INTERFACE
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-spanning-tree-detected-protocols-per-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree detected protocols interface INTERFACE
clear spanning-tree statistics (spbm|<1-63>) bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: mst-instance-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-spanning-tree-statistics-per-instance-and-bridge xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree statistics (spbm|<1-63>) bridge <1-32>
clear spanning-tree statistics interface IFNAME vlan <2-4094> bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-spanning-tree-statistics-per-interface-vlan-and-bridge xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree statistics interface IFNAME vlan <2-4094> bridge <1-32>
clear spanning-tree statistics interface IFNAME bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-spanning-tree-statistics-per-interface-and-bridge xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree statistics interface IFNAME bridge <1-32>
clear spanning-tree statistics bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-spanning-tree-statistics-per-bridge xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree statistics bridge <1-32>
clear spanning-tree statistics vlan <2-4094> bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-spanning-tree-statistics-per-vlan-and-bridge xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree statistics vlan <2-4094> bridge <1-32>
clear spanning-tree statistics interface IFNAME (spbm|<1-63>) bridge <1-32>
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: mst-instance-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-spanning-tree-statistics-per-interface-instance-and-bridge xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree statistics interface IFNAME (spbm|<1-63>) bridge <1-32>
snmp restart mstp
Netconf RPC payload
<mstp-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart mstp
Configure aggregate id
Channel group identifier
Attribute Name: aggregate-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-16383
Attribute Name: agg-type
Attribute Type: enum (lacp|static)
Attribute Name: lacp-mode
Attribute Type: enum (passive|active)
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<member-aggregation xmlns="">
Command Syntax
static-channel-group <1-16383>
Configure lacp mode
Use this command to add a port to a channel group specified by the channel group number (1-12). This command enables link aggregation on a port, so that it may be selected for aggregation by the local system.
Attribute Name: lacp-mode
Attribute Type: enum (passive|active)
Attribute Name: agg-type
Attribute Type: enum (lacp|static)
Attribute Name: aggregate-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-16383
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<member-aggregation xmlns="">
Command Syntax
channel-group <1-16383> mode (passive|active)
Configure weight
Set the port channel weight
Attribute Name: weight
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<member-aggregation xmlns="">
<weight>1</weight> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
port-channel weight <1-64>
Configure min links
Minimum number of active links required in this aggregator
Attribute Name: min-links
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 2-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<aggregator xmlns="">
<min-links>2</min-links> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
port-channel min-links <2-32>
Configure min bandwidth
Minimum number of bandwidth required in this aggregator
Attribute Name: min-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<aggregator xmlns="">
<min-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</min-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
port-channel min-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure system priority
Use this attribute to the system priority of this switch. This priority is used for determining the system that is responsible for resolving conflicts in the choice of aggregation groups. A lower numerical value has a higher priority.
Attribute Name: system-priority
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 32768
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<lacp xmlns="">
<system-priority>0</system-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lacp system-priority <0-65535>
Configure options
This attribute returns the terminal debug options which are enabled
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (event|cli|timer|packet|rx|tx|sync|ha|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<lacp xmlns="">
<options>event</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug lacp (event|cli|timer|packet|rx|tx|sync|ha|all)
Configure port priority
Use this attribute to set the priority of a channel. Channels are selected for aggregation based on their priority with the higher priority (numerically lower) channels selected first
Attribute Name: port-priority
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 32768
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<lacp xmlns="">
<port-priority>1</port-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lacp port-priority <1-65535>
Configure timeout
Use this attribute to set either a short or long timeout value on a port. The timeout value is the number of seconds before invalidating a received LACP data unit (DU). If the LACP_timeout bit (encoded in Actor_State and Partner_State fields) is set to 1, the short timeout takes effect; if set to 0, the long timeout takes effect.
Attribute Name: timeout
Attribute Type: enum (long|short)
Default Value: long
Netconf edit-config payload
<lacp xmlns="">
<timeout>long</timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lacp timeout (long|short)
Configure bridge type
Use this attribute to set the address type to use for sending LACPDUs (Link Aggregation Control Protocol Data Units).
Attribute Name: bridge-type
Attribute Type: enum (customer-bridge-group-address|multicast-group-address|non-tmpr-group-address)
Default Value: multicast-group-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<lacp xmlns="">
<bridge-type>multicast-group-address</bridge-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lacp destination-mac (customer-bridge-group-address|multicast-group-address|non-tmpr-group-address)
Configure force up
Use this attribute to enable the port as force-up in a channel group. Setting this attribute makes the port logically operational even if link aggregation goes down.
Attribute Name: force-up
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lacp xmlns="">
</force-up><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lacp force-up
Configure agg force up
Use this attribute to enable the port as lacp agg force-up
Attribute Name: agg-force-up
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lacp xmlns="">
</agg-force-up><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lacp agg force-up
snmp restart lacp
Netconf RPC payload
<lacp-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart lacp
clear lacp (<1-65535>|) counters
Attribute Name: aggregate-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-lacp-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear lacp (<1-65535>|) counters
debug lacp (event|cli|timer|packet|rx|tx|sync|ha|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|cli|timer|packet|rx|tx|sync|ha|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<lacp-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug lacp (event|cli|timer|packet|rx|tx|sync|ha|all)
no debug lacp (event|cli|timer|packet|rx|tx|sync|ha|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|cli|timer|packet|rx|tx|sync|ha|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<lacp-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug lacp (event|cli|timer|packet|rx|tx|sync|ha|all)
Configure enable
Enable or disable the LLDP protocol at node level
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp run
Configure enable tx rx only
Specifies to only send or receive LLDP frames
Attribute Name: enable-tx-rx-only
Attribute Type: enum (rxonly|txonly)
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<enable-tx-rx-only>rxonly</enable-tx-rx-only> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp enable (rxonly|txonly)
Configure notification interval
This object controls the interval between transmission of LLDP notifications during normal transmission periods
Attribute Name: notification-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 5-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<notification-interval>5</notification-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp notification-interval <5-3600>
Configure port description
This attribute specifies to include basic management port description information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: port-description
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</port-description><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt port-description
Configure system description
This attribute specifies to include basic management system description information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: system-description
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</system-description><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-description
Configure system name
This attribute specifies to include basic management system name information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: system-name
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</system-name><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-name
Configure system capabilities
This attribute specifies to include basic management system capabilities information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: system-capabilities
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</system-capabilities><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-capabilities
Configure management address
This attribute specifies to include basic management management-address information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: management-address
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</management-address><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt management-address
Configure port vlan id
This attribute specifies to include ieee-8021-org-specific port vlan-id information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: port-vlan-id
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</port-vlan-id><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select ieee-8021-org-specific port-vlanid
Configure port protocol vlan id
This attribute specifies to include ieee-8021-org-specific port protocol vlan-id information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: port-protocol-vlan-id
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</port-protocol-vlan-id><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select ieee-8021-org-specific port-ptcl-vlanid
Configure vlan name
This attribute specifies to include ieee-8021-org-specific vlan name information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: vlan-name
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</vlan-name><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select ieee-8021-org-specific vlan-name
Configure protocol identifier
This attribute specifies to include ieee-8021-org-specific protocol identifier information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: protocol-identifier
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</protocol-identifier><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select ieee-8021-org-specific ptcl-identity
Configure vid digest
This attribute specifies to include ieee-8021-org-specific vid usage digest information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: vid-digest
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</vid-digest><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select ieee-8021-org-specific vid-digest
Configure management vlan id
This attribute specifies to include ieee-8021-org-specific management vlan-id information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: management-vlan-id
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</management-vlan-id><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select ieee-8021-org-specific mgmt-vid
Configure link aggregation
This attribute specifies to include ieee-8021-org-specific link aggregation information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: link-aggregation
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</link-aggregation><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select ieee-8021-org-specific link-agg
Configure mac phy
This attribute specifies to include ieee-8023-org-specific MAC or PHY information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: mac-phy
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</mac-phy><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select ieee-8023-org-specific mac-phy
Configure max mtu size
This attribute specifies to include ieee-8023-org-specific maximum mtu size information in LLDP TLV
Attribute Name: max-mtu-size
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</max-mtu-size><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv-select ieee-8023-org-specific max-mtu-size
Configure locally assigned chassis id
This attribute used to identify the chassis component associated with the local system
Attribute Name: locally-assigned-chassis-id
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<locally-assigned-chassis-id>NAME</locally-assigned-chassis-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp chassis locally-assigned NAME
Configure reinit delay
The minimum time interval an LLDP port waits before re-initializing an LLDP transmission
Attribute Name: reinit-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 1-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<reinit-delay>1</reinit-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp timer reinit-delay <1-10>
Configure message tx interval
The delay between successive LLDP frame transmissions during normal transmission periods
Attribute Name: message-tx-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 5-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<message-tx-interval>5</message-tx-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp timer msg-tx-interval <5-3600>
Configure message tx hold multiplier
Multiplier of message-tx-interval to determine the Time To Live (TTL) that is carried in LLDP frames transmitted by the LLDP agent
Attribute Name: message-tx-hold-multiplier
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 4
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<message-tx-hold-multiplier>1</message-tx-hold-multiplier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp msg-tx-hold <1-100>
Configure message fast tx
The interval at which LLDP frames are transmitted on behalf of LLDP agent during fast transmission periods
Attribute Name: message-fast-tx
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<message-fast-tx>1</message-fast-tx> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp timer msg-fast-tx <1-3600>
Configure tx credit max
The maximum number of consecutive LLDPDUs that can be transmitted at any time
Attribute Name: tx-credit-max
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<tx-credit-max>1</tx-credit-max> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp tx-max-credit <1-10>
Configure tx fast init
The number of LLDPDUs to send during the fast transmission periods
Attribute Name: tx-fast-init
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 4
Attribute Range: 1-8
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<tx-fast-init>1</tx-fast-init> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp tx-fast-init <1-8>
Configure neighbor timer
This attribute configures timer to discard received message when remote table is full
Attribute Name: neighbor-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: neighbor-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<neighbor-limit>1</neighbor-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<neighbor-timer>1</neighbor-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp too-many-neighbors limit <1-65535> discard received-info timer <1-65535>
Configure port timer
This attribute configures timer to discard or delete existing info for received message port MAC when the remote table is full
Attribute Name: port-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: neighbor-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: port-mac
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<neighbor-limit>1</neighbor-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<port-mac>MAC</port-mac> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<port-timer>1</port-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp too-many-neighbors limit <1-65535> discard existing-info MAC timer <1-65535>
Configure port address
This attribute specifies sub type of the Management Address TLV. Can be configured as mac-address, ip-address or ipv6-address
Attribute Name: port-address
Attribute Type: enum (mac-address|ip-address|ipv6-address)
Default Value: mac-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<port-address>mac-address</port-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp management-address-tlv (mac-address|ip-address|ipv6-address)
Configure chassis id
This attribute specifies chassis ID subtype for the LLDP agent on a port. Can be configured as if-alias or ip-address or ipv6-address or mac-address or if-name or locally-assgined name
Attribute Name: chassis-id
Attribute Type: enum (if-alias|ip-address|mac-address|if-name|locally-assigned|ipv6-address)
Default Value: mac-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<chassis-id>mac-address</chassis-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp chassis-id-tlv (if-alias|ip-address|mac-address|if-name|locally-assigned|ipv6-address)
Configure port id
This attribute specifies sub type of the port id TLV. Can be configured as if-alias or mac-address or ip-address or ipv6-address or if-name or agent-circuit-id or locally assigned name
Attribute Name: port-id
Attribute Type: enum (if-alias|mac-address|ip-address|if-name|agt-circuit-id|locally-assigned|ipv6-address)
Default Value: mac-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<port-id>mac-address</port-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp port-id-tlv (if-alias|mac-address|ip-address|if-name|agt-circuit-id|locally-assigned|ipv6-address)
Configure options
This attribute returns the terminal debug options which are enabled
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (event|rx|tx|message|ha|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<options>event</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug lldp (event|rx|tx|message|ha|all)
Configure disable lldp agent
Use this attribute to disable LLDP on interface when it is enabled globally
Attribute Name: disable-lldp-agent
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</disable-lldp-agent><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp disable default-agent
Configure agent circuit id
DHCP agent circuit ID association on interface
Attribute Name: agent-circuit-id
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<agent-circuit-id>VALUE</agent-circuit-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp agt-circuit-id VALUE
Configure med device type
LLDP-MED type of interface. Class-0 is not defined, Class-1 is for generic endpoints and is applicable to all endpoints that require the base LLDP discovery services. Class-2 is for media endpoints and it includes endpoints that have IP media capabilities. Class-3 is for communication endpoints i.e., devices acting as end user communication applicances. Calss-4 is for Network Connectivity Device. Class 5-255 are Reserved
Attribute Name: med-device-type
Attribute Type: enum (ep-class1|ep-class2|ep-class3|net-connect)
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<med-device-type>ep-class1</med-device-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp med-devtype (ep-class1|ep-class2|ep-class3|net-connect)
Configure local name
Interface sub type with local name
Attribute Name: local-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<local-name>NAME</local-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp locally-assigned NAME
Configure agent type
LLDP agent type on this interface
Attribute Name: agent-type
Attribute Type: enum (non-tpmr-bridge|customer-bridge|default)
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<agent> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp-agent (non-tpmr-bridge|customer-bridge|)
Configure enable tx rx
Enables interface with LLDP protocol and specifies to send and(or) receive packets on interface
Attribute Name: enable-tx-rx
Attribute Type: enum (rxonly|txonly|txrx)
Default Value: rxonly
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<enable-tx-rx>rxonly</enable-tx-rx> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp enable (rxonly|txonly|txrx)
Configure disable tx rx
Disables interface with LLDP protocol
Attribute Name: disable-tx-rx
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
</disable-tx-rx><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp disable
Configure name
The minimum time interval an LLDP port waits before re-initializing an LLDP transmission
Attribute Name: reinit-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 1-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<reinit-delay>1</reinit-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp timer reinit-delay <1-10>
Configure neighbor limit
This attribute configures timer to discard received message when remote table is full
Attribute Name: neighbor-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: neighbor-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<neighbor-limit>1</neighbor-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<neighbor-timer>1</neighbor-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp too-many-neighbors limit <1-65535> discard received-info timer <1-65535>
Configure port mac
This attribute configures timer to discard or delete existing info for received message port MAC when the remote table is full
Attribute Name: port-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: neighbor-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: port-mac
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<neighbor-limit>1</neighbor-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<port-mac>MAC</port-mac> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<port-timer>1</port-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set lldp too-many-neighbors limit <1-65535> discard existing-info MAC timer <1-65535>
Configure network policy
Network policy information configured on the port for connected media endpoint. Following network policy will be supported VLAN ID, Priority Tagging, VLAN DSCP
Attribute Name: network-policy
Attribute Type: enum (not-set|select|unselect)
Default Value: not-set
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<network-policy>not-set</network-policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv med network-policy (select|unselect)
Configure location
Media Tlv type Location information configured for the port
Attribute Name: location
Attribute Type: enum (not-set|select|unselect)
Default Value: not-set
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<location>not-set</location> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv med location (select|unselect)
Configure inventory
Includes the TLV for information like hardware revision, software revision etc based on the current hardware platform and the software version
Attribute Name: inventory
Attribute Type: enum (not-set|select|unselect)
Default Value: not-set
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<inventory>not-set</inventory> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv med inventory (select|unselect)
Configure media capabilities
Includes various media-capabilities of the box for the neighbor
Attribute Name: media-capabilities
Attribute Type: enum (not-set|select|unselect)
Default Value: not-set
Netconf edit-config payload
<lldp xmlns="">
<media-capabilities>not-set</media-capabilities> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lldp tlv med media-capabilities (select|unselect)
debug lldp (event|rx|tx|message|ha|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|rx|tx|message|ha|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<lldp-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug lldp (event|rx|tx|message|ha|all)
no debug lldp (event|rx|tx|message|ha|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|rx|tx|message|ha|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<lldp-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug lldp (event|rx|tx|message|ha|all)
clear lldp counters ((IFNAME|)|)
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-lldp-counter xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear lldp counters ((IFNAME|)|)
snmp restart lldp
Netconf RPC payload
<lldp-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart lldp
Configure prefix
Use this attribute to configure a prefix for an IPv4 static route (e.g.
Attribute Name: prefix
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<static-routing xmlns="">
<static-route> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
Command Syntax
ip route (vrf NAME|) (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D)
Configure gateway
Use this attribute to configure an IPv4 gateway address for next hop for this destination prefix
Attribute Name: gateway
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<static-routing xmlns="">
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
<next-hop-gateway> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip route (vrf NAME|) (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) A.B.C.D
Configure bfd state
Use this attribute to set fall-over detection.
Attribute Name: bfd-state
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<static-routing xmlns="">
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
<bfd-state>disable</bfd-state> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip static (vrf NAME|) (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) A.B.C.D fall-over-bfd (disable|enable)
Configure description
Use this attribute to set the description of this static route.
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Attribute Name: track-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-500
Attribute Name: recursive
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<static-routing xmlns="">
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
<interface>IFNAME</interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<distance>1</distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tag>0</tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<track-id>1</track-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</recursive><!-- operation="delete"-->
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip route (vrf NAME|) (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) A.B.C.D IFNAME (<1-255>|) (tag <0-4294967295>|) (track <1-500>|) (recursive|) (description LINE|)
Configure instance name
Use this attribute to set the description of this static route.
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Attribute Name: track-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-500
Attribute Name: recursive
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<static-routing xmlns="">
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
<distance>1</distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tag>0</tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<track-id>1</track-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</recursive><!-- operation="delete"-->
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip route (vrf NAME|) (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) A.B.C.D (<1-255>|) (tag <0-4294967295>|) (track <1-500>|) (recursive|) (description LINE|)
Configure recursive
Use this attribute to enable recursive resolution for this route.
Attribute Name: recursive
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: enable-global-table-lookup
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: track-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-500
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<static-routing xmlns="">
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
<interface>IFNAME</interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</enable-global-table-lookup><!-- operation="delete"-->
<track-id>1</track-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</recursive><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip route (vrf NAME|) (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) A.B.C.D IFNAME global (track <1-500>|) (recursive|)
Configure enable global table lookup
Use this attribute to create an VRF static route with gateway in default VRF table.
Attribute Name: enable-global-table-lookup
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<static-routing xmlns="">
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
</enable-global-table-lookup><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip route (vrf NAME|) (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) A.B.C.D global
Configure interface
Use this attribute to configure a interface for next hop for this destination prefix
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<static-routing xmlns="">
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
<next-hop-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip route (vrf NAME|) (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) IFNAME
Configure instance type
Use this attribute to set the description of this static route.
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Attribute Name: track-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-500
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<static-routing xmlns="">
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
<distance>1</distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tag>0</tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<track-id>1</track-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip route (vrf NAME|) (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) IFNAME (<1-255>|) (tag <0-4294967295>|) (track <1-500>|) (description LINE|)
Configure track id
Use this attribute to track a object.
Attribute Name: track-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-500
Attribute Name: enable-global-table-lookup
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<static-routing xmlns="">
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
</enable-global-table-lookup><!-- operation="delete"-->
<track-id>1</track-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip route (vrf NAME|) (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) IFNAME global (track <1-500>|)
Configure distance
Use this attribute to set the description of this static route.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ipv6 feature
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: track-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-500
Attribute Name: recursive
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<static-routing xmlns="">
<prefix>X:X::X:X/M|X:X::X:X X:X::X:X</prefix>
<interface>IFNAME</interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<distance>1</distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<track-id>1</track-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</recursive><!-- operation="delete"-->
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 route (vrf NAME|) (X:X::X:X/M|X:X::X:X X:X::X:X) X:X::X:X IFNAME (<1-255>|) (track <1-500>|) (recursive|) (description LINE|)
Configure fib retain
Use this attribute to configure retain time for stale routes (forever or specific time in seconds) in FIB after RIB restarts
Attribute Name: fib-retain
Attribute Type: union
Default Value: 60
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
<fib-retain>60</fib-retain> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fib retain (time <1-65535>|forever|)
Configure max ecmp paths
Use this attribute to set the maximum number of paths to install in the FIB (Forwarding Information Base) for the ECMP (Equal-Cost MultiPath) feature.
Attribute Name: max-ecmp-paths
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 8
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
<max-ecmp-paths>1</max-ecmp-paths> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-paths <1-64>
Configure max static routes
Use this attribute to set the maximum number of static routes.
Attribute Name: max-static-routes
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 4294967294
Attribute Range: 1-4294967294
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
<max-static-routes>1</max-static-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-static-routes <1-4294967294>
Configure max fib routes
Use this attribute to set the maximum number of FIB (Forwarding Information Base) routes excluding kernel, connected, and static routes.
Attribute Name: max-fib-routes
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16384
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
<max-fib-routes>1</max-fib-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-fib-routes <1-16384>
Configure ipv4 enable bfd all interfaces
Use this attribute to enable static BFD on all interfaces.
Attribute Name: ipv4-enable-bfd-all-interfaces
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
</ipv4-enable-bfd-all-interfaces><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip bfd static all-interfaces
Configure ipv6 enable bfd all interfaces
Use this attribute to enable ipv6 static BFD on all interfaces.
Attribute Name: ipv6-enable-bfd-all-interfaces
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
</ipv6-enable-bfd-all-interfaces><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 bfd static all-interfaces
Configure rib options
Use this attribute to debug the ribd process.
Attribute Name: rib-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet|packet send|packet recv|packet detail|packet send detail|packet recv detail|nsm|bfd|monitor|hal events)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
<rib-options>all</rib-options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug rib (all|events|packet|packet send|packet recv|packet detail|packet send detail|packet recv detail|nsm|bfd|monitor|hal events)
Configure ipv4 routing options
Use this attribute to debug ip route.
Attribute Name: ipv4-routing-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
<ipv4-routing-options>all</ipv4-routing-options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip routing (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Configure ipv6 routing options
Use this attribute to debug ipv6 route.
Attribute Name: ipv6-routing-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
<ipv6-routing-options>all</ipv6-routing-options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 routing (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Configure source prefix
Use this attribute to configure administrative distance for mroute.
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: gateway-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip mroute A.B.C.D/M ((static|rip|ospf|bgp|isis)|) A.B.C.D (<0-255>|)
Configure protocol type
Use this attribute to configure administrative distance for mroute.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ipv6 feature
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: gateway-mroute
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ipv6 mroute X:X::X:X/M ((static|rip|ospf|bgp|isis)|) X:X::X:X (<0-255>|)
Configure ipv4 enable bfd
Use this attribute to enable or disable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection static routes.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled bfd feature
Attribute Name: ipv4-enable-bfd
Attribute Type: enum (enable|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
<ipv4-enable-bfd>enable</ipv4-enable-bfd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip static bfd (enable|disable)
Configure ipv6 enable bfd
Use this attribute to enable or disable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection static routes.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled bfd feature
Attribute Name: ipv6-enable-bfd
Attribute Type: enum (enable|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routing xmlns="">
<ipv6-enable-bfd>enable</ipv6-enable-bfd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 static bfd (enable|disable)
snmp restart rib
Netconf RPC payload
<rib-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart rib
clear ip route kernel
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ip-stale-kernel-routes xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ip route kernel
clear ip kernel route
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ip-kernel-route xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ip kernel route
clear ipv6 route kernel
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv6-stale-kernel-routes xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 route kernel
clear ip route *
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ip-route-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ip route *
clear ip route A.B.C.D/M
Attribute Name: prefix-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ip-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip route A.B.C.D/M
clear ipv4 route *
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv4-route-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ipv4 route *
clear ipv4 route A.B.C.D/M
Attribute Name: prefix-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv4-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv4 route A.B.C.D/M
clear ipv6 route *
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv6-route-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 route *
clear ipv6 route X:X::X:X/M
Attribute Name: prefix-ipv6-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv6-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 route X:X::X:X/M
debug rib (all|events|packet|packet send|packet recv|packet detail|packet send detail|packet recv detail|nsm|bfd|monitor|hal events|hal ipc)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet|packet send|packet recv|packet detail|packet send detail|packet recv detail|nsm|bfd|monitor|hal events|hal ipc)
Netconf RPC payload
<rib-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug rib (all|events|packet|packet send|packet recv|packet detail|packet send detail|packet recv detail|nsm|bfd|monitor|hal events|hal ipc)
no debug rib (all|events|packet|packet send|packet recv|packet detail|packet send detail|packet recv detail|nsm|bfd|monitor|hal events|hal ipc)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet|packet send|packet recv|packet detail|packet send detail|packet recv detail|nsm|bfd|monitor|hal events|hal ipc)
Netconf RPC payload
<rib-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug rib (all|events|packet|packet send|packet recv|packet detail|packet send detail|packet recv detail|nsm|bfd|monitor|hal events|hal ipc)
debug ip routing (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Netconf RPC payload
<rib-terminal-debug-ipv4-routing-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ip routing (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
no debug ip routing (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Netconf RPC payload
<rib-terminal-debug-ipv4-routing-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ip routing (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
debug ipv6 routing (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Netconf RPC payload
<rib-terminal-debug-ipv6-routing-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 routing (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
no debug ipv6 routing (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Netconf RPC payload
<rib-terminal-debug-ipv6-routing-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 routing (all|add-route|delete-route|mod-route)
Configure ipv4 enable bfd all interfaces
Use this attribute to enable static BFD on all interfaces.
Attribute Name: ipv4-enable-bfd-all-interfaces
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<global xmlns="">
</ipv4-enable-bfd-all-interfaces><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip bfd vrf NAME static all-interfaces
Configure ipv6 enable bfd all interfaces
Use this attribute to enable ipv6 static BFD on all interfaces.
Attribute Name: ipv6-enable-bfd-all-interfaces
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<global xmlns="">
</ipv6-enable-bfd-all-interfaces><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 bfd vrf NAME static all-interfaces
Configure distance
Use this attribute to configure administrative distance for mroute.
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: gateway-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<static-routes xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip mroute vrf NAME A.B.C.D/M ((static|rip|ospf|bgp|isis)|) A.B.C.D (<0-255>|)
Configure instance name
Use this attribute to configure administrative distance for mroute.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ipv6 feature
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: gateway-mroute
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<static-routes xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ipv6 mroute vrf NAME X:X::X:X/M ((static|rip|ospf|bgp|isis)|) X:X::X:X (<0-255>|)
clear ip route vrf NAME *
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ip-vrf-route-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip route vrf NAME *
clear ip route vrf NAME A.B.C.D/M
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: prefix-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ip-vrf-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip route vrf NAME A.B.C.D/M
clear ipv4 route vrf NAME *
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv4-vrf-route-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv4 route vrf NAME *
clear ipv4 route vrf NAME A.B.C.D/M
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: prefix-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv4-vrf-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv4 route vrf NAME A.B.C.D/M
clear ipv6 route vrf NAME *
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv6-vrf-route-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 route vrf NAME *
clear ipv6 route vrf NAME X:X::X:X/M
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: prefix-ipv6-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv6-vrf-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 route vrf NAME X:X::X:X/M
Configure area interface config mode
Use this attribute to set the OSPF area interface mode operation. Enabling this makes OSPF compatible with OpenConfig datamodel.
Attribute Name: area-interface-config-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</area-interface-config-mode><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf area-interface-config-mode
Configure enable multi instance capability
Use this attribute to enable OSPF multiple instances capability.
Attribute Name: enable-multi-instance-capability
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</enable-multi-instance-capability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
enable ext-ospf-multi-inst
Configure grace period
Use this attribute to set the grace period for restarting the router OSPF.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Restart capability
Attribute Name: grace-period
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 2-1800
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<grace-period>2</grace-period> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf restart grace-period <2-1800>
Configure max grace period
Use this attribute to set the maximum grace period. Act as helper only if received grace-period is less than this value.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Restart capability
Attribute Name: max-grace-period
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-1800
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<max-grace-period>2</max-grace-period> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf restart helper max-grace-period <2-1800>
Configure disable all neighbors
Use this attribute to prevent the router OSPF from acting as helper for any neighbor.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Restart capability
Attribute Name: disable-all-neighbors
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</disable-all-neighbors><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf restart helper never
Configure disable neighbor
Use this attribute to set the neighbor router-id for which never act as helper.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Restart capability
Attribute Name: disable-neighbor
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<disable-neighbor>A.B.C.D</disable-neighbor> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf restart helper never router-id A.B.C.D
Configure tie break method
Use this attribute to set the CSPF (Constrained Shortest Path First) tie-break method.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF)
Attribute Name: tie-break-method
Attribute Type: enum (random|most-fill|least-fill)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<tie-break-method>random</tie-break-method> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf cspf tie-break (random|most-fill|least-fill)
Configure default retry interval
Use this attribute to set the CSPF (Constrained Shortest Path First) default computation retry-interval.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF)
Attribute Name: default-retry-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<default-retry-interval>1</default-retry-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf cspf default-retry-interval <1-3600>
Configure enable better protection
Use this attribute to enable the CSPF (Constrained Shortest Path First) protection type.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF)
Attribute Name: enable-better-protection
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</enable-better-protection><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf cspf enable-better-protection
Configure ospf id
Use this attribute to set the OSPF process ID.
Attribute Name: ospf-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<process> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
router ospf (<0-65535>|) (WORD|)
Configure router id
Use this attribute to set a router ID for the OSPF process. Configure each router OSPF with an unique router ID.
Attribute Name: router-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<router-id>A.B.C.D</router-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
router-id A.B.C.D
Configure flood reduction
Use this attribute to enable flood reduction on all OSPF interfaces.
Attribute Name: flood-reduction
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</flood-reduction><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf flood-reduction
Configure rfc1583 compatibility
Use this attribute to restore the method used to calculate summary route costs per RFC 1583.
Attribute Name: rfc1583-compatibility
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</rfc1583-compatibility><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
compatible rfc1583
Configure database summary
Use this attribute to enable the database summary list optimization.
Attribute Name: database-summary
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</database-summary><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
enable db-summary-opt
Configure bfd enable all interfaces
Use this attribute to enable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) on all interfaces.
Attribute Name: bfd-enable-all-interfaces
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</bfd-enable-all-interfaces><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd all-interfaces
Configure log adjacency changes
Use this attribute for the router to send a SYSLOG message when an OSPF neighbor goes up or down.
Attribute Name: log-adjacency-changes
Attribute Type: enum (brief|detail)
Default Value: brief
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<log-adjacency-changes>brief</log-adjacency-changes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
log-adjacency-changes (brief|detail|)
Configure shutdown
Use this attribute to shutdown OSPF process.
Attribute Name: shutdown
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure area border type
Use this attribute to set an OSPF Area Border Router (ABR) type.
Attribute Name: area-border-type
Attribute Type: enum (standard|cisco|ibm|shortcut)
Default Value: cisco
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<area-border-type>cisco</area-border-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf abr-type (standard|cisco|ibm|shortcut|)
Configure reference bandwidth
Use this attribute to control how OSPF calculates the default metric for the interface.
Attribute Name: reference-bandwidth
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 100
Attribute Range: 1-4294967
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<reference-bandwidth>1</reference-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
auto-cost reference-bandwidth <1-4294967>
Configure max database descriptors
Use this attribute to limit the number of Database Descriptors (DD) that can be processed concurrently.
Attribute Name: max-database-descriptors
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 64
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<max-database-descriptors>1</max-database-descriptors> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-concurrent-dd <1-65535>
Configure p2p rfc incompatible
Use this attribute to enable unicast packet on point-point interface.
Attribute Name: p2p-rfc-incompatible
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</p2p-rfc-incompatible><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf point-point rfc-incompatible
Configure context name
Use this attribute to set the SNMP context name for OSPF instance.
Attribute Name: context-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<context-name>WORD</context-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp context-name WORD
Configure passive interface all
Use this attribute to set all interfaces as passive.
Attribute Name: passive-interface-all
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</passive-interface-all><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure passive mode
Use this attribute to define the passive mode.
Attribute Name: passive-mode
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<passive-mode>enable</passive-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
passive-interface IFNAME (disable|enable)
Configure address
Use this attribute to set interface address as passive.
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: passive-mode
Attribute Type: enum (enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<passive-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
passive-interface IFNAME A.B.C.D (enable)
Configure originate
Use this attribute to create a default external route into an OSPF routing domain. The system acts like an Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR) when you use the default-information originate command to redistribute routes into an OSPF routing domain. An ASBR does not by default generate a default route into the OSPF routing domain
Attribute Name: originate
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</originate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-information originate
Configure route map
Use this attribute to set route-map instance.
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: originate
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: always-advertise-default-route
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 0-16777214
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Default Value: 2
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</originate><!-- operation="delete"-->
</always-advertise-default-route><!-- operation="delete"-->
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<metric-type>2</metric-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-information originate { always| metric <0-16777214>| metric-type (1|2)| route-map WORD }
Configure mpls
Use this attribute to enable MPLS-based segment routing for OSPF.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Segment Routing (SR)
Attribute Name: mpls
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</mpls><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
segment-routing mpls
Configure block range size
Use this attribute to set the segment routing block ending range value.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Segment Routing (SR)
Attribute Name: block-range-size
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<global-block> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospf segment-routing global block <16-1048575> <16-1048575>
Configure disable receive
Use this attribute to enable or disable receiving prefix SID mappings from a mapping server.
Attribute Name: disable-receive
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</disable-receive><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
segment-routing prefix-sid-map receive disable
Configure advertise local
Use this attribute to advertise local mapping server entries to other routers in the segment routing domain.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Segment Routing (SR)
Attribute Name: advertise-local
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</advertise-local><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
segment-routing prefix-sid-map advertise-local
Configure disable cspf
Use this attribute to enable the CSPF (Constrained Shortest Path First) feature. The default value for CSPF is enabled.
Attribute Name: disable-cspf
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</disable-cspf><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no capability cspf
Configure disable traffic engineering
Use this attribute to enable OSPF Traffic Engineering feature.
Attribute Name: disable-traffic-engineering
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</disable-traffic-engineering><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no capability traffic-engineering
Configure disable graceful restart
Graceful OSPF Restart.
Attribute Name: disable-graceful-restart
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</disable-graceful-restart><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no capability restart graceful
Configure disable opaque lsa
Use this attribute to enable opaque-LSAs which are Type 9, 10 and 11 LSAs.
Attribute Name: disable-opaque-lsa
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</disable-opaque-lsa><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no capability opaque
Configure enable vrf lite
Use this attribute to enable VRF-lite feature.
Attribute Name: enable-vrf-lite
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</enable-vrf-lite><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability vrf-lite
Configure link local signaling
Use this attribute to enable link-local signaling feature.
Attribute Name: link-local-signaling
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</link-local-signaling><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability lls
Configure maximum areas number
Use this attribute to set the maximum number of OSPF areas (excluding Backbone Area).
Attribute Name: maximum-areas-number
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967294
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<maximum-areas-number>1</maximum-areas-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-area <1-4294967294>
Configure disable advertise
Use this attribute to disable the advertisement of these routes.
Attribute Name: disable-advertise
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<address>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</address>
<address>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</address>
</disable-advertise><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) range (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) not-advertise
Configure authentication type
Use this attribute to set the area authentication type.
Attribute Name: authentication-type
Attribute Type: enum (authentication|authentication message-digest)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<authentication-type>authentication</authentication-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area (authentication|authentication message-digest)
Configure default cost
Use this attribute to set the summary-default cost of a NSSA or stub area.
Attribute Name: default-cost
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<default-cost>0</default-cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area default-cost <0-16777215>
Configure shortcut
Use this attribute to set the area shortcutting mode.
Attribute Name: shortcut
Attribute Type: enum (default|enable|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<shortcut>default</shortcut> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area shortcut (default|enable|disable)
Configure name
Use this attribute to set the interface to enable OSPF area.
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME
Configure cost
Use this attribute to explicitly specify the cost of the link-state metric in a router-LSA.
Attribute Name: cost
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<cost>1</cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME cost <1-65535>
Configure network type
Use this attribute to set the area interface network type.
Attribute Name: network-type
Attribute Type: enum (point-to-point|broadcast|non-broadcast|point-to-multipoint|point-to-multipoint non-broadcast)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<network-type>point-to-point</network-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME network-type (point-to-point|broadcast|non-broadcast|point-to-multipoint|point-to-multipoint non-broadcast)
Configure passive
Use this attribute to set area interface as passive.
Attribute Name: passive
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</passive><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME passive
Configure priority
Use this attribute to set the router priority to determine the designated router (DR) for the network.
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<priority>0</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME priority <0-255>
Configure area id
Use this attribute to configure authentication on this interface.
Attribute Name: authentication-type
Attribute Type: enum (null|simple|message-digest)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<authentication-type>simple</authentication-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME authentication (null|message-digest|)
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to enable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: enum (enable|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<enabled>enable</enabled> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME bfd (disable|)
Configure filter out
Use this attribute to turn on the LSA database-filter for a particular interface. OSPF floods new LSAs over all interfaces in an area, except the interface on which the LSA arrives. This redundancy ensures robust flooding. However, too much redundancy can waste bandwidth and might lead to excessive link and CPU usage in certain topologies, resulting in destabilizing the network. To avoid this, use this attribute to block flooding of LSAs over specified interfaces.
Attribute Name: filter-out
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</filter-out><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME database-filter all out
Configure traffic engineering metric
Use this attribute to set the minimum delay in milliseconds between accepting the same LSA from neighbors.
Attribute Name: traffic-engineering-metric
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<traffic-engineering-metric>1</traffic-engineering-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME te-metric <1-65535>
Configure ldp igp sync enable
Use this attribute to enable the MPLS LDP IGP SYNC on OSPF.
Attribute Name: ldp-igp-sync-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</ldp-igp-sync-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME mpls ldp-igp sync ospf
Configure holddown timer
Use this attribute to configure the hold-down timer for which OSPF will wait for LDP to converge and advertises Max cost. When the configured time expires, OSPF starts advertising the actual cost in the Router-LSA.
Attribute Name: holddown-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 70000
Attribute Range: 1-2147483
Attribute Name: ldp-igp-sync-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</ldp-igp-sync-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
<holddown-timer>1</holddown-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME mpls ldp-igp sync ospf holddown-timer <1-2147483>
Configure dead interval
Use this attribute to set the interval during which the router waits to receive an OSPF hello packet from the neighbor before declaring the neighbor down.
Attribute Name: dead-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<dead-interval>1</dead-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME dead-interval <1-65535>
Configure hello interval
Use this attribute to specify the interval between hello packets.
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME hello-interval <1-65535>
Configure retransmission interval
Use this attribute to specify the time between link-state advertisement (LSA) retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to the interface.
Attribute Name: retransmission-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<retransmission-interval>1</retransmission-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area interface IFNAME retransmit-interval <1-3600>
Configure no summary
Use this attribute to set the OSPF area stub with no-summary, this will prevent an ABR from sending summary link state advertisements into the stub area.
Attribute Name: no-summary
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: is-stub
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</is-stub><!-- operation="delete"-->
</no-summary><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area stub no-summary
Configure is stub
Use this attribute to set the OSPF area as stub.
Attribute Name: is-stub
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</is-stub><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area stub
Configure nssa enable
Use this attribute to enable the OSPF area as NSSA.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA)
Attribute Name: nssa-enable
Attribute Type: enum (nssa)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<nssa> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area (nssa)
Configure stability interval
Use this attribute to set route-map instance.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Not-So-Stubby Area (NSSA)
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: no-summary
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: stability-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 40
Attribute Range: 0-2147483647
Attribute Name: translator-role
Attribute Type: enum (never|always|candidate)
Attribute Name: no-redistribution
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: default-information-originate
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-16777214
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Default Value: 2
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
area (nssa) { no-summary| stability-interval <0-2147483647>| translator-role (never|always|candidate)| no-redistribution| default-information-originate| metric <0-16777214>| metric-type (1|2)| route-map WORD }
Configure ip address
Use this attribute to set the OSPF area ID.
Attribute Name: area-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: ip-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<area> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
host A.B.C.D area
Configure instance id
Use this attribute to set the instance ID. Use this command with OSPF multiple-instance support enabled.
Attribute Name: instance-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
<prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</prefix>
Command Syntax
network (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) area (instance-id <0-255>|)
Configure remote router id
Use this attribute to set the interface IP address of the neighbor.
Attribute Name: remote-router-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<virtual-link> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area virtual-link A.B.C.D
Configure fall over
Fall-over detection with Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD).
Attribute Name: fall-over
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</fall-over><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area virtual-link A.B.C.D fall-over bfd
Configure key
Use this attribute to set the authentication password (key).
Attribute Name: key
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<key>WORD</key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area virtual-link A.B.C.D authentication-key WORD
Configure message digest id
Use this attribute to set the authentication message digest key ID.
Attribute Name: message-digest-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: message-digest-encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5)
Attribute Name: message-digest-key
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<message-digest> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area virtual-link A.B.C.D message-digest-key <1-255> (md5) WORD
Configure transmit delay
Dead router detection time. Interval during which no packets are received and after which the router acknowledges a neighboring router as off-line.
Attribute Name: dead-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: transmit-delay
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Attribute Name: retransmission-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<transmit-delay>1</transmit-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<retransmission-interval>1</retransmission-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dead-interval>1</dead-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area virtual-link A.B.C.D { dead-interval <1-65535>| hello-interval <1-65535>| transmit-delay <1-3600>| retransmit-interval <1-3600> }
Configure destination id
Use this attribute to set the destination IP address of sham link.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF),Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
Attribute Name: destination-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<sham-link> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area sham-link A.B.C.D A.B.C.D
Configure source id
Use this attribute to set the sham link cost.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF),Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS)
Attribute Name: cost
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<cost>1</cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area sham-link A.B.C.D A.B.C.D cost <1-65535>
Configure limit type
Use this attribute to set the limit type. Soft limit: Warning message appears if the number of LSAs exceeds the specified value; Hard limit: Shutdown occurs if the number of LSAs exceeds the specified value. Default value is 2.
Attribute Name: limit-type
Attribute Type: enum (soft|hard)
Attribute Name: max-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967294
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
overflow database <0-4294967294> ((soft|hard|)|)
Configure exit interval
Use this attrobute to set the number of seconds the router waits before trying to exit the database overflow state. If this parameter is 0, the router exits the overflow state only after an explicit administrator command. Default value is 0.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF DataBase (DB) overflow
Attribute Name: exit-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: max-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
overflow database external <0-2147483647> <0-65535>
Configure keep all paths
Use this attribute to enable fast rerouting on all OSPF interfaces.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Loop Free Alternate (LFA)
Attribute Name: keep-all-paths
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</keep-all-paths><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fast-reroute keep-all-paths
Configure remote lfa areas
Use this attribute to set remote-lfa for OSPF area.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Loop Free Alternate (LFA)
Attribute Name: remote-lfa-areas
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
fast-reroute per-prefix remote-lfa area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) tunnel mpls-ldp
Configure idx
Use this attribute to set the tie breaking index. A lower value has higher preference.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Loop Free Alternate (LFA)
Attribute Name: idx
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<idx>1</idx> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fast-reroute tie-break (primary-path|node-protecting|interface-disjoint|broadcast-interface-disjoint|downstream-path|secondary-path) index <1-255>
Configure default distance
Use this attribute to specifies a default administrative distance used when no other specification exists for a routing information source.
Attribute Name: default-distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<default-distance>1</default-distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance <1-255>
Configure intra area distance
Use this attribute to set the distance for all routes within an area.
Attribute Name: intra-area-distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: inter-area-distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: external-routes-distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<inter-area-distance>1</inter-area-distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<external-routes-distance>1</external-routes-distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<intra-area-distance>1</intra-area-distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance ospf { intra-area <1-255>| inter-area <1-255>| external <1-255> }
Configure access control list
Use this attribute to specifies administrative distance network ACL.
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/M (WORD|)
Configure not advertise
Use this attribute to suppress routes that match the address range.
Attribute Name: not-advertise
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<address>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</address>
</not-advertise><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
summary-address (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) not-advertise
Configure tag
Use this attribute to set the tag value to use as a match value for controlling redistribution via route maps.
Attribute Name: tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<address>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</address>
<tag>0</tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
summary-address (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) tag <0-4294967295>
Configure access control list isis
Use this attribute to set the access control list name for ISIS protocol.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Access-Control List (ACL)
Attribute Name: access-control-list-isis
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<access-control-list-isis>WORD</access-control-list-isis> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD out isis
Configure access control list bgp
Use this attribute to set the access control list name for BGP protocol.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Access-Control List (ACL)
Attribute Name: access-control-list-bgp
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<access-control-list-bgp>WORD</access-control-list-bgp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD out bgp
Configure access control list rip
Use this attribute to set the access control list name for RIP protocol.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Access-Control List (ACL)
Attribute Name: access-control-list-rip
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<access-control-list-rip>WORD</access-control-list-rip> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD out rip
Configure access control list static
Use this attribute to set the access control list name for static routes.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Access-Control List (ACL)
Attribute Name: access-control-list-static
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<access-control-list-static>WORD</access-control-list-static> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD out static
Configure access control list connected
Use this attribute to set the access control list name for connected networks.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Access-Control List (ACL)
Attribute Name: access-control-list-connected
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<access-control-list-connected>WORD</access-control-list-connected> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD out connected
Configure access control list kernel
Use this attribute to set the access control list name for KERNEL routes.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Access-Control List (ACL)
Attribute Name: access-control-list-kernel
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<access-control-list-kernel>WORD</access-control-list-kernel> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD out kernel
Configure ospf process id
Use this attribute to set the OSPF ID in distribution list filter out.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Access-Control List (ACL)
Attribute Name: ospf-process-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: access-control-list-out-ospf
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<access-control-list-out-ospf>WORD</access-control-list-out-ospf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD out ospf (<0-65535>|)
Configure primary domain id address
Use this attribute to set the domain ID in IPv4 address format.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)
Attribute Name: primary-domain-id-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<primary-domain-id-address>A.B.C.D</primary-domain-id-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
domain-id A.B.C.D
Configure primary domain id hex
Use this attribute to set domain ID in hexadecimal.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)
Attribute Name: primary-domain-id-hex
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<hex> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
domain-id type (type-as|type-as4|type-back-comp|type-ip) value HEX_DATA
Configure secondary domain id address
Use this attribute to set the secondary domain ID in IPv4 address format.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)
Attribute Name: secondary-domain-id-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
domain-id A.B.C.D secondary
Configure secondary domain id hex
Use this attribute to set secondary domain ID in hexadecimal.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF)
Attribute Name: secondary-domain-id-hex
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<hex> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
domain-id type (type-as|type-as4|type-back-comp|type-ip) value HEX_DATA secondary
Configure throttle timer
Use this attribute to set interval between processing LS DB.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Link State
Attribute Name: throttle-timer
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 5-20
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
<throttle-timer>5</throttle-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute bgp-ls throttle <5-20>
Configure poll interval
Use this attribute to set the router cost for point-to-multipoint neighbor.
Attribute Name: cost
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: poll-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 1-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<priority>0</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<poll-interval>1</poll-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cost>1</cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor A.B.C.D { cost <1-65535>| priority <0-255>| poll-interval <1-2147483647> }
Configure termination hold interval
Use this attribute to set the LFA termination hold on interval. It represents the delay of primary route installation (to avoid micro loop) after a failover.
Attribute Name: termination-hold-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 6000
Attribute Range: 100-100000
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<termination-hold-interval>100</termination-hold-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fast-reroute terminate-hold-on interval <100-100000>
Configure min arrival interval
Use this attribute to set the minimum interval to accept the same link-state advertisement (LSA) from OSPF neighbors.
Attribute Name: min-arrival-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1000
Attribute Range: 0-600000
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<min-arrival-interval>0</min-arrival-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timers lsa arrival <0-600000>
Configure max delay
Use this attribute to set the maximum wait time in milliseconds between generation of the same LSA.
Attribute Name: max-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-600000
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timers throttle lsa all <0-600000> <1-600000> <1-600000>
Configure min delay
Use this attribute to set the maximum delay between receiving a change to SPF calculation.
Attribute Name: max-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-2147483647
Attribute Name: min-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
timers spf exp <0-2147483647> <0-2147483647>
Configure default metric
Use this attribute to set a default metric for OSPF. A default metric facilitates redistributing routes with incompatible metrics. If the metrics do not convert, the default metric provides an alternative. Use this attribute to use the same metric value for all redistributed routes. Use this attribute in conjunction with the redistribute command.
Attribute Name: default-metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 1-16777214
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<default-metric>1</default-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-metric <1-16777214>
Configure protocol
This attribute redistributes routes from a routing protocol, static route, or kernel route into an OSPF routing table.
Attribute Name: protocol
Attribute Type: enum (connected|static|rip|ospf|bgp|isis)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<routing-protocol> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|rip|ospf|bgp|isis)
Configure metric
Use this attribute to set metric value.
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-16777214
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<metric-type>1</metric-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tag>0</tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|rip|ospf|bgp|isis) { metric <0-16777214>| metric-type (1|2)| route-map WORD| tag <0-4294967295> }
Configure metric type
Use this attribute to set metric value.
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-16777214
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<metric-type>1</metric-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tag>0</tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute ospf <0-65535> { metric <0-16777214>| metric-type (1|2)| route-map WORD| tag <0-4294967295> }
Configure isis process id
This attribute redistributes routes from an instance of IS-IS into an OSPF routing table.
Attribute Name: isis-process-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<isis-process> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute isis WORD
Configure include stub
Use this attribute to set the metric of a stub link in the router LSA to the default max metric.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Generate lsa with max-metric
Attribute Name: include-stub
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: enable-max-router-lsa
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: max-external-lsa
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: max-summary-lsa
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
max-metric router-lsa { external-lsa (<1-16777215>|)| summary-lsa (<1-16777215>|)| include-stub }
Configure enable max router lsa
Use this attribute to set the metric in the router LSA to the default max metric.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Generate lsa with max-metric
Attribute Name: enable-max-router-lsa
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
max-metric router-lsa
Configure on startup include stub
Use this attribute to set the metric of a stub link in the router LSA to the default max metric.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Generate lsa with max-metric
Attribute Name: on-startup-include-stub
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: max-on-startup
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-86400
Attribute Name: max-on-startup-external-lsa
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: max-on-startup-summary-lsa
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
max-metric router-lsa on-startup <5-86400> { external-lsa (<1-16777215>|)| summary-lsa (<1-16777215>|)| include-stub }
Configure max on startup
Use this attribute to set the metric for router LSA on-startup for the transit link to the default max metric.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Generate lsa with max-metric
Attribute Name: max-on-startup
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-86400
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
max-metric router-lsa on-startup <5-86400>
Configure entropy capability
Use this attribute to enable segment routing entropy label.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) Segment Routing (SR)
Attribute Name: entropy-capability
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</entropy-capability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
segment-routing entropy-label
Configure teName
Use this attribute to set the OSPF TE metric.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Traffic Engineering (TE),Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS)
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<metric>1</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
te-metric <1-65535>
Configure link local exchange
Use this attribute to enable OSPF TE link local exchange.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPF Traffic Engineering (TE),Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS)
Attribute Name: link-local-exchange
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</link-local-exchange><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure neighbor
Use this attribute to set the OSPF area ID in which to enable multi-area adjacency.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_OSPF_MULTI_AREA
Attribute Name: area-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: neighbor
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<multi-area-neighbor> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf <0-65535> multi-area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) neighbor A.B.C.D
Configure rate limit
Use this attribute to enable OSPF Database Timers Rate Limiting Values for LSA Throttling debug.
Attribute Name: rate-limit
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: bfd
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: segment-routing
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: route
Attribute Type: bits (spf|ia|ase|install|spf-terse)
Attribute Name: rib
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Attribute Name: nsm
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Attribute Name: nfsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Attribute Name: lsa
Attribute Type: bits (generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage)
Attribute Name: ifsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Attribute Name: events
Attribute Type: bits (abr|nssa|asbr|vlink|lsa|os|router)
Attribute Name: cspf-events
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: cspf-hexdump
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: retransmission
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: distribute
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: topology-independent-lfa
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: lfa
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: policy
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: redistribute
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Attribute Name: graceful-restart
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Attribute Name: packet-hello
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-dd
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-request
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-update
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-ack
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</bfd><!-- operation="delete"-->
</segment-routing><!-- operation="delete"-->
<route>spf</route> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<rib>interface</rib> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<nsm>interface</nsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<nfsm>status</nfsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lsa>generate</lsa> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ifsm>status</ifsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<events>abr</events> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</cspf-events><!-- operation="delete"-->
</cspf-hexdump><!-- operation="delete"-->
</retransmission><!-- operation="delete"-->
</distribute><!-- operation="delete"-->
</topology-independent-lfa><!-- operation="delete"-->
</lfa><!-- operation="delete"-->
</policy><!-- operation="delete"-->
<redistribute>detail</redistribute> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<graceful-restart>detail</graceful-restart> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-hello>send</packet-hello> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-dd>send</packet-dd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-request>send</packet-ls-request> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-update>send</packet-ls-update> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-ack>send</packet-ls-ack> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</rate-limit><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf
Configure bfd
Use this attribute to enable OSPF Database Timers Rate Limiting Values for LSA Throttling debug.
Attribute Name: rate-limit
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: bfd
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: segment-routing
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: route
Attribute Type: bits (spf|ia|ase|install|spf-terse)
Attribute Name: rib
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Attribute Name: nsm
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Attribute Name: nfsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Attribute Name: lsa
Attribute Type: bits (generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage)
Attribute Name: ifsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Attribute Name: events
Attribute Type: bits (abr|nssa|asbr|vlink|lsa|os|router)
Attribute Name: cspf-events
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: cspf-hexdump
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: retransmission
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: distribute
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: topology-independent-lfa
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: lfa
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: policy
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: redistribute
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Attribute Name: graceful-restart
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Attribute Name: packet-hello
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-dd
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-request
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-update
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-ack
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</bfd><!-- operation="delete"-->
</segment-routing><!-- operation="delete"-->
<route>spf</route> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<rib>interface</rib> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<nsm>interface</nsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<nfsm>status</nfsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lsa>generate</lsa> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ifsm>status</ifsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<events>abr</events> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</cspf-events><!-- operation="delete"-->
</cspf-hexdump><!-- operation="delete"-->
</retransmission><!-- operation="delete"-->
</distribute><!-- operation="delete"-->
</topology-independent-lfa><!-- operation="delete"-->
</lfa><!-- operation="delete"-->
</policy><!-- operation="delete"-->
<redistribute>detail</redistribute> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<graceful-restart>detail</graceful-restart> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-hello>send</packet-hello> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-dd>send</packet-dd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-request>send</packet-ls-request> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-update>send</packet-ls-update> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-ack>send</packet-ls-ack> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</rate-limit><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf all
Configure retransmission
Use this attribute to enable OSPF Debug retransmission information debug.
Attribute Name: retransmission
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: distribute
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: topology-independent-lfa
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: lfa
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: policy
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: redistribute
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Attribute Name: graceful-restart
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</distribute><!-- operation="delete"-->
</topology-independent-lfa><!-- operation="delete"-->
</lfa><!-- operation="delete"-->
</policy><!-- operation="delete"-->
<redistribute>detail</redistribute> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<graceful-restart>detail</graceful-restart> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</retransmission><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf all
Configure cspf events
Use this attribute to enable CSPF Information debug.
Attribute Name: cspf-events
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: cspf-hexdump
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</cspf-hexdump><!-- operation="delete"-->
</cspf-events><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug cspf all
Configure segment routing
Use this attribute to enable Segment Routing debug.
Attribute Name: segment-routing
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</segment-routing><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf sr
Configure route
Use this attribute to enable OSPF route information debug.
Attribute Name: route
Attribute Type: bits (spf|ia|ase|install|spf-terse)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<route>spf</route> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf route ({spf|ia|ase|install|spf-terse}|)
Configure rib
Use this attribute to enable OSPF RIB information debug.
Attribute Name: rib
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<rib>interface</rib> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf rib ({interface|redistribute}|)
Configure nsm
Use this attribute to enable OSPF NSM information debug.
Attribute Name: nsm
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<nsm>interface</nsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf nsm ({interface|redistribute}|)
Configure nfsm
Use this attribute to enable OSPF Neighbor State Machine debug.
Attribute Name: nfsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<nfsm>status</nfsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf nfsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Configure lsa
Use this attribute to enable OSPF Link State Advertisement debug.
Attribute Name: lsa
Attribute Type: bits (generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<lsa>generate</lsa> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf lsa ({generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage}|)
Configure ifsm
Use this attribute to enable OSPF Interface State Machine debug.
Attribute Name: ifsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<ifsm>status</ifsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf ifsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Configure events
Use this attribute to enable OSPF events information debug.
Attribute Name: events
Attribute Type: bits (abr|nssa|asbr|vlink|lsa|os|router)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<events>abr</events> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf events ({abr|nssa|asbr|vlink|lsa|os|router}|)
Configure cspf hexdump
Use this attribute to enable CSPF message hexdump debug.
Attribute Name: cspf-hexdump
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</cspf-hexdump><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug cspf hexdump
Configure distribute
Use this attribute to enable OSPF distribute linkstate details debug.
Attribute Name: distribute
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</distribute><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf dist-ls
Configure topology independent lfa
Use this attribute to enable Topology Independent LFA debug.
Attribute Name: topology-independent-lfa
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</topology-independent-lfa><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf tilfa
Configure lfa
Use this attribute to enable OSPF LFA route install details debug.
Attribute Name: lfa
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</lfa><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf lfa
Configure policy
Use this attribute to enable OSPF policy information debug.
Attribute Name: policy
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</policy><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf policy
Configure redistribute
Use this attribute to enable OSPF redistribute information debug.
Attribute Name: redistribute
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<redistribute>detail</redistribute> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf redistribute ({detail|terse}|)
Configure graceful restart
Use this attribute to enable OSPF graceful-restart debug.
Attribute Name: graceful-restart
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<graceful-restart>detail</graceful-restart> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf graceful-restart ({detail|terse}|)
Configure packet hello
OSPF Hello
Attribute Name: packet-hello
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<packet-hello>send</packet-hello> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf packet hello ({send|recv|detail}|)
Configure packet dd
OSPF Database Description
Attribute Name: packet-dd
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<packet-dd>send</packet-dd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf packet dd ({send|recv|detail}|)
Configure packet ls request
OSPF Link State Request
Attribute Name: packet-ls-request
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<packet-ls-request>send</packet-ls-request> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf packet ls-request ({send|recv|detail}|)
Configure packet ls update
OSPF Link State Update
Attribute Name: packet-ls-update
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<packet-ls-update>send</packet-ls-update> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf packet ls-update ({send|recv|detail}|)
Configure packet ls ack
OSPF Link State Acknowledgment
Attribute Name: packet-ls-ack
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<packet-ls-ack>send</packet-ls-ack> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ospf packet ls-ack ({send|recv|detail}|)
clear ip ospf <0-65535> process
Attribute Name: process-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf RPC payload
<ospfv2-clear-process xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip ospf <0-65535> process
clear ip ospf process
Netconf RPC payload
<ospfv2-clear-process-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ip ospf process
restart ip ospf graceful (grace-period <2-1800>|)
Attribute Name: grace-period
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-1800
Netconf RPC payload
<ospfv2-restart-graceful xmlns="">
Command Syntax
restart ip ospf graceful (grace-period <2-1800>|)
snmp restart ospf
Netconf RPC payload
<ospfv2-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart ospf
debug ospf all
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-ospf-all-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ospf all
no debug ospf all
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-ospf-all-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ospf all
debug ospf bfd
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-bfd-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ospf bfd
no debug ospf bfd
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-bfd-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ospf bfd
debug ospf database-timer rate-limit
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-rate-limit-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ospf database-timer rate-limit
no debug ospf database-timer rate-limit
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-rate-limit-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ospf database-timer rate-limit
debug ospf sr
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-sr-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ospf sr
no debug ospf sr
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-sr-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ospf sr
debug ospf route ({spf|ia|ase|install|spf-terse}|)
Attribute Name: route
Attribute Type: bits (spf|ia|ase|install|spf-terse)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-route-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf route ({spf|ia|ase|install|spf-terse}|)
no debug ospf route ({spf|ia|ase|install|spf-terse}|)
Attribute Name: route
Attribute Type: bits (spf|ia|ase|install|spf-terse)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-route-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf route ({spf|ia|ase|install|spf-terse}|)
debug ospf rib ({interface|redistribute}|)
Attribute Name: rib
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-rib-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf rib ({interface|redistribute}|)
no debug ospf rib ({interface|redistribute}|)
Attribute Name: rib
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-rib-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf rib ({interface|redistribute}|)
debug ospf packet ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: all
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-all-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf packet ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ospf packet ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: all
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-all-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf packet ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ospf packet hello ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: hello
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-hello-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf packet hello ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ospf packet hello ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: hello
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-hello-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf packet hello ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ospf packet dd ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: dd
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-dd-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf packet dd ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ospf packet dd ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: dd
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-dd-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf packet dd ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ospf packet ls-request ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-request
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-ls-request-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf packet ls-request ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ospf packet ls-request ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-request
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-ls-request-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf packet ls-request ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ospf packet ls-update ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-update
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-ls-update-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf packet ls-update ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ospf packet ls-update ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-update
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-ls-update-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf packet ls-update ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ospf packet ls-ack ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-ack
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-ls-ack-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf packet ls-ack ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ospf packet ls-ack ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-ack
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-packet-ls-ack-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf packet ls-ack ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ospf nsm ({interface|redistribute}|)
Attribute Name: nsm
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-nsm-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf nsm ({interface|redistribute}|)
no debug ospf nsm ({interface|redistribute}|)
Attribute Name: nsm
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-nsm-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf nsm ({interface|redistribute}|)
debug ospf nfsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Attribute Name: nfsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-nfsm-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf nfsm ({status|events|timers}|)
no debug ospf nfsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Attribute Name: nfsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-nfsm-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf nfsm ({status|events|timers}|)
debug ospf lsa ({generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage}|)
Attribute Name: lsa
Attribute Type: bits (generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-lsa-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf lsa ({generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage}|)
no debug ospf lsa ({generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage}|)
Attribute Name: lsa
Attribute Type: bits (generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-lsa-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf lsa ({generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage}|)
debug ospf ifsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Attribute Name: ifsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-ifsm-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf ifsm ({status|events|timers}|)
no debug ospf ifsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Attribute Name: ifsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-ifsm-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf ifsm ({status|events|timers}|)
debug ospf events ({abr|nssa|asbr|vlink|lsa|os|router}|)
Attribute Name: events
Attribute Type: bits (abr|nssa|asbr|vlink|lsa|os|router)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-events-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ospf events ({abr|nssa|asbr|vlink|lsa|os|router}|)
no debug ospf events ({abr|nssa|asbr|vlink|lsa|os|router}|)
Attribute Name: events
Attribute Type: bits (abr|nssa|asbr|vlink|lsa|os|router)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-events-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ospf events ({abr|nssa|asbr|vlink|lsa|os|router}|)
debug cspf all
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-cspf-all-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug cspf all
no debug cspf all
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-cspf-all-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug cspf all
debug cspf events
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-cspf-events-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug cspf events
no debug cspf events
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-cspf-events-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug cspf events
debug cspf hexdump
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-cspf-hexdump-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug cspf hexdump
no debug cspf hexdump
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-cspf-hexdump-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug cspf hexdump
debug ip ospf all
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-all-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf all
no debug ip ospf all
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-all-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ip ospf all
debug ip ospf retransmission
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-retransmission-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf retransmission
no debug ip ospf retransmission
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-retransmission-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ip ospf retransmission
debug ip ospf dist-ls
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-dist-ls-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf dist-ls
no debug ip ospf dist-ls
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-dist-ls-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ip ospf dist-ls
debug ip ospf tilfa
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-topology-independent-lfa-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf tilfa
no debug ip ospf tilfa
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-topology-independent-lfa-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ip ospf tilfa
debug ip ospf lfa
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-lfa-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf lfa
no debug ip ospf lfa
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-lfa-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ip ospf lfa
debug ip ospf policy
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-policy-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf policy
no debug ip ospf policy
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-policy-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ip ospf policy
debug ip ospf redistribute ({detail|terse}|)
Attribute Name: redistribute
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-redistribute-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf redistribute ({detail|terse}|)
no debug ip ospf redistribute ({detail|terse}|)
Attribute Name: redistribute
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-redistribute-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ip ospf redistribute ({detail|terse}|)
debug ip ospf graceful-restart ({detail|terse}|)
Attribute Name: graceful-restart
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-graceful-restart-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf graceful-restart ({detail|terse}|)
no debug ip ospf graceful-restart ({detail|terse}|)
Attribute Name: graceful-restart
Attribute Type: bits (detail|terse)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospf-debug_ospfv2-terminal-debug-graceful-restart-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ip ospf graceful-restart ({detail|terse}|)
Configure cost
Use this attribute to explicitly specify the cost of the link-state metric in a router-LSA.
Attribute Name: cost
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<cost>1</cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf cost <1-65535>
Configure priority
Use this attribute to set the router priority to determine the designated router (DR) for the network.
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<priority>0</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf priority <0-255>
Configure mtu ignore
Use this attribute to configure OSPF so that it does not check the MTU size during DD (Database Description) exchange.
Attribute Name: mtu-ignore
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</mtu-ignore><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf mtu-ignore
Configure network type
Use this attribute to set the interface network type.
Attribute Name: network-type
Attribute Type: enum (point-to-point|broadcast|non-broadcast|point-to-multipoint|point-to-multipoint non-broadcast)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<network-type>point-to-point</network-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf network (point-to-point|broadcast|non-broadcast|point-to-multipoint|point-to-multipoint non-broadcast)
Configure disable all ospf
Use this attribute to completely disable OSPF packet processing on an interface.
Attribute Name: disable-all-ospf
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</disable-all-ospf><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf disable all
Configure traffic engineering metric
Use this attribute to set the minimum delay in milliseconds between accepting the same LSA from neighbors.
Attribute Name: traffic-engineering-metric
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<traffic-engineering-metric>1</traffic-engineering-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
te-metric <1-65535>
Configure mtu
Use this attribute to set MTU size for OSPF to construct packets based on this value.
Attribute Name: mtu
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 576
Attribute Range: 576-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<mtu>576</mtu> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf mtu <576-65535>
Configure enable flood reduction
Use this attribute to enable flood reduction on an interface.
Attribute Name: enable-flood-reduction
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</enable-flood-reduction><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf flood-reduction
Configure enable demand circuit
Use this attribute to enable Hello Suppression and LSA Suppression sent on OSPF interface.
Attribute Name: enable-demand-circuit
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</enable-demand-circuit><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf demand-circuit
Configure enable bfd
Use this attribute to enable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD).
Attribute Name: enable-bfd
Attribute Type: enum (enable|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<enable-bfd>enable</enable-bfd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf bfd (disable|)
Configure disable fast reroute
Use this attribute to prohibit the interface from being used as the next hop in a repair path.
Attribute Name: disable-fast-reroute
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</disable-fast-reroute><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf fast-reroute per-prefix candidate disable
Configure message digest id
Use this attribute to set the authentication message digest key ID.
Attribute Name: message-digest-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: message-digest-encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5)
Attribute Name: message-digest-key
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip ospf A.B.C.D message-digest-key <1-255> (md5) WORD
Configure name
Use this attribute to set the authentication message digest key ID.
Attribute Name: message-digest-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: message-digest-encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5)
Attribute Name: message-digest-key
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip ospf message-digest-key <1-255> (md5) WORD
Configure authentication type
Use this attribute to configure authentication on this interface.
Attribute Name: authentication-type
Attribute Type: enum (null|simple|message-digest)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<authentication-type>simple</authentication-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf A.B.C.D authentication (null|message-digest|)
Configure key
Use this attribute to set the authentication password (key).
Attribute Name: key
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<key>WORD</key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf A.B.C.D authentication-key WORD
Configure message digest encryption type
Use this attribute to set the authentication message digest key ID.
Attribute Name: message-digest-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: message-digest-encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5)
Attribute Name: message-digest-key
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<message-digest> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf message-digest-key <1-255> (md5) WORD
Configure filter out
Use this attribute to turn on the LSA database-filter for a particular interface. OSPF floods new LSAs over all interfaces in an area, except the interface on which the LSA arrives. This redundancy ensures robust flooding. However, too much redundancy can waste bandwidth and might lead to excessive link and CPU usage in certain topologies, resulting in destabilizing the network. To avoid this, use this attribute to block flooding of LSAs over specified interfaces.
Attribute Name: filter-out
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</filter-out><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf A.B.C.D database-filter all out
Configure dead interval
Use this attribute to set the interval during which the router waits to receive an OSPF hello packet from the neighbor before declaring the neighbor down.
Attribute Name: dead-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<dead-interval>1</dead-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf A.B.C.D dead-interval <1-65535>
Configure hello interval
Use this attribute to specify the interval between hello packets.
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf A.B.C.D hello-interval <1-65535>
Configure retransmission interval
Use this attribute to specify the time between link-state advertisement (LSA) retransmissions for adjacencies belonging to the interface.
Attribute Name: retransmission-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<retransmission-interval>1</retransmission-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf A.B.C.D retransmit-interval <1-3600>
Configure ldp igp sync enable
Use this attribute to enable the MPLS LDP IGP SYNC on OSPF.
Attribute Name: ldp-igp-sync-enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</ldp-igp-sync-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls ldp-igp sync ospf
Configure transmit delay
Use this attribute to set the estimated time it takes to transmit a link-state-update packet on the interface.
Attribute Name: transmit-delay
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<transmit-delay>1</transmit-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf transmit-delay <1-3600>
Configure resync timeout
Use this attribute to configure the interval after which adjacency is reset if oob-resync is not started.
Attribute Name: resync-timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 40
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<resync-timeout>1</resync-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf resync-timeout <1-65535>
Configure holddown timer
Use this attribute to configure the hold-down timer for which OSPF will wait for LDP to converge and advertises Max cost. When the configured time expires, OSPF starts advertising the actual cost in the Router-LSA.
Attribute Name: holddown-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 70000
Attribute Range: 1-2147483
Attribute Name: ldp-igp-sync-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
</ldp-igp-sync-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
<holddown-timer>1</holddown-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls ldp-igp sync ospf holddown-timer <1-2147483>
Configure interface address
Use this attribute to explicitly specify the cost of the link-state metric in a router-LSA.
Attribute Name: cost
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
<cost>1</cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip ospf A.B.C.D cost <1-65535>
Configure message digest key
Use this attribute to set the authentication message digest key ID.
Attribute Name: message-digest-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: message-digest-encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5)
Attribute Name: message-digest-key
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip ospf A.B.C.D message-digest-key <1-255> (md5) WORD
Configure display route on single line
Use this attribute to display the output of the show ipv6 ospf route command with each route entry in a singleline.
Attribute Name: display-route-on-single-line
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</display-route-on-single-line><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf display route single-line
Configure grace period
Use this attribute to enable the graceful restart feature and set the grace period for restarting the router
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Restart capability
Attribute Name: grace-period
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 2-1800
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<grace-period>2</grace-period> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf restart grace-period <2-1800>
Configure controlled restarts only
Use this attribute to enable the graceful restart controlled restarts only for the router
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Restart capability
Attribute Name: controlled-restarts-only
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</controlled-restarts-only><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf restart planned-only
Configure max grace period
Use this attribute to set the maximum grace period to act as helper. i.e Help only if received grace-period is less than set value.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Restart capability
Attribute Name: max-grace-period
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-1800
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<max-grace-period>2</max-grace-period> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf restart helper max-grace-period <2-1800>
Configure disable all neighbors
Use this attribute to set disable acting as helper for all neighbors.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Restart capability
Attribute Name: disable-all-neighbors
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</disable-all-neighbors><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf restart helper never
Configure disable neighbor
Use this attribute to set disable acting as helper for specified neighbor.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Restart capability
Attribute Name: disable-neighbor
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<disable-neighbor>A.B.C.D</disable-neighbor> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf restart helper never router-id A.B.C.D
Configure vrf name
VRF Name to associate with this instance
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
router ipv6 vrf ospf WORD
Configure ospfv3 id
Use this attribute to set the OSPFv3 process ID
Attribute Name: ospfv3-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-254
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<process> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
router ipv6 ospf (WORD|) (WORD|)
Configure router id
Use this attribute to set a router ID for the OSPFv3 process. Configure each router OSPFv3 with an unique router ID
Attribute Name: router-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<router-id>A.B.C.D</router-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
router-id A.B.C.D
Configure bfd enable all interfaces
Use this attribute to enable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) on all interfaces.
Attribute Name: bfd-enable-all-interfaces
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</bfd-enable-all-interfaces><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd all-interfaces
Configure database summary
Use this attribute to enable the database summary list optimization for OSPFv3.
Attribute Name: database-summary
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</database-summary><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
enable db-summary-opt
Configure area border type
Use this attribute to set an OSPFv3 Area Border Router (ABR) type.
Attribute Name: area-border-type
Attribute Type: enum (standard|cisco|ibm)
Default Value: cisco
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<area-border-type>cisco</area-border-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
abr-type (standard|cisco|ibm)
Configure default metric
Use this attribute to set a default metric for OSPFv3.
Attribute Name: default-metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 20
Attribute Range: 1-16777214
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<default-metric>1</default-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-metric <1-16777214>
Configure shutdown
Use this attribute to specify an OSPFv3 shutdown
Attribute Name: shutdown
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure log adjacency changes
Use this attribute for the the router to send a SYSLOG message when an OSPFv3 neighbor goes up or down.
Attribute Name: log-adjacency-changes
Attribute Type: enum (brief|detail)
Default Value: brief
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<log-adjacency-changes>brief</log-adjacency-changes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
log-adjacency-changes (brief|detail|)
Configure reference bandwidth
Use this attribute to control how OSPFv3 calculates the default metric for the interface.
Attribute Name: reference-bandwidth
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 100
Attribute Range: 1-4294967
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<reference-bandwidth>1</reference-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
auto-cost reference-bandwidth <1-4294967>
Configure max database descriptors
Use this attribute to limit the number of Database Descriptors (DD) that can be processed concurrently.
Attribute Name: max-database-descriptors
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<max-database-descriptors>1</max-database-descriptors> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-concurrent-dd <1-65535>
Configure default distance
Default administrative distance value
Attribute Name: default-distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 110
Attribute Range: 1-254
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<default-distance>1</default-distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance <1-254>
Configure intra area distance
Administrative distance for intra-area routes
Attribute Name: intra-area-distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 110
Attribute Range: 1-254
Attribute Name: inter-area-distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 110
Attribute Range: 1-254
Attribute Name: external-routes-distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 110
Attribute Range: 1-254
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<inter-area-distance>1</inter-area-distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<external-routes-distance>1</external-routes-distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<intra-area-distance>1</intra-area-distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance ospfv3 { intra-area <1-254>| inter-area <1-254>| external <1-254> }
Configure traffic engineering
OSPFv3 Traffic Engineering extension
Attribute Name: traffic-engineering
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</traffic-engineering><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability te
Configure disable graceful restart
Graceful OSPFv3 Restart
Attribute Name: disable-graceful-restart
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</disable-graceful-restart><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no capability restart
Configure exponential max delay
Use this attribute to set the maximum SPF hold delay time in milliseconds
Attribute Name: exponential-max-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-2147483647
Attribute Name: exponential-min-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
timers spf exp <0-2147483647> <0-2147483647>
Configure ospf6SRv6enable
Enable segment routing v6
Attribute Name: ospf6SRv6enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</ospf6SRv6enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
segment-routing srv6
Configure ospf6SRv6LocatorName
Locator name
Attribute Name: ospf6SRv6LocatorName
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<locator-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
srv6-locator WORD
Configure all interfaces
Use this attribute to set all interfaces as passive
Attribute Name: all-interfaces
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</all-interfaces><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure name
Use this attribute to set interface as passive or not.
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Attribute Name: passive-mode
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<passive-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
passive-interface IFNAME (disable|enable)
Configure address
Use this attribute to summarize or suppress external routes with the specified address range.
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<summary-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
summary-address X:X::X:X/M
Configure translate tag
Use this attribute to set or unset translate tag to external routes with the specified address range.
Attribute Name: translate-tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Attribute Name: all-tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<all-tag>0</all-tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<translate-tag>0</translate-tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
summary-address X:X::X:X/M all-tag <0-4294967295> translate-tag <0-4294967295>
Configure not advertise
Use this attribute to set or unset not advertise to summarize or suppress external routes with the specified address range.
Attribute Name: not-advertise
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</not-advertise><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
summary-address X:X::X:X/M not-advertise
Configure all tag
Use this attribute to set or unset all tag to summarize or suppress external routes with the specified address range.
Attribute Name: all-tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<all-tag>0</all-tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
summary-address X:X::X:X/M all-tag <0-4294967295>
Configure originate
Use this attribute to create a default external route into an OSPF routing domain. The system acts like an Autonomous System Boundary Router (ASBR) when you use the default-information originate command to redistribute routes into an OSPF routing domain. An ASBR does not by default generate a default route into the OSPF routing domain
Attribute Name: originate
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</originate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-information originate
Configure route map
Use this attribute to set route-map instance.
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Attribute Name: originate
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: always-advertise-default-route
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 20
Attribute Range: 0-16777214
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Default Value: 2
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</originate><!-- operation="delete"-->
</always-advertise-default-route><!-- operation="delete"-->
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<metric-type>2</metric-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-information originate { always| metric <0-16777214>| metric-type (1|2)| route-map WORD }
Configure access control list
Use this attribute to set the access control list name in distribution list.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_ACL
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<access-control-list>WORD</access-control-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD in
Configure protocol
Use this attribute to import routes from other routing protocols, or from another OSPF instance, into OSPFv3 ASexternal-LSAs.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_ACL
Attribute Name: protocol
Attribute Type: enum (connected|static|rip|bgp|isis)
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<access-control-list>WORD</access-control-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD out (connected|static|rip|bgp|isis)
Configure ospf process id
Use this attribute to filter networks in routing updates.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_ACL
Attribute Name: ospf-process-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<access-control-list>WORD</access-control-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD out ospf (WORD|)
Configure metric
Use this attribute to inform the value of the metric for OSPFv3 default route.
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 0-16777214
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Default Value: 2
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: route-tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<metric-type>2</metric-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-tag>0</route-tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|rip|bgp|isis) { metric <0-16777214>| metric-type (1|2)| route-map WORD| tag <0-4294967295> }
Configure metric type
Use this attribute to inform the value of the metric for OSPFv3 default route.
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 0-16777214
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Default Value: 2
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: route-tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<metric-type>2</metric-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-tag>0</route-tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute ospf (WORD|) { metric <0-16777214>| metric-type (1|2)| route-map WORD| tag <0-4294967295> }
Configure default cost
Use this attribute to set the cost for default summary route sent into a stub area. If an area is configured as a stub, the OSPFv3 router originates one type-3 inter-area-prefix-LSA into the stub area. This attribute changes the metric for this LSA.
Attribute Name: default-cost
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 0-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<default-cost>0</default-cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) default-cost <0-16777215>
Configure no summary
Use this attribute to do not inject inter-area routes into stub.
Attribute Name: no-summary
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
</no-summary><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area stub no-summary
Configure enable
Use this attribute to define an area as a stub area on all routers.
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
area stub
Configure area id
Use this attribute to set an area as a Not-So-Stubby-Area (NSSA).
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area nssa
Configure remote router id
Use this attribute to set the interface IP address of the neighbor.
Attribute Name: remote-router-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<virtual-link> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area virtual-link A.B.C.D
Configure bfd fall over
Use this attribute to enable BFD on a virtual-link.
Attribute Name: bfd-fall-over
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</bfd-fall-over><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area virtual-link A.B.C.D fall-over bfd
Configure instance id
The OSPFv3 instance.
Attribute Name: instance-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-31,64-95
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<instance-id>0</instance-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area virtual-link A.B.C.D instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)
Configure authentication cryptomap
Use this attribute to set the Crypto-map used to setup IPsec SA.
Attribute Name: authentication-cryptomap
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<authentication-cryptomap>WORD</authentication-cryptomap> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area virtual-link A.B.C.D authentication cryptomap WORD
Configure dead interval
Use this command to set the amount of time that the router waits to receive an OSPF hello packet from the neighbor before declaring the neighbor down.
Attribute Name: dead-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 40
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: transmission-delay
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-1800
Attribute Name: retransmission-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-1800
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<transmission-delay>1</transmission-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<retransmission-interval>1</retransmission-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dead-interval>1</dead-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area virtual-link A.B.C.D { dead-interval <1-65535>| hello-interval <1-65535>| transmit-delay <1-1800>| retransmit-interval <1-1800> }
Configure tag
Use this attribute to configure the Tag value to use as a match value for controlling redistribution via route maps.
Attribute Name: tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<tag>0</tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
summary-address A.B.C.D/M tag <0-4294967295>
Configure always advertise default route
Use this attribute to set route-map instance.
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Attribute Name: originate
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: always-advertise-default-route
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 20
Attribute Range: 0-16777214
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Default Value: 2
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</originate><!-- operation="delete"-->
</always-advertise-default-route><!-- operation="delete"-->
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<metric-type>2</metric-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-information originate { always| metric <0-16777214>| metric-type (1|2)| route-map WORD }
Configure protocol af
Use this attribute to import routes from other routing protocols, or from another OSPF instance, into OSPFv3 ASexternal-LSAs.
Attribute Name: protocol-af
Attribute Type: enum (connected|static|rip|bgp|isis)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<routing-protocol> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|rip|bgp|isis)
Configure route tag
Use this attribute to inform the value of the metric for OSPFv3 default route.
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 0-16777214
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Default Value: 2
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: route-tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<metric-type>2</metric-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-tag>0</route-tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|rip|bgp|isis) { metric <0-16777214>| metric-type (1|2)| route-map WORD| tag <0-4294967295> }
Configure ospfv2 process id
Use this attribute to specify OSPF routes.
Attribute Name: ospfv2-process-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<ospf-process> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute ospf (<0-65535>|)
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to distribute linkstate and TE Database to BGP.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPFv3 BGP-LS for SRv6
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute bgp-ls
Configure throttle timer
Use this attribute to set interval between processing LS DB.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OSPFv3 BGP-LS for SRv6
Attribute Name: throttle-timer
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 5-20
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
<throttle-timer>5</throttle-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute bgp-ls throttle <5-20>
Configure retransmission
OSPFv3 retransmission information
Attribute Name: retransmission
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: bfd
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: events
Attribute Type: bits (abr|asbr|vlink|os|router|nssa)
Attribute Name: ifsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Attribute Name: lsa
Attribute Type: bits (generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage)
Attribute Name: nfsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Attribute Name: nsm
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Attribute Name: route
Attribute Type: bits (spf|ia|ase|install)
Attribute Name: rib
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Attribute Name: dist-ls
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: packet-hello
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-dd
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-request
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-update
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-ack
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</bfd><!-- operation="delete"-->
<events>abr</events> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ifsm>status</ifsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lsa>generate</lsa> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<nfsm>status</nfsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<nsm>interface</nsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route>spf</route> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<rib>interface</rib> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</dist-ls><!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-hello>send</packet-hello> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-dd>send</packet-dd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-request>send</packet-ls-request> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-update>send</packet-ls-update> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-ack>send</packet-ls-ack> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</retransmission><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf
Configure bfd
OSPFv3 retransmission information
Attribute Name: retransmission
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: bfd
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: events
Attribute Type: bits (abr|asbr|vlink|os|router|nssa)
Attribute Name: ifsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Attribute Name: lsa
Attribute Type: bits (generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage)
Attribute Name: nfsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Attribute Name: nsm
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Attribute Name: route
Attribute Type: bits (spf|ia|ase|install)
Attribute Name: rib
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Attribute Name: dist-ls
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: packet-hello
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-dd
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-request
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-update
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Attribute Name: packet-ls-ack
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</bfd><!-- operation="delete"-->
<events>abr</events> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ifsm>status</ifsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lsa>generate</lsa> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<nfsm>status</nfsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<nsm>interface</nsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route>spf</route> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<rib>interface</rib> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</dist-ls><!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-hello>send</packet-hello> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-dd>send</packet-dd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-request>send</packet-ls-request> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-update>send</packet-ls-update> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<packet-ls-ack>send</packet-ls-ack> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</retransmission><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf all
Configure dist ls
Use this attribute to enable OSPF distribute linkstate details debug.
Attribute Name: dist-ls
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</dist-ls><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf dist-ls
Configure events
OSPFv3 events information
Attribute Name: events
Attribute Type: bits (abr|asbr|vlink|os|router|nssa)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<events>abr</events> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf events ({abr|asbr|vlink|os|router|nssa}|)
Configure ifsm
Use this attribute to enable OSPFv3 Interface State Machine debug
Attribute Name: ifsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<ifsm>status</ifsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf ifsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Configure lsa
Use this attribute to enable OSPFv3 Link State Advertisement debug
Attribute Name: lsa
Attribute Type: bits (generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<lsa>generate</lsa> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf lsa ({generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage}|)
Configure nfsm
Use this attribute to enable OSPFv3 Neighbor State Machine debug
Attribute Name: nfsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<nfsm>status</nfsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf nfsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Configure nsm
Use this attribute to enable OSPFv3 NSM information debug
Attribute Name: nsm
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<nsm>interface</nsm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf nsm ({interface|redistribute}|)
Configure rib
Use this attribute to enable OSPFv3 RIB information debug
Attribute Name: rib
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<rib>interface</rib> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf rib ({interface|redistribute}|)
Configure route
Use this attribute to enable OSPFv3 route information debug
Attribute Name: route
Attribute Type: bits (spf|ia|ase|install)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<route>spf</route> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf route ({spf|ia|ase|install}|)
Configure packet hello
OSPFv3 Hello
Attribute Name: packet-hello
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<packet-hello>send</packet-hello> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf packet hello ({send|recv|detail}|)
Configure packet dd
OSPFv3 Database Description
Attribute Name: packet-dd
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<packet-dd>send</packet-dd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf packet dd ({send|recv|detail}|)
Configure packet ls request
OSPFv3 Link State Request
Attribute Name: packet-ls-request
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<packet-ls-request>send</packet-ls-request> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-request ({send|recv|detail}|)
Configure packet ls update
OSPFv3 Link State Update
Attribute Name: packet-ls-update
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<packet-ls-update>send</packet-ls-update> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-update ({send|recv|detail}|)
Configure packet ls ack
OSPFv3 Link State Acknowledgment
Attribute Name: packet-ls-ack
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<packet-ls-ack>send</packet-ls-ack> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-ack ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ipv6 ospf
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-ospf-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf
no debug ipv6 ospf
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-ospf-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf
debug ipv6 ospf all
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-ospf-all-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf all
no debug ipv6 ospf all
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-ospf-all-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf all
debug ipv6 ospf bfd
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-bfd-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf bfd
no debug ipv6 ospf bfd
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-bfd-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf bfd
debug ipv6 ospf retransmission
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-retransmission-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf retransmission
no debug ipv6 ospf retransmission
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-retransmission-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf retransmission
debug ipv6 ospf dist-ls
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-dist-ls-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf dist-ls
no debug ipv6 ospf dist-ls
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-dist-ls-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf dist-ls
debug ipv6 ospf events ({abr|asbr|vlink|os|router|nssa}|)
Attribute Name: events
Attribute Type: bits (abr|asbr|vlink|os|router|nssa)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-events-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf events ({abr|asbr|vlink|os|router|nssa}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf events ({abr|asbr|vlink|os|router|nssa}|)
Attribute Name: events
Attribute Type: bits (abr|asbr|vlink|os|router|nssa)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-events-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf events ({abr|asbr|vlink|os|router|nssa}|)
debug ipv6 ospf ifsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Attribute Name: ifsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-ifsm-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf ifsm ({status|events|timers}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf ifsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Attribute Name: ifsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-ifsm-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf ifsm ({status|events|timers}|)
debug ipv6 ospf lsa ({generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage}|)
Attribute Name: lsa
Attribute Type: bits (generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-lsa-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf lsa ({generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf lsa ({generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage}|)
Attribute Name: lsa
Attribute Type: bits (generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-lsa-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf lsa ({generate|flooding|install|refresh|maxage}|)
debug ipv6 ospf nfsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Attribute Name: nfsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-nfsm-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf nfsm ({status|events|timers}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf nfsm ({status|events|timers}|)
Attribute Name: nfsm
Attribute Type: bits (status|events|timers)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-nfsm-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf nfsm ({status|events|timers}|)
debug ipv6 ospf nsm ({interface|redistribute}|)
Attribute Name: nsm
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-nsm-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf nsm ({interface|redistribute}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf nsm ({interface|redistribute}|)
Attribute Name: nsm
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-nsm-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf nsm ({interface|redistribute}|)
debug ipv6 ospf packet ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: all
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-all-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf packet ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf packet ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: all
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-all-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf packet ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ipv6 ospf packet hello ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: hello
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-hello-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf packet hello ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf packet hello ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: hello
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-hello-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf packet hello ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ipv6 ospf packet dd ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: dd
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-dd-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf packet dd ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf packet dd ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: dd
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-dd-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf packet dd ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-request ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-request
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-ls-request-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-request ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-request ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-request
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-ls-request-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-request ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-update ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-update
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-ls-update-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-update ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-update ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-update
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-ls-update-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-update ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-ack ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-ack
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-ls-ack-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-ack ({send|recv|detail}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-ack ({send|recv|detail}|)
Attribute Name: ls-ack
Attribute Type: bits (send|recv|detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-packet-ls-ack-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf packet ls-ack ({send|recv|detail}|)
debug ipv6 ospf rib ({interface|redistribute}|)
Attribute Name: rib
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-rib-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf rib ({interface|redistribute}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf rib ({interface|redistribute}|)
Attribute Name: rib
Attribute Type: bits (interface|redistribute)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-rib-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf rib ({interface|redistribute}|)
debug ipv6 ospf route ({spf|ia|ase|install}|)
Attribute Name: route
Attribute Type: bits (spf|ia|ase|install)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-route-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 ospf route ({spf|ia|ase|install}|)
no debug ipv6 ospf route ({spf|ia|ase|install}|)
Attribute Name: route
Attribute Type: bits (spf|ia|ase|install)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-debug_ospfv3-terminal-debug-route-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 ospf route ({spf|ia|ase|install}|)
clear ipv6 ospf (WORD|) process
Attribute Name: process-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-global_ospfv3-clear-process xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 ospf (WORD|) process
restart ipv6 ospf graceful (grace-period <2-1800>|)
Attribute Name: grace-period
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-1800
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-global_ospfv3-graceful-restart xmlns="">
Command Syntax
restart ipv6 ospf graceful (grace-period <2-1800>|)
snmp restart ospf6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-ospfv3-global_ospfv3-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart ospf6
Configure shutdown
Use this attribute to shutdown OSPFV3 on the interface
Attribute Name: shutdown
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ospfv3 shutdown
Configure enable link lsa suppression
Use this attribute to enable or disable link LSA (type 8) suppression. A type 8 LSA gives information about link-local addresses and a list of IPv6 addresses on the link. If enabled and the interface type is not broadcast or NBMA, the router does not send type 8 link LSAs. This implies that other routers on the link determine the router’s next-hop address using a mechanism other than the type 8 link LSA. This feature is implicitly disabled if the interface type is broadcast or NBMA.
Attribute Name: enable-link-lsa-suppression
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</enable-link-lsa-suppression><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf link-lsa-suppression enable (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure enable bfd
Use this attribute to enable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)
Attribute Name: enable-bfd
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<enable-bfd>true</enable-bfd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf bfd (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure interface name
Use this attribute to enable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)
Attribute Name: enable-bfd
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<enable-bfd>true</enable-bfd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf bfd disable (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure instance id
Use this attribute to enable or disable link LSA (type 8) suppression. A type 8 LSA gives information about link-local addresses and a list of IPv6 addresses on the link. If enabled and the interface type is not broadcast or NBMA, the router does not send type 8 link LSAs. This implies that other routers on the link determine the router’s next-hop address using a mechanism other than the type 8 link LSA. This feature is implicitly disabled if the interface type is broadcast or NBMA.
Attribute Name: enable-link-lsa-suppression
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</enable-link-lsa-suppression><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf link-lsa-suppression enable (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure network type
Use this attribute to set an OSPFv3 network type.
Attribute Name: network-type
Attribute Type: enum (point-to-point|broadcast|non-broadcast|point-to-multipoint|point-to-multipoint non-broadcast)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<network-type>point-to-point</network-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf network (point-to-point|broadcast|non-broadcast|point-to-multipoint|point-to-multipoint non-broadcast) (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure cost
Use this attribute to specify the link-cost described in LSAs.The cost (or metric) of an interface in OSPF indicates the overhead required to send packets across a certain interface. The value is taken to describe Link State information, and used for route calculation.
Attribute Name: cost
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<cost>1</cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf cost <1-65535> (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure priority
Use this attribute to set the router priority for determining the designated router (DR) for the network. A router with the higher router priority becomes the DR. If the priority is the same for two routers, the router with the higher router ID takes precedence. Only routers with a nonzero priority value are eligible to become the designated or backup designated router. Configure router priority for broadcast or NBMA networks only and not for point-to-point networks.
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<priority>0</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf priority <0-255> (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure traffic engineering metric
Use this attribute to set the traffic engineering metric for an interface. The traffic engineering metric is used in OSPF-TE Link State Advertisements. If the traffic engineering metric is not set, the ipv6 ospf cost value for an interface is used in OSPF-TE Link State Advertisements.
Attribute Name: traffic-engineering-metric
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<traffic-engineering-metric>1</traffic-engineering-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 te-metric <1-65535> (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure mtu
Use this attribute to set MTU size for OSPFv3 to construct packets based on this value. Whenever OSPFv3 constructs packets, it uses interface MTU size as Maximum IP packet size. this attribute forces OSPFv3 to use the specified value overriding the actual interface MTU size.
Attribute Name: mtu
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1500
Attribute Range: 1280-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<mtu>1280</mtu> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf mtu <1280-65535> (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure mtu ignore
Use this attribute to ignore the MTU size during DD (Database Description) exchange. By default, during the DD exchange process, OSPFv3 checks the MTU size described in DD packets received from its neighbor, and if the MTU size does not match the interface MTU, the neighbor adjacency is not established. Using this command makes OSPFv3 ignore this check and allows establishing of adjacency regardless of MTU size in the DD packet.
Attribute Name: mtu-ignore
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
</mtu-ignore><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf mtu-ignore (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure authentication cryptomap
Use this attribute to set the Crypto-map used to setup IPsec SA.
Attribute Name: authentication-cryptomap
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<authentication-cryptomap>WORD</authentication-cryptomap> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|) authentication cryptomap WORD
Configure area id
Use this attribute to enable OSPFv3 routing on an interface. Specify the process ID to configure multiple instances of OSPFv3. When running a single instance of OSPFv3, you do not need to specify a instance ID. When OSPFv3 receives a packet, it checks if the instance ID in the packet matches the instance ID of the receiving interface.
Attribute Name: area-id
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<router> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 router ospf area (A.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure ospfv3 id
Use this attribute to enable OSPFv3 routing on an interface. Specify the process ID to configure multiple instances of OSPFv3. When running a single instance of OSPFv3, you do not need to specify a instance ID. When OSPFv3 receives a packet, it checks if the instance ID in the packet matches the instance ID of the receiving interface.
Attribute Name: area-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<router> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 router ospf area (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure dead interval
Use this attribute to set the amount of time that the router waits to receive an OSPF hello packet from the neighbor before declaring the neighbor down
Attribute Name: dead-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 40
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<dead-interval>1</dead-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf dead-interval <1-65535> (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure hello interval
Use this attribute to set the interval between hello packets.
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf hello-interval <1-65535> (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure transmission delay
Use this attribute to set the estimated time it takes to transmit a Link State Update packet over the interface.
Attribute Name: transmission-delay
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-1800
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<transmission-delay>1</transmission-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf transmit-delay <1-1800> (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure retransmission interval
Use this attibute to set the interval between retransmission of Link State Update packets.
Attribute Name: retransmission-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-1800
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<retransmission-interval>1</retransmission-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf retransmit-interval <1-1800> (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure address
Static neighbor IPv6 link-local address
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<neighbor-static> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf neighbor X:X::X:X (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure poll interval
Use this attribute to set the dead neighbor polling interval in seconds. It is recommended to set this value much higher than the hello interval. The default is 120 seconds.
Attribute Name: poll-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Attribute Name: cost
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospfv3 xmlns="">
<cost>1</cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<priority>0</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<poll-interval>0</poll-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 ospf neighbor X:X::X:X { cost <1-65535>| priority <0-255>| poll-interval <0-4294967295> } (instance-id (<0-31>|<64-95>)|)
Configure address family name
Use this attribute to specify address family name
Attribute Name: address-family-name
Attribute Type: enum (all-afs|vpnv4|vpnv6)
Attribute Name: label-alloc-type
Attribute Type: enum (per-prefix|per-vrf)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<mpls-l3vpn-label-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls label mode (all-afs|vpnv4|vpnv6) all-vrfs (per-prefix|per-vrf)
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to specify address family name
Attribute Name: address-family-name
Attribute Type: enum (all-afs|vpnv4|vpnv6)
Attribute Name: label-alloc-type
Attribute Type: enum (per-prefix|per-vrf)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<mpls-l3vpn-label-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls label mode (all-afs|vpnv4|vpnv6) vrf WORD (per-prefix|per-vrf)
Configure action name
Use this attribute to specify a standard community list (1 to 99) that specifies BGP community attributes.
Attribute Name: action-name
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip community-list <1-99> (deny|permit)
Configure action standard number
Use this attribute to specify a standard community list (1 to 99) that specifies BGP community attributes.
Attribute Name: action-standard-number
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<action-list-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip community-list <1-99> (deny|permit) ((AA:NN|internet|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export))
Configure action name standard
Use the community-lists to specify BGP community attributes. The community attribute is used for implementing policy routing. It is an optional, transitive attribute and facilitates transfer of local policies through different autonomous systems. It includes community values that are 32 bits long. There are two kinds of community-lists: expanded and standard. The standard community-list defines the community attributes in a specified format without regular expressions. The expanded community-list defines the community attributes with regular expressions.Use this attribute to add a standard community-list entry. The standard community-list is compiled into binary format and is directly compared with the BGP communities attribute in the BGP updates. The comparison is faster than the expanded community-list. Any community value that does not match the standard community value is automatically treated as expanded.
Attribute Name: action-name-standard
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<action-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip community-list WORD (deny|permit) ((AA:NN|internet|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export))
Configure list type
Use this attribute to specify a standard community list (1 to 99) that specifies BGP community attributes.
Attribute Name: action-name
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip community-list (standard) WORD (deny|permit)
Configure name
Use the community-lists to specify BGP community attributes. The community attribute is used for implementing policy routing. It is an optional, transitive attribute and facilitates transfer of local policies through different autonomous systems. It includes community values that are 32 bits long. There are two kinds of community-lists: expanded and standard. The standard community-list defines the community attributes in a specified format without regular expressions. The expanded community-list defines the community attributes with regular expressions.Use this attribute to add a standard community-list entry. The standard community-list is compiled into binary format and is directly compared with the BGP communities attribute in the BGP updates. The comparison is faster than the expanded community-list. Any community value that does not match the standard community value is automatically treated as expanded.
Attribute Name: action-name-standard
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<action-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip community-list (standard) WORD (deny|permit) ((AA:NN|internet|local-AS|no-advertise|no-export))
Configure action expanded
Community list extended type
Attribute Name: action-expanded
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<action-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip community-list <100-500> (deny|permit) LINE
Configure expanded type
Community list extended type
Attribute Name: action-expanded
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<action-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip community-list (expanded) WORD (deny|permit) LINE
Configure extended action number
Extended Community list type
Attribute Name: extended-action-number
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<action-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip extcommunity-list <1-99> (deny|permit) LINE
Configure extended action
extcommunity Community list type
Attribute Name: extended-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<action-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip extcommunity-list standard WORD (deny|permit) (rt|soo) AA:NN
Configure action
extcommunity Extended Community type
Attribute Name: action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<action-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip extcommunity-list <100-500> (deny|permit) LINE
Configure value
extcommunity Extended Community type
Attribute Name: action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<action-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip extcommunity-list (expanded) WORD (deny|permit) LINE
Configure access list name
Use this attribute to define a BGP Autonomous System (AS) path access list. A named community list is a filter based on regular expressions. If the regular expression matches the specified string representing the AS path of the route, then the permit or deny condition applies. Use this attribute to define the BGP access list globally.
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<as-path-access-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip as-path access-list WORD (deny|permit) LINE
Configure enable aggregate nexthop
Use this attribute to set the BGP option to perform aggregation only when next-hop matches the specified IP address.
Attribute Name: enable-aggregate-nexthop
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-aggregate-nexthop><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp aggregate-nexthop-check
Configure enable path select
Use this attribute to set RFC 1771 compatible path selection
Attribute Name: enable-path-select
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-path-select><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp rfc1771-path-select
Configure disable adj out
Use this attribute to Disable BGP ADJ_OUT.
Attribute Name: disable-adj-out
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</disable-adj-out><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp disable-adj-out
Configure disable rfc7606 error handling
Use this attribute to Disable RFC7606 revised error handling.
Attribute Name: disable-rfc7606-error-handling
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</disable-rfc7606-error-handling><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp disable-rfc7606-error-handling
Configure enable bogon filtering
Use this attribute to enable BOGON filtering
Attribute Name: enable-bogon-filtering
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-bogon-filtering><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp enable-bogon-filtering
Configure enable extended asn capability
Use this attribute to configure a BGP router to send 4-octet ASN capabilities. If attempting to change the AS capability from 2 to 4 or 4 to 2, a prompt occurs to remove the VRF configuration (if it exists), and reconfiguration is required,because the route distinguisher (RD) configuration would have been created with the current (2 octet or 4 octet) capability, and must be reconfigured before attempting to change the capability. While loading from a saved configuration with AS4 capability and BGP VRF configuration, the capability will not be changed because of the above described reason.
Attribute Name: enable-extended-asn-capability
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-extended-asn-capability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp extended-asn-cap
Configure enable nexthop tracking
Use this attribute to enable nexthop address tracking. Nexthop address tracking is an event-driven notification system that monitors the status of routes installed in the Routing Information Base (RIB) and reports nexthop changes that affect internal BGP (iBGP) or external BGP (eBGP) prefixes directly to the BGP process. This improves the overall BGP convergence time, by allowing BGP to respond rapidly to nexthop changes for routes installed in the RIB. If nexthop tracking is enabled after certain routes are learned, the registration of all nexthops for selected BGP routes is done after the nexthop tracking feature is enabled. If nexthop tracking is disabled, and if there are still some selected BGP routes, BGP de-registers the nexthops of all selected BGP routes from NSM.
Attribute Name: enable-nexthop-tracking
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-nexthop-tracking><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp nexthop-trigger enable
Configure nexthop tracking delay
Use this attribute to set the delay time for nexthop address tracking. This attribute configures the delayinterval between routing table walks for nexthop delay tracking, after which BGP does a routing table scan on receiving a nexthop change trigger from NSM. The time period determines how long BGP waits before it walks the full BGP table to determine which prefixes are affected by the nexthop changes, after it receives the trigger from NSM about one or more nexthop changes.
Attribute Name: nexthop-tracking-delay
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<nexthop-tracking-delay>1</nexthop-tracking-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp nexthop-trigger delay <1-100>
Configure enable rfc 1771 strict origin
Use this attribute to set the origin path attribute to IGP when the origin is a protocol such as RIP, OSPF,or ISIS as specified in RFC 1771. Otherwise, the origin is always set to incomplete which is the industry standard.
Attribute Name: enable-rfc-1771-strict-origin
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-rfc-1771-strict-origin><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp rfc1771-strict
Configure enable per prefix label mode
Use this attribute to configure mpls label mode
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS feature enabled,bgp 6PE feature enabled
Attribute Name: enable-per-prefix-label-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-per-prefix-label-mode><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls label mode 6pe per-prefix
Configure options
Use this attribute to enable all BGP troubleshooting functions. Use this attribute without any parameters to turn on normal bgp debug information.
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (all|nht|nsm|fsm|events|filters|keepalives|updates in|updates out|dampening|bfd|mpls|vpls|link-state|rib|srv6|normal|add-path|adj-out|route-scan|packet-send|packet-received|soft-clear|route-process|evpn|peer)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<options>all</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug bgp (all|nht|nsm|fsm|events|filters|keepalives|updates in|updates out|dampening|bfd|mpls|vpls|link-state|rib|srv6|normal|add-path|adj-out|route-scan|packet-send|packet-received|soft-clear|route-process|evpn|peer)
restart bgp graceful
Netconf RPC payload
<bgp-graceful-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
restart bgp graceful
clear bgp statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-bgp-statistics xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear bgp statistics
snmp restart bgp
Netconf RPC payload
<bgp-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart bgp
debug bgp (all|nht|nsm|fsm|events|filters|keepalives|updates in|updates out|dampening|bfd|mpls|vpls|link-state|rib|srv6|normal|add-path|adj-out|route-scan|packet-send|packet-received|soft-clear|route-process|evpn|peer)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|nht|nsm|fsm|events|filters|keepalives|updates in|updates out|dampening|bfd|mpls|vpls|link-state|rib|srv6|normal|add-path|adj-out|route-scan|packet-send|packet-received|soft-clear|route-process|evpn|peer)
Netconf RPC payload
<bgp-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug bgp (all|nht|nsm|fsm|events|filters|keepalives|updates in|updates out|dampening|bfd|mpls|vpls|link-state|rib|srv6|normal|add-path|adj-out|route-scan|packet-send|packet-received|soft-clear|route-process|evpn|peer)
no debug bgp (all|nht|nsm|fsm|events|filters|keepalives|updates in|updates out|dampening|bfd|mpls|vpls|link-state|rib|srv6|normal|add-path|adj-out|route-scan|packet-send|packet-received|soft-clear|route-process|evpn|peer)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|nht|nsm|fsm|events|filters|keepalives|updates in|updates out|dampening|bfd|mpls|vpls|link-state|rib|srv6|normal|add-path|adj-out|route-scan|packet-send|packet-received|soft-clear|route-process|evpn|peer)
Netconf RPC payload
<bgp-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug bgp (all|nht|nsm|fsm|events|filters|keepalives|updates in|updates out|dampening|bfd|mpls|vpls|link-state|rib|srv6|normal|add-path|adj-out|route-scan|packet-send|packet-received|soft-clear|route-process|evpn|peer)
no debug all bgp
Netconf RPC payload
<bgp-all-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug all bgp
Configure no external fail over
Use this attribute to reset a BGP session immediately, if the interface used for BGP connection goes down.
Attribute Name: no-external-fail-over
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</no-external-fail-over><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no bgp fast-external-failover
Configure no best path tie break
Use this attribute to always select a preferred older route even when the bestpathCompareRouterId attribute is configured
Attribute Name: no-best-path-tie-break
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</no-best-path-tie-break><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no bgp bestpath tie-break-on-age
Configure inbound route filter disable
Use this attribute to enable the MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) VPN/BGP inbound route filter. This attribute is used to control the installation of routing information into the BGP table. When a router runs MPLS VPN/BGP PE, it exchanges routing information with a routing distinguisher. By default, routing information that does not match the configured routing distinguisher value is not installed. When the local box has two VRFs where each routing distinguisher value is 10:100 and 20:200, routing information with routing distinguisher 10:200 is not installed into BGP table.
Attribute Name: inbound-route-filter-disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</inbound-route-filter-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no bgp inbound-route-filter
Configure external route leak disable
Use this attribute to disable external route leak.
Attribute Name: external-route-leak-disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</external-route-leak-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no bgp external-route-leak
Configure no client route reflection
Use this attribute to configure routers as route reflectors. Route reflectors are used when all Interior Border Gateway Protocol (iBGP) speakers are not fully meshed. If the clients are fully meshed the route reflector is not required
Attribute Name: no-client-route-reflection
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</no-client-route-reflection><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no bgp client-to-client reflection
Configure med type
Use this attribute to specify two MED (Multi Exit Discriminator) attributes, confed and missing-as-worst. The confed attribute enables MED comparison along paths learned from confederation peers. The MEDs are compared only if there is no external Autonomous System (an AS not within the confederation) in the path. If there is an external autonomous system in the path, the MED comparison is not made. The missing-as-worst to consider a missing MED attribute in a path as having a value of infinity, making the path without a MED value the least desirable path. If missing-as-worst is disabled, the missing MED is assigned the value of 0,making the path with the missing MED attribute the best path.
Attribute Name: med-type
Attribute Type: bits (confed|missing-as-worst|remove-recv-med|remove-send-med)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<med-type>3</med-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp bestpath med (confed) missing-as-worst
Configure bgp as
Use this attribute to specify two MED (Multi Exit Discriminator) attributes, confed and missing-as-worst. The confed attribute enables MED comparison along paths learned from confederation peers. The MEDs are compared only if there is no external Autonomous System (an AS not within the confederation) in the path. If there is an external autonomous system in the path, the MED comparison is not made. The missing-as-worst to consider a missing MED attribute in a path as having a value of infinity, making the path without a MED value the least desirable path. If missing-as-worst is disabled, the missing MED is assigned the value of 0,making the path with the missing MED attribute the best path.
Attribute Name: med-type
Attribute Type: bits (confed|missing-as-worst|remove-recv-med|remove-send-med)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<med-type>3</med-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp bestpath med (missing-as-worst) confed
Configure router id
Use this attribute to manually configure a fixed router ID as a BGP router identifier. When this attribute is used to configure a fixed router ID, the current router identifier is overridden and the peers are reset.
Attribute Name: router-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<router-id>A.B.C.D</router-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp router-id A.B.C.D
Configure cluster id
Use this attribute to configure the cluster ID if the BGP cluster has more than one route reflector. A cluster includes route reflectors and its clients. Usually, each cluster is identified by the router ID of its single route reflector but to increase redundancy sometimes a cluster may have more than one route reflector. All router reflectors in such a cluster are then identified by a cluster ID. The clusterId attribute is used to configure the 4 byte cluster ID for clusters with more than one route reflectors in an IPv4 address format.
Attribute Name: cluster-id
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
bgp cluster-id (A.B.C.D|<1-4294967295>)
Configure local preference
Use this attribute to change the default local preference value. Local preference indicates the preferred path when there are multiple paths to the same destination. The path having a higher preference is preferred. The preference is sent to all routers and access servers in the local autonomous system.
Attribute Name: local-preference
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 100
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<local-preference>0</local-preference> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp default local-preference <0-4294967295>
Configure graceful shutdown capable
Use this attribute to enable the graceful shutdown capability at the router level and make available the graceful-shutdown related attributes at the router and BGP neighbor levels.
Attribute Name: graceful-shutdown-capable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</graceful-shutdown-capable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp g-shut-capable
Configure graceful shutdown
Use this attribute to gracefully shut down all BGP IPv4 sessions under this router. The BGP graceful shutdown feature reduces packet loss during maintenance activity.
Attribute Name: graceful-shutdown
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</graceful-shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp g-shut
Configure graceful shutdown local preference
Use this attribute to set the local preference of the router to use during graceful shutdown. The local preference value indicates the preferred path when there are multiple paths to the same destination in a single routing database. The path with a higher preference value is the preferred one. The preferred path is sent to all routers and access servers in the local autonomous system.
Attribute Name: graceful-shutdown-local-preference
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<graceful-shutdown-local-preference>0</graceful-shutdown-local-preference> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp g-shut-local-preference <0-4294967295>
Configure log neighbor changes
Use this attribute to enable logging of status change messages without turning on debug bgp attributes. Product has many logging services for neighbor status, including debug bgp fsm and debug bgp events. However, these attributes cause system performance degradation. If you need to log neighbor status changes only, IP Infusion Inc. recommends turning off all debug attributes and using the setLogNbrChanges attribute instead.
Attribute Name: log-neighbor-changes
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</log-neighbor-changes><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp log-neighbor-changes
Configure scan interval
Use this attribute to configure scanning intervals of BGP routers. This interval is the period after which router checks the validity of the routes in its database. To disable BGP scanning, set the scan-time interval to 0 seconds.
Attribute Name: scan-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 0-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<scan-interval>0</scan-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp scan-time <0-60>
Configure best path dont compare originator
Use this attribute to change the default bestpath selection by not comparing an originator-ID for an identical EBGP path
Attribute Name: best-path-dont-compare-originator
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</best-path-dont-compare-originator><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp bestpath dont-compare-originator-id
Configure enable deterministic med
Use this attribute to compare the Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) variable when choosing among routes advertised by different peers in the same autonomous system. MED is compared after BGP attributes weight, local preference, AS-path and origin have been compared and are equal. For a correct comparison result, enable this attribute on all routers in a local AS. After enabling this attribute, all paths for the same prefix are grouped together and arranged according to their MED value. Based on this comparison, the best path is then chosen. This attribute compares MED variable when choosing routes advertised by different peers in the same AS, to compare MED, when choosing routes from neighbors in different ASs use the compareMed attribute. When the deterministicMed attribute is set, routes from the same AS are grouped together, and the best routes of each group are compared.
Attribute Name: enable-deterministic-med
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-deterministic-med><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp deterministic-med
Configure enforce first as for ebgp
Use this attribute to enforce the first AS for eBGP routes. This attribute specifies that any updates received from an external neighbor that do not have the neighbors configured Autonomous System (AS) at the beginning of the AS_PATH in the received update must be denied. Enabling this feature adds to the security of the BGP network by not allowing traffic from unauthorized systems.
Attribute Name: enforce-first-as-for-ebgp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enforce-first-as-for-ebgp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp enforce-first-as
Configure local as count
Use this attribute to set the number of times the local-AS (Autonomous System) is to be prepended.
Attribute Name: local-as-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 2-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<local-as-count>2</local-as-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp as-local-count <2-64>
Configure multi path relax
Use this attribute to relax the same AS-Path requirement so any candidate eBGP AS-Path with the same AS-path length might be used for eBGP load-balancing. This feature does not load-balance between eBGP and iBGP paths. Normally eBGP load-balancing requires the candidate routes to be equal-cost paths with identical BGP attributes having the same weight, Local-Pref, AS-Path (both the AS numbers and the AS pathlength), origin, MED, and different next-hop.
Attribute Name: multi-path-relax
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</multi-path-relax><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp bestpath as-path multipath-relax
Configure enable mpls nexthop tracking
Use this attribute to enable mpls nexthop address tracking. MPLS Nexthop address tracking is an event-driven notification system that monitors the status of LSP installed in the NSM and reports changes that affect internal BGP (iBGP) or external BGP (eBGP) prefixes directly to theBGP process. This improves the overall BGP convergence time, by allowing BGP to respond rapidly to nexthop changes for FTN installed in the NSM. If MPLS nexthop tracking is enabled after certain routes are learned, the registration of all nexthops for selected BGP routes is done after the mpls nexthop tracking feature is enabled. If MPLS nexthop tracking is disabled, and if there are still some selected BGP routes, BGP de-registers the nexthops of all selected BGP routes from NSM.
Attribute Name: enable-mpls-nexthop-tracking
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-mpls-nexthop-tracking><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure ignore aigp for bestpath
Use this config to ignore aigp attr in BGP best-path selection alogorithm.
Attribute Name: ignore-aigp-for-bestpath
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</ignore-aigp-for-bestpath><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp bestpath aigp ignore
Configure auto policy soft reset
Enable automatic soft-reset of BGP peers when their configured route policy is modified
Attribute Name: auto-policy-soft-reset
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</auto-policy-soft-reset><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp auto-policy-soft-reset enable
Configure identifier
Use this attribute to specify a BGP confederation identifier
Attribute Name: identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<identifier>1</identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp confederation identifier <1-4294967295>
Configure peer as number
Use this attribute to specify peer AS number in BGP confederation
Attribute Name: peer-as-number
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-as-number>1</peer-as-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp confederation peers .<1-4294967295>
Configure confed vrf name
Use this attribute to specify a BGP confederation vrf identifier
Attribute Name: identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<identifier>1</identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp confederation vrf NAME identifier <1-4294967295>
Configure enable graceful restart
Use this attribute to enable BGP graceful-restart capabilities. The restart-time parameter is used for setting the maximum time that a graceful-restart neighbor waits to come back up after a restart. This value is applied to all neighbors unless you explicitly override it by configuring the corresponding value on the neighbor. The stalepath-time parameter is used to set the maximum time to preserve stale paths from a gracefully restarted neighbor. All stalepaths, unless reinstated by the neighbor after a re-establishment, will be deleted at the expiration of this timer.
Attribute Name: enable-graceful-restart
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-graceful-restart><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp graceful-restart
Configure restart time
Use this attribute to enable BGP graceful-restart capabilities. The restart-time parameter is used for setting the maximum time that a graceful-restart neighbor waits to come back up after a restart. This value is applied to all neighbors unless you explicitly override it by configuring the corresponding value on the neighbor.
Attribute Name: restart-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 90
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<restart-time>1</restart-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp graceful-restart restart-time <1-3600>
Configure stale path max retention time
Use this attribute to enable BGP graceful-restart capabilities. The stalepath-time parameter is used to set the maximum time to preserve stale paths from a gracefully restarted neighbor. All stalepaths, unless reinstated by the neighbor after a re-establishment, will be deleted at the expiration of this timer.
Attribute Name: stale-path-max-retention-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 360
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<stale-path-max-retention-time>1</stale-path-max-retention-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp graceful-restart stalepath-time <1-3600>
Configure route selection max defer time
Use this attribute to specify the update-delay value for a graceful-restart capable router. The update-delay value is the maximum time a graceful-restart capable router, which is restarting, will defer route-selection and advertisements to all its graceful-restart capable neighbors. This maximum time starts from the instance the first neighbor attains established state after restart. The restarting router prematurely terminates this timer when end-of-rib markers are received from all its graceful-restart capable neighbors.
Attribute Name: route-selection-max-defer-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<route-selection-max-defer-time>1</route-selection-max-defer-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp update-delay <1-3600>
Configure graceful reset
Use this attribute to enable BGP graceful-restart capabilities. The restart-time parameter is used for setting the maximum time that a graceful-restart neighbor waits to come back up after a restart. This value is applied to all neighbors unless you explicitly override it by configuring the corresponding value on the neighbor.
Attribute Name: graceful-reset
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</graceful-reset><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp graceful-restart graceful-reset
Configure keep alive
Use this attribute to globally set or reset the keepalive values for all the neighbors
Attribute Name: keep-alive
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: hold-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
timers bgp <0-65535> <0-65535>
Configure always compare med
Use this attribute to compare the Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) for paths from neighbors in different autonomous systems. Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) is used in best path selection by BGP. MED is compared after BGP attributes weight, local preference, AS-path and origin have been compared and are equal. MED comparison is done only among paths from the same autonomous system (AS). Use compareMed attribute to allow comparison of MEDs from different ASs. The MED parameter is used to select the best path. A path with lower MED is preferred.
Attribute Name: always-compare-med
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</always-compare-med><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp always-compare-med
Configure ignore as path length
Use this attribute to prevent the router from considering the autonomous system (AS) path length as a factor in the algorithm for choosing a best path route.
Attribute Name: ignore-as-path-length
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</ignore-as-path-length><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp bestpath as-path ignore
Configure best path compare confed
Use this attribute to allow comparing of the confederation AS path length. This attribute specifies that the AS confederation path length must be used when available in the BGP best path decision process. It is effective only when bestpathAspath attribute has not been used.
Attribute Name: best-path-compare-confed
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</best-path-compare-confed><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp bestpath compare-confed-aspath
Configure external compare router id
Use this attribute to compare router IDs for identical eBGP paths. When comparing similar routes from peers, the BGP router does not consider the router ID of the routes. By default, it selects the first received route. Use this attribute to include router ID in the selection process; similar routes are compared and the route with the lowest router ID is selected. The router IS is the highest IP address on the router, with preference given to loopback addresses. Router ID can be manually set by using the routerIpAddr attribute.
Attribute Name: external-compare-router-id
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</external-compare-router-id><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp bestpath compare-routerid
Configure source ip prefix
Use this attribute to set the administrative distance for ip source prefix.
Attribute Name: source-ip-prefix
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<administrative-distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/M
Configure access list name
Use this attribute to define an administrative distance along with ip source prefix and access list name.
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/M WORD
Configure all routes
Use this attribute to allocate label to all the advertised routes
This command is supported when following feature are enabled bgp lu feature
Attribute Name: all-routes
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</all-routes><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
allocate-label all
Configure route map name
Use this attribute to allocate label to those advertised routes that match route-map.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled bgp lu feature
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<route-map-name>WORD</route-map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
allocate-label route-map WORD
Configure safi
BGP sub address family identifier
Attribute Name: safi
Attribute Type: enum (unicast|multicast|labeled-unicast|vpls|evpn|link-state|vpn-unicast|rtfilter-unicast|flowspec|flowspec-mpls-vpn)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<address-family> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
address-family ipv4 labeled-unicast
Configure additional path fast reroute
Use this attribute to specify fast-reroute tie-break secondary-path
Attribute Name: additional-path-fast-reroute
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</additional-path-fast-reroute><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp fast-reroute tie-break secondary-path
Configure additional paths mode
Use this attribute to add additional paths in the BGP table
Attribute Name: additional-paths-mode
Attribute Type: bits (send-receive|receive|send)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-mode>send-receive</additional-paths-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp additional-paths (send-receive|receive|send)
Configure bgp as
Use this attribute to add additional paths in the BGP table
Attribute Name: additional-paths-mode
Attribute Type: bits (send-receive|receive|send)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-mode>send-receive</additional-paths-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp additional-paths (send-receive|receive|send)
Configure afi
Use this attribute to add additional paths in the BGP table
Attribute Name: additional-paths-mode
Attribute Type: bits (send-receive|receive|send)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-mode>send-receive</additional-paths-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp additional-paths (send-receive|receive|send)
Configure additional path select all
Use this attribute to select criteria to pick the paths
Attribute Name: additional-path-select-all
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</additional-path-select-all><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp additional-paths select all
Configure additional paths best select count
Use this attribute to select best N paths
Attribute Name: additional-paths-best-select-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 2-3
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-best-select-count>2</additional-paths-best-select-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp additional-paths select best <2-3>
Configure no client route reflection
Use this attribute to configure routers as route reflectors. Route reflectors are used when all Interior Border Gateway Protocol (iBGP) speakers are not fully meshed. If the clients are fully meshed the route reflector is not required.
Attribute Name: no-client-route-reflection
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</no-client-route-reflection><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no bgp client-to-client reflection
Configure enable auto summary
Use this attribute to enable sending summarized routes by a BGP speaker to its peers. Auto-summary is used by a BGP router to advertise summarized routes to its peers. Auto-summary can be enabled if certain routes have already been advertised: in this case, configuring auto-summary advertises the summarized routes first, then corresponding non-summarized routes are withdrawn. If certain routes have already been advertised, and auto-summary is disabled, non-summarized routes are first advertised, then the corresponding summarized routes are withdrawn from all the connected peers.
Attribute Name: enable-auto-summary
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-auto-summary><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable additional path pic
Use this attribute to enable the additional paths in the BGP table,install the indirect nexthop in RIB
Attribute Name: enable-additional-path-pic
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-additional-path-pic><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp additional-paths install
Configure enable network igp sync
Use this attribute to enable IGP synchronization for BGP static network routes
Attribute Name: enable-network-igp-sync
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-network-igp-sync><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network synchronization
Configure map name
Use this attribute to enable or disable suppression/modification of incoming BGP updates to IP RIB/FIB table installation. In a dedicated route reflector, all the routes it receives may not be required to be stored or only few selected routes need to be stored, because it may not lie in the data path. Table maps are particularly useful to attain this restriction. When map-name attribute is set, the route map referenced in the map-name attribute shall be used to set certain properties (such as the traffic index) of the routes for installation into the RIB. The route is always downloaded, regardless of whether it is permitted or denied by the route map.
Attribute Name: map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
table-map WORD
Configure afi
Use this attribute to start a BGP process.
Attribute Name: bgp-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: afi
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|ipv6|vpnv4|vpnv6|rtfilter|l2vpn|link-state)
Attribute Name: safi
Attribute Type: enum (unicast|multicast|labeled-unicast|vpls|evpn|link-state|vpn-unicast|rtfilter-unicast|flowspec|flowspec-mpls-vpn)
Attribute Name: map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
table-map WORD
Configure table map filter
When tableMapFilter attribute is given in the table map attribute, the route map referenced is used to control whether a BGP route is to be downloaded to the IP RIB (hence the filter). A BGP route is not downloaded to the RIB if it is denied by the route map.
Attribute Name: table-map-filter
Attribute Type: boolean
Attribute Name: map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<map-name>WORD</map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<table-map-filter>true</table-map-filter> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
table-map WORD filter
Configure enable igp sync
Use this attribute to enable IGP synchronization of Internal BGP (iBGP) learned routes with the Internal Gateway Protocol (IGP) system. Synchronization is used when a BGP router should not advertise routes learned from iBGP neighbors, unless those routes are also present in an IGP (for example, OSPF). Synchronization may be enabled when all the routers in an autonomous system do not speak BGP, and the autonomous system is a transit for other autonomous systems.
Attribute Name: enable-igp-sync
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-igp-sync><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable bgp implicit null
Use this attribute to enable BGP LU implicit null.
Attribute Name: enable-bgp-implicit-null
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-bgp-implicit-null><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp implicit-null
Configure backdoor
network address with backdoor for address family
Attribute Name: backdoor
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: network-rmap-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
network (A.B.C.D | A.B.C.D/M) (route-map WORD|) (backdoor|)
Configure local network prefix
network address with backdoor for address family
Attribute Name: backdoor
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: network-rmap-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
network (X:X::X:X/M) (route-map WORD|) (backdoor|)
Configure aggregate address
Aggregates are used to minimize the size of routing tables. Aggregation combines the characteristics of several different routes and advertises a single route.The aggregate-address attribute creates an aggregate entry in the BGP routing table if any more-specific BGP routes are available in the specified range.
Attribute Name: aggregate-address
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<aggregate-address-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aggregate-address (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X/M)
Configure aggregate type
The aggregate-type attribute creates an aggregate entry advertising the path for this route, consisting of all elements contained in all paths being summarized. Use this parameter to reduce the size of path information by listing the AS number only once, even if it was included in multiple paths that were aggregated.
Attribute Name: aggregate-type
Attribute Type: enum (as-set|summary-only|as-set-and-summary-only)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<aggregate-type>1</aggregate-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aggregate-address as-set
Configure local
Use this attribute to define an administrative distance for local routes. Local routes are routes that is redistributed from another process.A distance is a rating of trustworthiness of a router. The higher the distance the lower the trust rating. If the administrative distance is changed, it could create inconsistency in the routing table and obstruct routing.
Attribute Name: local
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance bgp <1-255> <1-255> <1-255>
Configure ebgp
Use this attribute to define an administrative distance for local routes. Local routes are routes that is redistributed from another process.A distance is a rating of trustworthiness of a router. The higher the distance the lower the trust rating. If the administrative distance is changed, it could create inconsistency in the routing table and obstruct routing.
Attribute Name: local
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance bgp <1-255> <1-255> <1-255>
Configure ebgp max path
Use this attribute to set the number of equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) routes for eBGP. You can install multiple BGP paths to the same destination to balance the load on the forwarding path
Attribute Name: ebgp-max-path
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 2-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<ebgp-max-path>2</ebgp-max-path> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-paths ebgp <2-64>
Configure ibgp max path
Use this attribute to set the number of equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) routes for iBGP. You can install multiple BGP paths to the same destination to balance the load on the forwarding path.
Attribute Name: ibgp-max-path
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 2-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<ibgp-max-path>2</ibgp-max-path> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-paths ibgp <2-64>
Configure eibgp max path
Use this attribute to set the number of equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) routes for eiBGP. You can install multiple BGP paths to the same destination to balance the load on the forwarding path
Attribute Name: eibgp-max-path
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 2-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<eibgp-max-path>2</eibgp-max-path> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-paths eibgp <2-64>
Configure enable dampening
This attribute enable BGP route dampening and set various parameters to default values.
Attribute Name: enable-dampening
Attribute Type: enum (enable-dampening)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<route-flap-dampening> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening
Configure reach half life
Use this attribute to configure reachability half-life time for the penalty in minutes for the bgp route dampening. The time for the penalty to decrease to one-half of its current value.
Attribute Name: reach-half-life
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 1-45
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<reach-half-life>1</reach-half-life> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening <1-45>
Configure max suppress time
Use this attribute to configure the value to start suppressing a route for BGP route dampening. When the penalty for a route exceeds the suppress value, the route is suppressed
Attribute Name: max-suppress-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: reach-half-life
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-45
Attribute Name: reuse-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Attribute Name: suppress-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<reach-half-life>1</reach-half-life> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<reuse-penalty>1</reuse-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<suppress-penalty>1</suppress-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<max-suppress-time>1</max-suppress-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening <1-45> <1-20000> <1-20000> <1-255>
Configure reuse penalty
Use this attribute to configure the value to start suppressing a route for BGP route dampening. When the penalty for a route exceeds the suppress value, the route is suppressed
Attribute Name: max-suppress-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: reach-half-life
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-45
Attribute Name: reuse-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Attribute Name: suppress-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<reach-half-life>1</reach-half-life> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<reuse-penalty>1</reuse-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<suppress-penalty>1</suppress-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<max-suppress-time>1</max-suppress-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening <1-45> <1-20000> <1-20000> <1-255>
Configure suppress penalty
Use this attribute to configure the value to start suppressing a route for BGP route dampening. When the penalty for a route exceeds the suppress value, the route is suppressed
Attribute Name: max-suppress-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: reach-half-life
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-45
Attribute Name: reuse-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Attribute Name: suppress-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<reach-half-life>1</reach-half-life> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<reuse-penalty>1</reuse-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<suppress-penalty>1</suppress-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<max-suppress-time>1</max-suppress-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening <1-45> <1-20000> <1-20000> <1-255>
Configure unreach half life
Use this attribute to configure un-reachability half-life time for the penalty in minutes for bgp route dampening. The dampening information is purged from the router once the penalty becomes less than half of the reuse limit.
Attribute Name: unreach-half-life
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-45
Attribute Name: reach-half-life
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-45
Attribute Name: reuse-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Attribute Name: suppress-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Attribute Name: max-suppress-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<reach-half-life>1</reach-half-life> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<reuse-penalty>1</reuse-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<suppress-penalty>1</suppress-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<max-suppress-time>1</max-suppress-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<unreach-half-life>1</unreach-half-life> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening <1-45> <1-20000> <1-20000> <1-255> <1-45>
Configure dampening rmap name
Use this attribute to configure route map to specify criteria for dampening.
Attribute Name: dampening-rmap-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<dampening-rmap-name>WORD</dampening-rmap-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening route-map WORD
Configure protocol type
Use this attribute to inject routes from one routing process into another. Redistribution is used by routing protocols to advertise routes that are learned by some other means, such as by another routing protocol or by static routes. Since all internal routes are dumped into BGP, careful filtering is applied to make sure that only routes to be advertised reach the internet, not everything. This attribute allows redistribution by injecting prefixes from one routing protocol into another routing protocol.
Attribute Name: protocol-type
Attribute Type: enum (connected|static|rip|ospf|isis|connected-host-routes)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<route-redistribute-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|rip|ospf|isis|connected-host-routes)
Configure redist route map name
Use this attribute to configure route map to be used for redistributed routes.
Attribute Name: redist-route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<redist-route-map-name>WORD</redist-route-map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|rip|ospf|isis|connected-host-routes) route-map WORD
Configure safi
Use this attribute to start a BGP process.
Attribute Name: bgp-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: afi
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|ipv6|vpnv4|vpnv6|rtfilter|l2vpn|link-state)
Attribute Name: safi
Attribute Type: enum (unicast|multicast|labeled-unicast|vpls|evpn|link-state|vpn-unicast|rtfilter-unicast|flowspec|flowspec-mpls-vpn)
Attribute Name: ospf-instance-number
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (ospf) (WORD|<1-65535>)
Configure redistribute ospf route map
Use this attribute to specify route map to redistribute routes from OSPF into BGP.
Attribute Name: redistribute-ospf-route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<redistribute-ospf-route-map>WORD</redistribute-ospf-route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (ospf) route-map WORD
Configure bgpSRv6enable
This attribute enable Segment Routing V6
Attribute Name: bgpSRv6enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
segment-routing srv6
Configure bgpSRv6LocatorName
Locator name
Attribute Name: bgpSRv6LocatorName
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<locator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
srv6-locator WORD
clear ip bgp (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) (description LINE|)
Attribute Name: arg
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: peer-reset-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-bgp-address-family_clear-ip-bgp-peer xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip bgp (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) (description LINE|)
Configure optional as
Use this attribute to specify optional AS number of BGP dynamic peer-group
Attribute Name: optional-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<optional-as-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD optional-as <1-4294967295>
Configure peer group tag
Creates a peer-group group. Neighbors with the same update policies are grouped into peer-group groups. This facilitates the updates of various policies, such as distribute and filter lists. The peer-group group is then configured easily with any of the neighbor attributes. Any changes made to the peer-group group affect all members.
Attribute Name: peer-group-tag
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: peer-group-range
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD peer-group
Configure bgp as
Creates a peer-group group. Neighbors with the same update policies are grouped into peer-group groups. This facilitates the updates of various policies, such as distribute and filter lists. The peer-group group is then configured easily with any of the neighbor attributes. Any changes made to the peer-group group affect all members.
Attribute Name: peer-group-tag
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: peer-group-range
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD peer-group range A.B.C.D/M
Configure peer group range
Creates a peer-group group. Neighbors with the same update policies are grouped into peer-group groups. This facilitates the updates of various policies, such as distribute and filter lists. The peer-group group is then configured easily with any of the neighbor attributes. Any changes made to the peer-group group affect all members.
Attribute Name: peer-group-tag
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: peer-group-range
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD peer-group range X:X::X:X/M
Configure group limit
This attribute specifies maximum number of peer-groups in a dynamic peer-group
Attribute Name: group-limit
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-200
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<group-limit>1</group-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD limit <1-200>
Configure enable peer bfd
Enable bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) for the BGP peer-group
Attribute Name: enable-peer-bfd
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-peer-bfd><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD fall-over bfd
Configure enable peer bfd multihop
Enable bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) for the BGP peer-group with multihop
Attribute Name: enable-peer-bfd-multihop
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-peer-bfd-multihop><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD fall-over bfd multihop
Configure auth key encrypt
Use this attribute to configure the authentication key to specify if the password is to be encrypted or not.
Attribute Name: auth-key-encrypt
Attribute Type: enum (0|1)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD authentication-key (0|1) WORD
Configure password
Use this attribute to configure the authentication key to specify if the password is to be encrypted or not.
Attribute Name: auth-key-encrypt
Attribute Type: enum (0|1)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD authentication-key WORD
Configure additional paths mode
Adds additional paths in the BGP table
Attribute Name: additional-paths-mode
Attribute Type: bits (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-mode>send-receive</additional-paths-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD additional-paths (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Configure afi
Adds additional paths in the BGP table
Attribute Name: additional-paths-mode
Attribute Type: bits (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-mode>send-receive</additional-paths-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD additional-paths (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Configure safi
Adds additional paths in the BGP table
Attribute Name: additional-paths-mode
Attribute Type: bits (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-mode>send-receive</additional-paths-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD additional-paths (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Configure additional path select all
Attribute to select advertise additional path
Attribute Name: additional-path-select-all
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</additional-path-select-all><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD advertise additional-paths all
Configure additional paths best select count
Attribute to select best advertise additional path
Attribute Name: additional-paths-best-select-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 2-3
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-best-select-count>2</additional-paths-best-select-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD advertise additional-paths best <2-3>
Configure bgp port
The BGP port number of a neighbor
Attribute Name: bgp-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 179
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-port>0</bgp-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD port <0-65535>
Configure activate
Activate/Deactivate neighbor. This attribute enables or disables the exchange of AF information with a neighboring router.
Attribute Name: activate
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</activate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD activate
Configure default peer route map name
This attribute allows a BGP local router to send the default route to a neighbor for use as a default route for specified address-family.
Attribute Name: default-peer-route-map-name
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</default-peer-route-map-name><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD default-originate
Configure peer route map orig name
This attribute configures route map to be used for a BGP local router to send the default route to a neighbor for use as a default route for specified address-family. This attribute can be used with standard or extended access lists.
Attribute Name: peer-route-map-orig-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-route-map-orig-name>WORD</peer-route-map-orig-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD default-originate route-map WORD
Configure weight
This attribute specifies a weight value, for specified address-family, to all routes learned from a neighbor for specified address-family. The route with the highest weight gets preference when the same prefix is learned from more than one peer. Unlike the local-preference attribute, the weight attribute is relevant only to the local router. When the weight is set for a peer group, all members of the peer group get the same weight. This attribute can also be used to assign a different weight to an individual peer-group member. When an individually-configured weight of a peer-group member is removed, its weight is reset to its peer groups weight.
Attribute Name: weight
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<weight>0</weight> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD weight <0-65535>
Configure route server client
This attribute configures a neighbor as the route server client for specified address-family.
Attribute Name: route-server-client
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</route-server-client><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD route-server-client
Configure next hop self
This attribute configure the router as the next hop for a BGP-speaking neighbor or peer-group group. This attribute allows a BGP router to change the nexthop information that is sent to the iBGP peer-group. The nexthop information is set to the IP address of the interface used to communicate with the neighbor.
Attribute Name: next-hop-self
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</next-hop-self><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD next-hop-self
Configure flowspec validation disable
This attribute specifies if FLOWSPEC validation should be disabled for a BGP neighbor for specified address-family.
Attribute Name: flowspec-validation-disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</flowspec-validation-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD flowspec-validation-disable
Configure peer route reflector
This attribute configures the router as a BGP route reflector and configure the specified neighbor as its client for specified address-family. Route reflectors are a solution for the explosion of iBGP peering within an autonomous system. By route reflection the number of iBGP peers within an AS is reduced. Use this attribute to configure the local router as the route reflector and specify neighbors as its client. An AS can have more than one route reflector. One route reflector treats the other route reflector as another iBGP speaker.
Attribute Name: peer-route-reflector
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</peer-route-reflector><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD route-reflector-client
Configure peer remove private as
This attribute removes the private Autonomous System (AS) number from outbound updates. Private AS numbers are not advertised to the Internet. This attribute is used with external BGP peers only. The router removes the AS numbers only if the update includes private AS numbers. If the update includes both private and public AS numbers, the system treats it as an error.
Attribute Name: peer-remove-private-as
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</peer-remove-private-as><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD remove-private-AS
Configure no send community
This attribute specifies if a community attribute should be sent to a BGP neighbor for specified address-family. The community attribute groups destinations in a certain community and applies routing decisions according to those communities. By default, both standard and extended community attributes are sent to a neighbor
Attribute Name: no-send-community
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</no-send-community><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no neighbor WORD send-community
Configure no send community type
This attribute specifies the type of community attribute to be sent to a BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: no-send-community-type
Attribute Type: bits (both|standard|extended|large)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<no-send-community-type>both</no-send-community-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no neighbor WORD send-community (both|standard|extended|large)
Configure neighbor attribute unchanged
This attribute advertises unchanged BGP AS path, next hop and med to the specified neighbor.
Attribute Name: neighbor-attribute-unchanged
Attribute Type: bits (as-path|next-hop|med)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<neighbor-attribute-unchanged>14</neighbor-attribute-unchanged> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD attribute-unchanged
Configure orf prefix capability
This attribute enables Outbound Router Filtering (ORF), and advertise the ORF capability to its neighbors. The ORFs send and receive capabilities to lessen the number of updates exchanged between neighbors. By filtering updates, this option minimizes generating and processing of updates. The two routers exchange updates to maintain the ORF for each router.
Attribute Name: orf-prefix-capability
Attribute Type: bits (both|receive|send)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<orf-prefix-capability>both</orf-prefix-capability> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD capability orf prefix-list (both|receive|send)
Configure peer allow ebgp vpn
This attribute allows an eBGP neighbor to be a VPN peer. By default, BGP VPN functionality is allowed only for iBGP peers. Using the peer-allow-ebgp-vpn attribute allows the VPN connection to be established to an eBGP peer.
Attribute Name: peer-allow-ebgp-vpn
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</peer-allow-ebgp-vpn><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD allow-ebgp-vpn
Configure allow as number
This attribute advertises prefixes (routes) even when the source of the prefixes is from the same Autonomous System (AS) number for specified address-family. Use this attribute in a scenario where two routers at different locations use the same Autonomous System number and are connected via an ISP. Once prefixes arrive from one branch at the ISP, they are tagged with the customers AS number. By default, when the ISP passes the prefixes to the other router, the prefixes are dropped if the other router uses the same AS number. Use this attribute to advertise the prefixes at the other side. Control the number of times an AS number is advertised by specifying a number. In a hub and spoke configuration in a VPN, a PE (Provider Edge) router advertises all prefixes containing duplicate AS numbers. Use this attribute to configure two VRFs on each PE router to receive and advertise prefixes. One of the VRFs receives prefixes with AS numbers from all PE routers and then advertises them to neighboring PE routers. The other VRF receives prefixes with AS numbers from the CE (Customer Edge) router and advertises them to all PE routers in the hub and spoke configuration.
Attribute Name: allow-as-number
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 3
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<allow-as-number>1</allow-as-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD allowas-in <1-10>
Configure capability graceful restart
This attribute configures the router to advertise the Graceful Restart Capability to the neighbors. This configuration indicates that the BGP speaker has the ability to preserve its forwarding state for the address family when BGP restarts. Use this attribute to advertise to the neighbor routers the capability of graceful restart.
Attribute Name: capability-graceful-restart
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</capability-graceful-restart><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD capability graceful-restart
Configure prefix count
Use this attribute to specify maximum number of prefixes that can be received from a neighbor
Attribute Name: prefix-count
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<maximum-prefix> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD maximum-prefix <1-4294967295>
Configure stop update
Stop installing the routes when limit is exceeded.
Attribute Name: stop-update
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> stop-update
Configure maximum prefix warning
This attribute when enabled only give warning message when limit is exceeded. When it is not set and extra prefixes are received, the router ends the peering.
Attribute Name: maximum-prefix-warning
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> warning-only
Configure threshold percentage
Threshold-value in percen. This attribute controls the number of prefixes that can be received from a neighbor. This attribute allows the configuration of a specified number of prefixes that a BGP router is allowed to receive from a neighbor. When the maximum-prefix-warning attribute is not set and extra prefixes are received, the router ends the peering.
Attribute Name: threshold-percentage
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 75
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> <1-100>
Configure warning only
Throw warning if exceeds threshold-value
Attribute Name: warning-only
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: threshold-percentage
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 75
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> <1-100> warning-only
Configure unsuppress route map name
unsuppress map name. This attribute is used to selectively leak more-specific routes to a particular neighbor.
Attribute Name: unsuppress-route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<unsuppress-route-map-name>WORD</unsuppress-route-map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD unsuppress-map WORD
Configure access list identifier
Access List information
Attribute Name: access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD distribute-list WORD (in|out)
Configure filter direction
Access List information
Attribute Name: access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD distribute-list WORD (in|out)
Configure peer group tag
Use this attribute to start a BGP process.
Attribute Name: bgp-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: afi
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|ipv6|vpnv4|vpnv6|rtfilter|l2vpn|link-state)
Attribute Name: safi
Attribute Type: enum (unicast|multicast|labeled-unicast|vpls|evpn|link-state|vpn-unicast|rtfilter-unicast|flowspec|flowspec-mpls-vpn)
Attribute Name: peer-group-tag
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: prefix-filter-direction
Attribute Type: enum (in|out)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD prefix-list WORD (in|out)
Configure prefix list name
Use this attribute to start a BGP process.
Attribute Name: bgp-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: afi
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|ipv6|vpnv4|vpnv6|rtfilter|l2vpn|link-state)
Attribute Name: safi
Attribute Type: enum (unicast|multicast|labeled-unicast|vpls|evpn|link-state|vpn-unicast|rtfilter-unicast|flowspec|flowspec-mpls-vpn)
Attribute Name: peer-group-tag
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: prefix-filter-direction
Attribute Type: enum (in|out)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD prefix-list WORD (in|out)
Configure prefix filter direction
Use this attribute to start a BGP process.
Attribute Name: bgp-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: afi
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|ipv6|vpnv4|vpnv6|rtfilter|l2vpn|link-state)
Attribute Name: safi
Attribute Type: enum (unicast|multicast|labeled-unicast|vpls|evpn|link-state|vpn-unicast|rtfilter-unicast|flowspec|flowspec-mpls-vpn)
Attribute Name: peer-group-tag
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: prefix-filter-direction
Attribute Type: enum (in|out)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD prefix-list WORD (in|out)
Configure as access list identifier
Access-list number. This attribute sets a BGP filter. This attribute specifies an access list filter on updates based on the BGP autonomous system paths. Each filter is an access list based on regular expressions
Attribute Name: as-access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD filter-list WORD (in|out)
Configure as list direction
Access-list number. This attribute sets a BGP filter. This attribute specifies an access list filter on updates based on the BGP autonomous system paths. Each filter is an access list based on regular expressions
Attribute Name: as-access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD filter-list WORD (in|out)
Configure route map name
Use this attribute to apply a route map to incoming or outgoing routes. This attribute filters updates and modifies attributes. A route map is applied to inbound or outbound updates. Only the routes that pass the route map are sent or accepted in updates.
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD route-map WORD (in|out)
Configure route map direction
Use this attribute to apply a route map to incoming or outgoing routes. This attribute filters updates and modifies attributes. A route map is applied to inbound or outbound updates. Only the routes that pass the route map are sent or accepted in updates.
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD route-map WORD (in|out)
Configure peer as
Autonomous system number of a neighbor. If the specified ASN matches the ASN number specified in the router bgp global configuration, the neighbor is identified as internal. If the ASN does no match, it is identified as external to the local AS.
Attribute Name: peer-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-as>1</peer-as> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD remote-as <1-4294967295>
Configure graceful shut
Use this attribute to start a graceful shutdown for the BGP session of the specified BGP neighbor. The BGP session for this neighbor is shut down after the graceful shutdown timer expires. If there is no alternate path available for traffic to flow prior the actual shutdown of the BGP session, this path is made available for 60 seconds or for configured time after which the path is no longer available and traffic is dropped.
Attribute Name: graceful-shut
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</graceful-shut><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD g-shut
Configure graceful shutdown timer
Configure the value of the graceful shutdown timer. After the timer expires, the BGP session initiated for graceful shutdown is shut down.
Attribute Name: graceful-shutdown-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 10-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<graceful-shutdown-timer>10</graceful-shutdown-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD g-shut-timer <10-65535>
Configure peer restart time
Sets a different restart-time other than the global restart-time. This attribute takes precedence over the restart-time value specified using the grstSet attribute. The restart-time value is the maximum time that a graceful-restart neighbor waits to come back up after a restart. The default value is 120 seconds.
Attribute Name: peer-restart-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-restart-time>1</peer-restart-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD restart-time <1-3600>
Configure peer description
Associates a description with a neighbor. This helps in identifying a neighbor quickly. It is useful for an ISP that has multiple neighbor relationships.
Attribute Name: peer-description
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-description>LINE</peer-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD description LINE
Configure peer connect interval
This attribute sets the timers for a specific BGP neighbor. Keepalive messages are sent by a router to inform another router that the BGP connection between the two is still active. The keepalive interval is the period of time between each keepalive message sent by the router. The holdtime interval is the time the router waits to receive a keepalive message and if it does not receive a message for this period it declares the neighbor dead.
Attribute Name: peer-connect-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-connect-interval>1</peer-connect-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD timers connect <1-65535>
Configure peer as origin interval
Configures the minimum interval between the sending of AS-origination routing updates.
Attribute Name: peer-as-origin-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-as-origin-interval>1</peer-as-origin-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD as-origination-interval <1-65535>
Configure min route advertisement interval
Sets a minimum route advertisement interval between the sending of BGP routing updates. To reduce the flapping of routes to internet, a minimum advertisement interval is set, so that the BGP routing updates are sent only per interval seconds.
Attribute Name: min-route-advertisement-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<min-route-advertisement-interval>0</min-route-advertisement-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD advertisement-interval <0-65535>
Configure enable dynamic capability
Use this attribute to enable the dynamic capability for a specific peer-group. This attribute allows a BGP speaker to advertise or withdraw an address family capability to a peer-group in a non-disruptive manner.
Attribute Name: enable-dynamic-capability
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-dynamic-capability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD capability dynamic
Configure collide established
Include a neighbor already in an established state for conflict resolution when a TCP connection collision is detected.
Attribute Name: collide-established
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</collide-established><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD collide-established
Configure source identifier
Allows internal BGP sessions to use any operational interface for TCP connections. This attribute can be used in conjunction with any specified interface on the router. The loopback interface is the interface that is most commonly used with this attribute. The use of loopback interface eliminates a dependency and BGP does not have to rely on the availability of a particular interface for making TCP connections.
Attribute Name: source-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<source-identifier>WORD</source-identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD update-source WORD
Configure enforce multi hop
Turns on the enforcement of eBGP neighbors perform multihop.
Attribute Name: enforce-multi-hop
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enforce-multi-hop><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD enforce-multihop
Configure neighbor override capability
Override a capability negotiation result and use locally configured values.
Attribute Name: neighbor-override-capability
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</neighbor-override-capability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD override-capability
Configure neighbor strict capability match
Close the BGP connection if capability value does not match the remote peer-group.
Attribute Name: neighbor-strict-capability-match
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</neighbor-strict-capability-match><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD strict-capability-match
Configure disallow infinite hold time
Disallow configuration of infinite hold-time. A hold-time of 0 seconds from the peer-group (during exchange of open messages) or the user (during configuration) will be rejected.
Attribute Name: disallow-infinite-hold-time
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</disallow-infinite-hold-time><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD disallow-infinite-holdtime
Configure disable capability negotiation
Disable the capability negotiation. It allows compatibility with older BGP versions that have no capability parameters used in open messages between peer-groups.
Attribute Name: disable-capability-negotiation
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</disable-capability-negotiation><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD dont-capability-negotiate
Configure neighbor passive
Sets a BGP neighbor as passive.
Attribute Name: neighbor-passive
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</neighbor-passive><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD passive
Configure peer shutdown description
Use this attribute to send shutdown communication message to inform peer the reason for the shutdown of the BGP session.
Attribute Name: peer-shutdown-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: peer-shutdown
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</peer-shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
<peer-shutdown-description>1</peer-shutdown-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD shutdown (description LINE|)
Configure peer port
Sets the BGP port number of a neighbor.
Attribute Name: peer-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 179
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-port>0</peer-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD port <0-65535>
Configure bgp version
Configure router to accept only a particular BGP version. By default, the system uses BGP version 4 and on request dynamically negotiates down to version 2. Disables the routers version-negotiation capability and forces the router to use only a specified version with the neighbor.
Attribute Name: bgp-version
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 4
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-version>(4)</bgp-version> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD version (4)
Configure enable ext opt param len
Use this attribute for a specific peer to encode extended optional parameter length.
Attribute Name: enable-ext-opt-param-len
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-ext-opt-param-len><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD extended-optional-param
Configure tcp adjust mss
Use this attribute to set the BGP TCP MSS value of a neighbor.
Attribute Name: tcp-adjust-mss
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 40-1440
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<tcp-adjust-mss>40</tcp-adjust-mss> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD tcp-mss <40-1440>
Configure keep alive
Use this attribute to globally set or reset the keepalive values for all the neighbors
Attribute Name: keep-alive
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: hold-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD timers <0-65535> <0-65535>
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to accept and attempt BGP connections to external peers on indirectly connected networks. Multihop is not established if the only route to the multihop peer is a default route. This avoids loop formation.
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD ebgp-multihop
Configure maximum hop count
Use this attribute to accept and attempt BGP connections to external peers on indirectly connected networks. Multihop is not established if the only route to the multihop peer is a default route. This avoids loop formation.
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: maximum-hop-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<maximum-hop-count>1</maximum-hop-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD ebgp-multihop <1-255>
Configure peer local as
Specifies an AS (autonomous system) number to use with BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: peer-local-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<local-as-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD local-as <1-4294967295>
Configure no prepend local as
Specifies an AS (autonomous system) number to use with BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: peer-local-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: no-prepend-local-as
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: replace-local-as
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD local-as <1-4294967295> (no-prepend|) (replace-as|)
clear bgp peer-group WORD l2vpn evpn soft (out|in|)
Attribute Name: peer-group-tag
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: soft-reconfig
Attribute Type: enum (out|in|soft-only)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-bgp-peer-group_clear-peer-group-l2vpn-evpn-soft-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear bgp peer-group WORD l2vpn evpn soft (out|in|)
Configure enable peer bfd
Enable bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) for the BGP peer
Attribute Name: enable-peer-bfd
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-peer-bfd><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) fall-over bfd
Configure bgp as
Enable bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) for the BGP peer
Attribute Name: enable-peer-bfd
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-peer-bfd><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD fall-over bfd
Configure enable peer bfd multihop
Enable bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) for the BGP peer with multihop
Attribute Name: enable-peer-bfd-multihop
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-peer-bfd-multihop><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) fall-over bfd multihop
Configure peer address
Enable bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) for the BGP peer with multihop
Attribute Name: enable-peer-bfd-multihop
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-peer-bfd-multihop><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD fall-over bfd multihop
Configure interface name
Configure the interface name of a BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<interface-name>WORD</interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) interface WORD
Configure mapped peer group tag
Adds a neighbor to an existing peer group. Neighbors with the same update policies are grouped into peer groups. This facilitates the updates of various policies, such as distribute and filter lists. The peer group is then configured easily with any of the neighbor attributes. Any changes made to the peer group affect all members.
Attribute Name: mapped-peer-group-tag
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<mapped-peer-group-tag>WORD</mapped-peer-group-tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) peer-group WORD
Configure tcp adjust mss
Use this attribute to set the BGP TCP MSS value of a neighbor.
Attribute Name: tcp-adjust-mss
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 40-1440
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<tcp-adjust-mss>40</tcp-adjust-mss> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD tcp-mss <40-1440>
Configure auth key encrypt
Use this attribute to configure the authentication key to specify if the password is to be encrypted or not.
Attribute Name: auth-key-encrypt
Attribute Type: enum (0|1)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) authentication-key (0|1) WORD
Configure password
Use this attribute to configure the authentication key to specify if the password is to be encrypted or not.
Attribute Name: auth-key-encrypt
Attribute Type: enum (0|1)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) authentication-key WORD
Configure additional paths mode
Adds additional paths in the BGP table
Attribute Name: additional-paths-mode
Attribute Type: bits (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-mode>send-receive</additional-paths-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) additional-paths (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Configure afi
Adds additional paths in the BGP table
Attribute Name: additional-paths-mode
Attribute Type: bits (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-mode>send-receive</additional-paths-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) additional-paths (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Configure safi
Adds additional paths in the BGP table
Attribute Name: additional-paths-mode
Attribute Type: bits (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-mode>send-receive</additional-paths-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) additional-paths (send-receive|receive|send|disable)
Configure additional path select all
Attribute to select advertise additional path
Attribute Name: additional-path-select-all
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</additional-path-select-all><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) advertise additional-paths all
Configure additional paths best select count
Attribute to select best advertise additional path
Attribute Name: additional-paths-best-select-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 2-3
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-best-select-count>2</additional-paths-best-select-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) advertise additional-paths best <2-3>
Configure bgp port
The BGP port number of a neighbor
Attribute Name: bgp-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 179
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-port>0</bgp-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) port <0-65535>
Configure activate
Activate/Deactivate neighbor. This attribute enables or disables the exchange of AF information with a neighboring router.
Attribute Name: activate
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</activate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) activate
Configure de activate
Deactivate neighbor. This attribute disables the exchange of AF information with a neighboring router.
Attribute Name: de-activate
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</de-activate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) de-activate
Configure default peer route map name
This attribute allows a BGP local router to send the default route to a neighbor for use as a default route for specified address-family.
Attribute Name: default-peer-route-map-name
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</default-peer-route-map-name><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) default-originate
Configure peer route map orig name
This attribute configures route map to be used for a BGP local router to send the default route to a neighbor for use as a default route for specified address-family. This attribute can be used with standard or extended access lists.
Attribute Name: peer-route-map-orig-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-route-map-orig-name>WORD</peer-route-map-orig-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) default-originate route-map WORD
Configure weight
This attribute specifies a weight value, for specified address-family, to all routes learned from a neighbor for specified address-family. The route with the highest weight gets preference when the same prefix is learned from more than one peer. Unlike the local-preference attribute, the weight attribute is relevant only to the local router. When the weight is set for a peer group, all members of the peer group get the same weight. This attribute can also be used to assign a different weight to an individual peer-group member. When an individually-configured weight of a peer-group member is removed, its weight is reset to its peer groups weight.
Attribute Name: weight
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<weight>0</weight> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) weight <0-65535>
Configure route server client
This attribute configures a neighbor as the route server client for specified address-family.
Attribute Name: route-server-client
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</route-server-client><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) route-server-client
Configure next hop self
This attribute configure the router as the next hop for a BGP-speaking neighbor or peer group. This attribute allows a BGP router to change the nexthop information that is sent to the iBGP peer. The nexthop information is set to the IP address of the interface used to communicate with the neighbor.
Attribute Name: next-hop-self
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</next-hop-self><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) next-hop-self
Configure flowspec validation disable
This attribute specifies if FLOWSPEC validiation should be disabled for a specific peer
Attribute Name: flowspec-validation-disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</flowspec-validation-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) flowspec-validation-disable
Configure peer route reflector
This attribute configures the router as a BGP route reflector and configure the specified neighbor as its client for specified address-family. Route reflectors are a solution for the explosion of iBGP peering within an autonomous system. By route reflection the number of iBGP peers within an AS is reduced. Use this attribute to configure the local router as the route reflector and specify neighbors as its client. An AS can have more than one route reflector. One route reflector treats the other route reflector as another iBGP speaker.
Attribute Name: peer-route-reflector
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</peer-route-reflector><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) route-reflector-client
Configure peer remove private as
This attribute removes the private Autonomous System (AS) number from outbound updates. Private AS numbers are not advertised to the Internet. This attribute is used with external BGP peers only. The router removes the AS numbers only if the update includes private AS numbers. If the update includes both private and public AS numbers, the system treats it as an error.
Attribute Name: peer-remove-private-as
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</peer-remove-private-as><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) remove-private-AS
Configure no send community
This attribute specifies if a community attribute should be sent to a BGP neighbor for specified address-family. The community attribute groups destinations in a certain community and applies routing decisions according to those communities. By default, both standard and extended community attributes are sent to a neighbor
Attribute Name: no-send-community
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</no-send-community><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) send-community
Configure no send community type
This attribute specifies the type of community attribute to be sent to a BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: no-send-community-type
Attribute Type: bits (both|standard|extended|large)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<no-send-community-type>both</no-send-community-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) send-community (both|standard|extended|large)
Configure neighbor attribute unchanged
This attribute advertises unchanged BGP AS path, next hop and med to the specified neighbor.
Attribute Name: neighbor-attribute-unchanged
Attribute Type: bits (as-path|next-hop|med)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<neighbor-attribute-unchanged>14</neighbor-attribute-unchanged> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) attribute-unchanged
Configure orf prefix capability
This attribute enables Outbound Router Filtering (ORF), and advertise the ORF capability to its neighbors. The ORFs send and receive capabilities to lessen the number of updates exchanged between neighbors. By filtering updates, this option minimizes generating and processing of updates. The two routers exchange updates to maintain the ORF for each router.
Attribute Name: orf-prefix-capability
Attribute Type: bits (both|receive|send)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<orf-prefix-capability>both</orf-prefix-capability> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) capability orf prefix-list (both|receive|send)
Configure peer allow ebgp vpn
This attribute allows an eBGP neighbor to be a VPN peer. By default, BGP VPN functionality is allowed only for iBGP peers. Using the peer-allow-ebgp-vpn attribute allows the VPN connection to be established to an eBGP peer.
Attribute Name: peer-allow-ebgp-vpn
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</peer-allow-ebgp-vpn><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) allow-ebgp-vpn
Configure allow as number
This attribute advertises prefixes (routes) even when the source of the prefixes is from the same Autonomous System (AS) number for specified address-family. Use this attribute in a scenario where two routers at different locations use the same Autonomous System number and are connected via an ISP. Once prefixes arrive from one branch at the ISP, they are tagged with the customers AS number. By default, when the ISP passes the prefixes to the other router, the prefixes are dropped if the other router uses the same AS number. Use this attribute to advertise the prefixes at the other side. Control the number of times an AS number is advertised by specifying a number. In a hub and spoke configuration in a VPN, a PE (Provider Edge) router advertises all prefixes containing duplicate AS numbers. Use this attribute to configure two VRFs on each PE router to receive and advertise prefixes. One of the VRFs receives prefixes with AS numbers from all PE routers and then advertises them to neighboring PE routers. The other VRF receives prefixes with AS numbers from the CE (Customer Edge) router and advertises them to all PE routers in the hub and spoke configuration.
Attribute Name: allow-as-number
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 3
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<allow-as-number>1</allow-as-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) allowas-in <1-10>
Configure capability graceful restart
This attribute configures the router to advertise the Graceful Restart Capability to the neighbors. This configuration indicates that the BGP speaker has the ability to preserve its forwarding state for the address family when BGP restarts. Use this attribute to advertise to the neighbor routers the capability of graceful restart.
Attribute Name: capability-graceful-restart
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</capability-graceful-restart><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) capability graceful-restart
Configure extended nexthop encode
A BGP speaker that wishes to advertise an IPv6 next hop for IPv4 NLRI for VPN-IPv4 NLRI to a BGP peer as per this specification MUST use the Capability Advertisement procedures defined with the Extended Next Hop Encoding capability to determine whether its peer supports this for the NLRI AFI/SAFI pair(s) of interest.
Attribute Name: extended-nexthop-encode
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</extended-nexthop-encode><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) capability extended-nexthop-encode
Configure mapped peer group tag af
BGP peer group name. Adds a neighbor to an existing peer group. Neighbors with the same update policies are grouped into peer groups. This facilitates the updates of various policies, such as distribute and filter lists. The peer group is then configured easily with any of the neighbor attributes. Any changes made to the peer group affect all members.
Attribute Name: mapped-peer-group-tag-af
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<mapped-peer-group-tag-af>WORD</mapped-peer-group-tag-af> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) peer-group WORD
Configure prefix count
Use this attribute to specify maximum number of prefixes that can be received from a neighbor
Attribute Name: prefix-count
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<maximum-prefix> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) maximum-prefix <1-4294967295>
Configure stop update
Stop installing the routes when limit is exceeded.
Attribute Name: stop-update
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> stop-update
Configure maximum prefix warning
This attribute when enabled only give warning message when limit is exceeded. When it is not set and extra prefixes are received, the router ends the peering.
Attribute Name: maximum-prefix-warning
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> warning-only
Configure threshold percentage
Threshold-value in percen. This attribute controls the number of prefixes that can be received from a neighbor. This attribute allows the configuration of a specified number of prefixes that a BGP router is allowed to receive from a neighbor. When the maximum-prefix-warning attribute is not set and extra prefixes are received, the router ends the peering.
Attribute Name: threshold-percentage
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 75
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> <1-100>
Configure warning only
Throw warning if exceeds threshold-value
Attribute Name: warning-only
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: threshold-percentage
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 75
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> <1-100> warning-only
Configure unsuppress route map name
unsuppress map name. This attribute is used to selectively leak more-specific routes to a particular neighbor.
Attribute Name: unsuppress-route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<unsuppress-route-map-name>WORD</unsuppress-route-map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) unsuppress-map WORD
Configure access list identifier
Access List information
Attribute Name: access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) distribute-list WORD (in|out)
Configure filter direction
Access List information
Attribute Name: access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) distribute-list WORD (in|out)
Configure prefix list name
This attribute specify a prefix list for filtering BGP advertisements for specified address-family. Filtering by prefix list matches the prefixes of routes with those listed in the prefix list. If there is a match, the route is used. An empty prefix list permits all prefixes. If a given prefix does not match any entries of a prefix list, the route is denied access. When multiple entries of a prefix list match a prefix, the entry with the smallest sequence number is considered to be a real match. The router begins the search at the top of the prefix list, with the sequence number 1. Once a match or deny occurs, the router does not need to go through the rest of the prefix list. For efficiency the most common matches or denies are listed at the top.
Attribute Name: prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) prefix-list WORD (in|out)
Configure prefix filter direction
This attribute specify a prefix list for filtering BGP advertisements for specified address-family. Filtering by prefix list matches the prefixes of routes with those listed in the prefix list. If there is a match, the route is used. An empty prefix list permits all prefixes. If a given prefix does not match any entries of a prefix list, the route is denied access. When multiple entries of a prefix list match a prefix, the entry with the smallest sequence number is considered to be a real match. The router begins the search at the top of the prefix list, with the sequence number 1. Once a match or deny occurs, the router does not need to go through the rest of the prefix list. For efficiency the most common matches or denies are listed at the top.
Attribute Name: prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD prefix-list WORD (in|out)
Configure as access list identifier
Access-list number. This attribute sets a BGP filter. This attribute specifies an access list filter on updates based on the BGP autonomous system paths. Each filter is an access list based on regular expressions
Attribute Name: as-access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) filter-list WORD (in|out)
Configure as list direction
Access-list number. This attribute sets a BGP filter. This attribute specifies an access list filter on updates based on the BGP autonomous system paths. Each filter is an access list based on regular expressions
Attribute Name: as-access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) filter-list WORD (in|out)
Configure route map name
Use this attribute to apply a route map to incoming or outgoing routes. This attribute filters updates and modifies attributes. A route map is applied to inbound or outbound updates. Only the routes that pass the route map are sent or accepted in updates.
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) route-map WORD (in|out)
Configure route map direction
Use this attribute to apply a route map to incoming or outgoing routes. This attribute filters updates and modifies attributes. A route map is applied to inbound or outbound updates. Only the routes that pass the route map are sent or accepted in updates.
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD route-map WORD (in|out)
Configure peer port
Sets the BGP port number of a neighbor.
Attribute Name: peer-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 179
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-port>0</peer-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD port <0-65535>
Configure min route advertisement interval
Sets a minimum route advertisement interval between the sending of BGP routing updates. To reduce the flapping of routes to internet, a minimum advertisement interval is set, so that the BGP routing updates are sent only per interval seconds.
Attribute Name: min-route-advertisement-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<min-route-advertisement-interval>0</min-route-advertisement-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD advertisement-interval <0-65535>
Configure peer as origin interval
Configures the minimum interval between the sending of AS-origination routing updates.
Attribute Name: peer-as-origin-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-as-origin-interval>1</peer-as-origin-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD as-origination-interval <1-65535>
Configure collide established
Include a neighbor already in an established state for conflict resolution when a TCP connection collision is detected.
Attribute Name: collide-established
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</collide-established><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD collide-established
Configure peer description
Associates a description with a neighbor. This helps in identifying a neighbor quickly. It is useful for an ISP that has multiple neighbor relationships.
Attribute Name: peer-description
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-description>LINE</peer-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD description LINE
Configure disallow infinite hold time
Disallow configuration of infinite hold-time. A hold-time of 0 seconds from the peer (during exchange of open messages) or the user (during configuration) will be rejected.
Attribute Name: disallow-infinite-hold-time
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</disallow-infinite-hold-time><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD disallow-infinite-holdtime
Configure disable capability negotiation
Disable the capability negotiation. It allows compatibility with older BGP versions that have no capability parameters used in open messages between peers.
Attribute Name: disable-capability-negotiation
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</disable-capability-negotiation><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD dont-capability-negotiate
Configure enforce multi hop
Turns on the enforcement of eBGP neighbors perform multihop.
Attribute Name: enforce-multi-hop
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enforce-multi-hop><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD enforce-multihop
Configure graceful shut
Use this attribute to start a graceful shutdown for the BGP session of the specified BGP neighbor. The BGP session for this neighbor is shut down after the graceful shutdown timer expires. If there is no alternate path available for traffic to flow prior the actual shutdown of the BGP session, this path is made available for 60 seconds or for configured time after which the path is no longer available and traffic is dropped.
Attribute Name: graceful-shut
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</graceful-shut><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD g-shut
Configure graceful shutdown timer
Configure the value of the graceful shutdown timer. After the timer expires, the BGP session initiated for graceful shutdown is shut down.
Attribute Name: graceful-shutdown-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 10-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<graceful-shutdown-timer>10</graceful-shutdown-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD g-shut-timer <10-65535>
Configure neighbor override capability
Override a capability negotiation result and use locally configured values.
Attribute Name: neighbor-override-capability
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</neighbor-override-capability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD override-capability
Configure neighbor passive
Sets a BGP neighbor as passive.
Attribute Name: neighbor-passive
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</neighbor-passive><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD passive
Configure peer restart time
Sets a different restart-time other than the global restart-time. This attribute takes precedence over the restart-time value specified using the grstSet attribute. The restart-time value is the maximum time that a graceful-restart neighbor waits to come back up after a restart. The default value is 120 seconds.
Attribute Name: peer-restart-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-restart-time>1</peer-restart-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD restart-time <1-3600>
Configure peer shutdown
Disables a neighbor administratively. It will terminate any active session for a specified neighbor and clear all related routing information. In case a peer group is specified for shutdown, a large number of peering sessions could be terminated.
Attribute Name: peer-shutdown
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: peer-shutdown-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-shutdown-description>1</peer-shutdown-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</peer-shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD shutdown (description LINE|)
Configure neighbor strict capability match
Close the BGP connection if capability value does not match the remote peer.
Attribute Name: neighbor-strict-capability-match
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</neighbor-strict-capability-match><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD strict-capability-match
Configure source identifier
Allows internal BGP sessions to use any operational interface for TCP connections. This attribute can be used in conjunction with any specified interface on the router. The loopback interface is the interface that is most commonly used with this attribute. The use of loopback interface eliminates a dependency and BGP does not have to rely on the availability of a particular interface for making TCP connections.
Attribute Name: source-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<source-identifier>WORD</source-identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD update-source WORD
Configure bgp version
Configure router to accept only a particular BGP version. By default, the system uses BGP version 4 and on request dynamically negotiates down to version 2. Disables the routers version-negotiation capability and forces the router to use only a specified version with the neighbor.
Attribute Name: bgp-version
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 4
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-version>(4)</bgp-version> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD version (4)
Configure enable ext opt param len
Use this attribute for a specific peer to encode extended optional parameter length.
Attribute Name: enable-ext-opt-param-len
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-ext-opt-param-len><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD extended-optional-param
Configure peer connect interval
This attribute sets the timers for a specific BGP neighbor. Keepalive messages are sent by a router to inform another router that the BGP connection between the two is still active. The keepalive interval is the period of time between each keepalive message sent by the router. The holdtime interval is the time the router waits to receive a keepalive message and if it does not receive a message for this period it declares the neighbor dead.
Attribute Name: peer-connect-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-connect-interval>1</peer-connect-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD timers connect <1-65535>
Configure peer as
Autonomous system number of a neighbor. If the specified ASN matches the ASN number specified in the router bgp global configuration, the neighbor is identified as internal. If the ASN does no match, it is identified as external to the local AS.
Attribute Name: peer-as
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD remote-as internal
Configure enable dynamic capability
Use this attribute to enable the dynamic capability for a specific peer. This attribute allows a BGP speaker to advertise or withdraw an address family capability to a peer in a non-disruptive manner.
Attribute Name: enable-dynamic-capability
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-dynamic-capability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) capability dynamic
Configure peer shutdown description
Use this attribute to send shutdown communication message to inform peer the reason for the shutdown of the BGP session.
Attribute Name: peer-shutdown-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: peer-shutdown
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</peer-shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
<peer-shutdown-description>1</peer-shutdown-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) shutdown (description LINE|)
Configure hold time
Use this attribute to globally set or reset the holdtime values for all the neighbors.
Attribute Name: hold-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: keep-alive
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD timers <0-65535> <0-65535>
Configure keep alive
Use this attribute to globally set or reset the keepalive values for all the neighbors
Attribute Name: keep-alive
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: hold-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) timers <0-65535> <0-65535>
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to accept and attempt BGP connections to external peers on indirectly connected networks. Multihop is not established if the only route to the multihop peer is a default route. This avoids loop formation.
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) ebgp-multihop
Configure maximum hop count
Use this attribute to accept and attempt BGP connections to external peers on indirectly connected networks. Multihop is not established if the only route to the multihop peer is a default route. This avoids loop formation.
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: maximum-hop-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<maximum-hop-count>1</maximum-hop-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) ebgp-multihop <1-255>
Configure peer local as
Specifies an AS (autonomous system) number to use with BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: peer-local-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<local-as-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) local-as <1-4294967295>
Configure no prepend local as
Specifies an AS (autonomous system) number to use with BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: peer-local-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: no-prepend-local-as
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: replace-local-as
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) local-as <1-4294967295> (no-prepend|) (replace-as|)
Configure replace local as
Specifies an AS (autonomous system) number to use with BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: peer-local-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: no-prepend-local-as
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: replace-local-as
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD local-as <1-4294967295> (no-prepend|) (replace-as|)
Configure admin status
Enable or disable AIGP
Attribute Name: admin-status
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<admin-status>disable</admin-status> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) aigp (disable|enable)
Configure aigp send med
Enable AIGP send multi exit discriminator.
Attribute Name: aigp-send-med
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</aigp-send-med><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) aigp send med
Configure send cost community id
Send AIGP value in Cost community. And get the Community ID.
Attribute Name: send-cost-community-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: point-of-insertion
Attribute Type: enum (pre-bestpath|igp-cost)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) aigp send cost-community <0-255> poi (pre-bestpath|igp-cost)
Configure enable transitive
Send AIGP value in Cost community and Enable Transitive Cost Community
Attribute Name: enable-transitive
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: send-cost-community-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: point-of-insertion
Attribute Type: enum (pre-bestpath|igp-cost)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<send-cost-community-id>0</send-cost-community-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<point-of-insertion>pre-bestpath</point-of-insertion> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</enable-transitive><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) aigp send cost-community <0-255> poi (pre-bestpath|igp-cost) transitive
Configure point of insertion
Send AIGP value in Cost community. And get the Community ID.
Attribute Name: send-cost-community-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: point-of-insertion
Attribute Type: enum (pre-bestpath|igp-cost)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) aigp send cost-community <0-255> poi (pre-bestpath|igp-cost)
clear ip bgp * (description LINE|)
Attribute Name: peer-reset-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-bgp-peer_clear-ip-bgp-all-peer xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip bgp * (description LINE|)
clear bgp * l2vpn evpn soft (out|in|)
Attribute Name: soft-reconfig
Attribute Type: enum (out|in|soft-only)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-bgp-peer_clear-bgp-l2vpn-evpn-soft-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear bgp * l2vpn evpn soft (out|in|)
clear bgp <1-4294967295> l2vpn evpn soft (out|in|)
Attribute Name: peer-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: soft-reconfig
Attribute Type: enum (out|in|soft-only)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-bgp-peer_clear-bgp-remote-as-l2vpn-evpn-soft-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear bgp <1-4294967295> l2vpn evpn soft (out|in|)
clear bgp (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) l2vpn evpn soft (out|in|)
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: soft-reconfig
Attribute Type: enum (out|in|soft-only)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-bgp-peer_clear-bgp-peer-address-l2vpn-evpn-soft xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear bgp (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD) l2vpn evpn soft (out|in|)
Configure enable auto summary
Use this attribute to enable sending summarized routes by a BGP speaker to its peers. Auto-summary is used by a BGP router to advertise summarized routes to its peers. Auto-summary can be enabled if certain routes have already been advertised: in this case, configuring auto-summary advertises the summarized routes first, then corresponding non-summarized routes are withdrawn. If certain routes have already been advertised, and auto-summary is disabled, non-summarized routes are first advertised, then the corresponding summarized routes are withdrawn from all the connected peers.
Attribute Name: enable-auto-summary
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-auto-summary><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable network igp sync
Use this attribute to enable IGP synchronization for BGP static network routes
Attribute Name: enable-network-igp-sync
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-network-igp-sync><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network synchronization
Configure map name
Use this attribute to enable or disable suppression/modification of incoming BGP updates to IP RIB/FIB table installation. In a dedicated route reflector, all the routes it receives may not be required to be stored or only few selected routes need to be stored, because it may not lie in the data path. Table maps are particularly useful to attain this restriction. When map-name attribute is set, the route map referenced in the map-name attribute shall be used to set certain properties (such as the traffic index) of the routes for installation into the RIB. The route is always downloaded, regardless of whether it is permitted or denied by the route map.
Attribute Name: map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
table-map WORD
Configure table map filter
When tableMapFilter attribute is given in the table map attribute, the route map referenced is used to control whether a BGP route is to be downloaded to the IP RIB (hence the filter). A BGP route is not downloaded to the RIB if it is denied by the route map.
Attribute Name: table-map-filter
Attribute Type: boolean
Attribute Name: map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<map-name>WORD</map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<table-map-filter>true</table-map-filter> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
table-map WORD filter
Configure local
Use this attribute to specify distance value for local routes
Attribute Name: local
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance bgp <1-255> <1-255> <1-255>
Configure enable igp sync
Use this attribute to enable IGP synchronization of Internal BGP (iBGP) learned routes with the Internal Gateway Protocol (IGP) system. Synchronization is used when a BGP router should not advertise routes learned from iBGP neighbors, unless those routes are also present in an IGP (for example, OSPF). Synchronization may be enabled when all the routers in an autonomous system do not speak BGP, and the autonomous system is a transit for other autonomous systems.
Attribute Name: enable-igp-sync
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-igp-sync><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure ebgp max path
Use this attribute to set the number of equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) routes for eBGP. You can install multiple BGP paths to the same destination to balance the load on the forwarding path
Attribute Name: ebgp-max-path
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 2-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<ebgp-max-path>2</ebgp-max-path> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-paths ebgp <2-64>
Configure bgp as
Use this attribute to set the number of equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) routes for eBGP. You can install multiple BGP paths to the same destination to balance the load on the forwarding path
Attribute Name: ebgp-max-path
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 2-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<ebgp-max-path>2</ebgp-max-path> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-paths ebgp <2-64>
Configure ibgp max path
Use this attribute to set the number of equal-cost multi-path (ECMP) routes for iBGP. You can install multiple BGP paths to the same destination to balance the load on the forwarding path.
Attribute Name: ibgp-max-path
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 2-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<ibgp-max-path>2</ibgp-max-path> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-paths ibgp <2-64>
Configure optional as
Use this attribute to specify optional AS for BGP dynamic peer-group
Attribute Name: optional-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<optional-as-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD optional-as <1-4294967295>
Configure auth key encrypt
Use this attribute to configure the authentication key to specify if the password is to be encrypted or not.
Attribute Name: auth-key-encrypt
Attribute Type: enum (0|1)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD authentication-key (0|1) WORD
Configure afi
Use this attribute to configure the authentication key to specify if the password is to be encrypted or not.
Attribute Name: auth-key-encrypt
Attribute Type: enum (0|1)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD authentication-key WORD
Configure multipath relax
This attribute to specifies a BGP as-path relax configuration.
Attribute Name: multipath-relax
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</multipath-relax><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp bestpath as-path multipath-relax
Configure graceful shutdown
Gracefully shut down all sessions of the AFI/SAFI beloging to the vrf under this router. The BGP graceful shutdown feature reduces packet loss during maintenance activity.
Attribute Name: graceful-shutdown
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</graceful-shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp g-shut
Configure graceful shutdown capable
This attribute to enable the graceful shutdown capability
Attribute Name: graceful-shutdown-capable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</graceful-shutdown-capable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp g-shut-capable
Configure graceful shutdown local preference
This attribute sets the local preference of the router to use during graceful shutdown. The local preference value indicates the preferred path when there are multiple paths to the same destination in a single routing database. The path with a higher preference value is the preferred one. The preferred path is sent to all routers and access servers in the local autonomous system.
Attribute Name: graceful-shutdown-local-preference
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<graceful-shutdown-local-preference>0</graceful-shutdown-local-preference> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp g-shut-local-preference <0-4294967295>
Configure additional path select all
Use this attribute to select criteria to pick the paths
Attribute Name: additional-path-select-all
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</additional-path-select-all><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp additional-paths select all
Configure additional paths mode
Use this attribute to add additional paths in the BGP table
Attribute Name: additional-paths-mode
Attribute Type: bits (send-receive|receive|send)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-mode>send-receive</additional-paths-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp additional-paths (send-receive|receive|send)
Configure enable pic
Use this attribute to enable the additional paths in the BGP table,install the indirect nexthop in RIB
Attribute Name: enable-pic
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-pic><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp additional-paths install
Configure additional paths best select count
Use this attribute to select best N paths
Attribute Name: additional-paths-best-select-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 2-3
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<additional-paths-best-select-count>2</additional-paths-best-select-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp additional-paths select best <2-3>
Configure protocol type
Use this attribute to inject routes from one routing process into another. Redistribution is used by routing protocols to advertise routes that are learned by some other means, such as by another routing protocol or by static routes. Since all internal routes are dumped into BGP, careful filtering is applied to make sure that only routes to be advertised reach the internet, not everything. This attribute allows redistribution by injecting prefixes from one routing protocol into another routing protocol.
Attribute Name: protocol-type
Attribute Type: enum (connected|static|rip|ospf|isis|connected-host-routes)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<route-redistribute-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|rip|ospf|isis|connected-host-routes)
Configure redist route map name
Use this attribute to configure route map to be used for redistributed routes.
Attribute Name: redist-route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<redist-route-map-name>WORD</redist-route-map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|rip|ospf|isis|connected-host-routes) route-map WORD
Configure ospf instance number
Use this attribute to inject routes from one routing process into another. Redistribution is used by routing protocols to advertise routes that are learned by some other means, such as by another routing protocol or by static routes. Since all internal routes are dumped into BGP, careful filtering is applied to make sure that only routes to be advertised reach the internet, not everything. This attribute allows redistribution by injecting prefixes from one routing protocol into another routing protocol.
Attribute Name: ospf-instance-number
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-redistribute-ospf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (ospf) (WORD|<1-65535>)
Configure redistribute ospf route map
Use this attribute to specify route map to redistribute routes from OSPF into BGP.
Attribute Name: redistribute-ospf-route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<redistribute-ospf-route-map>WORD</redistribute-ospf-route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (ospf) route-map WORD
Configure peer as
This attribute specifies a neighbors autonomous system number. If the specified ASN matches the ASN number specified in the router bgp global configuration, the neighbor is identified as internal. If the ASN does not match, it is identified as external to the local AS.
Attribute Name: peer-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) remote-as <1-4294967295>
Configure source identifier
This attribute allows internal BGP sessions to use any operational interface for TCP connections. Use this attribute in conjunction with any specified interface on the router. The loopback interface is the interface that is most commonly used with this attribute. The use of loopback interface eliminates a dependency and BGP does not have to rely on the availability of a particular interface for making TCP connections.
Attribute Name: source-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<source-identifier>WORD</source-identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor update-source WORD
Configure bgp version
BGP Version. This attribute configures router to accept only a particular BGP version. By default, the system uses BGP version 4 and on request dynamically negotiates down to version 2. Using this attribute disables the routers version-negotiation capability and forces the router to use only a specified version with the neighbor.
Attribute Name: bgp-version
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 4
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-version>(4)</bgp-version> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor version (4)
Configure peer connection interval
Connect timer value. This attribute sets the timers for a specific BGP neighbor. Keepalive messages are sent by a router to inform another router that the BGP connection between the two is still active. The keepalive interval is the period of time between each keepalive message sent by the router. The holdtime interval is the time the router waits to receive a keepalive message and if it does not receive a message for this period it declares the neighbor dead.
Attribute Name: peer-connection-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-connection-interval>1</peer-connection-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor timers connect <1-65535>
Configure hold time
Use this attribute to globally set or reset the holdtime values for all the neighbors.
Attribute Name: hold-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: keep-alive
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor timers <0-65535> <0-65535>
Configure enforce multihop
This attribute turns on the enforcement of eBGP neighbors perform multihop.
Attribute Name: enforce-multihop
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enforce-multihop><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor enforce-multihop
Configure peer shutdown
This attribute disables a neighbor administratively. Use this attribute to terminate any active session for a specified neighbor and clear all related routing information. In case a peer group is specified for shutdown, a large number of peering sessions could be terminated.
Attribute Name: peer-shutdown
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: peer-shutdown-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-shutdown-description>1</peer-shutdown-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</peer-shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor shutdown (description LINE|)
Configure peer group tag
Creates a peer group. Neighbors with the same update policies are grouped into peer groups. This facilitates the updates of various policies, such as distribute and filter lists. The peer group is then configured easily with any of the neighbor attributes. Any changes made to the peer group affect all members.
Attribute Name: peer-group-tag
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: peer-group-range
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD peer-group
Configure peer group range
this attribute creates a Dynamic peer group for address family. IPv4/IPv6 prefix range Must be specified to create dynamic peer group.
Attribute Name: peer-group-range
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD peer-group range A.B.C.D/M
Configure safi
this attribute creates a Dynamic peer group for address family. IPv4/IPv6 prefix range Must be specified to create dynamic peer group.
Attribute Name: peer-group-range
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD peer-group range (X:X::X:X/M)
Configure vrf name
Creates a peer group. Neighbors with the same update policies are grouped into peer groups. This facilitates the updates of various policies, such as distribute and filter lists. The peer group is then configured easily with any of the neighbor attributes. Any changes made to the peer group affect all members.
Attribute Name: peer-group-tag
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: peer-group-range
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD peer-group
Configure group limit
Use this attribute to specify max number of peers in a dynamic peer-group for address family
Attribute Name: group-limit
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-200
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<group-limit>1</group-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD limit <1-200>
Configure keep alive
Use this attribute to globally set or reset the holdtime values for all the neighbors.
Attribute Name: hold-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: keep-alive
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD timers <0-65535> <0-65535>
Configure peer shutdown description
This attribute disables a neighbor administratively. Use this attribute to terminate any active session for a specified neighbor and clear all related routing information. In case a peer group is specified for shutdown, a large number of peering sessions could be terminated.
Attribute Name: peer-shutdown
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: peer-shutdown-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-shutdown-description>1</peer-shutdown-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</peer-shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD shutdown (description LINE|)
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to accept and attempt BGP connections to external peers on indirectly connected networks. Multihop is not established if the only route to the multihop peer is a default route. This avoids loop formation.
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD ebgp-multihop
Configure maximum hop count
Use this attribute to accept and attempt BGP connections to external peers on indirectly connected networks. Multihop is not established if the only route to the multihop peer is a default route. This avoids loop formation.
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: maximum-hop-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<maximum-hop-count>1</maximum-hop-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD ebgp-multihop <1-255>
Configure neighbor passive
Use this attribute to set a BGP neighbor as passive.
Attribute Name: neighbor-passive
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</neighbor-passive><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD passive
Configure disable capability negotiation
Use this attribute to disable capability negotiation. The capability negotiation is performed by default. This attribute is used to allow compatibility with older BGP versions that have no capability parameters used in open messages between peers.
Attribute Name: disable-capability-negotiation
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</disable-capability-negotiation><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD dont-capability-negotiate
Configure enable dynamic capability
Use this attribute to enable the dynamic capability for a specific peer. This attribute allows a BGP speaker to advertise or withdraw an address family capability to a peer in a non-disruptive manner.
Attribute Name: enable-dynamic-capability
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-dynamic-capability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD capability dynamic
Configure min route advertisement interval
Minimum route advertisement interval. Sets minimum interval between the sending of BGP routing updates. To reduce the flapping of routes to internet, a minimum advertisement interval is set, so that the BGP routing updates are sent only per interval seconds. BGP dampening can also be used to control the effects of flapping routes.
Attribute Name: min-route-advertisement-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<min-route-advertisement-interval>0</min-route-advertisement-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD advertisement-interval <0-65535>
Configure peer as origin interval
Time interval. This attribute adjust the interval of sending AS origination routing updates. This attribute is used to change the minimum interval between the sending of AS-origination routing updates.
Attribute Name: peer-as-origin-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-as-origin-interval>1</peer-as-origin-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD as-origination-interval <1-65535>
Configure neighbor as override
Use this attribute to configure a PE router to override the Autonomous System Number (ASN) of a site with the ASN of a provider. BGP normally ignores the routes from the same AS. However, this attribute is used to override the customers ASN in BGP, so that the customer CE accepts and installs routes from the same AS. Typically, this attribute is used when Customer Edge (CE) routers have the same ASN in some or all sites. As per BGP requirement, a BGP speaker rejects a route that has the same ASN as itself, in the AS_PATH attribute. Thus the CE routers having the same ASN do not accept routes from each other. Set neighborAsOverrideAf attribute on the PE router removes the CE neighbors ASN from the AS_PATH attribute allowing CE routers with the same ASN to accept routes from each other.
Attribute Name: neighbor-as-override
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</neighbor-as-override><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD as-override
Configure peer description
Use this attribute to associate a description with a neighbor. This attribute helps in identifying a neighbor quickly. It is useful for an ISP that has multiple neighbor relationships.
Attribute Name: peer-description
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-description>LINE</peer-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD description LINE
Configure peer restart time
This attribute sets a different restart-time other than the global restart-time. This attribute takes precedence over the restart-time value specified using the graceful-restart-set attribute. The restart-time value is the maximum time that a graceful-restart neighbor waits to come back up after a restart. The default value is 120 seconds.
Attribute Name: peer-restart-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-restart-time>1</peer-restart-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD restart-time <1-3600>
Configure site origin identifier
Use this attribute to enable the site-of-origin (SOO) feature. If the customer AS is multi-homed to the ISP, this attribute ensures that the PE does not advertise the routes back to the same AS.
Attribute Name: site-origin-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<site-origin-identifier>AS:nn_or_IP:nn</site-origin-identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD soo AS:nn_or_IP:nn
Configure graceful shut
Use this attribute to start a graceful shutdown for the BGP session of the specified BGP neighbor. The BGP session for this neighbor is shut down after the graceful shutdown timer expires. If there is no alternate path available for traffic to flow prior the actual shutdown of the BGP session, this path is made available for 60 seconds or for configured time after which the path is no longer available and traffic is dropped.
Attribute Name: graceful-shut
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</graceful-shut><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD g-shut
Configure graceful shut timer
Use this attribute to configure the value of the graceful shutdown timer. After the timer expires, the BGP session initiated for graceful shutdown is shut down.
Attribute Name: graceful-shut-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 10-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<graceful-shut-timer>10</graceful-shut-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD g-shut-timer <10-65535>
Configure bgp port
The BGP port number of a neighbor
Attribute Name: bgp-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 179
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-port>0</bgp-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD port <0-65535>
Configure enable ext opt param len
Use this attribute for a specific peer to encode extended optional parameter length.
Attribute Name: enable-ext-opt-param-len
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-ext-opt-param-len><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD extended-optional-param
Configure tcp adjust mss
Use this attribute to set the BGP TCP MSS value of a neighbor.
Attribute Name: tcp-adjust-mss
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 40-1440
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<tcp-adjust-mss>40</tcp-adjust-mss> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD tcp-mss <40-1440>
Configure enable peer bfd
Enable bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) for the BGP peer
Attribute Name: enable-peer-bfd
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-peer-bfd><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD fall-over bfd
Configure enable peer bfd multihop
Enable bidirectional forwarding detection (BFD) for the BGP peer with multihop
Attribute Name: enable-peer-bfd-multihop
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-peer-bfd-multihop><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD fall-over bfd multihop
Configure activate
Activate/Deactivate neighbor. This attribute enables or disables the exchange of AF information with a neighboring router.
Attribute Name: activate
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</activate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD activate
Configure default peer route map name
This attribute allows a BGP local router to send the default route to a neighbor for use as a default route for specified address-family.
Attribute Name: default-peer-route-map-name
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</default-peer-route-map-name><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD default-originate
Configure peer route map orig name
This attribute configures route map to be used for a BGP local router to send the default route to a neighbor for use as a default route for specified address-family. This attribute can be used with standard or extended access lists.
Attribute Name: peer-route-map-orig-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-route-map-orig-name>WORD</peer-route-map-orig-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD default-originate route-map WORD
Configure weight
This attribute specifies a weight value, for specified address-family, to all routes learned from a neighbor for specified address-family. The route with the highest weight gets preference when the same prefix is learned from more than one peer. Unlike the local-preference attribute, the weight attribute is relevant only to the local router. When the weight is set for a peer group, all members of the peer group get the same weight. This attribute can also be used to assign a different weight to an individual peer-group member. When an individually-configured weight of a peer-group member is removed, its weight is reset to its peer groups weight.
Attribute Name: weight
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<weight>0</weight> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD weight <0-65535>
Configure flowspec validation disable
This attribute specifies if FLOWSPEC validiation should be disabled for a specific peer
Attribute Name: flowspec-validation-disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</flowspec-validation-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD flowspec-validation-disable
Configure peer route reflector
This attribute configures the router as a BGP route reflector and configure the specified neighbor as its client for specified address-family. Route reflectors are a solution for the explosion of iBGP peering within an autonomous system. By route reflection the number of iBGP peers within an AS is reduced. Use this attribute to configure the local router as the route reflector and specify neighbors as its client. An AS can have more than one route reflector. One route reflector treats the other route reflector as another iBGP speaker.
Attribute Name: peer-route-reflector
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</peer-route-reflector><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD route-reflector-client
Configure peer remove private as
This attribute removes the private Autonomous System (AS) number from outbound updates. Private AS numbers are not advertised to the Internet. This attribute is used with external BGP peers only. The router removes the AS numbers only if the update includes private AS numbers. If the update includes both private and public AS numbers, the system treats it as an error.
Attribute Name: peer-remove-private-as
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</peer-remove-private-as><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD remove-private-AS
Configure no send community
This attribute specifies if a community attribute should be sent to a BGP neighbor for specified address-family. The community attribute groups destinations in a certain community and applies routing decisions according to those communities. By default, both standard and extended community attributes are sent to a neighbor
Attribute Name: no-send-community
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</no-send-community><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no neighbor WORD send-community
Configure no send community type
This attribute specifies the type of community attribute to be sent to a BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: no-send-community-type
Attribute Type: bits (both|standard|extended|large)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<no-send-community-type>both</no-send-community-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no neighbor WORD send-community (both|standard|extended|large)
Configure neighbor attribute unchanged
This attribute advertises unchanged BGP AS path, next hop and med to the specified neighbor.
Attribute Name: neighbor-attribute-unchanged
Attribute Type: bits (as-path|next-hop|med)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<neighbor-attribute-unchanged>14</neighbor-attribute-unchanged> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD attribute-unchanged
Configure orf prefix capability
This attribute enables Outbound Router Filtering (ORF), and advertise the ORF capability to its neighbors. The ORFs send and receive capabilities to lessen the number of updates exchanged between neighbors. By filtering updates, this option minimizes generating and processing of updates. The two routers exchange updates to maintain the ORF for each router.
Attribute Name: orf-prefix-capability
Attribute Type: bits (both|receive|send)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<orf-prefix-capability>both</orf-prefix-capability> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD capability orf prefix-list (both|receive|send)
Configure peer allow ebgp vpn
This attribute allows an eBGP neighbor to be a VPN peer. By default, BGP VPN functionality is allowed only for iBGP peers. Using the peer-allow-ebgp-vpn attribute allows the VPN connection to be established to an eBGP peer.
Attribute Name: peer-allow-ebgp-vpn
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</peer-allow-ebgp-vpn><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD allow-ebgp-vpn
Configure allow as number
This attribute advertises prefixes (routes) even when the source of the prefixes is from the same Autonomous System (AS) number for specified address-family. Use this attribute in a scenario where two routers at different locations use the same Autonomous System number and are connected via an ISP. Once prefixes arrive from one branch at the ISP, they are tagged with the customers AS number. By default, when the ISP passes the prefixes to the other router, the prefixes are dropped if the other router uses the same AS number. Use this attribute to advertise the prefixes at the other side. Control the number of times an AS number is advertised by specifying a number. In a hub and spoke configuration in a VPN, a PE (Provider Edge) router advertises all prefixes containing duplicate AS numbers. Use this attribute to configure two VRFs on each PE router to receive and advertise prefixes. One of the VRFs receives prefixes with AS numbers from all PE routers and then advertises them to neighboring PE routers. The other VRF receives prefixes with AS numbers from the CE (Customer Edge) router and advertises them to all PE routers in the hub and spoke configuration.
Attribute Name: allow-as-number
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 3
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<allow-as-number>1</allow-as-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD allowas-in <1-10>
Configure capability graceful restart
This attribute configures the router to advertise the Graceful Restart Capability to the neighbors. This configuration indicates that the BGP speaker has the ability to preserve its forwarding state for the address family when BGP restarts. Use this attribute to advertise to the neighbor routers the capability of graceful restart.
Attribute Name: capability-graceful-restart
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</capability-graceful-restart><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD capability graceful-restart
Configure prefix count
This attribute specifies number of prefixes that a BGP router is allowed to receive from a neighbor. When the maximum-prefix-warning attribute is not set and extra prefixes are received, the router ends the peering.
Attribute Name: prefix-count
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<maximum-prefix> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD maximum-prefix <1-4294967295>
Configure stop update
Stop installing the routes when limit is exceeded.
Attribute Name: stop-update
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> stop-update
Configure maximum prefix warning
This attribute when enabled only give warning message when limit is exceeded. When it is not set and extra prefixes are received, the router ends the peering.
Attribute Name: maximum-prefix-warning
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> warning-only
Configure threshold percentage
Threshold-value in percen. This attribute controls the number of prefixes that can be received from a neighbor. This attribute allows the configuration of a specified number of prefixes that a BGP router is allowed to receive from a neighbor. When the maximum-prefix-warning attribute is not set and extra prefixes are received, the router ends the peering.
Attribute Name: threshold-percentage
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 75
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> <1-100>
Configure warning only
Throw warning if exceeds threshold-value
Attribute Name: warning-only
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: threshold-percentage
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 75
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD maximum-prefix <1-4294967295> <1-100> warning-only
Configure unsuppress route map name
unsuppress map name. This attribute is used to selectively leak more-specific routes to a particular neighbor.
Attribute Name: unsuppress-route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<unsuppress-route-map-name>WORD</unsuppress-route-map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD unsuppress-map WORD
Configure access list identifier
Access List information
Attribute Name: access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD distribute-list WORD (in|out)
Configure as access list identifier
Access-list number. This attribute sets a BGP filter. This attribute specifies an access list filter on updates based on the BGP autonomous system paths. Each filter is an access list based on regular expressions
Attribute Name: as-access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD filter-list WORD (in|out)
Configure prefix list name
This attribute specify a prefix list for filtering BGP advertisements for specified address-family. Filtering by prefix list matches the prefixes of routes with those listed in the prefix list. If there is a match, the route is used. An empty prefix list permits all prefixes. If a given prefix does not match any entries of a prefix list, the route is denied access. When multiple entries of a prefix list match a prefix, the entry with the smallest sequence number is considered to be a real match.The router begins the search at the top of the prefix list, with the sequence number 1. Once a match or deny occurs, the router does not need to go through the rest of the prefix list. For efficiency the most common matches or denies are listed at the top.
Attribute Name: prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD prefix-list WORD (in|out)
Configure route map name
Use this attribute to apply a route map to incoming or outgoing routes. This attribute filters updates and modifies attributes. A route map is applied to inbound or outbound updates. Only the routes that pass the route map are sent or accepted in updates.
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD route-map WORD (in|out)
Configure peer address
Use this attribute to configure the authentication key to specify if the password is to be encrypted or not.
Attribute Name: auth-key-encrypt
Attribute Type: enum (0|1)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor authentication-key (0|1) WORD
Configure password
Use this attribute to configure the authentication key to specify if the password is to be encrypted or not.
Attribute Name: auth-key-encrypt
Attribute Type: enum (0|1)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor authentication-key WORD
Configure peer interface name
Interface name. Configures IP address or IPv6 address on interface
Attribute Name: peer-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-interface-name>WORD</peer-interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) interface WORD
Configure de activate
Deactivate neighbor. This attribute disables the exchange of AF information with a neighboring router.
Attribute Name: de-activate
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</de-activate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor de-activate
Configure mapped peer group tag af
BGP peer group name. Adds a neighbor to an existing peer group. Neighbors with the same update policies are grouped into peer groups. This facilitates the updates of various policies, such as distribute and filter lists. The peer group is then configured easily with any of the neighbor attributes. Any changes made to the peer group affect all members.
Attribute Name: mapped-peer-group-tag-af
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<mapped-peer-group-tag-af>WORD</mapped-peer-group-tag-af> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) peer-group WORD
Configure filter direction
Access List information
Attribute Name: access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor distribute-list WORD (in|out)
Configure as list direction
Access-list number. This attribute sets a BGP filter. This attribute specifies an access list filter on updates based on the BGP autonomous system paths. Each filter is an access list based on regular expressions
Attribute Name: as-access-list-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor filter-list WORD (in|out)
Configure prefix filter direction
This attribute specify a prefix list for filtering BGP advertisements for specified address-family. Filtering by prefix list matches the prefixes of routes with those listed in the prefix list. If there is a match, the route is used. An empty prefix list permits all prefixes. If a given prefix does not match any entries of a prefix list, the route is denied access. When multiple entries of a prefix list match a prefix, the entry with the smallest sequence number is considered to be a real match.The router begins the search at the top of the prefix list, with the sequence number 1. Once a match or deny occurs, the router does not need to go through the rest of the prefix list. For efficiency the most common matches or denies are listed at the top.
Attribute Name: prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor prefix-list WORD (in|out)
Configure route map direction
Use this attribute to apply a route map to incoming or outgoing routes. This attribute filters updates and modifies attributes. A route map is applied to inbound or outbound updates. Only the routes that pass the route map are sent or accepted in updates.
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor route-map WORD (in|out)
Configure enable dampening
Use this attribute to enable route flap dampening
Attribute Name: enable-dampening
Attribute Type: enum (enable-dampening)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<route-flap-dampening> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening
Configure reach half life
Use this attribute to configure reachability half-life time for the penalty in minutes for the bgp route dampening. The time for the penalty to decrease to one-half of its current value.
Attribute Name: reach-half-life
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 1-45
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<reach-half-life>1</reach-half-life> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening <1-45>
Configure max suppress time
Use this attribute to configure the value to start suppressing a route for BGP route dampening. When the penalty for a route exceeds the suppress value, the route is suppressed
Attribute Name: max-suppress-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: reach-half-life
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-45
Attribute Name: reuse-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Attribute Name: suppress-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<reach-half-life>1</reach-half-life> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<reuse-penalty>1</reuse-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<suppress-penalty>1</suppress-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<max-suppress-time>1</max-suppress-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening <1-45> <1-20000> <1-20000> <1-255>
Configure unreach half life
Use this attribute to configure un-reachability half-life time for the penalty in minutes for bgp route dampening. The dampening information is purged from the router once the penalty becomes less than half of the reuse limit.
Attribute Name: unreach-half-life
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-45
Attribute Name: reach-half-life
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-45
Attribute Name: reuse-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Attribute Name: suppress-penalty
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Attribute Name: max-suppress-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<reach-half-life>1</reach-half-life> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<reuse-penalty>1</reuse-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<suppress-penalty>1</suppress-penalty> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<max-suppress-time>1</max-suppress-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<unreach-half-life>1</unreach-half-life> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening <1-45> <1-20000> <1-20000> <1-255> <1-45>
Configure dampening rmap name
Use this attribute to configure route map to specify criteria for dampening.
Attribute Name: dampening-rmap-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<dampening-rmap-name>WORD</dampening-rmap-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bgp dampening route-map WORD
Configure bgpSRv6enable
This attribute enable Segment Routing V6
Attribute Name: bgpSRv6enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
segment-routing srv6
Configure sid alloc type
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment routing V6 feature
Attribute Name: sid-alloc-type
Attribute Type: enum (per-vrf)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<sid-alloc-type>per-vrf</sid-alloc-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sid-alloc (per-vrf)
Configure peer local as
Specifies an AS (autonomous system) number to use with BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: peer-local-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<local-as-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor local-as <1-4294967295>
Configure no prepend local as
Specifies an AS (autonomous system) number to use with BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: peer-local-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: no-prepend-local-as
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: replace-local-as
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor local-as <1-4294967295> (no-prepend|) (replace-as|)
Configure backdoor
network address with backdoor for address family
Attribute Name: backdoor
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: network-rmap-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
network (A.B.C.D | A.B.C.D/M) (route-map WORD|) (backdoor|)
Configure local network prefix
network address with backdoor for address family
Attribute Name: backdoor
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: network-rmap-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
network (X:X::X:X/M) (route-map WORD|) (backdoor|)
Configure replace local as
Specifies an AS (autonomous system) number to use with BGP neighbor.
Attribute Name: peer-local-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: no-prepend-local-as
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: replace-local-as
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor WORD local-as <1-4294967295> (no-prepend|) (replace-as|)
clear ip bgp all vrf (VRFNAME|all|default) (description LINE|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: peer-reset-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-bgp-address-family-vrf_clear-ip-bgp-all-vrf xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip bgp all vrf (VRFNAME|all|default) (description LINE|)
clear ip bgp vrf WORD (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD|WORD) (description LINE|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: peer-reset-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-bgp-address-family-vrf_clear-ip-bgp-vrf-peer xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip bgp vrf WORD (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD|WORD) (description LINE|)
Configure rd string
Use this attribute to assign a route distinguisher (RD) for the VRF. The route distinguisher value must be a unique value on the router.This attribute creates routing and forwarding tables and specifies the default RD for a VPN. The RD is added to the customers IPv4 prefixes, changing them into globally unique VPN-IPv4 prefixes.
Attribute Name: rd-string
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<bgp-vrf xmlns="">
<rd-string>ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn</rd-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rd ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn
Configure import map
This attribute assigns a route map to the VRF. This map is applied for routing information imported from another PE or VRF. Use this attribute when an application requires finer control over the routes imported into a VRF than provided by the import and export extended communities. You can filter routes that are eligible for import into a VRF through the use of a route map.The route map can deny access to selected routes from a community that is on the import list.
Attribute Name: import-map
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<bgp-vrf xmlns="">
<import-map>WORD</import-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
import map WORD
Configure export map
export map name
Attribute Name: export-map
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<bgp-vrf xmlns="">
<export-map>WORD</export-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
export map WORD
Configure direction
Use this attribute to add a list of import and export route-target extended communities to the VRF. This attribute creates lists of import and export route-target extended communities for the VRF. It specifies a target VPN extended community. All routes with the specific route-target extended community are imported into all VRFs with the same extended community as an import route-target.
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: bits (import|export|both)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<bgp-vrf xmlns="">
Command Syntax
route-target (import|export|both) (ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn|evpn-auto-rt)
Configure service type
Vlan-Based EVPN-Service Type
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS feature enabled,bgp evpn feature enabled
Attribute Name: service-type
Attribute Type: enum (vlan-based|vlan-aware-bundle)
Default Value: vlan-aware-bundle
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vrf xmlns="">
<evpn-service-type xmlns="">
<service-type>vlan-aware-bundle</service-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn-vlan-service (vlan-based|vlan-aware-bundle)
Configure enable epe
Use this attribute to enable Egress Peer Engineering for bgp
Attribute Name: enable-epe
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-epe><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable peer node
Use this attribute to enable peer node SID for bgp neighbor
Attribute Name: enable-peer-node
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-peer-node><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) peer-node
Configure set name
Use this attribute for the set-name
Attribute Name: set-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) peer-set NAME
Configure address
Use this attribute for the backup peer-address
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) peer-node backup backup-type peer-node backup-peer A.B.C.D
Configure peer address
Use this attribute to start a BGP process.
Attribute Name: bgp-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: adjacent-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: nexthop-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) peer-node backup backup-type peer-adj backup-peer A.B.C.D hop-address NHOP
Configure hop address
Use this attribute for the hop-address
Attribute Name: hop-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<peer-adjacency> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) peer-adj hop-address A.B.C.D
Configure hop address
Use this attribute to start a BGP process.
Attribute Name: bgp-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: hop-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) peer-adj hop-address A.B.C.D backup backup-type peer-node backup-peer A.B.C.D
Configure adjacent address
Use this attribute to start a BGP process.
Attribute Name: bgp-as
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: hop-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: adjacent-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: nexthop-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<bgp-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) peer-adj hop-address A.B.C.D backup backup-type peer-adj backup-peer A.B.C.D hop-address NHOP
Configure enable flowspec controller
Use this attribute to controllersly enable or disable FLOWSPEC controller
Attribute Name: enable-flowspec-controller
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<controller> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure local install
Use this attribute to specify local-install for policy-map PBR
Attribute Name: local-install
Attribute Type: enum (interface-all)
Default Value: interface-all
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-flowspec-controller><!-- operation="delete"-->
<local-install>interface-all</local-install> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
local-install (interface-all)
Configure afi type
Use this attribute to specify local-install for policy-map PBR
Attribute Name: local-install
Attribute Type: enum (interface-all)
Default Value: interface-all
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
</enable-flowspec-controller><!-- operation="delete"-->
<local-install>interface-all</local-install> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
local-install (interface-all)
Configure service policy type
Use this attribute to controllersly enable or disable FLOWSPEC controller
Attribute Name: enable-flowspec-controller
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: afi-type
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4)
Attribute Name: service-policy-type
Attribute Type: enum (pbr)
Attribute Name: attached-policy-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<controller> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service-policy type (pbr) NAME
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to show the vrf name
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<vrf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vrf WORD
Configure attached policy map name
Use this attribute to controllersly enable or disable FLOWSPEC controller
Attribute Name: enable-flowspec-controller
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: afi-type
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4)
Attribute Name: service-policy-type
Attribute Type: enum (pbr)
Attribute Name: attached-policy-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bgp xmlns="">
<controller> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service-policy type (pbr) NAME
Configure class type
Use this attribute to set the class-map type.
Attribute Name: class-type
Attribute Type: enum (traffic)
Attribute Name: match-criteria
Attribute Type: enum (match-all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<class-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
class-map type (traffic) (match-all) NAME
Configure protocol
Use this attribute to specify IP protocol
Attribute Name: protocol
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<protocol>WORD</protocol> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match protocol WORD
Configure port
Use this attribute to specify TCP/UDP port number
Attribute Name: port
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<port>WORD</port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match port WORD
Configure destination port
Use this attribute to specify TCP/UDP destination port number
Attribute Name: destination-port
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<destination-port>WORD</destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match destination-port WORD
Configure source port
Use this attribute to specify TCP/UDP source port number
Attribute Name: source-port
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<source-port>WORD</source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match source-port WORD
Configure packet length
Use this attribute to specify packet-length value
Attribute Name: packet-length
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 21-12288
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<packet-length>WORD</packet-length> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match packet-length WORD
Configure fragment type
Use this attribute to specify fragment type value
Attribute Name: fragment-type
Attribute Type: enum (df|isf|ff|lf|lf-ff-isf)
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<fragment-type>df</fragment-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match fragment-type (df|isf|ff|lf|lf-ff-isf)
Configure destination prefix
Use this attribute to specify IPv4 prefix
Attribute Name: destination-prefix
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<destination-prefix>A.B.C.D/M</destination-prefix> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match destination-address ipv4 A.B.C.D/M
Configure source prefix
Use this attribute to specify IPv4 prefix
Attribute Name: source-prefix
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<source-prefix>A.B.C.D/M</source-prefix> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match source-address ipv4 A.B.C.D/M
Configure icmp type
Use this attribute to specify ICMP type
Attribute Name: icmp-type
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<icmp-type>WORD</icmp-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv4 icmp-type WORD
Configure icmp code
Use this attribute to specify ICMP code
Attribute Name: icmp-code
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<icmp-code>WORD</icmp-code> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv4 icmp-code WORD
Configure bit mask
Use this attribute to specify bit-mask for TCP flag
Attribute Name: bit-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: value
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<value>WORD</value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<bit-mask>WORD</bit-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match tcp-flag WORD bit-mask WORD
Configure match dscp value
Use this attribute to specify dscp value
Attribute Name: match-dscp-value
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<match-dscp-value>WORD</match-dscp-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match dscp WORD
Configure type
Use this attribute to set the policy-map type.
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (pbr)
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<policy-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
policy-map type (pbr) NAME
Configure reference description
This attribute configures reference description message on policy-map profile
Attribute Name: reference-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<reference-description>LINE</reference-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
reference-description LINE
Configure policy map name
Use this attribute to set the policy-map name
Attribute Name: policy-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: class-type
Attribute Type: enum (traffic)
Attribute Name: class-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<policy-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
class type (traffic) NAME
Configure drop traffic
Use this attribute to specify drop action
Attribute Name: drop-traffic
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
</drop-traffic><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure dscp set value
Use this attribute to specify DSCP value
Attribute Name: dscp-set-value
Attribute Type: enum (00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|0a|0b|0c|0d|0e|0f|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|1a|1b|1c|1d|1e|1f|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|2a|2b|2c|2d|2e|2f|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|3a|3b|3c|3d|3e|3f)
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<dscp-set-value>00</dscp-set-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set dscp (00|01|02|03|04|05|06|07|08|09|0a|0b|0c|0d|0e|0f|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|1a|1b|1c|1d|1e|1f|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|2a|2b|2c|2d|2e|2f|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|3a|3b|3c|3d|3e|3f)
Configure rate unit
Use this attribute to set a rate unit.
Attribute Name: rate-unit
Attribute Type: enum (bps|pps)
Default Value: bps
Attribute Name: rate
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-1000000000
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<rate>1</rate> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<rate-unit>bps</rate-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
police rate <1-1000000000> (bps|pps)
Configure route target
Use this attribute to specify route target for rt redirect action
Attribute Name: route-target
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<enhanced-pbr xmlns="">
<route-target>ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn</route-target> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redirect ipv4 extcommunity rt ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn
Configure notification enabled
Use this attribute to enable or disable BFD SNMP notification.
Attribute Name: notification-enabled
Attribute Type: boolean
Default Value: false
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<notification-enabled>true</notification-enabled> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd notification (disable|enable)
Configure echo mode enabled
This leaf exists when echo mode is running between the local and remote system. When it does not exist, solely asynchronous mode is active.
Attribute Name: echo-mode-enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
</echo-mode-enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd echo
Configure slow tx interval
Use this command to set a BFD slow timer interval.
Attribute Name: slow-tx-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1703
Attribute Range: 1000-1703
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<slow-tx-interval>1000</slow-tx-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd slow-timer <1000-1703>
Configure detection multiplier
The number of packets that must be missed to declare this session as down. The detection interval for the BFD session is calculated by multiplying the value of the negotiated transmission interval by this value.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled BFD-MONO feature enabled
Attribute Name: detection-multiplier
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 3-50
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<multihop-peer-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd multihop-peer-interval <50-999> minrx <50-999> multiplier <3-50>
Configure desired minimum tx interval
The number of packets that must be missed to declare this session as down. The detection interval for the BFD session is calculated by multiplying the value of the negotiated transmission interval by this value.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled BFD-MONO feature enabled
Attribute Name: detection-multiplier
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 3-50
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd interval <3-999> minrx <3-999> multiplier <3-50>
Configure remote address
The number of packets that must be missed to declare this session as down. The detection interval for the BFD session is calculated by multiplying the value of the negotiated transmission interval by this value.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled BFD-MONO feature enabled
Attribute Name: detection-multiplier
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 3-50
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd multihop-peer (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) interval <50-999> minrx <50-999> multiplier <3-50>
Configure key string
Use this attribute to specify the key authentication string
Attribute Name: key-string
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (simple|keyed-sha1|meticulous-keyed-sha1)
Attribute Name: key-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: key-encrypted
Attribute Type: enum (0|1)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<key-type>simple</key-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-id>0</key-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-encrypted>0</key-encrypted> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-string>WORD</key-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd multihop-peer (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) auth type (simple|keyed-sha1|meticulous-keyed-sha1) key-id <0-255> (0|1) key WORD
Configure options
Use this attribute to debug the oamd process.
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (events|packets|ipc-error|ipc-event|session|nsm|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<options>events</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug bfd (events|packets|ipc-error|ipc-event|session|nsm|all)
Configure enable oam srv6
Use this attribute to debug OAM SRV6
Attribute Name: enable-oam-srv6
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
</enable-oam-srv6><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug oam srv6
Configure enable mpls ping request
Use this attribute to enable or disable MPLS ping request DSMAP TLV
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-OAM feature enabled
Attribute Name: enable-mpls-ping-request
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<oam-mpls xmlns="">
</enable-mpls-ping-request><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure mpls ping reply
Use this attribute to enable or disable MPLS ping reply TLV
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-OAM feature enabled
Attribute Name: mpls-ping-reply
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<oam-mpls xmlns="">
</mpls-ping-reply><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp restart bfd
Netconf RPC payload
<bfd-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart bfd
debug bfd (events|packets|ipc-error|ipc-event|session|nsm|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (events|packets|ipc-error|ipc-event|session|nsm|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<bfd-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug bfd (events|packets|ipc-error|ipc-event|session|nsm|all)
no debug bfd (events|packets|ipc-error|ipc-event|session|nsm|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (events|packets|ipc-error|ipc-event|session|nsm|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<bfd-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug bfd (events|packets|ipc-error|ipc-event|session|nsm|all)
debug oam srv6
Netconf RPC payload
<debug-oam-srv6-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug oam srv6
no debug oam srv6
Netconf RPC payload
<debug-oam-srv6-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug oam srv6
Configure bfd disabled
Use this attribute to enable or disable all the BFD sessions on this interface.
Attribute Name: bfd-disabled
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
</bfd-disabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd disable
Configure bfd session type
Use this attribute to offload Single HOP BFD sessions to software or hardware.
Attribute Name: bfd-session-type
Attribute Type: enum (hardware|software)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<bfd-session-type>hardware</bfd-session-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd session (hardware|software)
Configure detection multiplier
The number of packets that must be missed to declare this session as down. The detection interval for the BFD session is calculated by multiplying the value of the negotiated transmission interval by this value.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled BFD-MONO feature enabled
Attribute Name: detection-multiplier
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 3-50
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd interval <3-999> minrx <3-999> multiplier <3-50>
Configure ipv4 source
Use this attribute to configure BFD echo packet IPv4 source address
Attribute Name: ipv4-source
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<ipv4-source>A.B.C.D</ipv4-source> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
echo ipv4 source A.B.C.D
Configure name
Use this attribute to configure BFD echo packet IPv4 source address
Attribute Name: ipv4-source
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<ipv4-source>A.B.C.D</ipv4-source> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd echo ipv4 source A.B.C.D
Configure required minimum tx interval
Use this attribute to configure BFD echo packet transmission interval, in milliseconds
Attribute Name: required-minimum-tx-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 50-4294967
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<required-minimum-tx-interval>50</required-minimum-tx-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd echo interval <50-4294967>
Configure key string
Use this attribute to specify the key authentication string
Attribute Name: key-string
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (simple|keyed-sha1|meticulous-keyed-sha1)
Attribute Name: key-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: key-encrypted
Attribute Type: enum (0|1)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<key-type>simple</key-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-id>0</key-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-encrypted>0</key-encrypted> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-string>WORD</key-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd auth type (simple|keyed-sha1|meticulous-keyed-sha1) key-id <0-255> (0|1) key WORD
Configure session type
BFD session type
Attribute Name: session-type
Attribute Type: enum (singlehop|multihop)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<session> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd session (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) (multihop|)
Configure administrative down
BFD administrative down session
Attribute Name: administrative-down
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
</administrative-down><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd session (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) (multihop|) admin-down
Configure non persistent
BFD non persistent session
Attribute Name: non-persistent
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
</non-persistent><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd session (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) (multihop|) non-persistent
Configure sr policy name
This attribute is used to configure policy-name of the SR S-BFD session
Attribute Name: sr-policy-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<seamless-bfd xmlns="">
<sr-policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
s-bfd (sr) policy NAME
Configure admin down
This attribute is used to shutdown selected S-BFD session
Attribute Name: admin-down
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<seamless-bfd xmlns="">
</admin-down><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure detection multiplier
This attribute is multiplied with minimum tx value to get detection time
Attribute Name: detection-multiplier
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 3-50
Netconf edit-config payload
<seamless-bfd xmlns="">
<interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
min-tx <3-999> multiplier <3-50>
Configure discriminator
This attribute is used to configure local discriminator value for reflector
Attribute Name: discriminator
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<seamless-bfd xmlns="">
<local-discriminator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
s-bfd discriminator A.B.C.D
Configure required min rx interval
This attribute is used to configure required minimum rx interval value for reflector
Attribute Name: required-min-rx-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 3-999
Netconf edit-config payload
<seamless-bfd xmlns="">
<required-min-rx-interval>3</required-min-rx-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
s-bfd discriminator A.B.C.D required-min-rx <3-999>
Configure delay
Use this attribute to specify a unidirectional, link delay value for the interface
Attribute Name: delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<igp-te xmlns="">
<delay>1</delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
delay-measurement static uni-link-delay <1-16777215>
Configure delay variation
Use this attribute to specify a unidirectional, link delay variation value for the interface
Attribute Name: delay-variation
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<igp-te xmlns="">
<delay-variation>0</delay-variation> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
delay-measurement static uni-delay-variation <0-16777215>
Configure loss percentage
Use this attribute to specify a unidirectional, link loss value for the interface
Attribute Name: loss-percentage
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<igp-te xmlns="">
<loss-percentage>VALUE</loss-percentage> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
loss-measurement static uni-link-loss VALUE
Configure loss dynamic
Use this attribute to specify a loss percentage value dynamically for the interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled TE feature
Attribute Name: loss-dynamic
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<igp-te xmlns="">
</loss-dynamic><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
loss-measurement dynamic
Configure name
Use this attribute to specify a loss percentage value dynamically for the interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled TE feature
Attribute Name: loss-dynamic
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<igp-te xmlns="">
</loss-dynamic><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
loss-measurement dynamic
Configure dscp
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value. The DSCP value range is 0-63.Warning: In CLI show running, DSCP values with well-known names (ex.: af11, cs0) will be displayed as such.On Netconf, DSCP values will always be numeric. The string type allow up to 8 characters on well-known name.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled TE feature
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-8
Attribute Name: reflector-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1025-65535
Attribute Name: sender-ip
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: sender-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1025-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<igp-te xmlns="">
</delay-dynamic-twamp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<reflector-port>1025</reflector-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<sender-port>1025</sender-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>WORD</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
delay-measurement dynamic twamp reflector-ip (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (reflector-port <1025-65535>|) (sender-ip (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME)|) (sender-port <1025-65535>|) (dscp WORD|)
Configure delay dynamic twamp
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value. The DSCP value range is 0-63.Warning: In CLI show running, DSCP values with well-known names (ex.: af11, cs0) will be displayed as such.On Netconf, DSCP values will always be numeric. The string type allow up to 8 characters on well-known name.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled TE feature
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-8
Attribute Name: reflector-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1025-65535
Attribute Name: sender-ip
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: sender-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1025-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<igp-te xmlns="">
</delay-dynamic-twamp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<reflector-port>1025</reflector-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<sender-port>1025</sender-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>WORD</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
delay-measurement dynamic twamp reflector-ip (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (reflector-port <1025-65535>|) (sender-ip (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME)|) (sender-port <1025-65535>|) (dscp WORD|)
Configure a bit max
use this attribute to configure a-bit-max
Attribute Name: a-bit-max
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<igp-te xmlns="">
<a-bit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
delay-measurement a-bit-delay-threshold min <1-16777215> max <1-16777215>
Configure max value
use this attribute to configure max-value
Attribute Name: max-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<igp-te xmlns="">
<delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
delay-measurement static min-max-uni-link-delay <1-16777215> <1-16777215>
Configure loss a bit max
use this attribute to configure loss-a-bit-max
Attribute Name: loss-a-bit-max
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<igp-te xmlns="">
<threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
loss-measurement a-bit-loss-threshold min VALUE max VALUE
Configure a bit max range maximum
use this attribute to configure a-bit-max-range-maximum
Attribute Name: a-bit-max-range-maximum
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<igp-te xmlns="">
<a-bit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
delay-measurement a-bit-min-max-delay-threshold min <1-16777215> <1-16777215> max <1-16777215> <1-16777215>
clear twamp measurement interface IFNAME
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Netconf RPC payload
<twamp-clear-measurement-intf xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear twamp measurement interface IFNAME
clear twamp measurement interface all
Netconf RPC payload
<twamp-clear-measurement-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear twamp measurement interface all
Configure disable virtual router mac address
Use this attribute to enable or disable Virtual MAC (VMAC). This affects all VRRP groups in a router. On a single network segment, multiple VRRP groups can be configured, each using a different VMAC. The use of VMAC addressing allows for faster switchover when a backup router assumes the master role. When this attribute is used to enable a VMAC, the virtual router forwards packets with a special-purpose multicast VMAC address (0:0:5e:0:01:VR_ID). Otherwise, it forwards with interface physical address.The VMAC address is assigned to a router interface at the time the VRRP group is enabled in the router.
Attribute Name: disable-virtual-router-mac-address
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
</disable-virtual-router-mac-address><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vrrp vmac disable
Configure vrrp v2 compatible
Use this attribute to enable or disable backward-compatibility feature. When enabled, both VRRPv3 and VRRPv2 interoperation are supported.
Attribute Name: vrrp-v2-compatible
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
</vrrp-v2-compatible><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vrrp compatible-v2 enable
Configure ipv4 exclude pseudo header
This command excludes the pseudo-header in IPv4 VRRPv3 checksum calculation on the VRRP group
Attribute Name: ipv4-exclude-pseudo-header
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
</ipv4-exclude-pseudo-header><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vrrp ipv4-exclude-pseudo-header enable
Configure options
use this attribute to specify debugging options for VRRP
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (all|packet|events|packet send|packet recv)
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<options>14</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug vrrp
Configure interface name
Use this attribute to configure an VRRP routing process for an interface.
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
router vrrp <1-255> IFNAME
Configure disable preempt mode
Use this attribute to configure preempt mode. If set to true, the highest priority backup is always the master when the default master is unavailable. If set to false, a higher priority backup does not preempt a lower priority backup which is acting as master
Attribute Name: disable-preempt-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
</disable-preempt-mode><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
preempt-mode false
Configure disable accept mode
Use this attribute to enable accept mode for the session
Attribute Name: disable-accept-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
</disable-accept-mode><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
accept-mode false
Configure virtual router id
Use this attribute to enable or disable the backward-compatibility feature
Attribute Name: vrrp-v2-compatible
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
</vrrp-v2-compatible><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure authentication data
Use this attribute to include authentication simple text
Attribute Name: authentication-data
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<authentication-data>TEXT-STRING</authentication-data> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
authentication text TEXT-STRING
Configure primary ip address
Use this attribute to set the operational-ip address for the virtual router
Attribute Name: primary-ip-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<primary-ip-address>A.B.C.D</primary-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
operational-ip A.B.C.D
Configure mlag active standby
Use this attribute to set active-standby mlag mode
Attribute Name: mlag-active-standby
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
</mlag-active-standby><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mlag active-standby
Configure priority
Use this attribute to configure the VRRP router priority within the virtual router. Priority determines the role that each VRRP router plays and what happens if the master virtual router fails. If a VRRP router owns the IP address of the virtual router and the IP address of the physical interface, this router functions as the master virtual router
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-254
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<priority>1</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
priority <1-254>
Configure preempt delay
Use this attribute to set a switch-back delay timer for the master VRRP router. This feature prevents the original master VRRP router from transitioning back to the master state after coming back online until the configured delay timer has expired.
Attribute Name: preempt-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-500000
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<preempt-delay>1</preempt-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switch-back-delay <1-500000>
Configure advertisement interval
Use this attribute to configure the advertisement interval of a virtual router. This is the length of time, in seconds, between each advertisement sent from the master to its backup(s). The master virtual router sends VRRP advertisements to other VRRP routers in the same group. The advertisements communicate the priority and state of the master virtual router. The VRRP advertisements are encapsulated in IP packets and sent to the multicast address assigned to the VRRP group ( Advertisements are sent every second by default.
Attribute Name: advertisement-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 100
Attribute Range: 5-4095
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<advertisement-interval>5</advertisement-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
advertisement-interval <5-4095>
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable a VRRP session on the router (to make it participate in virtual routing). To make any changes to the VRRP configuration, first disable the router from participating in virtual routing using the disable command
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure ip address owner
Use this attribute to set the virtual IP address for the VRRP virtual router as VRRP Owner. This is the IP address used by end hosts to address their default gateway.
Attribute Name: ip-address-owner
Attribute Type: boolean
Attribute Name: virtual-ip-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
virtual-ip A.B.C.D (owner|)
Configure interface tracking name
Use this command to enable the VRRP circuit failover feature.
Attribute Name: interface-tracking-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: priority-decrement
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-253
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<interface-tracking> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
circuit-failover IFNAME <1-253>
Configure tracking id
Use this command to enable the VRRP object tracking feature.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_OBJ_TRACKING
Attribute Name: tracking-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: decrement
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-253
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<object-tracking> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
track <0-65535> decrement <1-253>
Configure virtual ip address
VRRP Virtual IPV6 address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: virtual-ip-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<virtual-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
virtual-ipv6 X:X::X:X
Configure priority decrement
Use this command to enable the VRRP circuit failover feature.
Attribute Name: interface-tracking-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: priority-decrement
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-253
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<interface-tracking> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
circuit-failover IFNAME <1-253>
Configure decrement
Use this command to enable the VRRP object tracking feature.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_OBJ_TRACKING
Attribute Name: tracking-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: decrement
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-253
Netconf edit-config payload
<vrrp xmlns="">
<object-tracking> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
track <0-65535> decrement <1-253>
snmp restart vrrp
Netconf RPC payload
<vrrp-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart vrrp
clear vrrp global statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<vrrp-clear-statistics xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear vrrp global statistics
clear vrrp ipv4 statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<vrrp-clear-ipv4-statistics xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear vrrp ipv4 statistics
clear vrrp ipv6 statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<vrrp-clear-ipv6-statistics xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear vrrp ipv6 statistics
clear vrrp ipv4 statistics <1-255> IFNAME
Attribute Name: vrrp-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<vrrp-clear-session-ipv4-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear vrrp ipv4 statistics <1-255> IFNAME
clear vrrp ipv6 statistics <1-255> IFNAME
Attribute Name: vrrp-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<vrrp-clear-session-ipv6-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear vrrp ipv6 statistics <1-255> IFNAME
debug vrrp
Netconf RPC payload
<vrrp-terminal-debug-all-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug vrrp
no debug vrrp
Netconf RPC payload
<vrrp-terminal-debug-all-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug vrrp
debug vrrp (all|packet|events|packet send|packet recv)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|packet|events|packet send|packet recv)
Netconf RPC payload
<vrrp-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug vrrp (all|packet|events|packet send|packet recv)
no debug vrrp (all|packet|events|packet send|packet recv)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|packet|events|packet send|packet recv)
Netconf RPC payload
<vrrp-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug vrrp (all|packet|events|packet send|packet recv)
Configure prefix list name
prefix-list name
Attribute Name: prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
<prefix> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip prefix-list WORD
Configure prefix list type
prefix-list name
Attribute Name: prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
<prefix> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 prefix-list WORD
Configure description
Up to 80 characters describing this prefix-list
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-80
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
description LINE
Configure prefix addr
Either IP address mask and length of the prefix list mask or Take all packets of any length. This parameter is the same as using le 32 for A.B.C.D/M.
Attribute Name: prefix-addr
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
Command Syntax
(seq <1-4294967295>|) (deny|permit) any
Configure sequence id
Either IP address mask and length of the prefix list mask or Take all packets of any length. This parameter is the same as using le 32 for A.B.C.D/M.
Attribute Name: prefix-addr
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
Command Syntax
(seq <1-4294967295>|) (deny|permit)
Configure maximum prefix length match
Maximum prefix length match
Attribute Name: maximum-prefix-length-match
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-32
Attribute Name: minimum-prefix-length-match
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
<minimum-prefix-length-match>0</minimum-prefix-length-match> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<maximum-prefix-length-match>0</maximum-prefix-length-match> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(seq <1-4294967295>|) (deny|permit) ge <0-32> le <0-32>
Configure minimum prefix length match
Minimum prefix length match
Attribute Name: minimum-prefix-length-match
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-32
Attribute Name: maximum-prefix-length-match
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
<maximum-prefix-length-match>0</maximum-prefix-length-match> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<minimum-prefix-length-match>0</minimum-prefix-length-match> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(seq <1-4294967295>|) (deny|permit) le <0-32> ge <0-32>
Configure action
Minimum prefix length match
Attribute Name: minimum-prefix-length-match
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
<minimum-prefix-length-match>0</minimum-prefix-length-match> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(seq <1-4294967295>|) (deny|permit) ge <0-32>
Configure exact prefix length match
Exact prefix length match
Attribute Name: exact-prefix-length-match
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
<exact-prefix-length-match>0</exact-prefix-length-match> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(seq <1-4294967295>|) (deny|permit) eq <0-32>
Configure ipv6 prefix addr
Either IPv6 address mask and length of the prefix list mask or This is the same as specifying ::/0 for X:X::X:X/M
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ipv6 feature
Attribute Name: ipv6-prefix-addr
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
<entry> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(seq <1-4294967295>|) (deny|permit) any
Configure disable ipv4 sequence display
Use this attribute to configure prefix list sequence number.Include and exclude sequence numbers in nonvolatile generation (NVGEN).
Attribute Name: disable-ipv4-sequence-display
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
</disable-ipv4-sequence-display><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip prefix-list sequence-number
Configure disable ipv6 sequence display
Use this attribute to configure prefix list sequence number.Include and exclude sequence numbers in nonvolatile generation (NVGEN).
Attribute Name: disable-ipv6-sequence-display
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<prefixes xmlns="">
</disable-ipv6-sequence-display><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ipv6 prefix-list sequence-number
clear ip prefix-list
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-prefix-list-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ip prefix-list
clear ipv6 prefix-list
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-prefix-list-ipv6-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 prefix-list
clear ip prefix-list WORD (A.B.C.D/M|)
Attribute Name: prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: prefix
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv4-prefix-list xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip prefix-list WORD (A.B.C.D/M|)
clear ipv6 prefix-list WORD (X:X::X:X/M|)
Attribute Name: prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: prefix
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv6-prefix-list xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 prefix-list WORD (X:X::X:X/M|)
Configure vrf name
VRF Name to associate with this instance
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
router isis WORD WORD
Configure instance
Use this attribute to initiate an ISIS routing instance.Configure at least one NET to start routing.
Attribute Name: instance
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<isis-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
router isis WORD
Configure enable cspf capability
Use this attribute to enable the constrained shortest path first (CSPF) feature in the ISIS module. CSPF calculates optimum explicit route (ER), using Traffic Engineering Database and (TED) and pre-existing Label Switched Path (LSP). The resulting ER is used by a signaling protocol (RSVP-TE) to set up LSPs.
Attribute Name: enable-cspf-capability
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-cspf-capability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure disable gr capability
Use this attribute to enable the GR
Attribute Name: disable-gr-capability
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</disable-gr-capability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no capability restart graceful
Configure disable adjacency check
Use this attribute to configure the policy of adjacency based on the protocol related TLVs in the ISIS Hello packet. ISIS checks adjacency with protocol related TLVs including Protocols Supported TLV or IP Interface Address TLV by default. The command with no parameter disables this check.
Attribute Name: disable-adjacency-check
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</disable-adjacency-check><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no adjacency-check
Configure disable asla usage flex algo
Use this attribute to configure the policy of ASLA Link attributes usage in ASLA Sub-TLV (RFC-8919) for Flexible Algorithm. ISIS uses ASLA Link attributes by default. The command with no keyword enables this usage.
Attribute Name: disable-asla-usage-flex-algo
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</disable-asla-usage-flex-algo><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no asla flex-algo advertise
Configure enable asla strict flex algo
Use this attribute to configure the policy of strict ASLA Link attributes usage for Flexible Algorithm path calculations. ISIS uses ASLA Link attributes by default, may also use legacy TE Link attributes. The command with no keyword enables this usage.
Attribute Name: enable-asla-strict-flex-algo
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-asla-strict-flex-algo><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
asla flex-algo strict
Configure enable flex algo routing
Use this attribute to enable/disable routing of Flexible Algorithm in LSP TX/RX and CSPF path calculations
Attribute Name: enable-flex-algo-routing
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-flex-algo-routing><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability flex-algo routing
Configure enable flex algo readvertise
Use this attribute to enable/disable readvertisement of Flexible Algorithm (FAD) from ISIS Level-2 to Level-1 routing area
Attribute Name: enable-flex-algo-readvertise
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-flex-algo-readvertise><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability flex-algo readvertise
Configure disable flex algo cspf
Use this attribute to enable/disable CPSF constrained routing of Flexible Algorithm in SPF path calculations
Attribute Name: disable-flex-algo-cspf
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</disable-flex-algo-cspf><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no capability flex-algo cspf
Configure enable flex algo adjacency sid
Use this attribute to enable/disable Flexible Algorithm specific Adjacency-SID support
Attribute Name: enable-flex-algo-adjacency-sid
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-flex-algo-adjacency-sid><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability flex-algo adjacency-sid
Configure enable flex algo strict adjacency sid
Use this attribute to enable/disable Flexible Algorithm specific strict Adjacency-SID support
Attribute Name: enable-flex-algo-strict-adjacency-sid
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-flex-algo-strict-adjacency-sid><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability flex-algo strict adjacency-sid
Configure enable flex algo backup adjacency sid
Use this attribute to enable/disable Flexible Algorithm specific backup Adjacency-SID support
Attribute Name: enable-flex-algo-backup-adjacency-sid
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-flex-algo-backup-adjacency-sid><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability flex-algo backup adjacency-sid
Configure enable flex algo qos policy
Use this attribute to enable/disable Flexible Algorithm specific QoS policy support
Attribute Name: enable-flex-algo-qos-policy
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-flex-algo-qos-policy><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability flex-algo qos-policy
Configure enable flex algo bgp ls
Use this attribute to enable/disable advertisement of Flexible Algorithm TLV(s)/Sub-TLV(s) in BGP Link-state packets
Attribute Name: enable-flex-algo-bgp-ls
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-flex-algo-bgp-ls><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability flex-algo bgp-ls
Configure authentication send only
Use this attribute to set the send-only option at the instance level.Use this command before configuring the authentication mode and authentication key-chain, so that the implementation of authentication goes smoothly. That is, the routers will have more time for the keys to be configured on each router if authentication is inserted only on the packets being sent, not checked on packets being received. After all routers that must communicate are configured with this command, enable the authentication mode and key chain on each router.
Attribute Name: authentication-send-only
Attribute Type: enum (level-1-only|level-2-only|level-1-2)
Default Value: level-1-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<authentication-send-only>3</authentication-send-only> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
authentication send-only level-1
Configure distribute bgp ls
Use this attribute to distribute linkstate and TE Database to BGP
Attribute Name: distribute-bgp-ls
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<distribute-bgp-ls>0</distribute-bgp-ls> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distribute bgp-ls
Configure distance
Use this attribute to set the administrative distance for all IPv4 routes.
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 115
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<distance>1</distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance <1-255>
Configure dynamic host name
Use this attribute to configure the hostname to be advertised for an ISIS instance using the dynamic hostname exchange mechanism (RFC 2763) and system-ID-to-hostname translation.This command configures a hostname to be used for the Dynamic Hostname Exchange Mechanism and System-ID tohostname translation. Use the routing area tag as the hostname, not the router.s global hostname
Attribute Name: dynamic-host-name
Attribute Type: enum (dynamic-hostname|area-tag)
Default Value: dynamic-hostname
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<dynamic-host-name>dynamic-hostname</dynamic-host-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dynamic-hostname (area-tag|)
Configure ignore lsp errors
Use this attribute to ignore LSPs with checksum errors. By default, ISIS validates checksum for LSP whenever it receives LSPs and if the checksum has an error, the LSP will be dropped. Configuring this command to ignore the LSP checksum error and treat it as if checksum is passed.
Attribute Name: ignore-lsp-errors
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</ignore-lsp-errors><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure lfa hold timer
LFA terminate-hold-on interval
Attribute Name: lfa-hold-timer
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 1000
Attribute Range: 100-100000
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<lfa-hold-timer>100</lfa-hold-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fast-reroute terminate-hold-on interval <100-100000>
Configure level capability
Use this attribute to set the IS to the specified level of routing.Changing is-type brings down, then brings up a particular level of routing. There is a limitation: Only one ISIS instance can run Level-2 routing (either Level-2 only IS, or Level-1-2 IS)
Attribute Name: level-capability
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2-only|level-1-2)
Default Value: level-1-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<level-capability>level-1-2</level-capability> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
is-type (level-1|level-2-only|level-1-2)
Configure incremental spf levels
Use this attribute to enable incremental SPF for a routing process
Attribute Name: incremental-spf-levels
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2-only|level-1-2)
Default Value: level-1-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<incremental-spf-levels>level-1-2</incremental-spf-levels> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ispf (level-1|level-2-only|level-1-2|)
Configure priority tag
Use this attribute to set a high priority tag value
Attribute Name: priority-tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<priority-tag>1</priority-tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip route high-priority tag <1-4294967295>
Configure enable bfd all interfaces
Use this attribute to enable the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) feature on the interfaces enabled with this ISIS instance. This command sets BFD fall-over check for all the neighbors under specified process.
Attribute Name: enable-bfd-all-interfaces
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-bfd-all-interfaces><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd all-interfaces
Configure maximum area addresses
Use this attribute to set the maximum number of ISIS areas that can be configured on this router with the net command. By default, ISIS permits a maximum of three areas that can be defined on a router.
Attribute Name: maximum-area-addresses
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 3
Attribute Range: 3-254
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<maximum-area-addresses>3</maximum-area-addresses> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-area-address <3-254>
Configure context name
Use this attribute to set the SNMP context name for ISIS instance.
Attribute Name: context-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<context-name>WORD</context-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp context-name WORD
Configure area password
Use this attribute to set the authentication password for the Level-1 area and to set authentication on Level-1 SNP PDUs. This command enables authentication when receiving and sending LSP and SNP PDU in Level-1 areas. Area password must be the same for all the ISIS routers in the same area
Attribute Name: area-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
area-password WORD
Configure sequence number packet
Use this attribute to set the authentication password for the Level-1 area and to set authentication on Level-1 SNP PDUs. This command enables authentication when receiving and sending LSP and SNP PDU in Level-1 areas. Area password must be the same for all the ISIS routers in the same area
Attribute Name: sequence-number-packet
Attribute Type: enum (send-only|validate)
Attribute Name: area-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<area-password>WORD</area-password> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<sequence-number-packet>send-only</sequence-number-packet> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
area-password WORD authenticate snp (send-only|validate)
Configure net
Use this attribute to add a Network Entity Title (NET) for the instance.On a router running ISIS, a NET can be 8 to 20 bytes in length. The last byte is always the n-selector, and must be zero. The n-selector indicates no transport entity, and means that the packet is for the routing software of the system. The six bytes directly preceding the n-selector are the system ID. The system ID length is a fixed size and cannot be changed. The system ID must be unique throughout each area (Level 1) and throughout the backbone (Level 2). The bytes preceding the system ID are the area ID, which can be from 1 - 13 bytes in length. By default, a maximum of three NETs per router are allowed with a different area ID but the system ID should be the same for all NETs. You can increase the number of area IDs per system ID with the max-area-address command.
Attribute Name: net
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<net>NET</net> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
net NET
Configure domain password
Use this attribute to set the authentication password for the Level-2 domain, and optionally, the authentication password on Level-2 SNP PDUs.Configuring this command to enable authentication when receiving and sending LSP and SNP PDU in Level-2 domain. Domain password must be the same in Level-2 domain.
Attribute Name: domain-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
domain password WORD
Configure domain snp
Use this attribute to set the authentication password for the Level-2 domain, and optionally, the authentication password on Level-2 SNP PDUs.Configuring this command to enable authentication when receiving and sending LSP and SNP PDU in Level-2 domain. Domain password must be the same in Level-2 domain.
Attribute Name: domain-snp
Attribute Type: enum (send-only|validate)
Attribute Name: domain-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<domain-password>WORD</domain-password> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<domain-snp>send-only</domain-snp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
domain password WORD authenticate snp (send-only|validate)
Configure style
Use this attribute to configure the ISIS metric style
Attribute Name: style
Attribute Type: enum (narrow|wide|transition|narrow transition|wide transition)
Attribute Name: level-number
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<level-number>level-1-2</level-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<style>1</style> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
metric-style (narrow) level-1-2
Configure level number
Use this attribute to configure the ISIS metric style
Attribute Name: style
Attribute Type: enum (narrow|wide|transition|narrow transition|wide transition)
Attribute Name: level-number
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<level-number>level-1-2</level-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<style>2</style> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
metric-style (wide) level-1-2
Configure lsp refresh interval
Use this attribute to set the LSP refresh interval.IP Infusion Inc. recommends making the lsp-refresh-interval smaller than max-lsp-lifetime value.
Attribute Name: lsp-refresh-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 900
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<lsp-refresh-interval>1</lsp-refresh-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lsp-refresh-interval <1-65535>
Configure lsp lifetime interval
Use this attribute to set the maximum LSP lifetime. You must set max-lsp-lifetime greater than lsp-refreshinterval.
Attribute Name: lsp-lifetime-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1200
Attribute Range: 350-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<lsp-lifetime-interval>350</lsp-lifetime-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-lsp-lifetime <350-65535>
Configure ipv4 router id
Use this attribute to configure the traffic engineering stable IP address for a system.
Attribute Name: ipv4-router-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<ipv4-router-id>A.B.C.D</ipv4-router-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls traffic-eng router-id A.B.C.D
Configure ipv6 router id
Use this attribute to configure the traffic engineering stable IPv6 address for a system.
Attribute Name: ipv6-router-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<ipv6-router-id>X:X::X:X</ipv6-router-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls traffic-eng ipv6 router-id X:X::X:X
Configure enable
Use this attribute to redistribute reachability information from one level to the other level. If an distribute-list name is given with this command for an access list that does not exist, the routes are still redistributed.
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<redistribute-level-1-into-2> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute isis level-1 into level-2
Configure level 1 acl
Use this attribute to redistribute reachability information from one level to the other level. If an distribute-list name is given with this command for an access list that does not exist, the routes are still redistributed.
Attribute Name: level-1-acl
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
<level-1-acl>WORD</level-1-acl> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute isis level-1 into level-2 distribute-list WORD
Configure level 2 acl
Use this attribute to redistribute reachability information from one level to the other level. If an distribute-list name is given with this command for an access list that does not exist, the routes are still redistributed.
Attribute Name: level-2-acl
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
<level-2-acl>WORD</level-2-acl> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute isis level-2 into level-1 distribute-list WORD
Configure originate
Use this attribute to set originate reachability information to Default destination into LSP.There is no default information in Level-2 domain by default, while Level-1 router calculates default to L1L2 route during SPF calculation. This command enables to originate default route into Level-2 domain.
Attribute Name: originate
Attribute Type: enum (originate|originate level-1|originate always)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<default-route-information> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-information (originate|originate level-1|originate always)
Configure route map name
Route-map Name
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: ""
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<route-map-name>WORD</route-map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-information (originate|originate level-1|originate always) route-map WORD
Configure afi name
Use this attribute to configure IPv6 routing specific configuration
Attribute Name: afi-name
Attribute Type: enum (ipv6)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
address-family ipv6
Configure administrative distance
Use this attribute to set the administrative distance for all IPv6 routes
Attribute Name: administrative-distance
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 115
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<administrative-distance>1</administrative-distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance <1-255>
Configure ipv6 metric value
Use this attributes to redistribute routes from another protocol into the ISIS routing table. With metric, metric-type, level and route-map options.
Attribute Name: ipv6-metric-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-16777215
Attribute Name: ipv6-metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (internal|external)
Default Value: internal
Attribute Name: ipv6-level
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Default Value: level-2
Attribute Name: ipv6-route-map
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: ""
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|rip|ospf|bgp) ({ metric-type (internal|external)| level-1|level-2|level-1-2| route-map WORD| metric <0-16777215> }|)
Configure prefix
Use this attribute to configure the summary prefix to summarize IPv6 reachability information.
Attribute Name: prefix
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<summary-prefix> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
summary-prefix X:X::X:X/M (level-1|level-2|level-1-2) (metric <1-63>|)
Configure level
Use this attribute to configure the ISIS Multi-topology
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2|level-1-2|level-1 transition|level-1-2 transition|level-2 transition)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
multi-topology (level-1)
Configure isisSRv6enable
enable SRv6 for SR Policies
Attribute Name: isisSRv6enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
segment-routing srv6
Configure isisSRv6LocatorName
Locator name
Attribute Name: isisSRv6LocatorName
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<locator-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
srv6-locator WORD
Configure system id
System ID
Attribute Name: system-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<value>1</value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance <1-255> System-ID
Configure access list name
Use this attribute to set the administrative distance for specific IPv4 routes.
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: ""
Attribute Name: value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<value>1</value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<access-list-name>WORD</access-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance <1-255> System-ID (WORD|)
Configure set bit on boot
Overload interval after reboot
Attribute Name: set-bit-on-boot
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: suppress-type
Attribute Type: enum (default|external|interlevel|external interlevel)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
<suppress-type>default</suppress-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<set-bit-on-boot>default</set-bit-on-boot> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set-overload-bit { suppress (external|interlevel|external interlevel)| on-startup (wait-for-bgp|<5-86400>) }
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to set the overload-bit in self-LSPs. If the overload-bit is set in LSPs, the router is not used as a transit router during SPF calculation. This configuration causes a router to update its own LSP with the overload bit set and causes the other routers not to use this router as a transit or forwarding router. The router continues to receive LSPs when the overload bit is set. If the on-startup option is specified, the router sets the overload bit only at startup, then clears the bit after the specified interval has elapsed. If the on-startup option is specified using the wait-for-bgp option, the overload bit is setup at startup, then the bit is cleared after the BGP router signals it has finished converging or if the router does not signal it has finished converging in 10 minutes. If there is no BGP process running, the overload bit clears immediately.
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure metric value
IS-IS metric
Attribute Name: metric-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-16777215
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (internal|external)
Default Value: internal
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: ""
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Default Value: level-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|rip|ospf|bgp) ({ metric-type (internal|external)| route-map WORD| level-1|level-2|level-1-2| metric <0-16777215> }|)
Configure metric
Use this attribute to Summary Address to summarize IPv4 reachability information.
Attribute Name: prefix
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<summary-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
summary-address A.B.C.D/M (level-1|level-2|level-1-2) (metric <1-63>|)
Configure id
Instance ID
Attribute Name: id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<redistribute-isis-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute isis WORD
Configure metric type
IS-IS metric
Attribute Name: metric-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-16777215
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (internal|external)
Default Value: internal
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: ""
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Default Value: level-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
redistribute isis WORD { metric-type (internal|external)| route-map WORD| level-1|level-2|level-1-2| metric <0-16777215> }
Configure passive interface all
Use this attribute to set all interfaces as passive.
Attribute Name: passive-interface-all
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</passive-interface-all><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure name
Use this attribute to set interface as passive.
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<passive-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
passive-interface IFNAME
Configure hold timer
Time that a router waits to acquire a set of LSPs to process together
Attribute Name: hold-timer
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<hold-timer>1</hold-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
microloop-avoidance hold-timer <1-60> (level-1|level-2)
Configure max fib
Maximum time required to update a FIB irrespective of the change
Attribute Name: max-fib
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<max-fib>1</max-fib> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
microloop-avoidance max-fib <1-60> (level-1|level-2)
Configure level type
Microloop avoidance
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
microloop-avoidance (level-1|level-2)
Configure enable level 1
Use this attribute to configure MPLS Traffic Engineering feature for ISIS.
Attribute Name: enable-level-1
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-level-1><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls traffic-eng level-1
Configure enable level 2
Use this attribute to configure MPLS Traffic Engineering feature for ISIS.
Attribute Name: enable-level-2
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-level-2><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls traffic-eng level-2
Configure algo number
Use this attribute to configure Flexible Algorithm specific configuration
Attribute Name: algo-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 128-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<flexalgo> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flex-algo <128-255>
Configure disable advertise definition
Use this attribute to unconfigure the ISIS Flexible Algorithm Advertisement
Attribute Name: disable-advertise-definition
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</disable-advertise-definition><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no advertise
Configure disable participate
Use this attribute to unconfigure the ISIS Flexible Algorithm Participation
Attribute Name: disable-participate
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</disable-participate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no participate
Configure calculation type
ISIS Flexible Algorithm calculation type
Attribute Name: calculation-type
Attribute Type: enum (spf)
Default Value: spf
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<calculation-type>spf</calculation-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
calculation-type (spf)
Configure priority
Flexible Algorithm priority Value
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<priority>1</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
priority <1-255>
Configure exclude minimum bandwidth
Minimum bandwidth value constraint for flexible algorithm. The bandwidth input ranges are 1 to 999 Kbps, 1 to 999 Mbps and 1 to 100 Gbps.
Attribute Name: exclude-minimum-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<exclude-minimum-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</exclude-minimum-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
exclude-minimum-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure exclude maximum delay
Use this attribute to specify maximum link delay value constraint for flexible algorithm
Attribute Name: exclude-maximum-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<exclude-maximum-delay>1</exclude-maximum-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
exclude-maximum-delay <1-16777215>
Configure enable intf group mode bw calc
Enable interface group mode total bandwidth calculation for ISIS Flexible algorithm
Attribute Name: enable-intf-group-mode-bw-calc
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-intf-group-mode-bw-calc><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
intf-group-mode bandwidth
Configure reference bandwidth
Reference bandwidth value constraint for flexible algorithm SPF’s automatic metric calculation. The bandwidth input ranges are 1 to 999 Kbps, 1 to 999 Mbps and 1 to 100 Gbps.
Attribute Name: reference-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<reference-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</reference-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
reference-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure granularity bandwidth
Granularity bandwidth value constraint for flexible algorithm SPF’s automatic metric calculation. The bandwidth input ranges are 1 to 999 Kbps, 1 to 999 Mbps and 1 to 100 Gbps.
Attribute Name: granularity-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<granularity-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</granularity-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
granularity-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure enable fast reroute
Use this attribute to configure the ISIS Flexible Algorithm fast rerouting
Attribute Name: enable-fast-reroute
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-fast-reroute><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable remote lfa
Use this attribute to configure the ISIS Flexible Algorithm Remote-LFA
Attribute Name: enable-remote-lfa
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-remote-lfa><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable ti lfa
Use this attribute to configure the ISIS Flexible Algorithm TI-LFA
Attribute Name: enable-ti-lfa
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-ti-lfa><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable prefix metric flag
Use this attribute to configure the ISIS Flexible Algorithm prefix-metric flag sub-TLV advertisement
Attribute Name: enable-prefix-metric-flag
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-prefix-metric-flag><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure fapm metric
Distance Value
Attribute Name: fapm-metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 24
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<fapm-metric>1</fapm-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fapm-metric <1-255>
Configure maximum ecmp paths
Distance Value
Attribute Name: maximum-ecmp-paths
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 8
Attribute Range: 8-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<maximum-ecmp-paths>8</maximum-ecmp-paths> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-ecmp-paths <8-64>
Configure affinity eag exclude any
Flexible Algoithm Exclude Any Affinity-EAG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-eag-exclude-any
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-eag-exclude-any>WORD</affinity-eag-exclude-any> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-eag-exclude-any WORD
Configure affinity eag include any
Flexible Algoithm Include Any Affinity-EAG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-eag-include-any
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-eag-include-any>WORD</affinity-eag-include-any> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-eag-include-any WORD
Configure affinity eag include all
Flexible Algoithm Include All Affinity-EAG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-eag-include-all
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-eag-include-all>WORD</affinity-eag-include-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-eag-include-all WORD
Configure affinity eag reverse exclude any
Flexible Algoithm reverse Exclude Any Affinity-EAG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-eag-reverse-exclude-any
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-eag-reverse-exclude-any>WORD</affinity-eag-reverse-exclude-any> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-eag-reverse-exclude-any WORD
Configure affinity eag reverse include any
Flexible Algoithm reverse Include Any Affinity-EAG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-eag-reverse-include-any
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-eag-reverse-include-any>WORD</affinity-eag-reverse-include-any> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-eag-reverse-include-any WORD
Configure affinity eag reverse include all
Flexible Algoithm reverse Include All Affinity-EAG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-eag-reverse-include-all
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-eag-reverse-include-all>WORD</affinity-eag-reverse-include-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-eag-reverse-include-all WORD
Configure affinity ag exclude any
Flexible Algoithm Exclude Any Affinity-AG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-ag-exclude-any
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-ag-exclude-any>WORD</affinity-ag-exclude-any> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-ag-exclude-any WORD
Configure affinity ag include any
Flexible Algoithm Include Any Affinity-AG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-ag-include-any
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-ag-include-any>WORD</affinity-ag-include-any> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-ag-include-any WORD
Configure affinity ag include all
Flexible Algoithm Include All Affinity-AG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-ag-include-all
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-ag-include-all>WORD</affinity-ag-include-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-ag-include-all WORD
Configure affinity ag reverse exclude any
Flexible Algoithm reverse Exclude Any Affinity-AG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-ag-reverse-exclude-any
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-ag-reverse-exclude-any>WORD</affinity-ag-reverse-exclude-any> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-ag-reverse-exclude-any WORD
Configure affinity ag reverse include any
Flexible Algoithm reverse Include Any Affinity-AG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-ag-reverse-include-any
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-ag-reverse-include-any>WORD</affinity-ag-reverse-include-any> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-ag-reverse-include-any WORD
Configure affinity ag reverse include all
Flexible Algoithm reverse Include All Affinity-AG Name
Attribute Name: affinity-ag-reverse-include-all
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<affinity-ag-reverse-include-all>WORD</affinity-ag-reverse-include-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity-ag-reverse-include-all WORD
Configure exclude srlg
Flexible Algoithm Exclude Shared Risk Link Groups
Attribute Name: exclude-srlg
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<exclude-srlg>0</exclude-srlg> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
exclude-srlg <0-4294967295>
Configure bandwidth threshold
Staircase bandwidth threshold value constraint for flexible algorithm. The bandwidth input ranges are 1 to 999 Kbps, 1 to 999 Mbps and 1 to 100 Gbps.
Attribute Name: bandwidth-threshold
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: threshold-metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4261412
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<flexalgo-bandwidth-threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bandwidth-threshold BANDWIDTH threshold-metric <1-4261412>
Configure threshold metric
Link metric value for the bandwidth threshold
Attribute Name: threshold-metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4261412
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<threshold-metric>1</threshold-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flex-algo <128-255> bandwidth-threshold BANDWIDTH threshold-metric <1-4261412>
Configure options
Debug Configuration Flag
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (ifsm|nfsm|pdu|lsp|spf|events|nsm|checksum|authentication|local-updates|protocol-errors|bfd|mpls|rib|sr|lfa|dist-ls|tilfa|ofib|asla|flexalgo|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<options>ifsm</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug isis (ifsm|nfsm|pdu|lsp|spf|events|nsm|checksum|authentication|local-updates|protocol-errors|bfd|mpls|rib|sr|lfa|dist-ls|tilfa|ofib|asla|flexalgo|all)
Configure enable hello
Use this attribute to turn on debugging for ISIS hello.
Attribute Name: enable-hello
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-hello><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug isis hello
Configure cspf
Use this attribute to enable CSPF debug logs.
Attribute Name: cspf
Attribute Type: bits (events|hexdump)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<cspf>events</cspf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug isis cspf (events|hexdump)
clear clns is-neighbors System-ID
Attribute Name: system-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-clear-is-neighbors xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear clns is-neighbors System-ID
clear clns neighbors
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-clear-clns-neighbors xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear clns neighbors
clear ip isis (WORD|) route (redistribution|all)
Attribute Name: instance
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: ipv4-route
Attribute Type: enum (redistribution|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-clear-ip-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip isis (WORD|) route (redistribution|all)
clear ipv6 isis (WORD|) route (redistribution|all)
Attribute Name: instance
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: ipv6-route
Attribute Type: enum (redistribution|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-clear-ipv6-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 isis (WORD|) route (redistribution|all)
clear isis (WORD|) process
Attribute Name: instance
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-process-clear xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear isis (WORD|) process
clear isis counter
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-clear-counters xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear isis counter
clear isis adjacency * (vrf VRFNAME|)
Attribute Name: adjacency-vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-clear-adjacency-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear isis adjacency * (vrf VRFNAME|)
clear isis WORD adjacency * (vrf VRFNAME|)
Attribute Name: tag-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: adjacency-vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-process-clear-adjacency-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear isis WORD adjacency * (vrf VRFNAME|)
clear isis WORD adjacency (IFNAME|) (vrf VRFNAME|)
Attribute Name: tag-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: tag-if-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: adjacency-vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-process-clear-adjacency-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear isis WORD adjacency (IFNAME|) (vrf VRFNAME|)
clear isis adjacency (IFNAME|) (vrf VRFNAME|)
Attribute Name: adjacency-if-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: adjacency-vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-clear-adjacency-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear isis adjacency (IFNAME|) (vrf VRFNAME|)
clear isis WORD adjacency system-id XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (vrf VRFNAME|)
Attribute Name: tag-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: tag-system-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: tag-vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-process-clear-adjacency-system-id xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear isis WORD adjacency system-id XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (vrf VRFNAME|)
clear isis adjacency system-id XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (vrf VRFNAME|)
Attribute Name: adjacency-system-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: adjacency-vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-clear-adjacency-system-id xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear isis adjacency system-id XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (vrf VRFNAME|)
snmp restart isis
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-restart-snmp xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart isis
debug isis (ifsm|nfsm|pdu|lsp|spf|events|nsm|checksum|authentication|local-updates|protocol-errors|bfd|mpls|rib|sr|lfa|dist-ls|tilfa|ofib|asla|flexalgo|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (ifsm|nfsm|pdu|lsp|spf|events|nsm|checksum|authentication|local-updates|protocol-errors|bfd|mpls|rib|sr|lfa|dist-ls|tilfa|ofib|asla|flexalgo|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug isis (ifsm|nfsm|pdu|lsp|spf|events|nsm|checksum|authentication|local-updates|protocol-errors|bfd|mpls|rib|sr|lfa|dist-ls|tilfa|ofib|asla|flexalgo|all)
no debug isis (ifsm|nfsm|pdu|lsp|spf|events|nsm|checksum|authentication|local-updates|protocol-errors|bfd|mpls|rib|sr|lfa|dist-ls|tilfa|ofib|asla|flexalgo|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (ifsm|nfsm|pdu|lsp|spf|events|nsm|checksum|authentication|local-updates|protocol-errors|bfd|mpls|rib|sr|lfa|dist-ls|tilfa|ofib|asla|flexalgo|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug isis (ifsm|nfsm|pdu|lsp|spf|events|nsm|checksum|authentication|local-updates|protocol-errors|bfd|mpls|rib|sr|lfa|dist-ls|tilfa|ofib|asla|flexalgo|all)
debug isis spf-trace
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-terminal-debug-spf-trace-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug isis spf-trace
no debug isis spf-trace
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-terminal-debug-spf-trace-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug isis spf-trace
debug isis hello
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-debug-hello-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug isis hello
no debug isis hello
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-debug-hello-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug isis hello
debug isis hello interface IFNAME
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-debug-interface-hello-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug isis hello interface IFNAME
no debug isis hello interface IFNAME
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-debug-interface-hello-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug isis hello interface IFNAME
debug isis hello System-ID
Attribute Name: system-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-debug-system-id-hello-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug isis hello System-ID
no debug isis hello System-ID
Attribute Name: system-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-debug-system-id-hello-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug isis hello System-ID
no debug all isis
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-all-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug all isis
debug isis cspf (events|hexdump)
Attribute Name: cspf-debug
Attribute Type: bits (events|hexdump)
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-debug-cspf-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug isis cspf (events|hexdump)
no debug isis cspf (events|hexdump)
Attribute Name: cspf-debug
Attribute Type: bits (events|hexdump)
Netconf RPC payload
<isis-debug-cspf-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug isis cspf (events|hexdump)
Configure spf max delay
Maximum delay between receiving a change to SPF calculation in milliseconds. The default value is 5000
Attribute Name: spf-max-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<spf-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
spf-interval-exp ((level-1|level-2)|) <0-2147483647> <0-2147483647>
Configure lsp max wait interval
Use this attribute to set minimum interval before regenerating the same LSP. The smaller the interval, the faster the convergence. However, this setting might cause more frequent flooding
Attribute Name: lsp-max-wait-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-120
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<lsp-max-wait-interval>1</lsp-max-wait-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lsp-gen-interval ((level-1|level-2)|) <1-120>
Configure lsp mtu size
Use this attribute to set minimum interval before regenerating the same LSP
Attribute Name: lsp-mtu-size
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1492
Attribute Range: 512-4352
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<lsp-mtu-size>512</lsp-mtu-size> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lsp-mtu ((level-1|level-2)|) <512-4352>
Configure wait timer
Number of seconds to delay in waiting state before on state
Attribute Name: wait-timer
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<wait-timer>1</wait-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis wait-timer <1-65535> level-1-2
Configure restart timer
Use this attribute to restart the ISIS timer
Attribute Name: restart-timer
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 5-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<restart-timer>5</restart-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
restart-timer <5-65535> level-1-2
Configure instance
Number of seconds to delay in waiting state before on state
Attribute Name: wait-timer
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<wait-timer>1</wait-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis wait-timer <1-65535> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure type
Use this attribute to restart the ISIS timer
Attribute Name: restart-timer
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 5-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<restart-timer>5</restart-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
restart-timer <5-65535> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure mode
Use this attribute to set the authentication mode at the instance level.
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (md5|text)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
authentication mode (md5|text) (level-1|level-2|)
Configure key chain
Use this attribute to set the key chain to be used for authentication at the instance level. Authentication mode must be set to md5/text to configure the key chain.
Attribute Name: key-chain
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<key-chain>WORD</key-chain> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
authentication key-chain WORD (level-1|level-2|)
Configure remote lfa protocol
Protocol Address Family
Attribute Name: remote-lfa-protocol
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<remote-lfa-protocol>ipv4</remote-lfa-protocol> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fast-reroute per-prefix remote-lfa (level-1|level-2) proto (ipv4) tunnel mpls-ldp
Configure name
Specific prefixex allowed using this route map
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<name>WORD</name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fast-reroute per-prefix (level-1|level-2) proto (ipv4) route-map WORD
Configure enable all prefixes
Apply on all prefixes
Attribute Name: enable-all-prefixes
Attribute Type: enum (all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<enable-all-prefixes>all</enable-all-prefixes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fast-reroute per-prefix (level-1|level-2) proto (ipv4) (all)
Configure protocol
Protocol Address Family
Attribute Name: protocol
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<ti-lfa> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fast-reroute ti-lfa (level-1|level-2) proto (ipv4)
Configure preference index
this index indicates which tie-break option to be given preference
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ISIS feature
Attribute Name: preference-index
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<preference-index>1</preference-index> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fast-reroute tie-break (level-1|level-2) proto (ipv4) (primary-path|node-protecting|interface-disjoint|broadcast-interface-disjoint|downstream-path|secondary-path) index <1-255>
Configure grace period
The period within which ISIS should come up
Attribute Name: grace-period
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<grace-period>1</grace-period> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis restart grace-period <1-65535>
Configure enable helper only
Attribute to configure helper mode
Attribute Name: enable-helper-only
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable-helper-only><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis restart helper
Configure suppress adjacency
When set to true, adjacency is not advertised. The SA bit is used by a starting router to request that its neighbor suppress advertisement of the adjacency to the starting router in the neighbor’s LSPs.
Attribute Name: suppress-adjacency
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</suppress-adjacency><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis restart suppress-adjacency
restart isis graceful (grace-period <1-65535>|)
Attribute Name: grace-period
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-isis-extended_isis-restart-graceful xmlns="">
Command Syntax
restart isis graceful (grace-period <1-65535>|)
Configure receive disable
Use this attribute to receive label binding TLVs
Attribute Name: receive-disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</receive-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
segment-routing prefix-sid-map receive disable
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to enable MPLS-based segment routing for an ISIS process
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
segment-routing mpls
Configure advertise local
Use this attribute to advertise prefix-SID mapping
Attribute Name: advertise-local
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</advertise-local><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
segment-routing prefix-sid-map advertise-local
Configure global block base
Segment Node Base Value. Default value is 16000
Attribute Name: global-block-base
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<global-block> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis segment-routing global block <16-1048575> <16-1048575>
Configure entropy label
Use this attribute to enable segment routing entropy capability.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled sr mpls feature
Attribute Name: entropy-label
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</entropy-label><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
segment-routing entropy-label
Configure minimal
Use this attribute to set the minimal Hello interval in seconds.
Attribute Name: minimal
Attribute Type: enum (level-1-only|level-2-only|level-1-2)
Default Value: level-1-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<minimal>3</minimal> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis hello-interval minimal level-1
Configure name
Use this attribute to set the minimal Hello interval in seconds.
Attribute Name: minimal
Attribute Type: enum (level-1-only|level-2-only|level-1-2)
Default Value: level-1-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<minimal>3</minimal> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis hello-interval minimal level-2
Configure send only
Use this attribute to set the send-only option to the interface-related packets. Use this attribute before configuring the ISIS authentication mode and ISIS authentication key-chain, so that the implementation of authentication goes smoothly. That is, the routers will have more time for the keys to be configured on each router if authentication is inserted only on the packets being sent, not checked on packets being received. After all routers that must communicate are configured with this attribute, enable the authentication mode and key chain on each router.
Attribute Name: send-only
Attribute Type: enum (level-1-only|level-2-only|level-1-2)
Default Value: level-1-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<send-only>3</send-only> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis authentication send-only level-1
Configure maximum bandwidth flex algo
Interface ASLA maximum bandwidth value for IGP Flexible Algorithm. The bandwidth input ranges are 1 to 999 Kbps, 1 to 999 Mbps and 1 to 100 Gbps.
Attribute Name: maximum-bandwidth-flex-algo
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<maximum-bandwidth-flex-algo>BANDWIDTH</maximum-bandwidth-flex-algo> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-bandwidth flex-algo BANDWIDTH
Configure disable asla usage flex algo
Use this attribute to disable ASLA Link attributes usage for flexible-algorithm on this Link. The command with no keyword enables the ASLA usage
Attribute Name: disable-asla-usage-flex-algo
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</disable-asla-usage-flex-algo><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
disable asla flex-algo
Configure disable padding
Use this attribute to configure/unconfigure the padding of the ISIS Hello packet. ISIS pads the Hello packet by default to notify neighbors of the supported MTU size.
Attribute Name: disable-padding
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</disable-padding><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no isis hello padding
Configure network type
Use this attribute to change a broadcast interface network type to a point-to-point network type and vice-versa.
Attribute Name: network-type
Attribute Type: enum (broadcast|point-to-point)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<network-type>broadcast</network-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis network (broadcast|point-to-point)
Configure circuit type
Use this attribute to set the circuit type for the interface. If level-1 or level-2-only is specified in this attribute, ISIS sends only the specified level of PDUs. On the point-to-point interface, there is only one type of Hello packet, so in this case ISIS Hello will be sent regardless of circuit-type. If istype is configured as level-1 or level-2 only, routing for this instance is performed for only the specified level. In this manner, only the particular level of PDU is sent on the interface.
Attribute Name: circuit-type
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2-only|level-1-2)
Default Value: level-1-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<circuit-type>level-1-2</circuit-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis circuit-type (level-1|level-2-only|level-1-2)
Configure ipv4 instance tag
Use this attribute to enable ISIS IPv4 routing on the interface. This attribute is mandatory to ISIS configuration. Match the ISIS instance tag to one of existing instance.s tags, or a new instance with the tag name should be initiated, otherwise routing will not run on this interface. Configuring this attribute, the router sends ISIS Hello with IP address TLV on this interface, and IP reachability information TLV in the LSP will be updated.
Attribute Name: ipv4-instance-tag
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<ipv4-instance-tag>WORD</ipv4-instance-tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip router isis WORD
Configure ipv6 instance tag
Use this attribute to enable ISIS IPv6 routing on the interface. This attribute is mandatory to IPv6 ISIS configuration. Match the ISIS instance tag to one of existing instance.s tags, or a new instance with the tag name should be initiated, otherwise routing will not run on this interface.Configuring this attribute, the router sends ISIS Hello with IPv6 address TLV on this interface, and IPv6 reachability information TLV in the LSP will be updated.
Attribute Name: ipv6-instance-tag
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<ipv6-instance-tag>WORD</ipv6-instance-tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 router isis WORD
Configure lsp interval
Use this attribute to set the Link State Packet (LSP) transmission interval. Configuring this attribute changes the minimum interval between two consecutive LSP transmission. When flooding or some other event triggers LSP to transmit, the LSP is put on the interface queue and scheduled to transmit according to this interval. Two consecutive LSP transmissions are scheduled to have at least this interval.
Attribute Name: lsp-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 33
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<lsp-interval>1</lsp-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis lsp-interval <1-4294967295>
Configure retransmit interval
Interval between retransmissions of the same LSP in seconds
Attribute Name: retransmit-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<retransmit-interval>1</retransmit-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis retransmit-interval <1-65535>
Configure mesh group id
Use this attribute to specify to block LSPs on the current interface. If an interface is configured as mesh group blocked,. the standard LSP database synchronization process is applied if the interface receives CSNP or PSNP.
Attribute Name: mesh-group-id
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<mesh-group-id>blocked</mesh-group-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis mesh-group (blocked|<1-4294967295>)
Configure delay normalize interval
The value of the normalization interval for measured delay
Attribute Name: delay-normalize-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<delay-normalize-interval>1</delay-normalize-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
normalize delay isis <1-2147483>
Configure delay normalize offset
The value of the normalization interval for measured delay
Attribute Name: delay-normalize-offset
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<delay-normalize-offset>1</delay-normalize-offset> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
normalize delay isis <1-2147483>
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable the BFD check on interface.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis bfd
Configure disable
Use this attribute to disable the BFD check on interface.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled
Attribute Name: disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis bfd disable
Configure disable level 1
Use this attribute to disable frr on an interface for level-1.
Attribute Name: disable-level-1
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</disable-level-1><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis fast-reroute per-prefix candidate disable level-1
Configure disable level 2
Use this attribute to disable frr on an interface for level-2.
Attribute Name: disable-level-2
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
</disable-level-2><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis fast-reroute per-prefix candidate disable level-2
Configure hello interval
Use this attribute to set the Hello interval in seconds. The Hello-interval is set with the hello-multiplier. Configuring this attribute changes the time interval between two consecutive Hello transmissions. If a device receives its own LSP with a maximum sequence number, then it suspends ISIS for the hold interval. DIS sends Hello transmissions at three times the rate than non-DIS. If ISIS is elected as DIS on this interface, ISIS sends Hello every 3.3 seconds. If minimal keyword is specified, Holding timer in Hello PDU is set to 1 second and Hello interval is calculated by dividing by the hello-multiplier.
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis hello-interval <1-65535> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure hello multiplier
Use this attribute to set multiplier for Hello holding time. Changes Holding Timer in Hello PDU. Holding timer is calculated by .Hello-Interval. multiplied by this value. If minimal keyword is specified with the Hello-Interval, the holding timer is set to 1 second and the hello-interval is calculated by dividing 1 by this value.
Attribute Name: hello-multiplier
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 3
Attribute Range: 2-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<hello-multiplier>2</hello-multiplier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis hello-multiplier <2-100> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure csnp interval
Use this attribute to set CSNP (Complete sequence number PDU) interval in seconds.Configuring this attribute changes the interval between two consecutive CSNP transmission. By default, CSNP is sent every 10 seconds only by LAN DIS. This parameter is only valid on broadcast interface, since periodic CSNP is only sent on broadcast interface, while CSNP on Point-to-Point interface is sent only when adjacency is initiated.
Attribute Name: csnp-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<csnp-interval>1</csnp-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis csnp-interval <1-65535> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure priority
Use this attribute to set the priority for LAN DIS election. This attribute changes the priority value in LAN ISIS Hello PDUs. A lower priority value is less preferred in DIS election, and a higher priority value is more preferred
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 64
Attribute Range: 0-127
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<priority>0</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis priority <0-127> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure metric
Use this attribute to set default metric for the interface. The interface default metric is put into IP reachability information TLVs, IS reachability information TLVs and IPv6 reachability TLVs in LSPs. The value is used for SPF calculation, and is applied when the metric-style is configured as .narrow.
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<metric>1</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis metric <1-63> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure password
Use this attribute to set the authentication password of Hello PDU on the interface.
Attribute Name: password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<password>WORD</password> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis password WORD (level-1|level-2|)
Configure tag
Use this attribute to sets the tag for link-state packets (LSPs) sent out advertising routes for networks directly connected to an interface. If you do not specify a parameter, then the tag value is set for level-1-2 boundary
Attribute Name: tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<tag>1</tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis tag <1-4294967295> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure wide metric
Use this attribute to set wide metric for the interface. Interface wide-metric is put into Extended IP reachability TLVs, Extended IS reachability TLVs and IPv6 reachability TLVs in LSPs. The value is used for SPF calculation. This value is applied when metric-style is configured as ’wide’.
Attribute Name: wide-metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-16777214
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<wide-metric>1</wide-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis wide-metric <1-16777214> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure te metric
Use this attribute to set te metric for the interface. Interface te-metric is put into Extended IS reachability TLVs and IPv6 reachability TLVs in LSPs. The value is used for CSPF calculation
Attribute Name: te-metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777214
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<te-metric>1</te-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis te-metric <1-16777214> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure restart hello interval
Use this attribute to configure the T1 timer, interval of ISIS Hello packet with restart TLV.
Attribute Name: restart-hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 3
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<restart-hello-interval>1</restart-hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis restart-hello-interval <1-65535> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure te metric flex algo ipv4
Interface IPv4 te-metric for usage in IGP Flexible Algorithm specific CSPF path calculation purposes. This metric is put into Extended IS reachability TLVs and IPv4 reachability TLVs in LSPs.
Attribute Name: te-metric-flex-algo-ipv4
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777214
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<te-metric-flex-algo-ipv4>1</te-metric-flex-algo-ipv4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis te-metric flex-algo ipv4 <1-16777214> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure te metric flex algo ipv6
Interface IPv6 te-metric for usage in IGP Flexible Algorithm specific CSPF path calculation purposes. This metric is put into Extended IS reachability TLVs and IPv6 reachability TLVs in LSPs.
Attribute Name: te-metric-flex-algo-ipv6
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777214
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<te-metric-flex-algo-ipv6>1</te-metric-flex-algo-ipv6> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis te-metric flex-algo ipv6 <1-16777214> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure bandwidth metric ipv4
Interface IPv4 bandwidth-metric for usage in IGP CSPF path calculation purposes. This metric is put into Extended IS reachability TLVs and IPv4 reachability TLVs in LSPs.
Attribute Name: bandwidth-metric-ipv4
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777214
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<bandwidth-metric-ipv4>1</bandwidth-metric-ipv4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis bandwidth-metric ipv4 <1-16777214> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure bandwidth metric ipv6
Interface IPv6 bandwidth-metric for usage in CSPF path calculation purposes. This metric is put into Extended IS reachability TLVs and IPv6 reachability TLVs in LSPs.
Attribute Name: bandwidth-metric-ipv6
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777214
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<bandwidth-metric-ipv6>1</bandwidth-metric-ipv6> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis bandwidth-metric ipv6 <1-16777214> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure bandwidth metric flex algo ipv4
Interface IPv4 bandwidth-metric for usage in IGP Flexible Algorithm specific CSPF path calculation purposes. This metric is put into Extended IS reachability TLVs and IPv4 reachability TLVs in LSPs.
Attribute Name: bandwidth-metric-flex-algo-ipv4
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777214
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<bandwidth-metric-flex-algo-ipv4>1</bandwidth-metric-flex-algo-ipv4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis bandwidth-metric flex-algo ipv4 <1-16777214> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure bandwidth metric flex algo ipv6
Interface IPv6 bandwidth-metric for usage in IGP Flexible Algorithm specific CSPF path calculation purposes. This metric is put into Extended IS reachability TLVs and IPv6 reachability TLVs in LSPs.
Attribute Name: bandwidth-metric-flex-algo-ipv6
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777214
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<bandwidth-metric-flex-algo-ipv6>1</bandwidth-metric-flex-algo-ipv6> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis bandwidth-metric flex-algo ipv6 <1-16777214> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure te minimum delay
Interface minimum delay value in microseconds.
Attribute Name: te-minimum-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<te-minimum-delay>1</te-minimum-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis te-minimum-delay <1-65535> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure te maximum delay
Interface maximum delay value in microseconds.
Attribute Name: te-maximum-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<te-maximum-delay>1</te-maximum-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis te-maximum-delay <1-65535> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure te minimum delay flex algo
Interface minimum delay value for IGP Flexible Algorithm in microseconds.
Attribute Name: te-minimum-delay-flex-algo
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<te-minimum-delay-flex-algo>1</te-minimum-delay-flex-algo> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis te-minimum-delay flex-algo <1-65535> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure te maximum delay flex algo
Interface maximum delay value for IGP Flexible Algorithm in microseconds.
Attribute Name: te-maximum-delay-flex-algo
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<te-maximum-delay-flex-algo>1</te-maximum-delay-flex-algo> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis te-maximum-delay flex-algo <1-65535> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure extended admin group flex algo
Use this attribute to assign one or more, extended administrative groups (EAG) for normal delay in the interface for Flexible-Algorithm purposes
Attribute Name: extended-admin-group-flex-algo
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<extended-admin-group-flex-algo>NAME</extended-admin-group-flex-algo> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis extended-admin-group flex-algo NAME (level-1|level-2|)
Configure extended admin group flex algo anomaly
Use this attribute to assign one or more, extended administrative groups (EAG) for anomalous delay in the interface for Flexible-Algorithm purposes
Attribute Name: extended-admin-group-flex-algo-anomaly
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<extended-admin-group-flex-algo-anomaly>NAME</extended-admin-group-flex-algo-anomaly> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis extended-admin-group flex-algo anomaly NAME (level-1|level-2|)
Configure admin group flex algo
Use this attribute to assign one or more, administrative groups (AG) to the interface for Flexible-Algorithm purposes
Attribute Name: admin-group-flex-algo
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<admin-group-flex-algo>NAME</admin-group-flex-algo> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis admin-group flex-algo NAME (level-1|level-2|)
Configure admin group flex algo anomaly
Use this attribute to assign one or more, administrative groups (AG) for anomalous delay in the interface for Flexible-Algorithm purposes
Attribute Name: admin-group-flex-algo-anomaly
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<admin-group-flex-algo-anomaly>NAME</admin-group-flex-algo-anomaly> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis admin-group flex-algo anomaly NAME (level-1|level-2|)
Configure shared risk link group flex algo
Use this attribute to add the link to a flexible-algorithm application specific srlg group
Attribute Name: shared-risk-link-group-flex-algo
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<shared-risk-link-group-flex-algo>0</shared-risk-link-group-flex-algo> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis srlg flex-algo <0-4294967295> (level-1|level-2|)
Configure mode
Use this attribute to set the MD5 authentication mode.
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (md5|text)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
isis authentication mode (md5|text) (level-1|level-2|)
Configure key chain
Use this attribute to set the key chain to be used for authentication on the interface-related packets.Authentication mode must be set to md5/text to configure the key chain.Only one authentication key-chain is applied to an ISIS interface at a time. Authentication can be specified for an entire instance of ISIS, instead of at the interface level, by setting the authentication key-chain attribute at global level.
Attribute Name: key-chain
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
<key-chain>WORD</key-chain> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
isis authentication key-chain WORD (level-1|level-2|)
Configure hold timer
It is the max time period for which IGP should advertise the max metric for the interface in case of LDP session down on that interface.
Attribute Name: hold-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls ldp-igp sync isis (level-1|level-2|level-1-2) (holddown-timer <1-2147483>|)
Configure level
It is the max time period for which IGP should advertise the max metric for the interface in case of LDP session down on that interface.
Attribute Name: hold-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Netconf edit-config payload
<isis xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls ldp-igp sync isis (level-1|level-2|level-1-2) (holddown-timer <1-2147483>|)
clear isis interface counter (IFNAME|)
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-isis-interface_isis-clear-interface-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear isis interface counter (IFNAME|)
Configure name
key-chain name
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<key-chains xmlns="">
<key-chain> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
key chain WORD
Configure key id
Use this attribute to manageCOMMA add or delete authentication keys in a key-chain
Attribute Name: key-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<key-chains xmlns="">
<key-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
key-id <0-2147483647>
Configure key string
Use this attribute to define a password to be used by a key
Attribute Name: key-string
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-80
Netconf edit-config payload
<key-chains xmlns="">
<key-string>WORD</key-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
key-string WORD
Configure encrypted
Use this attribute to pass the key string in hexadecimal string format
Attribute Name: encrypted
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 18-162
Netconf edit-config payload
<key-chains xmlns="">
<encrypted>WORD</encrypted> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
key-string encrypted WORD
Configure start date time for accept
Configure the start date-time of the key for accept-lifetime
Attribute Name: start-date-time-for-accept
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: end-date-time-for-accept
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: infinite-for-accept
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: duration-for-accept
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483646
Netconf edit-config payload
<key-chains xmlns="">
Command Syntax
accept-lifetime HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035> HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035> infinite duration <1-2147483646>
Configure start date time for send
Configure the start date-time of the key for send-lifetime
Attribute Name: start-date-time-for-send
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: end-date-time-for-send
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: infinite-for-send
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: duration-for-send
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483646
Netconf edit-config payload
<key-chains xmlns="">
Command Syntax
send-lifetime HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035> HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035> infinite duration <1-2147483646>
Configure bfd
Use this attribute to debug the PIM BFD feature.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD)
Attribute Name: bfd
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</bfd><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug pim bfd
Configure router id
Use this attribute to configure PIM router-ID to uniquely identify the router.By default, PIM registers for the NSM router-id service. This attribute will override the router-id received from NSM.
Attribute Name: router-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<router-id>A.B.C.D</router-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) router-id A.B.C.D
Configure join prune interval
Use this attribute to set a PIM join/prune timer.
Attribute Name: join-prune-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<join-prune-interval>1</join-prune-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) jp-timer <1-65535>
Configure ecmp bundle
Use this attribute to create an ECMP bundle.
Attribute Name: ecmp-bundle
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-50
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<ecmp-bundle>WORD</ecmp-bundle> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) ecmp-bundle WORD
Configure enable bfd all interfaces
Use this attribute to enable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) on all interfaces.
Attribute Name: enable-bfd-all-interfaces
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</enable-bfd-all-interfaces><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) bfd all-interfaces
Configure register reachability check
Use this attribute to enable the RP reachability check for PIM Registers at the designated router (DR).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: register-reachability-check
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Default Value: enable
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<register-reachability-check>enable</register-reachability-check> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) register-rp-reachability (disable|enable)
Configure rate limit
Use this attribute to configure the rate of register packets sent by this designated router (DR).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: rate-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<rate-limit>1</rate-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) register-rate-limit <1-65535>
Configure suppress interval
Use this attribute to configure the register suppression time.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: suppress-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 11-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<suppress-interval>11</suppress-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) register-suppression <11-65535>
Configure keep alive interval
Use this attribute to configure a Keep alive Timer (KAT) value for (S,G) states at RP to monitor PIM register packets.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: keep-alive-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 185
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<keep-alive-interval>1</keep-alive-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) rp-register-kat <1-65535>
Configure source address
Use this attribute to configure the source address of register packets sent by this designated router (DR).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) register-source (A.B.C.D|IFNAME)
Configure accept register
Use this attribute to configure the ACL of register packets accepted by this designated router (DR).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: accept-register
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<accept-register>WORD</accept-register> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) accept-register list WORD
Configure ignore rp set priority
Use this attribute to ignore the RP-SET priority value, and use only the hashing mechanism for RP selection. This is used to inter-operate with older Cisco IOS versions.
Attribute Name: ignore-rp-set-priority
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</ignore-rp-set-priority><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) ignore-rp-set-priority
Configure cisco bsr interop enable
Use this attribute to turn on or turn the Candidate-RP debugging timerworking with Cisco BSR.
Attribute Name: cisco-bsr-interop-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</cisco-bsr-interop-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) crp-cisco-prefix
Configure access control list
Use this attribute to configure the option to calculate the register checksum over the whole packet on multicast groups specified by the access control list.
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: cisco-register-checksum-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</cisco-register-checksum-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
<access-control-list>WORD</access-control-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) cisco-register-checksum group-list WORD
Configure cisco register checksum enable
Use this attribute to configure the option to calculate the register checksum over the whole packet. This is used to inter-operate with older Cisco IOS versions.
Attribute Name: cisco-register-checksum-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) cisco-register-checksum
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to to enable the ability of the last-hop PIM router to switch to SPT for multicast group addresses indicated by the given standard access control list.
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
<access-control-list>WORD</access-control-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) spt-threshold group-list WORD
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable the ability of the last-hop PIM router to switch to SPT.
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) spt-threshold
Configure range policy
Use this attribute to set Source Specific Multicast (SSM) and define the range of multicast IP addresses. Ranges can be either the default, which defines the SSM range as 232/8, or indicated by the given standard access control list.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Source Specific Multicast (SSM)
Attribute Name: range-policy
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) ssm (range WORD|default)
Configure member rp address
Destination IP address where register messages are copied and sent. A Member RP is an individual RP member in the anycast RP set.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: member-rp-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<anycast-rp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) anycast-rp A.B.C.D A.B.C.D
Configure rp address
Use this attribute to statically configure Rendezvous Point (RP) address for multicast groups.
Attribute Name: rp-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<static-rp-default> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) rp-address A.B.C.D
Configure override dynamically learned rp
Use this attribute do configure the flag to overrides dynamically learned RP mappings.
Attribute Name: override-dynamically-learned-rp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<access-control-list>WORD</access-control-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</override-dynamically-learned-rp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) rp-address A.B.C.D WORD override
Configure interface name
Use this attribute to configure the interface for the candidate BSR router.
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<interface-name>IFNAME</interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) bsr-candidate IFNAME
Configure hash mask length
Use this attribute to configure the mask length used to calculate the group address for RP.
Attribute Name: hash-mask-length
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-32
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<interface-name>IFNAME</interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<hash-mask-length>0</hash-mask-length> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) bsr-candidate IFNAME <0-32>
Configure priority
Use this attribute to configure the priority value for candidate BSR router.
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Attribute Name: hash-mask-length
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<interface-name>IFNAME</interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<hash-mask-length>0</hash-mask-length> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<priority>0</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) bsr-candidate IFNAME <0-32> <0-255>
Configure advertisement interval
Use this attribute to configure the priority value for RP candidate.
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: advertisement-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-16383
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<access-control-list>WORD</access-control-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<advertisement-interval>1</advertisement-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<priority>0</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (vrf NAME|) rp-candidate IFNAME (group-list WORD|) (interval <1-16383>|) (priority <0-255>|)
Configure originator id
Use this attribute to allow a Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) speaker that originates a Source-Active (SA) message to use the IP address of an interface as a rendezvous point (RP) address in the SA message.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_PIM_MSDP
Attribute Name: originator-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<originator-id>IFNAME</originator-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip msdp (vrf NAME|) originator-id IFNAME
Configure group address
Use this attribute to configure an Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) remote group.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_PIM_MSDP
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: rp-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<source-active-entry> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip msdp (vrf NAME|) sa s A.B.C.D g A.B.C.D r A.B.C.D
Configure address
Use this attribute to configure an Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) peer relationship.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_PIM_MSDP
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<peer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip msdp (vrf NAME|) peer A.B.C.D
Configure mesh group
Use this attribute to configure an Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) peer relationship.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_PIM_MSDP
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: mesh-group
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<mesh-group>WORD</mesh-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip msdp (vrf NAME|) mesh-group WORD A.B.C.D
Configure default peer
Use this attribute to configure an Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) peer relationship.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_PIM_MSDP
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: default-peer
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</default-peer><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip msdp (vrf NAME|) default-peer A.B.C.D
Configure prefix list
Use this attribute to set a Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) peer from which to accept Source-Active (SA) messages.You can have multiple active default peers: 1. When you enter multiple ip msdp default-peer commands with a prefix-list keyword, all the default peers are used at the same time for different RP prefixes. This form is typically used in a service provider cloud that connects stub site clouds. 2. When you enter multiple ip msdp default-peer commands without a prefix-list keyword, a single active peer accepts all SA messages. If that peer fails, the next configured default peer accepts all SA messages. This form is typically used at a stub site.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_PIM_MSDP
Attribute Name: prefix-list
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: default-peer
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</default-peer><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip msdp (vrf NAME|) default-peer A.B.C.D prefix-list (WORD|<1-99>)
Configure password
Use this command to set an password key used for authenticating a Multicast Source Discovery Protocol (MSDP) peer. By default, no password is enabled.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_PIM_MSDP
Attribute Name: password
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-218
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<password>WORD</password> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip msdp (vrf NAME|) password WORD peer A.B.C.D
Configure options
Use this attribute to debug the PIM IPv4 feature.
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace|msdp)
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<options>all</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip pim (vrf NAME|) (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace|msdp)
Configure passive enable
PIM IPv4 passive mode.
Attribute Name: passive-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: pim-mode
Attribute Type: enum (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<pim-mode>dense-mode</pim-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</passive-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode) passive
Configure pim mode
PIM IPv4 mode to use when delivering multicast traffic via this interface.
Attribute Name: pim-mode
Attribute Type: enum (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<pim-mode>dense-mode</pim-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Configure bsr border
When set to true the device will not send bootstrap router messages over this interface. By default these are transmitted over all PIM IPv4 sparse mode (PIM-SM) enabled interfaces.
Attribute Name: bsr-border
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</bsr-border><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim bsr-border
Configure dr priority
The designated router priority of this interface. Larger always preferred.
Attribute Name: dr-priority
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967294
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<dr-priority>0</dr-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim dr-priority <0-4294967294>
Configure hello interval
Use this attribute to configure a hello interval value other than the default. When a hello-interval is configured and hello-holdtime is not configured, or when the hello-holdtime value configured is less than the new hello-interval value, the holdtime value is modified to (3.5 * hello_interval). Otherwise, the hello-holdtime value is the configured value.
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 1-18724
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim hello-interval <1-18724>
Configure hello holdtime
Use this attribute to configure a hello message holdtime other than the default.
Attribute Name: hello-holdtime
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 105
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<hello-holdtime>1</hello-holdtime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim hello-holdtime <1-65535>
Configure exclude generated id
Exclude Gen-id option from PIM IPv4 Hello packets on this interface.
Attribute Name: exclude-generated-id
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</exclude-generated-id><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim exclude-genid
Configure unicast bootstrap router
Use this attribute to enable support for sending and receiving unicast Bootstrap Messages (BSM) on an interface.
Attribute Name: unicast-bootstrap-router
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</unicast-bootstrap-router><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim unicast-bsm
Configure neighbor access control list filter
Use this attribute to enable filtering of neighbors on the interface. When configuring a neighbor filter, PIM IPv4 either not establishes adjacency with neighbor or terminates adjacency with existing neighbors, when denied by filtering access list.
Attribute Name: neighbor-access-control-list-filter
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<neighbor-access-control-list-filter>WORD</neighbor-access-control-list-filter> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim neighbor-filter WORD
Configure state refresh origination interval
Use this attribute to configure a PIM-DM State-Refresh origination interval other than the default value. The origination interval is the number of seconds between PIM-DM State Refresh control messages.
Attribute Name: state-refresh-origination-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<state-refresh-origination-interval>1</state-refresh-origination-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim state-refresh origination-interval <1-100>
Configure name
Use this attribute to configure an ECMP bundle.
Attribute Name: ecmp-bundle
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-50
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<ecmp-bundle>WORD</ecmp-bundle> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim bind ecmp-bundle WORD
Configure propagation delay
Propagation-delay value.
Attribute Name: propagation-delay
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1000
Attribute Range: 0-32767
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<propagation-delay>0</propagation-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim propagation-delay <0-32767>
Configure enable bfd
Use this attribute to configure Bidirectional Forwarding Detection.
Attribute Name: enable-bfd
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<enable-bfd>enable</enable-bfd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip pim bfd (disable|)
Configure virtual router id
Use this attribute to set the designated router’s priority value.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_PIM_SM_VRRP_AWARE
Attribute Name: dr-priority
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967294
Attribute Name: virtual-router-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip pim redundancy <1-255> vrrp dr-priority <0-4294967294>
snmp restart pim
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv4_pim-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart pim
clear ip pim (vrf NAME|) (sparse-mode) bsr rp-set *
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: pim-mode
Attribute Type: enum (sparse-mode)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv4_pim-ipv4-clear-bsr-rendezvous-point xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip pim (vrf NAME|) (sparse-mode) bsr rp-set *
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) * pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: pim-mode
Attribute Type: enum (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv4_pim-ipv4-clear-multicast-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) * pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) A.B.C.D pim sparse-mode
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv4_pim-ipv4-clear-multicast-route-source-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) A.B.C.D pim sparse-mode
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) A.B.C.D A.B.C.D pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: pim-mode
Attribute Type: enum (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv4_pim-ipv4-clear-multicast-route-source-group-mode xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) A.B.C.D A.B.C.D pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
clear ip msdp (vrf NAME|) peer (A.B.C.D|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv4_pim-ipv4-clear-msdp-peer xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip msdp (vrf NAME|) peer (A.B.C.D|)
clear ip msdp (vrf NAME|) sa-cache (A.B.C.D|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv4_pim-ipv4-clear-msdp-sa-cache xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip msdp (vrf NAME|) sa-cache (A.B.C.D|)
debug ip pim (vrf NAME|) (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace|msdp)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace|msdp)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv4-debug_pim-ipv4-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ip pim (vrf NAME|) (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace|msdp)
no debug ip pim (vrf NAME|) (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace|msdp)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace|msdp)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv4-debug_pim-ipv4-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ip pim (vrf NAME|) (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace|msdp)
debug ip pim (vrf NAME|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv4-debug_pim-ipv4-terminal-debug-all-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ip pim (vrf NAME|)
no debug ip pim (vrf NAME|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv4-debug_pim-ipv4-terminal-debug-all-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ip pim (vrf NAME|)
Configure router id
Use this attribute to configure PIM router-ID to uniquely identify the router.By default, PIM registers for the NSM router-id service. This attribute will override the router-id received from NSM.
Attribute Name: router-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<router-id>A.B.C.D</router-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) router-id A.B.C.D
Configure join prune interval
Use this attribute to set a PIM join/prune timer.
Attribute Name: join-prune-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<join-prune-interval>1</join-prune-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) jp-timer <1-65535>
Configure ecmp bundle
Use this attribute to create an ECMP bundle.
Attribute Name: ecmp-bundle
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-50
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<ecmp-bundle>WORD</ecmp-bundle> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) ecmp-bundle WORD
Configure enable bfd all interfaces
Use this attribute to enable Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) on all interfaces.
Attribute Name: enable-bfd-all-interfaces
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</enable-bfd-all-interfaces><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) bfd all-interfaces
Configure register reachability check
Use this attribute to enable the RP reachability check for PIM Registers at the designated router (DR).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: register-reachability-check
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Default Value: enable
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<register-reachability-check>enable</register-reachability-check> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) register-rp-reachability (disable|enable)
Configure rate limit
Use this attribute to configure the rate of register packets sent by this designated router (DR).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: rate-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<rate-limit>1</rate-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) register-rate-limit <1-65535>
Configure suppress interval
Use this attribute to configure the register suppression time.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: suppress-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 11-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<suppress-interval>11</suppress-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) register-suppression <11-65535>
Configure keep alive interval
Use this attribute to configure a Keep alive Timer (KAT) value for (S,G) states at RP to monitor PIM register packets.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: keep-alive-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 185
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<keep-alive-interval>1</keep-alive-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) rp-register-kat <1-65535>
Configure source address
Use this attribute to configure the source address of register packets sent by this designated router (DR).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) register-source (X:X::X:X|IFNAME)
Configure accept register
Use this attribute to configure the ACL of register packets accepted by this designated router (DR).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: accept-register
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<accept-register>WORD</accept-register> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) accept-register list WORD
Configure ignore rp set priority
Use this attribute to ignore the RP-SET priority value, and use only the hashing mechanism for RP selection. This is used to inter-operate with older Cisco IOS versions.
Attribute Name: ignore-rp-set-priority
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</ignore-rp-set-priority><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) ignore-rp-set-priority
Configure cisco bsr interop enable
Use this attribute to turn on or turn the Candidate-RP debugging timerworking with Cisco BSR.
Attribute Name: cisco-bsr-interop-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</cisco-bsr-interop-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) crp-cisco-prefix
Configure access control list
Use this attribute to configure the option to calculate the register checksum over the whole packet on multicast groups specified by the access control list.
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: cisco-register-checksum-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</cisco-register-checksum-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
<access-control-list>WORD</access-control-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) cisco-register-checksum group-list WORD
Configure cisco register checksum enable
Use this attribute to configure the option to calculate the register checksum over the whole packet. This is used to inter-operate with older Cisco IOS versions.
Attribute Name: cisco-register-checksum-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) cisco-register-checksum
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to to enable the ability of the last-hop PIM router to switch to SPT for multicast group addresses indicated by the given standard access control list.
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
<access-control-list>WORD</access-control-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) spt-threshold group-list WORD
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable the ability of the last-hop PIM router to switch to SPT.
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) spt-threshold
Configure range policy
Use this attribute to set Source Specific Multicast (SSM) and define the range of multicast IP addresses. Ranges can be either the default, which defines the SSM range as FF3x::/96, or indicated by the given standard access control list.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Source Specific Multicast (SSM)
Attribute Name: range-policy
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) ssm (range WORD|default)
Configure member rp address
Destination IPv6 address where register messages are copied and sent. A Member RP is an individual RP member in the anycast RP set.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PIM Sparse Mode (SM)
Attribute Name: member-rp-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<anycast-rp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) anycast-rp X:X::X:X X:X::X:X
Configure embed rp
Use this attribute to embed the PIM Rendezvous Point
Attribute Name: embed-rp
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Default Value: enable
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<embed-rp>enable</embed-rp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) rp embedded (disable|enable)
Configure rp address
Use this attribute to statically configure Rendezvous Point (RP) address for multicast groups.
Attribute Name: rp-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<static-rp-default> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) rp-address X:X::X:X
Configure override dynamically learned rp
Use this attribute do configure the flag to overrides dynamically learned RP mappings.
Attribute Name: override-dynamically-learned-rp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<access-control-list>WORD</access-control-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</override-dynamically-learned-rp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) rp-address X:X::X:X WORD override
Configure interface name
Use this attribute to configure the interface for the candidate BSR router.
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<interface-name>IFNAME</interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) bsr-candidate IFNAME
Configure hash mask length
Use this attribute to configure the mask length used to calculate the group address for RP.
Attribute Name: hash-mask-length
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-32
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<interface-name>IFNAME</interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<hash-mask-length>0</hash-mask-length> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) bsr-candidate IFNAME <0-32>
Configure priority
Use this attribute to configure the priority value for candidate BSR router.
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Attribute Name: hash-mask-length
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<interface-name>IFNAME</interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<hash-mask-length>0</hash-mask-length> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<priority>0</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) bsr-candidate IFNAME <0-32> <0-255>
Configure advertisement interval
Use this attribute to configure the priority value for RP candidate.
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-255
Attribute Name: access-control-list
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: advertisement-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-16383
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<access-control-list>WORD</access-control-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<advertisement-interval>1</advertisement-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<priority>0</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) rp-candidate IFNAME (group-list WORD|) (interval <1-16383>|) (priority <0-255>|)
Configure options
Use this attribute to debug the PIM IPv6 feature.
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace)
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<options>all</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace)
Configure passive enable
PIM IPv6 passive mode.
Attribute Name: passive-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: pim-mode
Attribute Type: enum (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<pim-mode>dense-mode</pim-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</passive-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode) passive
Configure pim mode
PIM IPv6 mode to use when delivering multicast traffic via this interface.
Attribute Name: pim-mode
Attribute Type: enum (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<pim-mode>dense-mode</pim-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Configure bsr border
When set to true the device will not send bootstrap router messages over this interface. By default these are transmitted over all PIM IPv6 sparse mode (PIM-SM) enabled interfaces.
Attribute Name: bsr-border
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</bsr-border><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim bsr-border
Configure dr priority
The designated router priority of this interface. Larger always preferred.
Attribute Name: dr-priority
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967294
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<dr-priority>0</dr-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim dr-priority <0-4294967294>
Configure hello interval
Use this attribute to configure a hello interval value other than the default. When a hello-interval is configured and hello-holdtime is not configured, or when the hello-holdtime value configured is less than the new hello-interval value, the holdtime value is modified to (3.5 * hello_interval). Otherwise, the hello-holdtime value is the configured value.
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 1-18724
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim hello-interval <1-18724>
Configure hello holdtime
Use this attribute to configure a hello message holdtime other than the default.
Attribute Name: hello-holdtime
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 105
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<hello-holdtime>1</hello-holdtime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim hello-holdtime <1-65535>
Configure exclude generated id
Exclude Gen-id option from PIM IPv6 Hello packets on this interface.
Attribute Name: exclude-generated-id
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</exclude-generated-id><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim exclude-genid
Configure unicast bootstrap router
Use this attribute to enable support for sending and receiving unicast Bootstrap Messages (BSM) on an interface.
Attribute Name: unicast-bootstrap-router
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
</unicast-bootstrap-router><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim unicast-bsm
Configure neighbor access control list filter
Use this attribute to enable filtering of neighbors on the interface. When configuring a neighbor filter, PIM IPv6 either not establishes adjacency with neighbor or terminates adjacency with existing neighbors, when denied by filtering access list.
Attribute Name: neighbor-access-control-list-filter
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<neighbor-access-control-list-filter>WORD</neighbor-access-control-list-filter> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim neighbor-filter WORD
Configure state refresh origination interval
Use this attribute to configure a PIM-DM State-Refresh origination interval other than the default value. The origination interval is the number of seconds between PIM-DM State Refresh control messages.
Attribute Name: state-refresh-origination-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<state-refresh-origination-interval>1</state-refresh-origination-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim state-refresh origination-interval <1-100>
Configure name
Use this attribute to configure an ECMP bundle.
Attribute Name: ecmp-bundle
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-50
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<ecmp-bundle>WORD</ecmp-bundle> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim bind ecmp-bundle WORD
Configure propagation delay
Propagation-delay value.
Attribute Name: propagation-delay
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1000
Attribute Range: 0-32767
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<propagation-delay>0</propagation-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim propagation-delay <0-32767>
Configure enable bfd
Use this attribute to configure Bidirectional Forwarding Detection.
Attribute Name: enable-bfd
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<pim xmlns="">
<enable-bfd>enable</enable-bfd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 pim bfd (disable|)
clear ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) (sparse-mode) bsr rp-set *
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: pim-mode
Attribute Type: enum (sparse-mode)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv6_pim-ipv6-clear-bsr-rendezvous-point xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) (sparse-mode) bsr rp-set *
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) * pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: pim-mode
Attribute Type: enum (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv6_pim-ipv6-clear-multicast-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) * pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) X:X::X:X pim sparse-mode
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv6_pim-ipv6-clear-multicast-route-source-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) X:X::X:X pim sparse-mode
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) X:X::X:X X:X::X:X pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Attribute Name: pim-mode
Attribute Type: enum (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv6_pim-ipv6-clear-multicast-route-source-group-mode xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) X:X::X:X X:X::X:X pim (dense-mode|sparse-mode)
debug pim bfd
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-debug_pim-terminal-debug-bfd-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug pim bfd
no debug pim bfd
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-debug_pim-terminal-debug-bfd-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug pim bfd
debug ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv6-debug_pim-ipv6-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace)
no debug ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv6-debug_pim-ipv6-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|) (all|events|packet|packet in|packet out|state|mfc|timer|timer hello|timer bsr|timer joinprune|timer hello ht|timer hello nlt|timer hello tht|timer joinprune jt|timer joinprune et|timer joinprune ppt|timer joinprune kat|timer joinprune ot|timer assert|timer register|timer bsr bst|timer bsr crp|mib|nsm|nexthop|mtrace)
debug ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv6-debug_pim-ipv6-terminal-debug-all-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|)
no debug ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pim-ipv6-debug_pim-ipv6-terminal-debug-all-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 pim (vrf NAME|)
Configure mac address
Use this attribute to set the mac address with arp-nd refresh-timer
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: arp-nd-refresh-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 3-190
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<arp-nd-refresh-timer>3</arp-nd-refresh-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan arp-nd refresh-timer <3-190> mac (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX)
Configure enable vxlan
Use this attribute to enable VxLAN module. Without this attribute vxlan functionality can not be achieved
Attribute Name: enable-vxlan
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan enable
Configure vtep ipv4
Use this attribute to set source vtep global ip address. This will be treated at vxlan tunnel source address
Attribute Name: vtep-ipv4
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<vtep-ipv4>A.B.C.D</vtep-ipv4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan vtep-ip-global A.B.C.D
Configure mac ageing timer
Use this attribute to set the time till a learned mac address will persist after last update
Attribute Name: mac-ageing-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 300
Attribute Range: 10-572
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<mac-ageing-timer>10</mac-ageing-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan mac-ageing-time <10-572>
Configure arp nd refresh timer
Use this attribute to configure aging out the arp-cache and nd-cache entries for given time multiplied by 3 in secs.
Attribute Name: arp-nd-refresh-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 3-190
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<arp-nd-refresh-timer>3</arp-nd-refresh-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan arp-nd refresh-timer <3-190>
Configure traffic direction
Use this attribute to set global direction(ingress/egress) for VxLAN. Ingreess means traffic coming to network side and egress means traffic going out from network side
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QOS feature
Attribute Name: traffic-direction
Attribute Type: enum (ingress|egress)
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<qos-tunnel-mapping> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan tunnel qos-map-mode (cos-dscp) (ingress|egress) NAME
Configure tenant type
Use this attribute to create tenant with multicast tunnel
Attribute Name: tenant-type
Attribute Type: enum (default|multicast|ingress-replication|ingress-replication inner-vid-disabled)
Attribute Name: etree-leaf
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan id <1-16777215> ((default|multicast|ingress-replication|ingress-replication inner-vid-disabled)|) (etree-leaf|)
Configure xconnect identifier
Use this attribute to create Xconnect tenant
Attribute Name: xconnect-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: tenant-xconnect-type
Attribute Type: enum (default|inner-vid-disabled)
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan id <1-16777215> xconnect target-vxlan-id <1-16777215> ((default|inner-vid-disabled)|)
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to map VRF to carry EVPN routes. This defines BGP as the mechanism for host reachability advertisement.
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<vrf-name>NAME</vrf-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vxlan host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp NAME
Configure map network
Use this attribute to map a tunnel to the tenant
Attribute Name: map-network
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<map-network>NAME</map-network> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vxlan map-network tunnel NAME
Configure mac hold timer
Use this attribute to set the time a host mac entry will persist after unconfiguring. Hold time range -1 to 300 in seconds. -1(never expire)
Attribute Name: mac-hold-timer
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: -1-300
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<mac-hold-timer>-1</mac-hold-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mac-holdtime <-1-300>
Configure tenant description
Use this attribute to set VxLAN identifier name
Attribute Name: tenant-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<tenant-description>WORD</tenant-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vni-name WORD
Configure irb name
Use this attribute to to configure default gateway behavior on a VTEP for particular VNID.
Attribute Name: irb-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<irb-name>NAME</irb-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn NAME
Configure irb advertise host route
Use this attribute to set advertise host to route
Attribute Name: irb-advertise-host-route
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
</irb-advertise-host-route><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn irb-advertise-host-route
Configure vxlan identifier
Use this attribute to know MAC address of the host.create a static route to reach a destination MAC in the VXLAN forwarding table. This command helps to supports different tenants so that they can have the same MAC/IP, but different VNIDs.This command is required for unicast tunnels to map the remote VTEP
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: remote-vtep-ipv4
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<static-tenant> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vxlan static-entry host-mac (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) remote-vtep-ip A.B.C.D
Configure untagged interface name
Use this attribute to map a physical interface to identify the tenant traffic and to enter NVO access interface mode
Attribute Name: untagged-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<untagged-access-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan access-if port IFNAME
Configure default access interface
Use this attribute to create default access interface
Attribute Name: default-access-interface
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan access-if port IFNAME default
Configure admin shutdown
Use this attribute to shutdown vxlan access interface
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: admin-shutdown
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
</admin-shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure description
Use this attribute to set description of access interface
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
description LINE
Configure dynamic learning disable
Use this attribute to disable dynamic learning of MACs at the access port. This command also disables dynamic learning of MAC/IP from ARP/ND messages received on this access port.
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: dynamic-learning-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
</dynamic-learning-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dynamic-learning disable
Configure access mac hold time
Use this attribute to set the time a host mac entry will persist after unconfiguring. The feature holds the MAC in hardware until BGP has withdrawn from the neighbors. This helps to reduce flooding to other access ports. This setting applies when the access port is shut down, the physical port on which the access port is down, or the access port is removed from the VNID using the no form of the map vnid command. When the MAC hold time is configured as -1, then the MAC is not removed from the hardware and is also not withdrawn from EVPN BGP
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: access-mac-hold-time
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: -1-300
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<access-mac-hold-time>-1</access-mac-hold-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mac-holdtime <-1-300>
Configure arp nd flood suppress
Use this attribute to restrict the flood of ARP/ND packets towards remote VTEPs or other access ports.This command applies only when the ARP cache and ND cache are enabled. When the ARP cache is disabled, ARP flooding is not suppressed even if this command is given. When the ND cache is disabled, ND flooding is not disabled, even if this command is given
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: arp-nd-flood-suppress
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
</arp-nd-flood-suppress><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
arp-nd flood-suppress
Configure garp gna enable
Use this attribute to allow garp-gna packets advertisement
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: garp-gna-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
</garp-gna-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
garp-gna enable
Configure arp cache disable
Use this attribute to disable the ARP cache for MAC/IP. When the ARP cache is disabled on a VxLAN access port, ZebOS-XP does not reply to any ARP arriving on this port from the cache. ZebOS-XP withdraws all MAC/IPs configured/learned on this access port and removes the MAC/IP entry for this access port from the local ARP cache. ZebOS-XP also makes sure that on withdrawing the MAC/IP route, the MAC does not become unknown. If all routes for this MAC are being withdrawn because of this command, then ZebOS-XP advertises a MAC-only route. This is done so that the MAC does not become unknown and only the cache functionality becomes disabled.See also nvo vxlan max-cache-disable. Use the no form of this command to enable ARP cache for MAC/IP. Note: On enabling the cache, an IP will be in conflict, then the cache enable will fail. The conflict has to be manually removed and then the cache enabled.
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: arp-cache-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
</arp-cache-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
arp-cache disable
Configure nd cache disable
Use this attribute to disable ND cache for MAC/IPv6. When the ARP cache is disabled on a VxLAN access port, ZebOS-XP does not reply to any ARP arriving on this port from the cache. ZebOS-XP withdraws all MAC/IPs configured/learned on this access port and removes the MAC/IP entry for this access port from the local ARP cache. ZebOS-XP also makes sure that on withdrawing the MAC/IP route, the MAC does not become unknown. If all routes for this MAC are being withdrawn because of this command, then ZebOS-XP advertises a MAC-only route. This is done so that the MAC does not become unknown and only the cache functionality becomes disabled. Use the no form of this command to enable ND cache for MAC/IPv6. Note: On enabling the cache, an IP will be in conflict, then the cache enable will fail. The conflict has to be manually removed and then the cache enabled.
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: nd-cache-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
</nd-cache-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nd-cache disable
Configure ipv4 address
Use this attribute to know MAC address of the host
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<host-mac-ipv4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure ipv6 address
Use this attribute to know MAC address of the host
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<host-mac-ipv6> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure profile map type
Use this attribute to map the profile type for which qos profile is already created globally to access port
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QOS feature and following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: profile-map-type
Attribute Type: enum (cos-to-queue|queue-color-to-cos)
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<access-interface-qos-type-mapping> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
map qos-profile (cos-to-queue|queue-color-to-cos) NAME
Configure vlan identifier
Use this attriute to map a VLAN on physical interface to identify the tenant traffic and to enter NVO access interface mode
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: vlan-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<tagged-access-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan access-if port-vlan IFNAME VLAN_RANGE
Configure tag protocol identifier
Use this attribute to set the Tpid for the outer vlan. Ox88A8: IEEE 802.1ad Provider Bridging and Ox9100: IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame with double tagging
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: tag-protocol-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<tag-protocol-identifier>TPID</tag-protocol-identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
encapsulation TPID
Configure interface name
Use this attribute to shutdown vxlan access interface
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: admin-shutdown
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
</admin-shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure profile name
Use this attribute to map the profile type for which qos profile is already created globally to access port
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QOS feature and following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: profile-map-type
Attribute Type: enum (cos-to-queue|queue-color-to-cos)
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<access-interface-qos-type-mapping> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
map qos-profile (cos-to-queue|queue-color-to-cos) NAME
Configure inner vlan identifier
Use this attriute to map VLAN’S on an interface to identify the tenant traffic and to enter NVO access interface mode
This command is supported when following feature are disabled DNX feature
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<double-tagged-access-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan access-if port-vlan IFNAME VLAN_RANGE inner-vlan <2-4094>
Configure evpn mac holdtime
Use this attribute to set the evpn mac hold time
Attribute Name: evpn-mac-holdtime
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-600
Netconf edit-config payload
<vxlan xmlns="">
<evpn-mac-holdtime>1</evpn-mac-holdtime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn-mac-holdtime <1-600>
clear mac address-table dynamic vxlan
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-nvo-vxlan-dynamic-mac-address-table xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic vxlan
clear mac address-table dynamic vxlan vnid <1-16777215> (address MACADDR|)
Attribute Name: vxlan-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-nvo-vxlan-dynamic-mac-address-table-vnid xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic vxlan vnid <1-16777215> (address MACADDR|)
clear nvo vxlan tunnels
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-nvo-vxlan-tunnels xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear nvo vxlan tunnels
clear nvo vxlan tunnels dst-ip A.B.C.D
Attribute Name: destination-vtep-ip
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-nvo-id-vxlan-tunnels-destip xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear nvo vxlan tunnels dst-ip A.B.C.D
clear nvo vxlan mac-stale-entries (vnid <1-16777215>|)
Attribute Name: vxlan-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-nvo-vxlan-mac-stale-entries xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear nvo vxlan mac-stale-entries (vnid <1-16777215>|)
clear nvo vxlan counters access-port port IFNAME
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-vxlan-untagged-access-port-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear nvo vxlan counters access-port port IFNAME
clear nvo vxlan counters access-port port-vlan IFNAME VLAN_RANGE
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-vxlan-single-tagged-access-port-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear nvo vxlan counters access-port port-vlan IFNAME VLAN_RANGE
clear nvo vxlan counters access-port port-vlan IFNAME outer-vlan <2-4094> inner-vlan <2-4094>
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: outer-vlan-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-vxlan-double-tagged-access-port-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear nvo vxlan counters access-port port-vlan IFNAME outer-vlan <2-4094> inner-vlan <2-4094>
clear nvo vxlan counters access-port all
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-vxlan-access-port-counters-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear nvo vxlan counters access-port all
clear nvo vxlan counters network-port dst A.B.C.D
Attribute Name: destination-vtep-ip
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-vxlan-network-port-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear nvo vxlan counters network-port dst A.B.C.D
clear nvo vxlan counters network-port all
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-vxlan-network-port-counters-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear nvo vxlan counters network-port all
Configure esi hold time
Use this attribute to set time before ESI can be made up on enabling evpn
Attribute Name: esi-hold-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 10-300
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
<esi-hold-time>10</esi-hold-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn esi hold-time <10-300>
Configure enable vxlan multihoming
Use this attribute to enable multihoming module on vxlan. Without this attribute multihomig functionality can not be achieved
Attribute Name: enable-vxlan-multihoming
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</enable-vxlan-multihoming><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn multihoming enable
Configure enable evpn mpls multihoming
Use this attribute to enable multihoming module on evpn mpls. Without this attribute multihomig functionality can not be achieved
Attribute Name: enable-evpn-mpls-multihoming
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</enable-evpn-mpls-multihoming><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn mpls multihoming enable
Configure enable evpn srv6 multihoming
Use this attribute to enable multihoming module on EVPN SRv6. Without this attribute multihomig functionality can not be achieved
Attribute Name: enable-evpn-srv6-multihoming
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</enable-evpn-srv6-multihoming><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn srv6 multihoming enable
Configure enable irb
Use this attribute to enable integrated routing and bridging module. Without this attribute IRB functionality can not be achieved
Attribute Name: enable-irb
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</enable-irb><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nvo vxlan irb
Configure enable mpls irb
Use this attribute to enable integrated routing and bridging module. Without this attribute IRB functionality can not be achieved
Attribute Name: enable-mpls-irb
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</enable-mpls-irb><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn mpls irb
Configure enable evpn etree
Use this attribute to enable evpn etree module on evpn mpls or vxlan.
Attribute Name: enable-evpn-etree
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</enable-evpn-etree><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn etree enable
Configure mac address
Use this attribute to configure common anycast mac-address for all IRB interfaces
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
<mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn irb-forwarding anycast-gateway-mac (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX)
Configure gateway mac
Use this attribute to configure anycast mac-address for an IRB interface
Attribute Name: gateway-mac
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</gateway-mac><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn irb-if-forwarding anycast-gateway-mac
Configure redundancy mode
Use this attribute to configure load balancing type
Attribute Name: redundancy-mode
Attribute Type: enum (single-active|port-active)
Attribute Name: evpn-segment-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
Command Syntax
evpn multi-homed esi XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX (load-balancing (single-active|port-active)|)
Configure name
Use this attribute to configure load balancing type
Attribute Name: redundancy-mode
Attribute Type: enum (single-active|port-active)
Attribute Name: system-mac
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
Command Syntax
evpn multi-homed system-mac (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (load-balancing (single-active|port-active)|)
Configure service carving
Use this attribute to create or delete service-carving configuration
This command is supported when following feature are enabled DUNE feature
Attribute Name: service-carving
Attribute Type: enum (preference-based|auto)
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
Command Syntax
service-carving (preference-based|auto)
Configure preference weight
Use this attribute to add preference to which should be elected as DF
This command is supported when following feature are enabled DUNE feature
Attribute Name: preference-weight
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
<preference-weight>1</preference-weight> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service-carving weight <1-65535>
Configure ac driven
Use this attribute to set AC Influenced DF capability
This command is supported when following feature are enabled DUNE feature
Attribute Name: ac-driven
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</ac-driven><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service-carving ac-driven
Configure access if
evpn-mpls access port
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Sub Interface feature,NVO feature
Attribute Name: access-if
Attribute Type: enum (access-if|access-if-evpn)
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
<access-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure dynamic learning disable
Use this attribute to disable dynamic learning of MACs and MAC/IP at the access port
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Sub Interface feature,NVO feature
Attribute Name: dynamic-learning-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</dynamic-learning-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dynamic-learning disable
Configure arp nd flood suppress
Use this attribute to restrict the flood of ARP/ND packets towards remote VTEPs or other access ports
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Sub Interface feature,NVO feature
Attribute Name: arp-nd-flood-suppress
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</arp-nd-flood-suppress><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
arp-nd flood-suppress
Configure cos
Use this attribute to set CoS for the ARP/ND proxy reply
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Sub Interface feature,NVO feature
Attribute Name: cos
Attribute Type: int16
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
<cos>0</cos> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
arp-nd cos <0-7>
Configure arp cache disable
Use this attribute to disable the ARP cache for MAC/IP
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Sub Interface feature,NVO feature
Attribute Name: arp-cache-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</arp-cache-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
arp-cache disable
Configure nd cache disable
Use this attribute to disable ND-cache on access interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Sub Interface feature,NVO feature
Attribute Name: nd-cache-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</nd-cache-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nd-cache disable
Configure mac hold time
Use this attribute to set the time a host MAC entry will persist after unconfig
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Sub Interface feature,NVO feature
Attribute Name: mac-hold-time
Attribute Type: int16
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: -1-300
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
<mac-hold-time>-1</mac-hold-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mac-holdtime <-1-300>
Configure garp gna enable
Use this attribute to allow garp-gna packets advertisement
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Sub Interface feature,NVO feature
Attribute Name: garp-gna-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</garp-gna-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
garp-gna enable
Configure llf enable
This attribute is used to enable link loss forwarding on subif
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Sub Interface feature,NVO feature
Attribute Name: llf-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
</llf-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure evpn identifier
Map already created tenant id
Attribute Name: evpn-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
<evpn-identifier>1</evpn-identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
map evpn mpls id <1-16777215>
Configure ipv4 address
Use this attribute to configure static MAC address of the host
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
<ipv4-host-mac-mapping> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure ipv6 address
Use this attribute to configure static MAC address of the host
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
<ipv6-host-mac-mapping> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure service type
Use this attribute to configure Vlan-Based EVPN-Service Type
Attribute Name: service-type
Attribute Type: enum (vlan-based|vlan-aware-bundle)
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn xmlns="">
<service-type>vlan-based</service-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn-vlan-service (vlan-based|vlan-aware-bundle)
Configure admin status
Use this attribute to enable or disable trigger failover (TFO).TFO can be enabled only if the bridge mode is STP or RSTP.
Attribute Name: admin-status
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<trigger-failover xmlns="">
<admin-status>disable</admin-status> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tfo (disable|enable)
Configure link type
Use this attribute to make a port an uplink or downlink.
Attribute Name: link-type
Attribute Type: enum (uplink|downlink)
Netconf edit-config payload
<trigger-failover xmlns="">
<link-type>uplink</link-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
link-type (uplink|downlink)
Configure fog id
Use this attribute to Create or delete a failover group (FOG) on interface.
Attribute Name: fog-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: group-type
Attribute Type: enum (mpg|cpg)
Netconf edit-config payload
<trigger-failover xmlns="">
<tfo-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fog <1-64> type (mpg|cpg)
Configure group id
Use this attribute to Create or delete a failover group (FOG).
Attribute Name: group-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: admin-status
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<trigger-failover xmlns="">
<failover-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fog <1-64> (disable|enable)
Configure failover trigger count
Use this attribute to set the number of links to trigger failover for a Monitor Port Groups (MPG).
Attribute Name: failover-trigger-count
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<trigger-failover xmlns="">
<failover-trigger-count>0</failover-trigger-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fog <1-64> tfc <0-63>
clear tfo counter
Netconf RPC payload
<tfo-clear-counters-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear tfo counter
clear tfo counter fog <1-64>
Attribute Name: group-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf RPC payload
<tfo-clear-fog-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear tfo counter fog <1-64>
Configure severity level
Use this attribute to set the severity level that a message for a specific module must reach before the messages is logged. Default value is 2-critical.
Attribute Name: severity-level
Attribute Type: enum (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
Command Syntax
logging level (auth|bgp|cmm|hostp|hsl|isis|ldp|lag|l2mrib|mstp|mrib|nsm|onm|oam|ospf|ospf6|ptp|rip|pim|rib|vrrp|sflow|rsvp|pserv|cml|ndd|ripng|vlog|all|synce|pcep|udld) ((0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)|)
Configure enable logging
Use this attribute to set severity level of logging monitor. Default value is 7-debug-details.
Attribute Name: severity-level
Attribute Type: enum (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
Default Value: 7
Attribute Name: enable-logging
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
<enable-logging>enable</enable-logging> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<severity-level>7</severity-level> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
logging monitor ((disable)|) ((0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)|)
Configure max file size
Set size of the log file in bytes. Default value is 419430400 bytes.
Attribute Name: max-file-size
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 4096-419430400
Attribute Name: file-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: severity-level
Attribute Type: enum (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
<file-name>LOGFILENAME</file-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<severity-level>6</severity-level> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<max-file-size>4096</max-file-size> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
logging logfile LOGFILENAME (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7) size <4096-419430400>
Configure file name
Use this attribute to set name of the logging file.
Attribute Name: file-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: severity-level
Attribute Type: enum (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
Command Syntax
logging logfile LOGFILENAME (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
Configure timestamp granularity
Use this attribute to set the logging timestamp granularity.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled syslog feature
Attribute Name: timestamp-granularity
Attribute Type: enum (none|microseconds|milliseconds|seconds)
Default Value: milliseconds
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
<timestamp-granularity>milliseconds</timestamp-granularity> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
logging timestamp (none|microseconds|milliseconds|seconds|)
Configure cli timestamp
Use this attribute to display execution timestamp in show output
This command is supported when following feature are enabled syslog feature
Attribute Name: cli-timestamp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
</cli-timestamp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cli timestamp
Configure disable all modules debug
Use this attribute to unset debug globally
Attribute Name: disable-all-modules-debug
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
</disable-all-modules-debug><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no debug all
no debug all
Netconf RPC payload
<terminal-debug-all-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug all
clear debug logfile
Netconf RPC payload
<logging-clear-debug-logfile xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear debug logfile
clear logging logfile
Netconf RPC payload
<logging-clear-logging-logfile xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear logging logfile
remove file (techsupport) (all|FILENAME)
Attribute Name: file_type
Attribute Type: enum (techsupport)
Attribute Name: filename
Attribute Type: union
Netconf RPC payload
<remove-file xmlns="">
Command Syntax
remove file (techsupport) (all|FILENAME)
Configure enable
This attribute enables/disables the logging host debug.
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug logging host
Configure enable rsyslog
Enable/disable the rsyslog feature
Attribute Name: enable-rsyslog
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
</enable-rsyslog><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
feature rsyslog
Configure port
Use this attribute to configure the syslog server UDP port. Default value is 514
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1024-65535
Attribute Name: severity
Attribute Type: enum (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
<severity>7</severity> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<port>1024</port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
logging remote server (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) ((0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)|) port <1024-65535> (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure severity
This atribute is used to specify the kind of messages by severity level. The default value is debug-detail. The possible values for levels are as follows: [Operator] 0-emerg; 1-alert; 2-critical; 3-error; 4-notify; 5-info [Debug] 3-error; 4-warning; 5-notif; 6-debug-info; 7-debug-detail
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: severity
Attribute Type: enum (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
Command Syntax
logging remote server (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) ((0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)|) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure disable default instance
Use this attribute to prevent default rsyslog config from being enabled at start up
Attribute Name: disable-default-instance
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
</disable-default-instance><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
logging remote disable-default
Configure remote server facility
This attribute is used to specify the facility level used by syslog messages. The default value is local7. The possible values are local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7 and user.
Attribute Name: remote-server-facility
Attribute Type: enum (local0|local1|local2|local3|local4|local5|local6|local7|user)
Default Value: local7
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
<remote-server-facility>local7</remote-server-facility> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
logging remote facility (local0|local1|local2|local3|local4|local5|local6|local7|user)
Configure remote authpriv facility
Enable/disable logging authpriv facility for remote syslog server.
Attribute Name: remote-authpriv-facility
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
</remote-authpriv-facility><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
logging remote authpriv
Configure enable logging
Use this attribute to enable/disable CLI history logs. By default CLI history is enabled.
Attribute Name: enable-logging
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
</enable-logging><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
logging cli
Configure max session limit
Use this attribute to set maximum session limit for vty.
Attribute Name: max-session-limit
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-40
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
<max-session-limit>1</max-session-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-session <1-40>
Configure feature
Enable Event Manager
Attribute Name: feature
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<event-manager xmlns="">
<feature>disable</feature> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
event-manager (disable|enable)
Configure event pattern
Pattern to match
Attribute Name: event-pattern
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: event-type
Attribute Type: enum (syslog)
Attribute Name: event-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 4-128
Attribute Name: severity
Attribute Type: enum (0|1|2|3|4|5|all)
Default Value: all
Netconf edit-config payload
<event-manager xmlns="">
Command Syntax
event-manager event NAME type (syslog) EVENT-ID ({ severity (0|1|2|3|4|5|all)| pattern PATTERN }|)
Configure action script
Name of script
Attribute Name: action-script
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 4-64
Attribute Name: action-type
Attribute Type: enum (script)
Netconf edit-config payload
<event-manager xmlns="">
Command Syntax
event-manager action NAME type (script) SCRIPT
Configure action name
Name of action
Attribute Name: action-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-32
Attribute Name: event-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<event-manager xmlns="">
Command Syntax
event-manager policy NAME event NAME action NAME
clear event-manager statistics all
Netconf RPC payload
<event-manager-clear-statistics-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear event-manager statistics all
clear event-manager statistics policy NAME
Attribute Name: policy-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<event-manager-clear-statistics-on-policy xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear event-manager statistics policy NAME
Configure severity
Use this attribute to set the severity level for the SYSLOG messages that will be sent over SNMP traps. The Default value to this attribute is 3(error).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled VLOGD feature
Attribute Name: severity
Attribute Type: enum (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
Default Value: 3
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
<severity>3</severity> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
logging snmp-traps (0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
Configure enable fault management
Enable Fault Management System
Attribute Name: enable-fault-management
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<logging xmlns="">
</enable-fault-management><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
fault-management enable
fault-management flush-db
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-logging-fault-management_logging-fms-flush-db xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
fault-management flush-db
fault-management shelve ALARM-TYPE
Attribute Name: alarm-type
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-logging-fault-management_logging-fms-shelve xmlns="">
Command Syntax
fault-management shelve ALARM-TYPE
fault-management close ACTIVE-ALARM-ID
Attribute Name: active-alarm-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-logging-fault-management_logging-fms-close xmlns="">
Command Syntax
fault-management close ACTIVE-ALARM-ID
Configure disable dhcp feature
Disable the DHCP client and DHCP relay on the device.
Attribute Name: disable-dhcp-feature
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</disable-dhcp-feature><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no feature dhcp
Configure vrf name
VRF Name associated with this instance
This command is supported when following feature are enabled aaa feature
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (0|7)
Attribute Name: secret-key-string
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<radius xmlns="">
<key-type>0</key-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<secret-key-string>WORD</secret-key-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server login key (0|7) WORD (vrf management|)
Configure timeout
VRF Name associated with this instance
This command is supported when following feature are enabled aaa feature
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: timeout
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 3-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<radius xmlns="">
<timeout>3</timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server login timeout <3-60> (vrf management|)
Configure sequence number
Use this attribute to set the sequence-number/priority index for the RADIUS server
This command is supported when following feature are enabled aaa feature
Attribute Name: sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-8
Netconf edit-config payload
<radius xmlns="">
Command Syntax
radius-server login host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (vrf management|) seq-num <1-8>
Configure secret key string
Shared key used between the authentication-server and the device
This command is supported when following feature are enabled aaa feature
Attribute Name: secret-key-string
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-8
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (0|7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<radius xmlns="">
<sequence-number>1</sequence-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-type>0</key-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<secret-key-string>WORD</secret-key-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server login host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (vrf management|) seq-num <1-8> key (0|7) WORD
Configure accounting port
Use this attribute to configure a RADIUS server and specify a UDP port to use for RADIUS accounting messages
This command is supported when following feature are enabled aaa feature
Attribute Name: accounting-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-8
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (0|7)
Attribute Name: secret-key-string
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<radius xmlns="">
<sequence-number>1</sequence-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-type>0</key-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<secret-key-string>WORD</secret-key-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<accounting-port>0</accounting-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server login host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (vrf management|) seq-num <1-8> key (0|7) WORD acct-port <0-65535>
Configure host address
To represent the timeout configured by the user
This command is supported when following feature are enabled aaa feature
Attribute Name: timeout
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 3-60
Attribute Name: sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-8
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (0|7)
Attribute Name: secret-key-string
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: accounting-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<radius xmlns="">
<sequence-number>1</sequence-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-type>0</key-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<secret-key-string>WORD</secret-key-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<accounting-port>0</accounting-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<timeout>3</timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server login host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (vrf management|) seq-num <1-8> key (0|7) WORD acct-port <0-65535> timeout <3-60>
Configure authentication port
Use this attribute to configure a RADIUS server and specify a UDP port to use for RADIUS authentication messages
This command is supported when following feature are enabled aaa feature
Attribute Name: authentication-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-8
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (0|7)
Attribute Name: secret-key-string
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<radius xmlns="">
<sequence-number>1</sequence-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-type>0</key-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<secret-key-string>WORD</secret-key-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<authentication-port>0</authentication-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server login host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (vrf management|) seq-num <1-8> key (0|7) WORD auth-port <0-65535>
Configure key type
Use this attribute to configure a RADIUS server and specify a UDP port to use for RADIUS accounting messages
This command is supported when following feature are enabled aaa feature
Attribute Name: accounting-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-8
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (0|7)
Attribute Name: secret-key-string
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: authentication-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<radius xmlns="">
<sequence-number>1</sequence-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-type>0</key-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<secret-key-string>WORD</secret-key-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<authentication-port>0</authentication-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<accounting-port>0</accounting-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server login host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (vrf management|) seq-num <1-8> key (0|7) WORD auth-port <0-65535> acct-port <0-65535>
Configure enable
This attribute is to enable/disable RADIUS debug logging
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<radius xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug radius
clear radius-server counters (vrf management|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<radius-clear-all-server-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear radius-server counters (vrf management|)
clear radius-server host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) counters (vrf (management|all)|)
Attribute Name: hostname
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<radius-clear-server-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear radius-server host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) counters (vrf (management|all)|)
debug radius
Netconf RPC payload
<radius-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug radius
no debug radius
Netconf RPC payload
<radius-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug radius
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable user management debugging information.
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-management xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug user-mgmt
Configure password hashing algorithm
Use this attribute to set the hash algorithm for username configurations
Attribute Name: password-hashing-algorithm
Attribute Type: enum (md5|sha-256|sha-512)
Default Value: sha-512
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-management xmlns="">
<password-hashing-algorithm>sha-512</password-hashing-algorithm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
user password encryption default (md5|sha-256|sha-512)
Configure disable default user
Use this attribute to prevent default user from being enabled at start up
Attribute Name: disable-default-user
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-management xmlns="">
</disable-default-user><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
username disable-default
Configure username
Login name of the user
Attribute Name: username
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-management xmlns="">
<user> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
username USERNAME
Configure role
Use this attribute to set the user role. Operations that an user is allowed to perform are determined based on the role
Attribute Name: role
Attribute Type: enum (network-admin|network-engineer|network-operator|network-user)
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-management xmlns="">
<role>network-admin</role> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
username USERNAME role (network-admin|network-engineer|network-operator|network-user)
Configure password
Use this attribute to add a user or to change a user password.
Attribute Name: password
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 8-32
Attribute Name: role
Attribute Type: enum (network-admin|network-engineer|network-operator|network-user)
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-management xmlns="">
<role>network-admin</role> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<password>PASSWORD</password> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
username USERNAME role (network-admin|network-engineer|network-operator|network-user) password PASSWORD
Configure password hashed
Use this attribute to specify user password in encrypted form. This option is provided for reconfiguring a user password using an earlier encrypted password that was available in running configuration display or get-config payload. Users are advised not to use this option for entering passwords generated in any other method
Attribute Name: password-hashed
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 26-106
Attribute Name: role
Attribute Type: enum (network-admin|network-engineer|network-operator|network-user)
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-management xmlns="">
<role>network-admin</role> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<password-hashed>PASSWORD</password-hashed> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
username USERNAME role (network-admin|network-engineer|network-operator|network-user) password encrypted PASSWORD
Configure rbac role
Use this attribute to set the user role. Operations that an user is allowed to perform are determined based on the role
Attribute Name: rbac-role
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-management xmlns="">
<rbac-role>ROLE-NAME</rbac-role> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
username USERNAME role ROLE-NAME
debug user-mgmt
Netconf RPC payload
<user-management-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug user-mgmt
no debug user-mgmt
Netconf RPC payload
<user-management-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug user-mgmt
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable ssh debugging configurations
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ssh-server xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ssh server
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to enable the SSH server.
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<ssh-server xmlns="">
<enable>true</enable> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
feature ssh (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure port
VRF Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1024-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ssh-server xmlns="">
<port>1024</port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ssh server port <1024-65535> (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure max login attempts
VRF Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: max-login-attempts
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 3
Attribute Range: 1-3
Netconf edit-config payload
<ssh-server xmlns="">
<max-login-attempts>1</max-login-attempts> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ssh login-attempts <1-3> (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure session limit
VRF Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: session-limit
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-40
Netconf edit-config payload
<ssh-server xmlns="">
<session-limit>1</session-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ssh server session-limit <1-40> (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure default algorithm
VRF Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: default-algorithm
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ssh-server xmlns="">
</default-algorithm><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ssh server default algorithm (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure chacha20 poly1305
Use this attribute to set the ChaCha20-Poly1305 Cipher
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ssh server feature
Attribute Name: chacha20-poly1305
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: aes128-ctr
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: aes192-ctr
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: aes256-ctr
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: aes128-cbc
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: aes192-cbc
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: aes256-cbc
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: triple-des-cbc
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: aes128-gcm
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: aes256-gcm
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ssh-server xmlns="">
</aes128-ctr><!-- operation="delete"-->
</aes192-ctr><!-- operation="delete"-->
</aes256-ctr><!-- operation="delete"-->
</aes128-cbc><!-- operation="delete"-->
</aes192-cbc><!-- operation="delete"-->
</aes256-cbc><!-- operation="delete"-->
</triple-des-cbc><!-- operation="delete"-->
</aes128-gcm><!-- operation="delete"-->
</aes256-gcm><!-- operation="delete"-->
</chacha20-poly1305><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ssh server algorithm encryption { aes128-ctr| aes192-ctr| aes256-ctr| aes128-cbc| aes192-cbc| aes256-cbc| 3des-cbc| aes128-gcm| aes256-gcm| chacha20-poly1305 } (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure sntrup761x25519 sha512
Use this attribute to set the sntrup761x25519 SHA512 @openssh algorithm
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ssh server feature
Attribute Name: sntrup761x25519-sha512
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: diffie-hellman-group14-sha256
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: diffie-hellman-group16-sha512
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: diffie-hellman-group18-sha512
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: ecdh-sha2-nistp256
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: ecdh-sha2-nistp384
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: ecdh-sha2-nistp521
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: curve25519-sha256
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: curve25519-sha256-libssh-org
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ssh-server xmlns="">
</diffie-hellman-group1-sha1><!-- operation="delete"-->
</diffie-hellman-group14-sha1><!-- operation="delete"-->
</diffie-hellman-group14-sha256><!-- operation="delete"-->
</diffie-hellman-group16-sha512><!-- operation="delete"-->
</diffie-hellman-group18-sha512><!-- operation="delete"-->
</diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1><!-- operation="delete"-->
</diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256><!-- operation="delete"-->
</ecdh-sha2-nistp256><!-- operation="delete"-->
</ecdh-sha2-nistp384><!-- operation="delete"-->
</ecdh-sha2-nistp521><!-- operation="delete"-->
</curve25519-sha256><!-- operation="delete"-->
</curve25519-sha256-libssh-org><!-- operation="delete"-->
</sntrup761x25519-sha512><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ssh server algorithm kex { diffie-hellman-group1-sha1| diffie-hellman-group14-sha1| diffie-hellman-group14-sha256| diffie-hellman-group16-sha512| diffie-hellman-group18-sha512| diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1| diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256| ecdh-sha2-nistp256| ecdh-sha2-nistp384| ecdh-sha2-nistp521| curve25519-sha256| curve25519-sha256-libssh-org| sntrup761x25519-sha512 } (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure umac 128 etm
Use this attribute to set the UMAC-128-ETM MAC
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ssh server feature
Attribute Name: umac-128-etm
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-sha1
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-sha1-96
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-sha2-256
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-sha2-512
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-md5
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-md5-96
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: umac-64
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: umac-128
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-sha1-etm
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-sha1-96-etm
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-sha2-256-etm
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-sha2-512-etm
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-md5-etm
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: hmac-md5-96-etm
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: umac-64-etm
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ssh-server xmlns="">
</hmac-sha1><!-- operation="delete"-->
</hmac-sha1-96><!-- operation="delete"-->
</hmac-sha2-256><!-- operation="delete"-->
</hmac-sha2-512><!-- operation="delete"-->
</hmac-md5><!-- operation="delete"-->
</hmac-md5-96><!-- operation="delete"-->
</umac-64><!-- operation="delete"-->
</umac-128><!-- operation="delete"-->
</hmac-sha1-etm><!-- operation="delete"-->
</hmac-sha1-96-etm><!-- operation="delete"-->
</hmac-sha2-256-etm><!-- operation="delete"-->
</hmac-sha2-512-etm><!-- operation="delete"-->
</hmac-md5-etm><!-- operation="delete"-->
</hmac-md5-96-etm><!-- operation="delete"-->
</umac-64-etm><!-- operation="delete"-->
</umac-128-etm><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ssh server algorithm mac { hmac-sha1| hmac-sha1-96| hmac-sha2-256| hmac-sha2-512| hmac-md5| hmac-md5-96| umac-64| umac-128| hmac-sha1-etm| hmac-sha1-96-etm| hmac-sha2-256-etm| hmac-sha2-512-etm| hmac-md5-etm| hmac-md5-96-etm| umac-64-etm| umac-128-etm } (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure public key
Use this attribute to set the ssh public-key
Attribute Name: public-key
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-management xmlns="">
<ssh-keys xmlns="">
<public-key>LINE</public-key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
username USERNAME sshkey LINE
debug ssh server
Netconf RPC payload
<ssh-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ssh server
no debug ssh server
Netconf RPC payload
<ssh-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ssh server
clear ssh hosts
Netconf RPC payload
<ssh-clear-hosts xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ssh hosts
ssh keygen host dsa (vrf (NAME|management)|) (force|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Attribute Name: force
Attribute Type: boolean
Default Value: false
Netconf RPC payload
<ssh-generate-server-dsa-key xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ssh keygen host dsa (vrf (NAME|management)|) (force|)
ssh keygen host rsa (length <1024-4096>|) (vrf (NAME|management)|) (force|)
Attribute Name: length
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 2048
Attribute Range: 1024-4096
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Attribute Name: force
Attribute Type: boolean
Default Value: false
Netconf RPC payload
<ssh-generate-server-rsa-key xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ssh keygen host rsa (length <1024-4096>|) (vrf (NAME|management)|) (force|)
ssh keygen host ecdsa (length (256|384|521)|) (vrf (NAME|management)|) (force|)
Attribute Name: length
Attribute Type: enum (256|384|521)
Default Value: 521
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Attribute Name: force
Attribute Type: boolean
Default Value: false
Netconf RPC payload
<ssh-generate-server-ecdsa-key xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ssh keygen host ecdsa (length (256|384|521)|) (vrf (NAME|management)|) (force|)
ssh keygen host ed25519 (vrf (NAME|management)|) (force|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Attribute Name: force
Attribute Type: boolean
Default Value: false
Netconf RPC payload
<ssh-generate-server-ed25519-key xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ssh keygen host ed25519 (vrf (NAME|management)|) (force|)
clear ssh host-key ((dsa|rsa|ecdsa|ed25519)|) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (all-keys|dsa|rsa|ecdsa|ed25519)
Default Value: all-keys
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Netconf RPC payload
<ssh-clear-server-keys xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ssh host-key ((dsa|rsa|ecdsa|ed25519)|) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
username USERNAME keypair rsa (length <1024-4096>|) (force|)
Attribute Name: user-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: length
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 4096
Attribute Range: 1024-4096
Attribute Name: force
Attribute Type: boolean
Default Value: false
Netconf RPC payload
<ssh-generate-user-rsa-key xmlns="">
Command Syntax
username USERNAME keypair rsa (length <1024-4096>|) (force|)
username USERNAME keypair dsa (force|)
Attribute Name: user-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: force
Attribute Type: boolean
Default Value: false
Netconf RPC payload
<ssh-generate-user-dsa-key xmlns="">
Command Syntax
username USERNAME keypair dsa (force|)
clear ssh keypair user USERNAME
Attribute Name: user-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ssh-clear-user-keys xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ssh keypair user USERNAME
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable telnet debugging configurations
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<telnet-server xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug telnet server
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to enable the Telnet server.
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<telnet-server xmlns="">
<enable>true</enable> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
feature telnet (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure port
VRF Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1024-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<telnet-server xmlns="">
<port>1024</port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
telnet server port <1024-65535> (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure session limit
VRF Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: session-limit
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-40
Netconf edit-config payload
<telnet-server xmlns="">
<session-limit>1</session-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
telnet server session-limit <1-40> (vrf (NAME|management)|)
debug telnet server
Netconf RPC payload
<telnet-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug telnet server
no debug telnet server
Netconf RPC payload
<telnet-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug telnet server
Configure feature enable
Use this attribute to enable or disable NTP feature.
Attribute Name: feature-enable
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<feature-enable>true</feature-enable> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
feature ntp (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to enable or disable NTP feature.
Attribute Name: feature-enable
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<feature-enable>true</feature-enable> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no feature ntp (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure enable ntp
Use this attribute to enable or disable NTP server
Attribute Name: enable-ntp
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<enable-ntp>true</enable-ntp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp enable (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure enable logging
Use this attribute to specify the vrf for which ntp feature is enabled
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: enable-logging
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
</enable-logging><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp logging (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure enable local master
Use this attribute to configure the device as an NTP server.
Attribute Name: enable-local-master
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ntp master (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure local stratum
Use this attribute to configure stratum level for a NTP server.
Attribute Name: local-stratum
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<local-stratum>1</local-stratum> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp master stratum <1-15> (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure enable ntp auth
Use this attribute to enable NTP authentication.
Attribute Name: enable-ntp-auth
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
</enable-ntp-auth><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp authenticate (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure ntp trusted keys
Use this attribute to configure one or more trusted authentication keys. If a key is trusted, the device will synchronize with a system that specifies this key in its NTP packets
Attribute Name: ntp-trusted-keys
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<ntp-trusted-keys>1</ntp-trusted-keys> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp trusted-key <1-65535> (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure ntp request key
Use this to attribute to configure request key which shall be used as password for ntpdc utility.
Attribute Name: ntp-request-key
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65534
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<ntp-request-key>1</ntp-request-key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp request-key <1-65534> (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure key id
Use this attribute to set an NTP authentication key.
Attribute Name: key-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: key-value
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (0|7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<ntp-key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp authentication-key <1-65535> md5 WORD 7 (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure key value
Use this attribute to set an NTP authentication key.
Attribute Name: key-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: key-value
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (0|7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<ntp-key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp authentication-key <1-65535> md5 WORD (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure prefer
preferred NTP server/peer
Attribute Name: prefer
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: auth-key
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 65535
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: minpoll
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 4
Attribute Range: 4-16
Attribute Name: maxpoll
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 6
Attribute Range: 4-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<auth-key>1</auth-key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<minpoll>4</minpoll> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<maxpoll>4</maxpoll> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</prefer><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp server (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) { key <1-65535>| minpoll <4-16>| maxpoll <4-16>| prefer } (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure server address
Use this attribute to set the NTP server IP address or hostname
Attribute Name: server-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ntp server (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure peer address
preferred NTP server/peer
Attribute Name: prefer
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: auth-key
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 65535
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: minpoll
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 4
Attribute Range: 4-16
Attribute Name: maxpoll
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 6
Attribute Range: 4-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<auth-key>1</auth-key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<minpoll>4</minpoll> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<maxpoll>4</maxpoll> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</prefer><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp peer (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) { key <1-65535>| minpoll <4-16>| maxpoll <4-16>| prefer } (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure minimum pkt spacing
Use this attribute to specify the minimum packet spacing to be permitted
Attribute Name: minimum-pkt-spacing
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<minimum-pkt-spacing>1</minimum-pkt-spacing> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp discard { minimum <1-65535> } (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure netmask
use this attribute to specify the allowed NTP client IP network mask
Attribute Name: netmask
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ntp allow (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) mask (A.B.C.D|<1-128>) (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure access options
use this attribute to specify the allowed access options for NTP client
Attribute Name: access-options
Attribute Type: bits (kod|nopeer|noserve|noquery|nomodify|notrap|limited)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<access-options>kod</access-options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp allow {kod|nopeer|noserve|noquery|nomodify|notrap|limited} (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure client ip address
use this attribute to specify the allowed access options for NTP client
Attribute Name: access-options
Attribute Type: bits (kod|nopeer|noserve|noquery|nomodify|notrap|limited)
Attribute Name: netmask
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
<access-options>kod</access-options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp allow mask {kod|nopeer|noserve|noquery|nomodify|notrap|limited} (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable NTP debug logs
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ntp xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ntp
clear ntp statistics (all-peers|io|local|memory)
Attribute Name: statistics-type
Attribute Type: enum (all-peers|io|local|memory)
Netconf RPC payload
<ntp-clear-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ntp statistics (all-peers|io|local|memory)
ntp sync-retry (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ntp-retry-server-synchronization xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ntp sync-retry (vrf (management|NAME)|)
debug ntp
Netconf RPC payload
<ntp-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ntp
no debug ntp
Netconf RPC payload
<ntp-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ntp
Configure authentication method rule
Use this attribute to set AAA methods for authentication
Attribute Name: authentication-method-rule
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<authentication-method-rule>LINE</authentication-method-rule> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa authentication login default (vrf (management|NAME)|) group LINE
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to set AAA methods for authentication
Attribute Name: authentication-method-rule
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<authentication-method-rule>LINE</authentication-method-rule> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa authentication login default (vrf (management|NAME)|) local
Configure accounting method rule
Use this attribute to set AAA methods for accounting
Attribute Name: accounting-method-rule
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<accounting-method-rule>LINE</accounting-method-rule> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa accounting default (vrf (management|NAME)|) group LINE
Configure authorization method rule
Use this attribute to set AAA methods for authorization
Attribute Name: authorization-method-rule
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<authorization-method-rule>LINE</authorization-method-rule> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa authorization default (vrf (management|NAME)|) group LINE
Configure error enable
This is to enable error message on login failures
Attribute Name: error-enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
</error-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa authentication login error-enable (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure enable fallback
This is to enable fallback to local authentication if remote authentication is configured and all AAA servers are unreachable
Attribute Name: enable-fallback
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: non-existent
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
</non-existent><!-- operation="delete"-->
</enable-fallback><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa authentication login default fallback error local (non-existent-user|) (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure group type
This is to create server group type
Attribute Name: group-type
Attribute Type: enum (tacacs+|radius)
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<server-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa group server (tacacs+|radius) WORD (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure host address
Use this attribute to add a host address to a server group
Attribute Name: host-address
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<server-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
server (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|WORD)
Configure group name
Use this attribute to add a host address to a server group
Attribute Name: host-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
Command Syntax
server server
Configure user non existent
This is to enable fallback to local authentication if remote authentication is configured and all AAA servers are unreachable
Attribute Name: enable-fallback
Attribute Type: boolean
Attribute Name: user-non-existent
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
</user-non-existent><!-- operation="delete"-->
<enable-fallback>true</enable-fallback> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa authentication login console fallback error local (non-existent-user|)
Configure authentication max failure attempts
Use this attribute to set the number of unsuccessful authentication attempts before a user is locked out
Attribute Name: authentication-max-failure-attempts
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-25
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<authentication-max-failure-attempts>1</authentication-max-failure-attempts> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication attempts max-fail <1-25>
Configure local user unlock timeout
Use this attribute to set unlock timeout after local user/s locked out
Attribute Name: local-user-unlock-timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<local-user-unlock-timeout>1</local-user-unlock-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication unlock-timeout <1-3600>
Configure enable
Enable feature of applying policy to update password
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password-policy
Configure numeric count
The minimum number of digits
Attribute Name: numeric-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<numeric-count>1</numeric-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password-policy numeric-count <1-32>
Configure uppercase count
The minimum number of upper letters
Attribute Name: uppercase-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<uppercase-count>1</uppercase-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password-policy uppercase-count <1-32>
Configure lowercase count
The minimum number of lower letters
Attribute Name: lowercase-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<lowercase-count>1</lowercase-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password-policy lowercase-count <1-32>
Configure special count
The minimum number of special characters
Attribute Name: special-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<special-count>1</special-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password-policy special-count <1-32>
Configure history
Attribute Name: history
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-400
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<history>1</history> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password-policy history <1-400>
Configure maxsequence
The maximum number of monotonic character sequences to be accepted.
Attribute Name: maxsequence
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<maxsequence>1</maxsequence> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password-policy maxsequence <1-32>
Configure disable usercheck
Disable the check if password contains username
Attribute Name: disable-usercheck
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
</disable-usercheck><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password-policy disable-usercheck
Configure maxrepeat
The maximum number of same consecutive characters to be accepted
Attribute Name: maxrepeat
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<maxrepeat>1</maxrepeat> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password-policy maxrepeat <1-32>
Configure min length
Minimum password length
Attribute Name: min-length
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 8-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<min-length>8</min-length> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password-policy min-length <8-32>
Configure role
use this attribute to set the role for password expiry
Attribute Name: role
Attribute Type: enum (network-admin|network-engineer|network-operator|network-user)
Attribute Name: expire
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<expire>0</expire> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password expire <0-1000> role (network-admin|network-engineer|network-operator|network-user)
Configure user
use this attribute to set the username for password expiry
Attribute Name: user
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: expire
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<aaa xmlns="">
<expire>0</expire> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aaa local authentication password expire <0-1000> user WORD
debug aaa
Netconf RPC payload
<aaa-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug aaa
no debug aaa
Netconf RPC payload
<aaa-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug aaa
clear aaa local user lockout username USERNAME
Attribute Name: username
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-32
Netconf RPC payload
<aaa-clear-local-user-lockout xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear aaa local user lockout username USERNAME
Configure disable dhcpv4 relay
Use this attribute to disable the DHCP relay global config
Attribute Name: disable-dhcpv4-relay
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</disable-dhcpv4-relay><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip dhcp relay
Configure disable dhcpv6 relay
Use this attribute to disable the DHCP relay global config
Attribute Name: disable-dhcpv6-relay
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</disable-dhcpv6-relay><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ipv6 dhcp relay
Configure ipv4 relay interface
Enable relay on Client facing interface
Attribute Name: ipv4-relay-interface
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</ipv4-relay-interface><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay
Configure ipv4 uplink interface
Specify the interface as an uplink interface(Server facing)
Attribute Name: ipv4-uplink-interface
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</ipv4-uplink-interface><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay uplink
Configure ipv4 group name
Correlate specified interface to a specified DHCP server group.
Attribute Name: ipv4-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ipv4-group-name>GROUP-NAME</ipv4-group-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay server-select GROUP-NAME
Configure ipv6 relay interface
Enable IPv6 relay on Client facing interface
Attribute Name: ipv6-relay-interface
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</ipv6-relay-interface><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp relay
Configure ipv6 uplink interface
Specify the interface as an uplink interface(Server facing)
Attribute Name: ipv6-uplink-interface
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</ipv6-uplink-interface><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp relay uplink
Configure ipv6 group name
Correlate specified interface to a specified DHCPv6 server group.
Attribute Name: ipv6-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ipv6-group-name>GROUP-NAME</ipv6-group-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp relay server-select GROUP-NAME
Configure interface type
DHCP relay vpn interface type
Attribute Name: interface-type
Attribute Type: enum (l3vpn|evpn)
Attribute Name: interface-direction
Attribute Type: enum (uplink|downlink)
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ipv4-vpn-link> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay (uplink|downlink) (l3vpn|evpn)
Configure interface type v6
DHCPv6 relay vpn interface type
Attribute Name: interface-type-v6
Attribute Type: enum (l3vpn|evpn)
Attribute Name: interface-direction-v6
Attribute Type: enum (uplink|downlink)
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ipv6-vpn-link> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp relay (uplink|downlink) (l3vpn|evpn)
Configure link selection source ip
Enable link selection sub-option (5) in the option-82 in DHCP packet
Attribute Name: link-selection-source-ip
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<link-selection-source-ip>A.B.C.D</link-selection-source-ip> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay information source-ip A.B.C.D
Configure enable option82
Enable the device to insert and remove option-82 information on DHCP packets forwarded by the DHCP relay agent.
Attribute Name: enable-option82
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</enable-option82><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay information option
Configure ip address
IPv4 address of the DHCP server
Attribute Name: ip-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ipv4-dhcp-server> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay address A.B.C.D
Configure dhcpv4 server global vrf
This attributes defines the VRF in which the DHCPv4 relay server is present
Attribute Name: dhcpv4-server-global-vrf
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<dhcpv4-server-global-vrf>VRF-NAME</dhcpv4-server-global-vrf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay address A.B.C.D global (VRF-NAME|)
Configure vrf name
This attributes defines the VRF in which the DHCPv4 relay server is present
Attribute Name: dhcpv4-server-global-vrf
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<dhcpv4-server-global-vrf>VRF-NAME</dhcpv4-server-global-vrf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay address A.B.C.D global (VRF-NAME|)
Configure ipv6 address
IPv6 address of the DHCP server
Attribute Name: ipv6-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ipv6-dhcp-server> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp relay address X:X::X:X
Configure dhcpv6 server global vrf
This attributes defines the VRF in which the DHCPv6 relay server is present
Attribute Name: dhcpv6-server-global-vrf
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<dhcpv6-server-global-vrf>VRF-NAME</dhcpv6-server-global-vrf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp relay address X:X::X:X global (VRF-NAME|)
Configure enable dhcpv6 pd route injection
Enable the route installation from the prefixes learned through prefix delegation.
Attribute Name: enable-dhcpv6-pd-route-injection
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</enable-dhcpv6-pd-route-injection><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp relay pd-route-injection
Configure remote id
Remote host identifier. Use option 82 to provide the DHCP server information about the DHCP client
Attribute Name: remote-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: enable-option82
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</enable-option82><!-- operation="delete"-->
<remote-id>WORD</remote-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay information option remote-id WORD
Configure enable option82 always on
Keep option-82 information on DHCP packets forwarded by the DHCP relay agent.
Attribute Name: enable-option82-always-on
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: enable-option82
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</enable-option82><!-- operation="delete"-->
</enable-option82-always-on><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay information option always-on
Configure subscriber id
Subscriber identifier. Use this option to allows the service provider to assign/activate subscriber-specific actions
Attribute Name: subscriber-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<subscriber-id>WORD</subscriber-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp relay information option subscriber-id WORD
Configure group6 name
IPv6 DHCP Relay group name
Attribute Name: group6-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<dhcpv6-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp relay server-group GROUP-NAME
Configure group name
IPv4 DHCP Relay group name
Attribute Name: group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<dhcp-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay server-group GROUP-NAME
Configure enable dhcpv6 duplicate clients
Specify that the DHCPv6 relay agent uses the clients incoming interfaces to differentiate between the duplicate DUIDs.
Attribute Name: enable-dhcpv6-duplicate-clients
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</enable-dhcpv6-duplicate-clients><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp relay duplicate-clients
Configure interface direction
DHCP relay vpn interface type
Attribute Name: interface-type
Attribute Type: enum (l3vpn|evpn)
Attribute Name: interface-direction
Attribute Type: enum (uplink|downlink)
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip dhcp relay (uplink|downlink) (l3vpn|evpn)
Configure interface direction v6
DHCPv6 relay vpn interface type
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: interface-type-v6
Attribute Type: enum (l3vpn|evpn)
Attribute Name: interface-direction-v6
Attribute Type: enum (uplink|downlink)
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp relay (uplink|downlink) (l3vpn|evpn)
Configure server
IPv4 DHCP Relay Group server details
Attribute Name: server
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<server>A.B.C.D</server> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
server A.B.C.D
clear ip dhcp relay statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-dhcp-relay_clear-relay-stats xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ip dhcp relay statistics
clear ip dhcp relay option statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-dhcp-relay_clear-relay-option-stats xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ip dhcp relay option statistics
clear ipv6 dhcp pd-route (vrf NAME|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-dhcp-relay_clear-dhcpv6-pd-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 dhcp pd-route (vrf NAME|)
Configure enable dns feature
Use this attribute to enable the DNS relay agent feature.
Attribute Name: enable-dns-feature
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns-relay xmlns="">
<enable-dns-feature>true</enable-dns-feature> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
feature dns relay
Configure enable dnsv4 relay
Use this attribute to enable the IPv4 DNS relay agent.
Attribute Name: enable-dnsv4-relay
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns-relay xmlns="">
<enable-dnsv4-relay>true</enable-dnsv4-relay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dns relay
Configure enable dnsv6 relay
Use this attribute to enable the IPv6 DNS relay agent.
Attribute Name: enable-dnsv6-relay
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns-relay xmlns="">
<enable-dnsv6-relay>true</enable-dnsv6-relay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dns relay
Configure dns server v4 addr
Use this attribute to set the IPv4 address
Attribute Name: dns-server-v4-addr
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns-relay xmlns="">
<dns-server-v4-addr>A.B.C.D</dns-server-v4-addr> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dns relay address A.B.C.D
Configure dns server v6 addr
Use this attribute to set the IPv6 address
Attribute Name: dns-server-v6-addr
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns-relay xmlns="">
<dns-server-v6-addr>X:X::X:X</dns-server-v6-addr> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dns relay address X:X::X:X
Configure name
Use this attribute to enable the IPv4 DNS relay agent.
Attribute Name: enable-dnsv4-relay
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns-relay xmlns="">
</enable-dnsv4-relay><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dns relay
Configure dns relay uplink
Use this attribute to set the uplink IPv4 DNS relay agent.
Attribute Name: dns-relay-uplink
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns-relay xmlns="">
</dns-relay-uplink><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dns relay uplink
Configure dns relay v6 uplink
Use this attribute to set the uplink IPv6 DNS relay agent.
Attribute Name: dns-relay-v6-uplink
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns-relay xmlns="">
</dns-relay-v6-uplink><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dns relay uplink
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to set the IPv4 address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Virtual routing and forwarding
Attribute Name: dns-server-v4-addr
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns-relay xmlns="">
<dns-server-v4-addr>A.B.C.D</dns-server-v4-addr> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dns relay address A.B.C.D
Configure default domain name
Default domain name used to complete unqualified host names (names without a dotted-decimal domain name).
Attribute Name: default-domain-name
Attribute Type: inet:domain-name
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns xmlns="">
<default-domain-name>DOMAIN-NAME</default-domain-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip domain-name (vrf (NAME|management)|) DOMAIN-NAME
Configure lookup enabled
Enable DNS translation.
Attribute Name: lookup-enabled
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns xmlns="">
<lookup-enabled>true</lookup-enabled> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip domain-lookup (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure vrf name
Enable DNS translation.
Attribute Name: lookup-enabled
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns xmlns="">
<lookup-enabled>true</lookup-enabled> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip domain-lookup (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure address
Name server address used for name resolution.
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns xmlns="">
<server> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip name-server (vrf (NAME|management)|) (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X)
Configure domain name
Use this attribute to define a list of default domain names used to complete unqualified host names. Each domain in the list is to be tried in turn. The ip domain-list command is similar to the ip domain-name command, except that with the ip domain-list command you can define a list of domains, each to be tried in turn.If there is no domain list, the default domain name specified with the ip domain-name command is used. If there is a domain list, the default domain name is not used.
Attribute Name: domain-name
Attribute Type: inet:domain-name
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns xmlns="">
<search-domain> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip domain-list (vrf (NAME|management)|) DOMAIN-NAME
Configure ipv6 address
Configure a static hostname-to-address IPv6 mapping in DNS.
Attribute Name: ipv6-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Attribute Name: ipv4-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns xmlns="">
<ipv4-address>A.B.C.D</ipv4-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ipv6-address>X:X::X:X</ipv6-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip host (vrf (NAME|management)|) HOSTNAME A.B.C.D X:X::X:X
Configure ipv4 address
Configure a static hostname-to-address IPv4 mapping in DNS.
Attribute Name: ipv4-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: ipv6-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns xmlns="">
<ipv6-address>X:X::X:X</ipv6-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ipv4-address>A.B.C.D</ipv4-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip host (vrf (NAME|management)|) HOSTNAME X:X::X:X A.B.C.D
Configure hostname
Configure a static hostname-to-address IPv4 mapping in DNS.
Attribute Name: ipv4-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns xmlns="">
<ipv4-address>A.B.C.D</ipv4-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip host (vrf (NAME|management)|) HOSTNAME A.B.C.D
Configure enable
DNS client debug.
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<dns xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug dns client
debug dns client
Netconf RPC payload
<dns-client-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug dns client
no debug dns client
Netconf RPC payload
<dns-client-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug dns client
Configure request ipv4 dns
Use this attribute to to add an option to a DHCP request.
Attribute Name: request-ipv4-dns
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</request-ipv4-dns><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp client request dns-nameserver
Configure request log server
Use this attribute to to add an option to a DHCP request.
Attribute Name: request-log-server
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</request-log-server><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp client request log-server
Configure request host name
Use this attribute to to add an option to a DHCP request.
Attribute Name: request-host-name
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</request-host-name><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp client request host-name
Configure request ntp server
Use this attribute to to add an option to a DHCP request.
Attribute Name: request-ntp-server
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</request-ntp-server><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp client request ntp-server
Configure request ipv6 dns
Use this attribute to to add an option to a DHCP request.
Attribute Name: request-ipv6-dns
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</request-ipv6-dns><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp client request dns-nameserver
Configure request ipv6 domain list
Use this attribute to specifies a search list of Domain Names to be used by the client to locate not-fully-qualified domain names.
Attribute Name: request-ipv6-domain-list
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</request-ipv6-domain-list><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp client request domain-search
Configure request ipv6 ntp server
Use this attribute to specifies a list of local NTP servers available for the client to synchronize their clocks.
Attribute Name: request-ipv6-ntp-server
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</request-ipv6-ntp-server><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp client request ntp-server
Configure request ipv6 rapid commit
Use this attribute to indicate the clients to enter into rapid-commit with the server.
Attribute Name: request-ipv6-rapid-commit
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</request-ipv6-rapid-commit><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp client request rapid-commit
Configure request ipv6 vendor opts
Use this attribute to specify a 32-bit Enterprise-ID number.
Attribute Name: request-ipv6-vendor-opts
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</request-ipv6-vendor-opts><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp client request vendor-specific-information
Configure ipv6 information request
Use this attribute to get only stateless configuration parameters (i.e., without address).
Attribute Name: ipv6-information-request
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</ipv6-information-request><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp client information-request
Configure ipv6 dad wait time
Use this attribute to Specify maximum time (in seconds) that the client should wait for the duplicate address detection (DAD) to complete on an interface.
Attribute Name: ipv6-dad-wait-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-600
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ipv6-dad-wait-time>1</ipv6-dad-wait-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp client dad-wait-time <1-600>
Configure ipv6 client duid type
Use this attribute to configure duid type(ll or llt).
Attribute Name: ipv6-client-duid-type
Attribute Type: enum (ll|llt)
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ipv6-client-duid-type>ll</ipv6-client-duid-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp client duid (ll|llt)
Configure ipv6 max delegated prefix
Use this attribute to configure the maximum number of simultaneous prefixes delegated to a single client
Attribute Name: ipv6-max-delegated-prefix
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ipv6-max-delegated-prefix>1</ipv6-max-delegated-prefix> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp client max-delegated-prefixes <1-64>
Configure request ipv6 prefix
Use this attribute to add an option to a DHCP request.
Attribute Name: request-ipv6-prefix
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<request-ipv6-prefix>PREFIX-NAME</request-ipv6-prefix> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp prefix-delegation PREFIX-NAME
Configure suffix ipv6 addr
This attribute points to IPv6 address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: suffix-ipv6-addr
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<prefix-ipv6-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 address PREFIX-NAME X:X::X:X/M
Configure enable ipv4 server
Interface on which IPv4 DHCP Server has to be run
Attribute Name: enable-ipv4-server
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</enable-ipv4-server><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp server
Configure enable ipv6 server
Interface on which IPv6 DHCP Server has to be run
Attribute Name: enable-ipv6-server
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</enable-ipv6-server><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp server
Configure pool6 name
IPv6 DHCP Server address pool name
Attribute Name: pool6-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<dhcp6-pool> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp server pool NAME
Configure pool name
IPv4 DHCP Server address pool name
Attribute Name: pool-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<dhcp-pool> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp server pool NAME
Configure max lease time
Maximum length in seconds that will be assigned to a lease.If not defined, the default maximum lease time is 86400.
Attribute Name: max-lease-time
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 86400
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<max-lease-time>SECONDS</max-lease-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp server max-lease-time SECONDS
Configure default lease time
Length in seconds that will be assigned to a lease if the client requesting the lease does not ask for a specific expiration time. The default is 86400
Attribute Name: default-lease-time
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 86400
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<default-lease-time>SECONDS</default-lease-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp server default-lease-time SECONDS
Configure rapid commit
Option enables the DHCP Client to obtain configuration parameters from the server through a rapid two message exchange (solicit and reply).
Attribute Name: rapid-commit
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</rapid-commit><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp server rapid-commit
Configure preference
Use this to configure preference option in dhcp server.
Attribute Name: preference
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</preference><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp server preference
Configure vrf name
Option enables the DHCP Client to obtain configuration parameters from the server through a rapid two message exchange (solicit and reply).
Attribute Name: rapid-commit
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</rapid-commit><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 dhcp server rapid-commit
Configure host name
IPv4 DHCP Server option to provide hostname details to a DHCP client
Attribute Name: host-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<host-name>NAME</host-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
host-name NAME
Configure routers
IPv4 DHCP Server option to provide routers details to a DHCP client
Attribute Name: routers
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<routers>A.B.C.D</routers> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
routers A.B.C.D
Configure ntp server
IPv4 DHCP Server option to provide ntp-server details to a DHCP client
Attribute Name: ntp-server
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ntp-server>A.B.C.D</ntp-server> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ntp-server A.B.C.D
Configure boot file
IPv4 DHCP Server option to provide boot-file details to a DHCP client
Attribute Name: boot-file
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<boot-file>BOOTFILE</boot-file> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
boot-file BOOTFILE
Configure tftp server
IPv4 DHCP Server option to provide tftp-server details to a DHCP client
Attribute Name: tftp-server
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<tftp-server>A.B.C.D</tftp-server> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tftp-server A.B.C.D
Configure log server
IPv4 DHCP Server option to provide log-server details to a DHCP client
Attribute Name: log-server
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<log-server>A.B.C.D</log-server> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
log-server A.B.C.D
Configure dns server
IPv4 DHCP Server option to provide dns name-server details to a DHCP client
Attribute Name: dns-server
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<dns-server>A.B.C.D</dns-server> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dns-server A.B.C.D
Configure netmask
Mask part of the subnet that will be used to assign IPv4 addresses to hosts
Attribute Name: netmask
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: network
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<network>A.B.C.D</network> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<netmask>A.B.C.D</netmask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network A.B.C.D netmask A.B.C.D
Configure high address in range
Specifies the high range of the IPv4 addresses that the DHCP server should assign to DHCP clients.
Attribute Name: high-address-in-range
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: low-address-in-range
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<low-address-in-range>A.B.C.D</low-address-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<high-address-in-range>A.B.C.D</high-address-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
address range low-address A.B.C.D (high-address A.B.C.D|)
Configure domain name
IPv6 DHCP Server option to provide domain-name details to a DHCP client
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: domain-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<domain-name>NAME</domain-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
domain-name NAME
Configure vendor options
IPv6 DHCP Server option to provide vendor details to a DHCP client
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vendor-options
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<vendor-options>VENDOR-OPTS</vendor-options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vendor-options VENDOR-OPTS
Configure ipv6 netmask
Mask part of the subnet that will be used to assign IPv6 addresses to hosts
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: ipv6-netmask
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-128
Attribute Name: ipv6-network
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ipv6-network>X:X::X:X</ipv6-network> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ipv6-netmask>1</ipv6-netmask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network X:X::X:X netmask <1-128>
Configure low address in range
Specifies the high range of the IPv6 addresses that the DHCP server should assign to DHCP clients.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: high-address-in-range
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Attribute Name: low-address-in-range
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<low-address-in-range>X:X::X:X</low-address-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<high-address-in-range>X:X::X:X</high-address-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
address range low-address X:X::X:X (high-address X:X::X:X|)
Configure temporary address
Specifies the temporary IPv6 address that the DHCP server should assign to DHCP clients.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: temporary-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<temporary-address>X:X::X:X</temporary-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
temporary address X:X::X:X
Configure ipv6 prefix netmask
Mask part of the ipv6 Prefix used for Prefix delegation
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: ipv6-prefix-netmask
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-128
Attribute Name: ipv6-prefix-high-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Attribute Name: ipv6-prefix-low-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<ipv6-prefix-high-address>X:X::X:X</ipv6-prefix-high-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ipv6-prefix-low-address>X:X::X:X</ipv6-prefix-low-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ipv6-prefix-netmask>1</ipv6-prefix-netmask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
prefix high-range X:X::X:X low-range X:X::X:X netmask <1-128>
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to enable or disable Sampled Flow (sFlow) feature globally.
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
Command Syntax
feature sflow
Configure source address
The IP address associated with this agent. In the case of a multi-homed agent, this should be the loopback address of the agent. The sFlowAgent address must provide SNMP connectivity to the agent. The address should be an invariant that does not change as interfaces are reconfigured, enabled, disabled,added or removed. A manager should be able to use the sFlowAgentAddress as a unique key that will identify this agent over extended periods of time so that a history can be maintained.
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
<source-address>A.B.C.D</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sflow agent-ip A.B.C.D
Configure vrf name
The VRF name from which this collector is reachable.
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: receiver-timeout
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-2147483647
Attribute Name: max-datagram-size
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 200-9000
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
<receiver-timeout>0</receiver-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<max-datagram-size>200</max-datagram-size> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vrf-name>WORD</vrf-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sflow (collector-id <1-5>|) collector A.B.C.D port <1024-65535> receiver-time-out <0-2147483647> max-datagram-size <200-9000> (vrf WORD|)
Configure options
Set sFlow debug in config mode
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (agent|sampling|polling|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
<options>agent</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug sflow (agent|sampling|polling|all)
Configure polling interval
Configure global polling-interval for packet sampling. The sflow polling-interval configuration on interface overrides the global configuration.
Attribute Name: polling-interval
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 5-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
<polling-interval>5</polling-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sflow poll-interval <5-60>
Configure sample size
Configure global statistical sampling size for packet sampling. The sflow sampling configuration on interface overrides the global configuration.
Attribute Name: sample-size
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 16-256
Attribute Name: sampling-rate
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1024-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
Command Syntax
sflow sampling-rate <1024-16777215> direction ingress max-header-size <16-256>
Configure sampling rate
Configure global statistical sampling size for packet sampling. The sflow sampling configuration on interface overrides the global configuration.
Attribute Name: sample-size
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 16-256
Attribute Name: sampling-rate
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1024-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
Command Syntax
sflow sampling-rate <1024-16777215> direction egress max-header-size <16-256>
debug sflow (agent|sampling|polling|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (agent|sampling|polling|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<sflow-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug sflow (agent|sampling|polling|all)
no debug sflow (agent|sampling|polling|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (agent|sampling|polling|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<sflow-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug sflow (agent|sampling|polling|all)
Configure enabled
To enable or disable sampling on an interface after giving the sflow sampling-rate command on the same interface, or it can use the global configuration for sampling and polling-interval on this interface.
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sflow enable
Configure polling interval
The maximum number of seconds between successive samples of the counters associated with this data source. A sampling interval of 0 disables counter sampling.The agent is permitted to have minimum and maximum allowable values for the counter polling interval. A minimum interval lets the agent designer set an upper bound on the overhead associated with polling, anda maximum interval may be the result of implementation restrictions (such as counter size).In addition notall values between the maximum and minimum may be realizable as the sampling interval (again because of implementation considerations).When the sampling rate is set the agent is free to adjust the value so that it lies between the maximum and minimum values and has the closest achievable value.When read, the agent must return the actual sampling interval it will be using (after the adjustments previously described).The sampling algorithm must converge so that over time the number of packets sampledapproaches 1/Nth of the total number of packets in the monitored flows.
Attribute Name: polling-interval
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 5-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<polling-interval>5</polling-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sflow poll-interval <5-60>
Configure collector id
Add a collector id to the interface so that it can be used by sflow to send the data.
Attribute Name: collector-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-5
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<collector-id>1</collector-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sflow collector-id <1-5>
Configure sample size
The maximum number of bytes that should be copied from a sampled packet. The agent may have an internal maximum and minimum permissible sizes. If an attempt is made to set this value outside the permissible range then the agent should adjust the value to the closest permissible value.
Attribute Name: sample-size
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 16-256
Attribute Name: sampling-rate
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1024-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
Command Syntax
sflow sampling-rate <1024-16777215> direction ingress max-header-size <16-256>
Configure name
The maximum number of bytes that should be copied from a sampled packet. The agent may have an internal maximum and minimum permissible sizes. If an attempt is made to set this value outside the permissible range then the agent should adjust the value to the closest permissible value.
Attribute Name: sample-size
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 16-256
Attribute Name: sampling-rate
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1024-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<sampling xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
Command Syntax
sflow sampling-rate <1024-16777215> direction egress max-header-size <16-256>
clear sflow statistics (interface IFNAME|)
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<sflow-clear-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear sflow statistics (interface IFNAME|)
Configure exporter name
The IP Flow Exporter name.
Attribute Name: exporter-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<ip-flow-exporter> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip-flow-exporter WORD
Configure collector port
The IP port of the IP Flow Collector.
Attribute Name: collector-port
Attribute Type: inet:port-number
Attribute Range: 1024-65535
Attribute Name: collector-ip
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<collector-ip>A.B.C.D</collector-ip> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<collector-port>1024</collector-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
collector destination A.B.C.D port <1024-65535>
Configure collector vrf
VRF Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: collector-vrf
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Attribute Name: collector-ip
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: collector-port
Attribute Type: inet:port-number
Attribute Range: 1024-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<collector-ip>A.B.C.D</collector-ip> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<collector-port>1024</collector-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<collector-vrf>WORD</collector-vrf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
collector destination A.B.C.D port <1024-65535> vrf WORD
Configure collector ip
VRF Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: collector-vrf
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Attribute Name: collector-ip
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<collector-ip>A.B.C.D</collector-ip> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<collector-vrf>WORD</collector-vrf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
collector destination A.B.C.D vrf WORD
Configure source if
Source interface
Attribute Name: source-if
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<source-if>IFNAME</source-if> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
source IFNAME
Configure template id
Template ID for flow
Attribute Name: template-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 256-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<template-id>256</template-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
template-id <256-65535>
Configure template refresh interval
Interval to send periodic template updates to IP Flow Exporter.
Attribute Name: template-refresh-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 60-86400
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<template-refresh-interval>60</template-refresh-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
template-refresh-interval <60-86400>
Configure samples per message
Samples per message
Attribute Name: samples-per-message
Attribute Type: enum (1|8)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<samples-per-message>1</samples-per-message> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
samples-per-message (1|8)
Configure monitor name
The IP Flow Monitor name.
Attribute Name: monitor-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<ip-flow-monitor> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip-flow-monitor WORD
Configure flow exporter
Exporter Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: flow-exporter
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<flow-exporter>WORD</flow-exporter> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flow-exporter WORD
Configure sampling rate
Sampling Rate. One packet sampled after every ’sampling-rate’ packets
Attribute Name: sampling-rate
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1024-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<sampling-rate>1024</sampling-rate> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sampling-rate <1024-16777215>
Configure observation domain id
Observation Domain ID.
Attribute Name: observation-domain-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<observation-domain-id>0</observation-domain-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
observation-domain-id <0-4294967295>
Configure flow monitor
Monitor Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: flow-monitor
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipfix xmlns="">
<flow-monitor>WORD</flow-monitor> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flow-monitor WORD
Configure watchdog disabled
Disable software watchdog functionality for all modules. This feature is enabled by default.
Attribute Name: watchdog-disabled
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<watchdog xmlns="">
</watchdog-disabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no feature software-watchdog
Configure keepalive interval
Software watchdog keep-alive time interval in seconds. Default value is 60 seconds.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Watchdog feature
Attribute Name: keepalive-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 30-1800
Netconf edit-config payload
<watchdog xmlns="">
<keepalive-interval>30</keepalive-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
software-watchdog keep-alive-time <30-1800>
Configure module watchdog status disabled
Enable software watchdog functionality for a particular software module.
Attribute Name: module-watchdog-status-disabled
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<watchdog xmlns="">
</module-watchdog-status-disabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no software-watchdog (nsm|ripd|ripngd|ospfd|ospf6d|isisd|hostpd|ldpd|rsvpd|mribd|pimd|authd|mstpd|imi|onmd|hsl|oamd|vlogd|ptpd|synced|vrrpd|ndd|ribd|bgpd|l2mribd|lagd|sflow|udld|cmld|cmmd|pcepd)
clear cores (WORD|)
Attribute Name: core-dump
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-core-dump xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear cores (WORD|)
sys-update un-install
Netconf RPC payload
<sys-update-uninstall xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
sys-update un-install
sys-container (raon) (install|update) file FILENAME
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (raon)
Attribute Name: upgrade-type
Attribute Type: enum (install|update)
Attribute Name: file
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<sys-container-install xmlns="">
Command Syntax
sys-container (raon) (install|update) file FILENAME
sys-container (raon) un-install
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (raon)
Attribute Name: un-install
Attribute Type: boolean
Default Value: false
Netconf RPC payload
<sys-container-uninstall xmlns="">
Command Syntax
sys-container (raon) un-install
sys-container (raon) (start|stop|restart)
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (raon)
Attribute Name: boot-type
Attribute Type: enum (start|stop|restart)
Netconf RPC payload
<sys-container-boot xmlns="">
Command Syntax
sys-container (raon) (start|stop|restart)
sys-container (raon) get URL (source-interface IFNAME|)
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (raon)
Attribute Name: url
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: source-interface
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<sys-container-get xmlns="">
Command Syntax
sys-container (raon) get URL (source-interface IFNAME|)
sys-container (raon) remove file FILENAME
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (raon)
Attribute Name: file
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<sys-container-remove xmlns="">
Command Syntax
sys-container (raon) remove file FILENAME
sys-container (raon) verify image FILEPATH signature FILEPATH
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (raon)
Attribute Name: image
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: signature
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<sys-container-verify xmlns="">
Command Syntax
sys-container (raon) verify image FILEPATH signature FILEPATH
sys-container cancel download
Netconf RPC payload
<sys-container-cancel-download xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
sys-container cancel download
Configure options
Use this attribute to specify debug options
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mrib xmlns="">
<options>all</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip mrib (vrf WORD|) (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Configure multicast routing enable
Use this attribute to turn on/off multicast routing on the router when turned off, the multicast protocol daemon remains present, but does not perform multicast functions. When multicast routing is enabled, the MRIB re-creates tunnels, and starts processing any VIF addition/deletion requests, MRT addition/deletion requests, and any multicast forwarding events.
Attribute Name: multicast-routing-enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<mrib xmlns="">
</multicast-routing-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip multicast-routing (vrf WORD|)
Configure maximum routes
Use this attribute to limit the number of multicast routes that can be added to a multicast routing table. It generates an error message when the limit is exceeded.
Attribute Name: maximum-routes
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<mrib xmlns="">
<maximum-routes>1</maximum-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip multicast (vrf WORD|) route-limit <1-2147483647>
Configure warning threshold
Use this attribute to limit the number of multicast routes that can be added to a multicast routing table. It generates an error message when the limit is exceeded. If the threshold parameter is set, a threshold warning message is generated when this threshold is exceeded and the message continues to occur until the number of mroutes reaches the limit set by the limit argument.
Attribute Name: warning-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483647
Attribute Name: maximum-routes
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<mrib xmlns="">
<maximum-routes>1</maximum-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<warning-threshold>1</warning-threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip multicast (vrf WORD|) route-limit <1-2147483647> <1-2147483647>
Configure ttl threshold
Use this attribute to configure the time-to-live (TTL) threshold of packets being forwarded out of an interface. Only multicast packets with a TTL value greater than the threshold are forwarded out of the interface.
Attribute Name: ttl-threshold
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<mrib xmlns="">
<ttl-threshold>1</ttl-threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip multicast ttl-threshold <1-255>
debug ip mrib (vrf WORD|) (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv4_mrib-ipv4-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ip mrib (vrf WORD|) (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
no debug ip mrib (vrf WORD|) (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv4_mrib-ipv4-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ip mrib (vrf WORD|) (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) *
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: all-routes
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv4_mrib-ipv4-clear-mroute-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) *
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) A.B.C.D
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv4_mrib-ipv4-clear-mroute-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) A.B.C.D
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) A.B.C.D A.B.C.D
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv4_mrib-ipv4-clear-mroute-source-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) A.B.C.D A.B.C.D
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics *
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: all-routes
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv4_mrib-ipv4-clear-mroute-statistics-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics *
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics A.B.C.D
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv4_mrib-ipv4-clear-mroute-statistics-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics A.B.C.D
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics A.B.C.D A.B.C.D
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv4_mrib-ipv4-clear-mroute-statistics-source-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics A.B.C.D A.B.C.D
snmp restart mrib
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv4_mrib-ipv4-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart mrib
Configure options
Use this attribute to specify debug options
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mrib xmlns="">
<options>all</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 mrib (vrf NAME|) (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Configure multicast routing enable
Use this attribute to turn on/off multicast routing on the router when turned off, the multicast protocol daemon remains present, but does not perform multicast functions. When multicast routing is enabled, the MRIB re-creates tunnels, and starts processing any VIF addition/deletion requests, MRT addition/deletion requests, and any multicast forwarding events.
Attribute Name: multicast-routing-enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<mrib xmlns="">
</multicast-routing-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 multicast-routing (vrf NAME|)
Configure maximum routes
Use this attribute to limit the number of multicast routes that can be added to a multicast routing table. It generates an error message when the limit is exceeded.
Attribute Name: maximum-routes
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<mrib xmlns="">
<maximum-routes>1</maximum-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 multicast (vrf NAME|) route-limit <1-2147483647>
Configure warning threshold
Use this attribute to limit the number of multicast routes that can be added to a multicast routing table. It generates an error message when the limit is exceeded. If the threshold parameter is set, a threshold warning message is generated when this threshold is exceeded and the message continues to occur until the number of mroutes reaches the limit set by the limit argument.
Attribute Name: warning-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483647
Attribute Name: maximum-routes
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<mrib xmlns="">
<maximum-routes>1</maximum-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<warning-threshold>1</warning-threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 multicast (vrf NAME|) route-limit <1-2147483647> <1-2147483647>
debug ipv6 mrib (vrf WORD|) (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv6_mrib-ipv6-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 mrib (vrf WORD|) (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
no debug ipv6 mrib (vrf WORD|) (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv6_mrib-ipv6-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 mrib (vrf WORD|) (all|event|vif|mrt|stats|fib-msg|register-msg|nsm-msg|mrib-msg|mtrace|mtrace-detail)
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) *
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: all-routes
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv6_mrib-ipv6-clear-mroute-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) *
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) X:X::X:X
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv6_mrib-ipv6-clear-mroute-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) X:X::X:X
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) X:X::X:X X:X::X:X
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv6_mrib-ipv6-clear-mroute-source-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) X:X::X:X X:X::X:X
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics *
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: all-routes
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv6_mrib-ipv6-clear-mroute-statistics-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics *
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics X:X::X:X
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv6_mrib-ipv6-clear-mroute-statistics-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics X:X::X:X
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics X:X::X:X X:X::X:X
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-mrib-ipv6_mrib-ipv6-clear-mroute-statistics-source-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 mroute (vrf NAME|) statistics X:X::X:X X:X::X:X
Configure disable ssm map
Use this attribute to enable the IGMP operation on an interface. This command enables IGMP operation in standalone mode, and can be used to learn local-membership information prior to enabling a multicast routing protocol on the interface. This command will has no effect on interfaces configured for IGMP proxy.
Attribute Name: disable-ssm-map
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
</disable-ssm-map><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip igmp (vrf NAME|) ssm-map enable
Configure disable tos check
Use this attribute to disable TOS check for Internetwork Control
Attribute Name: disable-tos-check
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
</disable-tos-check><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip igmp (vrf NAME|) tos-check
Configure limit exception acl
Use this attribute to set the maximum number of group membership states, at either the router level or at the interface level. Once the specified number of group memberships is reached, all further local-memberships are ignored. Optionally, an exception access-list can be configured to specify the group-address(es) to be excluded from being subject to the limit. This command applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols and IGMP Proxy. The limit applies, individually, to each of its constituent interfaces.
Attribute Name: limit-exception-acl
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: member-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-2097152
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<member-limit>1</member-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<limit-exception-acl>WORD</limit-exception-acl> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp (vrf NAME|) limit <1-2097152> (except WORD|)
Configure member limit
Use this attribute to set the maximum number of group membership states, at either the router level or at the interface level. Once the specified number of group memberships is reached, all further local-memberships are ignored. Optionally, an exception access-list can be configured to specify the group-address(es) to be excluded from being subject to the limit. This command applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols and IGMP Proxy. The limit applies, individually, to each of its constituent interfaces.
Attribute Name: member-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-2097152
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<member-limit>1</member-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp (vrf NAME|) limit <1-2097152>
Configure source
Use this attribute to specify the static mode of defining SSM mapping. SSM mapping statically assigns sources to IGMPv1 and IGMPv2 groups to translate such (star G) groups memberships to (S,G) memberships for use with PIMSSM.This attribute applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols and IGMP Proxy.
Attribute Name: source
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<static-mapping> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp (vrf NAME|) ssm-map static WORD A.B.C.D
Configure options
Use this attribute to enable igmp debugging configurations
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (all|decode|encode|events|fsm|tib)
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<options>all</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip igmp (vrf NAME|) (all|decode|encode|events|fsm|tib)
debug ip igmp (vrf NAME|) (all|decode|encode|events|fsm|tib)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|decode|encode|events|fsm|tib)
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ip igmp (vrf NAME|) (all|decode|encode|events|fsm|tib)
no debug ip igmp (vrf NAME|) (all|decode|encode|events|fsm|tib)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|decode|encode|events|fsm|tib)
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ip igmp (vrf NAME|) (all|decode|encode|events|fsm|tib)
clear ip igmp (vrf NAME|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-clear-all-groups-for-vrf xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip igmp (vrf NAME|)
clear ip igmp (vrf NAME|) group *
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Attribute Name: clear-all
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-clear-all-groups xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip igmp (vrf NAME|) group *
clear ip igmp (vrf NAME|) group A.B.C.D IFNAME
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-clear-group-on-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip igmp (vrf NAME|) group A.B.C.D IFNAME
clear ip igmp (vrf NAME|) interface IFNAME
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-clear-all-groups-on-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip igmp (vrf NAME|) interface IFNAME
clear ip igmp (vrf NAME|) group A.B.C.D
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-clear-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip igmp (vrf NAME|) group A.B.C.D
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to enable the IGMP operation on an interface. This attributeenables IGMP operation in standalone mode, and can be used to learn local-membership information prior to enabling a multicast routing protocol on the interface. This attribute will have no effect on interfaces configured for IGMP proxy
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp
Configure last member query count
Use this attribute to set the last-member query-count value. This attribute applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols and IGMP Proxy.
Attribute Name: last-member-query-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 2-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<last-member-query-count>2</last-member-query-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp last-member-query-count <2-7>
Configure last member query interval
Use this attribute to configure the frequency at which the router sends IGMP group-specific host query messages. This attribute applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols and IGMP Proxy.
Attribute Name: last-member-query-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1000
Attribute Range: 1000-25500
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<last-member-query-interval>1000</last-member-query-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp last-member-query-interval <1000-25500>
Configure querier timeout
Use this attribute to set the timeout period before the router takes over as the querier for the interface after the previous querier has stopped querying. This attribute applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols and IGMP Proxy.
Attribute Name: querier-timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 255
Attribute Range: 60-300
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<querier-timeout>60</querier-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp querier-timeout <60-300>
Configure query interval
Use this attribute to set the frequency of sending IGMP host query messages. This attribute applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols and IGMP Proxy.
Attribute Name: query-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 125
Attribute Range: 1-18000
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<query-interval>1</query-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp query-interval <1-18000>
Configure query max response time
Use this attribute to set the maximum response time advertised in IGMP queries. This attribute applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols and IGMP Proxy.
Attribute Name: query-max-response-time
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-240
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<query-max-response-time>1</query-max-response-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp query-max-response-time <1-240>
Configure startup query interval
Use this attribute to set a query interval value for IGMP
Attribute Name: startup-query-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 31
Attribute Range: 1-18000
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<startup-query-interval>1</startup-query-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp startup-query-interval <1-18000>
Configure startup query count
Use this attribute to set a startup query count for IGMP
Attribute Name: startup-query-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 2-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<startup-query-count>2</startup-query-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp startup-query-count <2-10>
Configure robustness variable
Use this attribute to set the robustness variable value on an interface. This attribute applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols and IGMP Proxy.
Attribute Name: robustness-variable
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 2-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<robustness-variable>2</robustness-variable> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp robustness-variable <2-7>
Configure version
Use this attribute to set the current IGMP protocol version on an interface. This attribute applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols and IGMP Proxy.
Attribute Name: version
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 3
Attribute Range: 1-3
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<version>1</version> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp version <1-3>
Configure require router alert option
Use this attribute to configure strict Router Advertisement validation for IGMP.
Attribute Name: require-router-alert-option
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
</require-router-alert-option><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp ra-option
Configure allow offlink host
Use this attribute to configure off-link for IGMP.
Attribute Name: allow-offlink-host
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
</allow-offlink-host><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp offlink
Configure enable proxy service
Use this attribute to designate an interface to be the IGMP proxy-service (upstream host-side) interface, thus enabling IGMP host-side protocol operation on this interface. All associated downstream router-side interfaces will have their memberships consolidated on this interface, according to IGMP host-side functionality
Attribute Name: enable-proxy-service
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
</enable-proxy-service><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp proxy-service
Configure mroute proxy interface
Use this attribute to specify the IGMP Proxy service interface with which to be associated. IGMP router-side protocol operation is enabled only when the specified upstream proxy-service interface is functional.
Attribute Name: mroute-proxy-interface
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<mroute-proxy-interface>IFNAME</mroute-proxy-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp mroute-proxy IFNAME
Configure unsolicited report interval
Use this attribute to set an unsolicited report interval for an interface designated as an IGMP proxy
Attribute Name: unsolicited-report-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1000
Attribute Range: 1000-25500
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<unsolicited-report-interval>1000</unsolicited-report-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp proxy unsolicited-report-interval <1000-25500>
Configure limit exception acl
Use this attribute to set the maximum number of group membership states, at either the router level or at the interface level. Once the specified number of group memberships is reached, all further local-memberships are ignored. Optionally, an exception access-list can be configured to specify the group-address to be excluded from being subject to the limit.
Attribute Name: limit-exception-acl
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: member-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2097152
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<member-limit>1</member-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<limit-exception-acl>WORD</limit-exception-acl> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp limit <1-2097152> (except WORD|)
Configure member limit
Use this attribute to set the maximum number of group membership states, at either the router level or at the interface level. Once the specified number of group memberships is reached, all further local-memberships are ignored. Optionally, an exception access-list can be configured to specify the group-address to be excluded from being subject to the limit.
Attribute Name: member-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-2097152
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<member-limit>1</member-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp limit <1-2097152>
Configure access group name
Use this attribute to control the multicast local-membership groups learned on an interface. This attribute applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols, IGMP proxy.
Attribute Name: access-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<access-group-name>WORD</access-group-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp access-group WORD
Configure immediate leave groups list
In IGMP version 2, use this attribute to minimize the leave latency of IGMP memberships. This attribute is used when only one receiver host is connected to each interface. This command applies to interfaces configured for IGMP Layer-3 multicast protocols, IGMP Proxy.
Attribute Name: immediate-leave-groups-list
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<immediate-leave-groups-list>WORD</immediate-leave-groups-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp immediate-leave group-list WORD
Configure group address
Use this attribute to statically configure group membership entries on an interface. To statically add only a group membership, do not specify any parameters. This attribute applies to IGMP operation on a specific interface to statically add group and/or source records on a VLAN interface to statically add group and/or source records.
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<asm-static-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp static-group A.B.C.D
Configure source
Use this attribute to statically configure the group to be joined.
Attribute Name: source
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<ssm-static-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp static-group A.B.C.D source (ssm-map|A.B.C.D)
Configure name
Use this attribute to configure a join multicast group.
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp xmlns="">
<asm-join-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp join-group A.B.C.D
Configure disable igmp snooping
Use this attribute to disable IGMP Snooping. When this attribute is given in the Configure mode, IGMP snooping is enabled at switch level on all the vlans in switch. When this attribute is given at the VLAN interface level, IGMP Snooping is enabled for that VLAN.
Attribute Name: disable-igmp-snooping
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
</disable-igmp-snooping><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no igmp snooping
Configure disable report suppression
Use this attribute to disable report suppression for IGMP version 1, 2 and 3 reports. By default report suppression is enabled.
Attribute Name: disable-report-suppression
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
</disable-report-suppression><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no igmp snooping report-suppression
Configure unknown multicast action
Use this attribute to set the action to be taken on receiving l2 unknown multicast packets.
Attribute Name: unknown-multicast-action
Attribute Type: enum (flood|discard)
Default Value: flood
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
<unknown-multicast-action>flood</unknown-multicast-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
l2 unknown mcast (flood|discard)
Configure options
Enable IGMP snooping debug
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
<options>decode</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug igmp snooping (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Configure igmp snooping
Use this attribute to enable or disable IGMP Snooping.When this command is given at the VLAN interface level, IGMP Snooping is enabled for that VLAN.
Attribute Name: igmp-snooping
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
<igmp-snooping>disable</igmp-snooping> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip igmp snooping
Configure report suppression
Use this attribute to enable or disable report suppression for IGMP version 1, 2 and 3 reports. By default report suppression is enabled.
Attribute Name: report-suppression
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
<report-suppression>disable</report-suppression> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip igmp snooping report-suppression
Configure enable fast leave
Use this attribute to enable IGMP Snooping fast-leave processing. Fast-leave processing is analogous to immediateleave processing the IGMP group-membership is removed, as soon as an IGMP leave group message is received without sending out a group-specific query
Attribute Name: enable-fast-leave
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
</enable-fast-leave><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping fast-leave
Configure mrouter interface name
Use this attribute to statically configure the specified VLAN constituent interface as a multicast router interface for IGMP Snooping in that VLAN.
Attribute Name: mrouter-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
<mrouter-interface-name>IFNAME</mrouter-interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping mrouter interface IFNAME
Configure enable querier
Use this attribute to enable IGMP snooping querier functionality on a VLAN when IGMP is not enabled on the particular VLAN. When enabled, the IGMP Snooping querier sends out periodic IGMP queries for all interfaces on that VLAN.The IGMP Snooping querier uses the source IP address, because it only masquerades as a proxy IGMP querier for faster network convergence. It does not start, or automatically cease, the IGMP Querier operation if it detects query message(s) from a multicast router. It restarts as the IGMP Snooping querier if no queries are seen within the other querier interval.
Attribute Name: enable-querier
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
</enable-querier><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip igmp snooping querier
Configure name
Use this attribute to enable or disable IGMP Snooping.When this command is given at the VLAN interface level, IGMP Snooping is enabled for that VLAN.
Attribute Name: igmp-snooping
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
<igmp-snooping>disable</igmp-snooping> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
igmp snooping (disable|enable)
Configure source address
Use this attribute to set the Source Address to be joined
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
Command Syntax
igmp snooping static-group A.B.C.D source A.B.C.D interface IFNAME
Configure group address
Use this attribute to set the static group-address to be joined
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<igmp-snooping xmlns="">
Command Syntax
igmp snooping static-group A.B.C.D interface IFNAME
clear igmp snooping group A.B.C.D IFNAME
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-snooping-clear-group-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear igmp snooping group A.B.C.D IFNAME
clear igmp snooping interface IFNAME
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-snooping-clear-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear igmp snooping interface IFNAME
clear igmp snooping group *
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-snooping-clear-group-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear igmp snooping group *
clear igmp snooping
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-snooping-clear-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear igmp snooping
clear igmp snooping group A.B.C.D
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-snooping-clear-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear igmp snooping group A.B.C.D
debug igmp snooping (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-snooping-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug igmp snooping (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
no debug igmp snooping (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<igmp-snooping-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug igmp snooping (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Configure disable mld snooping
Use this attribute to enable MLD Snooping. When this command is given in the Configure mode, MLD Snooping is enabled at the switch level. When this attribute is given at the VLAN interface level, 5MLD Snooping is enabled for that VLAN.
Attribute Name: disable-mld-snooping
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<mld-snooping xmlns="">
</disable-mld-snooping><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no mld snooping
Configure disable report suppression
Use this attribute to enable report suppression for MLD version 1.
Attribute Name: disable-report-suppression
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<mld-snooping xmlns="">
</disable-report-suppression><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no mld snooping report-suppression
Configure options
Use this attribute to enable mld snooping debugging configurations
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mld-snooping xmlns="">
<options>decode</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug mld snooping (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Configure report suppression
Use this attribute to enable or disable report suppression for MLD version 1, and 2 reports. By default report suppression is enabled.
Attribute Name: report-suppression
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mld-snooping xmlns="">
<report-suppression>disable</report-suppression> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no mld snooping report-suppression
Configure mld snooping
Use this attribute to enable MLD Snooping. When this attribute is given at the VLAN interface level, MLD Snooping is enabled for that VLAN.
Attribute Name: mld-snooping
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Default Value: enable
Netconf edit-config payload
<mld-snooping xmlns="">
<mld-snooping>enable</mld-snooping> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mld snooping (disable|enable)
Configure enable fast leave
Use this attribute to enable MLD Snooping fast-leave processing. Fast-leave processing is analogous to immediateleave processing the MLD group-membership is removed, as soon as an MLD leave group message is received without sending out a group-specific query.
Attribute Name: enable-fast-leave
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<mld-snooping xmlns="">
</enable-fast-leave><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mld snooping fast-leave
Configure name
Use this attribute to enable or disable report suppression for MLD version 1, and 2 reports. By default report suppression is enabled.
Attribute Name: report-suppression
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mld-snooping xmlns="">
<report-suppression>disable</report-suppression> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mld snooping report-suppression (disable|enable)
Configure mrouter interface name
Use this attribute to statically configure the specified VLAN constituent interface as a multicast router interface for MLD Snooping in that VLAN
Attribute Name: mrouter-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mld-snooping xmlns="">
<mrouter-interface-name>IFNAME</mrouter-interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mld snooping mrouter interface IFNAME
Configure enable querier
Use this attribute to enable MLD querier operation on a subnet (VLAN) when no multicast routing protocol is configured in the subnet VLAN. When enabled, the MLD Snooping querier sends out periodic MLD queries for all interfaces on that VLAN. The MLD Snooping querier uses the source IP address, because it masquerades as a proxy MLD querier for faster network convergence. It does not start or automatically cease the MLD querier operation if it detects a query message from a multicast router. It restarts as MLD snooping querier if no queries are seen within another querier interval
Attribute Name: enable-querier
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<mld-snooping xmlns="">
</enable-querier><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mld snooping querier
debug mld snooping (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<mld-snooping-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug mld snooping (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
no debug mld snooping (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<mld-snooping-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug mld snooping (decode|encode|events|fsm|tib|all)
clear mld snooping group X:X::X:X IFNAME
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<mld-snooping-clear-group-on-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mld snooping group X:X::X:X IFNAME
clear mld snooping interface IFNAME
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<mld-snooping-clear-all-groups-on-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mld snooping interface IFNAME
clear mld snooping group X:X::X:X
Attribute Name: group-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<mld-snooping-clear-group xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mld snooping group X:X::X:X
clear mld snooping group *
Netconf RPC payload
<mld-snooping-clear-all-groups xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear mld snooping group *
clear mld snooping
Netconf RPC payload
<mld-snooping-clear-all-groups-alias xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear mld snooping
Configure action
Use this attribute to enter the route-map mode and to permit or deny match/set operations.If deny is specified, and the match criteria are met, the route is not redistributed, and any other route maps with the same map tag are not examined.If permit is specified, and the match criteria are met, the route is redistributed as specified by the set actions. If the match criteria are not met, the next route map with the same tag is tested.
Attribute Name: action
Attribute Type: enum (permit|deny)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
Command Syntax
route-map WORD ((permit|deny)|) (<1-65535>|)
Configure continue to next sequence
The continue clause provides the capability to execute additional entries in a route map after an entry is executed with a successful match and set clauses Example the continue command allows multiple entries to be evaluated within a single route-map.
Attribute Name: continue-to-next-sequence
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
</continue-to-next-sequence><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure next sequence number
Continue commands can be assigned optional sequence numbers that indicate the order in which clauses are to be evaluated.
Attribute Name: next-sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 2-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<next-sequence-number>2</next-sequence-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
continue <2-65535>
Configure interface name
Use this attribute to define the interface match criterion. This command specifies the next-hop interface name of a route to be matched
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<interface-name>IFNAME</interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match interface IFNAME
Configure metric
Use this attribute to match a metric of a route. The route specified by the policies might not be the same as specified by the routing protocols. Setting policies enable packets to take different routes depending on their length or content. Packet forwarding based on configured policies overrides packet forwarding specified in routing tables.
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<metric>1</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match metric <1-4294967295>
Configure vlan id
use this attribute to set match entry traffic based on a VLAN
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<vlan-id>VLAN</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match vlan VLAN
Configure mac access list name
use this attribute to set the match entry for mac-access list
Attribute Name: mac-access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<mac-access-list-name>WORD</mac-access-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match mac-list WORD
Configure tag
Use this command to set a tag value. The parameter is the route tag that is labeled by another routing protocol (BGP or other IGP when redistributing), because AS-external-LSA has a route-tag field in its LSAs. In addition, when using route-map, OcNOS can tag the LSAs with the appropriate tag value. Sometimes the tag matches with using route-map and sometimes, the value may be used by another application.
Attribute Name: tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<tag>1</tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match tag <1-4294967295>
Configure route type
Use this attribute to match an external route type. AS-external LSA is either Type-1 or Type-2. External type-1 matches only Type 1 external routes and external type-2 matches only Type 2 external routes.
Attribute Name: route-type
Attribute Type: enum (type-1|type-2)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<route-type>type-1</route-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match route-type external (type-1|type-2)
Configure as path name
Use this command to match an autonomous system path access list. This command specifies the autonomous system path to be matched. If there is a match for the specified AS path, and permit is specified, the route is redistributed or controlled, as specified by the set action. If the match criteria are met, and deny is specified, the route is not redistributed or controlled. If the match criteria are not met then the route is neither accepted nor forwarded,irrespective of permit or deny specifications.The route specified by the policies might not be the same as specified by the routing protocols. Setting policies enable packets to take different routes, depending on their length or content. Packet forwarding based on configured policies overrides packet forwarding specified in routing tables.
Attribute Name: as-path-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<as-path-name>WORD</as-path-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match as-path WORD
Configure route origin
Use this attribute to match origin code.The origin attribute defines the origin of the path information. The egp parameter is indicated as an e in the routing table, and it indicates that the origin of the information is learned via EGP (Exterior Gateway Protocol). The igp parameter is indicated as an i in the routing table, and it indicates the origin of the path information is interior to the originating AS. The incomplete parameter is indicated as a ? in the routing table, and indicates that the origin of the path information is unknown or learned through other means. If a static route is redistributed into BGP, the origin of the route is incomplete.This command specifies the origin to be matched. If there is a match for the specified origin, and permit is specified when you created the route-map, the route is redistributed or controlled as specified by the set action. If the match criteria are met, and deny is specified, the route is not redistributed or controlled. If the match criteria are not met, the route is neither accepted nor forwarded, irrespective of permit or deny specifications. The route specified by the policies might not be the same as specified by the routing protocols. Setting policies enable packets to take different routes depending on their length or content. Packet forwarding based on configured policies overrides packet forwarding specified in routing tables
Attribute Name: route-origin
Attribute Type: enum (egp|igp|incomplete)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<route-origin>egp</route-origin> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match origin (egp|igp|incomplete)
Configure packet max length
use this attribute to set match community maximum length
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PBR feature
Attribute Name: packet-max-length
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<packet-length-constraints> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match length <0-65535> <0-65535>
Configure community identifier
Use this attribute to specify the community to be matched.Communities are used to group and filter routes. They are designed to provide the ability to apply policies to large numbers of routes by using match and set commands.Community lists are used to identify and filter routes by their common attributes. This command allows the matching based on community lists.The values set by the match community command overrides the global values. The route that does not match at least one match clause is ignored.
Attribute Name: community-identifier
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: match-type
Attribute Type: enum (no-exact-match|exact-match)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<community> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match community (WORD|<1-99>|<100-500>) ((exact-match)|)
Configure extended community identifier
Use this attribute to match BGP external community list.Communities are used to group and filter routes. They are designed to provide the ability to apply policies to large numbers of routes by using match and set commands. Community lists are used to identify and filter routes by their common attributes. This command allows the matching based on community lists. The values set by this command overrides the global values. The route that does not match at least one match clause is ignored
Attribute Name: extended-community-identifier
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: match-type
Attribute Type: enum (no-exact-match|exact-match)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<extended-community> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match extcommunity (WORD|<1-99>|<100-500>) ((exact-match)|)
Configure match type
Do exact matching of extcommunities
Attribute Name: match-type
Attribute Type: enum (no-exact-match|exact-match)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<match-type>0</match-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no match extcommunity exact-match
Configure ip access list name
Use this attribute to specify the match address of route. If there is a match for the specified IP address, and permit is specified, the route is redistributed or controlled, as specified by the set action. If the match criteria are met, and deny is specified then the route is not redistributed or controlled. If the match criteria are not met, the route is neither accepted nor forwarded, irrespective of permit or deny specifications.The route specified by the policies might not be the same as specified by the routing protocols. Setting policies enable packets to take different routes, depending on their length or content. Packet forwarding based on configured policies overrides packet forwarding specified in routing tables.
Attribute Name: ip-access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<ip-access-list-name>WORD</ip-access-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ip address WORD
Configure ip prefix list name
Use this attribute to match entries of a prefix-list. The route specified by the policies might not be the same as specified by the routing protocols. Setting policies enable packets to take different routes depending on their length or content. Packet forwarding based on configured policies overrides packet forwarding specified in routing tables.
Attribute Name: ip-prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<ip-prefix-list-name>WORD</ip-prefix-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ip address prefix-list WORD
Configure peer access list name
Use this attribute to specify the match peer IPv4 address of a route.
Attribute Name: peer-access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<peer-access-list-name>WORD</peer-access-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ip peer WORD
Configure next hop prefix list name
Use this attribute to specify the next-hop IP address match criterion using the prefix-list. This command matches the next-hop IP address of a route.
Attribute Name: next-hop-prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<next-hop-prefix-list-name>WORD</next-hop-prefix-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ip next-hop prefix-list WORD
Configure next hop access list name
Use this attribute to specify a next-hop address to be matched in a route-map. The route specified by the policies might not be the same as specified by the routing protocols. Setting policies enable packets to take different routes depending on their length or content. Packet forwarding based on configured policies overrides packet forwarding specified in routing tables.
Attribute Name: next-hop-access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<next-hop-access-list-name>WORD</next-hop-access-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ip next-hop WORD
Configure ipv6 address access list name
Use this attribute to specify the match address of route. The route specified by the policies might not be the same as specified by the routing protocols. Setting policies enable packets to take different routes depending on their length or content. Packet forwarding based on configured policies overrides packet forwarding specified in routing tables
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: ipv6-address-access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<ipv6-address-access-list-name>WORD</ipv6-address-access-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv6 address WORD
Configure ipv6 prefix list name
Use this attribute to match entries of a prefix-list. The route specified by the policies might not be the same as specified by the routing protocols. Setting policies enable packets to take different routes, depending on their length or content. Packet forwarding based on configured policies overrides packet forwarding specified in routing tables.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: ipv6-prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<ipv6-prefix-list-name>WORD</ipv6-prefix-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv6 address prefix-list WORD
Configure routemap name
Use this attribute to specify the match peer IPv6 address of a route.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: peer-access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<peer-access-list-name>WORD</peer-access-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv6 peer WORD
Configure sequence id
Use this attribute to match entries of a prefix-list. The route specified by the policies might not be the same as specified by the routing protocols. Setting policies enable packets to take different routes depending on their length or content. Packet forwarding based on configured policies overrides packet forwarding specified in routing tables.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: next-hop-prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<next-hop-prefix-list-name>WORD</next-hop-prefix-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv6 next-hop prefix-list WORD
Configure next hop match string
Use this attribute to specify the next-hop address to be matched. The route specified by the policies might not be the same as specified by the routing protocols. Setting policies enable packets to take different routes depending on their length or content. Packet forwarding based on configured policies overrides packet forwarding specified in routing tables.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: next-hop-match-string
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
Command Syntax
match ipv6 next-hop (WORD|X:X::X:X)
Configure large community number match
Use this attributes to set the communities attribute. and group destinations in a certain community, as well as apply routing decisions according to those communities.
Attribute Name: large-community-number-match
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<large-community-number-match>XXX:YYYY:ZZZ</large-community-number-match> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match large-community [XXX:YYYY:ZZZ]
Configure metric value
Use this command to set a metric value for a route and influence external neighbors about the preferred path into an Autonomous System (AS). The preferred path is the one with a lower metric value. A router compares metrics for paths from neighbors in the same ASs. To compare metrics from neighbors coming from different ASs, use the bgp always-compare-med command.To use this command, you must first have a match clause. Match and set commands set the conditions for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another. The match command specifies the match criteria under which redistribution is allowed for the current route-map. The set command specifies the set redistribution actions to be performed, if the match criteria are met.If the packets do not match any of the defined criteria, they are routed through the normal routing process.
Attribute Name: metric-value
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<metric-value>WORD</metric-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set metric WORD
Configure forward interface type
Use this attributes to discard routes based on policy/rules configured for a route map.Route maps can be applied to BGP neighbors. When this command is given for a route map and that route map is applied to a BGP neighbor, the discard route entries are added by BGP for the prefix permitted by the route map.
Attribute Name: forward-interface-type
Attribute Type: enum (null0|tunnel-te)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<forward-interface-type>null0</forward-interface-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set interface (null0|tunnel-te)
Configure route tag
Use this attribute to set a tag value. The parameter is the route tag that is labeled by another routing protocol (BGP or other IGP when redistributing), because AS-external-LSA has a route-tag field in its LSAs. In addition, when using route-map, OcNOS can tag the LSAs with the appropriate tag value. Sometimes the tag matches with using route-map, and sometimes, the value may be used by another application.
Attribute Name: route-tag
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<route-tag>1</route-tag> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set tag <1-4294967295>
Configure weight
Use this attribute to set weights for the routing table. The weight value is used to assist in best path selection. It is assigned locally to a router. When there are several routes with a common destination, the routes with a higher weight value are preferred. To use this command, you must first have a match clause. Match and set commands set the conditions for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another. The match command specifies the match criteria under which redistribution is allowed for the current route-map. The set command specifies the set redistribution actions to be performed, if the match criteria are met.
Attribute Name: weight
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<weight>0</weight> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set weight <0-65535>
Configure local preference
Use this attribute to set the BGP local preference path attribute
Attribute Name: local-preference
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<local-preference>0</local-preference> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set local-preference <0-4294967295>
Configure route origin type
Use this command to set the BGP origin code. The origin attribute defines the origin of the path information. To use this command, you must first have a match clause. Match and set commands set the conditions for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another. The match command specifies the match criteria under which redistribution is allowed for the current route-map. The set command specifies the set redistribution actions to be performed, if the match criteria are met.If the packets do not match any of the defined criteria, they are routed through the normal routing process.
Attribute Name: route-origin-type
Attribute Type: enum (egp|igp|incomplete)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<route-origin-type>egp</route-origin-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set origin (egp|igp|incomplete)
Configure metric type
Use this command to set the metric type for the destination routing protocol. Select a type to be either Type-1 or Type2 in the AS-external-LSA when the route-map matches the condition.
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (type-1|type-2|internal|external)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<metric-type>type-1</metric-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set metric-type (type-1|type-2|internal|external)
Configure aigp metric
Use this command to set the AIGP metric for BGP protocol routes.
Attribute Name: aigp-metric
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<aigp-metric>igp-metric</aigp-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set aigp-metric (igp-metric|<1-4294967295>)
Configure level type
Use this attribute to set the IS-IS level to export a route.
Attribute Name: level-type
Attribute Type: enum (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<level-type>level-1</level-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set level (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Configure enable as path tag
Use this command to modify an autonomous system path for a route. By specifying the length of the AS-Path, the router influences the best path selection by a neighbor
Attribute Name: enable-as-path-tag
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
</enable-as-path-tag><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set as-path tag
Configure atomic aggregate
Use this attribute to set an atomic aggregate attribute.To use this command, you must first have a match clause. Match and set commands set the conditions for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another. The match command specifies the match criteria under which redistribution is allowed for the current route-map. The set command specifies the set redistribution actions to be performed, if the match criteria are met.If the packets do not match any of the defined criteria, they are routed through the normal routing process.
Attribute Name: atomic-aggregate
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
</atomic-aggregate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set atomic-aggregate
Configure delete community value
Use this attribute to delete the matched communities from the community attribute of an inbound or outbound update when applying route-map.
Attribute Name: delete-community-value
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
Command Syntax
set comm-list (WORD|<1-99>|<100-500>) delete
Configure bgp originator id
Use this command to set the originator ID attribute. To use this command, you must first have a match clause. Match and set commands set the conditions for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another. The match command specifies the match criteria under which redistribution is allowed for the current route-map. The set command specifies the set redistribution actions to be performed, if the match criteria are met.If the packets do not match any of the defined criteria, they are routed through the normal routing process
Attribute Name: bgp-originator-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<bgp-originator-id>A.B.C.D</bgp-originator-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set originator-id A.B.C.D
Configure as path prepend
Use this attributes to modify an autonomous system path for a route. By specifying the length of the AS-Path, the router influences the best path selection by a neighbor.Use this command to prepend an AS path string to routes increasing the AS path length.To use this command, you must first give the match and set commands configure the conditions for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another: 1. The match command specifies the match criteria under which redistribution is allowed for the current route-map. 2.The set command specifies the set redistribution actions to be performed if the match criteria are met.If the packets do not match any of the defined criteria, they are routed through the normal routing process.
Attribute Name: as-path-prepend
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<as-path-prepend>1</as-path-prepend> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set as-path prepend .<1-4294967295>
Configure ext community site of origin
Use this attribute to set an extended community attribute as Site-of-origin extended community.
Attribute Name: ext-community-site-of-origin
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<ext-community-site-of-origin>AA:NN</ext-community-site-of-origin> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set extcommunity soo .AA:NN
Configure ext community color
Use this attribute to set an extended community attribute color value
Attribute Name: ext-community-color
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<ext-community-color>1</ext-community-color> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set extcommunity color <1-4294967295>
Configure ip nexthop address
Use this attribute to set the specified next-hop value.
Attribute Name: ip-nexthop-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<ip-nexthop-address>A.B.C.D</ip-nexthop-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set ip next-hop A.B.C.D
Configure use peer address
Use this attribute to set the next hop value as BGP peer-address
Attribute Name: use-peer-address
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
</use-peer-address><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set ip next-hop peer-address
Configure default nexthop address
Use this attribute to set the default next hop value
Attribute Name: default-nexthop-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<default-nexthop-address>A.B.C.D</default-nexthop-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set ip default next-hop A.B.C.D
Configure vpnv4 nexthop address
Use this command to set a VPNv4 next-hop address. To use this command, you must first have a match clause. Match and set commands set the conditions for redistributing routes from one routing protocol to another. The match command specifies the match criteria under which redistribution is allowed for the current route-map. The set command specifies the set redistribution actions to be performed, if the match criteria are met. If the packets do not match any of the defined criteria, they are routed through the normal routing process.
Attribute Name: vpnv4-nexthop-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<vpnv4-nexthop-address>A.B.C.D</vpnv4-nexthop-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set vpnv4 next-hop A.B.C.D
Configure ipv6 nexthop address
Use this attribute to set a next hop-address.
Attribute Name: ipv6-nexthop-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<ipv6-nexthop-address>X:X::X:X</ipv6-nexthop-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set ipv6 next-hop X:X::X:X
Configure default ipv6 nexthop address
Use this attribute to set the default ipv6 next hop-address
Attribute Name: default-ipv6-nexthop-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<default-ipv6-nexthop-address>X:X::X:X</default-ipv6-nexthop-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set ipv6 default next-hop X:X::X:X
Configure local ipv6 nexthop address
Use this attribute to set Local IPv6 address as next hop-address
Attribute Name: local-ipv6-nexthop-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<local-ipv6-nexthop-address>X:X::X:X</local-ipv6-nexthop-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set ipv6 next-hop local X:X::X:X
Configure aggregator ip address
IP address of aggregator.
Attribute Name: aggregator-ip-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<bgp-aggregator-attribute> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set aggregator as <1-4294967295> A.B.C.D
Configure ext community rt
use this attribute to set an Route target extended community
Attribute Name: ext-community-rt
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: additive-type
Attribute Type: enum (no-additive|additive)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<route-target> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set extcommunity rt .AA:NN ((additive)|)
Configure cost value
use this attribute to set Extended community cost value
Attribute Name: cost-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<cost> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set extcommunity cost (igp|pre-bestpath|) <0-255> <0-4294967295>
Configure max suppress time limit
Maximum duration to suppress a stable route in minutes.
Attribute Name: max-suppress-time-limit
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: enable-dampening
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: reachability-half-life-time
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 1-45
Attribute Name: reuse-time-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 750
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Attribute Name: suppress-time-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 2000
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
</enable-dampening><!-- operation="delete"-->
<reachability-half-life-time>1</reachability-half-life-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<reuse-time-limit>1</reuse-time-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<suppress-time-limit>1</suppress-time-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<max-suppress-time-limit>1</max-suppress-time-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set dampening <1-45> <1-20000> <1-20000> <1-255>
Configure unreachability half life time
Un-reachability half-life time for the penalty in minutes.
Attribute Name: unreachability-half-life-time
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 1-45
Attribute Name: enable-dampening
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: reachability-half-life-time
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 1-45
Attribute Name: reuse-time-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 750
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Attribute Name: suppress-time-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 2000
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Attribute Name: max-suppress-time-limit
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
</enable-dampening><!-- operation="delete"-->
<reachability-half-life-time>1</reachability-half-life-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<reuse-time-limit>1</reuse-time-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<suppress-time-limit>1</suppress-time-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<max-suppress-time-limit>1</max-suppress-time-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<unreachability-half-life-time>1</unreachability-half-life-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set dampening <1-45> <1-20000> <1-20000> <1-255> <1-45>
Configure enable dampening
Use this attribute to enable route dampening and set various parameters. Route dampening minimizes the instability caused by route flapping. A penalty is added for every flap in a flapping route. As soon as the total penalty reaches the suppress limit the advertisement of the route is suppressed. This penalty is decayed according to the configured half time value. Once the penalty is lower than the reuse limit, the route advertisement is unsuppressed. The dampening information is purged from the router once the penalty becomes less than half of the reuse limit.Reachability half-life time for the penalty in minutes. The time for the penalty to decrease to one-half of its current value.
Attribute Name: enable-dampening
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
Command Syntax
set dampening
Configure community with as number
Autonomous system (AS) number and network number entered in the 4-byte new community format. This value is configured with two 2-byte numbers separated by a colon. A number from 1 to 65535 can be entered as each 2-byte number. A single community can be entered or multiple communities can be entered, each separated by a space.
Attribute Name: community-with-as-number
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: additive-set
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
</additive-set><!-- operation="delete"-->
<community-with-as-number>AA:NN</community-with-as-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set community-additive .AA:NN
Configure large community number set
use this attribute to set a large community
Attribute Name: large-community-number-set
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: additive-type
Attribute Type: enum (no-additive|additive)
Netconf edit-config payload
<routemaps xmlns="">
<large-community> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set large-community .AAaa:NNnn:ZZzz ((additive)|)
Configure options
This attribute enables debugging for RIP
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib|bfd)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<options>all</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug rip (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib|bfd)
Configure split horizon
Use this attribute to controls RIP split-horizon processing on the specified interface.
Attribute Name: split-horizon
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<split-horizon>true</split-horizon> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip rip split-horizon
Configure name
Use this attribute to controls RIP split-horizon processing on the specified interface.
Attribute Name: split-horizon
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<split-horizon>true</split-horizon> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip rip split-horizon
Configure disable receive packet
Use this attribute to configure the interface to enable/disable the reception of RIP packets
Attribute Name: disable-receive-packet
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
</disable-receive-packet><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip rip receive-packet
Configure disable send packet
Use this attribute to enable/disable sending RIP packets through current interface
Attribute Name: disable-send-packet
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
</disable-send-packet><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip rip send-packet
Configure receive version
Use this attribute to receive specified version of RIP packets on an interface
Attribute Name: receive-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2|1 2|1-compatible)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<receive-version>1</receive-version> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip rip receive version (1|2|1 2)
Configure send version
Use this attribute to set the version of RIP packets which can be sent from an interface
Attribute Name: send-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2|1 2|1-compatible)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<send-version>1</send-version> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip rip send version (1|2|1 2|1-compatible)
Configure auth mode
Use this attrbute to set the type of authentication mode used for RIP packets
Attribute Name: auth-mode
Attribute Type: enum (text|md5)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<auth-mode>text</auth-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip rip authentication mode (text|md5)
Configure auth string
Use this attribute to set the authentication string or password used by a key
Attribute Name: auth-string
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<auth-string>LINE</auth-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip rip authentication string LINE
Configure auth keychain
Use this attribute to enable RIP authentication on an interface and specify the name of the key chain to be used
Attribute Name: auth-keychain
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<auth-keychain>LINE</auth-keychain> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip rip authentication key-chain LINE
Configure rip enabled
Use this attribute enable a RIP routing process
Attribute Name: rip-enabled
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
Command Syntax
router rip
Configure bfd enable
This feature indicates that the RIP implementation on the system supports BFD
Attribute Name: bfd-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
</bfd-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bfd all-interfaces
Configure receive buffer size
Use this attribute to set the RIP UDP receive-buffer size.
Attribute Name: receive-buffer-size
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 32768
Attribute Range: 8192-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<receive-buffer-size>8192</receive-buffer-size> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
recv-buffer-size <8192-2147483647>
Configure passive interfaces
Disables sending of RIP packets on the specified interface
Attribute Name: passive-interfaces
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<passive-interfaces>IFNAME</passive-interfaces> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
passive-interface IFNAME
Configure static routes
Use this attribute to set static RIP routes
Attribute Name: static-routes
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<static-routes>A.B.C.D/M</static-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
route A.B.C.D/M
Configure neighbors
Specifies the RIP neighbors
Attribute Name: neighbors
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<neighbors>A.B.C.D</neighbors> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor A.B.C.D
Configure neighbor fall over bfd
Specified the BFD neighbors
Attribute Name: neighbor-fall-over-bfd
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<neighbor-fall-over-bfd>A.B.C.D</neighbor-fall-over-bfd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor A.B.C.D fall-over bfd
Configure enable cisco metric behavior
Use this attribute to set metric updation behavior as Cisco
Attribute Name: enable-cisco-metric-behavior
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<enable-cisco-metric-behavior>disable</enable-cisco-metric-behavior> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cisco-metric-behavior (disable|enable)
Configure default metric
Set the default metric
Attribute Name: default-metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<default-metric>1</default-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-metric <1-15>
Configure version
Use this attribute to set version of routing protocol
Attribute Name: version
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 1-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<version>1</version> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
version <1-2>
Configure distance
Use this attribute to set administrative distance of the RIP for the current RIP instance
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<distance>1</distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance <1-255>
Configure network interfaces
Use this attribute to enable routing on an interface
Attribute Name: network-interfaces
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<network-interfaces>IFNAME</network-interfaces> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network IFNAME
Configure network routes
Use this attribute to enable routing on an IP network
Attribute Name: network-routes
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<network-routes>A.B.C.D/M</network-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network A.B.C.D/M
Configure access list name
Use this attribute to set the access list name
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
Command Syntax
distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/M (WORD|)
Configure route table update interval
Interval at which RIP updates are sent
Attribute Name: route-table-update-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-2147483647
Attribute Name: route-info-timeout-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-2147483647
Attribute Name: garbage-collection-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
Command Syntax
timers basic <5-2147483647> <5-2147483647> <5-2147483647>
Configure warning threshold percentage
Use this attribute to set the percentage of maximum routes to generate a warning
Attribute Name: warning-threshold-percentage
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-100
Attribute Name: max-routes
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<max-routes>1</max-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<warning-threshold-percentage>1</warning-threshold-percentage> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-prefix <1-65535> (<1-100>|)
Configure route type
Use this attribute to redistributes only specified route-type routes matching the specified route type into the RIP routing instance
Attribute Name: route-type
Attribute Type: enum (connected|static|ospf|isis|bgp)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<redistribute-policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf|isis|bgp)
Configure route map
Use this attribute to set th route-map
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf|isis|bgp) metric <0-16> route-map WORD
Configure metric
Metric used for the redistributed route
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf|isis|bgp) metric <0-16>
Configure originate
Use this attribute to apply conditions of the route policy to the default route
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: originate
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: always-advertise
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
</originate><!-- operation="delete"-->
</always-advertise><!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-information originate (always|) (route-map WORD|)
Configure direction
Use this attribute to set the metric value of routing protocol
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
Command Syntax
offset-list WORD (in|out) <0-16>
clear ip rip route (connected|static|ospf|isis|bgp|rip|all)
Attribute Name: route-type
Attribute Type: enum (connected|static|ospf|isis|bgp|rip|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<rip-clear-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip rip route (connected|static|ospf|isis|bgp|rip|all)
clear ip rip route A.B.C.D/M
Attribute Name: prefix-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<rip-clear-route-prefix xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip rip route A.B.C.D/M
clear ip rip statistics (IFNAME|)
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Netconf RPC payload
<rip-clear-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip rip statistics (IFNAME|)
snmp restart rip
Netconf RPC payload
<rip-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart rip
debug rip (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib|bfd)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib|bfd)
Netconf RPC payload
<rip-terminal-debugging-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug rip (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib|bfd)
no debug rip (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib|bfd)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib|bfd)
Netconf RPC payload
<rip-terminal-debugging-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug rip (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib|bfd)
Configure vrf name
VRF name
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<vrf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
address-family ipv4 vrf NAME
Configure enable cisco metric behavior
Use this attribute to set metric updation behavior as Cisco
Attribute Name: enable-cisco-metric-behavior
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<enable-cisco-metric-behavior>disable</enable-cisco-metric-behavior> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cisco-metric-behavior (disable|enable)
Configure default metric
Set the default metric
Attribute Name: default-metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<default-metric>1</default-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-metric <1-15>
Configure version
Use this attribute to set version of routing protocol
Attribute Name: version
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 1-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<version>1</version> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
version <1-2>
Configure distance
Use this attribute to set administrative distance of the RIP for the current RIP instance
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<distance>1</distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance <1-255>
Configure network interfaces
Use this attribute to enable routing on an interface
Attribute Name: network-interfaces
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<network-interfaces>IFNAME</network-interfaces> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network IFNAME
Configure network routes
Use this attribute to enable routing on an IP network
Attribute Name: network-routes
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<network-routes>A.B.C.D/M</network-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network A.B.C.D/M
Configure access list name
Use this attribute to set the access list name
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
Command Syntax
distance <1-255> A.B.C.D/M (WORD|)
Configure route type
Use this attribute to redistributes only specified route-type routes matching the specified route type into the RIP routing instance
Attribute Name: route-type
Attribute Type: enum (connected|static|ospf|bgp)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<redistribute-policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf|bgp)
Configure route map
Use this attribute to set the name of the route-map
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf|bgp) metric <0-16> route-map WORD
Configure metric
Use this attribute to set the metric used for the redistributed route
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
<metric>0</metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf|bgp) metric <0-16>
Configure originate
Use this attribute to apply conditions of the route policy to the default route
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: originate
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: always-advertise
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
</originate><!-- operation="delete"-->
</always-advertise><!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-information originate (always|) (route-map WORD|)
Configure direction
Use this attribute to set the metric value of routing protocol
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
Command Syntax
offset-list WORD (in|out) <0-16>
Configure name
Use this attribute to set the metric value of routing protocol
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rip xmlns="">
Command Syntax
offset-list WORD (in|out) <0-16> IFNAME
clear ip rip route vrf NAME A.B.C.D/M
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: prefix
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rip-vrf_rip-vrf-clear-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip rip route vrf NAME A.B.C.D/M
clear ip rip route vrf NAME *
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rip-vrf_rip-vrf-clear-route-all xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip rip route vrf NAME *
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to enable pbr support
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pbr xmlns="">
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
feature pbr
Configure route map name
Use this attribute to set ip policy for route-map.
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<pbr xmlns="">
<route-map-name>WORD</route-map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip policy route-map WORD
Configure route map v6 name
Use this attribute to set ipv6 policy for route-map.
Attribute Name: route-map-v6-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<pbr xmlns="">
<route-map-v6-name>WORD</route-map-v6-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 policy route-map WORD
clear route-map WORD pbr-statistics
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-route-map-pbr-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear route-map WORD pbr-statistics
Configure enable link down trap
Use this attribute to enable or disable SNMP linkdown traps.
Attribute Name: enable-link-down-trap
Attribute Type: boolean
Attribute Name: enable-link-up-trap
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<enable-link-up-trap>true</enable-link-up-trap> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<enable-link-down-trap>true</enable-link-down-trap> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server enable traps link
Configure enable link up trap
Use this attribute to enable or disable SNMP linkdown traps.
Attribute Name: enable-link-down-trap
Attribute Type: boolean
Attribute Name: enable-link-up-trap
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<enable-link-up-trap>true</enable-link-up-trap> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<enable-link-down-trap>true</enable-link-down-trap> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no snmp-server enable traps link
Configure include interface name
Use this attribute to include ifname with SNMP linkdown traps.
Attribute Name: include-interface-name
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
</include-interface-name><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server enable traps link include-interface-name
Configure enable traps
Use this attribute to enable or disable SNMP traps and inform requests.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: enable-traps
Attribute Type: bits (snmp authentication|mpls|pw|pwdelete|rsvp|ospf|bgp|isis|vrrp|vxlan|ospf6|mplsl3vpn|rib|pim|syslog)
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<enable-traps>snmp authentication</enable-traps> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server enable traps (snmp authentication|mpls|pw|pwdelete|rsvp|ospf|bgp|isis|vrrp|vxlan|ospf6|mplsl3vpn|rib|pim|syslog)
Configure enable trap cache
Enables trap caching
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: enable-trap-cache
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server trap-cache
Configure timeout
Sets timeout before sending traps
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: timeout
Attribute Type: int8
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-20
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<timeout>1</timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timeout <1-20>
Configure disable ping
Disables pings to check host reachability
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: disable-ping
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
</disable-ping><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure max count
Sets the maximum number of traps that can be cached
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: max-count
Attribute Type: int16
Default Value: 200
Attribute Range: 1-500
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<max-count>1</max-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-count <1-500>
debug (snmp send|snmp receive|snmp process|snmp xdump|snmp error-string|snmp detail|snmp|snmp all)
Attribute Name: debug
Attribute Type: bits (snmp send|snmp receive|snmp process|snmp xdump|snmp error-string|snmp detail|snmp|snmp all)
Netconf RPC payload
<snmp-agentx-enable-terminal-debugging xmlns="">
<debug>snmp send</debug>
Command Syntax
debug (snmp send|snmp receive|snmp process|snmp xdump|snmp error-string|snmp detail|snmp|snmp all)
no debug (snmp send|snmp receive|snmp process|snmp xdump|snmp error-string|snmp detail|snmp|snmp all)
Attribute Name: debug
Attribute Type: bits (snmp send|snmp receive|snmp process|snmp xdump|snmp error-string|snmp detail|snmp|snmp all)
Netconf RPC payload
<snmp-agentx-disable-terminal-debugging xmlns="">
<debug>snmp send</debug>
Command Syntax
no debug (snmp send|snmp receive|snmp process|snmp xdump|snmp error-string|snmp detail|snmp|snmp all)
Configure vrf name
VRF name associated with this instance.
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server enable snmp (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure system contact
Use this attribute to set the system contact information for the device (sysContact object)
Attribute Name: system-contact
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<system-contact>LINE</system-contact> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server contact (vrf (NAME|management)|) LINE
Configure system location
Use this attribute to set the physical location information of the device (sysLocation object)
Attribute Name: system-location
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<system-location>LINE</system-location> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server location (vrf (NAME|management)|) LINE
Configure tcp session enabled
Use this attribute to start the SNMP agent daemon over TCP
Attribute Name: tcp-session-enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
</tcp-session-enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server tcp-session (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure disable default instance
Use this attribute to prevent default snmp instance from being enabled at start up
Attribute Name: disable-default-instance
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
</disable-default-instance><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server disable-default
Configure ent ipi iftable
Use this attribute to enable separate logical/physical interface tables
Attribute Name: ent-ipi-iftable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<custom xmlns="">
</ent-ipi-iftable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp ent-ipi-iftable
Configure include directive
Use this attribute to create and include extension directory for snmp-dir
Attribute Name: include-directive
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp-dir xmlns="">
</include-directive><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server include-directive
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable/disable SNMP server debugging
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<debug xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug snmp-server
Configure filter type
Use this attribute to update oid tree filter type for a view entry.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: filter-type
Attribute Type: enum (included|excluded)
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<snmp-views xmlns="">
<filter-type>included</filter-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server view VIEW-NAME OID-TREE (included|excluded) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure engine id
Use this attribute to configure SNMPv3 engine ID.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled snmp version v3
Attribute Name: engine-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-24
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<engine-id xmlns="">
<engine-id>ENGINE_ID_STR</engine-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server engineID ENGINE_ID_STR
Configure smux port enable
Use this attribute to enable smux-port.
Attribute Name: smux-port-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<smux-port xmlns="">
</smux-port-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server smux-port-enable (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure host name
Use this attribute to configure an SNMP trap host. An SNMP trap host is usually a network management station (NMS) or an SNMP manager.
Attribute Name: host-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Attribute Name: notification-type
Attribute Type: enum (traps|informs)
Attribute Name: snmp-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2c|3)
Attribute Name: community
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: udp-port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<hosts xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (traps) version (1|2c) WORD (udp-port <1-65535>|) (vrf (NAME|management)|) (host-vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure notification type
Use this attribute to configure an SNMP trap host. An SNMP trap host is usually a network management station (NMS) or an SNMP manager.
Attribute Name: host-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Attribute Name: notification-type
Attribute Type: enum (traps|informs)
Attribute Name: snmp-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2c|3)
Attribute Name: snmpv3-auth-type
Attribute Type: enum (noauth|auth|priv)
Attribute Name: snmpv3-user
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: udp-port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<hosts xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (traps) version (3) (noauth|auth|priv) WORD (udp-port <1-65535>|) (vrf (NAME|management)|) (host-vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure snmp version
Use this attribute to configure an SNMP trap host. An SNMP trap host is usually a network management station (NMS) or an SNMP manager.
Attribute Name: host-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Attribute Name: notification-type
Attribute Type: enum (traps|informs)
Attribute Name: snmp-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2c|3)
Attribute Name: community
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: udp-port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<hosts xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (informs) version (2c) WORD (udp-port <1-65535>|) (vrf (NAME|management)|) (host-vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure snmpv3 auth type
Use this attribute to configure an SNMP trap host. An SNMP trap host is usually a network management station (NMS) or an SNMP manager.
Attribute Name: host-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Attribute Name: notification-type
Attribute Type: enum (traps|informs)
Attribute Name: snmp-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2c|3)
Attribute Name: snmpv3-auth-type
Attribute Type: enum (noauth|auth|priv)
Attribute Name: snmpv3-user
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: udp-port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<hosts xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (informs) version (3) (noauth|auth|priv) WORD (udp-port <1-65535>|) (vrf (NAME|management)|) (host-vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure community
Use this attribute to configure an SNMP trap host. An SNMP trap host is usually a network management station (NMS) or an SNMP manager.
Attribute Name: host-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Attribute Name: snmp-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2c|3)
Attribute Name: community
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: udp-port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<hosts xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) version (1|2c) WORD (udp-port <1-65535>|) (vrf (NAME|management)|) (host-vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure snmpv3 user
Use this attribute to configure an SNMP trap host. An SNMP trap host is usually a network management station (NMS) or an SNMP manager.
Attribute Name: host-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Attribute Name: snmp-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2c|3)
Attribute Name: snmpv3-auth-type
Attribute Type: enum (noauth|auth|priv)
Attribute Name: snmpv3-user
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: udp-port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<hosts xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) version (3) (noauth|auth|priv) WORD (udp-port <1-65535>|) (vrf (NAME|management)|) (host-vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure host vrf name
SNMP host VRF name associated with this host.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: host-vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: host-user
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: udp-port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<hosts xmlns="">
<host-user>WORD</host-user> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<udp-port>1</udp-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) WORD (udp-port <1-65535>|) (vrf (NAME|management)|) (host-vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure user name
Use this attribute to create an SNMP server user.
Attribute Name: user-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-32
Attribute Name: authentication-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5|sha)
Attribute Name: encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (plain|encrypt)
Attribute Name: authentication-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<users xmlns="">
<user> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server user WORD auth (md5|sha) encrypt AUTH-PASSWORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure authentication type
Use this attribute to create an SNMP server user.
Attribute Name: user-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-32
Attribute Name: authentication-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5|sha)
Attribute Name: encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (plain|encrypt)
Attribute Name: authentication-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<users xmlns="">
<user> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server user WORD auth (md5|sha) AUTH-PASSWORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure user type
Use this attribute to create an SNMP server user.
Attribute Name: user-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-32
Attribute Name: user-type
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: authentication-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5|sha)
Attribute Name: encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (plain|encrypt)
Attribute Name: authentication-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<users xmlns="">
<user> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server user WORD (network-operator|network-admin|WORD) auth (md5|sha) encrypt AUTH-PASSWORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure encryption type
Use this attribute to create an SNMP server user.
Attribute Name: user-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-32
Attribute Name: user-type
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: authentication-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5|sha)
Attribute Name: encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (plain|encrypt)
Attribute Name: authentication-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<users xmlns="">
<user> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server user WORD (network-operator|network-admin|WORD) auth (md5|sha) AUTH-PASSWORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure authentication password
Use this attribute to create an SNMP server user.
Attribute Name: user-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-32
Attribute Name: authentication-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5|sha)
Attribute Name: encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (plain|encrypt)
Attribute Name: authentication-password
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: privilege-type
Attribute Type: enum (des|aes)
Attribute Name: privilege-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<users xmlns="">
<user> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server user WORD auth (md5|sha) encrypt AUTH-PASSWORD priv (des|aes) PRIV-PASSWORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure privilege type
Use this attribute to create an SNMP server user.
Attribute Name: user-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-32
Attribute Name: authentication-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5|sha)
Attribute Name: encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (plain|encrypt)
Attribute Name: authentication-password
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: privilege-type
Attribute Type: enum (des|aes)
Attribute Name: privilege-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<users xmlns="">
<user> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server user WORD auth (md5|sha) AUTH-PASSWORD priv (des|aes) PRIV-PASSWORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure privilege password
Use this attribute to create an SNMP server user.
Attribute Name: user-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-32
Attribute Name: user-type
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: authentication-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5|sha)
Attribute Name: encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (plain|encrypt)
Attribute Name: authentication-password
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: privilege-type
Attribute Type: enum (des|aes)
Attribute Name: privilege-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<users xmlns="">
<user> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server user WORD (network-operator|network-admin|WORD) auth (md5|sha) encrypt AUTH-PASSWORD priv (des|aes) PRIV-PASSWORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to create an SNMP server user.
Attribute Name: user-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-32
Attribute Name: user-type
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: authentication-type
Attribute Type: enum (md5|sha)
Attribute Name: encryption-type
Attribute Type: enum (plain|encrypt)
Attribute Name: authentication-password
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: privilege-type
Attribute Type: enum (des|aes)
Attribute Name: privilege-password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<users xmlns="">
<user> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server user WORD (network-operator|network-admin|WORD) auth (md5|sha) AUTH-PASSWORD priv (des|aes) PRIV-PASSWORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure context name
Use this attribute to create an SNMP server context
Attribute Name: context-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<contexts xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server context WORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure acl name
Use this attribute to create an SNMP community string and user-acl.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: acl-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<communities xmlns="">
<acl-name>WORD</acl-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server community WORD use-acl WORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure community name
Use this attribute to create an SNMP community string and access privileges.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: community-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<communities xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server community WORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure snmp group
Use this attribute to create an SNMP community string with group.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: snmp-group
Attribute Type: enum (network-operator|network-admin)
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<communities xmlns="">
<snmp-group>network-operator</snmp-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server community WORD group (network-operator|network-admin) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure access privileges
Use this attribute to create an SNMP community string and access privileges.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: access-privileges
Attribute Type: enum (ro)
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<communities xmlns="">
<access-privileges>ro</access-privileges> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server community WORD (ro) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure access
Use this attribute to set access privileges to this community view.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SNMP-AGENT feature
Attribute Name: access
Attribute Type: enum (ro)
Attribute Name: community-view-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: version
Attribute Type: enum (v1|v2c)
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<communities xmlns="">
<community-view-name>VIEW-NAME</community-view-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<version>v1</version> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<access>ro</access> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
snmp-server community WORD view VIEW-NAME version (v1|v2c) (ro) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure community context
Use this attribute to create an SNMP community string and access privileges.
Attribute Name: community-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: community-context
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: community-user
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<communities xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server community-map WORD context WORD user WORD (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure group name
Use this attribute to create an SNMP group string.
Attribute Name: group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: group-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2c|3)
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<server-groups xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server group WORD version (1|2c) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure group version
Use this attribute to create an SNMP group string.
Attribute Name: group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: group-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2c|3)
Attribute Name: snmpv3-group-auth-type
Attribute Type: enum (auth|priv|noauth)
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<server-groups xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server group WORD version (3) (auth|priv|noauth) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure context
Use this attribute to create an SNMP group string.
Attribute Name: group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: group-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2c|3)
Attribute Name: context
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<server-groups xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server group WORD version (1|2c) context (all|WORD) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure snmpv3 group auth type
Use this attribute to create an SNMP group string.
Attribute Name: group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: group-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2c|3)
Attribute Name: snmpv3-group-auth-type
Attribute Type: enum (auth|priv|noauth)
Attribute Name: context
Attribute Type: enum (all)
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<snmp xmlns="">
<servers xmlns="">
<server-groups xmlns="">
Command Syntax
snmp-server group WORD version (3) (auth|priv|noauth) context <1-32> (all) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
debug snmp-server
Netconf RPC payload
<snmp-server-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug snmp-server
no debug snmp-server
Netconf RPC payload
<snmp-server-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug snmp-server
Configure multicast hello disable
This attribute enable multicast hello exchange on all interfaces enabled for LDP. This is used for autodiscovery of LDP peers on directly connected networks. This option is enabled by default.
Attribute Name: multicast-hello-disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</multicast-hello-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no multicast-hellos
Configure ldp instance
This command is used to enter the LDP specific command-line mode in which global attributes for the LDP process can be set. Without this command, the LSR does not perform any LDP operations, such as sending hello packets.
Attribute Name: ldp-instance
Attribute Type: enum (ldp)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
router (ldp)
Configure router identifier
This attribute sets the router-id to the supplied IP address; the router uses this address to generate the LDP-ID
Attribute Name: router-identifier
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<router-identifier>A.B.C.D</router-identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
router-id A.B.C.D
Configure pseudowire status tlv
This attribute enables the use of the PW Status TLV to signal the pseudowire status
Attribute Name: pseudowire-status-tlv
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</pseudowire-status-tlv><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure rlfa ilm optimization
This attribute enables the rlfa ilm optimization
Attribute Name: rlfa-ilm-optimization
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</rlfa-ilm-optimization><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure entropy label capability enable
This attribute enables ELC for the router. An ELC TLV will be inserted in the label mapping message if the router is capable of processing Entropy Label.
Attribute Name: entropy-label-capability-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</entropy-label-capability-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure advertise label for default route
Advertise the label for default route.
Attribute Name: advertise-label-for-default-route
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</advertise-label-for-default-route><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure import bgp routes
This attribute is used to import BGP routes into LDP. BGP routes are not imported into LDP by default. Use the no parameter to flush out all BGP routes currently being used by LDP, and to reject any further BGP specific routing updates from ZebOS-XP.
Attribute Name: import-bgp-routes
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</import-bgp-routes><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure ldp optimization
This command helps optimize the resetting of an LDP session by enabling the two scalability features for LDP. It Resets the session keepalive timer on receipt of a hello message and Resets the hold timer on receipt of any LDP control message.
Attribute Name: ldp-optimization
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</ldp-optimization><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure explicit null
This attribute is used to configure the router to send explicit-null labels for directly connected FECs instead of implicit-null labels. Implicit-nulls are the default labels.
Attribute Name: explicit-null
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</explicit-null><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure global merge
This attribute is used to override the default merge capability setting of all the interfaces for the current LSR. The merge capability aggregates multiple incoming flows with the same destination address into a single outgoing flow.
Attribute Name: global-merge
Attribute Type: enum (merge-capable|non-merge-capable)
Default Value: merge-capable
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<global-merge>merge-capable</global-merge> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
global-merge-capability (merge-capable|non-merge-capable)
Configure propagate release
This attribute is used to propagate the release of labels to downstream routers
Attribute Name: propagate-release
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</propagate-release><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure fast reroute
This attribute is used to enable the use by LDP of the LFA next-hop
Attribute Name: fast-reroute
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</fast-reroute><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure auto targeted session
This attribute is used to dynamically create TLDP session for LDP RLFA.
Attribute Name: auto-targeted-session
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</auto-targeted-session><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure prefer tunnel in tunnel
Use this attribute to specify TE-tunnel over LDP tunnel for tunneling
Attribute Name: prefer-tunnel-in-tunnel
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</prefer-tunnel-in-tunnel><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
prefer-tunnel-in-tunnel rsvp
Configure ignore mac withdraw bad pdu length
This attribute is used to ignore the bad pdu length error and send a non-fatal notification (non-RFC compliance)
Attribute Name: ignore-mac-withdraw-bad-pdu-length
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</ignore-mac-withdraw-bad-pdu-length><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure control mode
Use this attribute to override the default merge capability setting of all the interfaces for the current LSR.The merge capability aggregates multiple incoming flows with the same destination address into a single outgoing flow. This reduces the label-space shortage by sharing labels for different flows with the same destination, or the same FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class).an LSR replies to a request packet from an LSR higher in the chain only after it receives a label from an LSR lower in the chain. Independent processing setthe mode to instant replies.In independent control mode, each LSR might advertise label mappings to its neighbors at any time. In independent downstream-on-demand mode, an LSR might answer requests for label mappings immediately, without waiting for a label mapping from the next hop. In independent downstream unsolicited mode, an LSR might advertise a label mapping for an Forwarding Equivalence Class (FEC) to its neighbors when ever it is prepared to label-switch that FEC.In independent mode, an upstream label can be advertised before a downstream label is received.In ordered control mode, an LSR may initiate the transmission of label mapping only for an FEC for which it has a label mapping for the FEC next hop, or for which the LSR is the egress. For each FEC for which the LSR is not the egress and no mapping exists, the LSR must wait until a label from a downstream LSR is received. An LSR may be an egress for some FECs and a non-egress for others. Changes in control mode only affect labels that were sent or received after the change was made.
Attribute Name: control-mode
Attribute Type: enum (independent|ordered)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<control-mode>independent</control-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
control-mode (independent|ordered)
Configure retention mode
This attribute is used to set the retention mode to be used for all labels exchanged. When an LSR receives a label binding for a particular FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class) from another LSR that is not its next hop for that FEC, it might keep track of such bindings or discard them. Use the liberal parameter to retain all labels binding to FEC received from label distribution peers, even if the LSR is not the current next-hop. Use the conservative parameter to maintain only the label bindings for valid next-hops in a LSP.
Attribute Name: retention-mode
Attribute Type: enum (liberal|conservative)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<retention-mode>liberal</retention-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
label-retention-mode (liberal|conservative)
Configure advertisement mode
This attribute is used to set the label advertisement mode for all the interfaces for the current LSR. Specifying downstream-on-demand and downstream-unsolicited mode affects which LSR initiates mapping requests and mapping advertisements. This command is a global command used to set the label advertisement mode for all interfaces for the current LSR.
Attribute Name: advertisement-mode
Attribute Type: enum (downstream-unsolicited|downstream-on-demand)
Default Value: downstream-unsolicited
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<advertisement-mode>downstream-unsolicited</advertisement-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
advertisement-mode (downstream-unsolicited|downstream-on-demand)
Configure hello interval
Use this attribute set the hello interval to send the hello messages to peers
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-21845
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hello-interval <1-21845>
Configure hello holdtime
Use this attribute set the hello hold time as the time out value that the router waits before rejecting an adjacency
Attribute Name: hello-holdtime
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 3-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<hello-holdtime>3</hello-holdtime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hold-time <3-65535>
Configure keepalive interval
Use this attribute to set the global value for the interval after which keep-alive packets are sent out
Attribute Name: keepalive-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-21845
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<keepalive-interval>1</keepalive-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
keepalive-interval <1-21845>
Configure keepalive timeout
Use this attribute to set the time period for which an LSR must wait for successive keep-alive messages from LDP peers
Attribute Name: keepalive-timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 3-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<keepalive-timeout>3</keepalive-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
keepalive-timeout <3-65535>
Configure request retry timeout
Use this attribute to set the interval between retries. Before this time is over, a request is re-sent to a peer. This command changes the interval between request messages that are resent to a peer to account for routing changes.
Attribute Name: request-retry-timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<request-retry-timeout>1</request-retry-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
request-retry-timeout <1-65535>
Configure request retry
Use this attribute to enable the retry of requests once a request for a label has been rejected for a valid reason. This command enables the LSR to send a maximum of five label requests if a label request is rejected by an LDP peer.
Attribute Name: request-retry
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</request-retry><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure label request policy ipv4
Use this attribute to send LDP Label Request Message for certain IPv4 FEC prefixes.
Attribute Name: label-request-policy-ipv4
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<label-request-policy-ipv4>NAME</label-request-policy-ipv4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
request-labels-for prefix-list-ipv4 NAME
Configure loop detection enable
Use this attribute to enable loop detection on the current LSR. This command detects looping LSPs, and prevent Label Request messages from looping because of non-merge capable LSRs. This loop detection mechanism is useful for networks of non time-to-live (non TTL) decrementing devices that can not allocate resources among traffic flows.
Attribute Name: loop-detection-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure path vector limit
Use this attribute to set the loop detection vec (vector) count, which determines the maximum supported path vectors. This command sets the maximum supported path vectors for loop detection, which specifies the permitted path vector length. An LSR that detects a path vector has reached the maximum length behaves as if the containing message has traversed a loop. This command ensures that a loop is detected while establishing a label switched path before any data is passed over that LSP.
Attribute Name: path-vector-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 255
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<path-vector-limit>1</path-vector-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
loop-detection-path-vec-count <1-255>
Configure hop count limit
Use this attribute to set the loop detection hop count, which determines the maximum hop-count value. This command sets the maximum hop count value, which specifies the permitted maximum permitted hop-count. An LSR that detects a maximum hop count behaves as if the containing message has traversed a loop. The use of this command ensures that a loop is detected while establishing a label switched path before any data is passed via LSP
Attribute Name: hop-count-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 255
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<hop-count-limit>1</hop-count-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
loop-detection-hop-count <1-255>
Configure session protection enable
This attribute is used to activate adjacency session protection.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled LDP Session Protection feature
Attribute Name: session-protection-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure duration
Set adjacency session protection duration. Protection is infinite, it is not configured
This command is supported when following feature are enabled LDP Session Protection feature
Attribute Name: duration
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: session-protection-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</session-protection-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
<duration>infinite</duration> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
session-protection duration (infinite|<5-86400>)
Configure session protection prefix list name
This attribute is used to set adjacency prefixes for session protection.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled LDP Session Protection feature
Attribute Name: session-protection-prefix-list-name
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: session-protection-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</session-protection-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
<session-protection-prefix-list-name>none</session-protection-prefix-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
session-protection for (none|WORD)
Configure ldp
Use this attribute to enable the debugging of all LDP events.
Attribute Name: ldp
Attribute Type: bits (events|fsm|hexdump|dsm|usm|tsm|qos|nsm|advertise-labels|cspf|vc usm|vc dsm|graceful-restart|rib|inter-area|packet notification|packet hello|packet initialization|packet keepalive|packet address|packet label|packet|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<ldp>events</ldp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ldp (events|fsm|hexdump|dsm|usm|tsm|qos|nsm|advertise-labels|cspf|vc usm|vc dsm|graceful-restart|rib|inter-area|packet notification|packet hello|packet initialization|packet keepalive|packet address|packet label|packet|all)
Configure enable
Use this attribute with the enable option to enable Graceful Restart capability on a router. This is a global command. LDP decides whether or not to encode FT Session TLV in its initialization message for each session depending on this capability, but the restart capability of each session also depends on support for graceful restart at the peer router
This command is supported when following feature are enabled restart feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: enum (full|helper-only)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
graceful-restart (full|helper-only)
Configure neighbor liveness time
Use this attribute to set the Neighbor-Liveness timer. The amount of time the LSR keeps its stale label-FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class) bindings is set to the lesser of the Fault Tolerant (FT) Reconnect timeout and Neighbor-Liveness timer. This command sets the Neighbor-Liveness timer
This command is supported when following feature are enabled restart feature
Attribute Name: neighbor-liveness-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 5-300
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<neighbor-liveness-time>5</neighbor-liveness-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
graceful-restart timers neighbor-liveness <5-300>
Configure max recovery time
Use this attribute to set the maximum recovery time.If the LSR determines that the neighbor was able to preserve its MPLS forwarding state, the LSR should keep the stale label-FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class) bindings for as long as the lesser of: the recovery time advertised by the neighbor and a local maximum recovery time. This command sets the maximum recovery time
This command is supported when following feature are enabled restart feature
Attribute Name: max-recovery-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 15-600
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<max-recovery-time>15</max-recovery-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
graceful-restart timers max-recovery <15-600>
Configure inter area acl name
Use this attribute to enable creation of inter-area LSPs.
Attribute Name: inter-area-acl-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
inter-area-lsp (PREFIX_ACL|) (config-only|)
Configure transport address ipv4
Use this attribute to configure the IPv4 transport address for a label space.The transport address is the address used for the TCP session over which LDP is running. Use this attribute to manually configure the transport address. Transport addresses may either be bound to a loopback interface, or to a physical interface that is bound to the label space in question. A transport address can also be manually configured using the CLI with the loopback address as the transport address.
Attribute Name: transport-address-ipv4
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<transport-address-ipv4>A.B.C.D</transport-address-ipv4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
transport-address ipv4 A.B.C.D ((0)|)
Configure peer address
Use this attribute to configure neighbors of LDP for authentication.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled TCP MD5SIG encrypt password enabled
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: password-type
Attribute Type: enum (plain-text|encrypt)
Attribute Name: password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<peer-authentication-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (all|auto-targeted|A.B.C.D) auth md5 password (plain-text|encrypt) WORD
Configure group name
LDP Session group name.
Attribute Name: group-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<authentication-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
session-group name NAME
Configure prefix list
Peer authentication group prefix list.
Attribute Name: prefix-list
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<prefix-list>NAME</prefix-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor prefix-list NAME
Configure auth
Use this attribute to configure session-group authentication.
Attribute Name: auth
Attribute Type: enum (auth)
Attribute Name: password-type
Attribute Type: enum (plain-text|encrypt)
Attribute Name: password
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<authentication-group-password> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(auth) md5 password (plain-text|encrypt) WORD
Configure prefix access control list name
Use this attribute to prevent the distribution of any locally assigned labels
Attribute Name: prefix-access-control-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
advertise-labels for any to none
Configure peer access control list name
Use this attribute to prevent the distribution of any locally assigned labels
Attribute Name: prefix-access-control-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
advertise-labels for PREFIX to (any|PEER)
Configure tcp mss range
Use this attribute to specify LDP neighbors
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: tcp-mss-range
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 560-1440
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<tcp-mss-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor (all|auto-targeted|A.B.C.D) tcp-mss <560-1440>
clear ldp statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ldp-statistics xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ldp statistics
clear ldp statistics advertise-labels
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ldp-statistics-advertise-labels xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ldp statistics advertise-labels
clear ldp statistics advertise-labels for PREFIX
Attribute Name: prefix
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ldp-statistics-advertise-labels-prefix xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ldp statistics advertise-labels for PREFIX
clear ldp statistics advertise-labels for PREFIX to PEER
Attribute Name: prefix
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: peer
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ldp-statistics-advertise-labels-prefix-peer xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ldp statistics advertise-labels for PREFIX to PEER
clear ldp session *
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ldp-session-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ldp session *
clear ldp session A.B.C.D
Attribute Name: addr
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ldp-session-ipv4 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ldp session A.B.C.D
clear ldp adjacency *
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ldp-adjacency-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ldp adjacency *
clear ldp adjacency A.B.C.D
Attribute Name: addr
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ldp-adjacency-ipv4 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ldp adjacency A.B.C.D
snmp restart ldp
Netconf RPC payload
<snmp-restart-ldp xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart ldp
debug ldp (events|fsm|hexdump|dsm|usm|tsm|qos|nsm|advertise-labels|cspf|vc usm|vc dsm|graceful-restart|rib|inter-area|packet notification|packet hello|packet initialization|packet keepalive|packet address|packet label|packet|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (events|fsm|hexdump|dsm|usm|tsm|qos|nsm|advertise-labels|cspf|vc usm|vc dsm|graceful-restart|rib|inter-area|packet notification|packet hello|packet initialization|packet keepalive|packet address|packet label|packet|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<ldp-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ldp (events|fsm|hexdump|dsm|usm|tsm|qos|nsm|advertise-labels|cspf|vc usm|vc dsm|graceful-restart|rib|inter-area|packet notification|packet hello|packet initialization|packet keepalive|packet address|packet label|packet|all)
no debug ldp (events|fsm|hexdump|dsm|usm|tsm|qos|nsm|advertise-labels|cspf|vc usm|vc dsm|graceful-restart|rib|inter-area|packet notification|packet hello|packet initialization|packet keepalive|packet address|packet label|packet|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (events|fsm|hexdump|dsm|usm|tsm|qos|nsm|advertise-labels|cspf|vc usm|vc dsm|graceful-restart|rib|inter-area|packet notification|packet hello|packet initialization|packet keepalive|packet address|packet label|packet|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<ldp-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ldp (events|fsm|hexdump|dsm|usm|tsm|qos|nsm|advertise-labels|cspf|vc usm|vc dsm|graceful-restart|rib|inter-area|packet notification|packet hello|packet initialization|packet keepalive|packet address|packet label|packet|all)
restart ldp graceful
Netconf RPC payload
<restart-ldp-graceful xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
restart ldp graceful
Configure enable ldp ipv4
Use this attribute to enable LDP IPv4, on a specified interface. This command enables the transmission of Hello packets through the current interface, so that LDP adjacencies and LDP sessions can be created.
Attribute Name: enable-ldp-ipv4
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</enable-ldp-ipv4><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
enable-ldp ipv4
Configure name
Use this attribute to enable LDP IPv4, on a specified interface. This command enables the transmission of Hello packets through the current interface, so that LDP adjacencies and LDP sessions can be created.
Attribute Name: enable-ldp-ipv4
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</enable-ldp-ipv4><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
enable-ldp ipv4 no-igp-sync
Configure multicast hello disable
Use this attribute to enable multicast hello exchange on specified interfaces enabled for LDP.
Attribute Name: multicast-hello-disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
</multicast-hello-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ldp multicast-hellos
Configure maximum pdu length
Use this attribute to specify max pdu length
Attribute Name: maximum-pdu-length
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 4096
Attribute Range: 256-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<maximum-pdu-length>256</maximum-pdu-length> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ldp max-pdu-length <256-65535>
Configure ldp igp sync delay interval
Use this attribute to configure a synchronization delay, that is, a delay for notifications of LDP convergence to the IGP protocol used, which can be either IS-IS or OSPF.
Attribute Name: ldp-igp-sync-delay-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<ldp-igp-sync-delay-interval>5</ldp-igp-sync-delay-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls ldp-igp sync-delay <5-60>
Configure hello interval
Use this attribute set the hello interval to send the hello messages to peers
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-21845
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ldp hello-interval <1-21845>
Configure hello holdtime
Use this attribute set the hello hold time as the time out value that the router waits before rejecting an adjacency
Attribute Name: hello-holdtime
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 3-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<hello-holdtime>3</hello-holdtime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ldp hold-time <3-65535>
Configure keepalive interval
Use this attribute to set the global value for the interval after which keep-alive packets are sent out
Attribute Name: keepalive-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-21845
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<keepalive-interval>1</keepalive-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ldp keepalive-interval <1-21845>
Configure keepalive timeout
Use this attribute to set the time period for which an LSR must wait for successive keep-alive messages from LDP peers
Attribute Name: keepalive-timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 3-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<keepalive-timeout>3</keepalive-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ldp keepalive-timeout <3-65535>
Configure interface advertisement mode
Use this attribute to set the label advertisement mode for an interface to either downstream-ondemand (label is sent only when requested) or downstream-unsolicited (label is sent unrequested).
Attribute Name: interface-advertisement-mode
Attribute Type: enum (downstream-unsolicited|downstream-on-demand)
Default Value: downstream-unsolicited
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<interface-advertisement-mode>downstream-unsolicited</interface-advertisement-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ldp advertisement-mode (downstream-unsolicited|downstream-on-demand)
Configure interface retention mode
Use this attribute to set the retention mode to be used for all labels exchanged via the given interface. When an LSR receives a label binding for a particular FEC (Forwarding Equivalence Class) from another LSR that is not its next hop for that FEC, it might keep track of such bindings or discard them. Use the liberal parameter to retain all labels binding to FEC received from label distribution peers, even if the LSR is not the current next-hop. Use the conservative parameter to maintain only the label bindings for valid next-hops in a LSP. Liberal label retention mode allows for quicker adaptation to routing changes, whereas conservative label retention mode requires an LSR to maintain fewer labels.
Attribute Name: interface-retention-mode
Attribute Type: enum (liberal|conservative)
Default Value: liberal
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<interface-retention-mode>liberal</interface-retention-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ldp label-retention-mode (liberal|conservative)
Configure targeted global hello interval
Use this attribute to set the interval for sending unicast hello packets to targeted peers
Attribute Name: targeted-global-hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 1-21845
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<targeted-global-hello-interval>1</targeted-global-hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
targeted-peer-hello-interval <1-21845>
Configure targeted global hello holdtime
Use this attribute to set the time-out value that is the time that the router waits before rejecting an adjacency with targeted peers.
Attribute Name: targeted-global-hello-holdtime
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 45
Attribute Range: 3-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<targeted-global-hello-holdtime>3</targeted-global-hello-holdtime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
targeted-peer-hold-time <3-65535>
Configure target address
Use this attribute to enter a targeted IPv4 or IPv6 LDP peer mode. A targeted session is an LDP session between non-directly connected LSRs. Set this command to send a targeted hello messages to specific IP addresses. This command is specific to a targeted IPv4 or IPv6 LDP peer.
Attribute Name: target-address
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<targeted-peer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
targeted-peer (ipv4 A.B.C.D)
Configure hello interval
Use this attribute set the hello interval to send the hello messages to peers
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 1-21845
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hello-interval <1-21845>
Configure hello holdtime
Use this attribute set the hello hold time as the time out value that the router waits before rejecting an adjacency
Attribute Name: hello-holdtime
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 45
Attribute Range: 3-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ldp xmlns="">
<hello-holdtime>3</hello-holdtime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hold-time <3-65535>
Configure enable qos
Use this attribute to globally enable or disable QoS
Attribute Name: enable-qos
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<enable-qos>disable</enable-qos> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos (disable|enable)
Configure name
Use this attribute to set a name to CoS to Traffic-Class profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping Profile feature
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-31
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<cos-to-queue-profile> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos profile cos-to-queue (NAME|default)
Configure cos value
Use this attribute to map a Class of Service (CoS) value to a particular Traffic-Class
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS custom options2,QoS Mapping Profile feature
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: queue-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<cos-to-queue> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cos <0-7> queue <0-7>
Configure queue id
Use this attribute to select the Traffic-Class CoS is mapped to
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS custom options2,QoS Mapping Profile feature
Attribute Name: queue-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<queue-id>0</queue-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cos <0-7> queue <0-7>
Configure color
Use this attribute to select the color to map. Default value is 3.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping Profile feature
Attribute Name: color
Attribute Type: enum (green|yellow|red|all)
Attribute Name: remark-dscp-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<dscp-to-dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dscp <0-63> (color (green|yellow|red|all)|) dscp <0-63>
Configure precedence value
Use this attribute to select IP Precedence value in
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping Profile feature
Attribute Name: precedence-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: remark-precedence-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<precedence-to-precedence> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
precedence <0-7> precedence <0-7>
Configure remark dscp value
Use this attribute to select Differentiated Services Control Protocol (DSCP) value out.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping Profile feature
Attribute Name: remark-dscp-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-63
Attribute Name: queue-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: color
Attribute Type: enum (green|yellow|red)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<queue-id>0</queue-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<color>green</color> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<remark-dscp-value>0</remark-dscp-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dscp <0-63> queue <0-7> color (green|yellow|red) dscp <0-63>
Configure dscp value
Use this attribute to select the color to map.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping Profile feature
Attribute Name: color
Attribute Type: enum (green|yellow|red)
Attribute Name: queue-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<queue-id>0</queue-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<color>green</color> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dscp <0-63> queue <0-7> color (green|yellow|red)
Configure dscp encap value
Use this attribute to map a Differentiated Services Control Protocol (DSCP) value
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS custom options2,QoS Mapping Profile feature and following feature are disabled QoS custom options3
Attribute Name: dscp-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-63
Attribute Name: dscp-encap-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<dscp-to-dscp-encap> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
l3 dscp <0-63> dscpEncap <0-63>
Configure exp value
Use this attribute to select the color to map. Default value is 3.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Diffserv feature,QoS custom options2,QoS Mapping Profile feature and following feature are disabled QoS custom options3
Attribute Name: color
Attribute Type: enum (green|yellow|red|all)
Attribute Name: exp-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<queue-color-to-exp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
l2 queue <0-7> (color (green|yellow|red|all)|) exp <0-7>
Configure profile id
Use this attribute to set a name to MPLS experimental (EXP) to Traffic-Class profile name. Default value is 0.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Diffserv feature,QoS Mapping Profile feature
Attribute Name: profile-id
Attribute Type: enum (default)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<exp-to-queue-profile> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos profile exp-to-queue default
Configure remark precedence value
Use this attribute to select IP Precedence value out.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping Profile feature
Attribute Name: remark-precedence-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: queue-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<queue-id>0</queue-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<remark-precedence-value>0</remark-precedence-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
precedence <0-7> queue <0-7> precedence <0-7>
Configure cos
Use this command to enable remarking of CoS set by the egress map
Attribute Name: cos
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
</cos><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos remark cos
Configure dscp
Use this command to enable remarking of DSCP set by the egress map
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
</dscp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos remark dscp
Configure type
Use this attribute to set the class-map name
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (qos|queuing|queuing-default)
Attribute Name: match-criteria
Attribute Type: enum (match-all|match-any)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<class-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
class-map NAME
Configure match criteria
Use this attribute to set the class-map name
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (qos|queuing|queuing-default)
Attribute Name: match-criteria
Attribute Type: enum (match-all|match-any)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<class-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
class-map type (qos) NAME
Configure reference description
This attribute configures reference description message on class-map profile for QoS type.
Attribute Name: reference-description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<reference-description>LINE</reference-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
reference-description LINE
Configure access control list name
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the Access Control List (ACL)
Attribute Name: access-control-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<access-control-list-name>NAME</access-control-list-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match access-group NAME
Configure ethertype
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the EtherType value(s)
Attribute Name: ethertype
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<ethertype>WORD</ethertype> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ethertype WORD
Configure traffic type
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the traffic type value
Attribute Name: traffic-type
Attribute Type: enum (l2-mc|l2-bc|default|l2-unknown)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<traffic-type>l2-mc</traffic-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match traffic-type (l2-mc|l2-bc|default|l2-unknown)
Configure inner cos
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on inner Class of Service (CoS) value
Attribute Name: inner-cos
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<inner-cos>WORD</inner-cos> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match cos inner WORD
Configure vlan
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on VLAN ID. Enter VLAN ID 1-4094 or range of VLAN ID’s.
Attribute Name: vlan
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<vlan>WORD</vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match vlan WORD
Configure inner vlan
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on inner VLAN ID. Enter VLAN ID 1-4094 or range of VLAN ID’s.
Attribute Name: inner-vlan
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<inner-vlan>WORD</inner-vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match vlan inner WORD
Configure rtp
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). The rtp value 2000-65535 or range of rtp values.
Attribute Name: rtp
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2000-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<rtp>WORD</rtp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ip rtp WORD
Configure mpls exp
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the MPLS experimental (EXP) value
Attribute Name: mpls-exp
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<mpls-exp>WORD</mpls-exp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match mpls experimental topmost WORD
Configure ipv6 dscp
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the Differentiated Services Control Protocol (DSCP) value. Warning: In CLI show running, DSCP values with well-known names (ex.: af11, cs0) will be displayed as such. On Netconf, DSCP values will always be numeric.
Attribute Name: ipv6-dscp
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<ipv6-dscp>WORD</ipv6-dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv6 dscp WORD
Configure precedence
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the precedence value. Warning: In CLI show running, precedence values with well-known names (ex.: priority, immediate) will be displayed as such. On Netconf, precedence values will always be numeric.
Attribute Name: precedence
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<precedence>WORD</precedence> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match precedence WORD
Configure ipv6 precedence
Use this attribute to classify IPv6 traffic based on the precedence value. Warning: In CLI show running, precedence values with well-known names (ex.: priority, immediate) will be displayed as such. On Netconf, precedence values will always be numeric.
Attribute Name: ipv6-precedence
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<ipv6-precedence>WORD</ipv6-precedence> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv6 precedence WORD
Configure port type
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on layer 4 source port or destination port
Attribute Name: port-type
Attribute Type: enum (source-port|destination-port)
Attribute Name: port
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<layer4-match> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match layer4 (any|tcp|udp) (source-port|destination-port) WORD
Configure protocol
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on layer 4 source port or destination port
Attribute Name: port-type
Attribute Type: enum (source-port|destination-port)
Attribute Name: port
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<layer4-match> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv6 layer4 (any|tcp|udp) (source-port|destination-port) WORD
Configure ethertype all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the EtherType value
Attribute Name: ethertype-all
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-6
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<ethertype-all>WORD</ethertype-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ethertype WORD
Configure traffic type all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the traffic type
Attribute Name: traffic-type-all
Attribute Type: enum (l2-mc|l2-bc|default|l2-unknown)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<traffic-type-all>l2-mc</traffic-type-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match traffic-type (l2-mc|l2-bc|default|l2-unknown)
Configure cos all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the Class of Service (CoS) value
Attribute Name: cos-all
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<cos-all>0</cos-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match cos <0-7>
Configure inner cos all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the inner Class of Service (CoS) value
Attribute Name: inner-cos-all
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<inner-cos-all>0</inner-cos-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match cos inner <0-7>
Configure vlan all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the VLAN ID
Attribute Name: vlan-all
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<vlan-all>1</vlan-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match vlan <1-4094>
Configure inner vlan all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the inner VLAN ID
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-all
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<inner-vlan-all>1</inner-vlan-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match vlan inner <1-4094>
Configure rtp all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP)
Attribute Name: rtp-all
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 2000-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<rtp-all>2000</rtp-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ip rtp <2000-65535>
Configure mpls exp all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the MPLS experimental (EXP) value
Attribute Name: mpls-exp-all
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<mpls-exp-all>0</mpls-exp-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match mpls experimental topmost <0-7>
Configure dscp all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the Differentiated Services Control Protocol (DSCP) value. The DSCP value range is 0-63. Warning: In CLI show running, DSCP values with well-known names (ex.: af11, cs0) will be displayed as such. On Netconf, DSCP values will always be numeric. The string type allow up to 8 characters on well-known name.
Attribute Name: dscp-all
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<dscp-all>default</dscp-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7|<0-63>)
Configure ipv6 dscp all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the Differentiated Services Control Protocol (DSCP) value upon IPv6 packet. The DSCP value range is 0-63. Warning: In CLI show running, DSCP values with well-known names (ex.: af11, cs0) will be displayed as such. On Netconf, DSCP values will always be numeric. The string type allow up to 8 characters on well-known name.
Attribute Name: ipv6-dscp-all
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<ipv6-dscp-all>default</ipv6-dscp-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv6 dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7|<0-63>)
Configure precedence all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the precedence value. The precedence value range is 0-7. Warning: In CLI show running, precedence values with well-known names (ex.: priority, immediate) will be displayed as such. On Netconf, precedence values will always be numeric. The string type allow up to 13 characters on well-known name.
Attribute Name: precedence-all
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-13
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<precedence-all>WORD</precedence-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match precedence WORD
Configure ipv6 precedence all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the precedence value upon IPv6 packet. The precedence value range is 0-7. Warning: In CLI show running, precedence values with well-known names (ex.: priority, immediate) will be displayed as such. On Netconf, precedence values will always be numeric. The string type allow up to 13 characters on well-known name.
Attribute Name: ipv6-precedence-all
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-13
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<ipv6-precedence-all>WORD</ipv6-precedence-all> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv6 precedence WORD
Configure port all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the port
Attribute Name: port-all
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<layer4-match-ipv4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match layer4 (any|tcp|udp) (source-port|destination-port) <1-65535>
Configure protocol all
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the port
Attribute Name: port-all
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<layer4-match-ipv6> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match ipv6 layer4 (any|tcp|udp) (source-port|destination-port) <1-65535>
Configure vlan queue
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the VLAN ID
Attribute Name: vlan-queue
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<vlan-queue>1</vlan-queue> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match vlan <1-4094>
Configure queue
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on queue value
Attribute Name: queue
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<queue>0</queue> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match queue <0-7>
Configure service template name
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on service template
Attribute Name: service-template-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<service-template-name>NAME</service-template-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match service-template NAME
Configure interface
Use this attribute to classify traffic based on the subinterface or vlan interface name
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interface>IFNAME</interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match interface IFNAME
Configure policy map name
Use this attribute to set the policy-map name
Attribute Name: policy-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (qos|queuing|queuing default)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<policy-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
policy-map NAME
Configure class map name
Use this attribute to attach a class-map of type qos or queue to the policy-map
Attribute Name: class-map-name
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (qos|queuing|queuing default)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<class> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
class (type (qos)|) NAME
Configure child service policy name
Use this attribute to attach a child service-policy to the policy-map
Attribute Name: child-service-policy-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<child-service-policy-name>NAME</child-service-policy-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service-policy NAME
Configure byte compensation
Use this attribute to set the compensation used to adjust this byte difference in order to achieve the expected egress queue rate.
Attribute Name: byte-compensation
Attribute Type: int8
Attribute Range: -64-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<byte-compensation>-64</byte-compensation> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
compensation <-64-64>
Configure delay tolerance
Use this attribute to set the low delay tolerance profile.
Attribute Name: delay-tolerance
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
</delay-tolerance><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure priority level
Use this attribute to set the class traffic level for Priority queue scheduling algorithm
Attribute Name: priority-level
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<priority-level>0</priority-level> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
priority level <0-7>
Configure weighted fair queueing queue weight
Use this attribute to set the weight for Weighted Fair Queueing queue scheduling algorithm
Attribute Name: weighted-fair-queueing-queue-weight
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<weighted-fair-queueing-queue-weight>1</weighted-fair-queueing-queue-weight> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
wfq-queue weight <1-63>
Configure weight
Use this attribute to set weight for Weighted Random Early Detection
Attribute Name: weight
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-31
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<weight>0</weight> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
random-detect weight <0-31>
Configure min threshold
Use this attribute to set Weighted Random Early Detection color. Default value is 3.
Attribute Name: color
Attribute Type: enum (green|yellow|red|all)
Attribute Name: min-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-629145600
Attribute Name: min-threshold-unit
Attribute Type: enum (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Attribute Name: max-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-629145600
Attribute Name: max-threshold-unit
Attribute Type: enum (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Attribute Name: drop-probability
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<wred> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
random-detect ((green|yellow|red|all)|) <1-629145600> (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us) <1-629145600> (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us) (drop-probability <1-100>|)
Configure min threshold unit
Use this attribute to set Weighted Random Early Detection color. Default value is 3.
Attribute Name: color
Attribute Type: enum (green|yellow|red|all)
Attribute Name: min-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-629145600
Attribute Name: min-threshold-unit
Attribute Type: enum (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Attribute Name: max-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-629145600
Attribute Name: max-threshold-unit
Attribute Type: enum (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Attribute Name: drop-probability
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<wred> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
random-detect ((green|yellow|red|all)|) min-threshold <1-629145600> (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us) max-threshold <1-629145600> (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us) (drop-probability <1-100>|)
Configure max threshold
Use this attribute to set Weighted Random Early Detection color. Default value is 3.
Attribute Name: color
Attribute Type: enum (green|yellow|red|all)
Attribute Name: min-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-629145600
Attribute Name: min-threshold-unit
Attribute Type: enum (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Attribute Name: max-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-629145600
Attribute Name: max-threshold-unit
Attribute Type: enum (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Attribute Name: drop-probability
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<wred> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
random-detect ((green|yellow|red|all)|) <1-629145600> (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us) max-threshold <1-629145600> (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us) (drop-probability <1-100>|)
Configure max threshold unit
Use this attribute to set Weighted Random Early Detection color. Default value is 3.
Attribute Name: color
Attribute Type: enum (green|yellow|red|all)
Attribute Name: min-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-629145600
Attribute Name: min-threshold-unit
Attribute Type: enum (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Attribute Name: max-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-629145600
Attribute Name: max-threshold-unit
Attribute Type: enum (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Attribute Name: drop-probability
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<wred> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
random-detect ((green|yellow|red|all)|) min-threshold <1-629145600> (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us) <1-629145600> (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us) (drop-probability <1-100>|)
Configure max threshold type
Use this attribute to set tail drop limits on egress queue
Attribute Name: max-threshold-type
Attribute Type: enum (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<tail-drop> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
queue-limit <1-629145600> (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Configure rate value
Use this attribute to set a maximum shaping rate on the egress queue
Attribute Name: rate-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<shape> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
shape <1-483000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps)
Configure rate unit
Use this attribute to set a maximum shaping rate on the egress queue
Attribute Name: rate-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<shape> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
shape (percent) <1-100>
Configure priority
Use this attribute to set the user priority for the class attached to this policy-map
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<priority>1</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
priority <1-1000>
Configure precedence remark
Use this attribute to match traffic classes set action as change precedence in the egress packet to the defined value. The precedence value range is 0-7. Warning: In CLI show running, precedence values with well-known names (ex.: priority, immediate) will be displayed as such. On Netconf, precedence values will always be numeric. The string type allow up to 13 characters on well-known name.
Attribute Name: precedence-remark
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-13
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<precedence-remark>WORD</precedence-remark> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set precedence WORD
Configure dscp value remark
Use this attribute to match traffic classes set action as change DSCP in the egress packet to the defined value. The DSCP value range is 0-63. Warning: In CLI show running, DSCP values with well-known names (ex.: af11, cs0) will be displayed as such. On Netconf, DSCP values will always be numeric. The string type allow up to 8 characters on well-known name.
Attribute Name: dscp-value-remark
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-8
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<dscp-value-remark>WORD</dscp-value-remark> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set dscp WORD
Configure cir
Use this attribute to set a Committed Information Rate. Default value is 1.
Attribute Name: cir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-720000000
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (none|colour-blind|colour-aware)
Attribute Name: cir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<type>none</type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir-unit>kbps</cir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir>1</cir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
police ((colour-blind|colour-aware)|) cir <1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps)
Configure cir unit
Use this attribute to set a Committed Information Rate. Default value is 1.
Attribute Name: cir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (none|colour-blind|colour-aware)
Attribute Name: cir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<type>none</type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir-unit>kbps</cir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir>1</cir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
police ((colour-blind|colour-aware)|) cir percent <1-100>
Configure eir
Use this attribute to set a Committed Information Rate. Default value is 1.
Attribute Name: cir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-720000000
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (none|colour-blind|colour-aware)
Attribute Name: cir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Attribute Name: eir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-720000000
Attribute Name: eir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<type>none</type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir-unit>kbps</cir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir>1</eir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir-unit>kbps</eir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir>1</cir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
police ((colour-blind|colour-aware)|) cir <1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps) eir <1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps)
Configure eir unit
Use this attribute to set a Committed Information Rate. Default value is 1.
Attribute Name: cir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (none|colour-blind|colour-aware)
Attribute Name: cir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Attribute Name: eir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-720000000
Attribute Name: eir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<type>none</type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir-unit>kbps</cir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir>1</eir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir-unit>kbps</eir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir>1</cir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
police ((colour-blind|colour-aware)|) cir percent <1-100> eir <1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps)
Configure bc
Use this attribute to set a Committed Information Rate. Default value is 1.
Attribute Name: cir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-720000000
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (none|colour-blind|colour-aware)
Attribute Name: cir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Attribute Name: eir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-720000000
Attribute Name: eir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Attribute Name: bc
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-4161
Attribute Name: bc-unit
Attribute Type: enum (none|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<type>none</type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir-unit>kbps</cir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir>1</eir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir-unit>kbps</eir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<bc>1</bc> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<bc-unit>none</bc-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir>1</cir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
police ((colour-blind|colour-aware)|) cir <1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps) eir <1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps) bc <1-4161> (kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Configure bc unit
Use this attribute to set a Committed Information Rate. Default value is 1.
Attribute Name: cir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (none|colour-blind|colour-aware)
Attribute Name: cir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Attribute Name: eir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-720000000
Attribute Name: eir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Attribute Name: bc
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-4161
Attribute Name: bc-unit
Attribute Type: enum (none|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<type>none</type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir-unit>kbps</cir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir>1</eir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir-unit>kbps</eir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<bc>1</bc> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<bc-unit>none</bc-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir>1</cir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
police ((colour-blind|colour-aware)|) cir percent <1-100> eir <1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps) bc <1-4161> (kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Configure be
Use this attribute to set a Committed Information Rate. Default value is 1.
Attribute Name: cir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-720000000
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (none|colour-blind|colour-aware)
Attribute Name: cir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Attribute Name: eir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-720000000
Attribute Name: eir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Attribute Name: be
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4161
Attribute Name: be-unit
Attribute Type: enum (none|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<type>none</type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir-unit>kbps</cir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir>1</eir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir-unit>kbps</eir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<be>1</be> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<be-unit>none</be-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir>1</cir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
police ((colour-blind|colour-aware)|) cir <1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps) eir <1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps) be <1-4161> (kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Configure be unit
Use this attribute to set a Committed Information Rate. Default value is 1.
Attribute Name: cir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (none|colour-blind|colour-aware)
Attribute Name: cir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Attribute Name: eir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Range: 1-720000000
Attribute Name: eir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps|percent)
Attribute Name: be
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4161
Attribute Name: be-unit
Attribute Type: enum (none|kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<type>none</type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir-unit>kbps</cir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir>1</eir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<eir-unit>kbps</eir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<be>1</be> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<be-unit>none</be-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir>1</cir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
police ((colour-blind|colour-aware)|) cir percent <1-100> eir <1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps) be <1-4161> (kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to enable QoS statistics
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos statistics
Configure disabled
Use this attribute to disable red packet drop in the system. Red packets are dropped in the system by default to achieve ingress rate limiting via policer and storm control. However, this command is used when there is no use-case for rate limiting traffic and red packets need to be allowed in the system
Attribute Name: disabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
</disabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos red-drop-disable
clear qos statistics (interface IFNAME|) ((type qos|type qos input|type qos output|type queuing|type copp|type all)|)
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (type qos|type qos input|type qos output|type queuing|type copp|type all)
Default Value: type all
Netconf RPC payload
<qos-clear-statistics xmlns="">
<type>type all</type>
Command Syntax
clear qos statistics (interface IFNAME|) ((type qos|type qos input|type qos output|type queuing|type copp|type all)|)
Configure untagged priority
Use this attribute to set internal priority for untagged traffic on L2 interface
Attribute Name: untagged-priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<untagged-priority>0</untagged-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos untagged-priority <0-7>
Configure trust dscp
Use this command to classify the ingress traffic based on DSCP map on L2 interface
Attribute Name: trust-dscp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
</trust-dscp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
trust dscp
Configure cos
Use this command to enable/disable remarking of CoS set by the egress map
Attribute Name: cos
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<cos>disable</cos> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos remark cos (disable|enable)
Configure dscp
Use this command to enable/disable remarking of DSCP set by the egress map
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<dscp>disable</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos remark dscp (disable|enable)
Configure name
Interface name for which QoS is being configured
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: rate
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Name: rate-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps|gbps)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
shape rate <1-1000000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps)
Configure cos to queue
Use this attibute to attach a CoS to Traffic-Class profile to the interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping profile
Attribute Name: cos-to-queue
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<cos-to-queue>NAME</cos-to-queue> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos map-profile cos-to-queue NAME
Configure dscp to dscp
Use this attibute to attach a DSCP to DSCP profile to the interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping profile
Attribute Name: dscp-to-dscp
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<dscp-to-dscp>NAME</dscp-to-dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos map-profile dscp-to-dscp NAME
Configure precedence to precedence
Use this attibute to attach a Precedence to Precedencde profile to the interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping profile
Attribute Name: precedence-to-precedence
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<precedence-to-precedence>NAME</precedence-to-precedence> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos map-profile precedence-to-precedence NAME
Configure dscp to queue
Use this attibute to attach a DSCP to Traffic-Class profile to the interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping profile
Attribute Name: dscp-to-queue
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<dscp-to-queue>NAME</dscp-to-queue> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos map-profile dscp-to-queue NAME
Configure precedence to queue
Use this attibute to attach a Precedence to Traffic-Class profile to the interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping profile
Attribute Name: precedence-to-queue
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<precedence-to-queue>NAME</precedence-to-queue> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos map-profile precedence-to-queue NAME
Configure exp encapsulation
Use this attibute to attach a MPLS experimental encapsulation profile to the interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping profile
Attribute Name: exp-encapsulation
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<exp-encapsulation>NAME</exp-encapsulation> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos map-profile exp-encap NAME
Configure dscp encapsulation
Use this attibute to attach a MPLS dscp encapsulation profile to the interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping profile
Attribute Name: dscp-encapsulation
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<dscp-encapsulation>NAME</dscp-encapsulation> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos map-profile dscp-encap NAME
Configure queue color to cos
Use this attibute to attach a Traffic-Class color to CoS profile to the interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QoS Mapping profile
Attribute Name: queue-color-to-cos
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<queue-color-to-cos>NAME</queue-color-to-cos> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qos map-profile queue-color-to-cos NAME
Configure type qos policy map name
Use this attribute to attach a service-policy of type qos to the interface
Attribute Name: type-qos-policy-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<type-qos-policy-map-name>NAME</type-qos-policy-map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service-policy type qos input NAME
Configure type queuing policy map name
Use this attribute to attach a service-policy of type queue to the interface
Attribute Name: type-queuing-policy-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<qos xmlns="">
<interfaces xmlns="">
<type-queuing-policy-map-name>NAME</type-queuing-policy-map-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service-policy type queuing output NAME
Configure options
Use this attribute to enable all debugging options for an RSVP daemon. Enable RSVP debugs at configuration mode
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (events|packet|packet in|packet out|hexdump|nsm|cspf|fsm egress|fsm transit downstream|fsm transit upstream|fsm ingress|rib|neighbor|autobw|fsm|fsm transit|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<options>events</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug rsvp (events|packet|packet in|packet out|hexdump|nsm|cspf|fsm egress|fsm transit downstream|fsm transit upstream|fsm ingress|rib|neighbor|autobw|fsm|fsm transit|all|)
Configure enable rsvp trap
Use this attribute to enable/disable the rsvp trap
Attribute Name: enable-rsvp-trap
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-rsvp-trap><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rsvp-trap enable
Configure disable refresh resv parsing
Use this attribute to disable parsing of Refresh RESV messages received from upstream nodes. Use this attribute to minimize message processing by RSVP when you are sure that a particular router does not need to parse Refresh RESV messages to check for changes because LSPs passing through this router are not required to be updated simultaneously.
Attribute Name: disable-refresh-resv-parsing
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</disable-refresh-resv-parsing><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no refresh-resv-parsing
Configure disable refresh path parsing
Use this attribute to disable parsing of Refresh PATH messages received from upstream nodes. Use this attribute to minimize message processing by RSVP when you are sure that a particular router does not need to parse Refresh-PATH messages to check for changes, because LSPs passing through this router are not required to be updated simultaneously.
Attribute Name: disable-refresh-path-parsing
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</disable-refresh-path-parsing><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no refresh-path-parsing
Configure disable loop detection
Use this attribute to turn on loop detection for Path and Reservation messages exchanged between LSRs
Attribute Name: disable-loop-detection
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</disable-loop-detection><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no loop-detection
Configure enable php
Use this attribute to enable Penultimate-Hop-Popping for the router. An egress router sends either the implicit-null or the explicit-null label for LSPs. If the no-php command has been enabled, the egress router sends non-reserved labels (those labels in the label pool range allotted to RSVP) to the upstream router.
Attribute Name: enable-php
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-php><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable entropy label capability
Use this attribute to enable Entropy Label Capability (ELC) for the router. An egress router may insert ELC TLV in Attributes Flags TLV of Resv message. If no entropy-label-capability command has been enabled, the egress router doesnt include ELC TLV in Resv message.
Attribute Name: enable-entropy-label-capability
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-entropy-label-capability><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable bundle send
Use thi attrubute Enable sending of BUNDLE messages for all the interfaces
Attribute Name: enable-bundle-send
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-bundle-send><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable local protection
Use this attribute to enable/disable the local repair of explicit routes for which this router is a transit node
Attribute Name: enable-local-protection
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-local-protection><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable explicit null
Use this attribute to send explicit-null labels for directly-connected forwarding equivalency classes (FECs) instead of implicit-null labels. This command controls the label value advertised to an egress router of an LSP. By default, implicit null label (label 3) is advertised for directly connected FECs. If implicit-null label is advertised, the penultimate hop removes the label and sends the packet as a plain IP packet to the egress router. The explicit-null command advertises label 0 and retains the label so the egress router can pop it. For details about usage of explicit-null, please refer to RFC 3032.Use the no parameter with this command to stop sending explicit-null labels for directly-connected FECs and resume sending implicit-null labels.
Attribute Name: enable-explicit-null
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-explicit-null><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure detour allow primary upstream path
Use this attribute to ensure detour formation allowed to consider upstream path of primary, a deviation to RFC 4090 section 6.2 recomendation. This attribute intended to be used on special case where detour protection required on ring topology with no additional alternate path available.
Attribute Name: detour-allow-primary-upstream-path
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</detour-allow-primary-upstream-path><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure on boot adjust multiplier
Use this attribute to specify the adjust multiplier for an RSVP auto bandwidth on-boot profile
Attribute Name: on-boot-adjust-multiplier
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-10
Attribute Name: on-boot-sample-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-10080
Attribute Name: on-boot-adjust-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 5-10080
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<on-boot-sample-interval>1</on-boot-sample-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<on-boot-adjust-interval>5</on-boot-adjust-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<on-boot-adjust-multiplier>1</on-boot-adjust-multiplier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
auto-bandwidth-on-boot <1-10080> <5-10080> <1-10>
Configure rsvp
Use this attribute to enter router mode from configure mode and to enable the RSVP daemon, if it is not already enabled and Enter in to router rsvp mode from configure mode
Attribute Name: rsvp
Attribute Type: enum (rsvp)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
router (rsvp)
Configure revert timer
Use this attribute to Hold-on timer before revert back to primary session
Attribute Name: revert-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<revert-timer>1</revert-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
revert-timer <1-65535>
Configure ingress
Use this attribute to specify a .from. IPv4 address for the RSVP daemon. This command can be invoked from either the router rsvp mode or from the rsvp-trunk mode. In the RSVP router mode, this command defines the source address as an IPv4 packet sent out by the RSVP daemon. In the RSVP trunk mode, this command indicates a sender.s address in the sender template object that is used in path messages.
Attribute Name: ingress
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<ingress>A.B.C.D</ingress> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
from A.B.C.D
Configure enable message ack
Use this attribute to enable message acknowledgement for all messages being sent to neighbors that are known to support refresh reduction.
Attribute Name: enable-message-ack
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-message-ack><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure disable refresh reduction
Use this attribute to enable refresh reduction capability advertisement for all interfaces
Attribute Name: disable-refresh-reduction
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</disable-refresh-reduction><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no refresh-reduction
Configure ack send timer
Use this attribute to configure the timer for sending acknowledgement for all RSVP-TE neighbors. By default, timer is disabled.
Attribute Name: ack-send-timer
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-5
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<ack-send-timer>1</ack-send-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ack-send-timer <1-5>
Configure ack wait timeout
Use this attribute to configure the acknowledgement wait timeout for all RSVP-TE neighbors
Attribute Name: ack-wait-timeout
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<ack-wait-timeout>1</ack-wait-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ack-wait-timeout <1-65535>
Configure refresh time
Use this attribute to configure RSVP refresh interval timer. The timer specifies the interval after which Path and/ or Reservation Request (Resv) messages will be sent out.The refresh time and keep multiplier are two interrelated timing parameters used to calculate the valid Reservation Lifetime for an LSP. Refresh time regulates the interval between Refresh messages which include Path and Reservation Request (Resv) messages. Refresh messages are sent periodically so that reservation does not timeout in the neighboring nodes. Each sender and receiver host sends Path and Resv messages, downstream and upstream respectively, along the paths.
Attribute Name: refresh-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<refresh-time>1</refresh-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
refresh-time <1-65535>
Configure keep multiplier
Use this attribute to configure the constant to be used to calculate a valid reservation lifetime for a Labeled Switched Path (LSP).The refresh time and keep multiplier are two interrelated timing parameters used to calculate the valid reservation lifetime for an LSP. The router sends refresh messages periodically so that the neighbors do not timeout
Attribute Name: keep-multiplier
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 3
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<keep-multiplier>1</keep-multiplier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
keep-multiplier <1-255>
Configure default frr protection
Use this attribute to set default FRR protection mechanism to trigger when local protection requested by protection mechanism not mentioned via FRR object. When FRR object explicitly requests for the protection type, this attribute will not come into picture. Default will be one-to-one protection.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: default-frr-protection
Attribute Type: enum (one-to-one|facility)
Default Value: one-to-one
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<default-frr-protection>one-to-one</default-frr-protection> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-frr-protection (one-to-one|facility)
Configure preemption type
Use this attribute to set preemption type for an LSP for the router. Preemption of an LSP or set of LSPs happens based on bandwidth constraints like preempting an LSP cause less number of LSPs be preempted upon satisfying the bandwidth required, preempting an LSP or set of LSPs which results in an LSP having less unused(remaining) bandwidth.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: preemption-type
Attribute Type: enum (less-lsp-preempted|less-unused-bandwidth)
Default Value: less-lsp-preempted
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<preemption-type>less-lsp-preempted</preemption-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
preemption-type (less-lsp-preempted|less-unused-bandwidth)
Configure bypass lsp addr query interval
Modify interval of bypass trunk querying LSP address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: bypass-lsp-addr-query-interval
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 10-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<bypass-lsp-addr-query-interval>10</bypass-lsp-addr-query-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bypass-lsp-addr-query-interval <10-60>
Configure detour id
Use this attribute to set a path-specific detour LSP identification method, using the detour object.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: detour-id
Attribute Type: enum (sender-template|path)
Default Value: path
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<detour-id>path</detour-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
detour-identification (sender-template|path)
Configure auto bypass
Auto bypass configuration
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: auto-bypass
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable automatic formation of bypass tunnels when facility backup protected sessions come up.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure inactivity timer
Use this attribute to configure timer for auto bypass tunnel inactivity period post which stale auto bypass tunnels will be deleted.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: inactivity-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 1-240
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<inactivity-timer>1</inactivity-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
inactivity-timer <1-240>
Configure type
Use this attribute to configure a set of attributes for auto bypass LSPs.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (best-effort)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<attribute> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
attributes (best-effort)
Configure protection capability
Use this attribute to configure the type of auto bypass tunnel allowed to create. Node option will ensure both link and node protection bypass tunnels created when there is demand and this option is enabled by default. Link option will restrict the bypass tunnel formation to link protection type even when there is demand.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: protection-capability
Attribute Type: enum (link|node)
Default Value: node
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<protection-capability>node</protection-capability> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
protection-capability (link|node)
Configure bandwidth
Use this attribute to set the bandwidth requirement for auto bypass LSPs.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure setup priority
Use this attribute to configure the setup priority requirement for auto bypass LSPs.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: setup-priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 7
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<setup-priority>0</setup-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
setup-priority <0-7>
Configure hold priority
Use this attribute to configure the hold priority requirement for auto bypass LSPs.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: hold-priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<hold-priority>0</hold-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hold-priority <0-7>
Configure hop limit
Use this attribute to configure the hop limit requirement for auto bypass LSPs.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: hop-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 255
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<hop-limit>1</hop-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hop-limit <1-255>
Configure reoptimize
Use this attribute to enable re-optimization for auto bypass LSPs.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: reoptimize
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</reoptimize><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure address
This attribute is used to configure auto bypass with exclude address criteria
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: exclude-type
Attribute Type: enum (link|node)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<exclude-type>link</exclude-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
exclude-address (link|node) A.B.C.D
Configure disable cspf
Use this attribute to disable the use of the Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF) server for all RSVP sessions.Disable CSPF when no nodes support the required traffic engineering extensions.When this command is executed in Router mode, CSPF is enabled for all configured RSVP sessions, and all RSVP sessions configured from this point forward. If the default CSPF per RSVP session is enabled, it will be disabled. The CSPF status for RSVP sessions can be verified using the show rsvp session command with the detail option
Attribute Name: disable-cspf
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</disable-cspf><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no cspf
Configure cspf lsp reoptimization time
Use this attribute to configure timer for the reoptimizing lsp.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CSPF feature
Attribute Name: cspf-lsp-reoptimization-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-240
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<cspf-lsp-reoptimization-time>1</cspf-lsp-reoptimization-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lsp-reoptimization-timer <1-240>
Configure enable hello receipt
Use this attribute to enable the receipt of Hello messages from peers.
Attribute Name: enable-hello-receipt
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-hello-receipt><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable graceful restart
Use this attribute to enable RSVP-TE Graceful Restart capability on a router. This is a global parameter. RSVP-TE determines whether or not to send the graceful restart capability object in its hello message. However, this capability also depends on support for graceful restart on the neighbor router.
Attribute Name: enable-graceful-restart
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure hello interval
Use this attribute to set an interval between Hello packets.Used as a global command, this value is over-ridden by the hello-interval set on the interface (see rsvp hello-interval).For optimum performance, set this value no more than one-third of the hello-timeout value.
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hello-interval <1-65535>
Configure hello timeout
Timeout for clearing up all sessions shared with a neighbor.If an LSR has not received a Hello message from a peer within the number of seconds set with this command, all sessions shared with this peer are reset. The hello-timeout determines how long an RSVP node waits for a hello message before declaring a neighbor to be down.
Attribute Name: hello-timeout
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 7
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<hello-timeout>1</hello-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hello-timeout <1-65535>
Configure restart time
Use this attribute to set a restart time for an RSVP-TE graceful restart configuration.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled grst feature
Attribute Name: restart-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 180000
Attribute Range: 10000-600000
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<restart-time>10000</restart-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
graceful-restart restart-time <10000-600000>
Configure recovery time
Use this attribute to set a recovery time for an RSVP-TE graceful restart configuration.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled grst feature
Attribute Name: recovery-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 360000
Attribute Range: 60000-3600000
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<recovery-time>60000</recovery-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
graceful-restart recovery-time <60000-3600000>
Configure enable gmpls notification
Use this attribute to enable a router.s ability to send notification messages for all GMPLS LSPs configured on the box. This command can be used to enable or disable sending notification messages. By default, notification is enabled for all GMPLS LSPs configured on the box.
Attribute Name: enable-gmpls-notification
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-gmpls-notification><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable pre program suggested label
Enable suggested label feature of gmpls
Attribute Name: enable-pre-program-suggested-label
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-pre-program-suggested-label><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure srlg disjoint
Use the attribute to configure the srlg-disjoint path-protection in global mode
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Shared Risk Link Groups feature
Attribute Name: srlg-disjoint
Attribute Type: enum (forced|preferred)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<srlg-disjoint>forced</srlg-disjoint> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
srlg-disjoint (forced|preferred)
Configure enable override diff serv
Setup a non-diffserv lsp if diffserv obj is not present in Path message
Attribute Name: enable-override-diff-serv
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-override-diff-serv><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
clear rsvp statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-rsvp-statistics xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear rsvp statistics
snmp restart rsvp
Netconf RPC payload
<rsvp-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart rsvp
debug rsvp (events|packet|packet in|packet out|hexdump|nsm|cspf|fsm egress|fsm transit downstream|fsm transit upstream|fsm ingress|rib|neighbor|autobw|fsm|fsm transit|all|)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (events|packet|packet in|packet out|hexdump|nsm|cspf|fsm egress|fsm transit downstream|fsm transit upstream|fsm ingress|rib|neighbor|autobw|fsm|fsm transit|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<rsvp-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug rsvp (events|packet|packet in|packet out|hexdump|nsm|cspf|fsm egress|fsm transit downstream|fsm transit upstream|fsm ingress|rib|neighbor|autobw|fsm|fsm transit|all|)
no debug rsvp (events|packet|packet in|packet out|hexdump|nsm|cspf|fsm egress|fsm transit downstream|fsm transit upstream|fsm ingress|rib|neighbor|autobw|fsm|fsm transit|all|)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (events|packet|packet in|packet out|hexdump|nsm|cspf|fsm egress|fsm transit downstream|fsm transit upstream|fsm ingress|rib|neighbor|autobw|fsm|fsm transit|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<rsvp-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug rsvp (events|packet|packet in|packet out|hexdump|nsm|cspf|fsm egress|fsm transit downstream|fsm transit upstream|fsm ingress|rib|neighbor|autobw|fsm|fsm transit|all|)
restart rsvp graceful
Netconf RPC payload
<restart-rsvp-graceful xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
restart rsvp graceful
Configure path name
Use this attribute to configure the path
Attribute Name: path-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Attribute Name: path-type
Attribute Type: enum (mpls)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rsvp-path PATHNAME (mpls|)
Configure description
Use this attribute to add description for rsvp path
This command is supported when following feature are disabled Generic MPLS Tunnel Infra Feature
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
description LINE
Configure hop address
Use this attribute to define an explicit IPv4 or IPv6 route sub-object as either loose or strict hop. A list of sub-objects specifies an explicit route to the egress router for an LSP
Attribute Name: hop-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<mpls-hop> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
A.B.C.D (loose|strict)
Configure multipath name
Use this attribute to create the multipath group name
Attribute Name: multipath-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rsvp-multipath GROUPNAME
Configure destination
Use this attribute to add destination prefix for multipath group
This command is supported when following feature are enabled RSVP multipath feature
Attribute Name: destination
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<destination>A.B.C.D</destination> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
to A.B.C.D
Configure bypass name
rsvp trunk bypass name
Attribute Name: bypass-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rsvp-bypass BYPASSNAME
Configure ingress
Use this attribute to specify a from IPv4 address for the RSVP daemon. In the RSVP trunk mode, this command indicates a sender’s address in the sender template object that is used in path messages.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: ingress
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<ingress>A.B.C.D</ingress> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
from A.B.C.D
Configure egress
Use this attribute to specify an IPv4 egress for an LSP. When configuring an LSP, you must specify the address of the egress router by using this command in the trunk node. An egress definition is a mandatory attribute; no RSVP session is created when an egress is not defined.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: egress
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<egress>A.B.C.D</egress> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
to A.B.C.D
Configure ext tunnel id
Use this attribute to configure an extended-tunnel identifier as an IPv4/IPv6 address. These identifiers are used in RSVP messages. If no extended-tunnel ID is specified, the LSR-ID for the router is used as the extended-tunnel ID for all LSPs. The extended-tunnel ID is a simple way of identifying all LSPs belonging to the same trunk.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: ext-tunnel-id
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<ext-tunnel-id>A.B.C.D</ext-tunnel-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ext-tunnel-id A.B.C.D
Configure update type
Use this attribute to change the method of updating attributes for sessions (primary/ secondary) for this trunk as either make-before-break (default) or break-before-make
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: update-type
Attribute Type: enum (break-before-make|make-before-break)
Default Value: make-before-break
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<update-type>make-before-break</update-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
update-type (break-before-make|make-before-break)
Configure enable reoptimize
Use this attribute to enable the reoptimization for the RSVP tunnel
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: enable-reoptimize
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-reoptimize><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure shutdown
Use this attribute to administratively shutdown the RSVP tunnel
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: shutdown
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</shutdown><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure backup bandwidth type
rsvp bypass trunk backup bandwidth type
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: backup-bandwidth-type
Attribute Type: enum (best-effort|dedicated)
Default Value: best-effort
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<backup-bandwidth-type>best-effort</backup-bandwidth-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
backup-bw-type (best-effort|dedicated)
Configure disable route record
Use this attribute to enable recording of the route taken by Path and Reservation Request (Resv) messages. These messages confirm the establishment of reservations and also identifies errors. Routes are recorded by means of the Route Record Object (RRO) in the RSVP message.
Attribute Name: disable-route-record
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</disable-route-record><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no record
Configure enable reuse route record
Use this attribute to use the updated Route Record List as an Explicit Route (with all strict nodes) when a path message is sent out at the next refresh.
Attribute Name: enable-reuse-route-record
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-reuse-route-record><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure traffic type
Use this attribute to identify the traffic type for this RSVP Trunk/bypss/P2MP LSP’s
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: traffic-type
Attribute Type: enum (controlled-load|guaranteed)
Default Value: controlled-load
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<traffic-type>controlled-load</traffic-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
traffic (controlled-load|guaranteed)
Configure retry count
Use this attribute to specify a retry count for an RSVP Trunk.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: retry-count
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<retry-count>1</retry-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
retry-limit <1-65535>
Configure retry interval
Use this attribute to specify a retry interval for an RSVP Trunk. When an ingress node tries to configure an LSP and the setup fails due to the receipt of a Path Error message, the system waits for the time configured with this command, before retrying the LSP setup process
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: retry-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 1-600
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<retry-interval>1</retry-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
retry-timer <1-600>
Configure cspf retry count
Use this attribute to specify the number of retries that CSPF should carry out for a request received from RSVP.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: cspf-retry-count
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<cspf-retry-count>1</cspf-retry-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cspf-retry-limit <1-65535>
Configure cspf retry interval
Use this attribute to specify the time between each retry that CSPF might carry out for a request received from RSVP.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: cspf-retry-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 1-600
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<cspf-retry-interval>1</cspf-retry-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cspf-retry-timer <1-600>
Configure exclude addr
Use this attribute to exclude an address link or address node from the LSP creation of the Bypass Tunnel.
Attribute Name: exclude-addr
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: exclude-type
Attribute Type: enum (link|node)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
exclude-address (link|node) A.B.C.D
Configure enable label record
Use this attribute to record all labels exchanged between RSVP-enabled routers during the reservation setup process
Attribute Name: enable-label-record
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-label-record><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure hold priority
Use this attribute to configure the hold priority value for the selected trunk.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: hold-priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<hold-priority>0</hold-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hold-priority <0-7>
Configure setup priority
Use this attribute to configure the setup priority value for the selected trunk
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: setup-priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 7
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<setup-priority>0</setup-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
setup-priority <0-7>
Configure hop limit
Use this attribute to specify a limit of hops for an RSVP trunk. Hop-limit data is sent to the CSPF server if CSPF is used.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: hop-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 255
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<hop-limit>1</hop-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hop-limit <1-255>
Configure filter type
Use this attribute to set the filter to fixed or shared filter style for RSVP trunk.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: filter-type
Attribute Type: enum (fixed|shared-explicit)
Default Value: shared-explicit
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<filter-type>shared-explicit</filter-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
filter (fixed)
Configure bandwidth
Use this attribute to reserve the primary/secondary bandwidth in bits per second for the current trunk.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure dscp exp map exp val
rsvp trunk dsinfo exp val
Attribute Name: dscp-exp-map-exp-val
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: dscp-exp-map-class-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
class-to-exp-bit CLASS <0-7>
Configure trunk name
rsvp trunk name
Attribute Name: trunk-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: trunk-family
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rsvp-trunk TRUNKNAME (ipv4|)
Configure multipath group
Use this attribute to configure a multipath group name for the RSVP Trunk
Attribute Name: multipath-group
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<multipath-group>GROUPNAME</multipath-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
multipath-group GROUPNAME
Configure absolute metric
Use this attribute to set LSP absolute metric metric for IGP Shortcut use
Attribute Name: absolute-metric
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<absolute-metric>1</absolute-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lsp-metric absolute <1-65535>
Configure relative metric
Use this attribute to set LSP relative metric metric for IGP Shortcut use
Attribute Name: relative-metric
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: -65535-0,1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<relative-metric>-65535</relative-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lsp-metric relative (<-65535-0>|<1-65535>)
Configure revert timer
Use this attribute configure the Hold-on timer before revert back to RSVP session
Attribute Name: revert-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<revert-timer>1</revert-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
revert-timer <1-65535>
Configure auto bandwidth
Use this attribute to configure a RSVP auto bandwidth profile to this RSVP Trunk
Attribute Name: auto-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<auto-bandwidth>PROFILENAME</auto-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
auto-bandwidth PROFILENAME
Configure ldp tunneling
Use this attribute to enable LDP tunneling for a TE tunnel
Attribute Name: ldp-tunneling
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</ldp-tunneling><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure trunk color
Use this attribute to configure color for RSVP Trunk
Attribute Name: trunk-color
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<trunk-color>1</trunk-color> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
trunk-color-code <1-4294967295>
Configure bsid value
Use this attribute to configure static binding segment identifier value
Attribute Name: bsid-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-15999
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<bsid-value>16</bsid-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
binding-sid mpls label <16-15999>
Configure switching capability
Use this attribute to configure a switching capability for the RSVP Trunk
This command is supported when following feature are enabled gmpls feature
Attribute Name: switching-capability
Attribute Type: enum (psc-1|psc-2|psc-3|psc-4)
Default Value: psc-1
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<switching-capability>psc-1</switching-capability> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability (psc-1|psc-2|psc-3|psc-4)
Configure direction
Use this attribute to configure a direction for the RSVP Trunk
This command is supported when following feature are enabled gmpls feature
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: enum (unidirectional|bidirectional)
Default Value: unidirectional
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<direction>unidirectional</direction> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
direction (unidirectional|bidirectional)
Configure generalized pid
Use this attribute to configure a generalized PID for the RSVP Trunk
This command is supported when following feature are enabled gmpls feature
Attribute Name: generalized-pid
Attribute Type: enum (ethernet|ipv4)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<generalized-pid>ethernet</generalized-pid> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
gpid (ethernet|ipv4)
Configure path option dynamic
Use the attribute to enable Tunnel to get ERO from Path Computation Element
This command is supported when following feature are enabled gmpls feature
Attribute Name: path-option-dynamic
Attribute Type: enum (pce)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<path-option-dynamic>pce</path-option-dynamic> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
path-option dynamic (pce)
Configure pce entity identifier
Use this attribute to assign PCE Entity ID for the tunnel
This command is supported when following feature are enabled gmpls feature
Attribute Name: pce-entity-identifier
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<pce-entity-identifier>1</pce-entity-identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pce entity <1-255>
Configure pce state report
Use this attribute to enable or disable lsp state report to PCE
This command is supported when following feature are enabled gmpls feature
Attribute Name: pce-state-report
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</pce-state-report><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pce state-report
Configure pce lsp delegate
Use this attribute to enable or disable lsp delegation to PCE
This command is supported when following feature are enabled gmpls feature
Attribute Name: pce-lsp-delegate
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</pce-lsp-delegate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pce lsp-delegate
Configure address
rsvp trunk ipv4 map route address
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<address>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</address>
Command Syntax
map-route (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D)
Configure priority value
Use this attribute to configure the secondary priorities of the RSVP Trunk.
Attribute Name: priority-value
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 1-5
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<secondary-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
secondary-priority <1-5>
Configure priority path
Use this attribute to configure the secondary priority path for the RSVP Trunk.
Attribute Name: priority-path
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<priority-path>PATHNAME</priority-path> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
secondary-priority <1-5> path PATHNAME
Configure secondary priority srlg disjoint
Use this attribute to configure the SRLG disjoint path for the RSVP Trunk.
Attribute Name: secondary-priority-srlg-disjoint
Attribute Type: enum (forced|preferred)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<secondary-priority-srlg-disjoint>forced</secondary-priority-srlg-disjoint> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
secondary-priority <1-5> srlg-disjoint (forced|preferred)
Configure end label range
Use this attribute to configure the gmpls label set end label
This command is supported when following feature are enabled gmpls feature
Attribute Name: end-label-range
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Attribute Name: action-type
Attribute Type: boolean
Attribute Name: start-label-range
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
gmpls-label-set (packet|) range <16-1048575> <16-1048575>
Configure enable node protection
Use this attribute to configure fast-reroute node-protection
Attribute Name: enable-node-protection
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-node-protection><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(primary) fast-reroute node-protection
Configure protection
Use this attribute to create an Fast Reroute backup and to set an LSP one-to-one protection mechanism. This command can also be used to create an FRR Facility (Bypass) backup and assign a Facility Backup (Bypass Tunnel) available to the protected LSP.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: protection
Attribute Type: enum (one-to-one|facility)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<protection>one-to-one</protection> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(primary) fast-reroute protection (one-to-one|facility)
Configure frr hold priority
Use this attribute to configure the hold priority value for the selected trunk.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: frr-hold-priority
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<frr-hold-priority>0</frr-hold-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(primary) fast-reroute hold-priority <0-7>
Configure frr setup priority
Use this attribute to configure the setup priority value for the selected trunk
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: frr-setup-priority
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 7
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<frr-setup-priority>0</frr-setup-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(primary) fast-reroute setup-priority <0-7>
Configure frr hop limit
Use this attribute to specify a limit of hops for an RSVP trunk. Hop-limit data is sent to the CSPF server if CSPF is used.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: frr-hop-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 255
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<frr-hop-limit>1</frr-hop-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(primary) fast-reroute hop-limit <1-255>
Configure fast reroute bandwidth
Use this attribute to reserve the primary/secondary bandwidth in bits per second for the current trunk.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-FRR feature
Attribute Name: fast-reroute-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<fast-reroute-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</fast-reroute-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(primary) fast-reroute bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure admin group name
rsvp admin group name
Attribute Name: admin-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: admin-group-type
Attribute Type: enum (exclude-any|include-any)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
(primary) fast-reroute (exclude-any|include-any) ADMIN-GROUP-NAME
Configure srlg disjoint secondary
Use this attribute to enable secondary srlg disjoint
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Shared Risk Link Group
Attribute Name: srlg-disjoint-secondary
Attribute Type: enum (forced|preferred)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<srlg-disjoint-secondary>forced</srlg-disjoint-secondary> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(secondary) srlg-disjoint (forced|preferred)
Configure trunk session type
rsvp trunk session type
Attribute Name: trunk-session-type
Attribute Type: enum (secondary|primary)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<session> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure disable affinity
Use this attribute to enable sending of session attribute objects with resource affinity data.
Attribute Name: disable-affinity
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</disable-affinity><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no (secondary|primary) affinity
Configure disable cspf
Use this attribute to enable the use of Constrained Shortest Path First (CSPF) server for an explicit route to the egress, or all RSVP sessions. When CSPF is turned off globally, it cannot be enabled for any LSP.
Attribute Name: disable-cspf
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</disable-cspf><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no (secondary|primary) cspf
Configure enable local protection
Use this attribute to enable the local repair of explicit routes for which this router is a transit node.
Attribute Name: enable-local-protection
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-local-protection><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) local-protection
Configure name
rsvp admin group name
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (exclude-any|include-any|include-all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) (exclude-any|include-any|include-all) ADMIN-GROUP-NAME
Configure link protection
Use this attribute to configure the gmpls link-protection for the RSVP Trunk
Attribute Name: link-protection
Attribute Type: enum (extra-traffic|unprotected|shared|dedicated-one-to-one|dedicated-one-plus-one|enhanced)
Default Value: unprotected
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<link-protection>unprotected</link-protection> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) protection (extra-traffic|unprotected|shared|dedicated-one-to-one|dedicated-one-plus-one|enhanced)
Configure forward label value
Use this attribute to configure the explicit label supported for an LSP.
Attribute Name: forward-label-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Attribute Name: forward-direction
Attribute Type: enum (forward|packet forward)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) explicit-label <16-1048575> (forward|packet forward)
Configure reverse label value
Use this attribute to configure the explicit label supported for an LSP.
Attribute Name: reverse-label-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Attribute Name: reverse-direction
Attribute Type: enum (reverse|packet reverse)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) explicit-label <16-1048575> (reverse|packet reverse)
Configure dscp exp map class name
rsvp trunk dsinfo exp val
Attribute Name: dscp-exp-map-exp-val
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: dscp-exp-map-class-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) class-to-exp-bit CLASS <0-7>
Configure elsp signal
Use this attribute to configure a primary Diff-Serv (Differentiated Services) explicitly signaled E-LSP (EXP-InferredPSC LSP) interface.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled diffserv feature
Attribute Name: elsp-signal
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</elsp-signal><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) elsp-signaled
Configure elsp signal class1
Use this attribute to configure a primary Diff-Serv (Differentiated Services) explicitly signaled E-LSP (EXP-InferredPSC LSP) interface class1
This command is supported when following feature are enabled diffserv feature
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class1
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</elsp-signal><!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class1>CLASS1</elsp-signal-class1> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) elsp-signaled CLASS1
Configure elsp signal class2
Use this attribute to configure a primary Diff-Serv (Differentiated Services) explicitly signaled E-LSP (EXP-InferredPSC LSP) interface class2
This command is supported when following feature are enabled diffserv feature
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class2
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class1
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</elsp-signal><!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class1>CLASS1</elsp-signal-class1> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class2>CLASS2</elsp-signal-class2> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) elsp-signaled CLASS1 CLASS2
Configure elsp signal class3
Use this attribute to configure a primary Diff-Serv (Differentiated Services) explicitly signaled E-LSP (EXP-InferredPSC LSP) interface class3
This command is supported when following feature are enabled diffserv feature
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class3
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class1
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class2
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</elsp-signal><!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class1>CLASS1</elsp-signal-class1> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class2>CLASS2</elsp-signal-class2> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class3>CLASS3</elsp-signal-class3> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) elsp-signaled CLASS1 CLASS2 CLASS3
Configure elsp signal class4
Use this attribute to configure a primary Diff-Serv (Differentiated Services) explicitly signaled E-LSP (EXP-InferredPSC LSP) interface class4
This command is supported when following feature are enabled diffserv feature
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class4
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class1
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class2
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class3
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</elsp-signal><!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class1>CLASS1</elsp-signal-class1> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class2>CLASS2</elsp-signal-class2> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class3>CLASS3</elsp-signal-class3> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class4>CLASS4</elsp-signal-class4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) elsp-signaled CLASS1 CLASS2 CLASS3 CLASS4
Configure elsp signal class5
Use this attribute to configure a primary Diff-Serv (Differentiated Services) explicitly signaled E-LSP (EXP-InferredPSC LSP) interface class5
This command is supported when following feature are enabled diffserv feature
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class5
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class1
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class2
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class3
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class4
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</elsp-signal><!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class1>CLASS1</elsp-signal-class1> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class2>CLASS2</elsp-signal-class2> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class3>CLASS3</elsp-signal-class3> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class4>CLASS4</elsp-signal-class4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class5>CLASS5</elsp-signal-class5> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) elsp-signaled CLASS1 CLASS2 CLASS3 CLASS4 CLASS5
Configure elsp signal class6
Use this attribute to configure a primary Diff-Serv (Differentiated Services) explicitly signaled E-LSP (EXP-InferredPSC LSP) interface class6
This command is supported when following feature are enabled diffserv feature
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class6
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class1
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class2
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class3
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class4
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class5
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</elsp-signal><!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class1>CLASS1</elsp-signal-class1> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class2>CLASS2</elsp-signal-class2> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class3>CLASS3</elsp-signal-class3> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class4>CLASS4</elsp-signal-class4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class5>CLASS5</elsp-signal-class5> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class6>CLASS6</elsp-signal-class6> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) elsp-signaled CLASS1 CLASS2 CLASS3 CLASS4 CLASS5 CLASS6
Configure elsp signal class7
Use this attribute to configure a primary Diff-Serv (Differentiated Services) explicitly signaled E-LSP (EXP-InferredPSC LSP) interface class7
This command is supported when following feature are enabled diffserv feature
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class7
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class1
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class2
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class3
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class4
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class5
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: elsp-signal-class6
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</elsp-signal><!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class1>CLASS1</elsp-signal-class1> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class2>CLASS2</elsp-signal-class2> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class3>CLASS3</elsp-signal-class3> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class4>CLASS4</elsp-signal-class4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class5>CLASS5</elsp-signal-class5> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class6>CLASS6</elsp-signal-class6> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<elsp-signal-class7>CLASS7</elsp-signal-class7> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(secondary|primary) elsp-signaled CLASS1 CLASS2 CLASS3 CLASS4 CLASS5 CLASS6 CLASS7
Configure profile name
rsvp auto bandwidth profile name
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rsvp-auto-bandwidth PROFILENAME
Configure sample interval
Use this attribute to specify the sample interval for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: sample-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-10080
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<sample-interval>1</sample-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sample-interval <1-10080>
Configure adjust interval
Use this attribute to specify the adjust interval for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: adjust-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 5-10080
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<adjust-interval>5</adjust-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
adjust-interval <5-10080>
Configure minimum bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify a minimum bandwidth value for the rsvp auto bandwidth profile. The bandwidth attribute takes input ranges from 1 to 999 kbps, 1 to 999 mbps and 1 to 100 gbps.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: minimum-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<minimum-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</minimum-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
minimum-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure maximum bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify a maximum bandwidth value for the rsvp auto bandwidth profile. The bandwidth attribute takes input ranges from 1 to 999 kbps, 1 to 999 mbps and 1 to 100 gbps.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: maximum-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<maximum-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</maximum-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure overflow threshold percent
Use this attribute to specify the overflow threshold bandwidth in percentage for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: overflow-threshold-percent
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<overflow-threshold-percent>1</overflow-threshold-percent> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
overflow-threshold percent <1-100>
Configure underflow threshold percent
Use this attribute to specify the underflow threshold bandwidth in percentage for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: underflow-threshold-percent
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<underflow-threshold-percent>1</underflow-threshold-percent> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
underflow-threshold percent <1-100>
Configure overflow threshold bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify the upper adjust threshold bandwidth for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile. The bandwidth attribute takes input ranges from 1 to 999 kbps, 1 to 999 mbps and 1 to 100 gbps.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: overflow-threshold-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<overflow-threshold-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</overflow-threshold-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
overflow-threshold absolute BANDWIDTH
Configure underflow threshold bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify the lower adjust threshold bandwidth for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile. The bandwidth attribute takes input ranges from 1 to 999 kbps, 1 to 999 mbps and 1 to 100 gbps.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: underflow-threshold-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<underflow-threshold-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</underflow-threshold-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
underflow-threshold absolute BANDWIDTH
Configure underflow threshold activate bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify the lower adjust threshold activate bandwidth for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile. The bandwidth attribute takes input ranges from 1 to 999 kbps, 1 to 999 mbps and 1 to 100 gbps.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: underflow-threshold-activate-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<underflow-threshold-activate-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</underflow-threshold-activate-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
underflow-threshold-activate-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure overflow threshold activate bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify the upper adjust threshold activate bandwidth for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile. The bandwidth attribute takes input ranges from 1 to 999 kbps, 1 to 999 mbps and 1 to 100 gbps.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: overflow-threshold-activate-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<overflow-threshold-activate-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</overflow-threshold-activate-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
overflow-threshold-activate-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure overflow limit
Use this attribute to specify the adjust threshold overflow limit for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: overflow-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-10080
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<overflow-limit>1</overflow-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
overflow-limit <1-10080>
Configure underflow limit
Use this attribute to specify the adjust threshold underflow limit for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: underflow-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-10080
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<underflow-limit>1</underflow-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
underflow-limit <1-10080>
Configure initial bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify an initial bandwidth value for the rsvp auto bandwidth profile. The bandwidth attribute takes input ranges from 1 to 999 kbps, 1 to 999 mbps and 1 to 100 gbps.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: initial-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<initial-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</initial-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
initial-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure maximum bandwidth exceed limit
Use this attribute to specify the maximum bandwidth exceed limit for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: maximum-bandwidth-exceed-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-10080
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<maximum-bandwidth-exceed-limit>1</maximum-bandwidth-exceed-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-bandwidth-exceed-limit <1-10080>
Configure maximum bandwidth exceed action
Use this attribute to teardown if maximum bandwidth exceeds for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: maximum-bandwidth-exceed-action
Attribute Type: enum (teardown)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<maximum-bandwidth-exceed-action>teardown</maximum-bandwidth-exceed-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-bandwidth-exceed-action (teardown)
Configure resignal failure action
Use this attribute to teardown if resignalling fails for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: resignal-failure-action
Attribute Type: enum (teardown)
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<resignal-failure-action>teardown</resignal-failure-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
resignal-failure-action (teardown)
Configure sync bandwidth
Use this attribute to sync bandwidth for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: sync-bandwidth
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</sync-bandwidth><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure monitor bandwidth
Use this attribute to monitor bandwidth for an RSVP auto bandwidth profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: monitor-bandwidth
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</monitor-bandwidth><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure minimum samples percent
Use this attribute to specify the minimum percentage of rate samples to be collected in an adjustment cycle to be eligible for bandwidth processing. Minimum of one sample considered by default.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: minimum-samples-percent
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<minimum-samples-percent>1</minimum-samples-percent> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
minimum-samples percent <1-100>
Configure minimum samples absolute
Use this attribute to specify the minimum number of rate samples to be collected in an adjustment cycle to be eligible for bandwidth processing. Minimum of one sample considered by default.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Auto bandwidth feature
Attribute Name: minimum-samples-absolute
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-10080
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<minimum-samples-absolute>1</minimum-samples-absolute> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
minimum-samples absolute <1-10080>
clear rsvp session *
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_clear-rsvp-session xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear rsvp session *
clear rsvp trunk (TRUNKNAME|*)
Attribute Name: trunk-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_clear-rsvp-trunk xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear rsvp trunk (TRUNKNAME|*)
clear rsvp trunk (TRUNKNAME|*) (primary)
Attribute Name: trunk-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_clear-rsvp-primary-trunk xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear rsvp trunk (TRUNKNAME|*) (primary)
clear rsvp trunk (TRUNKNAME|*) (secondary)
Attribute Name: trunk-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_clear-rsvp-secondary-trunk xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear rsvp trunk (TRUNKNAME|*) (secondary)
clear rsvp trunk ingress (TRUNKNAME|*)
Attribute Name: trunk-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_clear-rsvp-ingress-trunk xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear rsvp trunk ingress (TRUNKNAME|*)
clear rsvp trunk non-ingress (TRUNKNAME|*)
Attribute Name: trunk-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_clear-rsvp-non-ingress-trunk xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear rsvp trunk non-ingress (TRUNKNAME|*)
rsvp-trunk TRUNKNAME force-reoptimize
Attribute Name: trunk-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_rsvp-trunk-force-reoptimize-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rsvp-trunk TRUNKNAME force-reoptimize
rsvp-trunk TRUNKNAME force-switchover-secondary (off|on)
Attribute Name: trunk-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: action
Attribute Type: enum (off|on)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_rsvp-trunk-force-switchover-secondary xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rsvp-trunk TRUNKNAME force-switchover-secondary (off|on)
Attribute Name: trunk-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_rsvp-trunk-restart xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Attribute Name: tunnel-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: lsp-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: ingress
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: egress
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_rsvp-session-reset xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rsvp-trunk TRUNKNAME force-auto-bandwidth-adjustment (BANDWIDTH|)
Attribute Name: trunk-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: force-auto-bandwidth-adjustment
Attribute Type: boolean
Attribute Name: bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_rsvp-trunk-force-auto-bandwidth-adjustment xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rsvp-trunk TRUNKNAME force-auto-bandwidth-adjustment (BANDWIDTH|)
clear rsvp auto-bandwidth (PROFILENAME|)
Attribute Name: autobw-profile
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_rsvp-clear-auto-bandwidth xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear rsvp auto-bandwidth (PROFILENAME|)
clear rsvp trunk TRUNKNAME auto-bandwidth-statistics
Attribute Name: trunk-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-rsvp-trunk_clear-rsvp-trunk-auto-bandwidth-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear rsvp trunk TRUNKNAME auto-bandwidth-statistics
Configure enable rsvp
Use this attribute to enable control adjacency to send and receive RSVP-TE control messages for MPLS and GMPLS
Attribute Name: enable-rsvp
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-rsvp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure enable iana hello config
Enable the exchange of non IANA specific Hello messages
Attribute Name: enable-iana-hello-config
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-iana-hello-config><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rsvp non-IANA-hello
Configure disable refresh reduction
Use this attribute to enable refresh reduction capability advertisement for all interfaces
Attribute Name: disable-refresh-reduction
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</disable-refresh-reduction><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no rsvp refresh-reduction
Configure enable message ack
Use this attribute to enable message acknowledgement for all messages being sent to neighbors that are known to support refresh reduction.
Attribute Name: enable-message-ack
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-message-ack><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rsvp message-ack
Configure ack wait timeout
Use this attribute to configure the acknowledgement wait timeout for all RSVP-TE neighbors
Attribute Name: ack-wait-timeout
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<ack-wait-timeout>1</ack-wait-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rsvp ack-wait-timeout <1-65535>
Configure refresh time
Use this attribute to configure RSVP refresh interval timer. The timer specifies the interval after which Path and/ or Reservation Request (Resv) messages will be sent out.The refresh time and keep multiplier are two interrelated timing parameters used to calculate the valid Reservation Lifetime for an LSP. Refresh time regulates the interval between Refresh messages which include Path and Reservation Request (Resv) messages. Refresh messages are sent periodically so that reservation does not timeout in the neighboring nodes. Each sender and receiver host sends Path and Resv messages, downstream and upstream respectively, along the paths.
Attribute Name: refresh-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<refresh-time>1</refresh-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rsvp refresh-time <1-65535>
Configure keep multiplier
Use this attribute to configure the constant to be used to calculate a valid reservation lifetime for a Labeled Switched Path (LSP).The refresh time and keep multiplier are two interrelated timing parameters used to calculate the valid reservation lifetime for an LSP. The router sends refresh messages periodically so that the neighbors do not timeout
Attribute Name: keep-multiplier
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 3
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<keep-multiplier>1</keep-multiplier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rsvp keep-multiplier <1-255>
Configure enable hello receipt
Use this attribute to enable the receipt of Hello messages from peers.
Attribute Name: enable-hello-receipt
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
</enable-hello-receipt><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rsvp hello-receipt
Configure hello interval
Use this attribute to set an interval between Hello packets.Used as a global command, this value is over-ridden by the hello-interval set on the interface (see rsvp hello-interval).For optimum performance, set this value no more than one-third of the hello-timeout value.
Attribute Name: hello-interval
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<hello-interval>1</hello-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rsvp hello-interval <1-65535>
Configure hello timeout
Timeout for clearing up all sessions shared with a neighbor.If an LSR has not received a Hello message from a peer within the number of seconds set with this command, all sessions shared with this peer are reset. The hello-timeout determines how long an RSVP node waits for a hello message before declaring a neighbor to be down.
Attribute Name: hello-timeout
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 7
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<rsvp-te xmlns="">
<hello-timeout>1</hello-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rsvp hello-timeout <1-65535>
Configure name
Specify service template name
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<customer-service-template> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service-template NAME
Configure match all
Use this attribute to specify match criteria as match all
Attribute Name: match-all
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
</match-all><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match all
Configure match single tag outer vlan range
Use this attribute to set match type with outer vlan value
Attribute Name: match-single-tag-outer-vlan-range
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<match-single-tag-outer-vlan-range>VLAN_RANGE2</match-single-tag-outer-vlan-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match outer-vlan VLAN_RANGE2
Configure match untagged
Use this attribute to specify match criteria as match untagged
Attribute Name: match-untagged
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
</match-untagged><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match untagged
Configure match inner vlan id
Specify inner vlan VID or range(VLAN ID 1-4094 or range: 2-5) for match double tag
Attribute Name: match-inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<match-inner-vlan-id>VLAN_RANGE2</match-inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
match double-tag outer-vlan <1-4094> inner-vlan VLAN_RANGE2
Configure vlan action type
Specify rewrite ingress action type
Attribute Name: vlan-action-type
Attribute Type: enum (pop|push|translate)
Attribute Name: tag-protocol-identifier
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rewrite ingress (pop) (outgoing-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100)|)
Configure outer vlan identifier
Specify rewrite ingress action type
Attribute Name: vlan-action-type
Attribute Type: enum (pop|push|translate)
Attribute Name: outer-vlan-identifier
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: tag-protocol-identifier
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rewrite ingress (translate) <1-4094> (outgoing-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100)|)
Configure group name
Use this attribute to create a new access circuit group for MPLS
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MPLS-VC feature
Attribute Name: group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: group-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<access-circuit-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls ac-group NAME <1-4294967295>
Configure local packet handling
Use this attribute to enable the labeling of locally generated TCP packets. All other locally generated packets are not looked at by the MPLS Forwarder
Attribute Name: local-packet-handling
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
</local-packet-handling><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls local-packet-handling
Configure lsp stitching
Use this attribute to enable lsp stitching for ILM and installed FTM
Attribute Name: lsp-stitching
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
</lsp-stitching><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls lsp-stitching
Configure propagate ttl
Use this attribute to enable TTL propagation. Enabling TTL propagation causes the TTL value in the IP header to be copied onto the TTL field in the shim header, at the LSP ingress
Attribute Name: propagate-ttl
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
</propagate-ttl><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls propagate-ttl
Configure ingress ttl value
Use this attribute to set a Time to Live (TTL) value for LSPs for which this LSR is the ingress.
Attribute Name: ingress-ttl-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<ingress-ttl-value>0</ingress-ttl-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls ingress-ttl <0-255>
Configure lsp model uniform
Use this attribute to configure the MPLS LSP model as Uniform.
Attribute Name: lsp-model-uniform
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
</lsp-model-uniform><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls lsp-model uniform
Configure lsp encap dscp preserve
Use this attribute to allow dscp update for IP packets encapsulated into MPLS frame
Attribute Name: lsp-encap-dscp-preserve
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
</lsp-encap-dscp-preserve><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls lsp-encap-dscp-preserve
Configure six pe dscp preserve
Use this attribute to configure DSCP preserve enable or disable for 6PE services
Attribute Name: six-pe-dscp-preserve
Attribute Type: enum (enable|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<six-pe-dscp-preserve>enable</six-pe-dscp-preserve> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls 6pe lsp-encap-dscp-preserve (enable|disable)
Configure suppress oper log mpls
Use this attribute to suppress oper logs for the MPLS services
Attribute Name: suppress-oper-log-mpls
Attribute Type: bits (l2vpn)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<suppress-oper-log-mpls>l2vpn</suppress-oper-log-mpls> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
suppress-oper-log mpls (l2vpn)
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable label-switching on a TE link
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: label-space
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-60000
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
label-switching (<0-60000>|)
Configure admin group name
Use this attribute to create an administrative group to be used for links. Each link can be a member of one or more, or no administrative groups.this attribute adds link between an interface and a group. The name is the name of the group previously configured. There can be multiple groups per interface.
Attribute Name: admin-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<admin-group-name>NAME</admin-group-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
admin-group NAME
Configure admin group anomaly name
Use this attribute to create an anomaly administrative group to be advertised when measured link delay is anomalous. Each link can be a member of one or more, or no administrative groups.this attribute adds link between an interface and a group. The name is the name of the group previously configured. There can be multiple groups per interface.
Attribute Name: admin-group-anomaly-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<admin-group-anomaly-name>NAME</admin-group-anomaly-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
admin-group anomaly NAME
Configure extended admin group name
Use this attribute to create a regular extended administrative group to be used for links. Each link can be a member of one or more, or no extended administrative groups. This attribute adds link between an interface and a group. The name is the name of the group previously configured. There can be multiple groups per interface.
Attribute Name: extended-admin-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<extended-admin-group-name>NAME</extended-admin-group-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
extended-admin-group NAME
Configure extended admin group anomaly name
Use this attribute to create an anomaly extended administrative group to be advertised when measured link delay is anomalous. Each link can be a member of one or more, or no extended administrative groups. This attribute adds link between an interface and a group. The name is the name of the group previously configured. There can be multiple groups per interface.
Attribute Name: extended-admin-group-anomaly-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<extended-admin-group-anomaly-name>NAME</extended-admin-group-anomaly-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
extended-admin-group anomaly NAME
Configure bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify a discrete, maximum bandwidth value for the interface. The bandwidth attribute takes input ranges from 1 to 999 kbps, 1 to 999 mbps and 1 to 100 gbps.
Attribute Name: bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure reservable bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify the maximum reservable bandwidth per interface. This value can be equal or smaller value than max-bandwidth. Attribute takes input from 1 to 999 kbps, 1 to 999 mbps and 1 to 100 gbps
Attribute Name: reservable-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<reservable-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</reservable-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
reservable-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure shared risk link group
Use this attribute to add the link to a srlg group
Attribute Name: shared-risk-link-group
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<shared-risk-link-group>0</shared-risk-link-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls traffic-eng srlg <0-4294967295>
Configure uni available bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify a unidirectional, available bandwidth value for the interface. The bandwidth attribute takes input in 0-999 kbps, 0-999 mbps and 0-100 gbps.
Attribute Name: uni-available-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<uni-available-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</uni-available-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bandwidth-measurement static uni-available-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure uni residual bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify a unidirectional, residual bandwidth value for the interface. The bandwidth attribute takes input in 0-999 kbps, 0-999 mbps and 0-100 gbps.
Attribute Name: uni-residual-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<uni-residual-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</uni-residual-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bandwidth-measurement static uni-residual-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure uni utilized bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify a unidirectional, utilised bandwidth value for the interface. The bandwidth attribute takes input in 0 to 999 kbps, 0 to 999 mbps and 1 to 100gbps.
Attribute Name: uni-utilized-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<uni-utilized-bandwidth>BANDWIDTH</uni-utilized-bandwidth> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bandwidth-measurement static uni-utilized-bandwidth BANDWIDTH
Configure max label
Use this attribute to configure a maximum label value for a label space. After setting a maximum label value for a label space, make sure to bind the label space to an interface
Attribute Name: max-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Attribute Name: min-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls min-label-value <16-1048575> max-label-value <16-1048575> (label-space <0-60000>|)
Configure label space name
This attribute identifies the label space
Attribute Name: label-space-name
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-60000
Attribute Name: module-name
Attribute Type: enum (rsvp|ldp|ldp-vc|bgp)
Attribute Name: min-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Attribute Name: max-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<label-space> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls (rsvp|ldp|ldp-vc|bgp) min-label-value <16-1048575> max-label-value <16-1048575> (label-space <0-60000>|)
Configure ftn ecmp protocol
Use this attribute to configure ECMP on forwarder for supported protocol FTNs
Attribute Name: ftn-ecmp-protocol
Attribute Type: bits (ldp|sr)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<ftn-ecmp-protocol>ldp</ftn-ecmp-protocol> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls ftn-ecmp (ldp|sr)
Configure ilm ecmp protocol
Use this attribute to configure ECMP on forwarder for supported protocol ILMs
Attribute Name: ilm-ecmp-protocol
Attribute Type: bits (ldp|sr)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<ilm-ecmp-protocol>ldp</ilm-ecmp-protocol> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls ilm-ecmp (ldp|sr)
Configure max bandwidth
Use this attribute to specify the maximum bandwidth to be used for a bandwidth-class. The bandwidth value is in bits
This command is supported when following feature are enabled TE feature
Attribute Name: max-bandwidth
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: setup-priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: hold-priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
bandwidth BANDWIDTH setup-priority <0-7> hold-priority <0-7>
Configure route prefix
Use this attribute to specify the route prefix for which FEC mapping needs to be added
Attribute Name: route-prefix
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: mapped-fec
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<rib xmlns="">
<static-ipv4-map-route> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<route-prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</route-prefix>
<route-prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</route-prefix>
<mapped-fec>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</mapped-fec>
Command Syntax
mpls map-route (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D)
Configure out interface name
Outgoing interface name
Attribute Name: out-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<rib xmlns="">
<fec-prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</fec-prefix>
<fec-prefix>A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D</fec-prefix>
Command Syntax
mpls ftn-entry (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) <16-15999> A.B.C.D IFNAME
Configure tunnel id
FTN tunnel-id value
Attribute Name: tunnel-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-5000
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<rib xmlns="">
<static-ftn-tunnel> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls ftn-entry tunnel-id <1-5000> (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) <16-1048575> A.B.C.D IFNAME ((secondary|primary)|)
Configure fec prefix
FTN tunnel-id value
Attribute Name: tunnel-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-5000
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<rib xmlns="">
<static-ftn-tunnel> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls ftn-entry tunnel-id <1-5000> X:X::X:X/M <16-1048575> X:X::X:X IFNAME ((secondary|primary)|)
Configure enable pop label
Use this attribute to create an ILM entry in the ILM table to which a POP incoming interface is bound. Upon receipt of a labeled packet on an MPLS-enabled router, a lookup is done based on the incoming label in the ILM table. If a match is found, the packet may either be label-switched downstream, or popped and passed over IP. In a pop operation, an outgoing label is not needed as is either accepted or forwarded over IP. The nexthop option is also not mandatory because the FEC IP address could be a local IP address
Attribute Name: enable-pop-label
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<rib xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls ilm-entry <16-15999> pop
Configure incoming label
Incoming Label
Attribute Name: incoming-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-15999
Attribute Name: in-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: swapped-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Attribute Name: out-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: nexthop-ip-address
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Attribute Name: fec-prefix
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<rib xmlns="">
<static-ilm-entry> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls ilm-entry <16-15999> swap <16-1048575> IFNAME A.B.C.D (A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D)
Configure in interface name
Incoming Label
Attribute Name: incoming-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-15999
Attribute Name: in-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: swapped-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Attribute Name: out-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: nexthop-ip-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: fec-prefix
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mpls xmlns="">
<rib xmlns="">
<static-ilm-entry> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls ilm-entry <16-15999> swap <16-1048575> IFNAME X:X::X:X X:X::X:X/M
Configure fec address
This attribute is used to configure fec address of the MPLS BFD session
Attribute Name: fec-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<mpls-lsp xmlns="">
<session-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls bfd (ldp|static) A.B.C.D/M
Configure lsp ping interval
Use this attribute to set LSP ping interval
Attribute Name: lsp-ping-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 0-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<mpls-lsp xmlns="">
<lsp-ping-interval>0</lsp-ping-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
lsp-ping-interval <0-1000>
Configure admin down
Use this attribute to shutdown selected MPLS BFD session
Attribute Name: admin-down
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<mpls-lsp xmlns="">
</admin-down><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure detection multiplier
Use this attribute to set MPLS BFD detection multiplier value
Attribute Name: detection-multiplier
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<mpls-lsp xmlns="">
<interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
min-tx <3-4294967> min-rx <3-4294967> multiplier <1-255>
Configure lsp type
This attribute is used to configure lsp type of the MPLS BFD session
Attribute Name: lsp-type
Attribute Type: enum (ldp|rsvp|static|generic)
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<mpls-all-lsps xmlns="">
<mpls-all-lsp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls bfd (ldp|rsvp|static|generic) all
Configure minimum tx
Use this attribute to set MPLS BFD detection multiplier value
Attribute Name: detection-multiplier
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<mpls-all-lsps xmlns="">
<interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
min-tx <3-4294967> min-rx <3-4294967> multiplier <1-255>
Configure tunnel name
This attribute is used to configure tunnel-name of the RSVP BFD session
Attribute Name: tunnel-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<mpls-tunnels xmlns="">
<mpls-tunnel> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls bfd (rsvp) tunnel-name NAME
Configure minimum rx
Use this attribute to set MPLS BFD detection multiplier value
Attribute Name: detection-multiplier
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<bfd xmlns="">
<mpls-tunnels xmlns="">
<interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
min-tx <3-4294967> min-rx <3-4294967> multiplier <1-255>
Configure pseudowire identifier
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
<pseudowire> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X)
Configure instance name
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: service-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> service-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Configure instance type
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: service-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Attribute Name: enable-control-word
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> service-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200) control-word
Configure peer address
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: service-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Attribute Name: enable-control-word
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: enable-manual-pseudowire
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> service-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200) control-word manual
Configure enable default tagged mode
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: enable-control-word
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> control-word
Configure service tpid
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: service-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Attribute Name: enable-manual-pseudowire
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> service-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200) manual
Configure enable manual pseudowire
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: enable-manual-pseudowire
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> manual
Configure tunnel name
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: tunnel-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> tunnel-name NAME
Configure enable control word
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: service-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Attribute Name: enable-control-word
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: tunnel-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> service-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200) control-word tunnel-name NAME
Configure tunnel identifier
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: tunnel-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-5000
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> tunnel-id <1-5000>
Configure tunnel policy
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: tunnel-policy
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-127
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> tunnel-select-policy POLICYNAME
Configure group name
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> NAME
Configure group identifier
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-default-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: service-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Attribute Name: group-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-control-word
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> NAME service-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200) group-id <1-4294967295> control-word
Configure enable interface parameter tlv
Use this attribute to configure interface parameter tlv for VPLS Virtual Circuits.
Attribute Name: enable-interface-parameter-tlv
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: enable-flow-label
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: flow-label-direction
Attribute Type: enum (both|transmit|receive)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
</enable-flow-label><!-- operation="delete"-->
<flow-label-direction>both</flow-label-direction> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</enable-interface-parameter-tlv><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flow-label (both|transmit|receive) interface-param-tlv
Configure enable static flow label
Use this attribute to enable static flow label for VPWS Virtual Circuits.
Attribute Name: enable-static-flow-label
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: enable-flow-label
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: flow-label-direction
Attribute Type: enum (both|transmit|receive)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
</enable-flow-label><!-- operation="delete"-->
<flow-label-direction>both</flow-label-direction> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</enable-static-flow-label><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flow-label (both|transmit|receive) static
Configure flow label direction
Use this attribute to configure flow label direction to transmit,receive or both for VPWS Virtual Circuits.
Attribute Name: flow-label-direction
Attribute Type: enum (both|transmit|receive)
Attribute Name: enable-flow-label
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
</enable-flow-label><!-- operation="delete"-->
<flow-label-direction>both</flow-label-direction> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flow-label (both|transmit|receive)
Configure control channel type
Use this attribute to configure the Control-Channel type for VCCV
Attribute Name: control-channel-type
Attribute Type: bits (type-1|type-2|type-3)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
<control-channel-type>type-1</control-channel-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vccv cc-type (type-1|type-2|type-3)
Configure control verification type
Use this attribute to configure the Control-Verification supported by BFD for VCCV
Attribute Name: control-verification-type
Attribute Type: bits (type-1|type-2|type-3|type-4)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
<control-verification-type>type-1</control-verification-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vccv cv-type (type-1|type-2|type-3|type-4)
Configure enable tagged mode
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-tagged-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
<pseudowire> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> mode tagged
Configure enable flow label
Use this attribute to configure interface parameter tlv for VPLS Virtual Circuits.
Attribute Name: enable-interface-parameter-tlv
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: enable-flow-label
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: flow-label-direction
Attribute Type: enum (both|transmit|receive)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
</enable-flow-label><!-- operation="delete"-->
<flow-label-direction>both</flow-label-direction> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</enable-interface-parameter-tlv><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flow-label (both|transmit|receive) interface-param-tlv
Configure enable raw mode
Use this attribute to assign pseudowire identifier to create an instance of an MPLS layer 2 virtual circuit. A Layer-2 MPLS Virtual Circuit instance may be bound to any interface on the router; however, only one interface may be bound to a Layer-2 circuit at a time.
Attribute Name: pseudowire-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Attribute Name: enable-raw-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
<pseudowire> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME <1-4294967295> mode raw
Configure attachment group identifier
Use this attribute to enable control word for MPLS Layer-2 Virtual Circuit.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Generic FEC129 Feature
Attribute Name: enable-control-word
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: service-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME A.B.C.D agi NAME saii NAME taii NAME service-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200) control-word
Configure source attachment individual identifier
Use this attribute to specificy the transport tunnel-name to be used for MPLS Layer-2 Virtual Circuit.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Generic FEC129 Feature
Attribute Name: tunnel-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Attribute Name: service-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Attribute Name: enable-control-word
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME A.B.C.D agi NAME saii NAME taii NAME service-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200) control-word tunnel-name NAME
Configure target attachment individual identifier
Use this attribute to specificy the static tunnel-identifier to be used for MPLS Layer-2 Virtual Circuit.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Generic FEC129 Feature
Attribute Name: tunnel-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-5000
Attribute Name: service-tpid
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Attribute Name: enable-control-word
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpws-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit NAME A.B.C.D agi NAME saii NAME taii NAME service-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200) control-word tunnel-id <1-5000>
Configure service template
This attribute is used to configure service-template for vc-mode
Attribute Name: service-template
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (standby|revertive)
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpws xmlns="">
Command Syntax
vc-mode (standby|revertive) service-template NAME
Configure enable
This attribute is used to enable VPWS service on Subinterface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Subinterface feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpws xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure enable revertive mode
This attribute is used to configure vc-mode revertive on the interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Subinterface feature
Attribute Name: enable-revertive-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpws xmlns="">
</enable-revertive-mode><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vc-mode revertive
Configure vpws name
This attribute uniquely identifies a VPWS service on Subinterface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Subinterface feature
Attribute Name: vpws-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Attribute Name: pseudowire-link-mode
Attribute Type: enum (primary|secondary)
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpws xmlns="">
<binding> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls-l2-circuit NAME ((primary|secondary)|)
Configure pseudowire name
Use this attribute to specify pseudowire name
Attribute Name: pseudowire-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: service-template-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: pseudowire-link-mode
Attribute Type: enum (primary|secondary)
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpws xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls-l2-circuit NAME service-template NAME ((primary|secondary)|)
Configure name
Use this attribute to specify pseudowire name
Attribute Name: pseudowire-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: service-template-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: cos-to-queue-profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: queue-to-cos-profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: pseudowire-link-mode
Attribute Type: enum (primary|secondary)
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpws xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls-l2-circuit NAME service-template NAME cos-to-queue NAME queue-color-to-cos NAME ((primary|secondary)|)
Configure service template name
Use this attribute to specify pseudowire name
Attribute Name: pseudowire-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: service-template-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: cos-to-queue-profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: pseudowire-link-mode
Attribute Type: enum (primary|secondary)
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpws xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls-l2-circuit NAME service-template NAME cos-to-queue NAME ((primary|secondary)|)
Configure queue to cos profile name
Use this attribute to specify pseudowire name
Attribute Name: pseudowire-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: service-template-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: queue-to-cos-profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: pseudowire-link-mode
Attribute Type: enum (primary|secondary)
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpws xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls-l2-circuit NAME service-template NAME queue-color-to-cos NAME ((primary|secondary)|)
Configure access interface name
This attribute is used to configure customer network interface for static VC fib entry
Attribute Name: access-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: incoming-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-15999
Attribute Name: outgoing-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-15999
Attribute Name: provider-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpws xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mpls l2-circuit-fib-entry <1-4294967295> <16-15999> <16-15999> (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) IFNAME NAME
clear mpls l2-circuit NAME statistics
Attribute Name: pseudowire-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-mpls-l2-circuit-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mpls l2-circuit NAME statistics
clear mpls l2-circuit NAME statistics (access-port|network-port)
Attribute Name: port-pseudowire-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: port-type
Attribute Type: enum (access-port|network-port)
Default Value: network-port
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-mpls-l2-circuit-port-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mpls l2-circuit NAME statistics (access-port|network-port)
vc-switchover NAME NAME
Attribute Name: primary-pseudowire
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: secondary-pseudowire
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<pseudowire-manual-switchover xmlns="">
Command Syntax
vc-switchover NAME NAME
Configure enable
Enable segment routing
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure flex algo enable
Enable flexible algorithm for segment routing polices
Attribute Name: flex-algo-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</flex-algo-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
capability flex-algo routing
Configure adj sid absolute
This attribute is used to configure Segment Route adjacency SID absolute value
This command is supported when following feature are enabled sr mpls feature
Attribute Name: adj-sid-absolute
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<adj-sid-absolute>16</adj-sid-absolute> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
adjacency-sid absolute <16-1048575>
Configure adj sid index
This attribute is used to configure Segment Route adjacency SID index-value
This command is supported when following feature are enabled sr mpls feature
Attribute Name: adj-sid-index
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-1048575
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<adj-sid-index>0</adj-sid-index> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
adjacency-sid index <0-1048575>
Configure sid absolute
This attribute is used to configure Segment Route Prefix SID absolute value
Attribute Name: sid-absolute
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Attribute Name: exp-null
Attribute Type: enum (explicit-null|no-php)
Attribute Name: n-flag-clear
Attribute Type: enum (n-flag-clear)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<exp-null>explicit-null</exp-null> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<n-flag-clear>n-flag-clear</n-flag-clear> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<sid-absolute>16</sid-absolute> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
prefix-sid absolute <16-1048575> ((explicit-null|no-php)|) ((n-flag-clear)|)
Configure sid index
This attribute is used to configure Segment Route Prefix SID index-value
Attribute Name: sid-index
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-1048575
Attribute Name: exp-null
Attribute Type: enum (explicit-null|no-php)
Attribute Name: n-flag-clear
Attribute Type: enum (n-flag-clear)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<exp-null>explicit-null</exp-null> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<n-flag-clear>n-flag-clear</n-flag-clear> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<sid-index>0</sid-index> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
prefix-sid index <0-1048575> ((explicit-null|no-php)|) ((n-flag-clear)|)
Configure name
This attribute is used to configure Segment Route Prefix SID absolute value
Attribute Name: sid-absolute
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Attribute Name: exp-null
Attribute Type: enum (explicit-null|no-php)
Attribute Name: n-flag-clear
Attribute Type: enum (n-flag-clear)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<exp-null>explicit-null</exp-null> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<n-flag-clear>n-flag-clear</n-flag-clear> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<sid-absolute>16</sid-absolute> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
prefix-sid algorithm-num (spf|strict-spf) absolute <16-1048575> ((explicit-null|no-php)|) ((n-flag-clear)|)
Configure algorithm num
This attribute is used to configure Segment Route Prefix SID index-value
Attribute Name: sid-index
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-1048575
Attribute Name: exp-null
Attribute Type: enum (explicit-null|no-php)
Attribute Name: n-flag-clear
Attribute Type: enum (n-flag-clear)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<exp-null>explicit-null</exp-null> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<n-flag-clear>n-flag-clear</n-flag-clear> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<sid-index>0</sid-index> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
prefix-sid algorithm-num (spf|strict-spf) index <0-1048575> ((explicit-null|no-php)|) ((n-flag-clear)|)
Configure enable preference
preference for segment routing label over LDP
This command is supported when following feature are enabled sr mpls feature
Attribute Name: enable-preference
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</enable-preference><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls sr-prefer
Configure preference
preference for segment routing mapping server
This command is supported when following feature are enabled sr mpls feature
Attribute Name: preference
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<preference>1</preference> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
srms preference <1-255>
Configure start address
connected prefix for prefix-sid
Attribute Name: start-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: attached
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<mapping-entry> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
A.B.C.D/M <0-1048575> attached
Configure start sid
connected prefix for prefix-sid
Attribute Name: start-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: range
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: attached
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<mapping-entry> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
A.B.C.D/M <0-1048575> range <1-65535> (attached|)
Configure end
SRGB end range
This command is supported when following feature are enabled sr mpls feature
Attribute Name: end
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Attribute Name: start
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
global block <16-1048575> <16-1048575>
Configure start
End range for srlb-config
This command is supported when following feature are enabled sr mpls feature
Attribute Name: end
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Attribute Name: start
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-1048575
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
local block <16-1048575> <16-1048575>
Configure fast reroute enable
Enable fast reroute for traffic engineering polices
Attribute Name: fast-reroute-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</fast-reroute-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure list name
Segment-list name
Attribute Name: list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<segment-list> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
segment-list WORD
Configure sid value
MPLS label value
Attribute Name: sid-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-1048575
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
index <1-65535> (segment-type-1) <0-1048575>
Configure prefix
SRV6 Prefix
Attribute Name: prefix
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
index <1-65535> (segment-type-2) X:X::X:X
Configure end point
Policy end point IP address
Attribute Name: end-point
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<policy-key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
color <1-4294967295> end-point (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X)
Configure admin state
SR policy administrative state, true for enabled, false for disabled
Attribute Name: admin-state
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</admin-state><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
admin-state down
Configure explicit null
To set explicit null behaviour for the policy
Attribute Name: explicit-null
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<explicit-null>ipv4</explicit-null> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
explicit-null (ipv4)
Configure cspf retry limit
Limit on the number of times a dynamic candidate path will retry to calculate segment-list
Attribute Name: cspf-retry-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<cspf-retry-limit>1</cspf-retry-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cspf-retry-limit <1-65535>
Configure cspf retry interval
Interval between two successive retries for calculating segment list of a dynamic candidate path using CSPF
Attribute Name: cspf-retry-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-600
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<cspf-retry-interval>1</cspf-retry-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cspf-retry-interval <1-600>
Configure entropy erld
Setting ERLD to enable Entropy capability (only applicable for explicit policy)
Attribute Name: entropy-erld
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 3-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<entropy-erld>3</entropy-erld> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
entropy-erld <3-255>
Configure pce lsp delegate
To delegate all the configured candidate path of policy to PCE controller
Attribute Name: pce-lsp-delegate
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</pce-lsp-delegate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pce lsp-delegate
Configure pce state report
To only report all the configured candidate path of policy to PCE controller
Attribute Name: pce-state-report
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</pce-state-report><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pce state-report
Configure pce entity id
Entity Id of PCEP entity to which this policy should be queried/reported/delegated
Attribute Name: pce-entity-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<pce-entity-id>1</pce-entity-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pce entity <1-255>
Configure bsid value
configurable value for static binding sid
Attribute Name: bsid-value
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-15999
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<bsid-value>16</bsid-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
binding-sid mpls label <16-15999>
Configure discriminator
Candidate path distinguisher, it’s taken as a unique identifier for a Local candidate path
Attribute Name: discriminator
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<candidate-path> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
candidate-path <1-65535>
Configure protocol origin
Candidate path preference
Attribute Name: preference
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 100
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<preference>1</preference> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
preference <1-65535>
Configure pcep
Dynamic candidate path properties of PCEP
Attribute Name: pcep
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</pcep><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dynamic-path pcep
Configure isis
Dynamic candidate path properties of ISIS
Attribute Name: isis
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: ""
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<isis>WORD</isis> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dynamic-path isis (WORD|)
Configure ospf
Dynamic candidate path properties of OSPF with process-id
Attribute Name: ospf
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<ospf>0</ospf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dynamic-path ospf <0-65535>
Configure ospf empty
Dynamic candidate path properties of OSPF without process-id
Attribute Name: ospf-empty
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</ospf-empty><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dynamic-path ospf
Configure originator
Enable constraints for the candidate path
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure metric type
Metric type can be IGP or TE
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (igp|te|latency)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<bound> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
metric-type (igp|te|latency)
Configure bound
Path is invalid if its metric exceeds this value, If no value is specified
Attribute Name: bound
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<bound>1</bound> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
metric-type (igp|te|latency) bound <1-4294967295>
Configure admin group name
admin group name
Attribute Name: admin-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: affinity-type
Attribute Type: enum (exclude-any|include-any|include-all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<admin-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity (exclude-any|include-any|include-all) ADMIN-GROUP-NAME
Configure extended admin group name
Extended admin group name
Attribute Name: extended-admin-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: extended-admin-affinity-type
Attribute Type: enum (exclude-any|include-any|include-all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<extended-admin-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
extended-affinity (exclude-any|include-any|include-all) EXTENDED-ADMIN-GROUP-NAME
Configure srlg group name
SRLG group name
Attribute Name: srlg-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: srlg-affinity-type
Attribute Type: enum (exclude-any|include-any|include-all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<srlg-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
srlg-affinity (exclude-any|include-any|include-all) SRLG-GROUP-NAME
Configure address
Hop address which needs to be included in the LSP path
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (loose|strict)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<include-hop> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
A.B.C.D/X:X::X:X (loose|strict|)
Configure ihaf address
IP Hop address which needs to be included/excluded in the LSP path
Attribute Name: ihaf-address
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Attribute Name: ihaf-affinity-type
Attribute Type: enum (exclude-any|include-any|include-all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<ip-address-filter> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
A.B.C.D/X:X::X:X (exclude-any|include-any|include-all)
Configure dataplane type
SR policy dynamic candidate path’s data-plane type
Attribute Name: dataplane-type
Attribute Type: enum (mpls|srv6)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<dataplane-type>mpls</dataplane-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dataplane (mpls|srv6)
Configure sid algorithm
Flexible Algorithm Number
Attribute Name: sid-algorithm
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 128-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<sid-algorithm>128</sid-algorithm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sid-algorithm <128-255>
Configure protection type
SR policy dynamic candidate path’s protection type
Attribute Name: protection-type
Attribute Type: enum (protected-only|protected-prefered|unprotected-only|unprotected-prefered)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<protection-type>protected-only</protection-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
protection (protected-only|protected-prefered|unprotected-only|unprotected-prefered)
Configure sub id
Disjoint path sub-group id
Attribute Name: sub-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
disjoint-path group-id <1-65535> type (link|node|srlg|srlg-node) sub-id <1-65535>
Configure group id
Disjoint path sub-group id
Attribute Name: sub-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<sub-id>1</sub-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
<1-65535> (link|node|srlg|srlg-node) sub-id <1-65535>
Configure locator name
Locator name
Attribute Name: locator-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<locator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
locator WORD
Configure options
This attribute is used to enable/disable SR Policy debug logs
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (policy|cp|pce|mpls|flexalgo|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<options>policy</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug sr-policy (policy|cp|pce|mpls|flexalgo|all|)
debug sr-policy (policy|cp|pce|mpls|flexalgo|all|)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (policy|cp|pce|mpls|flexalgo|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<sr-policy-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug sr-policy (policy|cp|pce|mpls|flexalgo|all|)
no debug sr-policy (policy|cp|pce|mpls|flexalgo|all|)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (policy|cp|pce|mpls|flexalgo|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<sr-policy-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug sr-policy (policy|cp|pce|mpls|flexalgo|all|)
Configure service template name
Specify Customer service template name to bind to this Attachment circuit
Attribute Name: service-template-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<service-template-mapping> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls-vpls NAME service-template NAME
Configure admin status
Specify admin status for VPLS AC
Attribute Name: admin-status
Attribute Type: enum (down)
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<admin-status>down</admin-status> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ac-admin-status (down)
Configure attachment circuit description
Specify description of VPLS AC
Attribute Name: attachment-circuit-description
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<attachment-circuit-description>LINE</attachment-circuit-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ac-description LINE
Configure mac learning
Specify mac-learning for VPLS AC
Attribute Name: mac-learning
Attribute Type: enum (enable|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<mac-learning>enable</mac-learning> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
learning (enable|disable)
Configure split horizon
Specify split-horizon for VPLS
Attribute Name: split-horizon
Attribute Type: enum (network|access1|access2)
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<split-horizon>network</split-horizon> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
split-horizon group (network|access1|access2)
Configure static mac address
Specify static-mac to be added on AC
Attribute Name: static-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<static-mac-address>XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</static-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
static-mac XXXX.XXXX.XXXX
Configure profile name
Specify profile name for map profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QOS feature
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<quality-of-service-profile> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vc-qos map-profile (cos-to-queue|queue-color-to-cos) NAME
Configure out label
Specify out going label for VPLS static forwarding
Attribute Name: out-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-15999
Attribute Name: in-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-15999
Attribute Name: out-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
vpls fib-entry <1-4294967295> peer A.B.C.D <16-15999> OUT-INTF <16-15999>
Configure vpls identifier
Specify out going label for VPLS static forwarding
Attribute Name: out-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-15999
Attribute Name: in-label
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 16-15999
Attribute Name: out-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
vpls fib-entry <1-4294967295> spoke-vc WORD <16-15999> OUT-INTF <16-15999>
Configure detect interval
Mac move detection interval
Attribute Name: detect-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 5-300
Attribute Name: detect-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<detect-time>1</detect-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<detect-interval>5</detect-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls mac-move enable detect <1-1000> <5-300>
Configure learning limit
No of mac limit supported
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Vpls feature
Attribute Name: learning-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 32767
Attribute Range: 1-32767
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<learning-limit>1</learning-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
learning-limit <1-32767>
Configure action
Mac limit action
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Vpls feature
Attribute Name: action
Attribute Type: enum (log-only|log-errdisable)
Default Value: log-only
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<action>log-only</action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
action (log-only|log-errdisable)
Configure high watermark
High watermark for logging
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Vpls feature
Attribute Name: high-watermark
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 90
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<high-watermark>1</high-watermark> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
high-watermark <1-100>
Configure low watermark
Low watermark for logging
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Vpls feature
Attribute Name: low-watermark
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 70
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<low-watermark>1</low-watermark> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
low-watermark <1-100>
Configure errdisable timeout interval
Error disable timeout interval
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Vpls feature
Attribute Name: errdisable-timeout-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-86400
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<errdisable-timeout-interval>0</errdisable-timeout-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
errdisable-timeout <0-86400>
Configure enable
This attribute is used to enable VPLS service on Subinterface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Subinterface feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure vpls name
This attribute uniquely identifies a VPLS service on Subinterface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Subinterface feature
Attribute Name: vpls-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<vpls-name>NAME</vpls-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls-vpls NAME
Configure disable mac learning
Use this attribute to disable dynamic learning of MAC’s
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Subinterface feature
Attribute Name: disable-mac-learning
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
</disable-mac-learning><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
learning disable
Configure ac learning limit
Specify AC mac learning limit profile
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Subinterface feature
Attribute Name: ac-learning-limit
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<ac-learning-limit>PROFILENAME</ac-learning-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
learning limit PROFILENAME
Configure name
Specify static-mac to be added on L2VPN VPLS
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Subinterface feature
Attribute Name: static-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<vpls xmlns="">
<static-mac-address>XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</static-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
static-mac XXXX.XXXX.XXXX
Configure vpls identifier
Network Instance Name. For VRF and MAC VRF, instance name can be up to 32 chars long. For VPWS and VPLS instances, instance name can be up to 128 chars long. For L2NI (bridge) instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-32). For Cross-Connect, instance name can be up to 30 chars long. For Bridge-domain, instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-2147483647).
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vpls-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<network-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mpls vpls NAME <1-4294967295>
Configure service transport identifier
Specify service transport identifier
Attribute Name: service-transport-identifier
Attribute Type: enum (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<service-transport-identifier>dot1.q</service-transport-identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service-tpid (dot1.q||0x9100|0x9200)
Configure route map
Use this attribute to set route-map
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-route-map WORD
Configure maximum transmission unit
Set the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) size for a given VPLS instance. This size is signaled to peer VPLS routers
Attribute Name: maximum-transmission-unit
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1500
Attribute Range: 576-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<maximum-transmission-unit>576</maximum-transmission-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-mtu <576-65535>
Configure vpls description
Specify a description for this VPLS instance
Attribute Name: vpls-description
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: NULL
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<vpls-description>LINE</vpls-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-description LINE
Configure control word
Control Word for VPLS instance
Attribute Name: control-word
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
</control-word><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure mac learning disable
Specify mac learning disable for VPLS instance
Attribute Name: mac-learning-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
</mac-learning-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
learning disable
Configure mac learning limit
Specify mac learning limit
Attribute Name: mac-learning-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-32767
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<mac-learning-limit>5</mac-learning-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
learning limit <5-32767>
Configure attachment circuit group name
Specify ac-group name
Attribute Name: attachment-circuit-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<attachment-circuit-group-name>GROUPNAME</attachment-circuit-group-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-ac-group GROUPNAME
Configure mac withdrawal
Specify mac address withdrawal type
Attribute Name: mac-withdrawal
Attribute Type: bits (flush-on-spoke-vc-standby-activation|flush-propagate-spoke-to-mesh)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<mac-withdrawal>flush-on-spoke-vc-standby-activation</mac-withdrawal> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mac-withdrawal (flush-on-spoke-vc-standby-activation|flush-propagate-spoke-to-mesh)
Configure mac flush send on mlag switchover
Enable mac withdrawal mlag switch for MPLS VPLS
Attribute Name: mac-flush-send-on-mlag-switchover
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
</mac-flush-send-on-mlag-switchover><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure pseudowire name
Specify pseudowire name to be added
Attribute Name: pseudowire-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<spoke-pseudowire> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-vc NAME
Configure secondary pseudowire name
Specify secondary pseudowire name to be added
Attribute Name: secondary-pseudowire-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<secondary-pseudowire-name>NAME</secondary-pseudowire-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
secondary NAME
Configure spoke learning limit
Specify vc mac learning limit profile
Attribute Name: spoke-learning-limit
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<spoke-learning-limit>PROFILENAME</spoke-learning-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
learning limit PROFILENAME
Configure instance name
Specify split-horizon for VPLS
Attribute Name: split-horizon
Attribute Type: enum (network|access1|access2)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<split-horizon>network</split-horizon> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
split-horizon group (network|access1|access2)
Configure enable interface parameter tlv
Use this attribute to configure interface parameter tlv for VPLS Virtual Circuits.
Attribute Name: enable-interface-parameter-tlv
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: enable-flow-label
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: flow-label-direction
Attribute Type: enum (both|transmit|receive)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
</enable-flow-label><!-- operation="delete"-->
<flow-label-direction>both</flow-label-direction> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</enable-interface-parameter-tlv><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flow-label (both|transmit|receive) interface-param-tlv
Configure enable static flow label
Use this attribute to configure static flow label for VPLS Virtual Circuits.
Attribute Name: enable-static-flow-label
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: enable-flow-label
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: flow-label-direction
Attribute Type: enum (both|transmit|receive)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
</enable-flow-label><!-- operation="delete"-->
<flow-label-direction>both</flow-label-direction> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</enable-static-flow-label><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flow-label (both|transmit|receive) static
Configure flow label direction
Use this attribute to configure flow label direction to transmit, receive or both for VPLS Virtual Circuits
Attribute Name: flow-label-direction
Attribute Type: enum (both|transmit|receive)
Attribute Name: enable-flow-label
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
</enable-flow-label><!-- operation="delete"-->
<flow-label-direction>both</flow-label-direction> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flow-label (both|transmit|receive)
Configure signaling protocol ldp
Specify protocol used for signaling is ldp
Attribute Name: signaling-protocol-ldp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
signaling ldp
Configure disable mac withdrawal
Specify mac address withdrawal disable
Attribute Name: disable-mac-withdrawal
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
</disable-mac-withdrawal><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mac-withdrawal disable
Configure vpls ac treatment type
Customaizations for access state treatment
Attribute Name: vpls-ac-treatment-type
Attribute Type: enum (ignore-ac-spoke-state|block-mesh-spoke-on-all-ac-down)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<vpls-ac-treatment-type>ignore-ac-spoke-state</vpls-ac-treatment-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure vpls encapsulation type
Specify encapsulation type
Attribute Name: vpls-encapsulation-type
Attribute Type: enum (vlan|ethernet)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<vpls-encapsulation-type>ethernet</vpls-encapsulation-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-type (vlan|ethernet)
Configure peer address
Specify VPLS peer address
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: peer-type
Attribute Type: enum (manual)
Default Value: manual
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<vpls-peer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-peer A.B.C.D (manual)
Configure instance type
Specify VPLS peer address
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: tunnel-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: peer-type
Attribute Type: enum (manual)
Default Value: manual
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<vpls-peer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-peer A.B.C.D tunnel-name TUNNELNAME (manual)
Configure tunnel identifier
Specify VPLS peer address
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: tunnel-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: peer-type
Attribute Type: enum (manual)
Default Value: manual
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<vpls-peer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-peer A.B.C.D tunnel-id <1-5000> (manual)
Configure tunnel policy
Specify VPLS peer address
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: tunnel-policy
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: peer-type
Attribute Type: enum (manual)
Default Value: manual
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<vpls-peer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-peer A.B.C.D tunnel-select-policy POLICYNAME (manual)
Configure tunnel name
Specify tunnel name
Attribute Name: tunnel-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
vpls-peer A.B.C.D tunnel-name TUNNELNAME
Configure vpls type
Specify Peer VPLS Type
Attribute Name: vpls-type
Attribute Type: enum (vlan|ethernet)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
vpls-peer A.B.C.D vpls-type (vlan|ethernet)
Configure target attachment individual identifier
Specify the Target Attachment Individual Identifier
Attribute Name: target-attachment-individual-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<fec129> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
agi NAME saii NAME taii NAME
Configure attachment group identifier
Specify VPLS peer address
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: attachment-group-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: source-attachment-individual-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: target-attachment-individual-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<vpls-peer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-peer A.B.C.D agi NAME saii NAME taii NAME
Configure source attachment individual identifier
Specify VPLS peer address
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: attachment-group-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: source-attachment-individual-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: target-attachment-individual-identifier
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: tunnel-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<vpls-peer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-peer A.B.C.D agi NAME saii NAME taii NAME tunnel-name TUNNELNAME
Configure bgp auto discovery
Enable BGP Auto-Discovery for LDP peers
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Mpls BGP feature
Attribute Name: bgp-auto-discovery
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure rd string
Use this attribute to assign a route distinguisher (RD) for the VPLS instance in ASN:nn or IP-address:nn format RD must be unique across all VPLS instances
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Mpls BGP feature
Attribute Name: rd-string
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<rd-string>ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn</rd-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rd ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn
Configure l2vpn id
Specify L2 VPN ID in ASN:nn or IP-address:nn format L2 VPN ID must be unique across all VPLS instances
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Mpls BGP feature
Attribute Name: l2vpn-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<l2vpn-id>ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn</l2vpn-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
l2vpn-id ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn
Configure direction
Use this attribute to add a list of import and export route-target extended communities for the VPLS instance
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: bits (import|export|both)
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
route-target (import|export|both) ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn
Configure signaling protocol bgp
Specify protocol used for signaling is bgp
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Mpls BGP feature
Attribute Name: signaling-protocol-bgp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
signaling bgp
Configure vpls edge identifier
Specify VPLS edge identifier value
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Mpls BGP feature
Attribute Name: vpls-edge-identifier
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<vpls-edge-identifier>1</vpls-edge-identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ve-id <1-65535>
Configure profile type
Specify profile name
This command is supported when following feature are enabled QOS feature
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<quality-of-service-profile> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vpls-qos map-profile (cos-to-queue|queue-color-to-cos) NAME
Configure detect time
Mac move detection interval
Attribute Name: detect-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 5-300
Attribute Name: detect-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
<detect-time>1</detect-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<detect-interval>5</detect-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
detect <1-1000> <5-300>
Configure mac move instance
VPLS instance mac move config
Attribute Name: mac-move-instance
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure errdisable allow mesh blocking
Allow blocking for Mesh PW
Attribute Name: errdisable-allow-mesh-blocking
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<vpls-instance xmlns="">
</errdisable-allow-mesh-blocking><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
errdisable allow-mesh-pw-blocking
clear mpls vpls NAME statistics (access-port|network-port)
Attribute Name: port-circuit-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: port-type
Attribute Type: enum (access-port|network-port)
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-mpls-vpls-name-statistics-port-type xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mpls vpls NAME statistics (access-port|network-port)
clear mpls vpls NAME statistics network-port peer A.B.C.D
Attribute Name: port-circuit-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vc-circuit-type
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-mpls-vpls-name-statistics-network-port-peer xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mpls vpls NAME statistics network-port peer A.B.C.D
clear mpls vpls NAME statistics network-port spoke-vc VC_NAME
Attribute Name: port-circuit-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vc-circuit-type
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-mpls-vpls-name-statistics-network-port-spoke xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mpls vpls NAME statistics network-port spoke-vc VC_NAME
clear mpls vpls NAME statistics access-port WORD (vlan (<1-4094>)|ethernet)
Attribute Name: port-circuit-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vc-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vc-access-type
Attribute Type: union
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-mpls-vpls-name-statistics-access-port xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mpls vpls NAME statistics access-port WORD (vlan (<1-4094>)|ethernet)
clear mpls vpls NAME statistics
Attribute Name: vpls-circuit-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-mpls-vpls-name-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mpls vpls NAME statistics
clear mpls vpls NAME mac-addresses
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-mpls-vpls-mac-addresses-for-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mpls vpls NAME mac-addresses
clear mpls vpls mac-addresses
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-mpls-vpls-mac-addresses-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear mpls vpls mac-addresses
clear mpls vpls mac-move NAME
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-mpls-vpls-mac-move-for-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mpls vpls mac-move NAME
Configure options
Use this attribute to debug the mlag feature.
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (hello|info|timer|event|cli|mac-sync|stp|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<mcec xmlns="">
<options>hello</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug mcec (hello|info|timer|event|cli|mac-sync|stp|all)
Configure mcec strict active standby
Use this attribute to set mcec strict active standby
Attribute Name: mcec-strict-active-standby
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<mcec xmlns="">
</mcec-strict-active-standby><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mcec strict-active-standby disable
Configure system number
Use this attribute to configure domain system number, which uniquely identifies domain system in MCEC domain
Attribute Name: system-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-2
Netconf edit-config payload
<mcec xmlns="">
<system-number>1</system-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
domain-system-number <1-2>
Configure address
Use this attribute configure domain address, which helps to identify the MCEC domain
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mcec xmlns="">
<address>MAC</address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
domain-address MAC
Configure priority
Use this attribute to specify the priority value associated with MCEC domain
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 32768
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<mcec xmlns="">
<priority>1</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
domain-priority <1-65535>
Configure hello timeout
Use this attribute to specify the domain hello-timeout value
Attribute Name: hello-timeout
Attribute Type: enum (long|short)
Default Value: long
Netconf edit-config payload
<mcec xmlns="">
<hello-timeout>long</hello-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
domain-hello-timeout (long|short)
Configure interface
Use this attribute to map an interface as intra domain link that connects the domain system with its neighbour in a mcec domain
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<mcec xmlns="">
<interface>IFNAME</interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
intra-domain-link IFNAME
Configure vrf
vrf of the peer DSN node
Attribute Name: vrf
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: peer-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: local-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<mcec xmlns="">
Command Syntax
intra-domain-peer A.B.C.D source-address A.B.C.D (vrf VRF_NAME|)
Configure interface mode
Use this attribute to set the MC-LAG mode. active-standby: The interface is ready to transition from active to standby state should a failure occur in the other node.
Attribute Name: interface-mode
Attribute Type: enum (active-standby|active-active)
Default Value: active-standby
Netconf edit-config payload
<mcec xmlns="">
<interface-mode>active-standby</interface-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mode (active-standby|active-active)
Configure revertive timer
Use this attribute to set the timer for MC-LAG switchover revertive type. After Revertive timer expires Slave will handover the control to Master Node. If a failure happens that triggers a switchover, after failure recovery the initially-active node becomes active again. Default switchover type is revertive 10s.
Attribute Name: revertive-timer
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<mcec xmlns="">
<revertive-timer>1</revertive-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchover type revertive <1-3600>
Configure enable non revertive
Use this attribute to set the MC-LAG switchover to non-revertive type. Do not switch back to the initially-active node after failure recovery. Default switchover type is revertive 10s.
Attribute Name: enable-non-revertive
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<mcec xmlns="">
</enable-non-revertive><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switchover type non-revertive
debug mcec (hello|info|timer|event|cli|mac-sync|stp|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (hello|info|timer|event|cli|mac-sync|stp|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<mcec-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug mcec (hello|info|timer|event|cli|mac-sync|stp|all)
no debug mcec (hello|info|timer|event|cli|mac-sync|stp|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (hello|info|timer|event|cli|mac-sync|stp|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<mcec-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug mcec (hello|info|timer|event|cli|mac-sync|stp|all)
clear mcec statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-mcec-statistics xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear mcec statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<trigger-reload xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
Configure mlag id
MLAG group number
Attribute Name: mlag-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<interfaces xmlns="">
<mlag-aggregation xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mlag <1-255>
Netconf RPC payload
<trigger-save-mlag-info xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
Configure enable cmm
Use this attribute to turn on debugging for chassis monitoring
Attribute Name: enable-cmm
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
</enable-cmm><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug cmm
Configure enable ddm
Use this attribute to turn on debugging for digital diagnostic monitoring
Attribute Name: enable-ddm
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
</enable-ddm><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ddm
Configure warning repeat
To enable cmm warning level logs to repeat.
Attribute Name: warning-repeat
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
</warning-repeat><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cmm warning repeat
Configure locator led enable
To set the locator-led on or off.
Attribute Name: locator-led-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
</locator-led-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
locator-led on
Configure ddm monitor time interval
To set DDM Monitor interval time.
Attribute Name: ddm-monitor-time-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 60-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<ddm-monitor-time-interval>60</ddm-monitor-time-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ddm monitor interval <60-3600>
Configure service unsupported transceiver
To enable DDM Monitor for unsupported transceivers at user risk.
Attribute Name: service-unsupported-transceiver
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
</service-unsupported-transceiver><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service unsupported-transceiver
Configure enable ddm monitor
To enable DDM monitor for all transceivers.
Attribute Name: enable-ddm-monitor
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
</enable-ddm-monitor><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ddm monitor all
Configure gps satellite
Configure satellite system
Attribute Name: gps-satellite
Attribute Type: bits (gps|galileo|glonass|beidou)
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<gps-satellite>gps</gps-satellite> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
gps satellite-system {gps|galileo|glonass|beidou}
Configure system 15min load avg alarm
System 15min average load for alarm
Attribute Name: system-15min-load-avg-alarm
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 51-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<system-load-average-threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
system-load-average 1min warning <41-100> alarm <51-100> 5min alarm <51-100> 15min alarm <51-100>
Configure alarm threshold
Cpu threshold for alarm
Attribute Name: alarm-threshold
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 91-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<cpu-core-usage-threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cpu-core-usage warning <51-100> alarm <91-100>
Configure gps position disable
gps postion disable
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PTP hardware offload feature enabled
Attribute Name: gps-position-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
</gps-position-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
gps position disable
Configure gps survey in position accuracy
GPS position accuracy
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PTP hardware offload feature enabled
Attribute Name: gps-survey-in-position-accuracy
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-10000
Attribute Name: gps-survey-in-observation-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-1440
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<gps-survey-in-observation-time>1</gps-survey-in-observation-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<gps-survey-in-position-accuracy>1</gps-survey-in-position-accuracy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
gps position survey-in <1-1440> <1-10000>
Configure gps fixed altitude
GPS fixed altitude in meters
This command is supported when following feature are enabled PTP hardware offload feature enabled
Attribute Name: gps-fixed-altitude
Attribute Type: decimal64
Attribute Name: gps-fixed-latitude
Attribute Type: decimal64
Attribute Name: gps-fixed-longitude
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<gps-fixed-latitude>LATITUDE</gps-fixed-latitude> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<gps-fixed-longitude>LONGITUDE</gps-fixed-longitude> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<gps-fixed-altitude>ALTITUDE</gps-fixed-altitude> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure monitor port
To enable DDM monitor for current transceiver.
This command is supported when following feature are disabled Tibit MicroPlug OLT feature
Attribute Name: monitor-port
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<monitor-port>disable</monitor-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ddm monitor (disable|enable)
Configure poe enable
To enable PoE for current interface.
This command is supported when following feature are disabled Tibit MicroPlug OLT feature
Attribute Name: poe-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
</poe-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure transceiver code
To set transceiver code for current transceiver.
This command is supported when following feature are disabled Tibit MicroPlug OLT feature
Attribute Name: transceiver-code
Attribute Type: enum (1000base-sx|1000base-lx|1000base-ex|1000base-cx|10gbase-sr|10gbase-lr|10gbase-er|10gbase-cr|25gbase-sr|25gbase-lr|25gbase-er|25gbase-cr|40gbase-sr4|40gbase-lr4|40gbase-er4|40gbase-cr4|100gbase-sr4|100gbase-lr4|100gbase-er4|100gbase-cr4)
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<transceiver-code>1000base-sx</transceiver-code> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
transceiver (1000base-sx|1000base-lx|1000base-ex|1000base-cx|10gbase-sr|10gbase-lr|10gbase-er|10gbase-cr|25gbase-sr|25gbase-lr|25gbase-er|25gbase-cr|40gbase-sr4|40gbase-lr4|40gbase-er4|40gbase-cr4|100gbase-sr4|100gbase-lr4|100gbase-er4|100gbase-cr4)
Configure wavelength
This command is supported when following feature are disabled Tibit MicroPlug OLT feature
Attribute Name: wavelength
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
Command Syntax
wavelength (channel-number <1-96>|update <1528773-1566723>)
Configure tx disable
To disable laser tx for current transceiver.
This command is supported when following feature are disabled Tibit MicroPlug OLT feature
Attribute Name: tx-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
</tx-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure edfa operating mode
To set the EDFA operating mode
This command is supported when following feature are disabled Tibit MicroPlug OLT feature
Attribute Name: edfa-operating-mode
Attribute Type: enum (agc|apc)
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<edfa-operating-mode>agc</edfa-operating-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
edfa operating-mode (agc|apc)
Configure edfa target output power
To configure the target output power value in dBm
This command is supported when following feature are disabled Tibit MicroPlug OLT feature
Attribute Name: edfa-target-output-power
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<edfa-target-output-power>VALUE</edfa-target-output-power> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
edfa target-outpwr VALUE
Configure edfa target gain
To set the target-gain
This command is supported when following feature are disabled Tibit MicroPlug OLT feature
Attribute Name: edfa-target-gain
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<edfa-target-gain>VALUE</edfa-target-gain> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
edfa target-gain VALUE
Configure tx cdr bypass
Bypass the TX CDR control
This command is supported when following feature are disabled Tibit MicroPlug OLT feature
Attribute Name: tx-cdr-bypass
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
</tx-cdr-bypass><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tx cdr-bypass
Configure rx cdr bypass
Bypass the CDR control
This command is supported when following feature are disabled Tibit MicroPlug OLT feature
Attribute Name: rx-cdr-bypass
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
</rx-cdr-bypass><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rx cdr-bypass
Configure interval
To set disk activity sampling window interval time.
Attribute Name: interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 30-1200
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<interval>30</interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
disk-activity-monitoring interval <30-1200>
Configure read threshold
To set disk read activity alarm threshold.
Attribute Name: read-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<read-threshold>1</read-threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
disk-activity-monitoring threshold read <1-20000>
Configure write threshold
To set disk write activity alarm threshold.
Attribute Name: write-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-20000
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<write-threshold>1</write-threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
disk-activity-monitoring threshold write <1-20000>
Configure temperature policy
Set temperature policy
Attribute Name: temperature-policy
Attribute Type: enum (sys-halt|sys-reboot|none)
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<temperature-policy>sys-halt</temperature-policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
temperature policy (sys-halt|sys-reboot|none)
Configure sensor id
Sensor ID
Attribute Name: sensor-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
temperature threshold <1-15>
Configure value
Value to over-write temperature sensor threshold
Attribute Name: value
Attribute Type: int16
Attribute Range: -50-150
Netconf edit-config payload
<components xmlns="">
<value>-50</value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(emer-max|alrt-max|crit-max|crit-min|alrt-min|emer-min) <-50-150>
clear ddm transceiver alarm all
Netconf RPC payload
<ddm-clear-transceiver-alarm-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ddm transceiver alarm all
clear ddm transceiver alarm
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ddm-clear-transceiver-alarm xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ddm transceiver alarm
debug ddm
Netconf RPC payload
<cmm-terminal-debug-ddm-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ddm
no debug ddm
Netconf RPC payload
<cmm-terminal-debug-ddm-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ddm
debug cmm
Netconf RPC payload
<cmm-terminal-debug-cmm-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug cmm
no debug cmm
Netconf RPC payload
<cmm-terminal-debug-cmm-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug cmm
gps position survey-in restart
Netconf RPC payload
<gps-survey-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
gps position survey-in restart
Configure flow control
Use this attribute to enable or disable hardware profile flowcontrol.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: flow-control
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</flow-control><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile flowcontrol enable
Configure aclif
Use this attribute to set or unset the hardware profile aclif
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: aclif
Attribute Type: enum (failover|no-failover)
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<aclif>failover</aclif> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile aclif (failover|no-failover)
Configure seamless bfd
Use this attribute to enable or disable hardware profile seamless-bfd.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: seamless-bfd
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</seamless-bfd><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile seamless-bfd enable
Configure ufis9600 64x port mode
use this attribute to configure or unconfigure hardware profile port modes
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ufis9600-64x-port-mode
Attribute Type: enum (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Default Value: mode1
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<ufis9600-64x-port-mode>mode1</ufis9600-64x-port-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile port-config (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Configure as7315 27x port mode
use this attribute to configure or unconfigure hardware profile port modes
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: as7315_27x-port-mode
Attribute Type: enum (mode1|mode2|mode3)
Default Value: mode1
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<as7315_27x-port-mode>mode1</as7315_27x-port-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile port-config (mode1|mode2|mode3)
Configure as5916 as5912 54x port mode
use this attribute to configure or unconfigure hardware profile port modes
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: as5916_as5912_54x-port-mode
Attribute Type: enum (mode1|mode2)
Default Value: mode1
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<as5916_as5912_54x-port-mode>mode1</as5916_as5912_54x-port-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile port-config (mode1|mode2)
Configure as7316 26xb port mode
use this attribute to configure or unconfigure hardware profile port modes
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: as7316_26xb-port-mode
Attribute Type: enum (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Default Value: mode1
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<as7316_26xb-port-mode>mode1</as7316_26xb-port-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile port-config (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Configure s9500 30xs port mode
use this attribute to configure or unconfigure hardware profile port modes
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: s9500_30xs-port-mode
Attribute Type: enum (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Default Value: mode1
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<s9500_30xs-port-mode>mode1</s9500_30xs-port-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile port-config (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Configure ufis9600 32x port mode
use this attribute to configure or unconfigure hardware profile port modes
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ufis9600-32x-port-mode
Attribute Type: enum (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Default Value: mode2
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<ufis9600-32x-port-mode>mode2</ufis9600-32x-port-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile port-config (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Configure ufis9600 56dx port mode
use this attribute to configure or unconfigure hardware profile port modes
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ufis9600-56dx-port-mode
Attribute Type: enum (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Default Value: mode1
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<ufis9600-56dx-port-mode>mode1</ufis9600-56dx-port-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile port-config (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Configure ufis9600 28dx port mode
use this attribute to configure or unconfigure hardware profile port modes
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ufis9600-28dx-port-mode
Attribute Type: enum (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Default Value: mode1
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<ufis9600-28dx-port-mode>mode1</ufis9600-28dx-port-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile port-config (mode1|mode2|mode3|mode4)
Configure ufis9610 36d port mode
use this attribute to configure or unconfigure hardware profile port modes
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ufis9610-36d-port-mode
Attribute Type: enum (mode1|mode2)
Default Value: mode1
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<ufis9610-36d-port-mode>mode1</ufis9610-36d-port-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile port-config (mode1|mode2)
Configure custom service queue profile
Use this attribute to configure or unconfigure hardware profile service-queue profile support.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: custom-service-queue-profile
Attribute Type: enum (profile1|profile2)
Default Value: profile1
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<custom-service-queue-profile>profile1</custom-service-queue-profile> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile service-queue (profile1|profile2)
Configure bgp flowspec mode
use this attribute to set bgp-flowspce-mode
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: bgp-flowspec-mode
Attribute Type: enum (install-all|install-partial|no-prioritizing)
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<bgp-flowspec-mode>install-all</bgp-flowspec-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile bgp-flowspec-mode (install-all|install-partial|no-prioritizing)
Configure ingress ipv6 extended
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress IPv6 extended filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
Attribute Name: ingress-ipv6-extended
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-ipv6-extended><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv6-ext enable
Configure ingress ipv6 extended vlan
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress IPv6 extended vlan filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
Attribute Name: ingress-ipv6-extended-vlan
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-ipv6-extended-vlan><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv6-ext-vlan enable
Configure qos policer
Use this attribute to enable or disable QoS policer filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: qos-policer
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</qos-policer><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter qos-policer enable
Configure ingress ipv6
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress IPv6 filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-ipv6
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-ipv6><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv6 enable
Configure qos ipv6
Use this attribute to enable or disable QoS filter group for IPv6 traffic. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: qos-ipv6
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</qos-ipv6><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter qos-ipv6 enable
Configure ipv4 bgp flowspec
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress IPv4 BGP FLOWSPEC filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ipv4-bgp-flowspec
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ipv4-bgp-flowspec><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ipv4-bgp-flowspec enable
Configure qos extended
Use this attribute to enable or disable QoS extended filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: qos-extended
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</qos-extended><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter qos-ext enable
Configure ingress ipv4 extended
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress IPv4 extended filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-ipv4-extended
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-ipv4-extended><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv4-ext enable
Configure ingress ipv6 qos
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress IPv6 QoS filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-ipv6-qos
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-ipv6-qos><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv6-qos enable
Configure ingress ipv4 qos
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress IPv4 QoS filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-ipv4-qos
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-ipv4-qos><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv4-qos enable
Configure ingress layer2 extended
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress L2 extended filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-layer2-extended
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-layer2-extended><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-l2-ext enable
Configure ingress ipv4 subif
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress IPv4 extended filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-ipv4-subif
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-ipv4-subif><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv4-subif enable
Configure ingress arp
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress ARP filter groups.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-arp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-arp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-arp enable
Configure ipv6 bgp flowspec
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress IPv6 BGP FLOWSPEC filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ipv6-bgp-flowspec
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ipv6-bgp-flowspec><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ipv6-bgp-flowspec enable
Configure egress ipv4
Use this attribute to enable or disable Egress IPv4 filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: egress-ipv4
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</egress-ipv4><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter egress-ipv4 enable
Configure egress layer2
Use this attribute to enable or disable Egress L2 filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: egress-layer2
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</egress-layer2><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter egress-l2 enable
Configure ingress layer2 subif
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress L2 extended filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-layer2-subif
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-layer2-subif><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-l2-subif enable
Configure cfm domain name string
Use this attribute to enable or disable CFM domain name filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: cfm-domain-name-string
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</cfm-domain-name-string><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter cfm-domain-name-str enable
Configure twamp ipv4
Use this attribute to enable or disable TWAMP IPv4 Forwarding filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: twamp-ipv4
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</twamp-ipv4><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter twamp-ipv4 enable
Configure twamp ipv6
Use this attribute to enable or disable TWAMP IPv6 Forwarding filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: twamp-ipv6
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</twamp-ipv6><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter twamp-ipv6 enable
Configure twamp ipv6 mpls
Use this attribute to enable or disable TWAMP IPv6 for MPLS Forwarding filter groups. This group should be enabled in addition to twamp-ipv6. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: twamp-ipv6-mpls
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</twamp-ipv6-mpls><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter twamp-ipv6-mpls enable
Configure vxlan arp nd
Use this attribute to enable or disable VxLAN Forwarding filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: vxlan-arp-nd
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</vxlan-arp-nd><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter vxlan enable
Configure vxlan multi homing
Use this attribute to enable or disable VxLAN Multi Homing Forwarding filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: vxlan-multi-homing
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</vxlan-multi-homing><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter vxlan-mh enable
Configure evpn mpls control word
Use this attribute to enable or disable EVPN-MPLS control-word option
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: evpn-mpls-control-word
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</evpn-mpls-control-word><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter evpn-mpls-cw enable
Configure dhcp snoop
Use this attribute to enable or disable Dhcp snooping filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: dhcp-snoop
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</dhcp-snoop><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter dhcp-snoop enable
Configure dhcp snoop ipv6
Use this attribute to enable or disable Dhcp snooping ipv6 filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: dhcp-snoop-ipv6
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</dhcp-snoop-ipv6><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter dhcp-snoop-ipv6 enable
Configure ipsg
Use this attribute to enable or disable IP Source Guard(IPSG) filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ipsg
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ipsg><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ipsg enable
Configure ipsg ipv6
Use this attribute to enable or disable IP Source Guard(IPSG) ipv6 filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ipsg-ipv6
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ipsg-ipv6><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ipsg-ipv6 enable
Configure ingress ipv4
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress IPv4 filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-ipv4
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-ipv4><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-ipv4 enable
Configure ingress layer2
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress L2 filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-layer2
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-layer2><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter ingress-l2 enable
Configure qos
Use this attribute to enable or disable QoS filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: qos
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</qos><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter qos enable
Configure evpn mpls multi homing
Use this attribute to enable or disable EVPN-MPLS Multi Homing Forwarding filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: evpn-mpls-multi-homing
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</evpn-mpls-multi-homing><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile filter evpn-mpls-mh enable
Configure attachment circuit logical if
Use this attribute to enable or disable attachment circuits logical filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
Attribute Name: attachment-circuit-logical-if
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</attachment-circuit-logical-if><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile statistics mpls-ac enable
Configure tunnel logical if
Use this attribute to enable or disable tunnel logical filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
Attribute Name: tunnel-logical-if
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</tunnel-logical-if><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile statistics mpls-lsp enable
Configure ingress acl
Use this attribute to enable or disable Ingress ACL QoS and PBR filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-acl
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-acl><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile statistics ingress-acl enable
Configure egress acl
Use this attribute to enable or disable Egress ACL filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: egress-acl
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</egress-acl><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile statistics egress-acl enable
Configure ingress qos
Use this attribute to enable or disable explicitly for QoS filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: ingress-qos
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</ingress-qos><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile statistics ingress-qos enable
Configure evpn mpls stats
Use this attribute to enable or disable hardware statistics for evpn-mpls.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: evpn-mpls-stats
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</evpn-mpls-stats><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile statistics evpn-mpls enable
Configure mpls pseudowire
Use this attribute to enable or disable MPLS Pseudowire filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: mpls-pseudowire
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</mpls-pseudowire><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile statistics mpls-pwe enable
Configure cfm frame loss measurements
Use this attribute to enable or disable CFM Loss Measurements filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: cfm-frame-loss-measurements
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</cfm-frame-loss-measurements><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile statistics cfm-lm enable
Configure cfm continuity check messages
Use this attribute to enable or disable CFM Continuity Check Messages filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: cfm-continuity-check-messages
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</cfm-continuity-check-messages><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile statistics cfm-ccm enable
Configure virtual output queue full color
Use this attribute to enable or disable Virtual Output Queue Full Color filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: virtual-output-queue-full-color
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</virtual-output-queue-full-color><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile statistics voq-full-color enable
Configure virtual output queue forward drop
Use this attribute to enable or disable Virtual Output Queue Forward Drop filter groups. Disabling filter groups increases the configurable filter entries.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: virtual-output-queue-forward-drop
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
</virtual-output-queue-forward-drop><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-profile statistics voq-fwd-drop enable
Configure profile type
forwarding profile for KAPS
This command is supported when following feature are enabled dune feature,bcm uft feature,broadcom feature and following feature are disabled dnx feature
Attribute Name: profile-type
Attribute Type: enum (profile-one|profile-two)
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
<profile-type>profile-one</profile-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
forwarding profile kaps (profile-one|profile-two)
Configure ipv6 percentage
Use this attribute to set Percentage of entries for ipv6 routes
This command is supported when following feature are enabled dune feature,bcm uft feature,broadcom feature and following feature are disabled dnx feature
Attribute Name: ipv6-percentage
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 10-90
Attribute Name: profile-type
Attribute Type: enum (custom-profile)
Attribute Name: ipv4-percentage
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 10-90
Netconf edit-config payload
<profiles xmlns="">
Command Syntax
forwarding profile elk-tcam (custom-profile) <10-90> <10-90>
Configure parser enable
This Object is set parser enable
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: parser-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
</parser-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
advanced parser enable
Configure mpls inner stack
This Object is set for Source IPV4 based load balancing
Attribute Name: mpls-inner-stack
Attribute Type: bits (inner-ipv4|inner-ipv4 inner-l4|inner-ipv6|inner-ipv6 inner-l4|inner-eth)
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
<mpls-inner-stack>inner-ipv4</mpls-inner-stack> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
load-balance mpls (inner-ipv4|inner-ipv4 inner-l4|inner-ipv6|inner-ipv6 inner-l4|inner-eth)
Configure enable
This Object is set loadBalance
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
Command Syntax
load-balance enable
Configure mpls label based
This Object is set for load balancing based on mpls labels
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: mpls-label-based
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
</mpls-label-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
load-balance mpls labels
Configure multi level ecmp
Use this attribute to enable or disable multi level ECMP load balancing
This command is supported when following feature are enabled broadcom feature
Attribute Name: multi-level-ecmp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
</multi-level-ecmp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
load-balance multi-level-ecmp
Configure vlan based
This Object is set for Vlan based load balancing
This command is supported when following feature are enabled L2 feature,broadcom feature
Attribute Name: vlan-based
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: dest-mac-based
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: src-mac-based
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: ether-type-based
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
</dest-mac-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
</src-mac-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
</ether-type-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
</vlan-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
load-balance l2 { dest-mac| src-mac| ether-type| vlan }
Configure protocol id based
This Object is set for Protocol Id based load balancing
This command is supported when following feature are enabled L3 feature,broadcom feature
Attribute Name: protocol-id-based
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: src-ipv4-address-based
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: dest-ipv4-address-based
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: src-l4-port-based
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: dest-l4-port-based
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
</src-ipv4-address-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
</dest-ipv4-address-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
</src-l4-port-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
</dest-l4-port-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-id-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
load-balance ipv4 { src-ipv4| dest-ipv4| srcl4-port| destl4-port| protocol-id }
Configure next header based
This Object is set for Next Header Field for IPV6
This command is supported when following feature are enabled L3 feature,broadcom feature
Attribute Name: next-header-based
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: src-ipv6-address-based
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: dest-ipv6-address-based
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: src-l4-port-based
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: dest-l4-port-based
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
</src-ipv6-address-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
</dest-ipv6-address-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
</src-l4-port-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
</dest-l4-port-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
</next-header-based><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
load-balance ipv6 { src-ipv6| dest-ipv6| srcl4-port| destl4-port| next-hdr }
Configure queue name
This attribute specifies CPU queue name for rate limiting config
Attribute Name: queue-name
Attribute Type: enum (cpu.q0|cpu.q1|cpu.q2|cpu.q3|cpu.q4|cpu.q5|cpu.q6|cpu.q7|igmp|isis|reserved-mc|link-local|ospf|bgp|rsvp-ldp|vrrp-rip-dhcp|pim|icmp|arp|bpdu|oamp|sflow|dsp|evpn|nhop|mgmt-route-leak|icmp-redirect|cfm|bfd)
Attribute Name: rate
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 0-100000
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
Command Syntax
cpu-queue (cpu.q0|cpu.q1|cpu.q2|cpu.q3|cpu.q4|cpu.q5|cpu.q6|cpu.q7|igmp|isis|reserved-mc|link-local|ospf|bgp|rsvp-ldp|vrrp-rip-dhcp|pim|icmp|arp|bpdu|oamp|sflow|dsp|evpn|nhop|mgmt-route-leak|icmp-redirect|cfm|bfd) rate <0-100000>
Configure monitor status
This attribute specifies CPU queue name for rate limiting config
Attribute Name: queue-name
Attribute Type: enum (cpu.q0|cpu.q1|cpu.q2|cpu.q3|cpu.q4|cpu.q5|cpu.q6|cpu.q7|igmp|isis|reserved-mc|link-local|ospf|bgp|rsvp-ldp|vrrp-rip-dhcp|pim|icmp|arp|bpdu|oamp|sflow|dsp|evpn|nhop|mgmt-route-leak|icmp-redirect|cfm|bfd)
Attribute Name: monitor-status
Attribute Type: enum (no-monitor|monitor)
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
Command Syntax
cpu-queue (cpu.q0|cpu.q1|cpu.q2|cpu.q3|cpu.q4|cpu.q5|cpu.q6|cpu.q7|igmp|isis|reserved-mc|link-local|ospf|bgp|rsvp-ldp|vrrp-rip-dhcp|pim|icmp|arp|bpdu|oamp|sflow|dsp|evpn|nhop|mgmt-route-leak|icmp-redirect|cfm|bfd) (no-monitor|monitor)
Configure rate
This attribute specifies CPU queue name for rate limiting config
Attribute Name: queue-name
Attribute Type: enum (cpu.q0|cpu.q1|cpu.q2|cpu.q3|cpu.q4|cpu.q5|cpu.q6|cpu.q7|igmp|isis|reserved-mc|link-local|ospf|bgp|rsvp-ldp|vrrp-rip-dhcp|pim|icmp|arp|bpdu|oamp|sflow|dsp|evpn|nhop|mgmt-route-leak|icmp-redirect|cfm|bfd)
Attribute Name: rate
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 0-100000
Attribute Name: monitor-status
Attribute Type: enum (no-monitor|monitor)
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
Command Syntax
cpu-queue (cpu.q0|cpu.q1|cpu.q2|cpu.q3|cpu.q4|cpu.q5|cpu.q6|cpu.q7|igmp|isis|reserved-mc|link-local|ospf|bgp|rsvp-ldp|vrrp-rip-dhcp|pim|icmp|arp|bpdu|oamp|sflow|dsp|evpn|nhop|mgmt-route-leak|icmp-redirect|cfm|bfd) rate <0-100000> (no-monitor|monitor)
cpu-q-default rate <0-100000>
Attribute Name: rate
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-100000
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-platform-profile_platform-profile-cpu-q-rate-set xmlns="">
Command Syntax
cpu-q-default rate <0-100000>
no cpu-q-default rate
Attribute Name: rate
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-platform-profile_platform-profile-cpu-q-rate-unset xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no cpu-q-default rate
Configure soc
Attribute to indicate the SoC running on this platform. This attribute cannot be configured.
This command is supported when following feature are disabled marvell feature
Attribute Name: soc
Attribute Type: enum (qax|qux|qmx|dnx|tomahawk|tomahawk2|tomahawk3|tomahawkplus|trident2|trident2plus|trident3|helix4|saber2|maverick2|hurricane4|trident4|tomahawk4|tomahawk5|unknown)
Netconf edit-config payload
<hardware xmlns="">
<soc>qax</soc> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
platform-extended-soc (qax|qux|qmx|dnx|tomahawk|tomahawk2|tomahawk3|tomahawkplus|trident2|trident2plus|trident3|helix4|saber2|maverick2|hurricane4|trident4|tomahawk4|tomahawk5|unknown)
Configure fp port
Front port panel number
Attribute Name: fp-port
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<qsfp-dd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
qsfp-dd <0-255>
Configure application
Application configuration
Attribute Name: application
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 2-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<application>2</application> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
application <2-15>
Configure service disable
To disable the service for a particular port
Attribute Name: service-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
</service-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure custom app host id
Configuration of custom application host ID
Attribute Name: custom-app-host-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<custom-app-host-id>1</custom-app-host-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
custom-app-host-id <1-32>
Configure custom app media id
Configuration of custom application media ID
Attribute Name: custom-app-media-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<custom-app-media-id>1</custom-app-media-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
custom-app-media-id <1-32>
Configure type
PRBS pattern type for generator/checker
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (31q|31|23q|23|15q|15|13q|13|9q|9|7q|7|ssprq)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<type>31q</type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
prbs generator type (31q|31|23q|23|15q|15|13q|13|9q|9|7q|7|ssprq) host
Configure location
PRBS pattern generator/checker location
Attribute Name: location
Attribute Type: enum (pre-fec|post-fec)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<location>pre-fec</location> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
prbs generator (pre-fec|post-fec) host
Configure lane number
Host lane number
Attribute Name: lane-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<lane> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
host-lane <1-32>
Configure id
Threshold ID
Attribute Name: id
Attribute Type: enum (tx-fdd|tx-fed)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
threshold (tx-fdd|tx-fed)
Configure high alarm
High alarm threshold
Attribute Name: high-alarm
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<high-alarm>VALUE</high-alarm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure low alarm
Low alarm threshold
Attribute Name: low-alarm
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<low-alarm>VALUE</low-alarm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure high warning
High warn threshold
Attribute Name: high-warning
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<high-warning>VALUE</high-warning> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure low warning
Low warn threshold
Attribute Name: low-warning
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<low-warning>VALUE</low-warning> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure tx input equalizer target
Tx input equalizer target value code
Attribute Name: tx-input-equalizer-target
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<tx-input-equalizer-target>1</tx-input-equalizer-target> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tx-input eq-target <1-15>
Configure rx output equalizer pre cursor target
Rx output equalizer pre-cursor target value code
Attribute Name: rx-output-equalizer-pre-cursor-target
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<rx-output-equalizer-pre-cursor-target>1</rx-output-equalizer-pre-cursor-target> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rx-output eq-pre-cursor-target <1-15>
Configure rx output equalizer post cursor target
Rx output equalizer post-cursor target value code
Attribute Name: rx-output-equalizer-post-cursor-target
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<rx-output-equalizer-post-cursor-target>1</rx-output-equalizer-post-cursor-target> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rx-output eq-post-cursor-target <1-15>
Configure rx output amplitude target
Rx output equalizer amplitude target value code
Attribute Name: rx-output-amplitude-target
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<rx-output-amplitude-target>0</rx-output-amplitude-target> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rx-output amp-target <0-15>
Configure tx cdr bypass
Bypass the TX CDR control
Attribute Name: tx-cdr-bypass
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
</tx-cdr-bypass><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tx cdr-bypass
Configure rx cdr bypass
Bypass the CDR control
Attribute Name: rx-cdr-bypass
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
</rx-cdr-bypass><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rx cdr-bypass
Configure channel
Channel number
Attribute Name: channel
Attribute Type: int16
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
Command Syntax
laser channel <-32768-32767>
Configure grid
Grid spacing
Attribute Name: grid
Attribute Type: enum (3p125|6p25|12p5|25|33|50|75|100)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<grid>3p125</grid> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
laser grid (3p125|6p25|12p5|25|33|50|75|100)
Configure fine tune freq
Fine tune frequency offset
Attribute Name: fine-tune-freq
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<fine-tune-freq>VALUE</fine-tune-freq> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
laser fine-tune-freq VALUE
Configure output power
Targeted output power
Attribute Name: output-power
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<output-power>VALUE</output-power> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
laser output-power VALUE
Configure tx filter type
Configuration of media lane tx filter type provisioning
Attribute Name: tx-filter-type
Attribute Type: enum (root-raised-cosine|raised-cosine|gaussian)
Attribute Name: tx-filter-roll-off
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<tx-filter-roll-off>VALUE</tx-filter-roll-off> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tx-filter-type>root-raised-cosine</tx-filter-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tx-shaping (root-raised-cosine|raised-cosine|gaussian) (beta VALUE|)
Configure interval
Configuration of gating interval
Attribute Name: interval
Attribute Type: enum (5|10|30|60|120|300|vendor-specific)
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<interval>5</interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
gating interval (5|10|30|60|120|300|vendor-specific)
Configure auto restart
To enable auto-restart of the gating timer
Attribute Name: auto-restart
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
</auto-restart><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
gating auto-restart
Configure tx filter roll off
Configuration of media lane tx filter type provisioning
Attribute Name: tx-filter-type
Attribute Type: enum (root-raised-cosine|raised-cosine|gaussian)
Attribute Name: tx-filter-roll-off
Attribute Type: decimal64
Netconf edit-config payload
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<tx-filter-roll-off>VALUE</tx-filter-roll-off> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tx-filter-type>root-raised-cosine</tx-filter-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tx-shaping (root-raised-cosine|raised-cosine|gaussian) (beta VALUE|)
tibit-olt-microplug set interface IFNAME management-vlan-tpid (0x8100|0x88a8)
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-tpid
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-platform-transceiver-tibit_tibit-olt-microplug-set-management-vlan-tpid xmlns="">
Command Syntax
tibit-olt-microplug set interface IFNAME management-vlan-tpid (0x8100|0x88a8)
tibit-olt-microplug set interface IFNAME management-vlan-id <1-4094>
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-platform-transceiver-tibit_tibit-olt-microplug-set-management-vlan-id xmlns="">
Command Syntax
tibit-olt-microplug set interface IFNAME management-vlan-id <1-4094>
tibit-olt-microplug set interface IFNAME ethernet-mac-address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: yang:mac-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-platform-transceiver-tibit_tibit-olt-microplug-set-ethernet-mac-address xmlns="">
Command Syntax
tibit-olt-microplug set interface IFNAME ethernet-mac-address XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
tibit-olt-microplug set interface IFNAME next-active-firmware-bank-id <0-3>
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: bank-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-3
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-platform-transceiver-tibit_tibit-olt-microplug-set-next-active-firmware-bank xmlns="">
Command Syntax
tibit-olt-microplug set interface IFNAME next-active-firmware-bank-id <0-3>
tibit-olt-microplug reboot interface IFNAME
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-platform-transceiver-tibit_tibit-olt-microplug-reboot xmlns="">
Command Syntax
tibit-olt-microplug reboot interface IFNAME
Configure xcvr loopback remote
Use this attribute to set TX/RX loopback for remote
Attribute Name: xcvr-loopback-remote
Attribute Type: enum (in|out)
Netconf edit-config payload
<smart-sfp xmlns="">
<xcvr-loopback-remote>in</xcvr-loopback-remote> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
xcvr loopback (in|out) remote
xcvr IFNAME tx-disable <1-256> remote
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: xcvr-tx-disable-duration
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-256
Netconf RPC payload
<smart-sfp-xcvr-txdisable-duration xmlns="">
Command Syntax
xcvr IFNAME tx-disable <1-256> remote
xcvr IFNAME reset remote
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<smart-sfp-xcvr-reset-remote xmlns="">
Command Syntax
xcvr IFNAME reset remote
Configure mac authentication
Use this attribute to enable MAC authentication globally. If MAC authentication is not enabled, other MAC authentication related commands throw an error when issued.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: mac-authentication
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
</mac-authentication><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
auth-mac system-auth-ctrl
Configure dot1x authentication
Use this attribute to enable globally authentication.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: dot1x-authentication
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
</dot1x-authentication><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1x system-auth-ctrl
Configure dot1x control
Use this attribute to enable or disable the 802.1X authentication control on an interface.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: dot1x-control
Attribute Type: enum (force-unauthorized|force-authorized|auto)
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
Command Syntax
dot1x port-control (force-unauthorized|force-authorized|auto)
Configure protocol version
Use this attribute to set the protocol version of dot1x to 1 or 2. The protocol version must be synchronized with the Xsupplicant being used in that interface.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: protocol-version
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
<protocol-version>2</protocol-version> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1x protocol-version (1|2)
Configure quiet period
Use this attribute to set the quiet-period time interval.When a switch cannot authenticate a client, the switch remains idle for a quiet-period interval of time, then tries again. By administratively changing the quiet-period interval, by entering a lower number than the default, a faster response time can be provided
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: quiet-period
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
<quiet-period>1</quiet-period> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1x quiet-period <1-65535>
Configure max reauth value
Use this attribute to set the maximum reauthentication value, which sets the maximum number of reauthentication attempts after which the port will be unauthorized.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: max-reauth-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
<max-reauth-value>1</max-reauth-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1x reauthMax <1-10>
Configure interval period
Use this attribute to set the interval between successive attempts to request an ID.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: interval-period
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
<interval-period>1</interval-period> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1x timeout tx-period <1-65535>
Configure reauthentication period
Use this attribute to set the interval between reauthorization attempts.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: reauthentication-period
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
<reauthentication-period>1</reauthentication-period> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1x timeout re-authperiod <1-4294967295>
Configure enable reauthentication
Use this attribute to enable reauthentication on a port.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: enable-reauthentication
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
</enable-reauthentication><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1x reauthentication
Configure enable mac auth bypass
Use this attribute to enable/disable mac-auth-bypass on a port.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: enable-mac-auth-bypass
Attribute Type: enum (enable|disable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
<enable-mac-auth-bypass>enable</enable-mac-auth-bypass> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1x mac-auth-bypass (enable|disable)
Configure supplicant timeout
Use this attribute to set the interval for a supplicant to respond.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: supplicant-timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
<supplicant-timeout>1</supplicant-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1x timeout supp-timeout <1-65535>
Configure server timeout
Use this attribute to set the authentication server response timeout.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: server-timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
<server-timeout>1</server-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dot1x timeout server-timeout <1-65535>
Configure mac control
Use this attribute to enable or disable the MAC authentication control on an interface.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MAC_AUTH feature,HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: mac-control
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure mac mode
Use this attribute to enable or disable the MAC authentication mode on an interface.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MAC_AUTH feature,HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: mac-mode
Attribute Type: enum (filter|shutdown)
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
<mac-mode>shutdown</mac-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
auth-mac mode (filter|shutdown)
Configure dynamic vlan creation
Use this attribute to enable or disable dynamic VLAN creation after successful MAC authentication.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MAC_AUTH feature,HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: dynamic-vlan-creation
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
</dynamic-vlan-creation><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
auth-mac dynamic-vlan-creation
Configure mac address aging
Use this attribute to either enable or disable MAC aging. When enabled, a MAC entry is added to the forwarding database, with aging time equal to the bridge aging time. Otherwise, the MAC entry will not be aged out. If MAC aging is disabled, the MAC entry will not be aged out
This command is supported when following feature are enabled MAC_AUTH feature,HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: mac-address-aging
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
</mac-address-aging><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
auth-mac mac-aging
Configure options
Use this attribute to turn on or turn off 802.1x debugging at various levels.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_AUTHD feature
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (event|timer|packet|nsm|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication xmlns="">
<options>event</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug dot1x (event|timer|packet|nsm|all)
dot1x initialize interface IFNAME
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf RPC payload
<dot1x-authentication-initialize-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
dot1x initialize interface IFNAME
snmp restart auth
Netconf RPC payload
<dot1x-authentication-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
snmp restart auth
debug dot1x (event|timer|packet|nsm|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|timer|packet|nsm|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<dot1x-authentication-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug dot1x (event|timer|packet|nsm|all)
no debug dot1x (event|timer|packet|nsm|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|timer|packet|nsm|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<dot1x-authentication-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug dot1x (event|timer|packet|nsm|all)
Configure port
Specify the radius client port number. The default port number is 1812.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OpenSSL crypto library available
Attribute Name: port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication-radius xmlns="">
<source-address>A.B.C.D</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<port>0</port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip radius source-interface A.B.C.D <0-65535>
Configure timeout
Use this attribute to set the global timeout which is how long the device waits for a response from a RADIUS server before declaring a timeout failure.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OpenSSL crypto library available
Attribute Name: timeout
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication-radius xmlns="">
<timeout>1</timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server dot1x timeout <1-60>
Configure retransmit max retries
Use this attribute to specify the number of times the router transmits each radius request to the server before giving up
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OpenSSL crypto library available
Attribute Name: retransmit-max-retries
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication-radius xmlns="">
<retransmit-max-retries>1</retransmit-max-retries> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server dot1x retransmit <1-100>
Configure key string
Use this attribute to set a global preshared key (shared secret) which is a text string shared between the device and RADIUS servers
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OpenSSL crypto library available
Attribute Name: key-string
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication-radius xmlns="">
<key-string>WORD</key-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server dot1x key-string WORD
Configure encryption key
Use this attribute to set a global preshared key (shared secret) which is a text string shared between the device and RADIUS servers
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OpenSSL crypto library available
Attribute Name: encryption-key
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 18-258
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication-radius xmlns="">
<encryption-key>WORD</encryption-key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server dot1x key-string encrypted WORD
Configure host address
The host-address to configure the radius host.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OpenSSL crypto library available
Attribute Name: host-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication-radius xmlns="">
<host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
radius-server dot1x host A.B.C.D
Configure host port
Specify the radius client port number. The default port number is 1812.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OpenSSL crypto library available
Attribute Name: host-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication-radius xmlns="">
<host-port>0</host-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
auth-port <0-65535>
Configure host timeout
Use this attribute to set the timeout which is how long the device waits for a response from a RADIUS server before declaring a timeout failure.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OpenSSL crypto library available
Attribute Name: host-timeout
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication-radius xmlns="">
<host-timeout>0</host-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timeout <0-60>
Configure host retransmit max retries
Use this attribute to specify the number of times the router transmits each radius request to the server before giving up.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled OpenSSL crypto library available
Attribute Name: host-retransmit-max-retries
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<authentication-radius xmlns="">
<host-retransmit-max-retries>0</host-retransmit-max-retries> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
retransmit <0-100>
Configure type
Type indicates the fields allowed in the ACL entries belonging to the ACL set (e.g., ip, ipv6, etc.)
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (mac|ip|ipv6|arp)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<acl-set> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip access-list NAME
Configure name
Type indicates the fields allowed in the ACL entries belonging to the ACL set (e.g., ip, ipv6, etc.)
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (mac|ip|ipv6|arp)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<acl-set> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 access-list NAME
Configure description
Description, or comment, for the ACL set
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
remark LINE
Configure ipv6 disable default icmpv6 rule
Use this attribute to inform that the default icmpv6 rule is disable for the IPv6 ACL.
Attribute Name: ipv6-disable-default-icmpv6-rule
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
</ipv6-disable-default-icmpv6-rule><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no 268435453 permit icmpv6 any any
Configure starting sequence number
Use this attribute to set starting sequence number for resequencing
Attribute Name: starting-sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-268435453
Attribute Name: increment-steps
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-268435453
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<increment-steps>1</increment-steps> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<starting-sequence-number>1</starting-sequence-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
resequence <1-268435453> <1-268435453>
Configure forwarding action default
Use this attribute to set default forwarding action
Attribute Name: forwarding-action-default
Attribute Type: enum (deny-all|permit-all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action-default>deny-all</forwarding-action-default> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default (deny-all|permit-all)
Configure inner vlan id
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any|host A.B.C.D|A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) (any|host A.B.C.D|A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure sequence id
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (any) dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7|<0-63>) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure forwarding action
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: precedence
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<precedence>routine</precedence> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (any) precedence (routine|priority|immediate|flash|flashoverride|critical|internet|network|<0-7>) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure protocol tcp
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls|<0-65535>) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source address
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure destination address
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: precedence
Attribute Type: enum (routine|priority|immediate|flash|flashoverride|critical|internet|network)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<precedence>routine</precedence> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) precedence (routine|priority|immediate|flash|flashoverride|critical|internet|network) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure lower destination port in range
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure upper destination port in range
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure precedence
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: precedence
Attribute Type: enum (routine|priority|immediate|flash|flashoverride|critical|internet|network)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<precedence>routine</precedence> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> precedence (routine|priority|immediate|flash|flashoverride|critical|internet|network) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source port operator
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-source-port
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-source-port>echo</tcp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls|<0-65535>) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure tcp source port
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-source-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-source-port>echo</tcp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure destination port operator
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-source-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: precedence
Attribute Type: enum (routine|priority|immediate|flash|flashoverride|critical|internet|network)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-source-port>echo</tcp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<precedence>routine</precedence> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) precedence (routine|priority|immediate|flash|flashoverride|critical|internet|network) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure tcp flags
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-source-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-source-port>echo</tcp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure dscp
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-source-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-source-port>echo</tcp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure vlan id
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-source-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: precedence
Attribute Type: enum (routine|priority|immediate|flash|flashoverride|critical|internet|network)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-source-port>echo</tcp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<precedence>routine</precedence> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> precedence (routine|priority|immediate|flash|flashoverride|critical|internet|network) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure lower source port in range
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-source-port-in-range>0</lower-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-source-port-in-range>0</upper-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure upper source port in range
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-source-port-in-range>0</lower-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-source-port-in-range>0</upper-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure tcp destination port
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: precedence
Attribute Type: enum (routine|priority|immediate|flash|flashoverride|critical|internet|network)
Attribute Name: tcp-flags
Attribute Type: bits (ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-source-port-in-range>0</lower-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-source-port-in-range>0</upper-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<precedence>routine</precedence> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-flags>ack</tcp-flags> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) precedence (routine|priority|immediate|flash|flashoverride|critical|internet|network) ({ack|established|fin|psh|rst|syn|urg}|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure protocol udp
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-udp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-udp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) udp (any) (any) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure udp destination port
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-udp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: udp-destination-port
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-udp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<udp-destination-port>echo</udp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) udp (any) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp|<0-65535>) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure udp source port
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-udp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: udp-source-port
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: udp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-udp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<udp-source-port>echo</udp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<udp-destination-port>echo</udp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) udp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp|<0-65535>) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure protocol icmp
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-icmp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-icmp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) icmp (any) (any) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure protocol name
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-name
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<protocol-name>igmp</protocol-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) (igmp|ipip|ipv6ip|rsvp|gre|esp|ahp|eigrp|ospf|pim|ipcomp|vrrp|any|<0-255>) (any) (any) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure vlan id
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any|X:X::X:X/M|X:X::X:X X:X::X:X) (any|X:X::X:X/M|X:X::X:X X:X::X:X) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7|<0-63>)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure name
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls|<0-65535>) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure type
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure sequence id
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-source-port
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-source-port>echo</tcp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls|<0-65535>) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure forwarding action
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-source-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-source-port>echo</tcp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure protocol tcp
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-source-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-source-port>echo</tcp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) (any) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source address
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: tcp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-source-port-in-range>0</lower-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-source-port-in-range>0</upper-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<tcp-destination-port>echo</tcp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|daytime|chargen|ftp-data|ftp|ssh|telnet|smtp|time|whois|tacacs|domain|gopher|finger|www|hostname|pop2|pop3|sunrpc|ident|nntp|bgp|irc|pim-auto-rp|exec|login|cmd|lpd|talk|uucp|klogin|kshell|netconf-ssh|drip|netconf-tls) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure lower source port in range
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-source-port-in-range>0</lower-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-source-port-in-range>0</upper-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure upper source port in range
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-tcp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-tcp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-source-port-in-range>0</lower-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-source-port-in-range>0</upper-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) tcp (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (any) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure protocol udp
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-udp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-udp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) udp (any) (any) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure destination address
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-udp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: udp-destination-port
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-udp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<udp-destination-port>echo</udp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) udp (any) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp|<0-65535>) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure lower destination port in range
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-udp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-udp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) udp (any) (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source port operator
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-udp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: udp-source-port
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: udp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-udp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<udp-source-port>echo</udp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<udp-destination-port>echo</udp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) udp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp|<0-65535>) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure udp source port
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-udp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: udp-source-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-udp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<udp-source-port>echo</udp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) udp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp) (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure dscp
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-udp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: udp-source-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-udp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<udp-source-port>echo</udp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) udp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp) (any) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure destination port operator
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-udp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: udp-destination-port
Attribute Type: enum (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-udp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-source-port-in-range>0</lower-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-source-port-in-range>0</upper-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<udp-destination-port>echo</udp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) udp (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) (echo|discard|time|nameserver|tacacs|domain|bootps|bootpc|tftp|sunrpc|ntp|netbios-ns|netbios-dgm|netbios-ss|snmp|snmptrap|xdmcp|dnsix|mobile-ip|pim-auto-rp|isakmp|biff|who|syslog|talk|rip|non500-isakmp) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure upper destination port in range
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-udp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-source-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: lower-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: upper-destination-port-in-range
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-udp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-source-port-in-range>0</lower-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-source-port-in-range>0</upper-source-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<lower-destination-port-in-range>0</lower-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<upper-destination-port-in-range>0</upper-destination-port-in-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) udp (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (any) range <0-65535> <0-65535> (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure protocol icmp
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-icmp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-icmp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) icmpv6 (any) (any) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure protocol sctp
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-sctp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-sctp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) sctp (any) (any) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure sctp destination port
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-sctp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: sctp-destination-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-sctp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-port-operator>eq</destination-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<sctp-destination-port>0</sctp-destination-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) sctp (any) (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) <0-65535> (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure sctp source port
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-sctp
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-port-operator
Attribute Type: enum (eq|neq|lt|gt)
Attribute Name: sctp-source-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</protocol-sctp><!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-port-operator>eq</source-port-operator> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<sctp-source-port>0</sctp-source-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) sctp (any) (eq|neq|lt|gt) <0-65535> (any) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure protocol name
Use this attribute to set the vlan-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: protocol-name
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: enum (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<protocol-name>ipipv6</protocol-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-address>any</source-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-address>any</destination-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<dscp>default</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) (ipipv6|ipv6ipv6|rsvp|gre|esp|ahp|ospf|pim|ipcomp|vrrp|any|<0-255>) (any) (any) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7)|) (vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source mac any
Use this attribute to indicate any source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: destination-ip-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: destination-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-ip-address>any</destination-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</destination-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</source-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) response ip (any|host A.B.C.D|A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) (any|host A.B.C.D|A.B.C.D/M|A.B.C.D A.B.C.D) mac any any (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure name
Use this attribute to indicate any source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-ip-address>any</destination-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</source-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) response ip (any) (any) mac any host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure type
Use this attribute to indicate any source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-ip-address>any</destination-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</source-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) response ip (any) (any) mac any (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source mac host
Use this attribute to set Host source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-ip-address>any</destination-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</destination-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) response ip (any) (any) mac host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) any (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure sequence id
Use this attribute to set Host source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-ip-address>any</destination-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) response ip (any) (any) mac host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure forwarding action
Use this attribute to set Host source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-ip-address>any</destination-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) response ip (any) (any) mac host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source mac address
Use this attribute to set source mac-address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-ip-address>any</destination-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</destination-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) response ip (any) (any) mac (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) any (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure arp packet type
Use this attribute to set source mac-address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-ip-address>any</destination-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) response ip (any) (any) mac (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source ip address
Use this attribute to set source mac-address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: destination-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-ip-address>any</destination-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) response ip (any) (any) mac (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure vlan id
Use this attribute to indicate any source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</source-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) ((request)|) ip (any) mac any (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure inner vlan id
Use this attribute to set Host source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) ((request)|) ip (any) mac host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source mac mask
Use this attribute to set source mac-address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none|request|response)
Attribute Name: source-ip-address
Attribute Type: enum (any)
Attribute Name: source-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-ip-address>any</source-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) ((request)|) ip (any) mac (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source mac any
Use this attribute to indicate any source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: destination-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</destination-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</source-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) any any arp (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure name
Use this attribute to indicate any source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: destination-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</source-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) any host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) arp (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure type
Use this attribute to indicate any source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: destination-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</source-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) any (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) arp (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source mac host
Use this attribute to set Host source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: destination-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</destination-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) any arp (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure sequence id
Use this attribute to set Host source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: destination-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) arp (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure forwarding action
Use this attribute to set Host source address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: destination-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) arp (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source mac address
Use this attribute to set source mac-address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: source-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</destination-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) any arp (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure source mac mask
Use this attribute to set source mac-address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: source-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) arp (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure destination mac address
Use this attribute to set source mac-address.
Attribute Name: source-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: source-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: arp-packet-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<arp-packet-type>none</arp-packet-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) arp (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure inner vlan id
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: source-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: destination-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: ethertype
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</source-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
</destination-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
<ethertype>ipv4</ethertype> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) any any ((ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls|ETHTYPE)|) (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure destination mac host
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: source-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: destination-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: ethertype
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</source-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ethertype>ipv4</ethertype> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) any host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) ((ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)|) (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure destination mac mask
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: source-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: destination-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: ethertype
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</source-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ethertype>ipv4</ethertype> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) any (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) ((ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)|) (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure destination mac any
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: source-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: ethertype
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</destination-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
<ethertype>ipv4</ethertype> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) any ((ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)|) (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure ethertype
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: source-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: ethertype
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ethertype>ipv4</ethertype> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) ((ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)|) (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure cos value
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: source-mac-host
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: ethertype
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-host>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-host> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<destination-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</destination-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<ethertype>ipv4</ethertype> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) host (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) ((ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)|) (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure vlan id
Use this attribute to set the inner-vlan-id
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Attribute Name: forwarding-action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Attribute Name: source-mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: source-mac-mask
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: destination-mac-any
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: ethertype
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)
Attribute Name: cos-value
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<forwarding-action>deny</forwarding-action> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-address>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<source-mac-mask>XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX</source-mac-mask> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</destination-mac-any><!-- operation="delete"-->
<ethertype>ipv4</ethertype> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cos-value>0</cos-value> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(<1-268435453>|) (deny|permit) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX|XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX|XXXX.XXXX.XXXX) any ((ipv4|vines-echo|etype-6000|mop-dump|mop-console|decnet-iv|lat|diagnostic|lavc-sca|etype-8042|appletalk|aarp|ipv6|mpls)|) (cos <0-7>|) (vlan <1-4094>|) (inner-vlan <1-4094>|)
Configure acl name
The name of the access-list set applied on the interface
Attribute Name: acl-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<access-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip access-group NAME in
Configure name
The name of the access-list set applied on the interface
Attribute Name: acl-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: time-range
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip access-group NAME in time-range WORD
Configure acl type
Reference to the base interface name
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: acl-type
Attribute Type: enum (mac|ip|ipv6|arp)
Attribute Name: acl-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 access-group NAME in
Configure time range
The time-range associated with this access-group
Attribute Name: time-range
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<acl xmlns="">
<time-range>WORD</time-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 access-group NAME in time-range WORD
clear access-list counters
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-acl-ports_clear-access-list-counters-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear access-list counters
clear access-list NAME counters
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-acl-ports_clear-access-list-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear access-list NAME counters
clear ip access-list counters
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-acl-ports_clear-ip-access-list-counters-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ip access-list counters
clear ip access-list NAME counters
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-acl-ports_clear-ip-access-list-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip access-list NAME counters
clear ipv6 access-list counters
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-acl-ports_clear-ipv6-access-list-counters-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 access-list counters
clear ipv6 access-list NAME counters
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-acl-ports_clear-ipv6-access-list-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 access-list NAME counters
clear mac access-list counters
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-acl-ports_clear-mac-access-list-counters-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear mac access-list counters
clear mac access-list NAME counters
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-acl-ports_clear-mac-access-list-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mac access-list NAME counters
clear arp access-list counters
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-acl-ports_clear-arp-access-list-counters-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear arp access-list counters
clear arp access-list NAME counters
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-acl-ports_clear-arp-access-list-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear arp access-list NAME counters
Configure options
Use this attribute to debug the DHCP snooping feature.
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (event|rx|tx|packet|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<options>event</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip dhcp snooping (event|rx|tx|packet|all)
Configure snooping enable
Enable DHCP snooping feature
Attribute Name: snooping-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping bridge <1-32>
Configure verify mac address
Use this command to enable MAC address verification.
Attribute Name: verify-mac-address
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</verify-mac-address><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping verify mac-address bridge <1-32>
Configure option 82 enable
Use this command to insert interface and VLAN name in the option 82 field in DHCP packets.
Attribute Name: option-82-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</option-82-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping information option bridge <1-32>
Configure write delay
Configure DHCP snooping database write delay in multiples of 10 seconds
Attribute Name: write-delay
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 300
Attribute Range: 20-86400
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<write-delay>20</write-delay> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping database write-delay <20-86400> bridge <1-32>
Configure strict validation
Use this command to enable strict validation of DHCP packets.
Attribute Name: strict-validation
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</strict-validation><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp packet strict-validation bridge <1-32>
Configure vlan range
Use this command to enable DHCP snooping for the given VLAN.
Attribute Name: vlan-range
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<vlan-range>VLAN_RANGE</vlan-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping vlan VLAN_RANGE bridge <1-32>
Configure enable
Use this command to enable/disable arp-inspection on the bridge.
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping arp-inspection bridge <1-32>
Configure validate mac
Use this command to enable validation of the source-mac, destination-mac, or IP address field in the ARP packet payload.
Attribute Name: validate-mac
Attribute Type: enum (src-mac|dst-mac|ip)
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<validate-mac>src-mac</validate-mac> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping arp-inspection validate (src-mac|dst-mac|ip) bridge <1-32>
Configure bridge id
Use this command to enable ARP inspection on the VLAN in a bridge.
Attribute Name: vlan-range
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
<vlan-range>VLAN_RANGE</vlan-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping arp-inspection vlan VLAN_RANGE bridge <1-32>
Configure if name
Use this attribute to set the interface name
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: ipv4-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping binding bridge <1-32> XXXX.XXXX.XXXX <1-4094> ipv4 A.B.C.D IFNAME
Configure mac address
Use this attribute to set the interface name
This command is supported when following feature are enabled HAVE_IPV6 feature enabled
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: ipv6-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping binding bridge <1-32> XXXX.XXXX.XXXX <1-4094> ipv6 X:X::X:X IFNAME
ip dhcp snooping database bridge WORD
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-dhcp-snooping_dhcp-snooping-write-database xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping database bridge WORD
renew ip dhcp snooping binding database bridge WORD
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-dhcp-snooping_dhcp-snooping-renew-database xmlns="">
Command Syntax
renew ip dhcp snooping binding database bridge WORD
ip dhcp snooping source database bridge WORD
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-dhcp-snooping_dhcp-snooping-write-source-binding-database xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping source database bridge WORD
renew ip dhcp snooping source binding database bridge WORD
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-dhcp-snooping_dhcp-snooping-renew-source-database xmlns="">
Command Syntax
renew ip dhcp snooping source binding database bridge WORD
clear ip dhcp snooping source binding bridge WORD
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-dhcp-snooping_dhcp-snooping-clear-source-binding-database xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip dhcp snooping source binding bridge WORD
clear ip dhcp snooping binding bridge WORD
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-dhcp-snooping_dhcp-snooping-clear-database xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip dhcp snooping binding bridge WORD
debug ip dhcp snooping (event|rx|tx|packet|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|rx|tx|packet|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-dhcp-snooping_dhcp-snooping-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ip dhcp snooping (event|rx|tx|packet|all)
no debug ip dhcp snooping (event|rx|tx|packet|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|rx|tx|packet|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-dhcp-snooping_dhcp-snooping-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ip dhcp snooping (event|rx|tx|packet|all)
Configure snooping trust
Use this command to enable the snooping trust on the interface level.
Attribute Name: snooping-trust
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</snooping-trust><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip dhcp snooping trust
Configure verify snooping vlan
Use this command to enable the IPSG feature at the interface level.
Attribute Name: verify-snooping-vlan
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip verify source dhcp-snooping-vlan
Configure verify access group mode
Use this command to enable the snooping access-group on the interface level.
Attribute Name: verify-access-group-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<dhcp xmlns="">
</verify-access-group-mode><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip verify source access-group mode merge
clear hsl ipc-stat VALUE VALUE
Attribute Name: start-value
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: end-value
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf RPC payload
<platform-clear-hsl-ipc-stat-values xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear hsl ipc-stat VALUE VALUE
clear hsl ipc-stat
Netconf RPC payload
<platform-clear-hsl-ipc-stat xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear hsl ipc-stat
clear hsl mlag mac-sync-count
Netconf RPC payload
<platform-clear-hsl-mlag-mac-sync xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear hsl mlag mac-sync-count
clear hardware-discard-counters
Netconf RPC payload
<platform-clear-hardware-discard-counters xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear hardware-discard-counters
clear hsl fdb debug-counters
Netconf RPC payload
<platform-clear-hsl-fdb-debug-counters xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear hsl fdb debug-counters
clear hsl system-cpu-stats
Netconf RPC payload
<platform-clear-hsl-system-cpu-stats xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear hsl system-cpu-stats
Configure enable route lookup
Use this attribute to enable uRPF globally on the system
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding feature
Attribute Name: enable-route-lookup
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<unicast-rpf xmlns="">
</enable-route-lookup><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip urpf enable
Configure enable default route check
Use this attribute to enable default route to match when checking source IP address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding feature
Attribute Name: enable-default-route-check
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<unicast-rpf xmlns="">
</enable-default-route-check><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip urpf allow-default
Configure source reachability mode
Use this attribute to enable uRPF for an interface with specified reachability mode
Attribute Name: source-reachability-mode
Attribute Type: enum (any|rx)
Netconf edit-config payload
<unicast-rpf xmlns="">
<source-reachability-mode>any</source-reachability-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip verify unicast source reachable-via (any|rx)
Configure event name
Attribute used to specify the event-name for OSPF interface tracking.
Attribute Name: event-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: event-match-criteria
Attribute Type: enum (all|any)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospf-interfaces-events-tracking xmlns="">
<ospf-interface-events-tracking> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
if-event-track ospf event NAME match (all|any)
Configure event neighbor ip address
Attribute used to specify the event neighbor IP address for OSPF interface tracking event.
Attribute Name: event-neighbor-ip-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospf-interfaces-events-tracking xmlns="">
<event-neighbor-ip-address>A.B.C.D</event-neighbor-ip-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
event nbr A.B.C.D down
Configure name
Attribute used to specify the interface name for OSPF interface tracking event action.
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: cost
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ospf-interfaces-events-tracking xmlns="">
<interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
action interface IFNAME cost <1-65535>
Configure id
Port mirror session index
Attribute Name: id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-18
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (local|remote|erspan-sender)
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<session> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
monitor session <1-18> (type (local|remote|erspan-sender)|)
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to shut/unshut a port-mirror session
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no shut
Configure description
Use this attribute to add a description to port-mirror session
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
description LINE
Configure source vlan
use this attribute to configure source-vlan
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: source-vlan
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<source-vlan>VLAN_RANGE</source-vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
source vlan VLAN_RANGE
Configure interface name
Use this attribute to configure port mirror local interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<interface-name>IFNAME</interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
destination interface IFNAME
Configure reflector interface name
Use this attribute to configure port mirror remote reflector interface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: reflector-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
Command Syntax
destination remote vlan <2-4094> reflector-port IFNAME
Configure name
Configure ERSPAN destination name
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<name>WORD</name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
destination erspan WORD
Configure direction
Source interface direction
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: bits (rx|tx|both)
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
Command Syntax
source interface IFNAME ((rx|tx|both)|)
Configure dest ip
Set the destination IP of the GRE tunnel
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: dest-ip
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<dest-ip>A.B.C.D/X:X::X:X</dest-ip> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dest-ip A.B.C.D/X:X::X:X
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to set the connection VRF name
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<vrf-name>WORD</vrf-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vrf WORD
Configure erspan id
ERSPAN session id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: erspan-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-1023
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<erspan-id>1</erspan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
erspan-id <1-1023>
Configure origin ip
Set the origin IP of the GRE tunnel
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: origin-ip
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<origin-ip>A.B.C.D/X:X::X:X</origin-ip> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
origin-ip A.B.C.D/X:X::X:X
Configure ttl
This attribute is used to set time to live
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: ttl
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<ttl>1</ttl> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ttl <1-255>
Configure dscp
Use this attribute to set the DSCP value used for the GRE tunnel
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: dscp
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<dscp>0</dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dscp <0-63>
Configure enable truncate
Enable/Disable packet truncate on the ERSPAN sender session
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: enable-truncate
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<enable-truncate>true</enable-truncate> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure erspan type
Use this attribute to set the ERSPAN type
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: erspan-type
Attribute Type: enum (1|3)
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<erspan-type>1</erspan-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
erspan-type (1|3)
Configure hardware id
Unique identifier of an ERSPAN engine within a system.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: hardware-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<hardware-id>0</hardware-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
hardware-id <0-63>
Configure switch id
Use this attribute to set the switch ID (platform specific info)
This command is supported when following feature are enabled advance mirror feature
Attribute Name: switch-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-511
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-mirror xmlns="">
<switch-id>0</switch-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switch-id <0-511>
Configure options
This attribute enables debugging for RIPng
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<options>all</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 rip (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib|)
Configure split horizon
Use this attribute to perform the split-horizon action on the interface. Deleting this attribute would set the split-horizon to poisoned reverse which is the default value.
Attribute Name: split-horizon
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<split-horizon>true</split-horizon> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 rip split-horizon
Configure name
Use this attribute to perform the split-horizon action on the interface. Deleting this attribute would set the split-horizon to poisoned reverse which is the default value.
Attribute Name: split-horizon
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<split-horizon>true</split-horizon> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ipv6 rip split-horizon
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to perform the router rip action on the interface
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
</enabled><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 router rip
Configure metric offset
Use this attribute to perform the metric-offset action on the interface
Attribute Name: metric-offset
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<metric-offset>1</metric-offset> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 rip metric-offset <1-16>
Configure ripng enabled
Use this attribute to enable the router instance
Attribute Name: ripng-enabled
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
router ipv6 rip
Configure enable cisco metric behavior
Use this attribute to enable the metric update consistent with Cisco
Attribute Name: enable-cisco-metric-behavior
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<enable-cisco-metric-behavior>true</enable-cisco-metric-behavior> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cisco-metric-behavior enable
Configure passive interfaces
Use this attribute to block RIP broadcast on the interface
Attribute Name: passive-interfaces
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<passive-interfaces>IFNAME</passive-interfaces> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
passive-interface IFNAME
Configure distance
Use this attribute to set the administrative distance. The administrative distance is a feature used by the routers to select the path when there are two or more different routes to the same destination from two different routing protocols. A smaller administrative distance indicating a more reliable protocol
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<distance>1</distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance <1-255>
Configure static routes
Use this attribute to configure static RIP routes
Attribute Name: static-routes
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<static-routes>X:X::X:X/M</static-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
route X:X::X:X/M
Configure aggregate prefixes
Use this attribute to configure aggregate prefixes
Attribute Name: aggregate-prefixes
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<aggregate-prefixes>X:X::X:X/M</aggregate-prefixes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aggregate-address X:X::X:X/M
Configure default metric
Use this attribute to specify the metrics to be assigned to redistributed routers
Attribute Name: default-metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<default-metric>1</default-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-metric <1-15>
Configure originate default route
Use this attribute to add default routes to the RIP updates
Attribute Name: originate-default-route
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
</originate-default-route><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-information originate
Configure receive buffer size
Use this attribute to run-time configure the RIP UDP receive-buffer size
Attribute Name: receive-buffer-size
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 8192
Attribute Range: 8192-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<receive-buffer-size>8192</receive-buffer-size> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
recv-buffer-size <8192-2147483647>
Configure route type
Use this attribute to redistribute information from other routing protocols
Attribute Name: route-type
Attribute Type: enum (connected|static|ospf6|isis|bgp)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<redistribute-policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf6|isis|bgp)
Configure route map
Use this attribute to redistribute route-map from other routing protocols
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf6|isis|bgp) metric <0-16> route-map WORD
Configure metric
Use this attribute to redistribute metric information from other routing protocols
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf6|isis|bgp) metric <0-16>
Configure route table update interval
Use this attribute to adjust basic routing protocol update timer interval
Attribute Name: route-table-update-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-2147483647
Attribute Name: route-info-timeout-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-2147483647
Attribute Name: garbage-collection-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
timers basic <5-2147483647> <5-2147483647> <5-2147483647>
Configure address
Use this attribute to specify a link local address of neighbor router. It is used for each connected point-to-point link. This command exchanges non-broadcast routing information. It can be used multiple times for additional neighbors
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<neighbor> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor X:X::X:X IFNAME
Configure type
Use this attribute to decide the type of packets to which the filtering is applied
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (in|out)
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
route-map WORD (in|out) IFNAME
Configure access list name
This attribute describes the metric used for offset list
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
offset-list WORD (in|out) <0-16> IFNAME
Configure direction
Use this attribute to decide the type of packets to which the distribute list is applied
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: enum (in|out)
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD (in|out) IFNAME
Configure list name
Use this attribute to decide the type of packets to which the distribute list prefix is applied
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: enum (in|out)
Attribute Name: list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
distribute-list prefix WORD (in|out) IFNAME
debug ipv6 rip (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib)
Netconf RPC payload
<ripng-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 rip (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib)
no debug ipv6 rip (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib)
Netconf RPC payload
<ripng-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 rip (all|events|packet send|packet recv|packet|packet detail|nsm|rib)
clear ipv6 rip route (connected|static|isis|ospf6|bgp|rip|all)
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (connected|static|isis|ospf6|bgp|rip|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<ripng-clear-route xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 rip route (connected|static|isis|ospf6|bgp|rip|all)
clear ipv6 rip route X:X::X:X/M
Attribute Name: prefix
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<ripng-clear-route-prefix xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 rip route X:X::X:X/M
Configure vrf name
VRF Name
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<vrf> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
address-family ipv6 vrf NAME
Configure enable cisco metric behavior
Use this attribute to enable the metric update consistent with Cisco
Attribute Name: enable-cisco-metric-behavior
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<enable-cisco-metric-behavior>true</enable-cisco-metric-behavior> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cisco-metric-behavior enable
Configure passive interfaces
Use this attribute to block RIP broadcast on the interface
Attribute Name: passive-interfaces
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<passive-interfaces>IFNAME</passive-interfaces> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
passive-interface IFNAME
Configure distance
Use this attribute to set the administrative distance. The administrative distance is a feature used by the routers to select the path when there are two or more different routes to the same destination from two different routing protocols. A smaller administrative distance indicating a more reliable protocol
Attribute Name: distance
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<distance>1</distance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
distance <1-255>
Configure static routes
Use this attribute to configure static RIP routes
Attribute Name: static-routes
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<static-routes>X:X::X:X/M</static-routes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
route X:X::X:X/M
Configure aggregate prefixes
Use this attribute to configure aggregate prefixes
Attribute Name: aggregate-prefixes
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<aggregate-prefixes>X:X::X:X/M</aggregate-prefixes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aggregate-address X:X::X:X/M
Configure default metric
Use this attribute to specify the metrics to be assigned to redistributed routers
Attribute Name: default-metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 1-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<default-metric>1</default-metric> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-metric <1-15>
Configure originate default route
Use this attribute to add default routes to the RIP updates
Attribute Name: originate-default-route
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
</originate-default-route><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default-information originate
Configure receive buffer size
Use this attribute to run-time configure the RIP UDP receive-buffer size
Attribute Name: receive-buffer-size
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 8192
Attribute Range: 8192-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<receive-buffer-size>8192</receive-buffer-size> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
recv-buffer-size <8192-2147483647>
Configure route type
Use this attribute to redistribute information from other routing protocols
Attribute Name: route-type
Attribute Type: enum (connected|static|ospf6|bgp)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<redistribute-policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf6|bgp)
Configure route map
Use this attribute to redistribute route-map from other routing protocols
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf6|bgp) metric <0-16> route-map WORD
Configure metric
Use this attribute to redistribute metric information from other routing protocols
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
redistribute (connected|static|ospf6|bgp) metric <0-16>
Configure route table update interval
Use this attribute to adjust basic routing protocol update timer interval
Attribute Name: route-table-update-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-2147483647
Attribute Name: route-info-timeout-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-2147483647
Attribute Name: garbage-collection-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 5-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
timers basic <5-2147483647> <5-2147483647> <5-2147483647>
Configure address
Use this attribute to specify a link local address of neighbor router. It is used for each connected point-to-point link. This command exchanges non-broadcast routing information. It can be used multiple times for additional neighbors
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
<neighbor> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
neighbor X:X::X:X IFNAME
Configure type
Use this attribute to decide the type of packets to which the filtering is applied
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (in|out)
Attribute Name: route-map-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
route-map WORD (in|out) IFNAME
Configure access list name
This attribute describes the metric used for offset list
Attribute Name: metric
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-16
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
offset-list WORD (in|out) <0-16> IFNAME
Configure direction
Use this attribute to decide the type of packets to which the distribute list is applied
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: enum (in|out)
Attribute Name: access-list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
distribute-list WORD (in|out) IFNAME
Configure list name
Use this attribute to decide the type of packets to which the distribute list prefix is applied
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: enum (in|out)
Attribute Name: list-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ripng xmlns="">
Command Syntax
distribute-list prefix WORD (in|out) IFNAME
Configure ip address
Use this attribute to create a static ARP entry
Attribute Name: ip-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<arp xmlns="">
<entry> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip arp (vrf NAME|) A.B.C.D XXXX.XXXX.XXXX
Configure respond to arp request
Use this attribute to set the response to ARP requests for the IP address
Attribute Name: respond-to-arp-request
Attribute Type: empty
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<arp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip arp (vrf NAME|) A.B.C.D XXXX.XXXX.XXXX alias
Configure icmp redirect
Use this attribute to trap ICMP redirect packets to the CPU
This command is supported when following feature are enabled custom2 cli for DUNE board
Attribute Name: icmp-redirect
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<arp xmlns="">
</icmp-redirect><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip redirects
Configure enable
Enable/Disable arp event debug
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<arp xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ip arp event
Configure enable proxy arp
Use this attribute to enable the proxy ARP feature
Attribute Name: enable-proxy-arp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<arp xmlns="">
</enable-proxy-arp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip proxy-arp
Configure enable local proxy arp
Use this attribute to enable the local proxy ARP feature
Attribute Name: enable-local-proxy-arp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<arp xmlns="">
</enable-local-proxy-arp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip local-proxy-arp
Configure enable ip redirects
Use this attribute to enable ICMP redirects in kernel
Attribute Name: enable-ip-redirects
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<arp xmlns="">
</enable-ip-redirects><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip redirects
Configure arp ageing timeout
Use this attribute to set the ARP aging timeout. The bridge aging time affects the ARP entries which are dependent upon the MAC addresses in hardware. If a MAC address ages out, it causes the corresponding ARP entry to refresh.
Attribute Name: arp-ageing-timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1500
Attribute Range: 60-28800
Netconf edit-config payload
<arp xmlns="">
<arp-ageing-timeout>60</arp-ageing-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
arp-ageing-timeout <60-28800>
Configure arp reachable time
Use this attribute to set the ARP reachable time.
Attribute Name: arp-reachable-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 10-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<arp xmlns="">
<arp-reachable-time>10</arp-reachable-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
arp-reachable-time <10-3600>
debug ip arp event
Netconf RPC payload
<arp-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ip arp event
no debug ip arp event
Netconf RPC payload
<arp-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ip arp event
clear arp (A.B.C.D|) (vrf (all|VRFNAME|default)|)
Attribute Name: ip-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-arp-entry xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear arp (A.B.C.D|) (vrf (all|VRFNAME|default)|)
clear arp IFNAME (vrf (all|VRFNAME|default)|)
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-arp-entry-per-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear arp IFNAME (vrf (all|VRFNAME|default)|)
Configure interface name
Use this attribute to add a static neighbor entry of the interface name
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<neighbor-discovery xmlns="">
<entry> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 neighbor X:X::X:X IFNAME XXXX.XXXX.XXXX
Configure ipv6 address
Use this attribute to add a static neighbor entry of the interface name
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<neighbor-discovery xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ipv6 neighbor X:X::X:X IFNAME IFNAME
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable debugging for neighbor events.
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<neighbor-discovery xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 nd event
Configure nd ageing timeout
Use this attribute to set the neighbor ageing timeout value.
Attribute Name: nd-ageing-timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1500
Attribute Range: 60-28800
Netconf edit-config payload
<neighbor-discovery xmlns="">
<nd-ageing-timeout>60</nd-ageing-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nd-ageing-timeout <60-28800>
Configure nd reachable time
Use this attribute to set neighbor reachable time value.
Attribute Name: nd-reachable-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 10-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<neighbor-discovery xmlns="">
<nd-reachable-time>10</nd-reachable-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
nd-reachable-time <10-3600>
Configure no ip unreachable
Use this attribute to set ip unreachable.
Attribute Name: no-ip-unreachable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<neighbor-discovery xmlns="">
</no-ip-unreachable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ip unreachable
Configure no ipv6 unreachable
Use this attribute to set ipv6 unreachable.
Attribute Name: no-ipv6-unreachable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<neighbor-discovery xmlns="">
</no-ipv6-unreachable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no ipv6 unreachable
debug ipv6 nd event
Netconf RPC payload
<nd-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ipv6 nd event
no debug ipv6 nd event
Netconf RPC payload
<nd-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ipv6 nd event
clear ipv6 neighbors (X:X::X:X/M|) (vrf (all|VRFNAME|default)|)
Attribute Name: ipv6-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv6-nd-entry xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 neighbors (X:X::X:X/M|) (vrf (all|VRFNAME|default)|)
clear ipv6 neighbors IFNAME (vrf (all|VRFNAME|default)|)
Attribute Name: if-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-ipv6-nd-entry-per-interface xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ipv6 neighbors IFNAME (vrf (all|VRFNAME|default)|)
Configure console id
Attribute used to set line console identifcation.
Attribute Name: console-id
Attribute Type: enum (0)
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-session xmlns="">
<console> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
line console <0-0>
Configure privilege level
Attribute used to set line privilege level.
Attribute Name: privilege-level
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-session xmlns="">
<privilege-level>1</privilege-level> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
privilege level <1-16>
Configure command history max limit
Attribute used to set line maximum limit to history commands.
Attribute Name: command-history-max-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-2147483647
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-session xmlns="">
<command-history-max-limit>0</command-history-max-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
history max <0-2147483647>
Configure seconds
Attribute used to set line timeout in seconds. The default is 0.
Attribute Name: seconds
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-2147483
Attribute Name: minutes
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-35791
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-session xmlns="">
<minutes>0</minutes> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<seconds>0</seconds> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
exec-timeout <0-35791> <0-2147483>
Configure minutes
Attribute used to set line timeout in minutes. The default is 10 minutes.
Attribute Name: minutes
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-35791
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-session xmlns="">
Command Syntax
exec-timeout <0-35791>
Configure vty id
Attribute used to set line privilege level.
Attribute Name: privilege-level
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<user-session xmlns="">
<privilege-level>1</privilege-level> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
privilege level <1-16>
clear line WORD
Attribute Name: line-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-line xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear line WORD
mem-info imi monitor-start
Attribute Name: mem-info-imi
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf RPC payload
<mem-info-monitor-start xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mem-info imi monitor-start
mem-info imi monitor-stop
Attribute Name: mem-info-imi
Attribute Type: boolean
Netconf RPC payload
<mem-info-monitor-stop xmlns="">
Command Syntax
mem-info imi monitor-stop
Configure suppress ra
Use this attribute to suppress IPv6 Router Advertisements
Attribute Name: suppress-ra
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
</suppress-ra><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd suppress-ra
Configure suppress ra mtu
Use this attribute to disable sending MTU in Router Advertisement messages
Attribute Name: suppress-ra-mtu
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
</suppress-ra-mtu><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd suppress-ra mtu
Configure managed flag
Use this attribute to use DHCP for address config by host
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: managed-flag
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
</managed-flag><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd managed-config-flag
Configure other config flag
Use this attribute to use DHCP for non-address config by host
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: other-config-flag
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
</other-config-flag><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd other-config-flag
Configure current hop limit
Use this attribute to set advertised current hop limit
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: current-hop-limit
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 64
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
<current-hop-limit>0</current-hop-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd current-hoplimit <0-255>
Configure link mtu
Use this attribute to set advertised link-mtu option
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: link-mtu
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 1500
Attribute Range: 1280-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
<link-mtu>1280</link-mtu> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd link-mtu <1280-65535>
Configure dad attempts
Use this attribute to set number of attempts for duplicate address detection
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: dad-attempts
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1
Attribute Range: 0-600
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
<dad-attempts>0</dad-attempts> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd dad attempts <0-600>
Configure off link
The IPV6 Router Advertisement prefix off-link flag
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: off-link
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
</off-link><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd prefix offlink
Configure no auto configuration
The IPV6 Router Advertisement prefix no auto-configuration flag
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: no-auto-configuration
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
</no-auto-configuration><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd prefix no-autoconf
Configure valid lifetime
The IPV6 Router Advertisement prefix valid lifetime
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: valid-lifetime
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 2592000
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
<valid-lifetime>0</valid-lifetime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd prefix valid-lifetime <0-4294967295>
Configure preferred lifetime
The IPV6 Router Advertisement prefix preferred lifetime
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: preferred-lifetime
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 604800
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
<preferred-lifetime>0</preferred-lifetime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd prefix preferred-lifetime <0-4294967295>
Configure ipv6 address
The IPV6 Router Advertisement prefix address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: ipv6-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
<ipv6-prefix> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd prefix X:X::X:X/M
Configure name
The IPV6 Router Advertisement prefix address preferred lifetime
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: preferred-lifetime
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 604800
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Attribute Name: valid-lifetime
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 2592000
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd prefix X:X::X:X/M <0-4294967295> <0-4294967295>
Configure reachable time
Use this attribute to set advertised reachability time
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: reachable-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-3600000
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
<reachable-time>0</reachable-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd reachable-time <0-3600000>
Configure retransmission time
Use this attribute to set advertised retransmission timer
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: retransmission-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
<retransmission-time>0</retransmission-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd retransmission-time <0-4294967295>
Configure router lifetime
Use this attribute to set IPv6 router advertisement lifetime
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: router-lifetime
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1800
Attribute Range: 0-9000
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
<router-lifetime>0</router-lifetime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd ra-lifetime <0-9000>
Configure max ra interval
Use this attribute to set maximum IPv6 router advertisement interval (min-ra-interval must be no greater than 0.75*max-ra-interval)
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPv6 Router Advertisement
Attribute Name: max-ra-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 4-1800
Attribute Name: min-ra-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 3-1350
Netconf edit-config payload
<router-advertisement xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ipv6 nd ra-interval <4-1800> (<3-1350>|)
Configure ring name
G.8032 ring name. This attribute uniquely identifies a ring on the network device.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: ring-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<ring> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
g8032 ring RINGNAME
Configure east interface
East port associated to the protection ring
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: east-interface
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<east-interface>IFNAME</east-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
east-interface IFNAME
Configure west interface
West port associated to the protection ring
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: west-interface
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<west-interface>IFNAME</west-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
west-interface IFNAME
Configure description
Textual description of the ring.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<description>1</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
description LINE
Configure profile name
G.8032 ring profile name
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<profile> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
g8032 profile PROFILENAME
Configure wait to restore timer
In revertive mode the ’wait to restore’ (WTR) timer is used to prevent frequent operation of the protection switching due to intermittent signal failure defects. When recovering from a Signal fail, the delay timer must be long enough to allow the recovering network to become stable. WTR timer is activated on RPL owner node. When WTR timer is expired RPL owner node initiates the reversion process by transmitting an R-APS (NR, RB) message.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: wait-to-restore-timer
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-12
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<wait-to-restore-timer>1</wait-to-restore-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timer wait-to-restore <1-12>
Configure hold off timer
The hold-off timer is used to coordinate the timing of protection switches. When a new defect or more severe defect occurs (new SF), this event is not to be reported immediately to protection switching if the provisioned hold-off timer value is non-zero. Instead, the hold-off timer is started. When the hold-off timer expires, the trail that started the timer is checked as to whether a defect still exists. If one does exist, that defect is reported to protection switching. Hold off timer values SHOULD be specified in multiple of 100.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: hold-off-timer
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-10000
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<hold-off-timer>0</hold-off-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timer hold-off <0-10000>
Configure guard time
The guard time is used to prevent Ethernet ring nodes from acting upon outdated R-APS messages and prevents the possibility of forming a closed loop. This timer period SHOULD be greater than the maximum expected forwarding delay in which an R-APS message traverses the entire ring. The period of the guard timer MAY be configured by the operator in 10 ms steps between 10 ms and 2 seconds.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: guard-time
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 500
Attribute Range: 10-2000
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<guard-time>10</guard-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timer guard-time <10-2000>
Configure protection mode
This leaf defines G.8032 ring protection mode. A ring may operate in revertive or non-revertive mode. In revertive operation, after the condition(s) causing a switch has cleared, the traffic channel is restored to the working transport entity, i.e., blocked on the RPL. In non-revertive operation, the traffic channel continues to use the RPL, if it has not failed, after a switch condition has cleared.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: protection-mode
Attribute Type: enum (revertive|non-revertive)
Default Value: revertive
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<protection-mode>revertive</protection-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switching mode (revertive|non-revertive)
Configure name
ERPS instance identifier
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<erp-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
g8032 erp-instance INSTANCENAME
Configure mapped profile name
G.8032 ring profile name. If this profile exists in the profile configuration list, profile parameters will be imported from it, default values will be used otherwise.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: mapped-profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<mapped-profile-name>PROFILENAME</mapped-profile-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
g8032-profile PROFILENAME
Configure ring type
Defines type of a ethernet ring. A ring can be configured as major ring where ring nodes are connected in closed loop or as a sub-ring when a ring may not have a complete closed loop
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: ring-type
Attribute Type: enum (major-ring|sub-ring|sub-ring-vc)
Default Value: major-ring
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<ring-type>major-ring</ring-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ring-type (major-ring|sub-ring|sub-ring-vc)
Configure enable tcn propagation
Allows topology change notification (TCN) propagation to the ERPS ring if it is enabled
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: enable-tcn-propagation
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
</enable-tcn-propagation><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure tcn to instances
List of Instance that are to be notified when TCN occurs for this instance if topology change notification (TCN) propagation is enabled
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: tcn-to-instances
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<tcn-to-instances>INSTANCENAME</tcn-to-instances> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tcn-to-instance INSTANCENAME
Configure non virtual channel
Creates a non-virtual channel
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: non-virtual-channel
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
</non-virtual-channel><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure ring id
G.8032 ring instance identifier (Ring ID).
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: ring-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-239
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<ring-id>1</ring-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ring-id <1-239>
Configure associate ring name
G.8032 ring name to be associate with.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: associate-ring-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<associate-ring> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
associate-ring RINGNAME
Configure owner port id
This identifies the ring port for which role is configured
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: owner-port-id
Attribute Type: enum (east-interface|west-interface)
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<owner-port-id>east-interface</owner-port-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rpl role owner (east-interface|west-interface)
Configure neighbor port id
This identifies the ring port for which role is configured
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: neighbor-port-id
Attribute Type: enum (east-interface|west-interface)
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<neighbor-port-id>east-interface</neighbor-port-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rpl role neighbor (east-interface|west-interface)
Configure next neighbor port id
This identifies the ring port for which role is configured
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: next-neighbor-port-id
Attribute Type: enum (east-interface|west-interface)
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<next-neighbor-port-id>east-interface</next-neighbor-port-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rpl role next-neighbor (east-interface|west-interface)
Configure non owner
This identifies the ring port for which role is configured
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: non-owner
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
</non-owner><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rpl role non-owner
Configure level
Maintainance Endpoint Level (MEL) at which R-APS PDU is transmitted. All nodes in the ring must be configured with same APS level value.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<level>0</level> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aps-channel level <0-7>
Configure vlan id
ERPS instance identifier
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<erp-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aps-channel vlan <2-4094> (inner-vlan <2-4094>|)
Configure data vlan
List of VLAN-IDs, protected by ring instance. For example ’2, 3-7, 9, 10-100’ VLAN-IDs MUST not overlap with VLAN-IDs of any other instance of the same ring.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: data-vlan
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<data-vlan>VLAN_RANGE</data-vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
data vlan VLAN_RANGE
Configure attached instance
This parameter specifies the ERPS instance on major ring which allows the RAPS messages of Sub-ring, so RAPS message will be sent to other nodes in the sub-ring
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: attached-instance
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-31
Attribute Name: channel-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
virtual-channel (<2-4094>|) attached-to-instance INSTANCENAME
Configure options
Supported debug options for G.8032
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (all|tx|rx|fsm|timers|events|external|hal)
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
<options>all</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug g8032 (all|tx|rx|fsm|timers|events|external|hal)
Configure instance name
This parameter specifies the ERPS instance being configured in the subinterface
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SUBINTERFACE feature,ERPS V2 feature
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<erpsv2 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
erps-instance (WORD)
g8032 erp-instance (INSTANCENAME|all) (force-switch|manual-switch) (east-interface|west-interface)
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Attribute Name: operation
Attribute Type: enum (force-switch|manual-switch)
Attribute Name: port-id
Attribute Type: enum (east-interface|west-interface)
Netconf RPC payload
<erpsv2-switch-erp-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
g8032 erp-instance (INSTANCENAME|all) (force-switch|manual-switch) (east-interface|west-interface)
clear g8032 erp-instance (INSTANCENAME|all)
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf RPC payload
<erpsv2-clear-ring-erp-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear g8032 erp-instance (INSTANCENAME|all)
clear g8032 aps-statistics INSTANCENAME
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf RPC payload
<erpsv2-clear-aps-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear g8032 aps-statistics INSTANCENAME
debug g8032 (all|tx|rx|fsm|timers|events|external|hal)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|tx|rx|fsm|timers|events|external|hal)
Netconf RPC payload
<erpsv2-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug g8032 (all|tx|rx|fsm|timers|events|external|hal)
no debug g8032 (all|tx|rx|fsm|timers|events|external|hal)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|tx|rx|fsm|timers|events|external|hal)
Netconf RPC payload
<erpsv2-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug g8032 (all|tx|rx|fsm|timers|events|external|hal)
Configure working port
port for the working EPS path
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: working-port
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<working-port>IFNAME</working-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
working-port IFNAME
Configure protection port
port for the protection EPS path
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: protection-port
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<protection-port>IFNAME</protection-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
protection-port IFNAME
Configure elps instance id
MSTP Instance Identifier
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: elps-instance-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<elps-instance-id>1</elps-instance-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
instance <1-63>
Configure data vlans
VLAN Identifier
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: data-vlans
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<data-vlans>VLAN_RANGE</data-vlans> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure primary vlan
Indicates if the given VLAN is primary VLAN of protection group
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: primary-vlan
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<primary-vlan>2</primary-vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
primary-vlan <2-4094>
Configure wait to restore
EPS wait-to-restore timer
Attribute Name: wait-to-restore
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 300-720
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<wait-to-restore>300</wait-to-restore> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timer wait-to-restore <300-720>
Configure hold off
EPS hold-off timer
Attribute Name: hold-off
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<hold-off>0</hold-off> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timer hold-off-time <0-10>
Configure local freeze
Freezes the state of the protection group.
Attribute Name: local-freeze
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
</local-freeze><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure protection type
protection bridge mode
Attribute Name: protection-type
Attribute Type: enum (one-plus-one-bidirectional|one-plus-one-unidirectional|one-and-one-bidirectional)
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<protection-type>one-plus-one-bidirectional</protection-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mode (one-plus-one-bidirectional|one-plus-one-unidirectional|one-and-one-bidirectional)
Configure enable revertive mode
protection restoration mode
Attribute Name: enable-revertive-mode
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
</enable-revertive-mode><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure level identifier
Ethernet Linear Protection switching level
Attribute Name: level-identifier
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<level-identifier>0</level-identifier> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
level <0-7>
Configure name
G.8031 profile name
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<profile> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
g8031 profile WORD
Configure mode
G.8031 mode
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (one-and-one-bidirectional|one-plus-one-bidirectional|one-plus-one-unidirectional)
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<mode>one-and-one-bidirectional</mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mode (one-and-one-bidirectional|one-plus-one-bidirectional|one-plus-one-unidirectional)
Configure switching mode
Use this attribute to set/unset switching mode
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: switching-mode
Attribute Type: enum (non-revertive|revertive)
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<switching-mode>non-revertive</switching-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
switching mode (non-revertive|revertive)
Configure timer hold off
The hold-off timer is used to coordinate the timing of protection switches
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: timer-hold-off
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<timer-hold-off>1</timer-hold-off> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timer hold-off <1-10>
Configure timer wait to restore
Use this attribute to set/unset the timer wait to restore
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: timer-wait-to-restore
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 300-720
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<timer-wait-to-restore>300</timer-wait-to-restore> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timer wait-to-restore <300-720>
Configure group name
G.8031 ELPS protection group name
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<protection> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
g8031 eps-protection group WORD
Configure working port
Port for working ELPS path
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: working-port
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<working-port>IFNAME</working-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
working-port IFNAME
Configure protection port
Port for the protection ELPS path
This command is supported when following feature are enabled ELPS feature
Attribute Name: protection-port
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<protection-port>IFNAME</protection-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
protection-port IFNAME
Configure eps protection group
Group name for protection EPS
Attribute Name: eps-protection-group
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<eps-protection-group>WORD</eps-protection-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
eps-protection-group WORD
Configure g8031 profile name
G8031 profile name
Attribute Name: g8031-profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<g8031-profile-name>WORD</g8031-profile-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
g8031-profile WORD
Configure level
APS level value.
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<level>0</level> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
aps-channel level <0-7>
Configure inner vlan id
Control inner VLAN-ID used by ELPS instance to send and receive the RAPS messages
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
control vlan <2-4094> (inner-vlan <2-4094>|)
Configure data vlan
List of VLAN-IDs, protected by ring instance. For example ’2, 3-7, 9, 10-100’ VLAN-IDs MUST not overlap with VLAN-IDs of any other instance of the same ring.
Attribute Name: data-vlan
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-4094
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<data-vlan>VLAN_RANGE</data-vlan> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
data vlan VLAN_RANGE
Configure options
Supported debug options for g8031
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (all|rx|tx|fsm|events|hal)
Netconf edit-config payload
<g8031 xmlns="">
<options>all</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug g8031 (all|rx|tx|fsm|events|hal)
lockout g8031 eps-instance INSTANCENAME
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-g8031-elps_g8031-lockout xmlns="">
Command Syntax
lockout g8031 eps-instance INSTANCENAME
exercise g8031 eps-instance INSTANCENAME
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-g8031-elps_g8031-exercise xmlns="">
Command Syntax
exercise g8031 eps-instance INSTANCENAME
debug g8031 (all|rx|tx|fsm|events|hal)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|rx|tx|fsm|events|hal)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-g8031-elps_g8031-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug g8031 (all|rx|tx|fsm|events|hal)
no debug g8031 (all|rx|tx|fsm|events|hal)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (all|rx|tx|fsm|events|hal)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-g8031-elps_g8031-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug g8031 (all|rx|tx|fsm|events|hal)
g8031 eps-instance (INSTANCENAME|all) (local-freeze|local-lockout|force-switch|manual-switch-working|manual-switch-protection|lockout|exercise)
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-100
Attribute Name: operation
Attribute Type: enum (local-freeze|local-lockout|force-switch|manual-switch-working|manual-switch-protection|lockout|exercise)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-g8031-elps_elps-switch-elp-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
g8031 eps-instance (INSTANCENAME|all) (local-freeze|local-lockout|force-switch|manual-switch-working|manual-switch-protection|lockout|exercise)
clear g8031 eps-instance (INSTANCENAME|all) ((local-freeze|local-lockout)|)
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-100
Attribute Name: eps-type
Attribute Type: enum (local-freeze|local-lockout)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-g8031-elps_eps-clear-ring-instance xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear g8031 eps-instance (INSTANCENAME|all) ((local-freeze|local-lockout)|)
Configure cache enable
This attribute specifies the cache enable
Attribute Name: cache-enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm traceroute cache
Configure cache size
This attribute specifies the cache size
Attribute Name: cache-size
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 100
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Attribute Name: cache-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
</cache-enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
<cache-size>1</cache-size> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm traceroute cache size <1-4095>
Configure options
This attribute enables debugging for CFM
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (events|rx|tx|loopback|traceroute|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<options>events</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ethernet cfm (events|rx|tx|loopback|traceroute|all)
Configure type
Type discriminator for the value union described in the ’md-name’ leaf
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (no-name|character-string)
Attribute Name: level
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: mip-creation
Attribute Type: enum (none|default|explicit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm domain-type (no-name|character-string) domain-name DOMAIN_NAME level <0-7> (mip-creation (none|default|explicit)|)
Configure ma name
The value union for the Maintenance Association Name.
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (string|integer|itu-t)
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<maintenance-association> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service ma-type (string|integer|itu-t) ma-name MA_NAME
Configure enable rmep auto discovery
This attribute tells whether remote MEPs can be learnt from the peer
Attribute Name: enable-rmep-auto-discovery
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
</enable-rmep-auto-discovery><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
rmep auto-discovery enable
Configure bridge id
This parameter indicates which bridge this maintenance association will be augumented to.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<bridge-id>1</bridge-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vlan <1-4095> (bridge <1-32>|)
Configure md name
This parameter indicates which bridge this maintenance association will be augumented to.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: link-level-ma
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
</link-level-ma><!-- operation="delete"-->
<bridge-id>1</bridge-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
link-level (bridge <1-32>|)
Configure mip creation
This parameter indicates whether the management entity can create MIPs for this MA
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: mip-creation
Attribute Type: enum (none|default|explicit|defer)
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<mip-creation>none</mip-creation> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(mip-creation (none|default|explicit|defer)|)
Configure inner vlan id
The inner VLAN ID monitored by this MA
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: inner-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Attribute Name: vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<vlan-id>1</vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-vlan-id>1</inner-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
vlan <1-4095> (inner-vlan <1-4095>|)
Configure link level ma
Use this attribute to set the Service as Link Level MA
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: link-level-ma
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
</link-level-ma><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure mip interface name
A list of static MIPs configured on the specified interfaces
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: mip-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<mip-interface-name>IFNAME</mip-interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm mip interface IFNAME
Configure evpn id
Use this attribute to set the Service as EVPN MA
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: evpn-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<evpn-id>1</evpn-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn <1-16777215>
Configure vpws vc name
This attribute uniquely identifies a VPWS circuit
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: vpws-vc-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-30
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<vpws-vc-name>VCNAME</vpws-vc-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure ccm interval
The interval between CCM transmissions to be used by all MEPs in the MA
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: ccm-interval
Attribute Type: enum (3ms|10ms|100ms|1s|10s|1min|10min)
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<ccm-interval>3ms</ccm-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cc interval (3ms|10ms|100ms|1s|10s|1min|10min)
Configure static rmep identifiers
A list of static remote MEPs in a specified MA.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: static-rmep-identifiers
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<static-rmep-identifiers>1</static-rmep-identifiers> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mep crosscheck mpid <1-8191>
Configure mep id
Integer that is unique among all the MEPs in the same MA. Other definition is: a small integer, unique over a given Maintenance Association, identifying a specific Maintenance association End Point
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: enum (down|up)
Attribute Name: administrative-state
Attribute Type: enum (false|true)
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<maintenance-end-point> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm mep (down|up) mpid <1-8191> active (false|true) IFNAME
Configure direction
Integer that is unique among all the MEPs in the same MA. Other definition is: a small integer, unique over a given Maintenance Association, identifying a specific Maintenance association End Point
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: enum (down|up)
Attribute Name: administrative-state
Attribute Type: enum (false|true)
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: mep-outer-vlan
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<maintenance-end-point> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm mep (down|up) mpid <1-8191> active (false|true) IFNAME vlan <1-4094>
Configure administrative state
Integer that is unique among all the MEPs in the same MA. Other definition is: a small integer, unique over a given Maintenance Association, identifying a specific Maintenance association End Point
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: enum (down|up)
Attribute Name: administrative-state
Attribute Type: enum (false|true)
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: mep-outer-vlan
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: mep-inner-vlan
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<maintenance-end-point> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm mep (down|up) mpid <1-8191> active (false|true) IFNAME vlan <1-4094> inner-vlan <1-4094>
Configure remote vpws vc name
Integer that is unique among all the MEPs in the same MA. Other definition is: a small integer, unique over a given Maintenance Association, identifying a specific Maintenance association End Point
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: enum (down|up)
Attribute Name: administrative-state
Attribute Type: enum (false|true)
Attribute Name: remote-vpws-vc-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-30
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<maintenance-end-point> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm mep (down|up) mpid <1-8191> active (false|true) vpws VCNAME
Configure remote evpn id
Integer that is unique among all the MEPs in the same MA. Other definition is: a small integer, unique over a given Maintenance Association, identifying a specific Maintenance association End Point
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: direction
Attribute Type: enum (down|up)
Attribute Name: administrative-state
Attribute Type: enum (false|true)
Attribute Name: remote-evpn-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<maintenance-end-point> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm mep (down|up) mpid <1-8191> active (false|true) evpn <1-16777215>
Configure bw mapped interface
This attribute specifies interface where the bandwidth shapers are to be applied
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: bw-mapped-interface
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<bw-mapped-interface>IFNAME</bw-mapped-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bw-mapped-interface IFNAME
Configure enable cc multicast
Integer that is unique among all the MEPs in the same MA. Other definition is: a small integer, unique over a given Maintenance Association, identifying a specific Maintenance association End Point
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: enable-cc-multicast
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
Command Syntax
cc multicast state enable
Configure mep rmep auto discovery
Integer that is unique among all the MEPs in the same MA. Other definition is: a small integer, unique over a given Maintenance Association, identifying a specific Maintenance association End Point
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: mep-rmep-auto-discovery
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
Command Syntax
rmep auto-discovery enable
Configure lowest fault priority defect
The lowest priority defect that is allowed to generate a Fault Alarm. The non-existence of this leaf means that no defects are to be reported
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: lowest-fault-priority-defect
Attribute Type: enum (defRDICCM|defMACstatus|defRemoteCCM|defErrorCCM|defXconCCM)
Default Value: defMACstatus
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<lowest-fault-priority-defect>defMACstatus</lowest-fault-priority-defect> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mep lowest-priority-defect (defRDICCM|defMACstatus|defRemoteCCM|defErrorCCM|defXconCCM)
Configure mep rmep cross check
A list of static remote MEPs in a specified MA.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM feature
Attribute Name: mep-rmep-cross-check
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<mep-rmep-cross-check>1</mep-rmep-cross-check> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mep crosscheck mpid <1-8191>
clear ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote domain DOMAIN_NAME
Attribute Name: domain-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<cfm-l2-clear-ethernet-remote-meps xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ethernet cfm maintenance-points remote domain DOMAIN_NAME
clear ethernet cfm statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<cfm-clear-all-mep-stats xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ethernet cfm statistics
clear ethernet cfm statistics mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: domain-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<cfm-l2-clear-mep-stats xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ethernet cfm statistics mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
cfm snmp restart
Netconf RPC payload
<cfm-snmp-restart xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
cfm snmp restart
debug ethernet cfm (events|rx|tx|loopback|traceroute|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (events|rx|tx|loopback|traceroute|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<cfm-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug ethernet cfm (events|rx|tx|loopback|traceroute|all)
no debug ethernet cfm (events|rx|tx|loopback|traceroute|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (events|rx|tx|loopback|traceroute|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<cfm-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug ethernet cfm (events|rx|tx|loopback|traceroute|all)
clear ethernet cfm traceroute-cache
Netconf RPC payload
<cfm-l2-clear-linktrace-cache xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear ethernet cfm traceroute-cache
Configure enable receive
A unique identifier of a Maintenance Domain
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: enable-receive
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<maintenance-domain> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bn receive
Configure wait to restore timer
This attribute sets the time to wait before nominal bandwidth is set
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: wait-to-restore-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 0-86400
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<wait-to-restore-timer>0</wait-to-restore-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
wait-to-restore-timer <0-86400>
Configure peer port id
This attribute sets the peer port id used to map the received ETH-BN frame
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: peer-port-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<peer-port-id>1</peer-port-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
peer-port-id <1-4294967295>
Configure adaptive bandwidth disable
This attribute will disbale the adaptive bandwidth
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: adaptive-bandwidth-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
</adaptive-bandwidth-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
adaptive bandwidth disable
Configure md name
This attribute sets the time to wait before nominal bandwidth is set
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: wait-to-restore-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 0-86400
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<wait-to-restore-timer>0</wait-to-restore-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
wait-to-restore-timer <0-86400>
Configure lock state
This attribute specifies the locking state
Attribute Name: lock-state
Attribute Type: enum (unlock|lock)
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
Command Syntax
lck state (unlock|lock)
Configure client md level
The Maintenance Domain Level of the Client LCK PDU (transmitted level)
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: client-md-level
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<client-md-level>0</client-md-level> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
message level <0-7>
Configure interval
This attribute specifies the ETH-LCK transmission period
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: interval
Attribute Type: enum (1s|1min)
Default Value: 1s
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<interval>1s</interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
interval (1s|1min)
Configure priority
This attribute specifies the priority of frames with ETH-LCK information
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 3
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<priority>0</priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
frame priority <0-7>
Configure enable status
This attribute specifies whether ETH-AIS transmission is enabled
Attribute Name: enable-status
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: client-md-level
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ais status enable level <0-7>
Configure ma name
This attribute specifies the ETH-AIS transmission period
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 feature
Attribute Name: interval
Attribute Type: enum (1s|1min)
Default Value: 1s
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<interval>1s</interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ais interval (1s|1min)
Configure enable lm responder
Enable the MEP to respond for each Loss Measurement Message(LMM)
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 feature
Attribute Name: enable-lm-responder
Attribute Type: enum (lmm|slm)
Default Value: slm
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<enable-lm-responder>slm</enable-lm-responder> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm loss-measurement reply (lmm|slm)
Configure enable dm responder
Enable the MEP to respond with Delay Measurement Reply(DMR) for each Delay Measurement Message(DMM) of the peer
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 feature
Attribute Name: enable-dm-responder
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
</enable-dm-responder><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm delay-measurement reply dmm
Configure profile name
This attribute contains the profile name for the ETH-TST Session
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<ethernet-test-signal-profile> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ethernet cfm test-signal profile-name WORD
Configure mode
This attribute indicates the MEP is acting in the role of a generator or receiver or both
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (generator|receiver|both)
Default Value: receiver
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<mode>receiver</mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mode (generator|receiver|both)
Configure test type
This attribute specifies whether it is service interrupting or not
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: test-type
Attribute Type: enum (in-service|out-of-service)
Default Value: in-service
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<test-type>in-service</test-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
test-type (in-service|out-of-service)
Configure frame size
This attribute specifies the ETH-Test Ethernet frame size.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: frame-size
Attribute Type: enum (64|128|256|512|1024|1280|1518)
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<frame-size>64</frame-size> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
frame-size (64|128|256|512|1024|1280|1518)
Configure pattern type
This attribute specifies an arbitrary element to include in the Data TLV
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: pattern-type
Attribute Type: enum (null-sig|null-sig-crc32|prbs|prbs-crc32)
Default Value: null-sig
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<pattern-type>null-sig</pattern-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pattern-type (null-sig|null-sig-crc32|prbs|prbs-crc32)
Configure cir
commited information rate
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 Packets generated from hardware
Attribute Name: cir
Attribute Type: uint64
Attribute Name: cir-unit
Attribute Type: enum (kbps|mbps)
Attribute Name: cir-cos
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-7
Attribute Name: cir-dei
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-1
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<cir-unit>kbps</cir-unit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir-cos>0</cir-cos> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir-dei>0</cir-dei> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<cir>1</cir> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cir <1-400000> (kbps|mbps) cos <0-7> dei <0-1>
Configure message period
This attribute specifies the message period for the SOAM LM Session
Attribute Name: message-period
Attribute Type: enum (3ms|10ms|100ms|1s|10s|1min|10min)
Default Value: 1s
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<message-period>1s</message-period> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
message-period (100ms|1s|10s)
Configure measurement type
This attribute specifies the measurement type for the SOAM LM Session
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 feature
Attribute Name: measurement-type
Attribute Type: enum (lmm|slm|ccm)
Default Value: slm
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<measurement-type>slm</measurement-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
measurement-type (lmm|slm|ccm)
Configure measurement interval
This attribute specifies the measurement interval for the SOAM LM Session
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 feature
Attribute Name: measurement-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 15
Attribute Range: 1-525600
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<measurement-interval>1</measurement-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
measurement-interval <1-525600>
Configure intervals stored
This attribute specifies the stored interval for the SOAM LM Session
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 feature
Attribute Name: intervals-stored
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 32
Attribute Range: 2-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<intervals-stored>2</intervals-stored> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
intervals-stored <2-1000>
Configure bins per fd interval
This attribute specifies the bins per fd interval for the SOAM DM Session
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 feature
Attribute Name: bins-per-fd-interval
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 3
Attribute Range: 2-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<bins-per-fd-interval>2</bins-per-fd-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bins-per-fd-interval <2-10>
Configure bins per ifdv interval
This attribute specifies the bins per ifdv interval for the SOAM DM Session
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 feature
Attribute Name: bins-per-ifdv-interval
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 2
Attribute Range: 2-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<bins-per-ifdv-interval>2</bins-per-ifdv-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bins-per-ifdv-interval <2-10>
Configure bin number
This object specifies the bin number for the configured boundary
This command is supported when following feature are enabled CFM Y1731 feature
Attribute Name: bin-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 2-10
Attribute Name: threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967294
Netconf edit-config payload
<cfm xmlns="">
<bin-threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bin-type (frame-delay|inter-frame-delay-variation) bin <2-10> threshold <1-4294967294>
abort test-signal domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191>
Attribute Name: domain-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-abort-eth-test-signal xmlns="">
Command Syntax
abort test-signal domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191>
test-signal start-time (relative) <0-4294967295> stop-time (relative) <0-4294967295> tst-profile-name WORD domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191> target (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>)
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: test-target
Attribute Type: union
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-test-on-demand-start-relative-stop-relative xmlns="">
Command Syntax
test-signal start-time (relative) <0-4294967295> stop-time (relative) <0-4294967295> tst-profile-name WORD domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191> target (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>)
test-signal start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (relative) <0-4294967295> tst-profile-name WORD domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191> target (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>)
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: test-target
Attribute Type: union
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-test-on-demand-start-absolute-stop-relative xmlns="">
Command Syntax
test-signal start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (relative) <0-4294967295> tst-profile-name WORD domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191> target (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>)
test-signal start-time (relative) <0-4294967295> stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME tst-profile-name WORD domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191> target (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>)
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-4294967295
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: test-target
Attribute Type: union
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-test-on-demand-start-relative-stop-absolute xmlns="">
Command Syntax
test-signal start-time (relative) <0-4294967295> stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME tst-profile-name WORD domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191> target (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>)
test-signal start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME tst-profile-name WORD domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191> target (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>)
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: test-target
Attribute Type: union
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-test-on-demand-start-absolute-stop-absolute xmlns="">
Command Syntax
test-signal start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME tst-profile-name WORD domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191> target (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>)
loss-measurement type proactive profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-lm-start-proactive xmlns="">
Command Syntax
loss-measurement type proactive profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (immediate)
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-lm-on-demand-start-immediate-stop-none xmlns="">
Command Syntax
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (immediate)
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-lm-on-demand-start-immediate-stop-relative xmlns="">
Command Syntax
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (immediate)
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-lm-on-demand-start-immediate-stop-absolute xmlns="">
Command Syntax
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-lm-on-demand-start-relative-stop-none xmlns="">
Command Syntax
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-lm-on-demand-start-relative-stop-relative xmlns="">
Command Syntax
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-lm-on-demand-start-relative-stop-absolute xmlns="">
Command Syntax
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-lm-on-demand-start-absolute-stop-none xmlns="">
Command Syntax
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-lm-on-demand-start-absolute-stop-relative xmlns="">
Command Syntax
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-lm-on-demand-start-absolute-stop-absolute xmlns="">
Command Syntax
loss-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
abort loss-measurement mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-abort-eth-lm-test xmlns="">
Command Syntax
abort loss-measurement mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
clear ethernet cfm loss-measurement history mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-clear-eth-lm-history-stats xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ethernet cfm loss-measurement history mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
delay-measurement type proactive profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-dm-start-proactive xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-measurement type proactive profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (immediate)
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-dm-on-demand-start-immediate-stop-none xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (immediate)
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-dm-on-demand-start-immediate-stop-relative xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (immediate)
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-dm-on-demand-start-immediate-stop-absolute xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (immediate) stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-dm-on-demand-start-relative-stop-none xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-dm-on-demand-start-relative-stop-relative xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-dm-on-demand-start-relative-stop-absolute xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (relative) START-TIME stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (none)
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-dm-on-demand-start-absolute-stop-none xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (none) repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (relative)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-dm-on-demand-start-absolute-stop-relative xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (relative) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: profile-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 0-64
Attribute Name: rmep-id
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: start-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: start-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: stop-time-type
Attribute Type: enum (absolute)
Attribute Name: stop-time
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: repetition-period
Attribute Type: yang:timeticks
Attribute Range: 6000-4294967295
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-eth-dm-on-demand-start-absolute-stop-absolute xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-measurement type on-demand profile-name WORD rmep (mac-address MAC|<1-8191>) start-time (absolute) START-TIME stop-time (absolute) STOP-TIME repetition-period <6000-4294967295> mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
abort delay-measurement mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-abort-eth-dm-test xmlns="">
Command Syntax
abort delay-measurement mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
clear ethernet cfm delay-measurement history mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-clear-eth-dm-history-stats xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ethernet cfm delay-measurement history mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
clear ethernet cfm statistics csf mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-clear-eth-csf-stats xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ethernet cfm statistics csf mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
clear ethernet cfm statistics bn mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-clear-eth-bn-stats xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ethernet cfm statistics bn mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
clear ethernet cfm statistics lck mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-clear-eth-lck-stats xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ethernet cfm statistics lck mep <1-8191> domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME
clear ethernet cfm statistics test-signal domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191> stats (gtf|ctf)
Attribute Name: md-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 5-7
Attribute Name: ma-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-6
Attribute Name: mep-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-8191
Attribute Name: stats-type
Attribute Type: enum (gtf|ctf)
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-cfm-y1731_cfm-l2-clear-eth-test-signal-stats xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ethernet cfm statistics test-signal domain DOMAIN_NAME ma MA_NAME mep <1-8191> stats (gtf|ctf)
Configure enable
Use this attribute to enable UDLD
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<udld xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
udld enable
Configure message time
Use this attribute to set UDLD message interval value
Attribute Name: message-time
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 7-90
Netconf edit-config payload
<udld xmlns="">
<message-time>7</message-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
udld message-time <7-90>
Configure options
Use this attribute to enable or disable UDLD debugging at various levels
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (event|packet|timer|nsm|hal|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<udld xmlns="">
<options>event</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug udld (event|packet|timer|nsm|hal|all)
Configure mode
Use this attribute to configure UDLD mode for an interface
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (normal|aggressive)
Netconf edit-config payload
<udld xmlns="">
<mode>normal</mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
udld mode (normal|aggressive)
Configure administrative state
Use this attribute configure UDLD administrative state for an interface
Attribute Name: administrative-state
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Netconf edit-config payload
<udld xmlns="">
<administrative-state>disable</administrative-state> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
udld state (disable|enable)
debug udld (event|packet|timer|nsm|hal|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|packet|timer|nsm|hal|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<udld-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug udld (event|packet|timer|nsm|hal|all)
no debug udld (event|packet|timer|nsm|hal|all)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (event|packet|timer|nsm|hal|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<udld-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug udld (event|packet|timer|nsm|hal|all)
Configure instance type
PTP instance type
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: instance-type
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-1
Attribute Name: profile
Attribute Type: enum (g8265.1|g8275.1|g8275.2|e2e-transparent|default|smpte)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<ptp-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ptp clock <0-1> profile (g8265.1|g8275.1|g8275.2|e2e-transparent|default|smpte)
Configure color frame
setting color-frame
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) custom feature,Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: color-frame
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</color-frame><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sm-tlv time-address-flags color-frame
Configure drop frame
setting drop-frame
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) custom feature,Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: drop-frame
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</drop-frame><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sm-tlv time-address-flags drop-frame
Configure denominator
Setting denominator for the default system frame rate
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) custom feature,Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: denominator
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Name: numerator
Attribute Type: uint32
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
sm-tlv default-frame-rates <0-4294967295> <0-4294967295>
Configure number ports
Number of ports
Attribute Name: number-ports
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 1
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<number-ports>1</number-ports> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
number-ports <1-31>
Configure l2 pkt forward
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: l2-pkt-forward
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</l2-pkt-forward><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure domain
The domain number of the current domain
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: domain
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 24
Attribute Range: 0-127
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<domain>0</domain> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
domain <0-127>
Configure servo config
servo config
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: servo-config
Attribute Type: enum (fts|fts-no-synce)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<servo-config>fts</servo-config> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
servo (fts|fts-no-synce)
Configure external clock holdover duration
External clock holdover duration
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: external-clock-holdover-duration
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 0-10080
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<external-clock-holdover-duration>0</external-clock-holdover-duration> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
holdover <0-10080>
Configure system clock sync
External clock holdover duration
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: system-clock-sync
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 5-600
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<system-clock-sync>5</system-clock-sync> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
system-clock-sync (<5-600>|)
Configure ptp clock sync
Initialise ptp clock from operating system clock
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: ptp-clock-sync
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</ptp-clock-sync><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure ptsf wtr duration
External clock holdover duration
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: ptsf-wtr-duration
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-1440
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<ptsf-wtr-duration>1</ptsf-wtr-duration> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ptsf-wait-to-restore <1-1440>
Configure g8265p1 wtr duration
g8265.1 master wtr
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: g8265p1-wtr-duration
Attribute Type: uint64
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<g8265p1-wtr-duration>0</g8265p1-wtr-duration> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
g8265.1-wtr <0-3600>
Configure g8265p1 option
g8265.1 option
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: g8265p1-option
Attribute Type: enum (1|2)
Default Value: 1
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<g8265p1-option>1</g8265p1-option> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
g8265.1-option (1|2)
Configure reserved vlan base
Reserved vlan base index
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: reserved-vlan-base
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 4064
Attribute Range: 1-4064
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<reserved-vlan-base>1</reserved-vlan-base> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
reserved-vlan-base-id <1-4064>
Configure two step
two step
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: two-step
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</two-step><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure clock type tgm
clock type as tgm
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: clock-type-tgm
Attribute Type: enum (tgm)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<clock-type-tgm>tgm</clock-type-tgm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
clock-type (tgm)
Configure one way
For G.8265.1 one-way ptp
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: one-way
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</one-way><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure pps pulse offset
1pps Out Pulse Offset in nanoseconds
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: pps-pulse-offset
Attribute Type: int16
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: -2048-2048
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<pps-pulse-offset>-2048</pps-pulse-offset> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
1pps-out offset <-2048-2048>
Configure pps in smx tod type
1pps in SMX tod type
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: pps-in-smx-tod-type
Attribute Type: enum (smx|tod)
Default Value: tod
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<pps-in-smx-tod-type>tod</pps-in-smx-tod-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
1pps-in (smx|tod)
Configure priority 1
The priority1 attribute of the local clock
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: priority-1
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 128
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<priority-1>0</priority-1> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
priority1 <0-255>
Configure priority 2
The priority2 attribute of the local clock
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: priority-2
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 128
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<priority-2>0</priority-2> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
priority2 <0-255>
Configure slave only
When set the clock is a slave-only clock
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: slave-only
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</slave-only><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure local priority
The local priority attribute of the local clock
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: local-priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 128
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<local-priority>1</local-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
local-priority <1-255>
Configure max steps removed
The maximum number of communication paths between the local clock and the grandmaster clock
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: max-steps-removed
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 255
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<max-steps-removed>1</max-steps-removed> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-steps-removed <1-255>
Configure start boundary hops
The maximum number of communication paths between the local clock and the grandmaster clock
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: start-boundary-hops
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 255
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<start-boundary-hops>0</start-boundary-hops> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
start-boundary-hops <0-255>
Configure servo history interval
PTP servo history interval
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: servo-history-interval
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-60
Attribute Name: servo-history-enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
servo-history <1-60>
Configure clock class
The clock-class denotes the traceability of the time or frequency distributed by the clock
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: clock-class
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 248
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<clock-class>0</clock-class> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
clock-class <0-255>
Configure clock accuracy
The clock-accuracy indicates the expected accuracy of the clock
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: clock-accuracy
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 254
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<clock-accuracy>0</clock-accuracy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
clock-accuracy <0-255>
Configure offset scaled log variance
The offset-scaled-log-variance provides an estimate of the variations of the clock from a linear timescale when it is not synchronized to another clock using the protocol
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: offset-scaled-log-variance
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 65535
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<offset-scaled-log-variance>0</offset-scaled-log-variance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
offset-log-variance <0-65535>
Configure offset nano seconds
GPS offset in ns
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: offset-nano-seconds
Attribute Type: int16
Attribute Range: -2048-2048
Attribute Name: offset-seconds
Attribute Type: int8
Attribute Range: -100-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
gps-offset { sec <-100-100>| nsec <-2048-2048> }
Configure port number
PTP port clock number. Default value is 1.
Attribute Name: port-number
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
clock-port <1-31>
Configure description
This parameter is used to set port clock description
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
description LINE
Configure transport type
Set transport type
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: transport-type
Attribute Type: enum (ipv4|ipv6|ipv4-multicast|ipv6-multicast)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<transport-type>ipv4</transport-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
transport (ipv4|ipv6|ipv4-multicast|ipv6-multicast)
Configure transport v6 multicast type
Set transport type Ipv6 multicast
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: transport-v6-multicast-type
Attribute Type: enum (site-local|interface-local|link-local|admin-local|organization-local|global-local)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<transport-v6-multicast-type>site-local</transport-v6-multicast-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
transport ipv6-multicast type (site-local|interface-local|link-local|admin-local|organization-local|global-local)
Configure non forwardable mac addr
Set dst mac as non forwardable mac 01:80:C2:00:00:0E
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: non-forwardable-mac-addr
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</non-forwardable-mac-addr><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
multicast-dst-mac non-forwardable
Configure log min delay req interval
The base-two logarithm of the minDelayReqInterval (the minimum permitted mean time interval between successive Delay_Req messages)
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: log-min-delay-req-interval
Attribute Type: int8
Default Value: -6
Attribute Range: -7-5
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<log-min-delay-req-interval>-7</log-min-delay-req-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
log-min-delay-req-interval <-7-5>
Configure log announce interval
The base-two logarithm of the mean announceInterval (mean time interval between successive Announce messages)
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: log-announce-interval
Attribute Type: int8
Default Value: -3
Attribute Range: -3-4
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<log-announce-interval>-3</log-announce-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
log-announce-interval <-3-4>
Configure announce receipt timeout
The number of announceInterval that have to pass without receipt of an Announce message before the occurrence of the event ANNOUNCE_RECEIPT_TIMEOUT_ EXPIRES
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: announce-receipt-timeout
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 3
Attribute Range: 2-10
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<announce-receipt-timeout>2</announce-receipt-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
announce-receipt-timeout <2-10>
Configure log sync interval
The base-two logarithm of the mean SyncInterval for multicast messages
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: log-sync-interval
Attribute Type: int8
Default Value: -6
Attribute Range: -7-4
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<log-sync-interval>-7</log-sync-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
log-sync-interval <-7-4>
Configure time to live
The ttl value for clock-port
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: time-to-live
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 64
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<time-to-live>1</time-to-live> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ttl <1-255>
Configure ip dscp
The ip-dscp value for clock-port
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: ip-dscp
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 56
Attribute Range: 0-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<ip-dscp>0</ip-dscp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dscp <0-63>
Configure unicast grant duration
Unicast grant duration field in signalling messages
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: unicast-grant-duration
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 300
Attribute Range: 60-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<unicast-grant-duration>60</unicast-grant-duration> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
unicast-grant-duration <60-1000>
Configure master only
When set the port is a master-only port
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: master-only
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</master-only><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure grandmaster priority 2
The priority2 denotes priority2 attribute of grandmaster clock
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: grandmaster-priority-2
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 128
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<grandmaster-priority-2>0</grandmaster-priority-2> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
grandmaster-priority2 <0-255>
Configure append
Appending TLV
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: append
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</append><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sm-tlv append disable
Configure process
Processing TLV
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: process
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</process><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sm-tlv process disable
Configure source ipv6 link local address
When set the clock source addrress is a linklocal address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: source-ipv6-link-local-address
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</source-ipv6-link-local-address><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
source-address ipv6 linklocal
Configure source ipv6 interface address
When set the clock source addrress as ipv6
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: source-ipv6-interface-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<source-ipv6-interface-address>IFNAME</source-ipv6-interface-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
source-address ipv6 interface IFNAME
Configure source ipv4 interface address
When set the clock source addrress as ipv4
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: source-ipv4-interface-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<source-ipv4-interface-address>IFNAME</source-ipv4-interface-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
source-address ipv4 interface IFNAME
Configure source ipv6 address
set the absolute source addrress as ipv6 for clock-port
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: source-ipv6-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<source-ipv6-address>X:X::X:X</source-ipv6-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
source-address ipv6 address X:X::X:X
Configure source ipv4 address
set the absolute source addrress as ipv4 for clock-port
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: source-ipv4-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<source-ipv4-address>A.B.C.D</source-ipv4-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
source-address ipv4 address A.B.C.D
Configure delay asymmetry nsec
Set delay-asymmetry in nanoseconds
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: delay-asymmetry-nsec
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: -1000000-1000000
Attribute Name: delay-asymmetry-msec
Attribute Type: int8
Attribute Range: -100-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-asymmetry (msec <-100-100>|) (nsec <-1000000-1000000>|)
Configure network interface
Reference to the configured underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: network-interface
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<network-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network-interface (IFNAME|gps|prc)
Configure vlan physical interface name
Reference to the configured underlying interface that is used by this vlan interface PTP Port
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: vlan-physical-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<vlan-physical-interface-name>IFNAME</vlan-physical-interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network-interface port IFNAME
Configure vlan physical dot1q vlan id
Reference to the configured underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port. The valid range for this attribute vlan-id is related to the value configured in reserved-vlan-base which defines a range of 31 reserved vlans for PTP from the configured value in reserved-vlan-base. By default the range reserved vlan values are 4064-4095. By default the maximum valid value for vlan-id is 4063.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: vlan-physical-dot1q-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Attribute Name: vlan-physical-interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<vlan-physical-interface-name>IFNAME</vlan-physical-interface-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<vlan-physical-dot1q-vlan-id>1</vlan-physical-dot1q-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network-interface port IFNAME (dot1q <1-4095>|)
Configure dot1q vlan id
Reference to the configured underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port. The valid range for this attribute vlan-id is related to the value configured in reserved-vlan-base which defines a range of 31 reserved vlans for PTP from the configured value in reserved-vlan-base. By default the range reserved vlan values are 4064-4095. By default the maximum valid value for vlan-id is 4063.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: dot1q-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<dot1q-vlan-id>1</dot1q-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network-interface dot1q <1-4095>
Configure inner dot1q vlan id
Reference to the configured underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port. The valid range for this attribute vlan-id is related to the value configured in reserved-vlan-base which defines a range of 31 reserved vlans for PTP from the configured value in reserved-vlan-base. By default the range reserved vlan values are 4064-4095. By default the maximum valid value for vlan-id is 4063.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: inner-dot1q-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Attribute Name: dot1ad-vlan-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-4095
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<dot1ad-vlan-id>1</dot1ad-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<inner-dot1q-vlan-id>1</inner-dot1q-vlan-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
network-interface dot1ad <1-4095> (inner-dot1q <1-4095>|)
Configure master clock source ipv4 address
Set master clock ipv4 source address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: master-clock-source-ipv4-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<master-ipv4-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
master ipv4 A.B.C.D
Configure master ipv4 address priority
Set master clock IPv4 source address priority
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: master-ipv4-address-priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<master-ipv4-address-priority>0</master-ipv4-address-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
master ipv4 A.B.C.D priority <0-15>
Configure master clock source ipv6 address
Set master clock IPv6 source address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: master-clock-source-ipv6-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<master-ipv6-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
master ipv6 X:X::X:X
Configure master ipv6 address priority
Set master clock IPv6 source address priority
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: master-ipv6-address-priority
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-15
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<master-ipv6-address-priority>0</master-ipv6-address-priority> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
master ipv6 X:X::X:X priority <0-15>
Configure io type
Type of tod input/output. Default: output
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: io-type
Attribute Type: enum (input|output)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<io-type>input</io-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tod (input|output)
Configure utc date
UTC date when applying leap seconds
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: utc-date
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: offset-seconds
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-99
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<utc-offset-date> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
utc-offset date YYYY-MM-DD <0-99>
Configure baseline seconds
UTC leap seconds baseline
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: baseline-seconds
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-99
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
<baseline-seconds>0</baseline-seconds> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
utc-offset baseline <0-99>
Configure enable
Use this attribute to debug the ptp process.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug ptp
Configure hw timestamp
Use this attribute to set the Hardware timestamp
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Precision Time Protocol (PTP) feature
Attribute Name: hw-timestamp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<ptp xmlns="">
</hw-timestamp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
clear ptp clock <0-1> stats
Attribute Name: clear-clock
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-1
Netconf RPC payload
<ptp-clear-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ptp clock <0-1> stats
debug ptp
Netconf RPC payload
<ptp-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug ptp
no debug ptp
Netconf RPC payload
<ptp-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug ptp
Configure enable evpn mpls
Use this attribute to enable EVPN-MPLS module. Without this attribute evpn mpls functionality can not be achieved
Attribute Name: enable-evpn-mpls
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
evpn mpls enable
Configure vtep ipv4
Use this attribute to set source vtep global ip address. This will be treated at evpn mpls tunnel source address
Attribute Name: vtep-ipv4
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
<vtep-ipv4>A.B.C.D</vtep-ipv4> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn mpls vtep-ip-global A.B.C.D
Configure mac ageing timer
Use this attribute to set the time till a learned mac address will persist after last update
Attribute Name: mac-ageing-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 10-572
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
<mac-ageing-timer>10</mac-ageing-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn mpls mac-ageing-time <10-572>
Configure arp nd refresh time
Use this attribute to configure aging out the arp-cache and nd-cache entries
Attribute Name: arp-nd-refresh-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 3-190
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
<arp-nd-refresh-time>3</arp-nd-refresh-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn mpls arp-nd refresh-timer <3-190>
Configure tenant identifier
Tenant Identifier
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
<mpls-tenant> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn mpls id <1-16777215>
Configure control word
Tenant Identifier
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: control-word
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
evpn mpls id <1-16777215> control-word
Configure vpws identifier
Tenant Identifier
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: vpws-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
evpn mpls id <1-16777215> xconnect target-mpls-id <1-16777215>
Configure etree leaf
Tenant Identifier
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: etree-leaf
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
Command Syntax
evpn mpls id <1-16777215> etree-leaf
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to map vrf to carry EVPN routes
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
<vrf-name>VRF-NAME</vrf-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp VRF-NAME
Configure mac holdtime
Use this attribute to set the time a host mac entry will persist after unconfig
Attribute Name: mac-holdtime
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: -1-300
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
<mac-holdtime>-1</mac-holdtime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mac-holdtime <-1-300>
Configure route map
Use this attribute to set route-map.
Attribute Name: route-map
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
<route-map>WORD</route-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn-route-map WORD
Configure tenant description
Use this attribute to set evpn-mpls tenant identifier name
Attribute Name: tenant-description
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
<tenant-description>WORD</tenant-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evi-name WORD
Configure tunnel policy name
Transport Tunnel Selection Policy
Attribute Name: tunnel-policy-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-127
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
<tunnel-policy-name>WORD</tunnel-policy-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel-select-policy WORD
Configure irb name
Use this attribute to provide default gateway behavior on a VTEP for particular VNID.
Attribute Name: irb-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
<irb-name>NAME</irb-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn irb NAME
Configure irb advertise host route
Use this attribute to set advertise host to route
Attribute Name: irb-advertise-host-route
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-mpls xmlns="">
</irb-advertise-host-route><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn irb-advertise-host-route
clear mac address-table dynamic evpn-mpls
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-nvo-mpls-dynamic-mac-address-table xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic evpn-mpls
clear mac address-table dynamic evpn-mpls evid <1-16777215> (address MACADDR|)
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-nvo-mpls-dynamic-mac-address-table-evid xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic evpn-mpls evid <1-16777215> (address MACADDR|)
clear evpn mpls counters (vpn-id <1-16777215>|) network (egress) (dst A.B.C.D|)
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: egress-direction
Attribute Type: enum (egress)
Attribute Name: destination-ip
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-evpn-mpls-egress-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear evpn mpls counters (vpn-id <1-16777215>|) network (egress) (dst A.B.C.D|)
clear evpn mpls counters (vpn-id <1-16777215>|) network (ingress)
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: ingress-direction
Attribute Type: enum (ingress)
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-evpn-mpls-ingress-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear evpn mpls counters (vpn-id <1-16777215>|) network (ingress)
Configure enable
Enables TWAMP Light Control
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
twamp-light control
Configure administrative state
Sets TWAMP Light Control administrative state
Attribute Name: administrative-state
Attribute Type: enum (disable|enable)
Default Value: disable
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<administrative-state>disable</administrative-state> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
control-admin-state (disable|enable)
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to set the session VRF name
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: sender-ip-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: sender-udp-port
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: reflector-ip-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: reflector-udp-port
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: dscp-value
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
test-session-name WORD sender-ip (ipv4 A.B.C.D|ipv6 X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (sender-port (862|<1025-65535>)|) reflector-ip (ipv4 A.B.C.D|ipv6 X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (reflector-port (862|<1025-65535>)|) (dscp (default|cs1|af11|af12|af13|cs2|af21|af22|af23|cs3|af31|af32|af33|cs4|af41|af42|af43|cs5|ef|cs6|cs7|<0-63>)|) (vrf WORD|)
Configure name
Use this attribute to set the Reflector VRF name
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: reflector-ip-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: reflector-udp-port
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: sender-ip-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: sender-udp-port
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
reflector-name WORD reflector-ip (ipv4 A.B.C.D|ipv6 X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (reflector-port (862|<1025-65535>)|) (sender-ip (ipv4 A.B.C.D|ipv6 X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME)|) (sender-port (0|862|<1025-65535>)|) (vrf WORD|)
Configure options
Use this attribute to debug the twamp session
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: enum (twamp)
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<options>twamp</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug (twamp)
Configure port
Use this attribute to set Server TCP Port
Attribute Name: port
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<port>862</port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
port (862|<1025-65535>)
Configure max connection duration
Set the maximum connection duration in hours, 0 to disable
Attribute Name: max-connection-duration
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-120
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<max-connection-duration>0</max-connection-duration> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-connection-duration <0-120>
Configure max connections
Set the maximum connections
Attribute Name: max-connections
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<max-connections>1</max-connections> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-connections <1-32>
Configure max connections per client
Set the maximum number of connections per client
Attribute Name: max-connections-per-client
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-4
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<max-connections-per-client>1</max-connections-per-client> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
max-connections-per-client <1-4>
Configure maximum sessions
Set the maximum number of test sessions for the server
Attribute Name: maximum-sessions
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<maximum-sessions>1</maximum-sessions> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-sessions <1-64>
Configure maximum sessions per connection
Set the maximum number of test sessions per client connection
Attribute Name: maximum-sessions-per-connection
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<maximum-sessions-per-connection>1</maximum-sessions-per-connection> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-sessions-per-connection <1-64>
Configure inactivity timeout
Set the control packet idle timeout value in minutes, 0 to disable
Attribute Name: inactivity-timeout
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 0-30
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<inactivity-timeout>0</inactivity-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
inactivity-timeout <0-30>
twamp start test-session WORD packet-count <1-65535> (interval <500-10000>|) (delay-threshold <0-1000000>|)
Attribute Name: session-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Attribute Name: packet-count
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Attribute Name: packet-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 1000
Attribute Range: 500-10000
Attribute Name: delay-threshold
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: 0-1000000
Netconf RPC payload
<twamp-test-session-start xmlns="">
Command Syntax
twamp start test-session WORD packet-count <1-65535> (interval <500-10000>|) (delay-threshold <0-1000000>|)
twamp stop test-session WORD
Attribute Name: session-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Netconf RPC payload
<twamp-test-session-stop xmlns="">
Command Syntax
twamp stop test-session WORD
debug (twamp)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: enum (twamp)
Netconf RPC payload
<twamp-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug (twamp)
no debug (twamp)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: enum (twamp)
Netconf RPC payload
<twamp-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug (twamp)
Configure policy name
Use this attribute to create a TACACS+ Role-Based Authorization (RBAC) policy and enter RBAC policy mode.
Attribute Name: policy-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<role-based-access-control xmlns="">
<policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure command mode
Attribute to specify the mode in which CLI should be allowed/denied. Command prompt string such as ’config-router’ or ’config-if’, deny/Permit access to the command only in this mode.
Attribute Name: command-mode
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: rule-type
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<role-based-access-control xmlns="">
<rule-type>deny</rule-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<command-mode>MODE-NAME</command-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
(deny|permit) RULE-STRING mode MODE-NAME
Configure rule name
This attribute specifies rule string configured as regex-expression for cli authorization
Attribute Name: rule-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 3-255
Attribute Name: rule-type
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<role-based-access-control xmlns="">
Command Syntax
(deny|permit) RULE-STRING
Configure rule type
Attribute to specify the mode in which CLI should be allowed/denied. Command prompt string such as ’config-router’ or ’config-if’, deny/Permit access to the command only in this mode.
Attribute Name: command-mode
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: rule-type
Attribute Type: enum (deny|permit)
Netconf edit-config payload
<role-based-access-control xmlns="">
Command Syntax
(deny|permit) RULE-STRING mode MODE-NAME
Configure role name
Use this attribute to create a TACACS+ Role-Based Authorization (RBAC) role and to switch to RBAC role mode. End-user cannot specify one of these roles already defined in OcNOS: network-admin network-user network-operator network-engineer For more about these built-in roles, see ’username’ CLI configuration
Attribute Name: role-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 2-16
Netconf edit-config payload
<role-based-access-control xmlns="">
<role> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure default policy
Use this atribute to set the default rule for a TACACS+ Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) role.
Attribute Name: default-policy
Attribute Type: enum (deny-all|permit-all)
Default Value: deny-all
Netconf edit-config payload
<role-based-access-control xmlns="">
<default-policy>deny-all</default-policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
default (deny-all|permit-all)
Configure enable
Enable or disable the TACAS+ Role-Based Access Control of RBAC feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<role-based-access-control xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
feature dynamic-rbac
Configure interface
Name of the interface to breakout
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (4X10g|4X25g|2X50g|4X100g|8X50g|8X25g|8X10g|2X200g|3X100g|2X100g|1X100g|1X200g|4X50g|1X40g|3X200g|4X200g|1X400g|2X400g|8X100g|7X100g|6X100g|5X100g)
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-breakout xmlns="">
<breakout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
port IFNAME breakout (4X10g|4X25g|2X50g|4X100g|8X50g|8X25g|8X10g|2X200g|3X100g|1X200g|4X50g)
Configure mode
Name of the interface to breakout
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (4X10g|4X25g|2X50g|4X100g|8X50g|8X25g|8X10g|2X200g|3X100g|2X100g|1X100g|1X200g|4X50g|1X40g|3X200g|4X200g|1X400g|2X400g|8X100g|7X100g|6X100g|5X100g)
Attribute Name: serdes
Attribute Type: enum (25g|50g|100g)
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-breakout xmlns="">
<breakout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
port IFNAME breakout (2X100g|1X100g) (serdes (25g)|)
Configure serdes
Name of the interface to breakout
Attribute Name: interface
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (4X10g|4X25g|2X50g|4X100g|8X50g|8X25g|8X10g|2X200g|3X100g|2X100g|1X100g|1X200g|4X50g|1X40g|3X200g|4X200g|1X400g|2X400g|8X100g|7X100g|6X100g|5X100g)
Attribute Name: serdes
Attribute Type: enum (25g|50g|100g)
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-breakout xmlns="">
<breakout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
port IFNAME breakout (2X100g|1X100g) serdes (25g|50g|100g)
Configure name
Use this attribute to configure Port-breakout mode for an interface
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (4X10g|4X25g|2X50g)
Netconf edit-config payload
<port-breakout xmlns="">
<mode>4X10g</mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
port breakout enable (4X10g|4X25g|2X50g)
Configure entity id
PCEP Entity ID.
Attribute Name: entity-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<entity> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pce configuration <1-255>
Configure keep alive interval
This attribute is used to set the keep alive transmission timer that this PCEP entity will propose in the initial OPEN message of each session it is involved in. This is the maximum time between two consecutive messages sent to a peer. Zero means that the PCEP entity prefers not to send Keepalives at all.
Attribute Name: keep-alive-interval
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 30
Attribute Range: 0-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<keep-alive-interval>0</keep-alive-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
keepalive <0-255>
Configure dead interval
This attribute is used to set the dead timer that this PCEP entity will propose in the initial OPEN message of each session it is involved in. This is the time after which a peer should declare a session down if it does not receive any PCEP messages.
Attribute Name: dead-interval
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 120
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<dead-interval>1</dead-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
deadtimer <1-255>
Configure request timeout
This attribute is used to set the maximum time that the PCEP entity will wait for a response to a PCReq message.
Attribute Name: request-timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 10
Attribute Range: 1-20
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<request-timeout>1</request-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
request-timeout <1-20>
Configure tolerance keepalive
This attribute is used to set the tolerance value for keep-alive timer.
Attribute Name: tolerance-keepalive
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<tolerance-keepalive>1</tolerance-keepalive> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tolerance keepalive <1-255>
Configure tolerance dead interval
This attribute is used to set the tolerance value for dead interval timer.
Attribute Name: tolerance-dead-interval
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<tolerance-dead-interval>1</tolerance-dead-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tolerance deadtimer <1-255>
Configure cool off timeout
This attribute is used to set Flap dampening time.
Attribute Name: cool-off-timeout
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 1-300
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<cool-off-timeout>1</cool-off-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cool-off-timeout <1-300>
Configure source address
This attribute is used to configure the local Internet address of this PCEP entity. If operating as a PCE server, the PCEP entity listens on this address. If operating as a PCC, the PCEP entity binds outgoing TCP connections to this address. It is possible for the PCEP entity to operate both as a PCC and a PCE Server, in which case it uses this address both to listen for incoming TCP connections and to bind outgoing TCP connections.
Attribute Name: source-address
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
Command Syntax
update-source (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X)
Configure recovery policy
This attribute is used to configure delegation recovery policy.
Attribute Name: recovery-policy
Attribute Type: enum (local-control|removal)
Default Value: removal
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<recovery-policy>removal</recovery-policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
delegation-recovery policy (local-control|removal)
Configure segment routing v6
This attribute is used to enable segment-routing ipv6 capability.
Attribute Name: segment-routing-v6
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
</segment-routing-v6><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
segment-routing srv6 pcep
Configure pce instantiate
This attribute is used to enable PCE-initiated LSP capability.
Attribute Name: pce-instantiate
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
</pce-instantiate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pce instantiation
Configure segment routing
This attribute is used to enable segment-routing capability.
Attribute Name: segment-routing
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
</segment-routing><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
segment-routing pcep
Configure redelegation timeout
This attribute is used to set the time period a PCC waits before revoking LSP delegation to a PCE and attempting to redelegate LSPs associated with the terminated PCEP session to an alternate PCE.
Attribute Name: redelegation-timeout
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 60
Attribute Range: 1-600
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<redelegation-timeout>1</redelegation-timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
redelegation-timeout <1-600>
Configure lsp state timeout
This attribute is used to set the time period a PCC waits before flushing LSP state associated with the terminated PCEP session and reverting to operator-defined default parameters or behaviours.
Attribute Name: lsp-state-timeout
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
Command Syntax
lsp-state-timeout (infinity|<1-600>)
Configure flap interval
This attribute is used to set the flap interval time.
Attribute Name: flap-interval
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 10-36000
Attribute Name: flap-count
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 10-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
Command Syntax
flap-limit <10-1000> <10-36000>
Configure interval
This attribute is used to set time unit for updates dampening.
Attribute Name: interval
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 10-36000
Attribute Name: count
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 1-1000
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<count>1</count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<interval>10</interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
update-limit <1-1000> <10-36000>
Configure lsp limit
This attribute is used to set the starting Tunnel-id range for the PCE initiated LSP.
Attribute Name: lsp-limit
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-1048575
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
Command Syntax
pce init-lsp-limit <1-1048575>
Configure options
This attribute is used to enable/disable PCEP debug logs.
Attribute Name: options
Attribute Type: bits (events|error|packet|timer|update|report|instantiation|delegation|request|all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<options>events</options> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug pcep (events|error|packet|timer|update|report|instantiation|delegation|request|all|)
Configure srv6 spirent comp
This attribute is used to enable/disable PCEP SRv6 spirent TLV value compliance.
Attribute Name: srv6-spirent-comp
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
</srv6-spirent-comp><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pcep srv6 spirent controller compliance
debug pcep (events|error|packet|timer|update|report|instantiation|delegation|request|all|)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (events|error|packet|timer|update|report|instantiation|delegation|request|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<pcep-terminal-debug-on xmlns="">
Command Syntax
debug pcep (events|error|packet|timer|update|report|instantiation|delegation|request|all|)
no debug pcep (events|error|packet|timer|update|report|instantiation|delegation|request|all|)
Attribute Name: terminal-debug-options
Attribute Type: bits (events|error|packet|timer|update|report|instantiation|delegation|request|all)
Netconf RPC payload
<pcep-terminal-debug-off xmlns="">
Command Syntax
no debug pcep (events|error|packet|timer|update|report|instantiation|delegation|request|all|)
clear pcep request (<5001-65535>|all)
Attribute Name: tunnel-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-pcep-requests xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear pcep request (<5001-65535>|all)
Configure address
The local Internet address of this PCEP peer.
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<peer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
peer-address (ipv4 A.B.C.D|ipv6 X:X::X:X)
Configure delegation preference
The PCE peer delegation preference.
Attribute Name: delegation-preference
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<delegation-preference>1</delegation-preference> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
peer-address delegation-priority <1-65535>
Configure authentication key
The authentication option.
Attribute Name: authentication-key
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<pcep xmlns="">
<authentication-key>WORD</authentication-key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
peer-address md5 WORD
clear pcep peer *
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pcep-peer_clear-pcep-peer-all xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear pcep peer *
clear pcep peer (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X)
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pcep-peer_clear-pcep-peer xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear pcep peer (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X)
clear pcep statistics
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-pcep-peer_clear-pcep-statistics xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear pcep statistics
Configure vrf name
VRF to apply the source-interface.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled hostp feature
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: port-number
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<source-interface xmlns="">
<port-number>0</port-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip source-interface IFNAME (tacacs+|ntp|snmp|syslog|radius) (port (0|<1025-65535>)|) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure interface name
VRF to apply the source-interface.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPV6 feature,hostp feature
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: port-number
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<source-interface xmlns="">
<port-number>0</port-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ipv6 source-interface IFNAME (tacacs+|ntp|snmp|syslog|radius) (port (0|<1025-65535>)|) (vrf (NAME|management)|)
Configure feature enable
Use this attribute to enable the TACACS+ feature
Attribute Name: feature-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<tacacs xmlns="">
Command Syntax
feature tacacs+ (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure vrf name
VRF Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (0|7)
Attribute Name: secret-key-string
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<tacacs xmlns="">
Command Syntax
tacacs-server login key (0|7) WORD (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure key type
VRF Name associated with this instance
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (0|7)
Attribute Name: secret-key-string
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<tacacs xmlns="">
Command Syntax
tacacs-server login key (0|7) WORD (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure timeout
VRF Name associated with this instance
This command is supported when following feature are enabled hostp feature,aaa feature,tacacs-client feature
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: timeout
Attribute Type: uint8
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<tacacs xmlns="">
<timeout>1</timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tacacs-server login timeout <1-60> (vrf (management|NAME)|)
Configure host address
Use this attribute to set the TACACS+ server host name or IP address
Attribute Name: host-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Range: 1-63
Attribute Name: sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-8
Netconf edit-config payload
<tacacs xmlns="">
<server> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tacacs-server login host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (vrf (management|NAME)|) seq-num <1-8>
Configure secret key string
Shared key used between the authentication-server and the device
Attribute Name: secret-key-string
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-8
Attribute Name: key-type
Attribute Type: enum (0|7)
Netconf edit-config payload
<tacacs xmlns="">
<sequence-number>1</sequence-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<key-type>0</key-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<secret-key-string>WORD</secret-key-string> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tacacs-server login host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (vrf (management|NAME)|) seq-num <1-8> key (0|7) WORD
Configure port
Port number used for TACACS+ Server Connection
Attribute Name: port
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1025-65535
Attribute Name: sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-8
Netconf edit-config payload
<tacacs xmlns="">
<sequence-number>1</sequence-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<port>1025</port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tacacs-server login host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (vrf (management|NAME)|) seq-num <1-8> port <1025-65535>
Configure sequence number
To represent the timeout configured by the user
Attribute Name: timeout
Attribute Type: uint32
Default Value: 5
Attribute Range: 1-60
Attribute Name: sequence-number
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-8
Netconf edit-config payload
<tacacs xmlns="">
<sequence-number>1</sequence-number> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<timeout>1</timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tacacs-server login host (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (vrf (management|NAME)|) seq-num <1-8> timeout <1-60>
Configure enable
This attribute is to enable/disable TACACS+ debug logging
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<tacacs xmlns="">
</enable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
debug tacacs+
clear tacacs-server counters (vrf (management|NAME|all)|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-all-tacacs-server-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear tacacs-server counters (vrf (management|NAME|all)|)
clear tacacs-server (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) counters (vrf (management|NAME|all)|)
Attribute Name: hostname
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-tacacs-server-host-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear tacacs-server (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) counters (vrf (management|NAME|all)|)
debug tacacs+
Netconf RPC payload
<tacacs-terminal-debug-on xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
debug tacacs+
no debug tacacs+
Netconf RPC payload
<tacacs-terminal-debug-off xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
no debug tacacs+
Configure name
Time range name to be configured
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<time-ranges xmlns="">
<time-range> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
time-range WORD
Configure absolute start time
Start time hour and minute
Attribute Name: absolute-start-time
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<time-ranges xmlns="">
Command Syntax
start-time HH:MM:SS <01-31> MONTH <1995-2035>
Configure relative start time
Configure the start-time of the time-range to be now or after sometime
Attribute Name: relative-start-time
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<time-ranges xmlns="">
Command Syntax
start-time (after (<1-129600>)|now)
Configure absolute end time
End time hour and minute
Attribute Name: absolute-end-time
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<time-ranges xmlns="">
Command Syntax
end-time HH:MM:SS <01-31> MONTH <1995-2035>
Configure relative end time
Relative time in minutes
Attribute Name: relative-end-time
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<time-ranges xmlns="">
<relative-end-time>1</relative-end-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
end-time after <1-129600>
Configure frequency
Frequency (hourly, daily, weekly)
Attribute Name: frequency
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<time-ranges xmlns="">
<frequency>daily</frequency> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
frequency (daily|hourly|weekly|days WORD)
Configure key encryption
Use this attribute to set the system global encryption algorithm
Attribute Name: key-encryption
Attribute Type: enum (3des|aes)
Netconf edit-config payload
<crypto xmlns="">
<key-encryption>3des</key-encryption> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
global key-encryption (3des|aes)
crypto pki generate rsa common-name ipv4 IPv4ADDR
Attribute Name: ipv4-addr
Attribute Type: inet:ipv4-address
Netconf RPC payload
<crypto-rsa-key-gen xmlns="">
Command Syntax
crypto pki generate rsa common-name ipv4 IPv4ADDR
Configure identifier
Use this attribute to set the IPSLA.
Attribute Name: identifier
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-sla xmlns="">
<process> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
ip sla <1-65535>
Configure host
Use this attribute to set the ICMP Echo host name or IP address.
Attribute Name: host
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: source-interface
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-sla xmlns="">
<icmp-echo-process> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
icmp-echo (ipv4 A.B.C.D|ipv6 X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (source-interface IFNAME|)
Configure frequency
The frequency (interval) correlates to how often the ICMP packet is sent. The unit of this parameter is in seconds.
Attribute Name: frequency
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-60
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-sla xmlns="">
<frequency>1</frequency> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
frequency <1-60>
Configure timeout
The timeout value correlates to how long the Ping application will wait for the response after sending packets ICMP Echo packets.
Attribute Name: timeout
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1000-60000
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-sla xmlns="">
<timeout>1000</timeout> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
timeout <1000-60000>
Configure threshold
The threshold value correlates to the limit the administrator sets as what would be a successful test. Threshold can be configured in milli-seconds.
Attribute Name: threshold
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1000-60000
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-sla xmlns="">
<threshold>1000</threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
threshold <1000-60000>
Configure vrf name
VRF name
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<ip-sla xmlns="">
Command Syntax
ip sla schedule <1-65535> time-range WORD (vrf NAME|)
clear ip sla statistics (<1-65535>|)
Attribute Name: identifier
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf RPC payload
<ip-sla-clear-statistics xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear ip sla statistics (<1-65535>|)
Configure name
Name for the tunnel policy
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SERVICE MAPPING feature
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-127
Netconf edit-config payload
<service-map xmlns="">
<tunnel-policy> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel-policy NAME
Configure color code
Use this attribute to configure color for tunnel policy
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SERVICE MAPPING feature
Attribute Name: color-code
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<service-map xmlns="">
<color-code>1</color-code> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
color <1-4294967295>
Configure selection mode
Use this attribute to configure selection mode as dedicated or best-effort for tunnel policy
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SERVICE MAPPING feature
Attribute Name: selection-mode
Attribute Type: enum (dedicated|best-effort)
Default Value: dedicated
Netconf edit-config payload
<service-map xmlns="">
<selection-mode>dedicated</selection-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mode (dedicated|best-effort)
Configure tunnel type
Use this attribute to configure selection mode as sr or srv6 or rsvp for tunnel policy
This command is supported when following feature are enabled SERVICE MAPPING feature
Attribute Name: tunnel-type
Attribute Type: enum (rsvp|sr-mpls|srv6)
Netconf edit-config payload
<service-map xmlns="">
<tunnel-type>rsvp</tunnel-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel-type (rsvp|sr-mpls|srv6)
Configure xc name
Network Instance Name. For VRF and MAC VRF, instance name can be up to 32 chars long. For VPWS and VPLS instances, instance name can be up to 128 chars long. For L2NI (bridge) instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-32). For Cross-Connect, instance name can be up to 30 chars long. For Bridge-domain, instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-2147483647).
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: xc-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<network-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cross-connect WORD
Configure description
This attribute specifies the description for cross-connect
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<cross-connect xmlns="">
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
description LINE
Configure admin disable
This attribute is used to temporarily shutdown the cross-connect
Attribute Name: admin-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<cross-connect xmlns="">
</admin-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure endpoint if
This attribute specifies the endpoint for cross-connect
Attribute Name: endpoint-if
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<cross-connect xmlns="">
<cross-connect-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
interface IFNAME
Configure endpoint if bkp
This attribute specifies the backup endpoint for cross-connect
Attribute Name: endpoint-if-bkp
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<cross-connect xmlns="">
<endpoint-if-bkp>IFBKPNAME</endpoint-if-bkp> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
Configure evc name
Ethernet virtual connection ID
Attribute Name: evc-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<cross-connect xmlns="">
<evc-name>EVCID</evc-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
g8031-eps EVCID
Configure domain id
Network Instance Name. For VRF and MAC VRF, instance name can be up to 32 chars long. For VPWS and VPLS instances, instance name can be up to 128 chars long. For L2NI (bridge) instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-32). For Cross-Connect, instance name can be up to 30 chars long. For Bridge-domain, instance, instance name has to be a number between (1-2147483647).
Attribute Name: instance-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: domain-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<network-instance> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
bridge-domain <1-2147483647>
Configure description
This attribute secifies the description for bridge domain
This command is supported when following feature are enabled subinterface feature and following feature are disabled HAVE_SWFWDR feature is enabled
Attribute Name: description
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge-domain xmlns="">
<description>LINE</description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
description LINE
Configure route interface
This attribute specifies the Logical L3 BVI interface for bridge-domain
This command is supported when following feature are enabled subinterface feature and following feature are disabled HAVE_SWFWDR feature is enabled
Attribute Name: route-interface
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge-domain xmlns="">
<route-interface>IFNAME</route-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
routed-interface IFNAME
Configure bridge id
Map bridge mst instance to bridge-domain
This command is supported when following feature are enabled subinterface feature and following feature are disabled HAVE_SWFWDR feature is enabled
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: instance-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-63
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge-domain xmlns="">
Command Syntax
stp-instance <1-63> bridge <1-32>
Configure instance id
Value of instance id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled subinterface feature and following feature are disabled HAVE_SWFWDR feature is enabled
Attribute Name: instance-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-63
Attribute Name: bridge-id
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge-domain xmlns="">
Command Syntax
stp-instance <1-63> bridge <1-32>
Configure name
This attribute specifies the subif for bridge-domain
This command is supported when following feature are enabled subinterface feature and following feature are disabled HAVE_SWFWDR feature is enabled
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge-domain xmlns="">
<member-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
interface IFNAME
Configure mac address
Use this attribute to configure the static forwarding table MAC entry for the bridge
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: action
Attribute Type: enum (deny|forward)
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Netconf edit-config payload
<network-instances xmlns="">
<bridge-domain xmlns="">
<entry> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mac XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (deny|forward) IFNAME
clear mac address-table dynamic bridge-domain all
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-bridge-domain-mac-address-all-table xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic bridge-domain all
clear mac address-table dynamic bridge-domain id <1-2147483647> (interface IFNAME|) (address MACADDR|)
Attribute Name: bridge-domain
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: interface-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-33
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-bridge-domain-mac-address-table xmlns="">
<bridge-domain>id 1</bridge-domain>
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic bridge-domain id <1-2147483647> (interface IFNAME|) (address MACADDR|)
Configure tracker id
Use this attribute for Object Tracking id.
Attribute Name: tracker-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: delay-up
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-9999
Netconf edit-config payload
<object-tracking xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay up <1-9999>
Configure delay down
Use this attribute for Object Tracking id.
Attribute Name: tracker-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: delay-down
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-9999
Netconf edit-config payload
<object-tracking xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay down <1-9999>
Configure delay up
Use this attribute for Object Tracking id.
Attribute Name: tracker-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Name: delay-up
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-9999
Attribute Name: delay-down
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-9999
Netconf edit-config payload
<object-tracking xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay up <1-9999> down <1-9999>
Configure select option
object tracking options
Attribute Name: select-option
Attribute Type: enum (all|any)
Netconf edit-config payload
<object-tracking xmlns="">
<select-option>all</select-option> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
object-tracking (all|any)
Configure track id
Use this attribute for Object Tracking id.
Attribute Name: track-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-500
Netconf edit-config payload
<object-tracking xmlns="">
<track-interface> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
object-tracking <1-500>
Configure profile type
The profile type for delay
Attribute Name: profile-type
Attribute Type: enum (interfaces)
Netconf edit-config payload
<delay-profiles xmlns="">
<delay-profile> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
delay-profile (interfaces)
Configure mode
Set the measurement mode
Attribute Name: mode
Attribute Type: enum (one-way|two-way)
Netconf edit-config payload
<delay-profiles xmlns="">
<mode>one-way</mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mode (one-way|two-way)
Configure sender port
Configure the computation interval
Attribute Name: sender-port
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1025-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<delay-profiles xmlns="">
<sender-port>1025</sender-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sender-port <1025-65535>
Configure burst interval
Configure the burst-interval
Attribute Name: burst-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1000-15000
Netconf edit-config payload
<delay-profiles xmlns="">
<burst-interval>1000</burst-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
burst-interval <1000-15000>
Configure burst count
Configure the burst-count
Attribute Name: burst-count
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-5
Netconf edit-config payload
<delay-profiles xmlns="">
<burst-count>1</burst-count> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
burst-count <1-5>
Configure interval
Configure the computation interval
Attribute Name: interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 30-3600
Netconf edit-config payload
<delay-profiles xmlns="">
<interval>30</interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
interval <30-3600>
Configure disable
Disable the periodic advertisement
Attribute Name: disable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<delay-profiles xmlns="">
</disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no advertisement periodic
Configure threshold
Configure the periodic advertisement threshold
Attribute Name: threshold
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-100
Netconf edit-config payload
<delay-profiles xmlns="">
<threshold>1</threshold> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
advertisement periodic threshold <1-100>
Configure minimum change
Configure the advertisement minimum-change in microseconds (default=1000)
Attribute Name: minimum-change
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-10000
Netconf edit-config payload
<delay-profiles xmlns="">
<minimum-change>0</minimum-change> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
advertisement periodic minimum-change <0-10000>
Configure enable
Enable the accelerated advertisement
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<delay-profiles xmlns="">
Command Syntax
advertisement accelerated
Configure delay profile enable
Enables TWAMP Client delay profile
Attribute Name: delay-profile-enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<delay-profiles xmlns="">
Command Syntax
delay-profile clients
Configure password
Use this to configure ELK server password
Attribute Name: password
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: username
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<elk xmlns="">
<username>USERNAME</username> <!-- operation="delete"-->
<password>PASSWORD</password> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
elk server metricbeat A.B.C.D username USERNAME password PASSWORD
Configure certificate path
Used to configure Filebeat server path to certificate file
Attribute Name: certificate-path
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<elk xmlns="">
<certificate-path>FILE-PATH</certificate-path> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
elk server filebeat A.B.C.D FILE-PATH
service enable metricbeat (vrf management|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<elk-metricbeat-service-enable xmlns="">
Command Syntax
service enable metricbeat (vrf management|)
service enable filebeat (vrf management|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<elk-filebeat-service-enable xmlns="">
Command Syntax
service enable filebeat (vrf management|)
service disable metricbeat (vrf management|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<elk-metricbeat-service-disable xmlns="">
Command Syntax
service disable metricbeat (vrf management|)
service disable filebeat (vrf management|)
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<elk-filebeat-service-disable xmlns="">
Command Syntax
service disable filebeat (vrf management|)
Configure transform set name
IPsec transform-set name
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPsec feature
Attribute Name: transform-set-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-127
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipsec xmlns="">
<transform-set> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
crypto ipsec transform-set NAME
Configure transform set mode
This attribute is used to configure mode for a transform-set.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPsec feature
Attribute Name: transform-set-mode
Attribute Type: enum (transport)
Default Value: transport
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipsec xmlns="">
<transform-set-mode>transport</transform-set-mode> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
crypto ipsec transform-set NAME mode (transport)
Configure ah authentication
This attribute configures IPsec AH authentication type.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPsec feature
Attribute Name: ah-authentication
Attribute Type: enum (none|ah-md5|ah-sha1|ah-sha256|ah-sha384|ah-sha512)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipsec xmlns="">
<ah-authentication>none</ah-authentication> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
crypto ipsec transform-set NAME ah (none|ah-md5|ah-sha1|ah-sha256|ah-sha384|ah-sha512)
Configure esp encryption
This attribute configures IPsec ESP encryption type.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPsec feature
Attribute Name: esp-encryption
Attribute Type: enum (esp-null|esp-3des|esp-cast|esp-blf|esp-blf192|esp-blf256|esp-aes|esp-aes192|esp-aes256)
Attribute Name: esp-authentication
Attribute Type: enum (none|esp-md5|esp-sha1|esp-sha256|esp-sha384|esp-sha512)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipsec xmlns="">
Command Syntax
crypto ipsec transform-set NAME esp-auth (none|esp-md5|esp-sha1|esp-sha256|esp-sha384|esp-sha512) esp-enc (esp-null|esp-3des|esp-cast|esp-blf|esp-blf192|esp-blf256|esp-aes|esp-aes192|esp-aes256)
Configure esp authentication
This attribute configures IPsec ESP authentication type.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPsec feature
Attribute Name: esp-authentication
Attribute Type: enum (none|esp-md5|esp-sha1|esp-sha256|esp-sha384|esp-sha512)
Attribute Name: esp-encryption
Attribute Type: enum (esp-null|esp-3des|esp-cast|esp-blf|esp-blf192|esp-blf256|esp-aes|esp-aes192|esp-aes256)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipsec xmlns="">
Command Syntax
crypto ipsec transform-set NAME esp-auth (none|esp-md5|esp-sha1|esp-sha256|esp-sha384|esp-sha512) esp-enc (esp-null|esp-3des|esp-cast|esp-blf|esp-blf192|esp-blf256|esp-aes|esp-aes192|esp-aes256)
Configure name
IPsec Crypto Map name
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPsec feature
Attribute Name: name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-127
Attribute Name: sa-type
Attribute Type: enum (ipsec-manual)
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipsec xmlns="">
<crypto-map> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
crypto map MAP-NAME (ipsec-manual)
Configure sequence id
Map sequence-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPsec feature
Attribute Name: sequence-id
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipsec xmlns="">
<session> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sequence <1-65535>
Configure peer
Map session peer IP address
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPsec feature
Attribute Name: peer
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Attribute Name: spi
Attribute Type: uint16
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipsec xmlns="">
<peer-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set peer (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X) (spi <0-4096>|)
Configure security parameter index
Crypto Map session key security parameter index (SPI)
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IPsec feature
Attribute Name: security-parameter-index
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-4096
Attribute Name: cipher
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Attribute Name: authentication-key
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<ipsec xmlns="">
<session-key> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
set session-key (inbound|outbound) (esp) <0-4096> cipher HEX-KEY-DATA authenticator HEX-KEY-DATA
Configure enabled
Use this attribute to enable EVPN-SRV6 module. Without this attribute evpn srv6 functionality can not be achieved
Attribute Name: enabled
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-srv6 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
evpn srv6 enable
Configure vtep ipv6 address
Use this attribute to set source vtep global ip address. This will be treated at evpn srv6 tunnel source address
Attribute Name: vtep-ipv6-address
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-srv6 xmlns="">
<vtep-ipv6-address>X:X::X:X</vtep-ipv6-address> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn srv6 ip-global X:X::X:X
Configure mac ageing timer
Use this attribute to set the time till a learned mac address will persist after last update
Attribute Name: mac-ageing-timer
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 10-572
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-srv6 xmlns="">
<mac-ageing-timer>10</mac-ageing-timer> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn srv6 mac-ageing-time <10-572>
Configure arp nd refresh time
Use this attribute to configure aging out the arp-cache and nd-cache entries
Attribute Name: arp-nd-refresh-time
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 3-190
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-srv6 xmlns="">
<arp-nd-refresh-time>3</arp-nd-refresh-time> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn srv6 arp-nd refresh-timer <3-190>
Configure tenant identifier
Tenant Identifier
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-srv6 xmlns="">
<tenant> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evpn srv6 id <1-16777215>
Configure vpws identifier
Tenant Identifier
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: vpws-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-srv6 xmlns="">
Command Syntax
evpn srv6 id <1-16777215> xconnect target-srv6-id <1-16777215>
Configure vrf name
Use this attribute to map vrf to carry EVPN routes
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-32
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-srv6 xmlns="">
<vrf-name>VRF-NAME</vrf-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp VRF-NAME
Configure mac holdtime
Use this attribute to set the time a host mac entry will persist after unconfig
Attribute Name: mac-holdtime
Attribute Type: int32
Default Value: 0
Attribute Range: -1-300
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-srv6 xmlns="">
<mac-holdtime>-1</mac-holdtime> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
mac-holdtime <-1-300>
Configure tenant description
Use this attribute to set evpn-srv6 tenant identifier name
Attribute Name: tenant-description
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-srv6 xmlns="">
<tenant-description>WORD</tenant-description> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
evi-name WORD
Configure tunnel policy name
Transport Tunnel Selection Policy
Attribute Name: tunnel-policy-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-127
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-srv6 xmlns="">
<tunnel-policy-name>WORD</tunnel-policy-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
tunnel-select-policy WORD
Configure srv6 locator name
Locator name
Attribute Name: srv6-locator-name
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<evpn-srv6 xmlns="">
<srv6-locator-name>WORD</srv6-locator-name> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
locator WORD
clear mac address-table dynamic evpn-srv6
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-nvo-srv6-dynamic-mac-address-table xmlns=""/>
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic evpn-srv6
clear mac address-table dynamic evpn-srv6 evid <1-16777215> (address MACADDR|)
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: mac-address
Attribute Type: string
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-nvo-srv6-dynamic-mac-address-table-evid xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table dynamic evpn-srv6 evid <1-16777215> (address MACADDR|)
clear evpn srv6 counters (vpn-id <1-16777215>|) network (egress) (dst X:X::X:X|)
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: egress-direction
Attribute Type: enum (egress)
Attribute Name: destination-ip
Attribute Type: inet:ipv6-address
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-evpn-srv6-egress-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear evpn srv6 counters (vpn-id <1-16777215>|) network (egress) (dst X:X::X:X|)
clear evpn srv6 counters (vpn-id <1-16777215>|) network (ingress)
Attribute Name: tenant-identifier
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-16777215
Attribute Name: ingress-direction
Attribute Type: enum (ingress)
Netconf RPC payload
<clear-evpn-srv6-ingress-counters xmlns="">
Command Syntax
clear evpn srv6 counters (vpn-id <1-16777215>|) network (ingress)
Configure color
Color associated with ODN
Attribute Name: color
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<on-demand-nexthop> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
on-demand-nexthop <1-4294967295>
Configure flex algo
Flex algo value associated with ODN instance
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: flex-algo
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 128-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<flex-algo>128</flex-algo> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
flex-algo <128-255>
Configure cspf retry limit
Limit on the number of times a dynamic candidate path will retry to calculate segment-list
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: cspf-retry-limit
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<cspf-retry-limit>1</cspf-retry-limit> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cspf-retry-limit <1-65535>
Configure cspf retry interval
Interval between two successive retries for calculating segment list of a dynamic candidate path using CSPF
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: cspf-retry-interval
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 1-600
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<cspf-retry-interval>1</cspf-retry-interval> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
cspf-retry-interval <1-600>
Configure pce lsp delegate
To delegate all the configured candidate path of policy to PCE controller
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: pce-lsp-delegate
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</pce-lsp-delegate><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pce lsp-delegate
Configure pce state report
To only report all the configured candidate path of policy to PCE controller
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: pce-state-report
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</pce-state-report><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pce state-report
Configure pce entity id
Entity Id of PCEP entity to which this policy should be queried/reported/delegated
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: pce-entity-id
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<pce-entity-id>1</pce-entity-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
pce entity <1-255>
Configure binding sid label
Configurable Value for static binding SID
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: binding-sid-label
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 16-15999
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<binding-sid-label>16</binding-sid-label> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
binding-sid mpls label <16-15999>
Configure discriminator
Candidate path distinguisher, it’s taken as a unique identifier for a Local candidate path
Attribute Name: discriminator
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<candidate-path> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
candidate-path <1-65535>
Configure preference
Candidate path preference
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: preference
Attribute Type: uint16
Default Value: 100
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<preference>1</preference> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
preference <1-65535>
Configure pcep
Dynamic candidate path properties of PCEP
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: pcep
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</pcep><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dynamic-path pcep
Configure isis instance id
Dynamic candidate path properties of ISIS
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: isis-instance-id
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: ""
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<isis-instance-id>WORD</isis-instance-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dynamic-path isis (WORD|)
Configure ospf process id
Dynamic candidate path properties of OSPF with process-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: ospf-process-id
Attribute Type: int32
Attribute Range: 0-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<ospf-process-id>0</ospf-process-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dynamic-path ospf <0-65535>
Configure ospf empty
Dynamic candidate path properties of OSPF without process-id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: ospf-empty
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
</ospf-empty><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dynamic-path ospf
Configure enable
Enable constraints for the candidate path
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure protocol origin
Enable constraints for the candidate path
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure metric type
Metric type can be IGP or TE
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: metric-type
Attribute Type: enum (igp|te|latency)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<bound> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
metric-type (igp|te|latency)
Configure bound
Path is invalid if its metric exceeds this value, If no value is specified
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: bound
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-4294967295
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<bound>1</bound> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
metric-type (igp|te|latency) bound <1-4294967295>
Configure admin group name
admin group name
Attribute Name: admin-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: affinity-type
Attribute Type: enum (exclude-any|include-any|include-all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<affinity-admin-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
affinity (exclude-any|include-any|include-all) ADMIN-GROUP-NAME
Configure extended admin group name
extended-admin group name
Attribute Name: extended-admin-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: extended-admin-affinity-type
Attribute Type: enum (exclude-any|include-any|include-all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<affinity-extended-admin-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
extended-affinity (exclude-any|include-any|include-all) ADMIN-GROUP-NAME
Configure srlg group name
SRLG group name
Attribute Name: srlg-group-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Name: srlg-affinity-type
Attribute Type: enum (exclude-any|include-any|include-all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<srlg-group> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
srlg-affinity (exclude-any|include-any|include-all) SRLG-GROUP-NAME
Configure address
Hop address which needs toincluded in the LSP
Attribute Name: address
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Attribute Name: type
Attribute Type: enum (loose|strict)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<include-hop> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
A.B.C.D/X:X::X:X (loose|strict|)
Configure ihaf address
IP Hop address which needs to be included/excluded in the LSP path
Attribute Name: ihaf-address
Attribute Type: inet:ip-address
Attribute Name: ihaf-affinity-type
Attribute Type: enum (exclude-any|include-any|include-all)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<ip-address-filter> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
A.B.C.D/X:X::X:X (exclude-any|include-any|include-all)
Configure originator
Enable segment constraints for the dynamic candidate path
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
Configure dataplane type
SR policy dynamic candidate path’s data-plane type
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: dataplane-type
Attribute Type: enum (mpls|srv6)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<dataplane-type>mpls</dataplane-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
dataplane (mpls|srv6)
Configure sid algorithm
Flexible Algorithm Number
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: sid-algorithm
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 128-255
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<sid-algorithm>128</sid-algorithm> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
sid-algorithm <128-255>
Configure protection type
SR policy dynamic candidate path’s protection type
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: protection-type
Attribute Type: enum (protected-only|protected-prefered|unprotected-only|unprotected-prefered)
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<protection-type>protected-only</protection-type> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
protection (protected-only|protected-prefered|unprotected-only|unprotected-prefered)
Configure sub id
Disjoint path sub-group id
Attribute Name: sub-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
Command Syntax
disjoint-path group-id <1-65535> type (link|node|srlg|srlg-node) sub-id <1-65535>
Configure group id
Disjoint path sub-group id
This command is supported when following feature are enabled Segment-Routing Traffic Engineering using SR-Policy Feature
Attribute Name: sub-id
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 1-65535
Netconf edit-config payload
<segment-routing xmlns="">
<sub-id>1</sub-id> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
<1-65535> (link|node|srlg|srlg-node) sub-id <1-65535>
Configure disable service advanced vty
Use this attribute to enable advanced mode vty interface.
Attribute Name: disable-service-advanced-vty
Attribute Type: uint8
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-host xmlns="">
</disable-service-advanced-vty><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no service advanced-vty
Configure service passwd encryption
Use this attribute to enable password encryption.
Attribute Name: service-passwd-encryption
Attribute Type: boolean
Default Value: true
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-host xmlns="">
<service-passwd-encryption>true</service-passwd-encryption> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service password-encryption
Configure passwd encrypted
Use this attribute to provide encrypted password.
Attribute Name: passwd-encrypted
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Name: system-enable-passwd
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-host xmlns="">
<system-enable-passwd>LINE</system-enable-passwd> <!-- operation="delete"-->
</passwd-encrypted><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
enable password (8|) LINE
Configure term monitor default behavior disable
Use this attribute to control terminal monitor initial behavior as disable when user session starts. The executive command terminal monitor has precedence over configuration command.
Attribute Name: term-monitor-default-behavior-disable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-host xmlns="">
</term-monitor-default-behavior-disable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
no terminal monitor default
Configure banner motd
Use this attribute to set the login banner for the OcNOS device.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IMI feature
Attribute Name: banner-motd
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-host xmlns="">
Command Syntax
banner motd (LINE|default)
Configure banner motd file
Use this attribute to set the filename containing the banner message
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IMI feature
Attribute Name: banner-motd-file
Attribute Type: string
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-host xmlns="">
<banner-motd-file>FILENAME</banner-motd-file> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
banner motd file FILENAME
Configure service term length
Use this attribute to set system wide terminal length.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IMI feature
Attribute Name: service-term-length
Attribute Type: uint16
Attribute Range: 0-512
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-host xmlns="">
<service-term-length>0</service-term-length> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
service terminal-length <0-512>
Configure disable default autoenable
Use this attribute to disable auto enable feature based on the user role which is happening by default for remote authentication.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IMI feature
Attribute Name: disable-default-autoenable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-host xmlns="">
</disable-default-autoenable><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
disable default auto-enable
Configure term timestamping
Use this attribute to enable CLI prompt timestamping during terminal initialization.
This command is supported when following feature are enabled IMI feature
Attribute Name: term-timestamping
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<system-host xmlns="">
</term-timestamping><!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
terminal default timestamping
Configure enable
Enables TWAMP Client
Attribute Name: enable
Attribute Type: empty
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
Command Syntax
twamp client
Configure maximum sessions
Maximum number of test sessions for the whole client node (default = 64)
Attribute Name: maximum-sessions
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<maximum-sessions>1</maximum-sessions> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-sessions <1-64>
Configure maximum connections
The maximum number of connections that can be created systemwide
Attribute Name: maximum-connections
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<maximum-connections>1</maximum-connections> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-connections <1-64>
Configure maximum sessions per connection
Maximum number of test sessions per connection (default = 1)
Attribute Name: maximum-sessions-per-connection
Attribute Type: uint8
Attribute Range: 1-64
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<maximum-sessions-per-connection>1</maximum-sessions-per-connection> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
maximum-sessions-per-connection <1-64>
Configure connection name
Sets client connection Name
Attribute Name: connection-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<connection> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
connection NAME (vrf-name NAME|)
Configure server address
Configure twamp server address to connect with client
Attribute Name: server-address
Attribute Type: union
Attribute Name: server-port
Attribute Type: union
Netconf edit-config payload
<twamp xmlns="">
<server-port>862</server-port> <!-- operation="delete"-->
Command Syntax
server (ipv4 A.B.C.D|ipv6 X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) (port (862|<1025-65535>)|)
twamp client start connection NAME (vrf WORD|) packet-count <0-1000000>
Attribute Name: connection-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Attribute Name: packet-count
Attribute Type: uint32
Attribute Range: 0-1000000
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-twamp-client_twamp-client-start-connection xmlns="">
Command Syntax
twamp client start connection NAME (vrf WORD|) packet-count <0-1000000>
twamp client stop connection NAME (vrf WORD|)
Attribute Name: connection-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-twamp-client_twamp-client-stop-connection xmlns="">
Command Syntax
twamp client stop connection NAME (vrf WORD|)
twamp client reset connection NAME (session NAME|) (vrf WORD|)
Attribute Name: connection-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Attribute Name: session-name
Attribute Type: string
Attribute Range: 1-128
Attribute Name: vrf-name
Attribute Type: string
Default Value: default
Netconf RPC payload
<ipi-twamp-client_twamp-client-reset-session xmlns="">
Command Syntax
twamp client reset connection NAME (session NAME|) (vrf WORD|)