OpenZR+ OpenConfig Translation
General Restrictions
Operation create
NETCONF’s operation="create" only supports objectlist elements, for example: components/component[name]or /terminal-device/logical-channels/channel[index].
Payloads with this operation on other elements have undefined behavior.
Operation merge and create
• It is not possible to create or merge a single instance of an OpenConfig component for OpenZR+ (module or optical channel) without some other valid configuration as OcNOS does not accept it.
• The creation or merging of the OpenConfig logical-channel instance for OpenZR+ must also be accompanied by the configuration of loopback-mode.
Laser frequency configuration in OpenZR+ media channel
• It is not possible to separately configure the grid, channel and fine-tune-frequency for laser configuration in a media channel for OpenZR+ in OpenConfig. The configuration of only the total frequency value is possible.
• In this way the central frequency is fixed at 193.1 THz and the grid is fixed at 100 GHz. With these values it is possible to calculate the channel and fine-tune-frequency for OcNOS.
Disable/enable OpenZR+ transceiver
This XML configuration snippet is used to disable/enable OpenZR+ transceiver.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
Disable configuration
Here are the configuration details to disable OpenZR+ transceiver.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to disable OpenZR+ transceiver.
<components xmlns="">
<transceiver xmlns="">
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI command is used to disable OpenZR+ transceiver.
qsfp-dd 50
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to disable OpenZR+ transceiver.
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<service-disable />
Enable configuration
Here are the configuration steps to enable OpenZR+ transceiver.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to enable OpenZR+ transceiver.
<components xmlns="">
<transceiver xmlns="">
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI command is used to enable OpenZR+ transceiver.
qsfp-dd 50
no service-disable
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to enable OpenZR+ transceiver.
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<service-disable operation="delete" />
Configure OpenZR+ optical channel operational mode
This XML configuration snippet is used to configure OpenZR+ optical channel operational mode.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to configure OpenZR+ optical channel operational mode.
<components xmlns="">
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI is used to configure OpenZR+ optical channel operational mode.
qsfp-dd 50
application 10
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to configure OpenZR+ optical channel operational mode.
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
Here are the commands to unconfigure OpenZR+ channel operational mode.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to unconfigure OpenZR+ optical channel operational mode.
<components xmlns="">
<operational-mode operation="delete" />
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI is used to unconfigure OpenZR+ optical channel operational mode.
qsfp-dd 50
no application
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to unconfigure OpenZR+ optical channel operational mode.
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<application operation="delete" />
Configure OpenZR+ optical channel target output power
This XML configuration snippet is used to configure OpenZR+ optical channel target output power.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to configure OpenZR+ optical channel target output power.
<components xmlns="">
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI command is used to configure OpenZR+ optical channel target output power.
qsfp-dd 50
media-lane 1
laser output-power 1.00
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to configure OpenZR+ optical channel target output power.
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
Here are the commands to unconfigure OpenZR+ channel target output power.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to unconfigure OpenZR+ optical channel target output power.
<components xmlns="">
<target-output-power operation="delete" />
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI command is used to unconfigure OpenZR+ optical channel target output power.
qsfp-dd 50
media-lane 1
no laser output-power
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to unconfigure OpenZR+ optical channel target output power.
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<output-power operation="delete" />
Configure OpenZR+ optical channel frequency
This XML configuration snippet is used to configure OpenZR+ optical channel frequency.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to configure OpenZR+ optical channel frequency.
<components xmlns="">
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI command is used to configure OpenZR+ optical channel frequency.
qsfp-dd 50
media-lane 1
laser grid 100
laser channel -18
laser fine-tune-freq 0.005
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to configure OpenZR+ optical channel frequency.
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
Here are the commands to unconfigure OpenZR+ optical channel frequency.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to unconfigure OpenZR+ optical channel frequency.
<components xmlns="">
<frequency operation="delete" />
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI command is used to unconfigure OpenZR+ optical channel frequency.
qsfp-dd 50
media-lane 1
no laser grid
no laser channel
no laser fine-tune-freq
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to unconfigure OpenZR+ optical channel frequency.
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<channel operation="delete" />
<grid operation="delete" />
<fine-tune-freq operation="delete" />
Configure OpenZR+ loopback mode
This XML configuration snippet is used to configure OpenZR+ loopback mode.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to configure OpenZR+ loopback mode.
<terminal-device xmlns="">
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI command is used to configure OpenZR+ loopback mode.
qsfp-dd 50
loopback in media
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to configure OpenZR+ loopback mode.
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
Here are the commands to unconfigure OpenZR+ loopback mode.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to unconfigure OpenZR+ loopback mode.
<terminal-device xmlns="">
<loopback-mode operation="delete" />
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI command is used to unconfigure OpenZR+ loopback mode.
qsfp-dd 50
no loopback media
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to unconfigure OpenZR+ loopback mode.
<qsfp-dds xmlns="">
<type operation="delete" />
Validate OpenZR+ module state
Use these commands to validate OpenZR+ module state.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
Get OpenConfig Payload
This filter for the Get operation results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<components xmlns="">
<state />
Get OpenConfig Return
This validation response provides information on the configuration and runtime for validating OpenZR+ module state.
<components xmlns="">
<description>CMIS Transceiver</description>
Validate OpenZR+ transceiver state
Use these commands to validate OpenZR+ transceiver state.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
Get OpenConfig Payload
This filter for the Get operation results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<components xmlns="">
<state />
Get OpenConfig Return
This validation response provides information on the configuration and runtime for validating OpenZR+ transceiver state.
<components xmlns="">
<transceiver xmlns="">
Validate OpenZR+ transceiver thresholds
Use these commands to validate OpenZR+ transceiver thresholds.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
The below commands are used to validate the thresholds with critical severity.
Get OpenConfig Payload
This filter for the Get operation results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<components xmlns="">
Get OpenConfig Return
This validation response provides information on the configuration and runtime for validating OpenZR+ transceiver thresholds.
<components xmlns="">
<component xmlns:oc-opt-types="">
<transceiver xmlns="">
Severity MAJOR
The below commands are used to validate thresholds with major severity.
Get OpenConfig Payload
This filter for the Get operation results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<components xmlns="">
Get OpenConfig Return
This validation response provides information on the configuration and runtime for validating the OpenZR+ transceiver thresholds with major severity.
<components xmlns="">
<component xmlns:oc-opt-types="">
<transceiver xmlns="">
Validate OpenZR+ transceiver physical channels
Use these commands to validate OpenZR+ transceiver physical channels.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
Get OpenConfig Payload
This filter for the Get operation results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<components xmlns="">
<physical-channels />
Get OpenConfig Return
This validation response provides information on the configuration and runtime for validating OpenZR+ transceiver channels.
<components xmlns="">
<transceiver xmlns="">
Validate OpenZR+ transceiver optical channel state
Use these commands to validate OpenZR+ transceiver optical channel state.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
Get OpenConfig Payload
This filter for the Get operation results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<components xmlns="">
<state />
Get OpenConfig Return
This validation response provides information on the configuration and runtime for validating OpenZR+ transceiver optical channel state.
<components xmlns="">
Validate OpenZR+ logical channels
Use these commands to validate OpenZR+ transceiver logical channels.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
Optical channel assignment type
The index value in the Openconfig datamodel is shown in ASCII bytes format.
Transforming the index value to the hexadecimal, it is in the format 0xFFSSMMHH, where:
• FF is fp-port (in hexadecimal format);
• SS is slot index, fixed to 0 in case of CMIS modules (in hexadecimal format);
• MM is the optical channel media lane (in hexadecimal format);
• HH is the host lane to which the data-path is assigned (in hexadecimal format).
For example, to calculate the index for an optical channel assignment type:
• fp-port 50 (0x32 in hexadecimal);
• slot-index 0 (0x00 in hexadecimal);
• optical channel media lane 1 (0x01 in hexadecimal);
• host lane 0 (0x00 in hexadecimal).
Index in hexadecimal: 0x32000100
Transforming it to the ASCII bytes format: 838861056
Get OpenConfig Payload
This filter for the Get operation results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<terminal-device xmlns="">
Get OpenConfig Return
This validation response provides information on the configuration and runtime for validating OpenZR+ logical channels.
<terminal-device xmlns="">
Logical channel assignment type
The index value in the Openconfig datamodel is shown in ASCII bytes format.
Transforming the index value to the hexadecimal, it is in the format 0xFFSSMMHH, where:
• FF is the fp-port (in hexadecimal format);
• SS is the slot-index, fixed to 0 in case of CMIS modules (in hexadecimal format);
• MM is the optical channel media lane (in hexadecimal format);
• HH is the host lane to which the data-path is assigned (in hexadecimal format).
For example, to calculate the index for an logical channel assignment type:
• fp-port 50 (0x32 in hexadecimal);
• slot-index 0 (0x00 in hexadecimal);
• optical channel media lane 0 (0x00 in hexadecimal);
• host lane 1 (0x01 in hexadecimal).
Index in hexadecimal: 0x32000001
Transforming it to the ASCII bytes format: 838860801
Get OpenConfig Payload
This filter for the Get operation results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<terminal-device xmlns="">
Get OpenConfig Return
This validation response provides information on the configuration and runtime for validating OpenZR+ logical channels.
<terminal-device xmlns="">
Configure OpenZR+ port-breakout
Use the commands to configure OpenZR+ port-breakout.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to configure OpenZR+ port-breakout.
<components xmlns="">
<breakout-mode xmlns="">
<breakout-speed xmlns="">SPEED_100GB</breakout-speed>
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI command is used to configure OpenZR+ port-breakout.
port cd50 breakout 1X100g serdes 25g
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to configure OpenZR+ port-breakout.
<port-breakout xmlns="">
Use these commands to unconfigure OpenZR+ port-breakout.
OpenConfig NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OpenConfig NetConf Payload to unconfigure OpenZR+ port-breakout.
<components xmlns="">
<breakout-mode xmlns="">
<group operation="delete">
<breakout-speed xmlns="">SPEED_100GB</breakout-speed>
OcNOS CLI Command
The below CLI command is used to unconfigure OpenZR+ port-breakout.
no port cd50 breakout
OcNOS NetConf Payload
Here is a sample OcNOS NetConf Payload to unconfigure OpenZR+ port-breakout.
<port-breakout xmlns="">
<breakout operation="delete">
Validate OpenZR+ port-breakout
Use these commands to validate OpenZR+ port-breakout.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.5.1.
Get OpenConfig Payload
This filter for the Get operation results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<components xmlns="">
<state />
Get OpenConfig Return
This validation response provides information on the configuration and runtime for validating OpenZR+ port-breakout.
<components xmlns="">
<breakout-mode xmlns="">
<breakout-speed xmlns="">SPEED_100GB</breakout-speed>
Validate OpenZR+ Operational Modes
Use the commands to validate QSFP-DD Mode Descriptor module state.
This configuration was introduced in OcNOS version 6.6.0.
Get OpenConfig Payload
This filter for the Get operation results in the Get OpenConfig Return output shown below.
<operational-modes xmlns="">
Get OpenConfig Return
This validation response provides information on the configuration and runtime for validating OpenZR+ Operational Modes.
<operational-modes xmlns="">