OcNOS SP : Segment Routing Guide : Segment Routing Configuration : Service Mapping for Segment Routing
Service Mapping for Segment Routing
Segment Routing (SR) Service Mapping feature enables dynamic traffic steering by leveraging both native Segment Routing FTN and SR policies. This approach allows different services to reach the same destination while following distinct routing paths optimized for performance, reliability, and scalability.
The need for SR Service Mapping arises when multiple services require tailored routing strategies. While native SR FTN provides a straightforward label-based forwarding mechanism, SR policies introduce enhanced traffic engineering capabilities such as:
Path Optimization – Selecting the most efficient path based on network conditions.
Load Balancing – Distributing traffic across multiple paths to prevent congestion.
Redundancy and Fail-over – Ensuring service continuity in case of link failures.
SR Service Mapping operates through two primary mechanisms:
Native SR FTN:
Standard SR labels are mapped directly to the forwarding table for default or simple routing paths.
Traffic follows IGP-calculated shortest paths without additional policies.
SR Policy:
Custom traffic engineering rules dictate how specific traffic types are routed.
Enables fine-grained path selection, ensuring latency-sensitive or high-priority services take the most optimized routes.
This dual mechanism provides granular control over network traffic, allowing service providers to allocate network resources efficiently.
Feature Characteristics
The main characteristics of SR Mapping are as follows:
Flexible Routing Control: Supports both default SR FTN and policy-based routing for differentiated services.
Traffic Engineering Optimization: Ensures efficient bandwidth utilization with automated path computation.
Scalability: Works seamlessly with MPLS services, EVPN, and Segment Routing-MPLS (SR-MPLS).
High Availability & Redundancy: Supports fast reroute mechanisms for seamless failover.
Interoperability: Fully integrates with existing SR and MPLS architectures.
The key benefits of SR Mapping are as follows:
Optimized Traffic Flow – Routes services based on priority, latency, and bandwidth needs.
Improved Network Efficiency – Minimizes congestion and enhances overall network performance.
Simplified Operations – Reduces complexity by leveraging a unified SR-based framework.
High Availability – Provides redundancy through SR policies, ensuring uninterrupted service.
The SR Mapping feature can be enabled on the following devices:
OcNOS devices that support ISIS/OSPF Segment Routing.
OcNOS devices that support MPLS services such as VPLS,VPWS,L3VPN,6PE,6VPE and EVPN (ELINE,ELAN,ETREE).
The following configuration enables with SR service mapping.
This topology represents a basic SR Service Mapping topology:
SRv4 with ISIS Topology
Provider Edge Router 1 (PE1): Ingress SR router, maps services to SR Policies.
Core Router (P1): Transit SR router, forwards based on ISIS-SR advertisements.
Provider Edge Router 2 (PE2): Egress SR router, handles service termination.
Traffic Flow:
Traffic enters PE1 (ingress).
PE1 maps services to an SR policy (TE path or native SR forwarding) or vice versa.
The traffic traverses P1 (core router).
PE2 (egress) receives the mapped traffic and forwards it accordingly.
To configure SR Mapping functionality on PE nodes with ISIS, follow the steps mentioned below:
1. Configure Loopback for SR.
1. Assign a loopback IP and enable IS-IS for routing
2. Configure Prefix-SID for Segment Routing.
PE1(config)# interface lo
PE1(config-if)# ip address secondary
PE1(config-if)# ip router isis 1
PE1(config-if)# prefix-sid index 1 no-php
PE1(config-if)# exit
PE1(config)# commit.
2. Assign IP address and enable IS-IS and MPLS on the interface:
PE1(config)# interface xe9
PE1(config-if)# ip address
PE1(config-if)# ip router isis 1
PE1(config-if)# label-switching
PE1(config-if)# commit
3. Enable IS-IS as the IGP and configure it to support Segment Routing MPLS.
PE1(config)# router isis 1
PE1(config-router)# metric-style wide
PE1(config-router)# is-type level-1-2
PE1(config-router)# net 49.0000.0100.0000.1001.00
PE1(config-router)# mpls traffic-eng level-1
PE1(config-router)# mpls traffic-eng level-2
PE1(config-router)# dynamic-hostname
PE1(config-router)# capability cspf
PE1(config-router)# isis segment-routing global block 16000 23999
PE1(config-router)# segment-routing mpls
PE1(config-router)# commit
4. Enable Segment Routing Traffic Engineering and define Policy for Service Mapping, and use IS-IS for path computation.
PE1(config-sr-te)#policy P1
PE1(config-sr-pol)#color 1 end-point
PE1(config-sr-pol)#candidate-path 1
PE1(config-sr-pol-cp)#dynamic-path isis 1
5. Enable EVPN VRF over MPLS and configure VTEP IP for service mapping.
PE1(config)#mac vrf evpn1
PE1(config-vrf)#rd 1:1
PE1(config-vrf)#route-target both 1:1
PE1(config)#evpn mpls enable
PE1(config)#evpn mpls vtep-ip-global
PE1(config)#evpn mpls id 1
PE1(config-evpn-mpls)#host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp evpn1
6. Enable BGP EVPN for service mapping.
PE1(config)#router bgp 65010
PE1(config-router)#neighbor remote-as 65010
PE1(config-router)#neighbor update-source lo
PE1(config-router)#address-family l2vpn evpn
PE1(config-router-af)#neighbor activate
Note: Ensure EVPN routes are exchanged between PE1 and PE2.
7. Configure Access Interface for EVPN
PE1(config)#interface xe2.1 switchport
PE1(config-if)#encapsulation dot1q 10
PE1(config-acc-if-evpn)#map vpn-id 1
8. Define Tunnel Selection Policy for SR services.
PE1(config)#tunnel-policy 1
PE1(config-tnl-policy)#color 1
9. Bind Tunnel Policy to EVPN MPLS or other services like vrf
PE1(config)#evpn mpls id 1
PE1(config-evpn-mpls)#tunnel-select-policy 1
PE1(config)#mac vrf evpn1
PE1(config-vrf)#tunnel-select-policy 1
Configuration Snapshot
feature netconf-ssh vrf management
feature netconf-tls vrf management
no feature netconf-ssh
no feature netconf-tls
service password-encryption
snmp-server enable traps link linkDown
snmp-server enable traps link linkUp
hardware-profile statistics voq-full-color enable
hardware-profile statistics cfm-ccm enable
qos enable
hostname PE1
no ip domain-lookup
ip domain-lookup vrf management
tfo Disable
errdisable cause stp-bpdu-guard
no feature telnet vrf management
no feature telnet
feature ssh vrf management
no feature ssh
feature dns relay
ip dns relay
ipv6 dns relay
feature ntp vrf management
ntp enable vrf management
evpn mpls enable
tunnel-policy 1
color 1
ip vrf management
mac vrf evpn1
rd 1:1
route-target both 1:1
evpn mpls vtep-ip-global
evpn mpls id 1
host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp evpn1
tunnel-select-policy 1
policy P1
color 1 end-point
candidate-path 1
dynamic-path isis 1
interface ce0
interface ce1
interface eth0
ip vrf forwarding management
ip address dhcp
interface lo
ip address
ip address secondary
ipv6 address ::1/128
prefix-sid index 1 no-php
ip router isis 1
interface lo.management
ip vrf forwarding management
ip address
ipv6 address ::1/128
interface xe2
interface xe2.1 switchport
encapsulation dot1q 10
map vpn-id 1
interface xe3
interface xe7
speed 10g
interface xe8
interface xe9
speed 10g
ip address
ip router isis 1
interface xe10
router isis 1
is-type level-1-2
metric-style wide
mpls traffic-eng level-1
mpls traffic-eng level-2
capability cspf
net 49.0000.0100.0000.1001.00
isis segment-routing global block 16000 23999
segment-routing mpls
router bgp 65010
neighbor remote-as 65010
neighbor update-source lo
address-family l2vpn evpn
neighbor activate
feature netconf-ssh vrf management
feature netconf-tls vrf management
no feature netconf-ssh
no feature netconf-tls
service password-encryption
snmp-server enable traps link linkDown
snmp-server enable traps link linkUp
hardware-profile statistics ingress-acl enable
qos enable
hostname P1
no ip domain-lookup
ip domain-lookup vrf management
tfo Disable
errdisable cause stp-bpdu-guard
no feature telnet vrf management
no feature telnet
feature ssh vrf management
no feature ssh
feature dns relay
ip dns relay
ipv6 dns relay
feature ntp vrf management
ntp enable vrf management
ip vrf management
interface ce0
interface ce1
interface ce2
interface ce3
interface ce4
interface ce5
interface eth0
ip vrf forwarding management
ip address
interface lo
ip address
ip address secondary
ipv6 address ::1/128
prefix-sid index 2 no-php
ip router isis 1
interface lo.management
ip vrf forwarding management
ip address
ipv6 address ::1/128
interface xe0
interface xe1
interface xe2
interface xe3
interface xe4
interface xe5
interface xe6
ip address
ip router isis 1
interface xe7
ip address
ip router isis 1
interface xe8
interface xe9
interface xe10
interface xe11
router isis 1
is-type level-1-2
metric-style wide
mpls traffic-eng level-1
mpls traffic-eng level-2
capability cspf
net 49.0000.0100.0000.1002.00
isis segment-routing global block 16000 23999
segment-routing mpls
feature netconf-ssh vrf management
feature netconf-tls vrf management
no feature netconf-ssh
no feature netconf-tls
service password-encryption
snmp-server enable traps link linkDown
snmp-server enable traps link linkUp
hardware-profile statistics voq-full-color enable
hardware-profile statistics cfm-ccm enable
qos enable
hostname PE2
no ip domain-lookup
ip domain-lookup vrf management
tfo Disable
errdisable cause stp-bpdu-guard
no feature telnet vrf management
no feature telnet
feature ssh vrf management
no feature ssh
feature dns relay
ip dns relay
ipv6 dns relay
feature ntp vrf management
ntp enable vrf management
evpn mpls enable
ip vrf management
mac vrf evpn1
rd 1:1
route-target both 1:1
evpn mpls vtep-ip-global
evpn mpls id 1
host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp evpn1
interface ce0
interface ce1
interface eth0
ip vrf forwarding management
ip address dhcp
interface lo
ip address
ip address secondary
ipv6 address ::1/128
prefix-sid index 3 no-php
ip router isis 1
interface lo.management
ip vrf forwarding management
ip address
ipv6 address ::1/128
interface xe2
interface xe3
interface xe3.1 switchport
encapsulation dot1q 10
map vpn-id 1
interface xe4
interface xe5
ip address
ip router isis 1
interface xe6
interface xe7
interface xe8
interface xe9
interface xe10
interface xe11
interface xe12
interface xe13
router isis 1
is-type level-1-2
metric-style wide
mpls traffic-eng level-1
mpls traffic-eng level-2
capability cspf
net 49.0000.0100.0000.1003.00
isis segment-routing global block 16000 23999
segment-routing mpls
router bgp 65010
neighbor remote-as 65010
neighbor update-source lo
address-family l2vpn evpn
neighbor activate
Verify ISIS neighbor adjacency between routers.
PE1#show clns neighbors ()
Total number of L1 adjacencies: 1
Total number of L2 adjacencies: 1
Total number of adjacencies: 2
Tag 1: VRF : default
System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type Protocol
P1 xe9 80a2.355b.7008 Up 21 L1 IS-IS
Up 21 L2 IS-IS
Verify that segment routing is enabled and that prefix SIDs are announced to other routers and verify that prefix SIDs are installed as labels in MPLS forwarding table. Verify the same in FTN and ILM tables.
PE1#show mpls forwarding-table
Codes: > - installed FTN, * - selected FTN, p - stale FTN, ! - using backup
B - BGP FTN, K - CLI FTN, (t) - tunnel, P - SR Policy FTN, (b) - bypass,
L - LDP FTN, R - RSVP-TE FTN, S - SNMP FTN, I - IGP-Shortcut,
U - unknown FTN, O - SR-OSPF FTN, i - SR-ISIS FTN, k - SR-CLI FTN
(m) - FTN mapped over multipath transport, (e) - FTN is ECMP
FTN-ECMP LDP: Disabled, SR: Disabled
Code FEC FTN-ID Nhlfe-ID Tunnel-ID Pri Out-Label Out-Intf ELC Nexthop Algo-Num UpTime
i> 1 8 - - - - - - 0 00:20:23
5 0 Yes 16002 xe9 No - -
P> 3 13 1 Yes 16003 xe9 No N/A 00:17:21
i> 2 10 - - - - - - 0 00:19:07
9 0 Yes 16003 xe9 No - -
Verify SR policy
PE1#show segment-routing policy
Policy-Name Color End-point State Forwarding-Info
P1 1 UP 16003/xe9
Verify EVPN ELAN service:
PE1#show evpn mpls tunnel
EVPN-MPLS Network tunnel Entries
Source Destination Status Up/Down Update evpn-id Local-Leaf Remote-Leaf
================================================================================================================= Installed 00:02:46 00:02:46 1 --- ---
show evpn mpls tunnel label
PE1-7012#sh evpn mpls tunnel label
EVPN-MPLS Network tunnel labels
(*) in Policy - tunnel-policy inherited from mac-vrf
(e) - Service mapped over MPLS Multipath/ECMP
Local Remote MPLS-Multipath Underlay
Destination Status VPN-ID Policy MC-Label UC-Label MC-Label UC-Label Grp-Name NHLFE-ix NW-Intf NW-Label
================+===========+=========+===============+=========+=========+=========+=========+============+=========+============+======== Installed 1 1 27524 28164 27524 -- -- 170 xe9 16014
Verify the tunnel policy details
Total number of entries are 1
PE1#sh tunnel-policy service details------------()
List of services configured with tunnel-policy 1:
EVPN-Id: 1, Tunnel count: 1
Peer: Mapped Tunnel: P1 [Owner: SR_POLICY], ftn_ix 3, color 1
Implementation Examples
SR-TE for MPLS VPN Services
Use SR Policies to optimize L3VPN MPLS services.
Example: Redirecting VoIP traffic via an SR-TE policy to ensure low latency.
EVPN Traffic Steering via SR Policies
Ensure L2VPN/EVPN services are carried over low-latency paths using SR-TE.
Example: Large-scale data center interconnects (DCI).
Dynamic Traffic Engineering
Route specific applications (for example: video traffic) via high-priority TE paths.
The following provides definitions for key terms or abbreviations and their meanings used throughout this document:
Key Terms/Acronym
Segment Routing (SR)
A source-routing paradigm that uses Segment Identifiers (SIDs) to define a path through the network without requiring per-flow state in intermediate nodes. SR can be applied to MPLS (SR-MPLS) or IPv6 (SRv6) networks.
SR Policy
A traffic engineering mechanism that allows explicit routing of traffic through a sequence of segments. SR policies enable optimized routing, load balancing, and redundancy.
Forwarding Table Number (FTN)
A table in the router that maps incoming packets to specific Segment Routing (SR) paths or policies based on preconfigured rules.
Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS)
A packet-forwarding technology that assigns labels to packets and forwards them based on labels instead of traditional IP routing..
Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP)
An intra-domain protocol used to exchange network reachability and routing information among devices.