OcNOS-SP : Ansible Guide : Ansible User Guide
Ansible User Guide
Steps to use an Ansible Playbook
In the below example, we will show steps to use an Ansible Playbook using Jinja2 template and sample parameter file. This example show how to configure LDP protocol:
osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$ cat templates/ocnos_ldp.j2
{%if ldp is defined%}
router ldp
{% for peer in ldp.peers -%}
targeted-peer ipv4 {{ peer.address }}
{% endfor %}
{% if ldp.advertise_label_prefix is defined %}
advertise-labels for only_lo to any
{% for interface in ldp.interfaces -%}
interface {{ interface.name }}
enable-ldp {{ interface.protocol }}
{% endfor %}
We will provide the LDP configuration details in the appropriate host_vars file.
osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$ cat host_vars/sw2.yml
- address:
- address:
advertise_label_prefix: only_lo
- { ldp_interface: eth1, ldp_protocol: ipv4 }
- { ldp_interface: eth2, ldp_protocol: ipv4 }
Here is the overall directory structure of the Ansible Playbook and associated files.
osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$ tree
The following is the content of ansible.cfg file which points to hosts-net inventory file.
osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$ cat ansible.cfg
inventory = hosts-net
host_key_checking = False
retry_files_enabled = False
interpreter_python = auto
Following is the content of the hosts-net inventory file. Currently this has details of only one device.
osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$ cat hosts-net
sw2 ansible_host=
Following is the content of ocnos.yml in group_vars folder.
osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$ cat group_vars/ocnos.yml
ansible_connection: network_cli
ansible_network_os: ipinfusion.ocnos.ocnos
ansible_become: yes
ansible_become_method: enable
ansible_ssh_user: ocnos
ansible_ssh_pass: ocnos
The below playbook pushes the ldp configuration created using the template file 'ocnos_ldp.j2' for all the ocnos hosts using the appropriate host_vars file 'sw2.yml':
(ansible) osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$ cat ldp-playbook.yml
- hosts: ocnos
gather_facts: no
- name: configure LDP config on OcNOS
config: "{{ lookup('template', 'templates/{{ ansible_network_os }}_ldp.j2') }}"
Configuration on the OcNOS device before executing the Ansible Playbook:
#show running-config ldp
Now we can execute the Ansible playbook and below are the logs that will be seen.
(ansible) osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$ ansible-playbook ldp-playbook.yml
PLAY [ocnos]**************************************************************************
TASK [configure LDP config on OcNOS]**************************************************
changed: [sw2]
PLAY RECAP*****************************************************************************
sw2 : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Now check the configs on the OcNOS device. which should show the LDP configurations.
#show running-config ldp
router ldp
targeted-peer ipv4
targeted-peer ipv4
advertise-labels for only_lo to any
interface eth2
enable-ldp ipv4
interface eth1
enable-ldp ipv4
The below playbook shows how to check the runtime status of LDP protocol through the 'show ldp session' command and prints its output. It is assumed that the neighboring nodes are configured accordingly to get the LDP session up and running.
osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$ cat showldp-playbook.yml
- hosts: ocnos
gather_facts: no
- name: show LDP config ocnos
command: show ldp session
register: result
- name: debug
msg: "{{ result.stdout_lines }}"
When you run this playbook, the following will be its output. Parsing of the show command output needs to be done to determine if the runtime status of the protocol is fine.
(ansible) osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$ ansible-playbook showldp-playbook.yml
PLAY [ocnos]**************************************************************************
TASK [show LDP config ocnos]***********************************************************
ok: [sw2]
TASK [debug]**************************************************************************
ok: [sw2] => {
"msg": [
"Peer IP Address IF Name My Role State KeepAlive UpTime",
" eth2 Passive OPERATIONAL 30 03:58:20",
" eth1 Active OPERATIONAL 30 03:58:20"
PLAY RECAP*****************************************************************************
sw2 : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
(ansible) osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$
The below playbook is to unconfigure the LDP configuration on the OcNOS device.
osboxes@osboxes:~/playbooks$ cat unconfigureldp-playbook.yml
- hosts: ocnos
gather_facts: no
- name: give "no router ldp" command
- no router ldp
- name: show LDP config ocnos
command: show running-config ldp
register: result
- name: debug
msg: "{{ result.stdout_lines }}"
Jinja2 Templates for configuring OcNOS
In this section, we will provide a few Jinja2 templates which can be used to configure a few protocols in OcNOS. Also a sample yaml parameter file is provided for each j2 template with explanations of the parameters. While creating the Jinja2 template, only the commonly used configuration is considered. Customers can use these templates as such, if it meets their configuration needs or can modify them accordingly.
Template File for LDP
{%if ldp is defined%}
router ldp
{% for peer in ldp.peers -%}
targeted-peer ipv4 {{ peer.address }}
{% endfor %}
{% if ldp.advertise_label_prefix is defined %}
advertise-labels for only_lo to any
{% for interface in ldp.interfaces -%}
interface {{ interface.name }}
enable-ldp {{ interface.protocol }}
{% endfor %}
Sample Parameter File for LDP
Router LDP configurations
Peer Details
- address:
Configures the targeted-peer IPv4 address as <> under router LDP
- address:
Configures the targeted-peer IPv4 address as <> under router LDP
advertise_label_prefix: only_lo
If defined it will Configure the advertise label command for "ony_lo" prefix_list under router ldp
LDP Interface configurations
- interface: eth1
Enables LDP on interface <eth1> for protocol <ipv4>
protocol: ipv4
Enables LDP for ipv4 protocol under interface eth1
BGP Configuration
Template File for BGP
{%if bgp is defined%}
router bgp {{ bgp.asn }}
{% if bgp.router is defined %}
no bgp default ipv4-unicast
bgp log-neighbor-changes
no bgp inbound-route-filter
{% endif %}
{% for network in bgp.networks -%}
network {{ network.network_id }}
{%if network.network_id ==''%}
max-paths ibgp 2
{% endfor -%}
{% for neighbor in bgp.neighbors -%}
neighbor {{ neighbor.neighbor_id }} remote-as {{ neighbor.remoteas }}
neighbor {{ neighbor.neighbor_id }} {{ neighbor.detection }} bfd multihop
neighbor {{ neighbor.neighbor_id }} update-source {{ neighbor.updatesource }}
{% endfor %}
allocate-label all
{% for address_family in bgp.address_family -%}
{% if address_family.address_family_type == 'vpnv4' -%}
address-family {{ address_family.address_family_type }} unicast
{% endif %}
{% if address_family.address_family_type == 'labeled-unicast' -%}
address-family ipv4 {{ address_family.address_family_type }}
{% endif %}
{% if address_family.address_family_type == 'vrf' -%}
{% for vrf in address_family.vrfs -%}
address-family ipv4 {{address_family.address_family_type }} {{ vrf.vrf_name }}
{% if vrf.protocol is defined %}
redistribute {{vrf.protocol}}
{% endif %}
redistribute connected
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if address_family.neighbors is defined %}
{% for neighbor in address_family.neighbors -%}
neighbor {{neighbor.neighbor_id}} activate
{% if neighbor.route_reflector_type is defined %}
neighbor {{neighbor.neighbor_id}} {{ neighbor.route_reflector_type }}
{% endif %}
{% if neighbor.next_hop_type is defined %}
neighbor {{ neighbor.neighbor_id}} {{ neighbor.next_hop_type }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Parameter File for BGP
Router BGP configurations
asn: 65001
Autonomous system number
Network command
Configures the network IPv4 address as <> under router BGP 65001
Neighbor command
- neighbor_id:
Identifies the neighbor
remoteas: 65001
configure remote-as 65001 for neighbor command under router bgp
detection: fall-over
Configure detection type as <fall-over bfd multihop>
command under router bgp
updatesource: lo
Configure update-source lo> for <neighbor > under router bgp
Address-family configuration
- address_family_type: labeled-unicast
Address family type label-unicast will be configured under router bgp
Neighbor configuration under address family
- neighbor_id:
Activate neighbor for address family label-unicast under bgp
next_hop_type: next-hop-self
If next_hop_type is defined then it will configure the neighbor next-hop-self command will be configured for address-family label-unicast
route_reflector_type: route-
If route_reflector_type is defined then neighbor will be configured as route reflector client for address-family label-unicast
- address_family_type: vpnv4
Adress family type vpnv4 will be configured under router bgp
Neighbor configuration under address family
- neighbor_id:
Activate neighbor for address family vpnv4 under bgp
If route_reflector_type is defined then neighbor will be configured as route reflector client for address-family vpnv4
- address_family_type: vrf
Adress family type vrf will be configured under router bgp
Multiple Vrf 's name will be define under this
- vrf_name: 1001
Address family type vrf with name <1001> will be configured under router bgp
RSVP Configuration
Template File for RSVP
{%if rsvp is defined %}
router rsvp
{% if rsvp.rsvppath is defined %}
{% for path in rsvp.rsvppath -%}
rsvp-path {{ path.name }} mpls
{% for hop in path.hops -%}
{{ hop }} strict
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if rsvp.interfaces is defined %}
{% for interface in rsvp.interfaces -%}
interface {{ interface.name }}
{{ interface.command }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if rsvp.trunks is defined %}
{% for trunk in rsvp.trunks -%}
rsvp-trunk {{ trunk.name }} ipv4
{% if trunk.FRR_TYPE is defined %}
{{ trunk.FRR_TYPE }}
{% endif %}
primary path {{ trunk.primary_path }}
primary label-record
{% if trunk.secondary_path is defined %}
secondary path {{ trunk.secondary_path }}
{% endif %}
from {{trunk.ingress}}
to {{ trunk.egress }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if rsvp.bypass is defined %}
{% for bypass in rsvp.bypass -%}
rsvp-bypass {{ bypass.name }}
from {{bypass.ingress}}
to {{ bypass.egress }}
path {{ bypass.path }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Parameter File for RSVP
Router RSVP configurations
Rsvp trunk Details
- name: TO_AR-1
Configures the rsvp-trunk with name TO_AR-1
Configures the starting point of the trunk as
Configures the end point of the trunk as
FRR: primary fast-reroute protection facility
Configures the FRR as FACILITY
FRR_TYPE: primary fast-reroute node-protection
Configure the type of FRR type as <node-protection>
primary_path: TO_AR-1
Configures the trunk with a primary path TO_AR-1
secondary_path: TO_AR-1_Sec
Configures the trunk with a secondary path TO_AR-1_Sec
Bypass configuration
- name: TO_AR-1_BKUP
Configures the rsvp-bypass with name TO_AR-1_BKUP
Configures the starting point of the bypass as
Configures the end point of the trunk as
path: TO_AR-1_BKUP
Configures the bypass with path TO_AR-1_BKUP
Rsvp path configuration
- name: TO_AR-2_BKUP
Configures the RSVP path with name TO_AR-2_BKUP
Hops configuration under path TO_AR-2_BKUP
Configures as a strict hop under rsvp-path TO_AR-2_BKUP
Configures as a strict hop under rsvp-path TO_AR-2_BKUP
Configures as a strict hop under rsvp-path TO_AR-2_BKUP
Configures as a strict hop under rsvp-path TO_AR-2_BKUP
Configures as a strict hop under rsvp-path TO_AR-2_BKUP
Interface configuration for rsvp
- name: xe1
Configures Interface xe1 command
command: enable-rsvp
Configures enable-rsvp command under interface xe1
QoS Configuration
Template File for QOS
{%if QOS is defined %}
qos enable
qos statistics
{% for classmap in QOS.classmap -%}
{% if classmap.protocol == "dscp" %}
class-map {{ classmap.matchtype }} {{ classmap.name }}
match {{ classmap.protocol }} {{ classmap.dscptype }}
{% endif %}
{% if classmap.protocol == "queuing" %}
class-map {{ classmap.matchtype }} {{ classmap.protocol }} {{ classmap.que_name }}
match {{ classmap.classification }} {{ classmap.name }}
{% endif %}
{% if classmap.protocol == "vlan" %}
class-map {{ classmap.matchtype }} {{ classmap.name }}
match {{ classmap.protocol }} {{ classmap.dscptype }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for policymap in QOS.policymap -%}
{% if policymap.qos_name is defined %}
{% for param in policymap.params %}
{% if param.matchtype is defined %}
{%if param.val is defined %}
{% if param.val==1%}
policy-map {{ param.matchtype }} {{ param.protocol }} {{ policymap.qos_name }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
class {{ param.name }}
{% if param.cosvalue is defined %}
set queue {{param.cosvalue}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if policymap.que_name is defined %}
{% for param in policymap.params %}
{%if param.val is defined %}
{%if param.val ==1 %}
policy-map {{ param.matchtype }} {{ param.protocol }} {{ policymap.que_name }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
class type {{ param.protocol }} {{param.classmap_name}}
shape {{param.shape_rate}}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for interface in QOS.interfaces -%}
interface {{interface.name}}
{% for policy in interface.policy_type -%}
{% if policy.type == "qos" %}
service-policy type {{policy.type}} input {{policy.policy_name}}
{% endif %}
{% if policy.type == "queuing" %}
service-policy type {{policy.type}} output {{policy.policy_name}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Parameter File for QOS
QOS configuration
Class-map configuration
- matchtype: match-all
Configures the Logical-AND of all match statements under this class-map
name: DSCP-AF11
Specify a class-map name (Max Size 32)
protocol: dscp
Configures the protocol type dscp under class-mapp DSCP-AF11
dscptype: af11
Configures Match type of dscp as af11 under DSCP-AF1
- matchtype: match-all
Configures the Logical-AND of all match statements under this class-map
name: VLAN100
Specify a class-map name (Max Size 32)
protocol: vlan
Configure te protocol type vlan under class-map VLAN100
dscptype: 500
Configures the vlan id under the class-map VLAN100
- matchtype: type
Configures the type of match statements under this class-map
protocol: queuing
Configure the protocol as queuing
que_name: defaultq
Configure the class-map defaultq name for protocol queuing
classification: service-template
Configures the classification type as service-template under defaultq
name: vpws
Configures the name of the service-template
- matchtype: type
Configures the type of match statements under this class-map
protocol: queuing
Configure the protocol as queuing under class-map
que_name: matchall
Configure the class-map matchall name for protocol queuing
classification: vlan
Configures the classification type as vlan
name: 1001
Configures the if of the vlan as 1001
Policymap configuration
- qos_name: ALL-VLANs
Configure the name of the policy-map as ALL-VLANs
Configure the parameter for policy-map
- matchtype: type
Configures the type command for policy-map
protocol: qos
Configure the type of protocol as qos for policy-map
name: VLAN100
Configure the class name as VLAN100 under policy-map ALL-VLANs
val: 1
Define the occurrence of under the policy-map
- qos_name: DSCP-ALL
Configure the name of the policy-map as DSCP-ALL
Configure the parameter for policy-map
- matchtype: type
Configures the type command for policy-map
protocol: qos
Configure the type of protocol as qos for policy-map
name: DSCP-AF11
Configure the class name as DSCP-AF11 under policy-map DSCP-ALL
cosvalue: 1
Configures the queue value to be taken for matched traffic
Under class DSCP-AF11
Define the occurrence of under the policy-map
- matchtype: type
Configures the type command for policy-map
protocol: qos
Configure the type of protocol as qos for policy-map
name: DSCP-AF12
Configure the class name as DSCP-AF12 under policy-map DSCP-ALL
cosvalue: 1
Configures the queue value to be taken for matched traffic
Under class DSCP-AF12
Define the occurrence of under the policy-map
- que_name: shaper
Configure the name of the queue as shaper
Configure the parameter for policy-map
- matchtype: type
Configures the type command for policy-map
protocol: queuing
Configure the type of protocol as queuing for policy-map
name: DSCP-EF
Configure the class name as DSCP-EF under policy-map shaper
val: 1
Define the occurrence of under the policy-map
classmap_name: defaultq
Configures the class-map name defaultq
shape_rate: 10 gbps
Configures the shape rate as 10 gbps under under class DSCP-EF
Interface configuration
- name: eth3
Configure the interface eth3 command
Policy configuration under interface
- type: qos
Configures the service policy type as qos
policy_name: ALL-VLANs
Configures the input policy name as ALL-VLANs for policy-type qos
- type: queuing
Configures the service policy type as queuing
policy_name: shaper
Configures the output policy name as shaper for policy-type queuing
Timing (PTP) and Synchronization (SyncE) Configuration
Template File for PTP and SyncE
{%if PTP_SYNCE is defined%}
ptp clock profile g8275.1
number-ports {{ PTP_SYNCE.numberport}}
{% if PTP_SYNCE.ptp is defined %}
{% for ptp_params in PTP_SYNCE.ptp -%}
clock-port {{ ptp_params.clockport }}
{% if ptp_params.interface is defined %}
network-interface {{ptp_params.interface}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if PTP_SYNCE.interfaces is defined %}
{% for interface in PTP_SYNCE.interfaces -%}
interface {{ interface.name }}
mode {{ interface.mode }}
{% if interface.inputsource is defined %}
input-source {{ interface.inputsource }}
{% if interface.outputsource is defined %}
{% if interface.waittorestore is defined %}
wait-to-restore {{ interface.waittorestore }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Sample Parameter File for PTP and SyncE
PTP Synce configurations
numberport: 5
Configure the numpber-port value as 1 under ptp clock profile g8275.1
Ptp configuration
- clockport: 1
Configure the clock-port value as 1 under ptp clock profile g8275.1
interface: xe19
Configures network-interface as xe19 under clock-port 1
Interface configurations
- name: xe4
configures interface xe4
mode: synchronous
Enables mode synchronous under synce
inputsource: 10
Configure input-source as 10 under interface if defined
outputsource: output-source
Configure output-source under interface if defined
Waittorestore: 1
Configure wait-to-restore as 1 under interface if defined
VPWS Configuration
Template File for VPWS
{% if VPWS.pseudowire is defined %}
{% for vpws in VPWS.pseudowire -%}
mpls l2-circuit {{ vpws.vc_name }} {{ vpws.vc_id }} {{ vpws.peer }}
{% endfor %}
{% for template in VPWS.service_template -%}
service-template {{ template.name}}
{% if template.vlan is defined %}
match outer-vlan {{ template.vlan }}
{% endif %}
{% if template.operation is defined %}
{% if template.operation == "pop" %}
rewrite ingress {{ template.operation }} outgoing-tpid {{ template.tpid }}
{% endif %}
{% if template.operation == "translate" %}
rewrite ingress {{ template.operation }} {{ template.translate_vlan }} outgoing-tpid {{template.tpid }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for interface in VPWS.interfaces -%}
interface {{ interface.name }}
{% for binding in interface.vpws_binding -%}
mpls-l2-circuit {{ binding.instance}} service-template {{binding.service_template}}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Sample Parameter File for VPWS
VPWS configurations
Pseudowire(PW) instance configuration
- vc_name: vpws
Configures the name of PW as vpws
vc_id: 1
Configures the PW id as 1
Configures PW peer id as
- vc_name: vpws-2
Configures the name of PW as vpws-2
vc_id: 2
Configures the PW id as 2
Configures PW peer id as
Service-template configuration
- name: vpws
Configure service-template name as vpws
vlan: 555
Configure match-outer vlan as vlan-id 555 under service-template vpws
operation: pop
Configure rewrite ingress operation as pop under service-template vpws
tpid: dot1.q
Configure outgoing tpid as dot1.q under service-template vpws
- name: vpws-2
Configure service-template name as vpws-2
vlan: 600
Configure match-outer vlan as vlan-id 600 under service-template vpws
Interface configuration
- name: xe20
Configure interface xe20 command
Configuration to bing vpws instance with service -template
- instance: vpws
Configure the binding of instance name vpws
service_template: vpws
Configure the vpws binding with service-template vpws under interface
- instance: vpws-2
Configure the binding of instance name vpws-2
service_template: vpws-2
Configure the vpws binding with service-template vpws -2 under interface
L3VPN Configuration
Template File for L3VPN
{% if L3VPN.vrfs is defined %}
{% for vrf in L3VPN.vrfs -%}
ip vrf {{ vrf.vrf_name }}
rd {{ vrf.rd_1 }}:{{ vrf.rd_2 }}
route-target both {{ vrf.rt_1 }}:{{ vrf.rt_2 }}
{% endfor %}
{% for interface in L3VPN.vrf_interfaces -%}
interface {{ interface.interface_name }}
ip vrf forwarding {{ interface.vrf_name }}
ip address {{ interface.address }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Sample Parameter File for L3VPN
L3VPN configurations
VRF instance configuration
- vrf_name: 1001
Configures the name of VRFas 1001
Configures the ASN or IP-address value depending on the ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn route distinguisher value used .
rd_2: 1001
Configures the nn on the ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn route distinguisher value.
rt_1: 65001
Configures the ASN or IP-address value depending on the ASN:nn_or_IP-address:nn format used for route-target
rt_2: 1001
Configure nn value of the route-target
Vrf interface configuration
- interface_name: eth2
Configure interface eth2
vrf_name: 1001
Configure the interface as part of the vrf 1001
Configure the ip address the vrf interface
Route Map Configuration
Template File for Route Map
{%if Route_Map is defined%}
{% for routemap in Route_Map.params -%}
route-map {{ routemap.name }} {{routemap.permission}} {{routemap.seq_no}}
{% if routemap.match=="address" %}
{{ routemap.operation}} {{ routemap.protocol }} {{ routemap.match }} prefix-list {{routemap.prefix_list}}
{{ routemap.operation}} {{ routemap.protocol }} {{ routemap.match }} {{routemap.prefix_list}}
{% endfor %}
Sample Parameter File for Route Map
Route map configurations
Route map parameters configuration
Configures the name of the route_map
permission: permit
Configure the permission type as permit for route map
seq_no: 10
Configure the sequence no. as 10
operation: set
Configures the operation type under route-map as set
protocol: vpnv4
Configures the protocol as vpnv4
match: next-hop
Configures the match-type as next-hop under route-map NEXTHOP_SELF
Configure the matching prefix as .we can define prefix list name also if it is created .
- name: LO_RED_TO_0
Configures the name of the route_map
permission: permit
Configure the permission type as permit for route map
seq_no: 10
Configure the sequence no. as 10
operation: match
onfigures the operation type under route-map as match
protocol: ip
Configures the matching protocol as ip
match: address
Configures the match-type as addressunder route-map LO_RED_TO_0
prefix_list: LO_RED_TO_0
Configure the matching prefix list name
Prefix List Configuration
Template File for Prefix List
{%if prefix_list is defined %}
{% for prefixlist in prefix_list.params -%}
{% if prefixlist.eq is defined %}
ip prefix-list {{ prefixlist.name }}
{{prefixlist.seq_no}} {{prefixlist.permission}}
{{prefixlist.prefix}} eq {{ prefixlist.eq }}
{% else %}
ip prefix-list {{ prefixlist.name }}
{{prefixlist.seq_no}} {{prefixlist.permission}} {{prefixlist.prefix}}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %} end
Sample Parameter File for Prefix List
prefix-list configurations
prefix-list parameters configuration
- name: only_lo
Configures the name of the prefix-list
seq_no: seq 5
Configures the sequence no. to give the priority to the matched
permission: permit
Configure the permission type as permit for prefix-list
Configure the prefix to matched
eq: 32
If defined it wiill confgigure the Exact prefix length to be matched as 32
ACL Configuration
Template File for ACL
{%if ACL is defined%}
{% for acl in ACL.params -%}
ip access-list {{ acl.name }}
{{acl.seq_no}} {{acl.permission}} {{acl.protocol}} {{acl.prefix}} {{acl.dst}}
{% endfor %}
Sample Parameter File for ACL
ACL configurations
ACL parameters configuration
- name: only_lo
Configures the name of the ACL
seq_no: 10
Configures the sequence no. to give the priority to the matched prefixes
permission: permit
Configure the permission type as permit for acl
protocol: any
Configure any command to match any type of protocol packet to match
Configure the prefix to matched
dst: any
Configure the destination address as any
- name: only_lo
Configures the name of the ACL
seq_no: 11
Configures the sequence no. to give the priority to the matched prefixes
permission: deny
Configure the permission type as deny for acl
SNMP Configuration
Template File for SNMP
snmp-server enable snmp vrf {{ snmp.vrf }}
snmp-server view {{ snmp.viewname }} {{ snmp.oid }} included vrf management
snmp-server community {{ snmp.communame }} group network-admin vrf management
{% if snmp.community is defined %}
snmp-server community {{ snmp.community }} group network-operator vrf management
{% endif %}
{% if snmp.hosttest is defined %}
snmp-server host {{ snmp.hosttest }} traps version 2c test udp-port 161 vrf management
{% endif %}
snmp-server host {{ snmp.hostpub }} traps version 2c public udp-port 162 vrf management
{% for traps in snmp.traps -%}
snmp-server enable traps {{ traps.daemon }}
{% endfor -%}
Parameter File for SNMP
Set SNMP service
globally enable snmp traps
- daemon: bgp
Enable bgp notification trap in global configuration mode
- daemon: isis
Enable isis notification trap in global configuration mode
- daemon: pwdelete
Enable pwdelete notification trap in global configuration mode
- daemon: pw
Enable pw notification trap in global configuration mode
- daemon: mpls
Enable mpls notification trap in global configuration mode
- daemon: ospf
Enable ospf notification trap in global configuration mode
- daemon: rsvp
Enable rsvp notification trap in global configuration mode
vrf: management
Configure vrf name as < snmp-server enable snmp vrf management> to enable snmp
viewname: all
Globally Configure viewname as < snmp-server view all.1 included vrf management>
oid: .1
Specify the OID-Tree in global configs
community: test
Configure community name as test
communame: public
Configure community name as public
Configure snmp-server host traps version 2c public udp-port 161 vrf management command globlly
Configure snmp-server host traps version 2c public udp-port 162 vrf management command globlly
ISIS Configuration
Template File for ISIS
key chain {{ key.chain }}
key {{ key.keyid }}
key-string encrypted {{ key.passwd }}
{% for isis in isis.proc1 -%}
router isis {{ isis.processid }}
{% if isis.istype is defined %}
is-type {{ isis.istype }}
{% if isis.mode is defined %}
authentication mode {{ isis.mode }} {{ isis.level }}
authentication key-chain isis {{ isis.level }}
{% if isis.level is defined %}
spf-interval-exp {{ isis.spfvalue }} {{isis.spfinmili }}
{% if isis.level1 is defined %}
spf-interval-exp {{ isis.level1 }} {{ isis.spfvalue }} {{isis.spfinmili }}
{% if isis.trafficeng is defined %}
metric-style wide {{ isis.trafficeng }}
mpls traffic-eng {{ isis.trafficeng }}
{% if routerid.address is defined %}
mpls traffic-eng router-id {{ routerid.address }}
{% endif%}
{% if isis.capability is defined %}
capability {{ isis.capability }}
{% endif%}
{% if isis.dynamic is defined %}
{% endif%}
bfd {{ isis.bfd }}
net {{ isis.net }}
{% if isis.metric is defined %}
redistribute isis 1 metric {{ isis.metric }} {{ isis.level }} route-map {{ isis.word }}
{% if isis.passive is defined %}
passive-interface {{ isis.passive }}
{% for interface in isis.interfaces -%}
interface {{ interface.name }}
ip router isis {{ interface.isis }}
{% if interface.isisnw is defined %}
isis network {{ interface.isisnw }}
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor -%}
Parameter File for ISIS
authentication key management configuratioin
chain: isis
Configure key chain isis command globally
keyid: 1
Configure key identifier number under authentication key management
passwd: 0x46ff28ed3cbff32e
Configure key-string encrypted 0x46ff28ed3cbff32e command under key id
Router isis configs
ISIS router configuration details
processid: 1
Configure router isis process id 1
istype: level-1
Configure IS Level 1 for this isis routing process
level: level-1
Configure authentication mode md5 level as 1 under router isis 1
spfvalue: 0
Configure spf-interval-exp 0 0 command under router isis 1
spfinmili: 0
Configure SPF calculation in milliseconds in spf-interval-exp 0 0 command under router isis 1
dynamic: dynamic-hostname
Configure dynamic hostname
net: 49.3600.3600.9608.00
Configure net: 49.0002.0000.0000.0099.00 under router isis 0
bfd: all-interfaces
Enable BFD on all interfaces
Interfaces details
- name: xe4
Configure interface xe4 command
isis: 1
Configure ip router isis 1 command under interface xe4
network: point-to-point
Configure isis network point-to-point command
- name: xe2
Configure interface xe2 command
isis: 1
Configure ip router isis 1 command under interface xe2
network: point-to-point
Configure interfacevlan1.1001 command
- name: lo
Configure interface lo command
isis: 1
Configure ip router isis 1 command under interface loopback
Interface Configuration
Template File for Interface Configuration
{% for interface in interfaces.ifnames -%}
interface {{ interface.ifname }}
{%if interface.loadinterval is defined %}
load-interval {{ interface.loadinterval }}
{% if "lo" in interface.ifname %}
ipv6 address {{ interface.address1 }}
bfd session {{ interface.bfdsession }} multihop
{%if interface.switch is defined %}
{{ interface.switch }}
{%if interface.speed is defined %}
speed {{ interface.speed }}
{% if interface.bridge is defined %}
bridge-group {{ interface.bridge }}
{% if interface.mode is defined %}
switchport mode {{ interface.mode }}
{% if interface.vlan is defined %}
switchport trunk allowed vlan {{ interface.vlan }}
{% if interface.address is defined %}
ip address {{ interface.address }}
{% if interface.mtu is defined %}
mtu {{ interface.mtu }}
{% if interface.groupid is defined %}
channel-group {{ interface.groupid }} mode {{ interface.state }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Parameter File for Interface configuration
Interface configuration
Interface configuration details
- ifname: xe4
Configure interface xe4
Configure ip address command under xe4
mtu: 9216
Configure mtu 9216 under xe4
- ifname: xe2
Configure interface xe2
loadinterval: 30
Configure load interval 30 under interface xe4
Configure ip address command under xe2
mtu: 9216
Configure mtu 9216 under xe2
- ifname: vlan1.1001
Configure interface vlan1.1001 command
Configure ip address command under interface vlan1.1001
- ifname: vlan1.101
Configure interface vlan1.101 command
Configure ip address command under interface vlan1.101
- ifname: lo
Configure interface loopback
Configure ip address command under lopback interfaces
address1: ::1/128
Configure ipv6 address ::1/128 command under loopback interface
Configure bfdsession: command under loopback interface
- ifname: xe0
Configure interface xe0
switch: switchport
Configure switchport under xe0 interface
bridge: 1
Configure bridge-group 1 under xe0 interface
mode: trunk
Configure switch mode as trunk under xe0 interfaces
vlan: all
Configure switchport trunk allowed vlan all command under int xe0
loadinterval: 30
Configure load-interval 30 under xe0 interfaces
- ifname: xe22
Configure interface xe22 command
switch: switchport
Configure switchport command under xe22 command
bridge: 1
Configure bridge-group 1 under xe22 interface
mode: trunk
Configure switch mode as trunk under xe22 interfaces
vlan: add 101,1001
Configure switchport trunk allowed vlan add 101,1001 command under int xe22
loadinterval: 30
Configure load-interval 30 under xe22 interfaces
mtu: 9216
Configute mtu 9216 under xe22 interface
- ifname: xe6
Configure interface xe6 command
switch: switchport
Configure switchport command under xe6 command
bridge: 1
Configure bridge-group 1 under xe6 interface
mode: access
Configure switch mode as access under xe6 interfaces
- ifname: xe10
Configure interface xe10 command
speed: 1g
Configure speed 1g under interface xe10
- ifname: xe11
Configure interface xe11 command
speed: 1g
Configure speed 1g under interface xe11
- ifname: ce0
Configure interface ce0 command
speed: 40g
Configure speed 40g under interface ce0
BFD Configuration
Template File for BFD
bfd interval {{ bfd.interval }} minrx {{ bfd.minrx }} multiplier {{ bfd.multiplier }}
{% for bfd in bfd.multihoppeer -%}
{% if bfd.address is defined %}
bfd multihop-peer {{ bfd.address }} interval {{ bfd.interval }} minrx {{ bfd.minrx }} multiplier {{ bfd.multiplier }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor -%}
Parameter File for BFD
Bfd configuration
interval: 3
Configure globally BFD transmit Interval BFD configuration as 3
minrx: 3
Configure bfd interval 3 minrx 3 multiplier 3 command globally
multiplier: 3
Configure bfd interval 3 minrx 3 multiplier 3 command globally
Configure multihoppeer configuration
- address:
Configure bfd multihop-peer interval 300 minrx 300 multiplier 5 command globally
interval: 300
Configure bfd multihop-peer interval 300 minrx 300 multiplier 5 command globally
minrx: 300
Configure bfd multihop-peer interval 300 minrx 300 multiplier 5 command globally
multiplier: 5
Configure bfd multihop-peer interval 300 minrx 300 multiplier 5 command globally
Hardware Profile Configuration
Template File for Hardware Profile
hardware-profile filter {{ hardware.filter }} enable
{% for statistics in hardware.statistics -%}
hardware-profile statistics {{ statistics.value }} enable
{% endfor -%}
Parameter File for Hardware Profile
Hardware configuration
filter: qos-ext
Configure hardware-profile filter qos-txt command under config mode
Hardware statistics configuration
- value: ingress-acl
Configure hardware-profile statistics ingress ACL command under config mode
- value: mpls-pwe
Configure hardware-profile statistics mpls-pwe command under config mode
NTP Configuration
Template File for NTP
feature ntp vrf management
{% for ntp in ntp.states -%}
ntp {{ ntp.state }} vrf management
{% endfor -%}
{% for server in ntp.server -%}
ntp server {{ server.address }} vrf management
{% endfor -%}
logging server {{ ntp.logserver }} 5 vrf management
router-id {{ ntp.routerid }}
service unsupported-transceiver
Parameter File for NTP
NTP configuration
Configure ntp states details
-state: enable
Enable ntp
- state: logging
Configure ntp logging vrf management command
Configure ntp server address
- address:
Configure ntp server vrf management command under config mode
Configure logging server 5 vrf management
Configure router-id command globally
VLAN Configuration
Template File for VLAN
{% if vlan.protocol is defined %}
bridge 1 protocol {{ vlan.protocol }} vlan-bridge
{%endif %}
vlan {{ vlan.level }}
{% for range in vlan.range -%}
vlan {{ range.value }} bridge {{ vlan.bridge }} state {{ vlan.state }}
{% endfor -%}
Parameter File for VLAN
Vlan configuration
level: database
Configure VLAN database
Vlan range configuration
- value: 101
Configure vlan 101 bridge 1 state enable command under vlan database
- value: 1001
Configure vlan 1001 bridge 1 state enable command under vlan database
bridge: 1
Configure bridge 1 under vlan database
state: enable
Configure vlan bridge 1 state as enable under vlan database
protocol: rstp
Configure bridge 1 protocol rstp vlan-bridge command globally
LLDP Configuration
Template File for LLDP
lldp run
{% for lldp in lldp.lldp1 -%}
interface {{ lldp.name }}
{{ lldp.lagent }}
set lldp {{ lldp.state }} {{ lldp.mode }}
lldp tlv {{ lldp.MED }} {{ lldp.powerviamdi }} select
set lldp {{ lldp.port }} {{ lldp.ifname}}
set lldp management-address-tlv ip-address
{% for tlvselect in lldp.tlvselect -%}
lldp tlv basic-mgmt {{ tlvselect.mgmt }} select
{% endfor -%}
{% endfor -%}
Parameter File for LLDP
lldp configuration
lldp configuration details
- name: xe2
Configure interface xe2 command
lagent: lldp-agent
Enable lldp agent under xe2 interface
state: enable
Configure set lldp enable txrx command under interface xe2
mode: txrx
Configure lldp mode as txrx under interface xe2
MED: med
Configure lldp tlv-select med media-capabilities command under lldp-agent
powerviamdi: media-capabilities
Configure extended-power-via-mdi media-capailities in lldp tlv-select med media-capabilities command under lldp-agent
port: port-id-tlv
Configure port-id-tlv in set lldp port-id-tlv if-name command under interface xe2
ifname: if-name
Configure if-name as port-id-TLV in set lldp port-id-tlv if-name command under interface xe2
tlvselect :
tlv select configuration
- mgmt: port-description
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt port-description command under interface xe2
- mgmt: system-name
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-name command under interface xe2
- mgmt: system-capabilities
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-capabilities under interface xe2
- mgmt: system-description
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-description under interface xe2
- mgmt: management-address
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt management-address under interface xe2
- name: xe10
Configure interface xe10 command
lagent: lldp-agent
Enable lldp agent under xe10 interface
state: enable
Configure set lldp enable txrx command under interface xe10
mode: txrx
Configure lldp mode as txrx under interface xe10
MED: med
Configure lldp tlv-select med media-capabilities command under lldp-agent
powerviamdi: media-capabilities
Configure extended-power-via-mdi media-capailities in lldp tlv-select med media-capabilities command under lldp-agent
port: port-id-tlv
Configure port-id-tlv in set lldp port-id-tlv if-name command under interface xe10
ifname: if-name
Configure if-name as port-id-TLV in set lldp port-id-tlv if-name command under interface xe10
tlvselect :
tlv select configuration
- mgmt: port-description
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt port-description command under interface xe10
- mgmt: system-name
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-name command under interface xe10
- mgmt: system-capabilities
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-capabilities under interface xe10
- mgmt: system-description
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-description under interface xe10
- mgmt: management-address
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt management-address under interface xe10
- name: xe11
Configure interface xe11 command
lagent: lldp-agent
Enable lldp agent under xe11 interface
state: enable
Configure set lldp enable txrx command under interface xe11
mode: txrx
Configure lldp mode as txrx under interface xe11
MED: med
Configure lldp tlv-select med media-capabilities command under lldp-agent
powerviamdi: media-capabilities
Configure extended-power-via-mdi media-capailities in lldp tlv-select med media-capabilities command under lldp-agent
port: port-id-tlv
Configure port-id-tlv in set lldp port-id-tlv if-name command under interface xe11
ifname: if-name
Configure if-name as port-id-TLV in set lldp port-id-tlv if-name command under interface xe11
tlvselect :
tlv select configuration
- mgmt: port-description
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt port-description command under interface xe11
- mgmt: system-name
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-name command under interface xe11
- mgmt: system-capabilities
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-capabilities under interface xe11
- mgmt: system-description
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-description under interface xe11
- mgmt: management-address
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt management-address under interface xe11
- name: xe4
Configure interface xe4 command
state: enable
Enable lldp agent under xe4 interface
lagent: lldp-agent
Configure set lldp enable txrx command under interface xe4
mode: txrx
Configure lldp mode as txrx under interface xe4
MED: med
Configure lldp tlv-select med media-capabilities command under lldp-agent
powerviamdi: media-capabilities
Configure extended-power-via-mdi media-capailities in lldp tlv-select med media-capabilities command under lldp-agent
port: port-id-tlv
Configure port-id-tlv in set lldp port-id-tlv if-name command under interface xe4
ifname: if-name
Configure if-name as port-id-TLV in set lldp port-id-tlv if-name command under interface xe4
tlvselect :
tlv select configuration
- mgmt: port-description
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt port-description command under interface xe4
- mgmt: system-name
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-name command under interface xe4
- mgmt: system-capabilities
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-capabilities under interface xe4
- mgmt: system-description
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt system-description under interface xe4
- mgmt: management-address
Configure lldp tlv-select basic-mgmt management-address under interface xe4
The following are the current limitations while configuring OcNOS through Ansible.
1. The following commands in OcNOS require the device to be rebooted to be effective.
forwarding profile
copy empty-config startup-config
Ansible returns success while configuring these commands. However, the device needs to be rebooted to make these effective.
2. By default, ANSIBLE_PERSISTENT_COMMAND_TIMEOUT is set to 30 (seconds). While pushing large configs through Ansible which might be taking more time than this default timeout, it is suggested that to increase the ansible_command_timeout to appropriate value. In group_vars/ocnos.yml, it is suggested to add the below line with appropriate timeout value:
ansible_command_timeout: 1800
3. While configuring the below commands, there are certain warning messages shown to the customer. Currently Ansible treats them as failure and returns failure even though it is successful. It is suggested that the user takes appropriate action while configuring these commands.
no ip vrf <vrf-id>
While re-configuring shaping as part of QoS:
policy-map type queuing shaper
class type queuing defaultq
shape 10 gbps