OcNOS-SP : Timing and Synchronization Guide : Precision Time Protocol Configuration Guide : PTP G.8275.1 Profile Configuration
PTP G.8275.1 Profile Configuration
This chapter shows how to configure a PTP G.8275.1 profile over Ethernet, IPv4, and IPv6. You configure T-GM and boundary clock with more than one port.
Note: Enable G.8275.1 profile only on L3 interfaces and sub interfaces. When LAG is available configure the PTP on a LAG interface. However, in certain cases, L2-LAG-member interface is supported. For example, MLAG use cases.
Configuration Topology
In this example, SW1, SW2 and SW3 are running PTP. SW1 acting as T-GM and SW2, SW3 acting as boundary clock.
PTP G.8275.1 Profile Configuration
This section shows how to set up G.8275.1 profile.
SW2 (boundary clock)
#configure terminal
Enter Configure mode
(config)#bridge 1 protocol mstp
Create bridge 1 as an MSTP bridge (this step is not mandatory, but is a good practice to avoid layer 2 loops)
Enter configure Synchronous Ethernet mode.
(config-synce)#synchronization option 1
Set the synchronization network type.
Exit Synce mode
(config)#interface eth1
Configure interface eth1
Configure eth1 as Layer 2 port
(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure eth1 in bridge group 1
Enter interface Synchronous Ethernet mode.
(config-if-synce)#mode synchronous
Configure synchronous mode.
(config-if-synce)#input-source 2
Configure the interface as an input source with priority 2.
(config-if-synce)#wait-to-restore 1
Configure Wait-to-Restore timer.
Exit Port Configure mode
Exit Interface mode
(config)#interface eth2
Configure interface eth2
Configure eth2 as Layer 2 port
(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure eth2 in bridge group 1
Enter interface Synchronous Ethernet mode.
(config-if-synce)#mode synchronous
Configure synchronous mode.
Configure the interface as an output source.
Exit Port Configure mode
Exit interface mode
(config)#ptp clock 0 profile g8275.1
Enables G8275.1 for PTP time/phase telecom profile
(config-ptp-clk)#number-ports 2
Configure the number of PTP ports on the instance
(config-ptp-clk)#clock-port 2
Configure ptp port
(config-clk-port)#network-interface eth2
Configure underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port
Exit ptp clock port mode
(config-ptp-clk)#clock-port 1
Configure ptp port
(config-clk-port)#network-interface eth1
Configure underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port
Exit ptp clock port mode
SW3 (Boundary clock)
#configure terminal
Enter Configure mode
(config)#bridge 1 protocol mstp
Create bridge 1 as an MSTP bridge (this step is not mandatory, but is a good practice to avoid layer 2 loops)
Enter configure Synchronous Ethernet mode.
(config-synce)#synchronization option 1
Set the synchronization network type.
Exit Synce mode
(config)#interface eth2
Configure interface eth2
Configure eth2 as Layer 2 port
(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure eth2 in bridge group 1
Enter interface Synchronous Ethernet mode.
(config-if-synce)#mode synchronous
Configure synchronous mode.
(config-if-synce)#input-source 4
Configure the interface as an input source with priority 4.
(config-if-synce)#wait-to-restore 1
Configure Wait-to-Restore timer.
Exit Port Configure mode
Exit interface mode
(config)#ptp clock 0 profile g8275.1
Enables G8275.1 for PTP time/phase telecom profile
(config-ptp-clk)#number-ports 1
Configure the number of PTP ports on the instance
(config-clk-clk)#clock-port 1
Configure ptp port
(config-clk-port)#network-interface eth2
Configure underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port
Exit ptp clock port mode
SW1 (T-GM)
#configure terminal
Enter Configure mode
(config)#bridge 1 protocol mstp
Create bridge 1 as an MSTP bridge (this step is not mandatory, but is a good practice to avoid layer 2 loops)
Enter configure Synchronous Ethernet mode.
(config-synce)#synchronization option 1
Set the synchronization network type.
Exit Synce mode
(config)#synce-interface gps
Configure synce interface gps
(config-synce-if)#mode synchronous
Configure synchronous mode
(config-synce-if)#input-source 1
Configure the interface as an input source with priority 1
(config-synce-if)#quality-level QL_PRC
Configure QL-value.
(config-synce-if)#mode synchronous
Configure synchronous mode.
(config-synce-if)#wait-to-restore 1
Configure Wait-to-Restore timer.
Exit Port Configure mode
(config)#interface eth1
Configure interface eth2
Configure eth2 as Layer 2 port
(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure eth2 in bridge group 1
Enter interface Synchronous Ethernet mode.
(config-if-synce)#mode synchronous
Configure synchronous mode.
Configure the interface as an output source.
Exit Port Configure mode
Exit interface mode
(config)#ptp clock 0 profile g8275.1
Enables G8275.1 for PTP time/phase telecom profile
(config-ptp-clk)#clock-type tgm
Enables clock type as T-GM
(config-ptp-clk)#number-ports 2
Configure the number of PTP ports on the instance
(config-ptp-clk)#clock-port 2
Configure ptp port
Configure the port as an master-only port
(config-clk-port)#network-interface eth1
Configure underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port
Exit ptp clock port mode
(config-ptp-clk)#clock-port 1
Configure ptp port
(config-clk-port)#network-interface gps
Configure underlying interface that is used by this PTP Port
Exit ptp clock port mode
1. Verify the default data set on SW2.
#sh ptp clock 0 dataset
Default Dataset:
Two Step Flag : No
Clock Identity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:23:6E:1C
Number Of Ports : 2
Priority1 : 128
Priority2 : 128
Slave Only : No
Local Priority : 128
Max Steps Removed : 255
Domain Number : 24
Clock Quality :
Clock Class : 248
Clock Accuracy : 254
Offset ScaledLogVariance : 65535
2. Verify the port state on SW2.
#show ptp clock 0 port
Port 1:
Port State : Slave
Port Identity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:23:6E:1C:00:01
Peer Mean Path Delay : 0
Log Announce Interval : -3
Log Min Delay Req Interval : -4
Log Sync Interval : -4
Announce Receipt Timeout : 3
Delay Mechanism : End to end
Version Number : 2
Local Priority : 128
Master only : False
Signal Fail : False
Network Interface : eth1
Vlan Configured :
Description :
Configured delay asymmetry : 0 nsec
Number of Foreign Masters : 1
Current Foreign Master : 0
Foreign Master #0
L2 Address : a0:00:00:00:00:01
Grandmaster clockIdentity : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
Port ID : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01:00:01
clockClass : 6
Clock accuracy : 33
Offset scaled log variance : 65535
priority1 : 128
priority2 : 128
Steps removed : 0
PDV Scaled Allan Variance : 5
Received Packets : 46955
Discarded Packets : 4
Transmitted Packets : 19485
Drop Counters
Pkt rcvd on bad port state : 4
Peer #0
L2 Address : a0:00:00:00:00:01
Clock Identity : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:01
Received Announce : 9392
Received Sync : 18784
Received Delay Response : 18781
Transmitted Delay Request : 18781
Port 2:
Port State : Master
Port Identity : E8:C5:7A:FF:FE:23:6E:1C:00:02
Peer Mean Path Delay : 0
Log Announce Interval : -3
Log Min Delay Req Interval : -4
Log Sync Interval : -4
Announce Receipt Timeout : 3
Delay Mechanism : End to end
Version Number : 2
Local Priority : 128
Master only : False
Signal Fail : False
Network Interface : eth2
Vlan Configured :
Description :
Configured delay asymmetry : 0 nsec
Received Packets : 18783
Discarded Packets : 0
Transmitted Packets : 47655
Peer #0
L2 Address : d0:00:00:00:00:01
Clock Identity : 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:02
Received Delay Request : 18786
Transmitted Announce : 9626
Transmitted Sync : 19251
Transmitted Delay Response : 18786
3. Verify the ptp servo on SW2.
#sh ptp servo
PTP servo status for clock 0
Servo Config : Phase Correction
Servo State : Normal Loop
Servo State Duration : 00:20:46
Servo APTS Mode : N/A
Frequency Correction : 0.000 ppb
Phase Correction : -3537.000 nsec
Offset From Master : -479.000 nsec
Mean Path Delay : 3536 nsec
APTS GPS to PTP Offset : 0 nsec
Sync Packet Rate : 16
Delay Packet Rate : 16
Note: Use show ptp clock 0 stats to collect the PTP statistics and use clear ptp clock 0 stats to clear the same.