OcNOS-SP : System Management Guide : System Management Configuration Guide : User Configuration
User Configuration
User management is an authentication feature that provides administrators with the ability to identify and control the users who log into the network.
OcNOS provides 4 different roles for users.
Network Administrator: can make permanent changes to switch configuration. Changes are persistent across reset/reboot of switch.
Network Engineer: can make permanent changes to switch configuration. Changes are persistent across reset/reboot of switch.
Network Operator: can make permanent changes to switch configuration. Changes are not persistent across reset/reboot of switch.
Network User: displays information; cannot modify configuration.
User Configuration
#configure terminal
Enter configure mode.
(config)#username user1 password User12345$
Create a user “user1” with password User12345$ with default role of network user. Password must be 8-32 characters, username 2-15 characters.
(config)#username user1 role network-operator password User12345$
Change the role for user1 to network-operator.
(config)#username user2 role network-operator password User12345$
Create a user “user2” with role as network-operator.
(config)#username user3 role network-admin password User12345$
Create a user “user3” with role as network-admin.
(config)#username user4 role network-engineer password User12345$
Create a user “user4” with role as network-engineer.
Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration
Exit configure mode.
#show user-account
roles: network-operator
roles: network-operator
roles: network-admin
roles: network-engineer
#show role
Role Name Info
network-admin Network Administrator - Have all permissions
network-engineer Network Engineer - Can save configuration
network-operator Network Operator - Can not save configuration
network-user Network User - Can not change configuration
rbac-customized-role RBAC User - Can change only permitted configuration
#show user-account user1
roles: network-operator