IP Maestro : User Manual : Network Monitoring
Network Monitoring
The Network Monitoring menu contains submenus that display system-configured dashboards. These dashboards are tailored to provide comprehensive visual representations of network data and performance metrics. Users can access detailed insights into devices configured for distinct time periods, including 15 minutes, 30 minutes,1 hour, 12 hours, 24 hours, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days or 1 year. Users can utilize these submenus to track historical trends, analyze patterns, and assess the performance of network devices across different durations.
This chapter describes the following sections:
View Device Metrics
The Device Metrics dashboard allows you to monitor resources for mounted devices. Using RESTCONF monitoring capabilities, the dashboard presents comprehensive information encompassing CPU, disk, memory, and host-related metrics.
The following list provides details on key features of device metrics:
Reloads the data in the widget.
Collapses (minimizes) the widget. Click again to show the details.
Removes the widget from the dashboard.
Exports the Dashboard in PDF format. You can choose the panels to include/exclude from the file.
Displays data according to the date range.
Allows to display data based on the following settings:
Date range - displays data according to the specified date range.
Auto refresh - If enabled, data is refreshed as per the specified time interval.
Dashboard color scheme - you can choose the color scheme to display the dashboard.
Manage Widgets - you can choose widgets to be shown on the dashboard.
Note: This dashboard currently shows data from polling the device using RESTCONF. The data is not real-time, causing a 3-minute delay in fetching information based on the polling interval. To instantly update the page, click the reload icon in the toolbar.
Ensure that the configured devices (through the device registration process) are available.
1. In the IP Maestro home page, navigate to Network Monitoring > Device Metrics.
2. Click the Device dropdown to select a device from the available list of registered devices.
The following list provides details on key features of device metrics:
CPU Information
CPU Usage
Percentage of CPU usage.
1 min Load
Percentage of load to the CPU over 1 minute for the selected device.
5 min Load
Percentage of load to the CPU over 5 minutes for the selected device.
15 min Load
Percentage of load to the CPU over 15 minutes for the selected device.
RAM Information
RAM Usage
Percentage of RAM usage.
RAM Details
Details of Total, Used and Available RAM in megabytes.
Other Details
Details about Shared memory, Buffers and number of processes running currently.
Swap Memory
The total, used and available swap space in megabytes.
High Memory
The total, used and available high memory in the RAM in megabytes.
CPU Usage Chart - Historical
Chart showing the percentage of CPU utilization, and load details for different time intervals.
RAM Usage Chart - Historical
Chart showing the Total, Used and Available memory with respect to RAM usage.
Hard Disk Information
Detailed information about the hard disk and disk activity.
View Interface Statistics
The Interface Statistics dashboard gives a visual representation of the interface specific to the selected device.
The dashboard displays a data table containing a comprehensive list of all interfaces, displaying the administrative and operational statuses, alongside additional miscellaneous statistics (such as Speed, MAC, and so on.). It also includes the timestamp of the last change made to each interface.
In conjunction with the data table, the dashboard provides aggregated metrics reflecting inbound and outbound traffic for these interfaces. These metrics offer a summarized view of traffic flow and activity on the selected device's interfaces.
The following list describes some of the key features and functionalities of the interface statistics details:
Reloads the data in the widget.
Collapses (minimizes) the widget. Click again to show the details.
Removes the widget from the dashboard.
Exports the Dashboard in PDF format. You can choose the panels to include/exclude from the file.
Displays data according to the date range,
Allows to display data based on the following settings:
Date range - displays data according to the specified date range.
Auto refresh - If enabled, data is refreshed as per the specified time interval.
Dashboard color scheme - you can choose the color scheme to display the dashboard.
Manage Widgets - you can choose widgets to be shown on the dashboard.
Note: This dashboard currently shows data from polling the device using RESTCONF. The data is not real-time, causing a 3-minute delay in fetching information based on the polling interval. To instantly update the page, click the reload icon in the toolbar.
Ensure that the configured devices are available through the device registration process.
1. In the IP Maestro home page, navigate to Network Management > Interface Statistics.
2. Click the Device dropdown to select a device from the available list of registered devices
3. Click the Interface(s) dropdown to select a particular interface(s) (this is optional).
Interface Statistics
Represents the data in tabular view and provides the following information for the selected interface:
Admin Status
Oper Status
Speed (MBs)
Inbound Traffic
Outbound Traffic
Inbound Packets
Outbound Packets
Network Traffic Bandwidth
Displays the network traffic bandwidth in bytes per second.
Network Traffic (Bytes)
Displays the network traffic in bytes.
Network Traffic (Packets)
Displays the network traffic in packets.
Errors and Discards
Displays the errors and discards in packets.
Note: The traffic data represented indicates the total aggregate traffic through the port.
Clear Interface Counters
The Interface Statistics table provides a wide range of information on the traffic and inbound/outbound packets for the selected interface. There is an option to clear the information and reset the values for one or more interfaces.
1. In the IP Maestro home page, navigate to Network Management > Interface Statistics.
2. Click the Device drop-down to select a device from the available list of registered devices.
3. In the Interface Statistics table, click the Clear Interface Counters icon at the end of the interface row for which you want to clear the counter.
4. At the confirmation dialog, click Yes to confirm.
The counters are cleared and all the values are reset to zero.
Alternatively, you can follow the below steps to clear the counters for more than one interface at a time:
1. Select the check-box at the start of the required interface rows.
2. Click the Bulk Clear Interface Counters icon that is enabled above the statistics table.
3. Click Yes at the confirmation dialog that is displayed.
View Chassis Monitoring
Chassis Monitoring dashboard allows you to retrieve the device-specific information concerning device type, power supply, fan, and sensors for the selected device. This dashboard offers a visual representation of hardware metrics associated with mounted devices.
There are two sections of the dashboard.
Top Section: It presents a summary and detailed information for the selected device. When a physical device is selected, this section displays the following information:
Summary Fieldset: Displays fundamental parameters pertinent to the device.
Details Fieldset: Provides miscellaneous values retrieved from the device.
However, if a Virtual Machine is selected, only its summary is visible.
Bottom Section: It offers an aggregate perspective on hardware-specific metrics, focusing on the hardware chassis. It includes details concerning:
Power Supplies
System Sensors
The following list provides details on key features of chassis monitoring:
Reloads the data in the widget.
Collapses (minimizes) the widget. Click again to show the details.
Removes the widget from the dashboard.
Exports the Dashboard in PDF format. You can choose the panels to include/exclude from the file.
Displays data according to the date range,
Allows to display data based on the following settings:
Date range - displays data according to the specified date range.
Auto refresh - If enabled, data is refreshed as per the specified time interval.
Dashboard color scheme - you can choose the color scheme to display the dashboard.
Manage Widgets - you can choose widgets to be shown on the dashboard.
Note: This dashboard currently shows data from polling the device using RESTCONF. The data is not real-time, causing a 3-minute delay in fetching information based on the polling interval. To instantly update the page, click the reload icon in the toolbar.
Ensure that the configured devices (through the device registration process) are available.
1. In the IP Maestro home page, navigate to Network Monitoring > Chassis Monitoring.
2. Click the Device dropdown to select a device from the available list of registered devices:
Device Details
Displays the following data of the OcNOS device:
Host Name
IP Address
Software Version
Software Build
Boot Time
Device Model
Device Summary
Displays a device summary for the OcNOS device, with details on the power supply, the total number of installed fans, fan cards, and system sensors on the devices.
Power Supply Summary
Displays the summary of the power supply units.
Power Supply Temperature Chart
Displays the temperature of the individual sensors installed on the devices.
Sensors Summary
Displays the summary of the sensors installed on the hardware devices.
Fan Summary
Displays the fan summary in Rotation Per Minute (RPM).
Fan Speed Chart
Displays the data of the all the fans represented in the chart.
Sensor(s) Temperature Chart
Displays data on the temperature of all the installed sensors.
Fan Card Summary
Displays data of the fan cards.
Manage Device Logs
The Device Logs page helps you view logs, such as application logs, for the selected host. When a device is mounted, a remote syslog configuration is pushed into OcNOS to set up IP Maestro remote syslog server that will receive OcNOS device logs.
This dashboard provides a visualization of the logs for the selected devices. The logs can be filtered by Log Level, Protocol, and Description.
Note: This dashboard currently shows data from polling the device using RESTCONF. The data is not real-time, causing a 3-minute delay in fetching information based on the polling interval. To instantly update the page, click the reload icon in the toolbar.
The following list describes some of the key features and functionalities of the device log details:
Reloads the data.
Exports the data in PDF format.
Displays data according to the date range.
Auto refresh every 10 seconds
Allows to display data based on the following settings:
Date range - displays data according to the specified date range.
Auto refresh - If enabled, data is refreshed as per the specified time interval.
View Device Logs
Ensure that the configured devices (through the device registration process) are available.
1. In the IP Maestro home page, click Network Monitoring > Device Logs.
2. In the Monitored tab, select a device from the available list of registered devices.
Device IP
Host name
Select a device from the available list of registered devices.
Ipv4 address of the device
Assigned name or label
Log Level
Select the severity of the log.
Select the protocol module name.
The device logs for the selected device is displayed with the following details:
Host Name
Assigned name or label
IP address of the device
Date and time in Indian Standard Time (IST) format
Log Level
Severity of the log.
Protocol module name.
Operator logs with severity.
Details of the log.
Upload Device Logs
You can import or load a previously saved device log file. The content is added to the database to provide persistent storage and retrieval capabilities.
Ensure that the configured devices (through the device registration process) are available.
The device log file must be available for upload.
1. In the IP Maestro home page, click Network Monitoring > Device Logs.
2. In the Uploaded tab, click Upload Log File(s) button. Click +Choose to select the file or drag and drop the file to upload.
Manage System Audit
The System Audit page provides audit logging of configuration changes to all the registered devices. It is a read-only menu where no write or delete capabilities are provided. It provides the ability to expand and view payload contents in a user-friendly format.
The System Audit page provides a group of tabbed panels used to display and filter various logs throughout IP Maestro and the network.
The following tabs can be used to display, filter, and inspect the following information:
Configuration Logs: Modifications applied to the network devices.
Administrative: User actions or operational (such as mounting/unmounting devices).
View Configuration Logs
This table provides a configuration history for all the devices in the network. Each log shows the device and its associated operation.
In addition to providing the details for each operation, most operations contain a configuration (or payload). When a payload is available for inspection, click the icon within the desired row under the Action column.
The device already exists and is configured on the domain controller.
1. In the IP Maestro page, click Network Monitoring > Config Audit Logs.
2. Click the Configuration Logs tab to display the log status and configuration as follows:
Device IP
Device IP
Ipv4 address.
Command execution status. The possible values are:
The execution type to configure the device.
The execution date and time logged by the system in IST.
The user that applied the configuration.
The originating address of the client.
The servicing component responsible for command execution.
The payload identifier in JSON format.
3. Click the Action expansion icon to show the entire payload of the existing entries in a JSON-friendly format.
4. Click Close to close the JSON Formatted Payload window.
View Administrative Logs
This table provides a configuration history for all other non-device configurations or operations.
In addition to providing the details for each operation, most operations will contain a configuration (or payload). When a payload is available for inspection, click the icon within the desired row under the Action column.
The device already exists and is configured on the domain controller.
1. In the IP Maestro home page, click Network Monitoring > Config Audit Logs.
2. Click the Administrative tab to display all the non-device configurations and operations with the following details:
Device IP
Device IP
Ipv4 address.
Command execution status. The possible values are:
The execution type to configure the device.
The execution date and time logged by the system in IST.
The user that applied the configuration.
The originating address of the client.
The servicing component responsible for command execution.
The payload identifier in JSON format.
3. Click the Action expansion icon to show the entire payload of the existing entries in a JSON-friendly format.
4. Click Close to close the JSON Formatted Payload window.