OcNOS DC : Layer 3 Guide : Bidirectional Forwarding Detection Command Reference : BFD Static Route Commands
BFD Static Route Commands
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) support for static routes can be configured on a static route basis, interface basis, or on a global level:
When BFD is configured for an IPv4 or IPv6 static route, BFD provides the next-hop reachability detection for the given static route.
When BFD is configured for an interface, BFD provides the data plane next-hop reachability information for any IPv4 or IPv6 static route configured through the given interface.
When BFD is configured globally, BFD is applied on all interfaces with a single command. In all these cases, the BFD session update for NSM governs the state of the static routes.
This chapter includes the following commands:
ip bfd static all-interfaces
Use this command to enable BFD support for IPv4 static routes configured on all interfaces.
Use the no option with this command to disable BFD support for IPv4 static routes configured on all interfaces.
Command Syntax
ip bfd static all-interfaces
ip bfd vrf NAME static all-interfaces
no ip bfd static all-interfaces
no ip bfd vrf NAME static all-interfaces
Enable/disable IPv4 static BFD on all interfaces bound to this user-defined Virtual Routing and Forwarding instance name.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3 and updated in OcNOS version 1.3.5.
#configure terminal
(config)#ip bfd static all-interfaces
#configure terminal
(config)#ip bfd vrf vrf1 static all-interfaces
ip static fall-over-bfd
Use this command to enable BFD support for a specific IPv4 static route.
Use the no form of the command to disable the BFD support for a specific IPv4 static route.
Command Syntax
ip static A.B.C.D/M A.B.C.D fall-over-bfd (disable|enable)
no ip static A.B.C.D/M A.B.C.D
ip static vrf NAME A.B.C.D/M A.B.C.D fall-over-bfd (disable|enable)
no ip static vrf NAME A.B.C.D/M A.B.C.D
The IPv4 destination prefix and mask length.
The IPv4 gateway address.
Disable BFD.
Enable BFD.
Enable/disable BFD for the IPv4 routes for this user-defined Virtual Routing and Forwarding instance name.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3 and updated in OcNOS version 1.3.5.
#configure terminal
(config)#ip static A.B.C.D/M A.B.C.D fall-over-bfd disable
#configure terminal
(config)# ip static vrf vrf1 A.B.C.D/M A.B.C.D fall-over-bfd enable
ip static bfd
Use this command to enable or disable BFD support for IPv4 static route(s) configured on an interface.
Use the no option with this command to reset BFD support for IPv4 static route(s) configured on an interface.
Command Syntax
ip static bfd (disable|enable)
no ip static bfd
Disable BFD
Enable BFD
Command Mode
Interface mode
By default, BFD static route support is disabled at all levels.
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#ip static bfd disable
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#ip static bfd enable
ipv6 bfd static all-interfaces
Use this command to enable BFD support for IPv6 static routes on all interfaces.
Use the no option with this command to disable BFD support for IPv6 static routes on all interfaces.
Command Syntax
ipv6 bfd static all-interfaces
ipv6 bfd vrf NAME static all-interfaces
no ipv6 bfd static all-interfaces
no ipv6 bfd vrf NAME static all-interfaces
Enable/disable IPv6 static BFD on all interfaces bound to this user-defined Virtual Routing and Forwarding instance name.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3 and updated in OcNOS version 1.3.5.
#configure terminal
(config)#ipv6 bfd static all-interfaces
#configure terminal
(config)#ipv6 bfd vrf vrf1 static all-interfaces
ipv6 static fall-over-bfd
Use this command to enable BFD support for a specific IPv6 static route.
Use the no option with this command to disable BFD support for a specific IPv6 static route.
Command Syntax
ipv6 static X:X::X:X/M X:X::X:X fall-over-bfd (disable|enable)
no ipv6 static X:X::X:X/M X:X::X:X
ipv6 static vrf NAME X:X::X:X/M X:X::X:X fall-over-bfd (disable|enable)
no ipv6 static vrf NAME X:X::X:X/M X:X::X:X
The IPv6 destination prefix and mask length.
The IPv6 gateway address.
Enable/disable BFD for the IPv6 routes for this user-defined Virtual Routing and Forwarding instance name.
Disable BFD.
Enable BFD.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3 and updated in OcNOS version 1.3.5.
#configure terminal
(config)#ipv6 static X:X::X:X/M X:X::X:X fall-over-bfd disable
#configure terminal
(config)#ipv6 static X:X::X:X/M X:X::X:X fall-over-bfd enable
#configure terminal
(config)#ipv6 static vrf vrf1 X:X::X:X/M X:X::X:X fall-over-bfd disable
ipv6 static bfd
Use this command to disable BFD support for IPv6 static route(s) configured on an interface.
Use the no option with this command to reset BFD support for IPv6 static route(s) configured on an interface.
Command Syntax
ipv6 static bfd (disable|enable)
no ipv6 static bfd
Disable BFD
Enable BFD
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#ipv6 static bfd disable