Bidirectional Forwarding Commands
This chapter explains the commands used to configure Bidirectional Forwarding (BFD):
Use this command to specify the time period during which the authentication on a key chain is received as valid.
Use the no parameter with this command to negate this command.
Command Syntax
accept-lifetime HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035> HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035>
accept-lifetime HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035> infinite
accept-lifetime HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035> duration <1-2147483646>
no accept-lifetime
Specify the start time of accept-lifetime in hours, minutes and seconds.
Specify the day of the month to start. If the day is a single-digit, the leading 0 must be added, example: 01, 02, 03, etc.
Specify the month of the year to start as the first three letters of the month with first letter in upper case, for example, Jan. (case sensitive).
Specify the year to start.
Specify the end time of accept-lifetime in hours, minutes and seconds.
Specify the day of the month to end. If the day is a single-digit, the leading 0 must be added, example: 01, 02, 03, etc.
Specify the month of the year to end as the first three letters of the month with first letter in caps, for example, Jan. (case sensitive).
Specify the year to end.
Indicate the duration parameter.
Specify the actual end time duration of a key in seconds.
Specify the end time to never expire.
By default, accept-lifetime command is disabled
Command Mode
Keychain-key mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The following example shows the setting of accept-lifetime for key1 on the key chain named mychain.
#configure terminal
(config)#key chain mychain
(config-keychain)#key 1
(config-keychain-key)#accept-lifetime 03:03:01 Dec 03 2004 04:04:02 Oct 06 2006
bfd auth type
Use this command to enable BFD authentication on an interface that has either an IPv4 or an IPv6 BFD session.
Use the no form of the command to disable BFD authentication.
Note: BFD authentication is not supported for single hop IPv4 sessions.
Command Syntax
bfd auth type (keyed-md5 | keyed-sha1 | meticulous-keyed-md5 | meticulous-keyed-sha1 | simple) key-id <0-255> <0|1> key (WORD)
no bfd auth
auth type
Specify an authentication type.
Specify a keyed message digest authentication type.
Specify a simple authentication type.
Specify a keyed secure hashing algorithm authentication type.
Specify an authentication key meticulous keyed message digest authentication.
Specify an authentication key meticulous keyed secure hashing algorithm authentication.
Indicate the key-id keyword.
Specify the key ID value.
0 Unencrypted password (key)
1 Encrypted password (key)
Indicate the key keyword.
Specify the authentication key name. Whitespaces is not allowed in key.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
Do the following to configure a single-key support:
Use value 0 before the key parameter for plain text key.
Use value 1 before the key parameter for already encrypted key.
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#bfd auth type keyed-md5 key-id 10 0 key test-key
(config-if)#bfd auth type keyed-sha1 key-id 20 1 key 0x4d8ea8d7e9ee090b
Use this command to enable and disable all the BFD sessions on this interface.
Command Syntax
bfd (enable|disable)
Enable BFD
Disable BFD
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#bfd disable
bfd echo
Use this command to set BFD sessions to echo mode.
Use the no form of the command to return a BFD session to its default mode.
Note: BFD echo mode is supported for IPv4 BFD single hop sessions only.
Command Syntax
bfd echo
no bfd echo
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bfd echo
bfd echo interval
Use this command to set the BFD echo interval.
Use the no form of this command to reset the echo interval to its default value.
Command Syntax
bfd echo interval <50-4294967>
no bfd echo interval
Transmit interval in milliseconds.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The following command sets the BFD echo with no values.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#bfd echo interval 234
bfd echo ipv4 source
Use this command to set the echo ipv4 source address.
Use the no form of this command to reset the value.
Command Syntax
bfd echo ipv4 source A.B.C.D
no bfd echo ipv4 source
Source IPv4 address.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The following command displays the ipv4 source address value.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#bfd echo interval 234
(config-if)#bfd echo ipv4 source A.B.C.D
bfd interval
Use this command to configure BFD transmit and receive intervals, and the hello multiplier value.
Use the no form of the command to set the intervals and multiplier to their default values.
Note: If “bfd session software” configured on any l3 interface then minimum tx/rx can be configured as 10 else minimum tx/rx can be configured as 3.
Command Syntax
bfd interval <3-999> minrx <3-999> multiplier <3-50>
no bfd interval
Transmit interval in milliseconds.
Receive interval.
Receive interval in milliseconds.
Hello multiplier.
Hello multiplier value.
The default for the transmit and receive intervals is 250 milliseconds.
The default hello multiplier value is 3.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#bfd interval 100 minrx 100 multiplier 5
bfd multihop-peer
Use this command to enable authentication over either a multihop IPv4 or IPv6 session
Use the no form of the command to disable BFD authentication.
Command Syntax
bfd multihop-peer (A.B.C.D | X:X::X:X) auth type (keyed-md5 | keyed-sha1 | meticulous-keyed-md5 | meticulous-keyed-sha1 | simple) key-id <0-255> <0|1> key (WORD)
no bfd multihop-peer (A.B.C.D) auth
Specify an IPv4 address.
auth type
Specify an authentication type.
Specify a simple authentication type.
Specify a keyed message digest authentication type.
Specify a keyed secure hashing algorithm authentication type.
Specify an authentication key Meticulous Keyed Secure hashing algorithm authentication type.
Specify an authentication key meticulous keyed message digest authentication.
Indicate the key-id keyword.
Specify the key ID value.
0 Unencrypted password (key)
1 Encrypted password (key)
Indicate the key keyword.
Specify the authentication key name. Whitespaces is not allowed in key.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
Do the following to configure a single-key support:
Use value 0 before the key parameter for plain text key.
Use value 1 before the key parameter for already encrypted key.
#configure terminal
(config)#bfd multihop-peer auth type keyed-md5 key-id 100 0 key test-key
(config)#bfd multihop-peer auth type keyed-sha1 key-id 200 1 key 0x4d8ea8d7e9ee090b
bfd multihop-peer A.B.C.D interval
Use this command to configure IPv4 BFD multihop peer timer values.
Use the no form of the command to reset the IPv4 multihop peer timer value.
Note: Multihop BFD operates at control plane. When handling numerous services or traffic sessions, BFD session instability might occur. To address this, it's recommended to increase RX/TX interval to the maximum value 999 milliseconds and refrain from selecting or configuring the default 250-millisecond option.
Command Syntax
bfd multihop-peer A.B.C.D interval <50-999> minrx <50-999> multiplier <3-50>
no bfd multihop-peer A.B.C.D interval
Indicate the interval parameter.
Specify the actual transmit interval in milliseconds.
Indicate the minrx parameter.
Specify the actual reception interval in milliseconds.
Indicate the multiplier parameter.
Specify the actual hello multiplier value.
Command Mode
Configure mode
Multiplier value is 3
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bfd multihop-peer interval 100 minrx 100 multiplier 3
Command Syntax
bfd multihop-peer A.B.C.D interval <50-999> minrx <50-999> multiplier <3-50>
no bfd multihop-peer A.B.C.D interval
Indicate the interval parameter.
Specify the actual transmit interval in milliseconds.
Indicate the minrx parameter.
Specify the actual reception interval in milliseconds.
Indicate the multiplier parameter.
Specify the actual hello multiplier value.
Command Mode
Configure mode
Multiplier value is 3
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bfd multihop-peer interval 100 minrx 100 multiplier 3
bfd multihop-peer interval
Use this command for the global configuration of the timers for all multi-hop BFD sessions.
Use the no form of the command to reset the multihop peer timer value.
Note: Multihop BFD operates at the control plane. When handling numerous services or traffic sessions, BFD session instability might occur. To address this, the recommendation is to increase the RX/TX interval to the maximum value of 999 milliseconds and refrain from selecting or configuring the default 250-millisecond option.
Command Syntax
bfd multihop-peer interval <50-999> minrx <50-999> multiplier <3-50>
no bfd multihop-peer interval
interval <50-999> | Specifies the actual transmit interval in this range of milliseconds. The default transmit interval is 250 milliseconds. |
minrx <50-999> | Specify the actual reception interval in milliseconds. The default reception interval is 250 milliseconds. |
multiplier <3-50> | Specify the actual hello multiplier value. The default multiplier value is 3. |
Command Mode
Configure mode
Introduced in OcNOS version 6.6.0.
The following example shows how to configure timers for all multi-hop BFD sessions:
#configure terminal
(config)#bfd multihop-peer interval 100 minrx 100 multiplier 3
bfd multihop-peer X:X::X:X interval
Use this command to configure an IPv6 BFD multihop peer timer values.
Use the no form of the command to reset the IPv6 multihop peer timer values.
Command Syntax
bfd multihop-peer X:X::X:X interval <50-999> minrx <50-999> multiplier <3-50>
no bfd multihop-peer X:X::X:X interval
Indicate the interval parameter.
Specify the actual transmit interval in milliseconds.
Indicate the minrx parameter.
Specify the actual reception interval in milliseconds.
Indicate the multiplier parameter.
Specify the actual hello multiplier value.
Command Mode
Configure mode
Default multiplier value is 3
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bfd multihop-peer interval 100 minrx 100 multiplier 3
bfd notification
Use this command to enable or disable BFD notification.
Command Syntax
bfd notification (enable | disable)
Disable BFD notification.
Enable BFD notification.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bfd notification enable
(config)#bfd notification disable
bfd session
Use this command to create a BFD IPv4 or IPv6 session on an interface.
Use the no form of the command to delete a BFD session from an interface.
Command Syntax
interface <IFNAME>/bfd session (A.B.C.D | X:X::X:X) (A.B.C.D | X:X::X:X) (multihop) (non-persistent | admin-down | demand-mode)
Source IPv4 address
Source IPv6 address
Multihop Session
Administrative down session
Demand mode session
Non persistent session
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
OcNOS(config)#interface eth2
OcNOS(config-if)#bfd session admin-down
OcNOS(config-if)#do sh run bfd
interface eth2
bfd session admin-down
OcNOS(config-if)#no bfd session admin-down
OcNOS(config-if)#do sh run bfd
interface eth2
bfd session
OcNOS(config-if)#bfd session admin-down
OcNOS(config-if)#do sh run bfd
interface eth2
bfd session admin-down
OcNOS(config-if)#no bfd session
OcNOS(config-if)#do sh run bfd
bfd slow-timer
Use this command to set a BFD slow timer interval.
Use the no form of the command to reset the timer to default values.
Command Syntax
bfd slow-timer <1000-30000>
no bfd slow-timer
Interval for the slow-timer in milliseconds
Command Mode
Configure mode
Default slow-timer value is 2000
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bfd slow-timer 1500
debug bfd
Use this command to enable debugging for BFD.
Use the no form of the command to disable all debugging for BFD.
Command Syntax
debug bfd (all|)
debug bfd (event|ipc-error|ipc-event|nsm|packet|session)
no debug bfd (all|)
no debug all
no debug bfd (event|ipc-error|ipc-event|nsm|packet|session)
Enable all debugging.
Enable BFD event debugging.
Enable BFD IPC-error debugging
Enable BFD IPC-event debugging.
Enable BFD NSM debugging.
Enable BFD packet debugging.
Enable BFD session debugging.
Command Mode
Exec, Privileged Exec and Configure Mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#debug bfd all
#debug bfd event
#debug bfd ipc-error
#debug bfd ipc-event
#debug bfd nsm
#debug bfd packet
#debug bfd session
Use this command to manage, add or delete authentication keys in a key chain. This command allows you to enter the keychain-key mode to set a password for the key.
Command Syntax
key <0-2147483647>
no key <0-2147483647>
Specify a key identifier.
By default, BFD uses level-1-2 if there is no Level-2 instance nor a Level-1-2 instance. Otherwise, it uses level-1.
Command Mode
Keychain mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The following example configures a key number 1 and shows the change to keychain-key command mode.
#configure terminal
(config)#key chain mychain
(config-keychain)#key 1
key chain
Use this command to enter key chain mode to configure a key chain with a key chain name. This command allows you to enter the keychain mode to specify keys on this key chain.
Command Syntax
key chain WORD
no key chain WORD
Specify the name of the key chain to manage.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The following example shows the creation of a key chain named mychain and the change to keychain mode:
#configure terminal
(config)#key chain mychain
Use this command to define a password in plain-text to be used by a key.
The password is stored as encrypted, and is displayed in encrypted text when show running-config command is executed.
Use the no parameter with this command to disable this feature.
Command Syntax
key-string WORD
no key-string
Specify a string of characters to be used as a password by the key. The length of the string should be between 1-80 characters.
By default, password is not configured.
Command Mode
Keychain mode and Keychain-key mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
In the following example, the password for key 1 in the key chain named mychain is set to prime:
#configure terminal
(config)#key chain mychain
(config-keychain)#key 1
(config-keychain-key)#key-string prime
(config-keychain)#key 1
(config-keychain-key)#no key-string
key-string encrypted
Use this command to define a password in its encrypted format to be used by a key.
Use the no parameter with this command to disable this feature
Command Syntax
key-string encrypted WORD
no key-string encrypted
Specify the encrypted string of characters to be used as a passoword by the key. The length of this string should be between 18-162 characters.
By default, password is not configured.
Command Mode
Keychain mode and Keychain-key mode.
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 4.1.
In the following example, the encrypted password for key 1 in the key chain named mykeychain is set to 0xd6c50b442de47f70 (equivalent to "mychain" in plain-text):
#configure terminal
(config)#key chain mykeychain
(config-keychain)#key 1
(config-keychain-key)#key-string encrypted 0xd6c50b442de47f70
(config-keychain)#key 1
(config-keychain-key)#no key-string
Use this command to specify the time period during which the authentication key on a key chain can be sent.
Use the no parameter with this command to negate this command.
Command Syntax
send-lifetime HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035> HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035>
send-lifetime HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035> infinite
send-lifetime HH:MM:SS MONTH <01-31> <1993-2035> duration <1-2147483646>
no send-lifetime
Specify the start time of send-lifetime in hours, minutes and seconds.
Specify the day of the month to start. If the day is a single-digit, the leading 0 must be added, example: 01, 02, 03, etc.
Specify the month of the year to start as the first three letters of the month with first letter in upper case, for example, Jan. (case sensitive).
Specify the year to start.
Specify the end time of send-lifetime in hours, minutes and seconds.
Specify the day of the month to end.
Specify the month of the year to end as the first three letters of the month with first letter in upper case, for example, Jan. (case sensitive).
Specify the year to end.
Indicate the duration parameter.
Specify the actual end time duration of a key in seconds.
Specify the end time to never expire.
Command Mode
Keychain-key mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The following example shows the setting of send-lifetime for key 1 on the key chain named mychain:
#configure terminal
(config)#key chain mychain
(config-keychain)#key 1
(config-keychain-key)#send-lifetime 03:03:01 Jan 03 2004 04:04:02 Dec 06 2006
show bfd
Use this command to display information about the BFD process.
Command Syntax
show bfd
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The example below displays the command syntax and sample output from the command.
#show bfd
BFD ID: 00 Start Time:Fri May 1 09:55:06 2009
Number of Sessions: 1
Slow Timer: 1000 Image type: MONOLITHIC
Echo Mode: Disabled Next Session Discriminator: 2
Table P‑5 explains the output fields.
Table P-5: show BFD fields
Entry | Description |
BFD ID | ID number of the BFD session. |
Start Time | The date and time when the BFD session was started |
BFD Admin State | State of the BFD session: Initializing: session is initializing Up: session is up. Down: session is down |
Number of Sessions | Number of BFD sessions running on the device. |
Slow Timer | Required minimum transmission time for the BFD session. |
Image Type | Distributed or Monolithic. |
Echo Mode | Either enabled or disabled. |
Next Session Discriminator | An opaque discriminator value that identifies each session on the device that is used to demultiplex multiple BFD sessions between the same pair of devices. |
show bfd interface
Use this command to display details for an interface running BFD or for all interfaces configured for BFD.
Command Syntax
show bfd interface (ifindex <0-4294967295>|all|)
Display all interfaces.
Display an interface index.
Display an ID of an interface in this range.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The example below displays the command syntax and sample output from the command.
#show bfd interface all
Interface: lo ifindex: 1 state: UP
Interface level configuration: NO ECHO, NO SLOW TMR
Timers in Milliseconds
Min Tx: 20 Min Rx: 20 Multiplier: 5
Interface: eth0 ifindex: 2 state: UP
Interface level configuration: NO ECHO, NO SLOW TMR
Timers in Milliseconds
Min Tx: 20 Min Rx: 20 Multiplier: 5
Interface: eth1 ifindex: 3 state: DOWN
Interface level configuration: NO ECHO, NO SLOW TMR
Timers in Milliseconds
Min Tx: 20 Min Rx: 20 Multiplier: 5
Interface: sit0 ifindex: 4 state: DOWN
Interface level configuration: NO ECHO, NO SLOW TMR
Timers in Milliseconds
Min Tx: 20 Min Rx: 20 Multiplier: 5
Interface: gre0 ifindex: 5 state: DOWN
Interface level configuration: NO ECHO, NO SLOW TMR
Timers in Milliseconds
Min Tx: 20 Min Rx: 20 Multiplier: 5
Table P‑6 explains the output fields.
Table P-6: show BFD interface fields
Entry | Description |
interface | Interface on which BFD is running |
ifindex | Interface index number |
state | State of the BFD session for the interface: UP: session is up. DOWN: session is down |
Interface level configuration | State of interface-level properties: echo on or off slow-timer (timer dampening) on or off |
Min Tx | The minimum interval that the local device would like to use when transmitting BFD control packets. |
Min Rx | The minimum interval between received BFD control packets that this device is capable of supporting |
Multiplier | The negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value, provides the detection time for the receiving device in asynchronous mode. |
show bfd session
Use this command to display BFD sessions.
Note: BFD Packet In and BFD Packet Out counters are not supported for Single Hop IPv4 BFD sessions on Qumran devices.
Command Syntax
show bfd session (detail|)
show bfd session vrf (WORD|all|default) (detail|)
Session details.
Sessions for this user-defined Virtual Routing and Forwarding instance name.
Show information for all Virtual Routing and Forwarding instances
Show information for only the default Virtual Routing and Forwarding instance
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show bfd session detail
Session Interface Index : 3 Session Index : 1
Lower Layer : IPv4 Version : 1
Session Type : Single Hop Session State : Down
Local Discriminator : 1 Local Address :
Remote Discriminator : 0 Remote Address :
Local Port : 49152 Remote Port : 3784
Options :
Diagnostics: None
Timers in Milliseconds :
Min Tx: 20 Min Rx: 20 Multiplier: 5
Neg Tx: 0 Neg Rx: 0 Neg detect mult: 0
Min echo Tx: 20 Min echo Rx: 10 Neg echo intrvl: 0
Storage type: 2
Sess down time: 00:00:00
Bfd Authentication Enabled
Authentication type : simple
Auth-Key-Id: 47
Counters values:
Pkt In : 0000000000000000 Pkt Out : 0000000000000011
Echo Out : 0000000000000000 IPv6 Echo Out : 0000000000000000
IPv6 Pkt In : 0000000000000000 IPv6 Pkt Out : 0000000000000000
UP Count : 0 UPTIME : 00:00:00
Protocol Client Info:
BFD-> Client ID: 28 Flags: 4
#show bfd session vrf all
BFD process for VRF: vrf1
Sess-Idx Remote-Disc Lower-Layer Sess-Type Sess-State UP-Time Interface Down-Reason Remote-Addr
1 1 IPv4 Single-Hop Up 00:05:38 eth1 NA
Number of Sessions: 1
BFD process for VRF: (DEFAULT VRF)
Sess-Idx Remote-Disc Lower-Layer Sess-Type Sess-State UP-Time Interface Down-Reason Remote-Addr
1 7 IPv4 Single-Hop Up 00:03:31 eth3 NA
2 9 IPv4 Single-Hop Up 00:00:45 eth4 NA
Number of Sessions: 2
BFD process for VRF: vrf2
Sess-Idx Remote-Disc Lower-Layer Sess-Type Sess-State UP-Time Interface Down-Reason Remote-Addr
1 6 IPv4 Single-Hop Up 00:03:37 eth2 NA
Number of Sessions: 1
Table P‑7 explains the output fields.
Table P-7: show bfd session detail fields
Entry | Description |
Session Interface Index | ID number of the interface. |
Session Index Sess-Idx | ID number of this BFD session. |
Lower Layer | The lower layer protocol on which BFD is carried: IPv4 IPv6 |
Version | Session version number; generally 1. |
Session Type Sess-Type | Single Hop Multihop Arbit Path Multihop OOB Signalled Multihop Unidirectional. |
Session State Sess-State | The State of the session: Init: The session is initializing Up: The session is up. Down: The session is down AdminDown: The session has been administratively shutdown indefinitely. |
Local Discriminator | A unique discriminator value generated by the transmitting device used to demultiplex multiple BFD sessions between the same pair of devices. |
Local Address | Local address of the transmitting device. |
Remote Discriminator Remote-Disc | The discriminator received from the corresponding remote device; zero if that value is unknown. |
Remote Address Remote-Addr | Remote address of the receiving device. |
Local Port | UDP port number of the transmitting device. |
Remote Port | UDP port number of destination. |
Options | Fate Shared Echo Enabled Demand Enabled Remote Demand Enbl Remote admin Down Poll seq Init. |
Diagnostics | Performance diagnostics: None Control Detection Time Expired Echo Failed Neighbor Session Down Forwarding Plane Reset Path Down Concatenated Path Down Admin Down Reverse Concatenated Path Down |
Min Tx | Minimum transmit interval. |
Min Rx | Minimum receive interval. |
Multiplier | The negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value, provides the detection time for the receiving system in asynchronous mode. |
Neg Tx | Negotiated transmit interval. |
Neg Rx | Negotiated receive interval in milliseconds. |
Neg detect mult | Negotiated detection multiplier. |
Min echo Tx | Minimum echo transmit interval in milliseconds. |
Min echo Rx | Minimum echo receive interval in milliseconds. |
Neg echo intrvl | Negotiated echo interval. |
Storage type | SNMPv2 storage type (usually be set to 2): other(1) volatile(2) non-Volatile(3) permanent(4 read-Only(5) |
Sess down time | Length of time this BFD session has been down. |
Bfd GTSM | Whether the BFD session has enabled or disabled the Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM), which uses the time to live (TTL) or hop count to prevent off-link attackers from spoofing packets. |
Bfd Authentication Enabled | When authentication is enabled. |
Authentication type | Type of authentication: simple: Simple Password keyed-md5: Keyed message digest keyed-sha1: Keyed Secure hashing algorithm meticulous-keyed-md5: Meticulous Keyed message digest meticulous-keyed-sha1: Meticulous Keyed Secure hashing algorithm |
Authentication Key-id | ID number of the authentication key. |
Pkt In | Number of packets that have been received during this BFD session. |
Pkt Out | Number of packets that have been transmitted during this BFD session. |
Echo Out | Number of Echo-packets that have been transmitted during this BFD session. |
IPv6 Pkt In | Number of IPv6 packets that have been received during this BFD session. |
IPv6 Pkt Out | Number of IPv6 packets that have been transmitted during this BFD session. |
UP Count | Number of times the BFD session has been up. |
UPTIME | Length of time this BFD session has been up. |
BGP-> Client ID | Protocol and module ID number of this BFD session’s neighboring device. |
Flags | Session state of the neighboring device. |
Interface | The interface on which the VRF resides. |
Down-Reason | The reason causing the VRF to be down. |
show bfd session A.B.C.D
Use this command to display information about an IPv4 BFD session neighbor.
Command Syntax
show bfd session A.B.C.D A.B.C.D (detail|)
show bfd session vrf WORD A.B.C.D A.B.C.D (detail|)
show bfd session A.B.C.D A.B.C.D <0-4294967295> (detail|)
show bfd session vrf WORD A.B.C.D A.B.C.D <0-4294967295> (detail|)
Name of a specific Virtual Routing and Forwarding instance
Display the local IPv4 address.
Display the neighbor IPv4 address.
Display the interface index of the address.
Display detailed information.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The example below displays the command syntax and sample output from the command.
#show bfd session 3
Session Interface Index: 3 Session Index: 1
Lower Layer: IPv4 Single Hop
Session State: Up
Local Discriminator: 1 Remote Discriminator: 163
Local Address: Remote Address:
Local Port: 49152 Remote Port: 3784
Timers in Milliseconds
Min Tx: 1000 Min Rx: 1000 Multiplier: 4
UP Count: 1 UPTIME: 00:10:08
#show bfd session vrf raj detail
Session Interface Index : 10017 Interface name :xe16
Session Index : 2
Lower Layer : IPv4 Version : 1
Session Type : Single Hop Session State : Up
Local Discriminator : 2 Local Address :
Remote Discriminator : 2 Remote Address :
Local Port : 49153 Remote Port : 3784
Options :
Diagnostics : None
Timers in Milliseconds :
Min Tx: 250 Min Rx: 250 Multiplier: 3
Neg Tx: 250 Neg Rx: 250 Neg detect mult: 3
Min echo Tx: 1000 Min echo Rx: 1000 Neg echo intrvl: 0
Storage type : 2
Sess down time : 00:00:00
Sess Down Reason : NA
Bfd GTSM Disabled
Bfd Authentication Disabled
Counters values:
Pkt In : n/a Pkt Out : n/a
Pkts Drop : 00000000000000000000 Auth Pkts Drop : 00000000000000000000
Echo Out : 00000000000000000000 IPv6 Echo Out : 00000000000000000000
IPv6 Pkt In : 00000000000000000000 IPv6 Pkt Out : 00000000000000000000
UP Count : 1 UPTIME : 00:01:38
Protocol Client Info:
OSPF-> Client ID: 4 Flags: 4
Table P‑8 explains the output fields.
Table P-8: Show BFD session fields
Entry | Description |
Session Interface Index | ID number of the Interface. |
Session Index | ID number for this BFD session. |
Lower Layer | The lower layer protocol on which BFD is carried (IPv4 or IPv6). |
Session State | The state of the session: Init: session is initializing Up: session is up. Down: session is down AdminDown: session has been administratively shutdown indefinitely |
Local Discriminator | A unique value generated by the transmitting device used to demultiplex multiple BFD sessions between the same pair of devices. |
Remote Discriminator | The discriminator received from the corresponding remote device. This field is zero if the value is unknown. |
Local Address | Local address of the transmitting device. |
Remote Address | Remote address of the receiving device. |
Local Port | UDP port number of the transmitting device. |
Remote Port | UDP port number of the receiving device. |
Min Tx | Minimum transmit interval in milliseconds. |
Min Rx | Minimum receive interval in milliseconds. |
Multiplier | The negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value, provides the detection time for the receiving system in asynchronous mode. |
UP Count | The number of times the BFD session has been in up state. |
UPTIME | The length of time this BFD session has been in the up state. |
show bfd session ipv6
Use this command to display information about an IPv6 BFD session neighbor.
Command Syntax
show bfd session ipv6 X:X::X:X X:X::X:X (detail|)
show bfd session ipv6 vrf WORD X:X::X:X X:X::X:X (detail|)
show bfd session ipv6 X:X::X:X X:X::X:X <0-4294967295> (detail|)
show bfd session ipv6 vrf WORD X:X::X:X X:X::X:X <0-4294967295> (detail|)
Name of a specific Virtual Routing and Forwarding instance
Display the local IPv6 address.
Display the neighbor IPv6 address.
Display the interface index of the address.
Display detailed information.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The example below displays the command syntax and sample output from the command.
#show bfd session 2001::1222 2001::1223 3
Session Interface Index : 3 Session Index: 1
Lower Layer: IPv6 Single Hop
Session State : Up
Local Discriminator : 1 Remote Discriminator: 163
Local Address : 2001::1222/128 Remote Address: 2001::1223/128
Local Port : 49152 Remote Port: 3784
Timers in Milliseconds
Min Tx: 1000 Min Rx: 1000 Multiplier: 4
UP Count: 1 UPTIME: 00:06:03
#show bfd session ipv6 vrf raj fe80::ba6a:97ff:fed3:26c5 fe80::ba6a:97ff:fece:3bc5 detail
Session Interface Index : 10017 Interface name :xe16
Session Index : 259
Lower Layer : IPv6 Version : 1
Session Type : Single Hop Session State : Up
Local Discriminator : 259 Local Address : fe80::ba6a:97ff:fed3:26
Remote Discriminator : 257 Remote Address : fe80::ba6a:97ff:fece:3
Local Port : 49152 Remote Port : 3784
Options :
Diagnostics : None
Timers in Milliseconds :
Min Tx: 250 Min Rx: 250 Multiplier: 3
Neg Tx: 250 Neg Rx: 250 Neg detect mult: 3
Min echo Tx: 1000 Min echo Rx: 1000 Neg echo intrvl: 0
Storage type : 2
Sess down time : 00:00:00
Sess Down Reason : NA
Bfd GTSM Disabled
Bfd Authentication Disabled
Counters values:
Pkt In : n/a Pkt Out : n/a
Pkts Drop : 00000000000000000000 Auth Pkts Drop : 00000000000000000000
Echo Out : 00000000000000000000 IPv6 Echo Out : 00000000000000000000
IPv6 Pkt In : 00000000000000001671 IPv6 Pkt Out : 00000000000000001675
UP Count : 1 UPTIME : 00:06:05
Protocol Client Info:
OSPF6-> Client ID: 5 Flags: 4
Table P‑9 explains the output fields.
Table P-9: show BFD session fields
Entry | Description |
Session Interface Index | ID number of the Interface. |
Session Index | ID number for this BFD session. |
Lower Layer | The lower layer protocol on which BFD is carried (IPv4 or IPv6). |
Session State | The state of the session: Init: session is initializing Up: session is up. Down: session is down AdminDown: session has been administratively shutdown indefinitely |
Session Type | Whether the session is Single Hop or Multiple Hop |
Local Discriminator | A unique value generated by the transmitting device used to demultiplex multiple BFD sessions between the same pair of devices. |
Remote Discriminator | The discriminator received from the corresponding remote device. This field is zero if the value is unknown. |
Local Address | Local address of the transmitting device. |
Remote Address | Remote address of the receiving device. |
Local Port | UDP port number of the transmitting device. |
Remote Port | UDP port number of the receiving device. |
Min Tx | Minimum transmit interval in milliseconds. |
Min Rx | Minimum receive interval in milliseconds. |
Min echo Tx | Minimum transmit interval for echo packets |
Min echo Rx | minimum receive interval for echo packets |
Neg echo intrvl | The negotiated |
Storage type | Indicates the storage type: 1 = other 2 = volatile 3 = nonvolatile 4 = permanent 5 = read only |
Sess down time | How long the session was down |
Sess Down Reason | Reason for Session being down |
Bfd GTSM | Whether Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM) is enabled or disabled on the connection. |
Multiplier | The negotiated transmit interval, multiplied by this value, provides the detection time for the receiving system in asynchronous mode. |
UP Count | Number of times the BFD session has been in up state. |
UPTIME | Length of time this BFD session has been in the up state. |
Bfd Authentication | If authentication is used, if yes, the type authentication: simple password, MD5, and so on. |
Pkt In | Number of Packets received on the BFD session |
Pkt Out | Number of packets transmitted on the BFD session |
Pkts Drop | Number of packets dropped on the session |
Auth Pkts Drop | Number of Authentication packets dropped |
Echo Out | Number of Transmitted BFD Echo Packets |
IPv6 Echo Out | Number of transmitted BFD Ipv6 Echo packets |
IPv6 Pkt In | Number of received IPv6 BFD packets |
IPv6 Pkt Out | Number of transmitted IPV6 BFD packets |
Protocol Client Info | Client ID and flags |
show debugging bfd
Use this command to display debugging information for BFD processes.
Command Syntax
show debugging bfd
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The example below displays the command syntax and sample output from the command.
#show debugging bfd
BFD debugging status:
BFD events debugging is on
BFD packet debugging is on
BFD ipc-error debugging is on
BFD ipc-event debugging is on
BFD session debugging is on
BFD nsm debugging is on
snmp restart bfd
Use this command to restart SNMP in Bidirectional Forwarding (BFD)
Command Syntax
snmp restart bfd
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#snmp restart bfd