OcNOS DC : Layer 2 Guide : Layer 2 Command Reference : Bridge Commands
Bridge Commands
This chapter provides a description, syntax, and examples of the bridge commands. It includes the following commands:
bridge acquire
Use this command to enable a bridge to learn station location information for an instance. This helps in making forwarding decisions.
Use the no parameter with this command to disable learning.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> acquire
no bridge <1-32> acquire
Specify the bridge group ID.
By default, learning is enabled for all instances.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 3 acquire
(config)#no bridge 3 acquire
bridge address
Use this command to add a static forwarding table entry for the bridge.
Use the no parameter with this command to remove the entry for the bridge.
Note: Forward MAC must refer to the source MAC, and discard MAC must refer to the destination MAC.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (forward|discard) IFNAME
bridge <1-32> address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (forward|discard) IFNAME vlan <2-4094>
bridge <1-32> address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX (forward|discard) IFNAME vlan <2-4094>
no bridge <1-32> address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX
no bridge <1-32> address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX vlan <2-4094>
no bridge <1-32> address XXXX.XXXX.XXXX vlan <2-4094>
Bridge identifier
Media Access Control (MAC) address in HHHH.HHHH.HHHH format.
Forward matching frames.
Discard matching frames.
Interface on which the frame comes out.
Identity of the VLAN in the range of <2-4094>.
By default, bridge address is disabled
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 1 address 0000.000a.0021 forward eth0
(config)#no bridge 1 address 0000.000a.0021
(config)#bridge 1 address 0011.2222.3333 forward xe5 vlan 23
(config)#no bridge 1 address 0011.2222.3333 vlan 23
(config)#bridge 1 address 0011.2222.3333 forward xe5 vlan 11
(config)#no bridge 1 address 0011.2222.3333 vlan 11 s
(config)#bridge 1 address 0011.2222.3334 discard xe6 vlan 12
(config)#no bridge 1 address 0011.2222.3334 vlan 12
bridge ageing
Use this command to specify the aging time for a learned MAC address. A learned MAC address persists until this specified time.
Note: On XGS devices, it takes up to two ageing cycles to remove the mac entry from hardware, hence the timeout will be anywhere between mac-ageing-time to two times the mac-ageing-time. For example, if the MAC ageing time is set to 100 seconds, MAC ageing can happen anywhere between 100 to 199 seconds.
Note: The bridge aging time affects the ARP entries which are dependent upon the MAC addresses in hardware. If a MAC address ages out, it causes the corresponding ARP entry to refresh.
Use the no form of this command to set the MAC address aging time to its default (300).
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> ageing-time (<1-240>)
bridge <1-32> ageing disable
no bridge <1-32> ageing-time
Disable Ageing Time
Bridge group ID.
Aging time in minutes.
Turn off MAC address aging completely.
By default, the aging time is 300 seconds.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 3 ageing-time 100
(config)#no bridge 3 ageing-time
bridge forward-time
Use this command to set the time (in seconds) after which (if this bridge is the root bridge) each port changes states to learning and forwarding. This value is used by all instances.
Use the no parameter with this command to restore the default value of 15 seconds.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> forward-time <4-30>
no bridge <1-32> forward-time
Specify the bridge group ID.
Specify the forwarding time delay in seconds.
Note: Care should be exercised if the value is to be made below 7 seconds.
By default, value is 15 seconds
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 3 forward-time 6
(config)#no bridge 3 forward-time
bridge hello-time
Use this command to set the hello-time, the time in seconds after which (if this bridge is the root bridge) all the bridges in a bridged LAN exchange Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs). A very low value of this parameter leads to excessive traffic on the network, while a higher value delays the detection of topology change.This value is used by all instances.
Configure the bridge instance name before using this command. The allowable range of values is 1-10 seconds. However, make sure that the value of hello time is always greater than the value of hold time (2 seconds by default).
Use the no parameter to restore the default value of the hello time.
Note: A Bridge shall enforce the following relationships for Hello-time, Max-age and Forward-delay.
2 × (Bridge_Forward_Delay – 1.0 seconds) >= Bridge_Max_Age
Bridge_Max_Age >= 2 × (Bridge_Hello_Time + 1.0 seconds)
Note: Hello-time is allowed only on RSTP, IEEE and Provider-RSTP types of bridges. For MSTP and Provider-MSTP hello timer is restricted.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> hello-time <1-10>
no bridge <1-32> hello-time
Specify the bridge group ID.
Specify the hello BPDU interval in seconds.
By default, value is 2 seconds
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 3 hello-time 3
(config)#no bridge 3 hello-time
bridge mac-priority-override
Use this command to set a MAC priority override.
Use the no parameter with this command to unset a MAC priority override.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> mac-priority-override mac-address MAC interface IFNAME vlan VLANID (static|static-priority-override|static-mgmt|static-mgmt-priority-overide) priority <0-7>
no bridge <1-32> mac-priority-override mac-address MAC interface IFNAME vlan VLANID
Specify the bridge group ID.
Enter a MAC address in HHHH.HHHH.HHHH format.
Interface information
Add the values associated with a single VLAN
The MAC is a static entry
The MAC is a Static Management
The MAC is a Static Management with priority override
The MAC is a static with priority override
priority <0-7> priority value
No default address is specified
Command Mode
Configuration Mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 1 mac-priority-override mac-address 1111.1111.1111 interface eth1 vlan 2 static priority 2
(config)#no bridge 1 mac-priority-override mac-address 1111.1111.1111 interface eth1 vlan 2
bridge max-age
Use this command to set the maximum age for a bridge. This value is used by all instances.
Maximum age is the maximum time in seconds for which (if a bridge is the root bridge) a message is considered valid. This prevents the frames from looping indefinitely. The value of maximum age should be greater than twice the value of hello time plus 1, but less than twice the value of forward delay minus 1. The allowable range for max-age is 6-40 seconds. Configure this value sufficiently high, so that a frame generated by root can be propagated to the leaf nodes without exceeding the maximum age.
Use the no parameter with this command to restore the default value of the maximum age.
Note: A Bridge shall enforce the following relationships for Hello-time, Max-age and Forward-delay.
2 × (Bridge_Forward_Delay – 1.0 seconds) >= Bridge_Max_Age
Bridge_Max_Age >= 2 × (Bridge_Hello_Time + 1.0 seconds)
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> max-age <6-40>
no bridge <1-32> max-age
Specify the bridge group ID.
Specify the maximum time, in seconds, to listen for the root bridge <6-40>.
By default, bridge maximum age is 20 seconds
Command Mode
Configure Mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 2 max-age 12
(config)#no bridge 2 max-age
bridge max-hops
Use this command to specify the maximum allowed hops for a BPDU in an MST region. This parameter is used by all the instances of the MST. Specifying the maximum hops for a BPDU prevents the messages from looping indefinitely in the network. When a bridge receives an MST BPDU that has exceeded the allowed maximum hops, it discards the BPDU.
Use the no parameter with this command to restore the default value.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> max-hops <1-40>
no bridge <1-32> max-hops
Specify the bridge-group ID.
Specify the maximum hops for which the BPDU will be valid <1-40>.
By default, maximum hops in an MST region are 20
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 3 max-hops 25
#configure terminal
(config)#no bridge 3 max-hops
bridge priority
Use this command to set the bridge priority for the common instance. Using a lower priority indicates a greater likelihood of the bridge becoming root. The priority values can be set only in increments of 4096.
Use the no form of the command to reset it to the default value.
Command Syntax
bridge (<1-32> | ) priority <0-61440>
no bridge (<1-32> | )priority
Specify the bridge group ID.
Specify the bridge priority in the range of <0-61440>.
By default, priority is 32768 (or hex 0x8000).
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 2 priority 4096
(config)#no bridge 2 priority
bridge shutdown
Use this command to disable a bridge.
Use the no parameter to reset the bridge.
Command Syntax
bridge shutdown <1-32>
bridge shutdown <1-32> ((bridge-blocked|bridge-forward)|)
no bridge shutdown <1-32>
Specify the bridge group ID.
Put all ports of the bridge into forwarding state
Put all ports of the bridge into blocked state
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge shutdown 4
(config)#no bridge shutdown 4
bridge transmit-holdcount
Use this command to set the maximum number of transmissions of BPDUs by the transmit state machine.
Use the no parameter with this command to restore the default transmit hold-count value.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> transmit-holdcount <1-10>
no bridge <1-32> transmit-holdcount
Specify the bridge group ID.
Transmit hold-count value.
By default, transmit hold-count is 6
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 1 transmit-holdcount 5
(config)#no bridge 1 transmit-holdcount
Use this command to bind an interface with a bridge specified by the parameter.
Use the no parameter with this command to disable this command.
Command Syntax
bridge-group (<1-32>)
no bridge-group (<1-32>)
Specify the bridge group ID.
By default, bridge-group is disabled
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#bridge-group 2
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#no bridge-group 2
bridge-group path-cost
Use this command to set the cost of a path associated with a bridge group. The lower the path cost, the greater the likelihood of the bridge becoming root.
Use the no parameter with this command to restore the default priority value.
Command Syntax
bridge-group <1-32> path-cost <1-200000000>
no bridge-group <1-32> path-cost
Specify the bridge group ID.
Specify the path-cost of a port.
Specify the cost to be assigned to the group.
By default, bridge-group is disabled
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#bridge-group 3 path-cost 123
(config-if)#no bridge-group 3 path-cost
bridge-group priority
Use this command to set the port priority for a bridge. A lower priority indicates a greater likelihood of the bridge becoming root.
Command Syntax
bridge-group <1-32> priority <0-240>
no bridge-group <1-32> priority
Specify the bridge group ID.
Specify the port priority range (a lower priority indicates greater likelihood of the interface becoming a root). The priority values can only be set in increments of 16.
By default, priority is 1
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#bridge-group 4 priority 96
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#no bridge-group 4 priority
clear allowed-ethertype
Use this command to clear statistics for each ethertype per interfaces.
clear allowed-ethertype statistics (IFNAME|)
Interface name.
Command Mode
Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#clear allowed-ethertype statistics xe54/1
#show allowed-ethertype statistics xe54/1
Interface xe54/1
arp: 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
ipv4: 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
ipv6: 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
dropped: 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
clear mac address-table
Use this command to clear the filtering database for the bridge. This command can be issued to do the following:
clear the filtering database
clear all filtering database entries configured through CLI
clear all multicast filtering database entries
clear all multicast filtering database entries for a given VLAN or interface
clear all multicast database entries based on a mac address
Command Syntax
clear mac address-table (dynamic|multicast) bridge <1-32>
clear mac address-table (dynamic|multicast) (address MACADDR | interface IFNAME | vlan VID ) bridge <1-32>
clear mac address-table (dynamic|multicast) (address MACADDR | interface IFNAME | vlan VID ) (instance INST) bridge <1-32>
Clears all dynamic entries.
Clears all multicast filtering database entries.
Clear the specified MAC Address.
When filtering database, entries are cleared based on the MAC address.
Clears the bridge group ID. Value range is 1-32.
Clears the bridge group ID. Value range is 1-32.
Clears all MAC address for the specified CVLAN. Value range is 1-4094.
Clears all mac address for the specified SVLAN. Value range is 1-4094.
Clears all MAC address for the specified interface.
Clears the bridge group ID. Value range is 1-32.
Clears MSTP instance ID. Value range is <1-63>.
Clears all MAC address for the specified VLAN. Value range is 1-4094.
Clears the bridge group ID. Value range is 1-32.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
This example shows how to clear multicast filtering database entries:
#clear mac address-table multicast bridge 1
This example shows how to clear multicast filtering database entries for a given VLAN.
#clear mac address-table multicast vlan 2 bridge 1
This example shows how to clear all filtering database entries learned through bridge operation for a given MAC address.
#clear mac address-table dynamic address 0202.0202.0202 bridge 1
dot1ad ethertype
Use this command to configure the service-tpid value on parent port of a subinterface. By this the tpid used for service tag for a subinterface may be inherited from the one applied to parent interface.
Use no form of this command to revert the value to default.
For any dot1ad subinterface to be functional, dot1ad ethertype should be set to desired value as 0x88a8/0x9100/0x9200.
The dot1adethertype command is not allowed on MLAG interfaces. Instead, configure this command on a mapped LAG interface.
Command Syntax
dot1ad ethertype (0x8100 | 0x88a8 | 0x9100 | 0x9200)
no dot1ad ethertype
IEEE 802.1Q VLAN-tagged frame
IEEE 802.1ad Provider Bridging Service VLAN tag identifier (S-Tag)
Supported for interoperability with legacy devices
Supported for interoperability with legacy devices
Default value is 0x8100
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x9100
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#no dot1ad ethertype
mac ageing display
Use this command to enable the display of remaining age-time value for dynamically learnt mac address.
Note: When the mac ageing display is enabled the following points are applicable .
a. The mac ageing display should be enabled in non-scaled case (i.e less than 25% of table size) .
b. High cpu usage will occurs if mac-ageing-display is enabled in scaled case.
c. When enabled ,the appropriate ageing time for each entry will only be displayed after the first iteration of the ageing thread is complete which starts after 10 seconds of the cli commit .
d. For mac entries with no active traffic, the age of the entries will be displayed based on the timestamp when the entries were first learnt. if the entries learnt time is greater than the bridge-mac-age-time (default 300secs), the age of the mac entries will be displayed as zero.
Use the no form of this command to disable the display of MAC address aging timeout. When disabled the mac-address age will be the bridge-mac-age-time default 300secs.
Command Syntax
no mac-ageing-display
By default, mac ageing display is disabled.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS Version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#no mac-ageing-display
show allowed-ethertype
Use this command to show allowed and denied traffic statistics.
Note: Dropped slow protocol packets provides the count of slow protocol packets among the total dropped count. Total drop count is fetched from hardware and slow protocol packet count is fetched from software. Hence there can be one or two packet difference.
Command Syntax
show allowed-ethertype statistics (IFNAME|)
Interface name.
Command Mode
Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show allowed-ethertype statistics
Interface po1
arp : 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
ipv4 : 511016709 Packets, 184897169366 Bytes
ipv6 : 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
dropped : 220 Packets, 28160 Bytes
dropped slow protocol pkts : lacp 220, efm 0, others 0
Interface xe47
arp : 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
ipv4 : 169763534 Packets, 61427990740 Bytes
ipv6 : 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
dropped : 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
Interface xe48
arp : 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
ipv4 : 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
ipv6 : 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
dropped : 0 Packets, 0 Bytes
show bridge
Use this command to display the filtering database for the bridge. The filtering database is used by a switch to store the MAC addresses that have been learned and which ports that MAC address was learned on.
Note: The user is notified with an alert message when the MAC hardware table size is full. The notification is generated for the operator log, SNMP trap and NetConf. When the MAC table is free again due to ageing or flushing, the clear notification is generated. Table full trap is SNMP OID . and table clear trap SNMP OID is . .
Command Syntax
show bridge (ieee|rpvst+|mstp|)
STP bridges.
RPVST+ bridges.
MSTP bridges.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show bridge
Ageout time is global and if something is configured for vxlan then it will be affected here also
Bridge CVLAN SVLAN BVLAN Port MAC Address FWD Time-out
1 1 eth1 5254.0029.929c 1 0
1 2 eth1 5254.004c.dcc6 1 297
1 1 eth1 5254.004c.dcc6 1 291
Table 3-2 explains the show command output fields.
Table 3-2: show bridge output fields
Bridge identifier.
CVLAN, SVLAN, and BVLAN identifiers.
Interface name.
MAC Address
Learned MAC address.
Whether frames for the MAC addresses are forwarded.
How long the learned MAC address persists.
show interface switchport
Use this command to display the characteristics of the interface with the current VLAN.
Command Syntax
show interface switchport bridge <1-32>
Bridge name.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The following is an output of this command displaying the characteristics of this interface on bridge 2.
#show interface switchport bridge 2
Interface name : eth5
Switchport mode : access
Ingress filter : disable
Acceptable frame types : all
Vid swap : disable
Default vlan : 2
Configured vlans : 2
Interface name : eth4
Switchport mode : access
Ingress filter : disable
Acceptable frame types : all
Vid swap : disable
Default vlan : 1
Configured vlans : 1
Table 3-3 explains the show command output fields.
Table 3-3: show interface switchport output fields 
Interface name
Display the name of interface.
Switchport mode
Port that used to connect between switches and access port.
Ingress filter
Ingress filtering examines all inbound packets and then permits or denies entry to the network.
Acceptable frame types
Type of acceptable frame in the interface.
VID swap
Displays the status of the VID swap.
Default vlan
Default value for the VLAN.
Configured vlans
Displays the information on configured VLANs.
show mac address-table count bridge
Use this command to display a count of MAC entries from the filtering database.
Command Syntax
show mac address-table (local|remote|) count bridge <1-32> ({(dynamic | multicast | static) | address MAC | interface IFNAME | vlan <1-4094> }|)
MAC entries learned locally
MAC entries learned from MLAG MAC sync
Bridge group
Dynamic entries
Multicast entries
Static entries
MAC address in HHHH.HHHH.HHHH format
Name of the interface
VLAN identifier
Command Mode
Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show mac address-table count bridge 1
MAC Entries for all vlans:
Total MAC Addresses in Use: 3
Table 3-4 explains the show command output fields.
Table 3-4: show mac address-table count output fields 
Multicast MAC Address Count
Number of multicast addresses.
Total MAC Addresses
Total number of addresses.
show mac address-table bridge
Use this command to display MAC entries from the filtering database.
Command Syntax
show mac address-table (local|remote|) bridge <1-32> ({(dynamic | multicast | static) | address MAC | interface IFNAME | vlan <1-4094> }|)
MAC entries learned locally
MAC entries learned from MLAG MAC sync
Bridge group
Dynamic entries
Multicast entries
Static entries
MAC address in HHHH.HHHH.HHHH format
Name of the interface
VLAN identifier
Command Mode
Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show mac address-table bridge 1 static interface ge14
VLAN MAC Address Type Ports
1 3333.3333.3333 static ge14
#show mac address-table bridge 1
VLAN MAC Address Type Ports
1 3417.ebf6.0ace dynamic po1
1 6400.6a8e.48ab dynamic po1
1 a82b.b5b5.c37b dynamic po1
200 0000.5e00.0101 dynamic po1
200 3417.ebf6.0ac5 dynamic po1
200 3417.ebf6.0ace dynamic po1
200 6400.6a8e.48ab dynamic po1
200 a82b.b5b5.c375 dynamic po1
200 a82b.b5b5.c37b dynamic po1
800 0000.5e00.0102 dynamic po1
800 3417.ebf6.0ac5 dynamic po1
800 3417.ebf6.0ace dynamic po1
800 6400.6a8e.48ab dynamic po1
800 a82b.b5b5.c375 dynamic po1
800 a82b.b5b5.c37b dynamic po1
Table 3-5 explains the show command output fields.
Table 3-5: show mac address-table output fields 
VLAN identifier.
MAC Address
Media Access Control address.
Dynamic, multicast, or static.
Interface name.
show mac-address-table bridge 1 learning
Use this command to display if we have disabled mac learning in any of the interfaces.
Command Syntax
show mac-address-table bridge <1-32> learning
Bridge group
mac learning
Command Mode
Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#no mac-address-table learning bridge 1 ?
interface Interface
vlan range(s): 2-5 10 or 2-5 7-19
OcNOS(config)#no mac-address-table learning bridge 1 interface xe1/1
OcNOS#show mac-address-table bridge 1 learning
no mac-address-table learning bridge 1 interface xe1/1
Use this command to set the mode of an interface to switched.
All interfaces are configured routed by default. To change the behavior of an interface from switched to routed, you must explicitly give the no switchport command.
Note: When you change the mode of an interface from switched to routed and vice-versa, all configurations for that interface are erased.
Use the no form of this command to set the mode to routed.
Command Syntax
no switchport
All interfaces are configured routed by default. To change the behavior of an interface from switched to routed, you must explicitly give the no switchport command.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#no switchport
switchport allowed ethertype
Use this command to allow a set of ethertype on the access port and deny remaining traffic.
Use the no command to remove ethertype configuration.
Command Syntax
switchport allowed ethertype {arp|ipv4|ipv6|WORD|log}
no switchport allowed ethertype ({arp|ipv4|ipv6|WORD|log}|)
Ethertype 0x0806.
Ethertype 0x0800.
Ethertype 0x086dd.
Any Ethertype value (0x600 - 0xFFFF).
Log unwanted ethertype packets.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#switchport allowed ethertype arp ipv4 ipv6 log
(config-if)#no switchport allowed ethertype ipv4