Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation Commands
This chapter describes the Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation commands.
Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation is also called MLAG, or Distributed Resilient Network Interconnect (DRNI). In this document, it is called MLAG.
clear mcec statistics
Use this command to clear the statistics related to hello and information PDUs in the MCEC domain.
Command Syntax
clear mcec statistics
Command Mode
Privileged exec mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 1.3.6.
#clear mcec statistics
debug mcec
Use this command to view debugging logs for MLAG.
Use the no form of this command to remove debugging logs for MLAG.
Command Syntax
debug mcec (timer|event|hello|info|cli|mac-sync|all)
no debug mcec (timer|event|hello|info|cli|mac-sync|all)
Mac Sync
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#debug mcec all
#no debug mcec all
Use this command to configure domain address, which helps to identify the mcec domain.
Use the no form of this command to remove the domain address.
Command Syntax
domain-address <domain-id>
no domain-address
domain-id domain address in HHHH.HHHH.HHHH format
Command Mode
MCEC mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#config terminal
(config)#mcec domain configuration
(config-mcec-domain)#domain-address 1111.2222.3333
domain hello timeout
Use this command to specify the domain hello-timeout value.
Command Syntax
domain-hello-timeout (long|short)
Long Timeout
Short Timeout
Command Mode
MCEC mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#config terminal
(config)#mcec domain configuration
(config-mcec-domain)#domain-hello-timeout long
domain priority
Use this command to specify the priority value associated with mcec domain.
Use the no form of this command to remove the priority value associated with mcec domain.
Command Syntax
domain-priority <1-65535>
no domain-priority
Priority Value
The default value is 32768.
Command Mode
MCEC mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#config terminal
(config)#mcec domain configuration
(config-mcec-domain)#domain-priority 2
Use this command to configure domain system number, which uniquely identifies domain system in mcec domain.
Use the no form of this command to configure domain system number.
Command Syntax
domain-system-number <1-2>
no domain-system-number
Domain System Number
Command Mode
MCEC mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#config terminal
(config)#mcec domain configuration
(config-mcec-domain)#domain-system-number 2
Use this command to configure MLAG Inter domain link (IDL) to Higig mode. The Higig mode is required for MLAG port isolation to work when the MLAG link fails.
Use no form command to unconfigure the IDLHigig mode.
Note: The idl-higig CLI is not supported on Tomahawk3 series platforms.
Command Syntax
no idl-higig
Command Mode
MCEC mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS Version 6.0.
#config terminal
(config)#mcec domain configuration
(config-mcec-domain)#no idl-higig
Use this command to map an interface as intra domain peer that connects the domain system with its neighbor in a mcec domain.
Use the no form of this command to unmap the interface configured as intra domain peer that connects the domain system with its neighbor in a mcec domain.
Command Syntax
intra-domain-peer A.B.C.D source-address A.B.C.D (vrf VRF_NAME|)
no intra-domain-peer
Peer Address
Peer/Target IPv4 address
IPv4 address.
Source Address
Source IPv4 address
IPv4 address.
VRF Interface name
Command Mode
MCEC mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 3.0.
#config terminal
(config)#mcec domain configuration
(config-mcec-domain)#intra-domain-peer source-address vrf myvrf
mcec domain configuration
Use this command to enter MCEC Domain configuration mode to configure mcec domain information.
Command Syntax
mcec domain configuration
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#config terminal
(config)#mcec domain configuration
Use this command to map a port-channel to an MLAG instance.
Note: The MLAG port-channel (interface) must be created before mapping.
Note: All MLAG nodes must use the same MAC table size.
Use the no form of this command to un-map the port channel from the MLAG instance.
Command Syntax
mlag <1-255>
no mlag
MLAG identifier
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3 and updated for static channel groups in OcNOS version 1.3.6.
#config terminal
(config)#interface mlag1
(config-if)#bridge-group 1
(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
(config-if)#switchport mode trunk allowed vlan all
(config)#interface sa1
(config-if)#mlag 1
#configure terminal
(config)#interface sa1
(config-if)#no mlag
Use this command to set the MLAG mode.
Use the no form of this command to turn off this feature.
Command Syntax
mode (active-active | active-standby)
no mode (active-active | active-standby)
The interface is the active interface that carries the traffic
The interface is ready to transition to the active state should a failure occur in the other node
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
(config)#interface mlag1
(config-if)#mode active-active
(config)#interface mlag1
(config-if)#mode active-standby
show mcec statistics
Use this command to display all the statistics related to hello and info pdu’s in mcec domain.
Command Syntax
show mcec statistics
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#sh mcec statistics
Unknown MCCPDU received on the system : 0
IDP xe49
Valid RX Hello PDUs : 109
Valid TX Hello PDUs : 201
Valid RX Info PDUs: 23
Valid TX Info PDUs : 28
Valid RX Mac Sync PDUs : 5
Valid TX Mac Sync PDUs : 4
Valid RX Dhcps Sync PDUs : 2
Valid TX Dhcps Sync PDUs : 1
Valid RX Info PDUs : 5
Valid TX Info PDUs : 7
Table 7-12 Shows the output details.
Table 7-11: Show mcec statistics details
Entry | Description |
RX Hello PDUs | Total number of received hello PDUs. |
TX Hello PDUs | Total number of transmitted hello PDUs. |
RX Info PDUs | Total number of received Info PDUs. |
TX Info PDUs | Total number of transmitted Info PDUs. |
RX Mac Sync PDUs | Total number of received Mac Sync PDUs. |
TX Mac Sync PDUs | Total number of transmitted Mac Sync PDUs. |
RX Dhcps Sync PDUs | Total number of received Dhcps Sync PDUs |
TX Dhcps Sync PDUs | Total number of transmitted Dhcps Sync PDUs |
show mlag detail
Use this command to display details about MLAG configuration and status.
Command Syntax
show mlag <1-255> detail
MLAG group number
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3 and updated for static channel groups in OcNOS version 1.3.6.
#sh mlag 1 detail
Mapped Aggregator : po1
Admin Key : 32769
Oper Key: 16385
Physical properties Digest : dd 9c f 76 dd b6 5f 2f eb a1 d3 bb 8d 96 fc 82
Neigh Admin Key: 16385
Neigh Physical Digest: dd 9c f 76 dd b6 5f 2f eb a1 d3 bb 8d 96 fc 82
Info RCV State : Current
Info Periodic Time State : Standby
Mlag Sync : IN_SYNC
Mode : Active
Table 7-12 Shows the output details.
Table 7-12: Show mlag output details
Entry | Description |
Mapped Aggregator | Map the output of the aggregator in the interface which is active transformation. |
Admin Key | Administrative key: automatically configured value on each port configured to use MLAG. |
Oper Key | MLAG operator key on partner: automatically configured value on each port configured to use MLAG. |
Physical properties Digest | Physical properties of the digest. |
Neigh Admin Key | Neigh administrative key: automatically configured value on each port configured to use MLAG. |
Neigh Physical Digest | Neighbor physical properties of the digest. |
Info RCV State | Details of the RCV. |
Info Periodic Time State | A simple state space formulation of a general digital periodic time series. |
Mlag Sync | MAC address synchronization: enables a MLAG partner to forward Layer 3 packets arriving on this interfaces with either its own MAC address or its partner’s. |
show mlag domain
Use this command to display MLAG configuration and status.
Command Syntax
show mlag domain (summary|details)
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3 and updated for static channel groups in OcNOS version 1.3.6.
#show mlag domain summary
Domain Configuration
Domain System Number : 1
Domain Address : 1111.2222.3333
Domain Priority : 32768
Intra Domain Interface : sa5
Domain Adjacency : UP
MLAG Configuration
Mapped Aggregator : sa1
Physical properties Digest : d a6 26 2d fa 9a 5c 7b e6 15 79 c2 d5 9c 57 cc
Total Bandwidth : 40g
Mlag Sync : IN_SYNC
Mode : Active
Mapped Aggregator : sa2
Physical properties Digest : ae 56 a1 c5 b9 dc 46 a4 5d 97 dc 79 9c 6f a5 c8
Total Bandwidth : 40g
Mlag Sync : IN_SYNC
Mode : Active
# show mlag domain details
Domain Configuration
Domain System Number : 1
Domain Address : 1111.2222.3333
Domain Priority : 32768
Intra Domain Interface : sa5
Hello RCV State : Current
Hello Periodic Timer State : Slow Periodic
Domain Sync : IN_SYNC
Neigh Domain Sync : IN_SYNC
Domain Adjacency : UP
MLAG Configuration
Mapped Aggregator : sa1
Admin Key : 16385
Oper Key : 16385
Physical properties Digest : d a6 26 2d fa 9a 5c 7b e6 15 79 c2 d5 9c 57 cc
Neigh Admin Key : 32769
Neigh Physical Digest : d a6 26 2d fa 9a 5c 7b e6 15 79 c2 d5 9c 57 cc
Info RCV State : Current
Info Periodic Time State : Standby
Total Bandwidth : 40g
Mlag Sync : IN_SYNC
Mapped Aggregator : sa2
Admin Key : 16386
Oper Key : 16386
Physical properties Digest : ae 56 a1 c5 b9 dc 46 a4 5d 97 dc 79 9c 6f a5 c8
Neigh Admin Key : 32770
Neigh Physical Digest : ae 56 a1 c5 b9 dc 46 a4 5d 97 dc 79 9c 6f a5 c8
Info RCV State : Current
Info Periodic Time State : Standby
Total Bandwidth : 40g
Mlag Sync : IN_SYNC
Table 7-13 Shows the output details.
Table 7-13: Show mlag summary details
Entry | Description |
Domain System Number | Number to identify the node in domain. |
Domain Address | Domain address for the MLAG domain. |
Domain Priority | Domain priority for the MLAG domain. |
Intra Domain Interface | Intra domain interface between MLAG domains. |
Domain Adjacency | Domain adjacency details and configuration. |
Physical properties Digest | physical properties of the digest algorithm. |
Total Bandwidth | Total bandwidth available on the interface. |
Domain System Number | Number of the domain system. |
Domain Address | Domain address for the MLAG domain. |
Domain Priority | Domain priority for the MLAG domain. |
Intra Domain Interface | Details of the intra domain in the interface. |
Hello RCV State | State of the hello RCV in the interface. |
Hello Periodic Timer State | State of the hello periodic timer in the interface. |
Domain Sync | Detail of the domain configuration synchronization. |
Mapped Aggregator | Map the output of the aggregator in the interface which is active transformation. |
Admin Key | Administrative key:automatically configured value on each port configured to use MLAG. |
Oper Key | MLAG operator key on partner:automatically configured value on each port configured to use MLAG. |
Physical properties Digest | Physical properties of the digest. |
Neigh Admin Key | Neighbot administrative key: automatically configured value on each port configured to use MLAG. |
Neigh Physical Digest | Neighbor physical properties of the digest. |
Info RCV State | Details of the RCV. |
Info Periodic Time State | A simple state space formulation of a general digital periodic time series. |
Mlag Sync | MAC address synchronization: enables a MLAG partner to forward Layer 3 packets arriving on this interfaces with either its own MAC address or its partner’s. |
show mlag stp-synchronization status
Use this command to display information about MLAG STP Syncronization status
Command Syntax
show mlag stp-synchronization status
STP synchronization related show commands
STP synchronization status
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
OcNOS#show mlag stp-synchronization status
Home STP Domain Digest : 27 e7 22 79 76 b2 c8 4e 49 9f b4 45 4f 20 68 aa
Neighbor STP Domain Digest : 27 e7 22 79 76 b2 c8 4e 49 9f b4 45 4f 20 68 aa
STP Sync Status : IN_SYNC
MLAG Interface Status:
Home Interface Digest : 76 88 b9 cd 43 c1 b0 9d b 86 64 e5 b7 d2 7f a7
Neighbor Interface Digest : 76 88 b9 cd 43 c1 b0 9d b 86 64 e5 b7 d2 7f a7
STP Sync Status : IN_SYNC
Entry Description
Home STP Domain Digest STP Domain properties of the digest
Neighbor STP Domain Digest Neighbor STP Domain properties of the digest
STP Sync Status Detail of configurated STP synchronization.
Home Interface Digest Interface properties of the digest.
Neighbor Interface Digest Neigh Interface properties of the digest.
show spanning-tree mlag operational-config
Use this command to display the operational information for MLAG.
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree mlag operational-config
Command Mode
Privilege exec mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 1.3.6.
#show spanning-tree mlag operational-config
Operational Configuration
Bridge Priority : 32768
Pathcost method : Long
Interface : mlag1
Pathcost : 1000
Priority : 0
show spanning-tree mlag sync-detail
Use this command to display the spanning-tree properties shared with the domain peer node.
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree mlag sync-detail
Command Mode
Privilege exec mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 1.3.6.
#show spanning-tree mlag sync-detail
Domain Digest Parameters
Max Age : 20
BPDU Filter : Disabled
BPDU Guard : Disabled
Hello time : 2
Forward Delay : 15
Force Version : 2
Err-disable status : Disabled
Err-disable timeout : 300
MSTP Enabled : Enabled
MSTP Bridge Forward : Disabled
Interface Digest parameters
Port Name : mlag1
Admin Root Guard : Disabled
Admin Edge port : Disabled
Portfast configuration : Disabled
Restricted TCN : Disabled
Admin BPDU filter : Default
Admin BPDU guard : Default
switchover type
Use this command to set the MLAG switchover type.
Use the no form of this command to turn off switchover.
Command Syntax
switchover type revertive <1-3600>
switchover type non-revertive
no switchover type (revertive | non-revertive)
revertive <1-3600>
A network failure triggers a switchover, the initially active node becomes active again after failure recovery. Configure the number of seconds within this range to switch back to the initially active node after the failure recovery. The default time is 10 seconds.
A network failure triggers a switchover, the initially active node remains on standby after failure recovery.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3 and the revertive <1-3600> is revised in OcNOS version 6.6.0. and the revertive <1-3600> is revised in OcNOS version 6.6.0.
OcNOS(config)#interface mlag1
OcNOS(config-if)#switchover type revertive 20
OcNOS(config)#interface mlag1
OcNOS(config-if)#switchover type non-revertive