OcNOS SP : Carrier Ethernet Guide : Carrier Ethernet Command Reference : EFM OAM Commands
EFM OAM Commands
Ethernet to the First Mile (EFM) provides a minimal extension to the MAC layer Operations, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) module. EFM supplies a mechanism for monitoring link operations, such as remote fault detection and remote loopback control.
This chapter includes the following commands:
clear ethernet oam statistics interface
Use this command to reset the OAM statistics to zero.
Command Syntax
clear ethernet oam statistics interface <IFNAME>
Config Mode
Exec mode
Ethernet OAM (EFM) supported platforms
#clear ethernet oam statistics interface xe2
debug ethernet oam
Use this command to set the debugging functions for OAM.
Use the no form of this command to disable OAM debugging.
Command Syntax
debug ethernet oam (event|rx|tx|all)
no debug ethernet oam (event|rx|tx|all)
Enable event debugging.
Enable RX debugging.
Enable TX debugging.
Enable Event, RX and TX debugging
Command Mode
Exec mode and Config mode
#debug ethernet oam event
ethernet oam enable
Use this command to enable or disable Ethernet OAM functionality on a port.
Use the no form of this command to disable Ethernet OAM functionality on a port.
Command Syntax
ethernet oam enable
no ethernet oam enable
Ethernet OAM is disabled.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam enable
ethernet oam link-monitor event-log-size
Use this command to set the maximum number of entries in the event log.
Command Syntax
ethernet oam link-monitor event-log-size <1-100>
Set a log size
Set a log size
Command Mode
Interface mode
The default size is 20 entries
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#ethernet oam link-monitor event-log-size 100
ethernet oam link-monitor on
Use this command to turn on link monitoring on a interface.
Use the no form of this command to turn link monitoring off.
Command Syntax
ethernet oam link-monitor on
no ethernet oam link-monitor on
When link monitor is supported, link monitoring is automatically turned on.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam link-monitor on
ethernet oam link-monitor supported
Use this command to configure link monitoring on an interface.
Use the no form of this command to remove support for link monitoring on an interface.
Command Syntax
ethernet oam link-monitor supported
no ethernet oam link-monitor supported
Command Mode
Interface mode
The default state of the link monitor is supported.
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam link-monitor supported
ethernet oam max-rate
Use this command to set the maximum number of PDUs per second.
This command ensures that the sublayer adheres to the maximum number of OAMPDUs per second. The minimum is 1 OAMPDU per second and the maximum is 10 OAMPDUs per second.
Use the no form of this command to reset the maximum rate to its default.
Command Syntax
ethernet oam max-rate <1-10>
no ethernet oam max-rate
Maximum number of PDUs per second.
The default maximum rate is 10 PDUs per second.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam max-rate 10
ethernet oam min-rate
Use this command to set the minimum number of PDUs per second.
This command ensures that the sublayer adheres to the maximum number of OAMPDUs per second. The minimum is 1 OAMPDU per second and the maximum is 10 OAMPDUs per second.
Use the no form of this command to reset the minimum to its default.
Command Syntax
ethernet oam min-rate <1-10>
no ethernet oam min-rate
Minimum number of PDUs per second.
The default minimum rate is 1 PDU per second.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam min-rate 1
ethernet oam mode
Use this command to set data terminal equipment (DTE) to either active or passive mode.
Command Syntax
ethernet oam mode (active|passive)
Set DTE to active mode.
Set DTE to passive mode.
The default mode for the DTE is active.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam mode active
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam mode passive
ethernet oam remote-failure
Use this command to define an action when a remote failure is detected.
Use no form of this command to remove an action.
Command Syntax
ethernet oam remote-failure {critical-event|dying-gasp|link-fault} action error-disable-interface
no ethernet oam remote-failure {critical-event|dying-gasp|link-fault} action error-disable-interface
Critical link event.
Dying-gasp event.
Link-fault event.
Action on a remote failure.
Disable the interface when a remote failure event is detected.
A remote failure does not trigger any interface events by default.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam remote-failure critical-event action error-disable-interface
ethernet oam remote-loopback (start|stop)
Use this command to start or stop remote loopback.
Command Syntax
ethernet oam remote-loopback start
ethernet oam remote-loopback stop
Specify to start remote loopback.
Specify to stop remote loopback.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam remote-loopback start
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam remote-loopback stop
ethernet oam remote-loopback {supported|timeout}
Use this command to configure remote loopback on an interface.
Use the no form of this command to remove remote-loopback support from the interface.
Command Syntax
ethernet oam remote-loopback {supported|timeout <1-10>}
no ethernet oam remote-loopback {supported|timeout}
Configure remote loopback support.
Remote loopback timeout.
Number of seconds the DTE waits for the remote DTE to respond to the ethernet oam remote-loopback start command.
The default state for remote loopback is supported. If a timeout is not set, the local DTE remains in remote loopback state until the remote DTE responds or the user stops remote loopback administratively.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam remote-loopback supported
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout 2
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#no ethernet oam remote-loopback supported
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#no ethernet oam remote-loopback timeout
ethernet oam timeout
Use this command to set the OAM timeout.
Use the no form of this command to reset the timeout to its default.
Command Syntax
ethernet oam timeout <2-30>
no ethernet oam timeout
Number of seconds for the link timeout
Command Mode
Interface mode
The default timeout is 5 seconds
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#ethernet oam timeout 5
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#no ethernet oam timeout
show ethernet oam
Use this command to show the discovery state machine state and link event statistics on the interface.
Command Syntax
show ethernet oam IFNAME
Specify the interface name.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
The following sample output from this command displays the operational discovery state machine and link event statistics of the interface.
#show ethernet oam eth0
Discovery State Machine Details:
EFM Discovery Machine State: Send Any
Local Parser State: Forward
Local Multiplexer State: Forward
Remote Parser State: Forward
Remote Multiplexer State: Forward
Local Client:
Symbol Period Error:
Window: 05f5e100 Symbol(s)
Threshold: 00 Symbol(s)
Last Window Symbols Errors: 00 Symbol(s)
Total Symbols Errors: 00 Symbol(s)
Total Symbols Errors Events: 0 Events(s)
Relative Timestamp of the Event: 0 x 100 milliseconds
Frame Error:
Window: 100 x 100 milliseconds
Threshold: 1 Error Frame(s)
Last Window Frame Errors: 0 Frame(s)
Total Frame Errors: 00 Frames(s)
Total Frame Errors Events: 0 Events(s)
Relative Timestamp of the Event: 0 x 100 milliseconds
Frame Period Error:
Window: 989680 Frames
Threshold: 1 Error Frame(s)
Last Window Frame Errors: 0 Frame(s)
Total Frame Errors: 00 Frames(s)
Total Frame Period Errors Events: 0 Events(s)
Relative Timestamp of the Event: 0 x 100 milliseconds
Frame Seconds Error:
Window: 1000 x 100 milliseconds
Threshold: 1 Error Second(s)
Last Window Frame Second Errors: 0 Frame(s)
Total Frame Second Errors: 00 Frames(s)
Total Frame Second Errors Events: 0 Events(s)
Relative Timestamp of the Event: 0 x 100 milliseconds
Remote Client:
Symbol Period Error:
Window: 00 Symbol(s)
Threshold: 00 Symbol(s)
Last Window Symbols Errors: 00 Symbol(s)
Total Symbols Errors: 00 Symbol(s)
Total Symbols Errors Events: 0 Events(s)
Relative Timestamp of the Event: 0 x 100 milliseconds
Frame Error:
Window: 0 x 100 milliseconds
Threshold: 0 Error Frame(s)
Last Window Frame Errors: 0 Frame(s)
Total Frame Errors: 00 Frames(s)
Total Frame Errors Events: 0 Events(s)
Relative Timestamp of the Event: 0 x 100 milliseconds
Frame Period Error:
Window: 0 Frames
Threshold: 0 Error Frame(s)
Last Window Frame Errors: 0 Frame(s)
Total Frame Errors: 00 Frames(s)
Total Frame Period Errors Events: 0 Events(s)
Relative Timestamp of the Event: 0 x 100 milliseconds
show ethernet oam discovery
Use this command to display the Ethernet OAM administrative and operation configuration for local and remote DTE.
Command Syntax
show ethernet oam discovery interface IFNAME
Specify the interface.
Specify the interface name.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
The following output displays ethernet OAM administrative and operation configurations for local and remote DTE.
#show ethernet oam discovery interface eth0
Local client:
Administrative configurations:
Mode: passive
Unidirection: supported
Link monitor: supported(on)
Remote Loopback: supported
MIB retrieval: not supported
MTU Size : 1518
Operational status:
Port status: operational
Loopback status: no loopback
PDU revision: 1
Remote client:
MAC address: 0002.b3d5.93b7
Vendor(oui): 3 0 50
Administrative configurations:
Mode: active
Unidirection: supported
Link monitor: supported
Remote Loopback: supported
MIB retrieval: not supported
MTU Size : 1518
show ethernet oam eventlog
Use this command to display all event logs for an interface within given range.
Command Syntax
show ethernet oam eventlog IFNAME range-start <1-100> range-end <1-100>
The name of the interface.
Starting range of log index.
Starting range of log index. This should not exceed the maximum log size.
Ending range of log index.
Ending range of log index. This should not exceed the maximum log size.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
The following displays an example of this command:
#show ethernet oam eventlog eth1 range-start 10
show ethernet oam statistics
Use this command to see the Ethernet OAM statistics.
Command Syntax
show ethernet oam statistics interface IFNAME
Specify the interface.
Specify the interface name.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode
The following sample output from this command displays Ethernet OAM statistics for the interface named eth0.
#show ethernet oam statistics interface eth0
Information OAMPDU Tx : 39
Information OAMPDU Rx : 39
Event Notification OAMPDU Tx : 0
Event Notification OAMPDU Rx : 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Tx : 0
Loopback Control OAMPDU Rx : 0
Unsupported OAMPDU Rx : 0
Local event logs:
0 Errored Symbol Period records
0 Errored Frame records
0 Errored Frame Period records
0 Errored Frame Seconds records
Remote event logs:
0 Errored Symbol Period records
0 Errored Frame records
0 Errored Frame Period records
0 Errored Frame Seconds records
show ethernet oam status
Use this command to display the ethernet OAM and link monitoring status of the interface.
Command Syntax
show ethernet oam status interface IFNAME
Specify the interface.
Specify the interface name.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode
The following sample output displays the operational discovery state machine and link event statistics of the interface.
#show ethernet oam status interface eth0
Mode: passive
PDU max rate: 10 packets per second
PDU min rate: 1 packet per 1 second
Link timeout: 5 seconds
High threshold action: no action
Link Monitoring:
Status: supported(on)
Symbol Period Error:
Window: 100 million symbols
Low threshold: 0 error symbol(s)
High threshold: none
Frame Error:
Window: 100 x 100 milliseconds
Low threshold: 1 error frame(s)
High threshold: none
Frame Period Error:
Window: 1000 x 100,000 frames
Low threshold: 1 error frame(s)
High threshold: none
Frame Seconds Error:
Window: 1000 x 100 milliseconds
Low threshold: 1 error second(s)
High threshold: none
show ethernet oam discovery brief
Use this command to list the brief overview of ethernet oam (EFM) across all the interfaces.
Command Syntax
show ethernet oam discovery brief
Config Mode
Exec mode
Ethernet OAM (EFM) supported platforms
#show ethernet oam discovery brief
Flags : L - Link Monitoring support M - MIB Retrieval support
R - Remote Loopback support U - Unidirectional detection support
data is unavailable
Local Interface Remote MAC Remote Capability Local Capability
xe0 0000.0000.0000 Passive LR Active LR
xe1 * * Active LR