OcNOS SP : Quality of Service Guide : Quality of Service Configuration : VLAN Service Queuing (VLAN Shaping)
VLAN Service Queuing (VLAN Shaping)
Each port in a Qumran device can use eight default priority queues.Enabling the QoS feature configures all port priority queues with default egress queuing parameters. To customize the priority queue treatment, use the queuing policy-map infrastructure.
Service queuing maps services to specific VLANs and shapes each VLAN based traffic. Within each VLAN, queues can be grouped and shaped independently.
With service queuing, OcNOS supports up to three levels of hierarchical queuing (HQoS). The port default queues continue to operate with a single-level scheduler.
Configuring VLAN Shaping
The following section explains how to configure basic infrastructure functionality for queuing per services on an interface. These queues support all the possible QoS treatments through egress queuing policy-map configurations. Services can be mapped using a service-template or match vlan commands. When a service in a class is matched inside a policy and attached to an interface, four new queues are created for these services. Users can create a maximum 3-level scheduling hierarchy for each service using these policy-maps.
A policy-map attached to an interface is referred to as an L0 level policy-map. Each child policy-map added is at an incremented level, i.e., the child of an L0-level policy-map is an L1-level policy-map, and the child of an L1-level is an L2 policy-map. This user-defined policy-map supports a maximum 3-level hierarchy.
Class-default-q is a self-created class map within a policy map. There are two types of class-default-q class maps (CMAPs):
When a policy is applied to an interface, class-default-q represents the port default queues. If the operator wants to shape or apply TailDrop or Weighted Random Early Detection (WRED) properties on the port queues, they must apply them to the class-default-q CMAP at Level 0.
When a child policy is attached to a CMAP with a service match criterion (match service-template/VLAN), the class-default-q CMAP in the child policy represents the queues left unmatched in the rest of the CMAPs of the child policy.
Configuring a Queuing Policy-map
When the QoS feature is enabled, the Qumran device applies a default policy-map of queuing type to all ports. This default policy-map, named default-out-policy, is reserved, and modifying its parameters affects all ports without a customized queuing policy-map. Users can create customized queuing policy-maps and bind them to ports to treat ports differently from default configuration.
Creating a user-defined queuing policy-map
Qumran board allows the creation of customized policy-maps, where users can configure four new queues for each service. If a priority queue class-map is not configured, the default behavior for these new queues is weighted fair queuing. Weighted fair queuing is also the default behavior between new queues and port default queues.
Use the command class-map type queuing (match-any|match-all|) NAME to create a class-map.
These class-maps match services for which new queues will be created. Users can also create empty class-maps to establish hierarchies and group services accordingly.
Matching criteria of a queuing class-map
A queuing class-map can use four matching criteria:
1. Queue: Selects the queue. Use the command `match queue <0-7>`.
For port queues, the valid range is 0-7.
For service queues, the valid range is 0-3.
2. Service-template: Classifies based on service. Use the command `match service-template NAME` and `no match service-template`.
3. VLAN: Lists VLAN IDs.Use the command match vlan
Note: VLAN matching criteria support applies to customer VLANs on the CE port in Provider Bridge only.
4. Interface: Matches based on interface name. Use the commands `match interface IFNAME` and `no match interface`.
Note: The interface name can be a VLAN interface or a sub-interface.
To create a customized policy-map, use the command policy-map {NAME | (type (queuing|queuing default) NAME)}.
After configuring the policy-map, set up the queuing class-maps using the command class type queuing.
Binding/Unbinding a QoS Policy-map on an Interface
Customized queuing policy-maps take affect only when the configuration is bound to a port. To bind or unbind a queuing policy-map to an out-port, use the command service-policy type queuing.
Binding/Unbinding a QoS Policy-map as a Child Service Policy
To create a hierarchy, configure a policy-map as a child policy. Bind a queuing policy-map to a policy-map as a child policy with the command (no|) service-policy NAME. Here, NAME represents the name of the queuing policy-map.
Note: Attach the child policy to a parent policy-map within a class.
For example:
class-map type queuing data
match queue 0
class-map type queuing service1
match service-template ETH-2016
class-map type queuing service2
match service-template ETH-2017
class-map type queuing signal
match queue 3
class-map type queuing voice
match queue 1
policy-map type queuing configPolicy1
class type queuing class-default-q
class type queuing data
class type queuing signal
class type queuing voice
policy-map type queuing customer1
class type queuing service1
service-policy configPolicy1
class type queuing class-default-q
interface xe11
service-policy type queuing output customer1
Here, “customer1” is L0-level policy-map and “configPolicy1” is L1-level policy-map. Policy-map “customer1” is having a class-default-q which is having port default queues. Policy-map “configPolicy1” is having class-default-q which is representing remaining queue i.e. queue 2 as queue3 is mapped to class signal, queue1 is mapped to class voice and queue0 is mapped to class data.
WRED and taildrop configuration is applicable only in the class in which queues are mapped. If in a policy-map having a class matching the service is not having any child policy-map, then all the new queues will be mapped to the same class and WRED and taildrop configuration is valid for this class. If the class matching service is having child policy matching queues, then WRED and taildrop is valid for the child service-policy only.
Policy-map having classes matching the queues can only be configured as a child service-policy inside a class matching service or at L0 class-default-q. It cannot be attached on an interface directly
If the user-defined child service policy is applied matching queues in L0 class-default-q which are mapping port queues, supported match queue range is 0-7.
For service queues, valid range is 0-3 as only 4 new queues are created for each service.Since the queues created are 4, 8 traffic classes are mapped implicitly to 4 queues as shown in Table 18-11.
Table 18-11: Traffic class to queue mapping
Traffic class
1, 2, 3
4, 5
6, 7
Ingress mapping profile like cos-to-queue, dscp-to-queue, and exp-to-queue actually maps packet fields (cos/dscp/exp) to 8 traffic classes. These traffic classes are mapped one-to-one when we have 8 queues in case of physical port and to 4 queues in case of services as shown above.
Until the child service-policy is applied on L0 class-default-q (port queues), port queues will follow default mapping profiles.
QoS feature must be enabled to configure policy-maps. This infrastructure contains two entities - class-map and policy-map. Class-map holds the match criteria and class-maps can be bound to policy-map to configure QoS treatment for the matching traffic.
The following section explains the basic configuration details involved to apply queue level treatment on the port.
Note: Please refer to MPLS configuration guide for service-template configurations.
(config)# class-map type queuing customer1
(config-cmap-que)# match service-template customer1Vlan
(config)# class-map type queuing customer2
(config-cmap-que)# match service-template customer2Vlan
(config)# class-map type queuing customer3
(config-cmap-que)# match service-template customer3Vlan
(config)# class-map type queuing customer4
(config-cmap-que)# match service-template customer4Vlan
(config)#class-map type queuing data
(config-cmap-que)# match queue 0
(config-cmap-que)# exit
(config)#class-map type queuing voice
(config-cmap-que)# match queue 1
(config)# class-map type queuing signaling
(config-cmap-que)# match queue 3
(config-cmap-que)# exit
(config)#class-map type queuing area1
(config-cmap-que)# exit
(config)#class-map type queuing area2
(config-cmap-que)# exit
(config)#policy-map type queuing traffic_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing data
(config-pmap-c-que)# shape 10 mbps
(config-pmap-c-que)# exit
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing voice
(config-pmap-c-que)# exit
(config-pmap-c-que)# shape 2 mbps
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing signaling
(config-pmap-c-que)# exit
(config-pmap-c-que)# shape 1 mbps
(config-pmap-c-que)# exit
(config-pmap-que)#policy-map type queuing area1_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer1
(config-pmap-c-que)# shape 12 mbps
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
(config-pmap-c-que)# exit
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer2
(config-pmap-c-que)# shape 12 mbps
(config-pmap-c-que)# exit
(config-pmap-que)#policy-map type queuing area2_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer3
(config-pmap-c-que)# shape 12 mbps
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
(config-pmap-c-que)# exit
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer4
(config-pmap-c-que)# shape 12 mbps
(config-pmap-c-que)# exit
(config-pmap-que)#policy-map type queuing xe16_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing area1
(config-pmap-c-que)# shape 100 mbps
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy area1_policy
(config-pmap-c-que)# exit
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing area2
(config-pmap-c-que)# shape 100 mbps
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy area2_policy
(config-pmap-c-que)# exit
(config-pmap-que)#interface xe16
(config-if)# service-policy type queuing output xe16_policy
Displaying Policy-map Configuration
The following is an example of show policy-map interface command:
(config)#show policy-map interface xe16
Interface xe16
Type QoS statistics status : enabled
Service-policy (queuing) output: xe16_policy
Interface Bandwidth 1000000 kbps
Class-map (queuing): area1
shape 100 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
Service-policy (queuing) output: area1_policy
Class-map (queuing): customer1
match service-template customer1Vlan
shape 12 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
Service-policy (queuing) output: traffic_policy
Class-map (queuing): class-default-q
shape 12000 kbps (inherited)
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 15040 bytes/10 ms (default)
match queue 1
Class-map (queuing): data
shape 10 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 12544 bytes/10 ms (default)
match queue 0
Total : 66681 packets, 66681000 bytes
Green : 66681 packets, 66681000 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Class-map (queuing): signaling
shape 1 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 9472 bytes/76 ms (default)
match queue 3
Class-map (queuing): voice
shape 2 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 9472 bytes/38 ms (default)
match queue 2
Class-map (queuing): customer2
match service-template customer2Vlan
shape 12 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 15040 bytes/10 ms (default)
match queue 0
match queue 1
match queue 2
match queue 3
Class-map (queuing): area2
shape 100 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
Service-policy (queuing) output: area2_policy
Class-map (queuing): customer3
match service-template customer3Vlan
shape 12 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 15040 bytes/10 ms (default)
match queue 0
match queue 1
match queue 2
match queue 3
Class-map (queuing): customer4
match service-template customer4Vlan
shape 12 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
Service-policy (queuing) output: traffic_policy
Class-map (queuing): class-default-q
shape 12000 kbps (inherited)
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 15040 bytes/10 ms (default)
match queue 1
Class-map (queuing): data
shape 10 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 12544 bytes/10 ms (default)
match queue 0
Class-map (queuing): signaling
shape 1 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 9472 bytes/76 ms (default)
match queue 3
Class-map (queuing): voice
shape 2 mbps
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 9472 bytes/38 ms (default)
match queue 2
Class-map (queuing): class-default-q
shape 1000000 kbps (inherited)
wfq-queue weight 1
queue-limit 1253376 bytes/10 ms (default)
match queue 0
match queue 1
match queue 2
match queue 3
match queue 4
match queue 5
match queue 6
match queue 7
QoS Configuration on User-defined Policy-map
All the queuing configurations such as WRED, taildrop, WFQ, shaping are same for user-defined policy as they are in default-policy-map except the priority queue configuration.
In default-policy-map, max priority supported is 8 i.e. 0-7, while in user-defined policy-map, max priority level is 4, i.e.0-3.
Priority class will always have priority over weighted class in default policy. But in user-defined policy, when all the 4 priorities are assigned with weighted classes, priority 0 class will be in fair queuing with the total weighted queues. If 3 or less than 3 priority class are present with weighted classes, than priority class will have priority over weighted class.
For example:
(config-pmap-que)#policy-map type queuing area2_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer1
(config-pmap-c-que)# priority level 0
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer2
(config-pmap-c-que)# priority level 1
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer3
(config-pmap-c-que)# priority level 2
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer4
(config-pmap-c-que)# priority level 3
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer5
(config-pmap-c-que)# wfq-queue weight 1
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer6
(config-pmap-c-que)# wfq-queue weight 2
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
In this case, customer4 will have the highest priority, while 50% of the remaining bandwidth after distributing among priority classes will be used by Customer1, and the remaining 50% will be shared by Customer5 and Customer6 (FQ between priority 0 and weighted class).
If there are only three priority classes, for example:
(config-pmap-que)#policy-map type queuing area2_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer1
(config-pmap-c-que)# priority level 0
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer2
(config-pmap-c-que)# priority level 1
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer3
(config-pmap-c-que)# priority level 2
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer4
(config-pmap-c-que)# wfq-queue weight 1
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
(config-pmap-que)# class type queuing customer5
(config-pmap-c-que)# wfq-queue weight 2
(config-pmap-c-que)# service-policy traffic_policy
Here, Customer3 has the highest priority. Customer1 has priority 0 and will have priority over Custimer4 and Customer5.
Configuration Considerations
Max 3 level of user defined hierarchy is supported.
Class-default-q is a self-created class map as part a policy map. It cannot be created nor be destroyed. It will be displayed (on whichever level applicable) only when user access it. Executing command "no class-default-q", will un-configure all the configurations of class-default-q.
User can configure all queuing parameters like weight, priority, queue-limit, wred and shape in a class inside policy.
Queue-limit and wred is only applicable in class matching queues.
Same service should not be matched twice in the same hierarchy at any level.
Policy-map with classes matching queues can only be attached to the policy-map having classes with match service or L0 class-default-q class.
Child service policy is not allowed in class matching queues unless it is L0 class-default-q.
If a service-policy is configured as a child policy in any hierarchy, then it cannot be attached on an interface directly and vice-versa.
All the classes inside a policy-map should have same matching criteria but not same matching criteria value.
Class-default-q class will only be present at L0 level or at the last level in a hierarchy. Class-default-q class will be matching port default queues if the class is of L0. Class-default-a class will be matching remaining queues in the newly created queue bundle if not matched in a class.
Valid match queue range for classifying port-queues is 0-7. For service queue it is 0-3.
Update is possible in the policy-map except the update of match criteria. Once the class with some match criteria is used in a policy-map, it cannot be updated.
Max 4 priority queues are supported in non-default queuing policy-map.
VLAN shaping is only supported for L2VPN, L3VPN, and provider-bridging services.
Attaching user-defined policy will impact the ongoing traffic which may leads to session flaps if any, configured on that interface.
Service Queuing refers to mapping services to specific vlans and shaping each vlan based traffic. Within the vlan, queues can be grouped and shaped independently.
Matching of traffic can be based on different parameters such as service-template, VLAN, sub interface/VLAN interface.
Below, are different configuration for L2VPN, VPLS/VPWS services, L3VPN with sub and VLAN interfaces, and a provider bridge configuration.
Figure 18-2 displays a six node topology configured with end to end connectivity from Router 1 to Router 6. The end to end connectivity is established by configuring OSPF, iBGP and LDP configuration in all the routers. We should be able to ping each device from other device from topology. Configure L2VPN- VPLS services on RTR1 and RTR6 and create Qos configuration on RTR6 and verify service queuing.
Simple Topology
RTR1#configure terminal
Enter into configuration mode
RTR1(config)#service-template VPLS-30
Create L2VPN VPLS service template of VPLS-30
RTR1(config-svc)# match double-tag outer-vlan 30 inner-vlan 2030
Match for double tagged VLAN with inner VLAN 30 and outer VLAN 2030
RTR1(config-svc)#rewrite ingress pop outgoing-tpid dot1.q
Rewrite ingress pop outgoing as dot1q
RTR1(config)#service-template VPLS-40
Create L2VPN VPLS service template of VPLS-40
RTR1(config-svc)#match double-tag outer-vlan 40 inner-vlan 2040
Match for double tagged VLAN with inner VLAN 40 and outer VLAN 2040
RTR1(config-svc)#rewrite ingress pop outgoing-tpid dot1.q
Rewrite ingress pop outgoing as dot1q
RTR1(config)#mpls vpls V30 30
Create MPLS VPLS with V30 and 30
RTR1(config-vpls)#service-tpid dot1.ad
Make service tpid as dot1.ad
RTR1(config-vpls)#signaling ldp
Configure signaling as ldp
RTR1(config-vpls-sig)#vpls-type vlan
Configure vpls type as vlan
Configure peer as
RTR1(config)#mpls vpls V40 40
Create MPLS VPLS with V40 and 40
RTR1(config-vpls)#service-tpid dot1.ad
Make service tpid as dot1.ad
RTR1(config-vpls)#signaling ldp
Configure signaling as LDP
RTR1(config-vpls-sig)#vpls-type vlan
Configure VPLS type as VLAN
Configure peer as
RTR1(config)#interface xe14
Enter interface configuration
Change port as switchport
RTR1(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval as 30
RTR1(config-if)#mpls-vpls V30 service-template VPLS-30
Bind MPLS VPLS V30 with service template VPLS-30
RTR1(config-if)#mpls-vpls V40 service-template VPLS-40
Bind MPLS VPLS V40 with service template VPLS-40
RTR1(config)#router bgp 64512
Configure BGP of as number 64512
RTR1(config-router)#address-family l2vpn vpls
Enter into l2vpn VPLS address family
RTR1(config-router-af)#neighbor activate
Activate neighbor
RTR6#configure terminal
Enter into configuration mode
RTR6(config)#service-template VPLS-30
Create L2VPN VPLS service template of VPLS-30
RTR6(config-svc)#match double-tag outer-vlan 30 inner-vlan 2030
Match for double tagged VLAN with inner VLAN 30 and outer VLAN 2030
RTR6(config-svc)#rewrite ingress pop outgoing-tpid dot1.q
Rewrite ingress pop outgoing as dot1q
RTR6(config)#service-template VPLS-40
Create L2VPN VPLS service template of VPLS-40
RTR6(config-svc)#match double-tag outer-vlan 40 inner-vlan 2040
Match for double tagged VLAN with inner VLAN 40 and outer VLAN 2040
RTR6(config-svc)#rewrite ingress pop outgoing-tpid dot1.q
Rewrite ingress pop outgoing as dot1q
RTR6(config)#mpls vpls V30 30
Create MPLS VPLS with V30 and 30
RTR6(config-vpls)#service-tpid dot1.ad
Make service tpid as dot1.ad
RTR6(config-vpls)#signaling ldp
Configure signaling as LDP
RTR6(config-vpls-sig)#vpls-type vlan
Configure VPLS type as VLAN
Configure peer as
RTR6(config)#mpls vpls V40 40
Create MPLS VPLS with V40 and 40
RTR6(config-vpls)#service-tpid dot1.ad
Make service tpid as dot1.ad
RTR6(config-vpls)#signaling ldp
Configure signaling as LDP
RTR6(config-vpls-sig)#vpls-type vlan
Configure VPLS type as VLAN
Configure peer as
RTR6(config)#interface xe13
Enter interface configuration
Change port as switchport
RTR6(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval as 30
RTR6(config-if)#mpls-vpls V30 service-template VPLS-30
Bind MPLS VPLS V30 with service template VPLS-30
RTR6(config-if)#mpls-vpls V40 service-template VPLS-40
Bind MPLS VPLS V40 with service template VPLS-40
RTR6(config)#router bgp 64512
Configure BGP of as number 64512
RTR6(config-router)#address-family l2vpn vpls
Enter into l2vpn VPLS address family
RTR6(config-router-af)#neighbor activate
Activate neighbor
RTR6(config)#qos enable
Enable QoS
RTR6(config)#class-map type queuing que0
Create class map of type queuing with name que0
RTR6(config-cmap-que)# match queue 0
Match for queue 0
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing que1
Create class map of type queuing with name que1
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match queue 1
Match for queue 1
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing que2
Create class map of type queuing with name que2
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match queue 2
Match for queue 2
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing que3
Create class map of type queuing with name que3
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match queue 3
Match for queue 3
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing service30
Create class map of type queuing with name VPLS-30
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match service-template VPLS-30
Match for service template VPLS-30
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing service40
Create class map of type queuing with name VPLS-40
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match service-template VPLS-40
Match for service template VPLS-40
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#policy-map type queuing queue
Create policy map with name queue
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que0
Add class map que0 to above policy map
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que1
Add class map que1 to above policy map
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#shape 100 mbps
Shape traffic to 100 mbps
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que2
Add class map que2 to above policy map
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#shape 100 mbps
Shape traffic to 100 mbps
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que3
Add class map que3 to above policy map
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#policy-map type queuing service
Create policy map with name service
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing service30
Add class map service30 to above policy map
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#shape 1000 mbps
Shape rate to 1000 mbps
RTR6(config-pmap-c-que)#service-policy queue
Add policy map queue as service-policy
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing service40
Add class map service40 to above policymap
RTR6(config-pmap-c-que)#service-policy queue
Add policy map queue as service-policy
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#interface xe13
Configure interface xe13
RTR6(config-if)#service-policy type queuing output service
Attach the policy map service to the interface
RTR6(config-if)#shape rate 3000 mbps
Shape rate traffic to 3000 mbps
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
q0 956.796
q2 1032.543
q4 1044.794
q6 1030.280
RTR6#show running-config qos
qos enable
class-map type queuing que0
match queue 0
class-map type queuing que1
match queue 1
class-map type queuing que2
match queue 2
class-map type queuing que3
match queue 3
class-map type queuing service30
match service-template VPLS-30
class-map type queuing service40
match service-template VPLS-40
policy-map type queuing queue
class type queuing que0
class type queuing que1
class type queuing que2
class type queuing que3
policy-map type queuing service
class type queuing service30
service-policy queue
class type queuing service40
service-policy queue
interface xe13
service-policy type queuing output service
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
que0 (q0) 510.806
que1 (q1) 514.803
que2 (q2) 507.316
que3 (q3) 521.820
que0 (q0) 438.860
que1 (q1) 530.446
que2 (q2) 518.338
que3 (q3) 517.863
RTR6#show running-config qos
qos enable
class-map type queuing que0
match queue 0
class-map type queuing que1
match queue 1
class-map type queuing que2
match queue 2
class-map type queuing que3
match queue 3
class-map type queuing service30
match service-template VPLS-30
class-map type queuing service40
match service-template VPLS-40
policy-map type queuing queue
class type queuing que0
class type queuing que1
shape 100 mbps
class type queuing que2
shape 100 mbps
class type queuing que3
policy-map type queuing service
class type queuing service30
shape 1000 mbps
service-policy queue
class type queuing service40
service-policy queue
interface xe13
service-policy type queuing output service
shape rate 3000 mbps
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
que0 (q0) 415.557
que1 (q1) 103.563
que2 (q2) 102.592
que3 (q3) 412.536
que0 (q0) 438.771
que1 (q1) 103.201
que2 (q2) 102.954
que3 (q3) 515.988
Figure 18-3 displays a six node topology configured ith end to end connectivity from Router 1 to Router 6. The end to end connectivity is established by configuring OSPF, iBGP and LDP configuration in all the routers. We should be able to ping each device from other device from topology. Configure L2VPN- VPWS services on RTR1 and RTR6 and create Qos configuration on RTR6 and verify service queuing.
Simple Topology
RTR1#configure terminal
Enter into configuration mode
RTR1(config)#mpls l2-circuit VPWS10 10
Create MPLS l2 circuit with VPWS10 with ID 10 and end point
Exit pseudowire config mode.
RTR1(config)#mpls l2-circuit VPWS20 20
Create MPLS l2 circuit with VPWS20 with ID 20 and end point
Exit pseudowire config mode.
RTR1(config)#service-template VPWS-10
Create service template VPWS-10
RTR1(config-svc)#match outer-vlan 10
Match outer vlan 10
RTR1(config-svc)#rewrite ingress translate 1000 outgoing-tpid dot1.q
Rewrite ingress translate 1010 with outgoing tpid as dot1q
RTR1(config-svc)#service-template VPWS-20
Create service template VPWS-20
RTR1(config-svc)# match outer-vlan 20
Match outer vlan 20
RTR1(config-svc)# rewrite ingress translate 1020 outgoing-tpid dot1.q
Rewrite ingress translate 1020 with outgoing tpid as dot1q
RTR1(config)#interface xe14
Configure interface xe14
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR1(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval as 30
RTR1(config-if)#mpls-l2-circuit VPWS10 service-template VPWS-10
Attach l2circuit VPWS10 with service template VPWS-10
RTR1(config-if)#mpls-l2-circuit VPWS20 service-template VPWS-20
Attach l2circuit VPWS20 with service template VPWS-20
RTR6#configure terminal
Enter into configuration mode
RTR6(config)#mpls l2-circuit VPWS10 10
Create MPLS l2 circuit with VPWS10 with ID 10 and end point
Exit pseudowire config mode.
RTR6(config)#mpls l2-circuit VPWS20 20
Create MPLS l2 circuit with VPWS20 with ID 20 and end point
Exit pseudowire config mode.
RTR6(config)#service-template VPWS-10
Create service template VPWS-10
RTR6(config-svc)# match outer-vlan 10
Match outer vlan 10
RTR6(config-svc)# rewrite ingress translate 1000 outgoing-tpid dot1.q
Rewrite ingress translate 1010 with outgoing tpid as dot1q
RTR6(config-svc)#service-template VPWS-20
Create service template VPWS-20
RTR6(config-svc)#match outer-vlan 20
Match outer VLAN 20
RTR6(config-svc)#rewrite ingress translate 1020 outgoing-tpid dot1.q
Rewrite ingress translate 1020 with outgoing tpid as dot1q
RTR6(config)#interface xe14
Configure interface xe14
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR6(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval as 30
RTR6(config-if)#mpls-l2-circuit VPWS10 service-template VPWS-10
Attach l2circuit VPWS10 with service template VPWS-10
RTR6(config-if)#mpls-l2-circuit VPWS20 service-template VPWS-20
Attach l2circuit VPWS20 with service template VPWS-20
RTR6(config)#qos enable
Enable Qos
RTR6(config)#class-map type queuing que0
Create class map of type queuing with name que0
RTR6(config-cmap-que)# match queue 0
Match for queue 0
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing que1
Create class map of type queuing with name que1
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match queue 1
Match for queue 1
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing que2
Create class map of type queuing with name que2
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match queue 2
Match for queue 2
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing que3
Create class map of type queuing with name que3
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match queue 3
Match for queue 3
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing service10
Create class map of type queuing with name VPWS-10
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match service-template VPWS-10
Match for service template VPWS-10
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing service20
Create class map of type queuing with name VPWS-20
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match service-template VPWS-20
Match for service template VPWS-20
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#policy-map type queuing queue
Create policy map with name queue
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que0
Add class map que0 to above policy map
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que1
Add class map que1 to above policy map
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que2
Add class map que2 to above policy map
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#priority level 0
configure Priority level 0
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que3
Add class map que3 to above policy map
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#policy-map type queuing service
Create policy map with name service
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing service10
Add class map service10 to above policy map
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#priority level 0
Change priority level 0
RTR6(config-pmap-c-que)#service-policy queue
Add policy map queue as service-policy
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing service20
Add class map service20 to above policy map
RTR6(config-pmap-c-que)#service-policy queue
Add policy map queue as service-policy
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#interface xe13
Configure interface xe13
RTR6(config-if)#service-policy type queuing output service
Attach the policy map service to the interface
RTR6(config-if)#shape rate 1000 mbps
Shape rate traffic to 1000 mbps
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
q0 406.907
q2 413.234
q4 411.703
q6 415.307
RTR6#show running-config qos
qos enable
class-map type queuing que0
match queue 0
class-map type queuing que1
match queue 1
class-map type queuing que2
match queue 2
class-map type queuing que3
match queue 3
class-map type queuing service10
match service-template VPWS-10
class-map type queuing service20
match service-template VPWS-20
policy-map type queuing queue
class type queuing que0
class type queuing que1
class type queuing que2
class type queuing que3
policy-map type queuing service
class type queuing service10
service-policy queue
class type queuing service20
service-policy queue
interface xe13
service-policy type queuing output service
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
q7 0.178
q7 0.170
q7 0.178
q7 0.186
q7 0.170
q7 0.186
q7 0.170
q7 0.178
class-default-q (q0) 207.461
class-default-q (q2) 207.031
class-default-q (q4) 207.158
class-default-q (q6) 197.740
que0 (q0) 107.698
que1 (q1) 106.338
que2 (q2) 103.133
que3 (q3) 105.985
que0 (q0) 103.376
que1 (q1) 102.938
que2 (q2) 101.485
que3 (q3) 101.537
RTR6#show running-config qos
qos enable
class-map type queuing que0
match queue 0
class-map type queuing que1
match queue 1
class-map type queuing que2
match queue 2
class-map type queuing que3
match queue 3
class-map type queuing service10
match service-template VPWS-10
class-map type queuing service20
match service-template VPWS-20
policy-map type queuing queue
class type queuing que0
class type queuing que1
class type queuing que2
priority level 0
class type queuing que3
policy-map type queuing service
class type queuing service10
priority level 0
service-policy queue
class type queuing service20
service-policy queue
interface xe13
service-policy type queuing output service
shape rate 1000 mbps
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
class-default-q (q0) 80.431
class-default-q (q2) 79.903
class-default-q (q4) 79.780
class-default-q (q6) 79.605
que0 (q0) 100.546
que1 (q1) 105.640
que2 (q2) 103.802
que3 (q3) 103.724
que0 (q0) 70.014
que1 (q1) 69.665
que2 (q2) 108.427
que3 (q3) 70.090
L3VPN- Sub/VLAN interfaces
Figure 18-4 displays a six node topology configured with end to end connectivity from Router 1 to Router 6. The end to end connectivity is established by configuring OSPF, iBGP and LDP configuration in all the routers. We should be able to ping each device from other device from topology. Configure L3VPN with sub interface and VLAN interface configurations on RTR1 and RTR6 and create Qos configuration on RTR6 and verify service queuing.
Simple Topology
RTR1(config)#ip vrf 3
Create new vrf with name 3
RTR1(config-vrf)#rd 2:3
Create route distinguisher for vrf 3
RTR1(config-vrf)#route-target both 1:3
Create route target for vrf 3
RTR1(config-vrf)#ip vrf 4
Create new vrf with name 4
RTR1(config-vrf)#rd 2:4
Create route distinguisher for vrf 4
RTR1(config-vrf)#route-target both 1:4
Create route target for vrf 4
RTR1(config-vrf)#ip vrf 5
Create new vrf with name 5
RTR1(config-vrf)#rd 2:5
Create route distinguisher for vrf 5
RTR1(config-vrf)#route-target both 1:5
Create route target for vrf 5
RTR1(config-vrf)#ip vrf 6
Create new vrf with name 6
RTR1(config-vrf)#rd 2:6
Create route distinguisher for vrf 6
RTR1(config-vrf)#route-target both 1:6
Create route target for vrf 6
RTR1(config)#interface lo.3
Configure loopback lo.3
RTR1(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 3
Attach VRF 3 to loopback lo.3 interface
RTR1(config-if)#interface lo.4
Configure loopback lo.4
RTR1(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 4
Attach VRF 4 to loopback lo.4 interface
RTR1(config-if)#interface lo.5
Configure loopback lo.5
RTR1(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 5
Attach VRF 5 to loopback lo.5 interface
RTR1(config-if)#interface lo.6
Configure loopback lo.6
RTR1(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 6
Attach vrf 6 to loopback lo.6 interface
RTR1(config)#interface ce52.203
Create sub interface for ce52 port
RTR1(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 3
Attach vrf 3 to sub int ce52.203
RTR1(config-if)#ip address
Assign ip address
RTR1(config-if)#encapsulation dot1q 203
Encapsulate dot1q VLAN with id 203
RTR1(config-if)#interface ce52.204
Create sub interface for ce52 port
RTR1(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 4
Attach vrf 4 to sub int ce52.204
RTR1(config-if)#ip address
Assign ip address
RTR1(config-if)#encapsulation dot1q 204
Encapsulate dot1q VLAN with id 204
RTR1(config-if)#interface vlan1.205
Create VLAN interface with id 205
RTR1(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 5
Attach VRF 5 to vlan1.205
RTR1(config-if)#ip address
Assign IP address of
RTR1(config-if)#mtu 9216
Configure MTU of size 9216
RTR1(config-if)#interface vlan1.206
Create VLAN interface with id 206
RTR1(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 6
Attach VRF 6 to vlan1.206
RTR1(config-if)#ip address
Assign ip address of
RTR1(config-if)#mtu 9216
Configure MTU of size 9216
RTR1(config)#router bgp 64512
Configure router BGP 66512
RTR1(config-router)#address-family vpnv4 unicast
Enter into vpnv4 unicast address family
RTR1(config-router-af)#neighbor activate
Activate neighbor on vpnv4 unicast
RTR1(config-router)#address-family ipv4 vrf 3
Enter into ipv4 vrf3 address family
RTR1(config-router-af)#redistribute connected
Redistribute connected networks into vrf 3
RTR1(config-router)#address-family ipv4 vrf 4
Enter into ipv4 vrf4 address family
RTR1(config-router-af)#redistribute connected
Redistribute connected networks into vrf 4
RTR1(config-router)#address-family ipv4 vrf 5
Enter into ipv4 vrf5 address family
RTR1(config-router-af)#redistribute connected
Redistribute connected networks into vrf 5
RTR1(config-router)#address-family ipv4 vrf 6
Enter into ipv4 vrf6 address family
RTR1(config-router-af)#redistribute connected
Redistribute connected networks into vrf 6
RTR1(config)#interface ce52
Configure interface ce52
RTR1(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR1(config-if)#interface ce50
Configure interface ce50
Configure port as layer 2 port
RTR1(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR1(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
Configure interface as trunk port
RTR1(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add 205, 206
Allow only VLANs 205 and 206
RTR1(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR6(config)#ip vrf 3
Create new vrf with name 3
RTR6(config-vrf)#rd 1:3
Create route distinguisher for VRF 3
RTR6(config-vrf)#route-target both 1:3
Create route target for VRF 3
RTR6(config-vrf)#ip vrf 4
Create new VRF with name 4
RTR6(config-vrf)#rd 1:4
Create route distinguisher for VRF 4
RTR6(config-vrf)#route-target both 1:4
Create route target for VRF 4
RTR6(config-vrf)#ip vrf 5
Create new VRF with name 5
RTR6(config-vrf)#rd 1:5
Create route distinguisher for VRF 5
RTR6(config-vrf)#route-target both 1:5
Create route target for VRF 5
RTR6(config-vrf)#ip vrf 6
Create new VRF with name 6
RTR6(config-vrf)#rd 1:6
Create route distinguisher for VRF 6
RTR6(config-vrf)#route-target both 1:6
Create route target for VRF 6
RTR6(config)#interface lo.3
Configure loopback lo.3
RTR6(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 3
Attach vrf 3 to loopback lo.3 interface
RTR6(config-if)#interface lo.4
Configure loopback lo.4
RTR6(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 4
Attach vrf 4 to loopback lo.4 interface
RTR6(config-if)#interface lo.5
Configure loopback lo.5
RTR6(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 5
Attach vrf 5 to loopback lo.5 interface
RTR6(config-if)#interface lo.6
Configure loopback lo.6
RTR6(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 6
Attach VRF 6 to loopback lo.6 interface
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe13.103
Create sub interface for xe13 port
RTR6(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 3
Attach VRF 3 to sub int xe13.103
RTR6(config-if)#ip address
Assign ip address
RTR6(config-if)#encapsulation dot1q 103
Encapsulate dot1q VLAN with id 103
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe13.104
Create sub interface for xe13.104 port
RTR6(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 4
Attach VRF 4 to sub int xe13.104
RTR6(config-if)#ip address
Assign IP address
RTR6(config-if)#encapsulation dot1q 104
Encapsulate dot1q VLAN with id 104
RTR6(config-if)#interface vlan1.105
Create VLAN interface with id 105
RTR6(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 5
Attach VRF 5 to vlan1.105
RTR6(config-if)#ip address
Assign ip address of
RTR6(config-if)#mtu 9216
Configure MTU of size 9216
RTR6(config-if)#interface vlan1.106
Create VLAN interface with id 106
RTR6(config-if)#ip vrf forwarding 6
Attach VRF 6 to vlan1.106
RTR6(config-if)#ip address
Assign IP address of
RTR6(config-if)#mtu 9216
Configure mtu of size 9216
RTR6(config)#router bgp 64512
Configure BGP 64512
RTR6(config-router)#address-family vpnv4 unicast
Enter into vpnv4 unicast address family
RTR6(config-router-af)#neighbor activate
Activate neighbor on vpnv4 unicast
RTR6(config-router)#address-family ipv4 vrf 3
Enter into ipv4 vrf3 address family
RTR6(config-router-af)#redistribute connected
Redistribute connected networks into VRF 3
RTR6(config-router)#address-family ipv4 vrf 4
Enter into ipv4 vrf4 address family
RTR6(config-router-af)#redistribute connected
Redistribute connected networks into vrf 4
RTR6(config-router)#address-family ipv4 vrf 5
Enter into ipv4 vrf5 address family
RTR6(config-router-af)#redistribute connected
Redistribute connected networks into vrf 5
RTR6(config-router)#address-family ipv4 vrf 6
Enter into ipv4 vrf6 address family
RTR6(config-router-af)#redistribute connected
Redistribute connected networks into vrf 6
RTR6(config)#interface xe13
Configure interface xe13
RTR6(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe14
Configure interface xe14
Configure port as layer 2 port
RTR6(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR6(config-if)#switchport mode trunk
Configure interface as trunk port
RTR6(config-if)#switchport trunk allowed vlan add 105,106
Allow only vlans105 and 106
RTR6(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
Validation for sub interfaces
RTR6#show running-config qos
qos enable
class-map type queuing que0
match queue 0
class-map type queuing que1
match queue 1
class-map type queuing que2
match queue 2
class-map type queuing que3
match queue 3
class-map type queuing xe13.103
match interface xe13.103
class-map type queuing xe13.104
match interface xe13.104
policy-map type queuing queuePolicy
class type queuing que0
class type queuing que1
class type queuing que2
class type queuing que3
policy-map type queuing service
class type queuing xe13.103
service-policy queuePolicy
class type queuing xe13.104
service-policy queuePolicy
interface xe13
service-policy type queuing output service
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
que0 (q0) 499.345
que1 (q1) 507.020
que2 (q2) 510.231
que3 (q3) 503.312
que0 (q0) 502.730
que1 (q1) 497.862
que2 (q2) 508.641
que3 (q3) 489.681
RTR6# show running-config qos
qos enable
class-map type queuing que0
match queue 0
class-map type queuing que1
match queue 1
class-map type queuing que2
match queue 2
class-map type queuing que3
match queue 3
class-map type queuing xe13.103
match interface xe13.103
class-map type queuing xe13.104
match interface xe13.104
policy-map type queuing queuePolicy
class type queuing que0
class type queuing que1
class type queuing que2
class type queuing que3
policy-map type queuing service
class type queuing xe13.103
service-policy queuePolicy
class type queuing xe13.104
priority level 0
service-policy queuePolicy
interface xe13
service-policy type queuing output service
shape rate 4000 mbps
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
que0 (q0) 82.403
que1 (q1) 83.355
que2 (q2) 82.881
que3 (q3) 83.354
que0 (q0) 498.243
que1 (q1) 502.950
que2 (q2) 510.054
que3 (q3) 494.921
Validation for vlan interfaces
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
q0 1988.796
q1 1976.734
q5 1997.010
q6 2022.276
q7 0.012
RTR6#show running-config qos
qos enable
class-map type queuing que0
match queue 0
class-map type queuing que1
match queue 1
class-map type queuing que2
match queue 2
class-map type queuing que3
match queue 3
class-map type queuing vlan1.105
match interface vlan1.105
class-map type queuing vlan1.106
match interface vlan1.106
policy-map type queuing queuePolicy
class type queuing que0
shape 100 mbps
class type queuing que1
class type queuing que2
shape 150 mbps
class type queuing que3
policy-map type queuing service
class type queuing vlan1.105
service-policy queuePolicy
class type queuing vlan1.106
wfq-queue weight 4
service-policy queuePolicy
interface xe13
service-policy type queuing output service
shape rate 6000 mbps
RTR6# show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
que0 (q0) 99.882
que1 (q1) 508.907
que2 (q2) 150.103
que3 (q3) 505.349
que0 (q0) 100.148
que1 (q1) 505.652
que2 (q2) 149.896
que3 (q3) 501.783
Provider Bridge
Figure 18-5 displays a six node topology configured with end to end connectivity from Router 1 to Router 6. The end to end connectivity is established by configuring OSPF, iBGP and LDP configuration in all the routers. We should be able to ping each device from other device from topology.
Simple Topology
RTR1#configure terminal
Enter into configure terminal mode
RTR1(config)#bridge 1 protocol provider-rstp edge
Configure bridge 1 protocol as provider RSTP edge
RTR1(config)#vlan database
Configure VLAN database
RTR1(config-vlan)#vlan 201-300 type customer bridge 1 state enable
Configure customer VLANs from 201-300
RTR1(config-vlan)#vlan 301-400 type service point-point bridge 1 state enable
Configure service VLANs from 301-400
RTR1(config-vlan)#cvlan registration table map1 bridge 1
Create cvlan registration table
RTR1(config-cvlan-registration)#cvlan 201 svlan 301
Map 201 cvlan to 301 svlan
RTR1(config-cvlan-registration)#cvlan 202 svlan 302
Map 202 cvlan to 302 svlan
RTR1(config-cvlan-registration)#cvlan 203 svlan 303
Map 203 cvlan to 303 svlan
RTR1(config-cvlan-registration)#cvlan 204 svlan 304
Map 204 cvlan to 304 svlan
RTR1(config-cvlan-registration)#cvlan 205 svlan 305
Map 205 cvlan to 305 svlan
RTR1(config-cvlan-registration)#interface po12
Configure interface po12
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR1(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR1(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR1(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed VLAN from 301-400
RTR1(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR1(config-if)#interface po13
Configure interface po13
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR1(config-if)#bridge-group 1
 Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR1(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR1(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR1(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR1(config-if)#interface xe1
Configure xe1
RTR1(config-if)#channel-group 12 mode active
Add xe1 to po12
RTR1(config-if)#interface xe2
Configure xe2
RTR1(config-if)#channel-group 12 mode active
Add xe2 to po12
RTR1(config-if)#interface xe3
Configure xe3
RTR1(config-if)#channel-group 13 mode active
Add xe3 to po13
RTR1(config-if)#interface xe4
Configure xe4
RTR1(config-if)#channel-group 13 mode active
Add xe4 to po13
RTR1(config-if)#interface xe15
Configure interface xe15
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR1(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR1(config-if)#switchport mode customer-edge trunk
Configure switchport mode as customer edge trunk
RTR1(config-if)#switchport customer-edge trunk allowed vlan add 201-300
Configure allowed vlan from 201-300
RTR1(config-if)#switchport customer-edge vlan registration map1
Attach VLAN registration table map 1 to xe15
RTR1(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR2#configure terminal
Configure terminal
RTR2(config)#bridge 1 protocol provider-rstp
Configure bridge 1 protocol as provider rstp edge
RTR2(config)#vlan database
VLAN database
RTR2(config-vlan)#vlan 301-400 type service point-point bridge 1 state enable
Configure service vlans from 301-400
RTR2(config-vlan)#interface po12
Configure interface po12
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR2(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR2(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR2(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR2(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR2(config-if)#interface po24
Configure interface po24
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR2(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR2(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR2(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR2(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR2(config-if)#interface po25
Configure interface po25
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR2(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR2(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR2(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR2(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR2(config-if)#interface xe1
Configure xe1
RTR2(config-if)#channel-group 12 mode active
Add xe1 to po12
RTR2(config-if)#interface xe2
Configure xe2
RTR2(config-if)#channel-group 12 mode active
Add xe2 to po12
RTR2(config-if)#interface xe8
Configure xe8
RTR2(config-if)#channel-group 25 mode active
Add xe8 to po25
RTR2(config-if)#interface xe9
Configure xe9
RTR2(config-if)#channel-group 25 mode active
Add xe9 to po25
RTR2(config-if)#interface xe14
Configure xe14
RTR2(config-if)#channel-group 24 mode active
Add xe14 to po24
RTR2(config-if)#interface xe15
Configure xe15
RTR2(config-if)#channel-group 24 mode active
Add xe15 to po24
RTR3#config term
Configure terminal
RTR3(config)#bridge 1 protocol provider-rstp
Configure bridge 1 protocol as provider rstp edge
RTR3(config)#vlan database
Configure VLAN database
RTR3(config-vlan)#vlan 301-400 type service point-point bridge 1 state enable
Configure service VLANS from 301-400
RTR3(config-vlan)#interface po13
Configure interface po13
RTR3(config-if)# switchport
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR3(config-if)# bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR3(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR3(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR3(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR3(config-if)#interface po34
Configure interface po34
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR3(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR3(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR3(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR3(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR3(config-if)#interface po35
Configure interface po35
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR3(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR3(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR3(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR3(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR3(config-if)#interface xe3
Configure xe3
RTR3(config-if)#channel-group 13 mode active
Add xe3 to po13
RTR3(config-if)#interface xe4
Configure xe4
RTR3(config-if)# channel-group 13 mode active
Add xe4 to po13
RTR3(config-if)#interface xe7
Configure xe7
RTR3(config-if)#channel-group 34 mode active
Add xe7 to po34
RTR3(config-if)#interface xe8
Configure xe8
RTR3(config-if)#channel-group 34 mode active
Add xe8 to po34
RTR3(config-if)#interface xe14
Configure xe14
RTR3(config-if)#channel-group 35 mode active
Add xe14 to po35
RTR3(config-if)#interface xe15
Configure xe15
RTR3(config-if)#channel-group 35 mode active
Add xe15 to po35
RTR4#config term
Configure terminal
RTR4(config)#bridge 1 protocol provider-rstp
Configure bridge 1 protocol as provider rstp edge
RTR4(config)#vlan database
Configure vlan database
RTR4(config-vlan)#vlan 301-400 type service point-point bridge 1 state enable
Configure service vlans from 301-400
RTR4(config-vlan)#interface po24
Configure interface po24
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR4(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR4(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR4(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed VLAN from 301-400
RTR4(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR4(config-if)#interface po34
Configure interface po34
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR4(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR4(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR4(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR4(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR4(config-if)#interface po46
Configure interface po46
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR4(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR4(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR4(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR4(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR4(config-if)#interface xe0
Configure xe0
RTR4(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Add xe0 to po46
RTR4(config-if)#interface xe1
Configure xe1
RTR4(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Add xe1 to po46
RTR4(config-if)#interface xe2
Configure xe2
RTR4(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Add xe2 to po46
RTR4(config-if)#interface xe3
Configure xe3
RTR4(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Add xe3 to po46
RTR4(config-if)#interface xe7
Configure xe7
RTR4(config-if)#channel-group 34 mode active
Add xe7 to po34
RTR4(config-if)#interface xe8
Configure xe8
RTR4(config-if)#channel-group 34 mode active
Add xe8 to po34
RTR4(config-if)#interface xe14
Configure xe14
RTR4(config-if)#channel-group 24 mode active
Add xe14 to po24
RTR4(config-if)#interface xe15
Configure xe15
RTR4(config-if)#channel-group 24 mode active
Add xe15 to po24
RTR5#config term
Configure terminal
RTR5(config)#bridge 1 protocol provider-rstp
Configure bridge 1 protocol as provider rstp edge
RTR5(config)#vlan database
Configure vlan database
RTR5(config-vlan)#vlan 301-305 type service point-point bridge 1 state enable
Configure service vlans from 301-305
RTR5(config-vlan)#interface po25
Configure interface po25
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR5(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR5(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR5(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR5(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR5(config-if)#interface po35
Configure interface po35
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR5(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR5(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR5(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR5(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR5(config-if)#interface po56
Configure interface po56
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR5(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR5(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR5(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR5(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR5(config-if)#interface xe2
Configure xe2
RTR5(config-if)#channel-group 25 mode active
Add xe2 to po25
RTR5(config-if)#interface xe3
Configure xe3
RTR5(config-if)#channel-group 25 mode active
Add xe3 to po25
RTR5(config-if)#interface xe6
Configure xe6
RTR5(config-if)#channel-group 56 mode active
Add xe6 to po56
RTR5(config-if)#interface xe7
Configure xe7
RTR5(config-if)#channel-group 56 mode active
Add xe7 to po56
RTR5(config-if)#interface xe8
Configure xe8
RTR5(config-if)#channel-group 56 mode active
Add xe8 to po56
RTR5(config-if)#interface xe9
Configure xe9
RTR5(config-if)#channel-group 56 mode active
Add xe9 to po56
RTR5(config-if)#interface xe14
Configure xe14
RTR5(config-if)#channel-group 35 mode active
Add xe14 to po35
RTR5(config-if)#interface xe15
Configure xe15
RTR5(config-if)#channel-group 35 mode active
Add xe15 to po35
RTR6#config terminal
Configure terminal
RTR6(config)#bridge 1 protocol provider-rstp edge
Configure bridge 1 protocol as provider rstp edge
RTR6(config)#vlan database
Configure vlan database
RTR6(config-vlan)#vlan 201-300 type customer bridge 1 state enable
Configure customer VLANS from 201-300
RTR6(config-vlan)#vlan 301-400 type service point-point bridge 1 state enable
Configure service VLANs from 301-400
RTR6(config-vlan)#cvlan registration table map1 bridge 1
Create cvlan registration table
RTR6(config-cvlan-registration)#cvlan 201 svlan 301
Map 201 cvlan to 301 svlan
RTR6(config-cvlan-registration)#cvlan 202 svlan 302
Map 202 cvlan to 302 svlan
RTR6(config-cvlan-registration)#cvlan 203 svlan 303
Map 203 cvlan to 303 svlan
RTR6(config-cvlan-registration)#cvlan 204 svlan 304
Map 204 cvlan to 304 svlan
RTR6(config-cvlan-registration)#cvlan 205 svlan 305
Map 205 cvlan to 305 svlan
RTR6(config-cvlan-registration)#interface po46
Configure interface po46
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR6(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR6(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR6(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR6(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR6(config-if)#interface po56
Configure interface po56
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR6(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR6(config-if)#switchport mode provider-network
Configure switchport mode as provider network
RTR6(config-if)#switchport provider-network allowed vlan add 301-400
Configure allowed vlan from 301-400
RTR6(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe0
Configure xe0
RTR6(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Add xe0 to po46
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe1
Configure xe1
RTR6(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Add xe1 to po46
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe2
Configure xe2
RTR6(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Add xe2 to po46
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe3
Configure xe3
RTR6(config-if)#channel-group 46 mode active
Add xe3 to po46
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe6
Configure xe6
RTR6(config-if)#channel-group 56 mode active
Add xe6 to po56
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe7
Configure xe7
RTR6(config-if)#channel-group 56 mode active
Add xe7 to po56
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe8
Configure xe8
RTR6(config-if)#channel-group 56 mode active
Add xe8 to po56
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe9
Configure xe9
RTR6(config-if)#channel-group 56 mode active
Add xe9 to po56
RTR6(config-if)#interface xe15
Configure interface xe15
Configure as layer 2 port
RTR6(config-if)#bridge-group 1
Configure interface in bridge group 1
RTR6(config-if)#switchport mode customer-edge trunk
Configure switchport mode as customer edge trunk
RTR6(config-if)#switchport customer-edge trunk allowed vlan add 201-300
Configure allowed vlan from 201-300
RTR6(config-if)#switchport customer-edge vlan registration map1
Attach vlan registration table map 1 to xe15
RTR6(config-if)#load-interval 30
Configure load interval 30
RTR6(config)#class-map type queuing que0
Create Class map type queuing que0
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match queue 0
Match for queue 0
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing que1
Create Class map type queuing que0
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match queue 1
Match for queue 1
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing que2
Create Class map type queuing que1
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match queue 2
Match for queue 2
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing que3
Create Class map type queuing que2
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match queue 3
Match for queue 3
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing vlan201
Create class map type queuing vlan201
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match vlan 201
Match for VLAN 201
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing vlan202
Create class map type queuing vlan202
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match vlan 202
Match for VLAN 202
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing vlan203
Create class map type queuing vlan203
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match vlan 203
Match for VLAN 203
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#class-map type queuing vlan204
Create class map type queuing vlan204
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#match vlan 204
Match for VLAN 204
RTR6(config-cmap-que)#policy-map type queuing queue
Create policy map of type queuing with name queue
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que0
Attach class map que0
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que1
Attach class map que1
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que2
Attach class map que2
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing que3
Attach class map que3
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#policy-map type queuing vlan
Create policy map of type queuing with name vlan 
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing vlan201
Attach class map vlan201
RTR6(config-pmap-c-que)#service-policy queue
Attach service policy queue
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing vlan202
Attach class map vlan202
RTR6(config-pmap-c-que)#shape 100 mbps
Shape traffic to 100 mbps
RTR6(config-pmap-c-que)#service-policy queue
Attach service policy queue
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing vlan203
Attach class map vlan203
RTR6(config-pmap-c-que)#service-policy queue
Attach service policy queue
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing vlan204
Attach class map vlan204
RTR6(config-pmap-c-que)#service-policy queue
Attach service policy queue
RTR6(config-pmap-que)#interface xe13
Configure interface xe13
RTR6(config-if)#service-policy type queuing output vlan
Attach service policy vlan to interface xe13
RTR6(config-if)#shape rate 1000 mbps
Shape rate 1000 mbps
RTR6#show running-config qos
qos enable
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
q0 407.399
q2 415.419
q4 398.478
q6 411.140
RTR6#show running-config qos
qos enable
class-map type queuing que0
match queue 0
class-map type queuing que1
match queue 1
class-map type queuing que2
match queue 2
class-map type queuing que3
match queue 3
class-map type queuing vlan201
match vlan 201
class-map type queuing vlan202
match vlan 202
class-map type queuing vlan203
match vlan 203
class-map type queuing vlan204
match vlan 204
policy-map type queuing queue
class type queuing que0
class type queuing que1
class type queuing que2
class type queuing que3
policy-map type queuing vlan
class type queuing vlan201
service-policy queue
class type queuing vlan202
service-policy queue
class type queuing vlan203
service-policy queue
class type queuing vlan204
service-policy queue
interface xe13
service-policy type queuing output vlan
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
que0 (q0) 98.957
que1 (q1) 106.502
que2 (q2) 103.779
que3 (q3) 100.639
que0 (q0) 102.953
que1 (q1) 96.453
que2 (q2) 103.694
que3 (q3) 100.486
que0 (q0) 100.919
que1 (q1) 95.551
que2 (q2) 103.445
que3 (q3) 105.183
que0 (q0) 101.593
que1 (q1) 101.609
que2 (q2) 102.030
que3 (q3) 102.992
RTR6#show running-config qos
qos enable
class-map type queuing que0
match queue 0
class-map type queuing que1
match queue 1
class-map type queuing que2
match queue 2
class-map type queuing que3
match queue 3
class-map type queuing vlan201
match vlan 201
class-map type queuing vlan202
match vlan 202
class-map type queuing vlan203
match vlan 203
class-map type queuing vlan204
match vlan 204
policy-map type queuing queue
class type queuing que0
class type queuing que1
class type queuing que2
class type queuing que3
policy-map type queuing vlan
class type queuing vlan201
service-policy queue
class type queuing vlan202
shape 100 mbps
service-policy queue
class type queuing vlan203
service-policy queue
class type queuing vlan204
service-policy queue
interface xe13
service-policy type queuing output vlan
shape rate 1000 mbps
RTR6#show policy-map statistics type queuing rate mbps
| Class-map | Rate (in mbps) |
que0 (q0) 75.224
que1 (q1) 74.814
que2 (q2) 75.476
que3 (q3) 75.298
que0 (q0) 25.327
que1 (q1) 25.068
que2 (q2) 24.684
que3 (q3) 25.379
que0 (q0) 75.943
que1 (q1) 75.859
que2 (q2) 75.492
que3 (q3) 75.115
que0 (q0) 75.513
que1 (q1) 75.295
que2 (q2) 75.907
que3 (q3) 76.048