OcNOS SP : Quality of Service Guide : Quality of Service Command Reference : Quality of Service Commands
Quality of Service Commands
This chapter is a reference for the ingress Quality of Service (QoS) and hierarchical QoS commands.
class-map type
Use this command to create a class-map of type qos or queuing.
Use the no command to remove a class-map.
Note: A class-map without any match qualification behaves similar to a default class by matching all the packets on the interface it is attached via a service policy.
Note: In a class-map, adding a match criteria will have silent exit and will not proceed with operation.
Note: In match-all class-map, only a single value with any criteria can exist. Adding a new value for the existing criteria will update the same rule. Multiple values with the same criteria can be added in a “match-any” class-map.
Note: QoS class-maps of type match-any cannot be used with Hierarchical policy-maps.
Command Syntax
class-map type queuing (match-any|match-all|) NAME
no class-map type queuing NAME
class-map type qos (match-any|match-all|) NAME
no class-map type qos NAME
Ingress/egress class map.
Egress class map.
Specify the class map name (maximum length 32 characters)
Match any parameter (boolean OR)
Match all parameters (boolean AND)
By default, the type is qos.
By default, the match type is match-all.
Command Mode
Configuration Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#class-map type qos C_QOS1
class type qos
Use this command to add a QoS class-map to a qos policy map.
Use the no command to remove a QoS class-map from the policy map.
Note: Priority of class in policy-map is as follow:
Match-all" class-maps will have priorities equal to number of match types specified in class-map “Match-any.”
Will have lowest priority which will be the same as priority of “match-all” with one match type.
Only policer action is supported in the class having “match access-grp” criteria in match-any class-map.
Command Syntax
class (type qos|) (NAME|class-default)
no class (type qos|) (NAME|class-default)
Specify the class map name
By default, class is type qos
Command Mode
Policy-map mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#policy-map type qos PP
(config-pmap-qos)#class type qos C_PP_1
class type queuing
Use this command to add a queuing class-map to a queuing policy map.
Default queuing class cannot be deleted.
Command Syntax
class type queuing default (q0|q1|q2|q3|q4|q5|q6|q7)
class type queuing (NAME|class-default-q)
Default queue of the port
Queue 0 and priority 0 lowest
Queue 1 and priority 1
Queue 2 and priority 2
Queue 3 and priority 3
Queue 4 and priority 4
Queue 5 and priority 5
Queue 6 and priority 6
Queue 7 and priority 7 highest
System default class matching otherwise unclassified packets
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Policy Map type queuing Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#policy-map type queuing default default-out-policy
(config-pmap-que)#class type queuing default q0
clear qos statistics
Use this command to clear the quality of service (QoS) statistics.
Command Syntax
clear qos statistics (interface IFNAME|) ((type qos|type qos input|type qos output|type queuing|type all)|)
if no parameters are configured, the command will clear type QoS and type queuing class statistics on all interfaces.
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode
Introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
To clear QoS statistics on all interfaces, use the following command:
OcNOS#clear qos statistics
clear interface counters
Use this command to clear all the interface counters.
Command Syntax
clear interface counters
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#clear interface counters
l2 queue exp (Qumran)
Use this command to map a queue color to the some exp value for L2 traffic.
Use the no form of this command to remove the map.
Note: Color is an optional parameter. If not provided, the same map is set for all colors.
Command Syntax
l2 queue <0-7> (color (green|yellow|red|all)|) exp <0-7>
no l2 queue <0-7> (color (green|yellow|red|all|)|)
Identifying queue number
(green | yellow | red|all)
EXP value
By default, queue values are one-to-one mapped to Exp. For example, queue 0 exp 0, queue 1 exp 1, and so on.
Command Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0 and this command is applicable for Qumran.
(config)#qos profile exp-encap default
(config-egress-exp-encap-map)#l2 queue 2 exp 1
(config-egress-exp-encap-map)#l2 queue 4 color yellow exp 3
Color is an optional parameter, so if users do not provide color for all colors, the same EXP is set. If users provide color, then only that specific color egress map is changed. If, however, users provide a map for all colors, as well as maps without color, the map with color will take priority.
For example,
(config-egress-exp-encap-map)#no l2 queue 1 color green
(config-egress-exp-encap-map)#no l2 queue 1
If a user wants to remove all the mapping of queue (for all colors), then there is no need to provide color, else the user can provide a specific color to remove a specific map.
egress l3 exp encap map (Qumran)
Use this command to map a DSCP value to the some EXP value.
For L3 traffic, use the no form of this command to remove the map.
Command Syntax
l3 dscp <0-63> exp <0-7>
no l3 dscp <0-63>
DSCP value
EXP value
By default, 8 DSCP values are mapped to one exp.
For example: DSCP 0-7 exp 0, DSCP 8-15 exp 1.
Command Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0 and this command is applicable for Qumran.
(config)#qos profile exp-encap default
(config-egress-exp-encap-map)#l3 dscp 20 exp 1
(config-egress-exp-encap-map)#l3 dscp 40 exp 2
queue cos4
Use this command to map a queue value to the CoS value.
Use the no form of this command to remove the map.
Note: Egress CoS map will be taking effect only when remark CoS is enabled.
Note: Color is an optional parameter. If not provided, the same map will be set for all colors.
Command Syntax
queue <0-7> (color (green|yellow|red|all)|) cos <0-7>
no queue <0-7> (color (green|yellow|red|all|)|)
Identifying queue number
CoS value
By default, CoS to queue mapping is one to one.
Command Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#qos profile queue-color-to-cos default
(config-egress-cos-map)#queue 1 color green cos 5
(config-egress-cos-map)#queue 1 cos 6
Color is an optional parameter. So if users do not provide color, for all colors same CoS remarking will be set. If user provides color, then only for that specific color egress map will be changed. If user provides a map for all colors as well as without color, a map with color will take priority.
(config-egress-cos-map)#no queue 1 color green
(config-egress-cos-map)#no queue 1
If user wants to remove all the mapping of queue (for all colors) no need to provide color, else can provide a specific color to remove a specific map.
egress dscp map
Use this command to map a queue to a DSCP value.
Use the no form of this command to remove the map.
Note: Egress DSCP map will be taking effect only when remark DSCP is enabled.
Note: Color is an optional parameter. If not provided, the same map will be set for all colors.
Command Syntax
queue <0-7> (color (green|yellow|red|all)|) dscp <0-63>
no queue <0-7> (color (green|yellow|red|all|)|)
Identifying queue number
DSCP value
By default, 8 DSCP values are mapped to one queue.
For example: DSCP 0-7 queue 0, DSCP 8-15 queue 1.
Command Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#qos profile dscp-to-dscp default
(config-egress-dscp-map)#dscp 20 color yellow dscp 40
(config-egress-dscp-map)#dscp 20 dscp 36
If user specifies color in map then map will be set for that specific color else for all colors same map will be set.
(config-egress-dscp-map)#no dscp 20 color yellow
(config-egress-dscp-map)#no dscp 20
If user wants to remove all the mapping of dscp (for all colors) no need to provide color, else can provide specific color to
remove specific map.
ingress cos map
Use this command to map a CoS value to the queue.
Use the no form of this command to remove the map.
Note: Color mapping is fixed: DEI 0 will be mapped to color “green” and DEI 1 will be mapped to color “yellow.”
Command Syntax
cos <0-7> queue <0-7>
no cos <0-7>
CoS value
Identifying queue number
By default, CoS to queue mapping is one to one.
Command Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#qos profile cos-to-queue default
(config-ingress-cos-map)#cos 1 queue 2
ingress dscp map
Use this command to map a DSCP value to the queue.
Use the no form of this command to remove the map.
Note: You can “remark” the DSCP value for the incoming traffic at ingress via map by setting the last “DSCP” field. You still need to match traffic with the incoming DSCP value in the class-map even if you are remarking them at ingress via a DSCP map. Traffic will be received with remarked DSCP value at egress if no egress DSCP map is applied. If an egress DSCP map (such as DSCP-to-DSCP) is applied at the egress port, and DSCP remarking is enabled, DSCP will be remarked again according to the mapping given for the remarked DSCP (the DSCP value given in ingress DSCP map).
Note: Last “DSCP” parameter is remark_DSCP value, which if provided will be set as the same ingress DSCP value. Color is an optional parameter. If not provided, it will be set as the default value. Please refer the Configuration Guide for the default value table.
Command Syntax
dscp <0-63> queue <0-7> (color (green|yellow|red)|) (dscp <0-63>|)
no dscp <0-63>
DSCP value
Identifying queue number
By default, 8 DSCP values are mapped to one queue.
For example: DSCP 0-7 queue 0, DSCP 8-15 queue 1.
Command Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#qos profile dscp-to-queue default
(config-ingress-dscp-map)#dscp 1 queue 2
ingress exp map
Use this command to map an exp value to the queue.
Use the no form of this command to remove the map.
Note: Color is an optional parameter. If not provided, color will be set to green.
Command Syntax
exp <0-7> queue <0-7> (color (green|yellow|red)|)
no exp <0-7>
EXP value
Identifying queue number
By default, EXP to queue mapping is one to one.
Command Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#qos profile exp-to-queue default
(config-ingress-exp-queue-map)#exp 1 queue 4 color green
(config-ingress-exp-queue-map)#exp 2 queue 3
Use this command to configure a low delay tolerance profile on queues.
Use the no command to remove the applied profile.
Command Syntax
no low-delay-tolerance-profile
By default, applied to queue 7 implicitly
Command Mode
Policy-class-map queuing mode
Policy map-class type queuing mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 4.0
(config)#policy-map type queuing default default-out-policy
(config-pmap-que-def)#class type queuing default q0
match access-group
Use this command to classify the group based on the access group.
Use the no command remove access group match criteria from a class map
Note: Match access-group is allowed only in “match-any” class type.
When match access-grp is configured, no more match criteria can be supported in the class-map.
When access-list is being used in class-map for match, only “permit rules” are allowed in the access-list.
Command Syntax
match access-group NAME
Specify the access group name
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map match-any class_acl
(config-qos-match-any)#match access-group my_acl
match cos
Use this command to classify the traffic based on CoS
Use the no command to remove the match configuration.
Note: The match commands which accept range has silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier. For example, classify the traffic based on CoS using the command match cos 2,4,6 and remove the match configuration using the command no match cos 2-6.
Command Syntax
match cos <0-7>
no match cos
Note: Below command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
match cos WORD
no match cos (WORD|all)
Note: Below command is applicable for class-map of type match-all.
match cos <0-7>
no match cos
cos WORD
Enter cos value 0-7 or range of cos values separated by commas. Example: 2 or 2 and 4-5 or 3 and 4 and 5 or 2-4 and 5-7 etc.
Delete all matched CoS entries.
cos <0-7>
Enter CoS value 0-7.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map match-all ALL
(config-cmap-qos)#match cos 1
match cos inner
Use this command to classify the traffic based on inner CoS.
Use the no command to remove the match configuration.
Note: The match commands which accept range has silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier. For example, classify the traffic based on inner CoS using the command match cos inner 2,4,6 and remove the match configuration using the command no match cos inner 2-6.
Command Syntax
match cos inner <0-7>
no match cos (inner|)
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
match cos inner WORD
no match cos inner (WORD|all)
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-all.
match cos (<0-7>|inner <0-7>)
no match cos (inner|)
cos inner WORD
Enter cos value 0-7 or range of cos values separated by commas. Example: 2 or 2 and 4-5 or 3 and 4 and 5 or 2-4 and 5-7 etc.
inner all
Delete all matched CoS entries.
Enter CoS value 0-7.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map type qos C_QOS1
(config-cmap-qos)#match cos inner 1
match dscp
Use this command to classify the traffic based on DSCP.
Use the no command to remove the configured DSCP value.
match dscp cannot be configured in the class-map where match precedence is already configured.
Command Syntax
match dscp [WORD | af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31| af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 | cs4 | cs5 | cs6| cs7 | default | ef]
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
no match dscp ([WORD | af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 | af33
| af41 | af42 | af43 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 | cs4 cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | default | ef])
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-all.
no match dscp
<0-63> List of DSCP values.
AF11 DSCP (001010).
AF12 DSCP (001100)
AF13 DSCP (001110)
AF21 DSCP (010010)
AF22 DSCP (010100)
AF23 DSCP (010110)
AF31 DSCP (011010)
AF32 DSCP (011100)
AF33 DSCP (011110)
AF41 DSCP (100010)
AF42 DSCP (100100)
AF43 DSCP (100110)
CS1(precedence 1) DSCP (001000)
CS2(precedence 2) DSCP (010000)
CS3(precedence 3) DSCP (011000)
CS4(precedence 4) DSCP (100000)
CS5(precedence 5) DSCP (101000)
CS6(precedence 6) DSCP (110000)
CS7(precedence 7) DSCP (111000)
Default DSCP (000000)
EF DSCP (101110)
Delete all matched DSCP values.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map type qos C_QOS7
(config-cmap-qos)#match dscp 48
match ethertype
Use this command to classify the traffic based on the ethertype.
Use the no command to remove the match configuration.
Note: The match commands which accept range has silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier.
Qualifying the TPID values like 0x8100, 0x88A8, 0x9100 and 0x9200 etc as ethertype will not match if the traffic is flowing with the same TPId in the network.
Command Syntax
match ethertype WORD
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
no match ethertype(WORD|all)
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-all.
no match ethertype
Enter ethertype <0x600 to 0xffff)> or list of ethertype separated by commas. For example, 0x806,0x8035 etc.
Delete all ethertype entries.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map type qos C_QOS1
(config-cmap-qos)#match ethertype 0x806
match ip rtp
Use this command to configure a class map to use the Real-Time Protocol (RTP) port as a match criteria.
Use the no command to remove the RTP port as a match criteria.
Note: The match commands which accept range has silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier. For example, classify the traffic based on RTP port using the command match ip rtp 5000,7000, 9000 and remove the match configuration using the command no match ip rtp 5000-9000.
Command Syntax
match ip rtp WORD
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
no match ip rtp (WORD|all)
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-all.
no match ip rtp
Specify User Datagram Protocol (UDP) or list of UDP ports that are using RTP. Valid values are from 2000 to 65535.
Delete all matched IP RTP values.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map type qos
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)# class-map my_test
(config-cmap-qos)# match ip rtp 2300
match ipv6 dscp
Use this command to classify the ipv6 traffic based on DSCP.
Use the no command to remove the configured DSCP value.
Note the following:
The match commands which accept range have silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier. For example, classify the traffic based on DSCP using the command match dscp 2,4,6 and remove the match configuration using the command no match dscp 2-6.
The match ipv6 dscp command cannot be configured in the class-map where match ipv6 precedence is already configured.
Any match ipv6 commands cannot be configured in the class-map where match ipv4 commands are already configured.
Command Syntax
match ipv6 dscp [WORD | af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31| af32 | af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 | cs4 | cs5 | cs6| cs7 | default | ef]
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
no match ipv6 dscp ([WORD | af11 | af12 | af13 | af21 | af22 | af23 | af31 | af32 |
af33 | af41 | af42 | af43 | cs1 | cs2 | cs3 | cs4cs5 | cs6 | cs7 | default |
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-all.
no match ipv6 dscp
<0-63> List of DSCP values.
AF11 DSCP (001010).
AF12 DSCP (001100)
AF13 DSCP (001110)
AF21 DSCP (010010)
AF22 DSCP (010100)
AF23 DSCP (010110)
AF31 DSCP (011010)
AF32 DSCP (011100)
AF33 DSCP (011110)
AF41 DSCP (100010)
AF42 DSCP (100100)
AF43 DSCP (100110)
CS1 (precedence 1) DSCP (001000)
CS2 (precedence 2) DSCP (010000)
CS3 precedence 3) DSCP (011000)
CS4 (precedence 4) DSCP (100000)
CS5 (precedence 5) DSCP (101000)
CS6 (precedence 6) DSCP (110000)
CS7 (precedence 7) DSCP (111000)
Default DSCP (000000)
EF DSCP (101110)
Delete all matched DSCP values
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map type qos C_QOS7
(config-cmap-qos)#match ipv6 dscp 48
match ipv6 layer4
Use this command to classify the IPv6 traffic based on layer4 protocol src/dest port value.
Use the no command to remove the match configuration.
Please note the following:
The match commands which accept range have silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier. Only one type of layer 4 matching criteria is supported per class-map.
Any match ipv6 commands cannot be configured in the class-map where match ipv4 commands are already configured.
Command Syntax
match ipv6 layer4 (tcp|udp|any) (source-port|destination-port) WORD
no match ipv6 layer4 (((tcp|udp|any) (source-port|destination-port) WORD) |all)
Specify TCP protocol
Specify UDP protocol
Specify ANY protocol - TCP/UDP
Specify source TCP/UDP port
Specify destination TCP/UDP port
Enter TCP/UDP port value <1-65535> or range of values separated by commas such as 1 or 1,4-5 or 50,51,52
Delete all layer4 port entries
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map type qos C_QOS1
(config-cmap-qos)#match ipv6 layer4 tcp source-port 1
match ipv6 precedence
Use this command to IPv6 traffic classification based on precedence.
Use the no command to remove the match configuration.
Please note the following:
The match commands which accept range has silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier. For example, classify the traffic based on precedence using the command match ipv6 precedence 2,4,6 and remove the match configuration using the command no match ipv6 precedence 2-6.
The match ipv6 precedence command cannot be configured in the class-map where match ipv6 dscp is already configured.
Any match ipv6 commands cannot be configured in the class-map where match ipv4 commands are already configured.
Command Syntax
match ipv6 precedence [WORD | critical | flash | flash-override | immediate | internet | network | priority | routine]
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
no match ipv6 precedence ([WORD | critical | flash | flash-override| immediate |
internet | network | priority | routine]|all)
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-all.
no match ipv6 precedence
IP precedence value
Critical precedence
Flash precedence
Flash override precedence
Immediate precedence
Internetwork control precedence
Network control precedence
Priority precedence
Routine precedence
Delete all matched IP precedence values
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)# class-map my_test
(config-cmap-qos)#match ipv6 precedence critical
match layer4
Use this command to classify the traffic based on layer4 protocol src/dest port value.
Use the no command to remove the match configuration.
Note: The match commands which accept range has silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier. Only one type of layer4 matching criteria is supported per class-map.
Command Syntax
match layer4 (tcp|udp|any) (source-port|destination-port) <1-65535>
no match layer4 ((tcp|udp|any) (source-port|destination-port) <1-65535>)
Specify TCP protocol
Specify UDP protocol
Specify ANY protocol – TCP/UDP
Specify source TCP/UDP port
Specify destination TCP/UDP port
Enter TCP/UDP port value <1-65535> or range of values separated by commas.
e.g. 1 or 1,4-5 or 50,51,52
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class map Type QoS mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map type qos C_QOS1
(config-cmap-qos)#match layer4 tcp source-port 1
match mpls
Use this command to classify the traffic based on the top mpls exp value.
Use the no command to remove the match configuration.
Note: The match commands which accept range has silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier.
Command Syntax
match mpls experimental topmost <0-7>
no match mpls experimental topmost
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
no match mpls experimental topmost (<0-7> |all)
Enter EXP value <0-7> or range of exp values seperated by commas. e.g. 2 or 2,4-5 or 3,4,5 or 2-4,5-7 etc.
Delete all experimental values.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class map Type QoS mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map type qos C_QOS1
(config-cmap-qos)#match mpls experimental topmost 3
(config)#class-map match-any class_match_any
(config-qos-match-any)#no match mpls experimental topmost all
(config)#class-map match-all class_match_all
(config-cmap-qos)#no match mpls experimental topmost
match precedence
Use this command to traffic classification based on precedence.
Use the no command to remove the match configuration.
Note: The match commands which accept range has silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier. For example, classify the traffic based on precedence using the command match precedence 2,4,6 and remove the match configuration using the command no match precedence 2-6.
Match precedence cannot be configured in the “match-all” class-map where match dscp is already configured.
Command Syntax
match precedence [WORD | critical | flash | flash-override | immediate | internet | network | priority | routine]
no match precedence
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
no match precedence ([WORD | critical | flash | flash-override| immediate |
internet | network | priority | routine]|all)
IP precedence value (0-7)
Critical precedence
Flash precedence
Flash override precedence
Immediate precedence
Internetwork control precedence
Network control precedence
Priority precedence
Routine precedence
Delete all matched IP precedence values.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class map Type QoS mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map my_test
(config-cmap-qos)#match precedence critical
(config)#class-map match-any class_any
(config-qos-match-any)#no match precedence all
match traffic-type
Use this command to classify the traffic based on the traffic type.
Use the no command to remove the match configuration.
Command Syntax
match traffic-type (l2-unknown|l2-mc|l2-bc|default)
match traffic-type
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
no match traffic-type (l2-unknown|l2-mc|l2-bc|default)
Unknown L2 traffic
L2 multicast
L2 broadcast
L2 traffic-type all
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map Type QoS mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 4.1.
(config)#class-map type qos C_QOS1
(config-cmap-qos)#match traffic-type l2-unknown
(config)#class-map match-any C_MATCH_ANY
(config-qos-match-any)#no match traffic-type default
match vlan
Use this command to classify the traffic based on a VLAN.
Use the no command to remove the match configuration.
Note: The match commands which accept range has silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier. For example, classify the traffic based on VLAN using the command match vlan 2,4,6 and remove the match configuration using the command no match vlan 2-6.
Command Syntax
match vlan WORD
no match vlan
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
no match vlan (WORD|all)
Enter VLAN ID <1-4094> or range of VLAN ID's separated by commas. For example, 2 or 2,4-5 or 50,51,52 or 100-120,122-130 etc.
Delete all VLAN ID entries.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map Type QoS mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map type qos C_QOS1
(config-cmap-qos)#match vlan 100
(config)#class-map match-any C_ANY
(config-qos-match-any)#no match vlan all
match vlan inner
Use this command to classify the traffic based on the inner VLAN.
Use the no command to remove the match configuration.
Note: The match commands which accept range has silent exit which makes removal of these match configuration easier. For example, classify the traffic based on the inner VLAN using the command match vlan inner 2,4,6 and remove the match configuration using the command no match vlan inner 2-6.
Command Syntax
match vlan inner WORD
no match vlan inner
Note: Below no command is applicable for class-map of type match-any.
no match vlan inner (WORD|all)
Enter VLAN ID <1-4094> or list of VLAN ID's separated by commas. For example, 2,4 etc.
Delete all VLAN ID entries.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Class-map Type QoS mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#class-map type qos C_QOS1
(config-cmap-qos)#match vlan inner 1
(config)#class-map match-any C_ANY
(config-qos-match-any)#no match vlan inner all
Use this command to configure policing of the data rates for a particular class of traffic.
Use the no command to remove a policing configuration.
Note: Committed Information Rate (CIR) and Excess Information Rate (EIR) can only be whole numbers.
The default burst is 5 ms traffic of the configured rate. Burst configured in milliseconds and microseconds are converted in kbytes by calculating it with input rates.
Police rate (CIR/EIR) value in percentage is only applicable on physical interfaces.
Command Syntax
For Qumran MX:
police (colour-blind | colour-aware|) (cir) (<1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps) | percent <1-100>)((eir (<1-720000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps) | percent <1-100>)|)((bc) <1-4161> (kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)|)((be) <1-4161> (kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)|))
no police
For Qumran AX:
police (colour-blind | colour-aware|) (cir) (<1-500000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps) | percent <1-100>)((eir (<1-500000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps) | percent <1-100>)|)((bc) <1-4161> (kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)|)((be) <1-4161> (kbytes|mbytes|ms|us)|))
no police
Do not police on color.
Do police on color.
Committed information rate.
Excess information rate values 22kbps-720gbps.
Excess information rate values 22kbps-720gbps.
percent <1-100>
Specify percentage of link rate.
Excess information rate.
Specify the units of kilobits per second.
Specify the units of megabits per second.
Specify the units of gigabits per second.
bc <1-4161>
Burst rate committed.
be <1-4161>
Burst rate extended.
Specify the units of bc/be in kilobytes per second.
Specify the units of bc/be in megabytes per second.
Specify the units of bc/be in milliseconds.
Specify the units of bc/be in microseconds.
By default, policer type is colour-blind
Command Mode
Policy map class Type QoS mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#policy-map type qos 2345
(config-pmap-qos)#class type qos 2345
(config-pmap-c-qos)# police cir 2 mbps eir 4 mbps bc 2 mbytes be 4 mbytes
Use this command to create a policy map and enter policy-map mode.
Use the no form of the command to remove a policy map.
Note: You cannot delete a policy map if it is attached to an interface.
Command Syntax
policy-map {NAME | (type (queuing|queuing default) NAME)}
policy-map {NAME | (type qos NAME)}
no policy-map {NAME | (type (queuing|queuing default) NAME)}
no policy-map {NAME | (type qos NAME)}
Specify a policy-map name (maximum 32 characters)
Specify the policy-map type
QoS policy map (ingress/egress policy-map)
Queuing policy map (egress policy-map)
Default queues of the port
qos NAME
Specify a policy-map name
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Configuration mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#policy-map type qos PQOS
priority level <0-7>
Use this command to configure a single output queuing class as the priority queue.
Use no command to unset the priority level from the queue.
Strict priority mode supports 8 level, i.e., 0 to 7. The queue is constructed such that a higher priority level has a higher priority.
If more than one queue is in the same level, then there will be fair queuing between those queues.
On qos-enable, all the queues will be in strict-priority. After changing the mode or un-setting the priority, queues will be set for WFQ mode with the default weight 1. To set them again in strict priority, the user needs to configure them manually.
Command Syntax
priority level <0-7>
no priority level
level <0-7>
Priority level values. 0 to 7 for ports and 0 to 3 for services.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Policy-map class Type Queuing mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#policy-map type queuing default DEFAULT_OUT_POLICY
(config-pmap-que-def)#class type queuing default q0
(config-pmap-c-que-def)#priority level 2
priority (QoS)
Use this command to set the user priority for the class attached to this policy-map
Use the no parameter with this command to unset the priority value
Note: The higher the priority number in a policy map, the greater the priority assigned to the class. User-configured priorities override default priorities. This rule does not apply to classes with match access-group criteria, as priorities in such cases are determined by the sequence number in the access list. This behavior is consistent across all platforms.
Command Syntax
priority <1-1000>
no priority
Priority value
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Policy map class Type QoS mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#policy-map PMAP1
(config-pmap-qos)#class CMAP1
(config-pmap-c-qos)#priority 20
qos (enable | disable)
Use this command to globally enable or disable Quality-of-Service (QoS).
Note: Enabling or disabling QoS is a disruptive operation, stopping all traffic on ports which causes traffic loss.
Command Syntax
qos (enable | disable)
By default, QoS is enabled.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#show running-config qos
qos enable
(config)#qos disable
(config)#show running-config qos
% QoS is not enabled globally
(config)#qos enable
(config)#show running-config qos
qos enable
qos map-profile (Qumran)
Use this command to attach (map) a profile to an interface.
Use the no form of this command to remove a profile.
Note: By-default, “default” profiles are attached on their supported interfaces (cos-to-queue and queue-to-cos on L2 interfaces and DSCP-to-queue and DSCP-to-DSCP on L3 interfaces).
You can create and attach your own profile to supported interfaces. After removing a user-defined profiles from an interface, the “default” profile is applied.
Total user configurable queue-to-cos map: 13
Total user configurable queue-to-dscp map: 14
Total user configurable dscp-to-queue map: 13
Note: As EXP and DSCP maps share same bank, the number of user configurable dscp maps will vary as per number of exp maps created.
Command Syntax
qos map-profile (cos-to-queue | dscp-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos | dscp-to-dscp | exp-encap | precedence-to-queue | precedence-to-precedence | dscp-to-encap | dscp-to-encap) NAME
no qos map-profile (cos-to-queue | dscp-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos | dscp-todscp | exp-encap | precedence-to-queue | precedence-to-precedence | dscp-to-encap | dscp-to-encap) NAME
CoS to Traffic-Class map profile
profile for dscp encapsulation map
DSCP to DSCP map profile
DSCP to Traffic-Class map profile
Precedence to Precedence map profile
Precedence to Traffic-Class map profile
Traffic-Class color to CoS map profile
Traffic-Class to exp map profile
Profile map name (maximum 32 characters)
By default, the default cos-to-queue-profile is applied to an L2 interface, and the default DSCP-to-queue profile is attached to an L3 interface.
Command Mode
Interface modes
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0 and this command is applicable for Qumran.
(config-if)#qos map-profile cos-to-queue cos-map
(config-if)#qos map-profile dscp-to-queue dscp-map
(config-if)#qos map-profile queue-color-to-cos egress-cos-map
(config-if)#qos map-profile dscp-to-dscp dscp-dscp-map
(config-if)#qos map-profile exp-encap exp-encap-map
qos map-profile (Qumran2)
Use this command to attach (map) a profile to an interface.
Use the no form of this command to remove a profile.
Note: By-default, “default” profiles are attached on their supported interfaces (cos-to-queue and queue-to-cos on L2 interfaces and DSCP-to-queue and DSCP-to-DSCP on L3 interfaces).
You can create and attach your own profile to supported interfaces. After removing a user-defined profiles from an interface, the “default” profile is applied.
Command Syntax
qos map-profile (cos-to-queue | dscp-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos | dscp-to-dscp | queue-to-exp | precedence-to-queue | precedence-to-precedence | dscp-to-encap) NAME
no qos map-profile (cos-to-queue | dscp-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos | dscp-todscp | queue-to-exp | precedence-to-queue | precedence-to-precedence | dscp-to-encap) NAME
CoS to Traffic-Class map profile
profile for dscp encapsulation map
DSCP to DSCP map profile
DSCP to Traffic-Class map profile
Precedence to Precedence map profile
Precedence to Traffic-Class map profile
Traffic-Class color to CoS map profile
Traffic-Class to exp map profile
Profile map name (maximum 32 characters)
By default, the default cos-to-queue-profile is applied to an L2 interface, and the default DSCP-to-queue profile is attached to an L3 interface.
Command Mode
Interface modes
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.1 and this command is applicable for Qumran2.
(config-if)#qos map-profile cos-to-queue cos-map
(config-if)#qos map-profile dscp-to-queue dscp-map
(config-if)#qos map-profile queue-color-to-cos egress-cos-map
(config-if)#qos map-profile dscp-to-dscp dscp-dscp-map
(config-if)#qos map-profile queue-to-exp queue-to-exp-map
qos profile
Use this command to create new profiles or to update “default” profiles.
Use the no form of this command to remove the profiles.
Note: “exp-encap” profile will be ineffective on tunnels with only 2 nodes with PHP configuration.
Command Syntax
qos profile (cos-to-queue | dscp-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos | dscp-to-dscp | dscp-encap | exp-to-queue | precedence-to-precedence | precedence-to-queue | queue-color-to-dscp | queue-to-exp | queue-to-precedence ) (NAME|default)
no qos profile (cos-to-queue | dscp-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos | dscp-to-dscp | dscp-encap | exp-to-queue | precedence-to-precedence | precedence-to-queue | queue-color-to-dscp | queue-to-exp | queue-to-precedence ) (cos-to-queue | dscp-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos | dscp-to-dscp | dscp-encap | exp-to-queue) NAME
CoS to Traffic-Class profile
Egress profile to map dscp(L3) |
Traffic-Class+colour(L2) to dscpEncap
DSCP to DSCP profile
DSCP to Traffic-Class profile
EXP to Traffic-Class ingress profile
Precedence to Precedence profile
Precedence to Traffic-Class profile
Traffic-Class color to CoS profile
Traffic-Class color to DSCP profile
Traffic-Class (remark-dscp/8 in case of L3 and queue in case of L2) to exp egress profile
Traffic-Class to Precedence profile
Profile map name (maximum 32 characters)
By default, “default” profile is created for all the profile types. These profiles can only be updated by the user neither be created nor be destroyed.
Command Mode
Configure modes
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
To create a new profile:
(config)#qos profile cos-to-queue cos-map
(config)#qos profile dscp-to-queue dscp-map
(config)#qos profile queue-color-to-cos egress-cos-map
(config)#qos profile dscp-to-dscp dscp-dscp-map
(config)#qos profile exp-encap exp-encap-map
qos profile exp-encap (Qumran)
Use this command to create new profiles or to update "default" exp encapsulation profiles. These profiles are applicable on the nodes where MPLS label is inserted.
Use the no form of this command to remove the exp encapsulation profiles.
Note: exp-encap profile will be ineffective on tunnels with only 2 nodes with PHP configuration.
Command Syntax
qos profile exp-encap (NAME|default)
no qos profile exp-encap NAME
Profile for the exp encapsulation map
Profile map name (maximum 32 characters)
By default, “default” profile is created for all the profile types. These profiles can only be updated by the user neither be created nor be destroyed.
Command Mode
Configure modes
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0 and this command is applicable for Qumran.
To create a new profile:
(config)#qos profile exp-encap exp-encap-map
qos profile precedence-to-precedence
Use this command to set the precedence to precedence profile.
Use the no form of this command delete the profile.
Use show qos-profile to show the profile detail.
Use qos map-profile (Qumran) to map the profile on interface.
Command Syntax
qos profile precedence-to-precedence (NAME|)precedence <0-7> precedence <0-7>
The profile name to be created
precedence <0-7>
In precedence value
precedence <0-7>
Out precedence value
Command Mode
Configure modes
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#qos profile precedence-to-precedence prec-prec-map
(config-egress-prec-map)#precedence 1 precedence 0
(config)#interface xe3
(config-if)#qos map-profile precedence-to-precedence prec-prec-map
qos profile precedence-to-queue
Use this command to set the precedence to queue profile.
Use the no form of this command delete the profile.
Use show qos-profile to show the profile detail.
Use qos map-profile (Qumran) to map the profile on interface.
Command Syntax
qos profile precedence-to-queue (NAME|)
precedence <0-7> queue <0-7>
no qos profile precedence-to-queue (NAME|)
no precedence <0-7> queue <0-7>
The profile name to be created
precedence <0-7>
Precedence value
queue <0-7>
Traffic-Class values
Command Mode
Configure modes
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#qos profile precedence-to-queue prec-map
(config-ingress-prec-map)#precedence 1 queue 1
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#qos map-profile precedence-to-queue prec-map
qos profile queue-to-exp (Qumran2)
Use this command to create new profiles or to update "default" queue to exp profiles.
Use the no form of this command to remove the profiles.
Note: queue-to-exp profile will be ineffective on tunnels with only 2 nodes with PHP configuration.
Note: Non-default profile is applicable only on the nodes where MPLS label is encapsulated. On swap and php nodes default profile is applicable when lsp-model is uniform.
Command Syntax
qos profile queue-to-exp (NAME|default)
no qos profile queue-to-exp NAME
Profile for Traffic-Class to exp map
Profile map name (maximum 32 characters)
By default, “default” profile is created for all the profile types. These profiles can only be updated by the user neither be created nor be destroyed.
Command Mode
Configure modes
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.1 and this command is applicable for Qumran2.
To create a new profile:
To create a new profile:
(config)#qos profile queue-to-exp que-exp-map
qos red-drop-disable
Use this command to disable red packet drop in the system. Red packets are dropped in the system by default to achieve ingress rate limiting via policer and storm control. However, this command is used when there is no use-case for rate limiting traffic and red packets need to be allowed in the system
Use the no form of this command to enable red packet drop.
Command Syntax
qos red-drop-disbale
no qos red-drop-disable
By default, red packet drop is enabled.
Command Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#configure terminal
(config)# qos red-drop-disable
(config)#no qos red-drop-disable
qos remark
Use this command to enable remarking of the Class of service (CoS) and Differentiated Services Control Protocol (DSCP) set by the egress map.
Use the no command to disable remarking of the CoS and DSCP.
Command Syntax
In Config mode :
qos remark (cos|dscp)
no qos remark (cos|dscp)
In interface mode:
qos remark (cos|dscp)(enable|disable)
no qos remark (cos|dscp)
Remarking type, e.g. CoS or DSCP
Remarking action
By default, remarking is disabled.
Command Mode
Configure Mode
Interface Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#qos remark cos
(config)#qos remark dscp
(config-if)# qos remark cos disable
(config-if)# qos remark cos enable
(config-if)# qos remark dscp disable
Interface remarking will take priority over global remarking configurations.
qos statistics
Use this command to enable Quality of Service (QoS) statistics.
Use the no command to disable QoS statistics
Note: Class-map statistics is cleared whenever the match or action property of the class is modified dynamically.
Command Syntax
qos statistics
no qos statistics
By default, QoS statistics is disabled
Command Mode
Configure Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#qos statistics
qos untagged-priority
Use this command to set internal priority for untagged traffic on L2 ports.
Use the no form of the command to remove the configuration.
Note: This command is applicable only on L2 ports.
Command Syntax
qos untagged-priority <0-7>
no qos untagged-priority
Quality of Service
Internal priority for untagged traffic
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#qos untagged-priority 3
queue exp (Qumran2)
Use this command to map a queue color to the some exp value for the traffic entering or within mpls network.
Use the no form of this command to remove the map.
Note: Color is an optional parameter. If not provided, the same map is set for all colors.
Command Syntax
queue <0-7> (color (green|yellow|red|all)|) exp <0-7>
no queue <0-7> (color (green|yellow|red|all|)|)
Traffic-Class values
Green, yellow, red, or all
MPLS experimental values
By default, queue values are one-to-one mapped to Exp. For example, queue 0 exp 0, queue 1 exp 1, and so on.
Command Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 5.1 and this command is applicable for Qumran2.
(config)#qos profile exp-to-queue default
(config-egress-queue-exp-map)#queue 2 exp 1
(config-egress-queue-exp-map)#queue 4 color yellow exp 3
Color is an optional parameter, so if users do not provide color for all colors, the same EXP is set. If users provide color, then only that specific color egress map is changed. If, however, users provide a map for all colors, as well as maps without color, the map with color will take priority.
For example,
(config-egress-queue-exp-map)#no queue 1 color green
(config-egress-queue-exp-map)#no queue 1
If a user wants to remove all the mapping of queue (for all colors), then there is no need to provide color, else the user can provide a specific color to remove a specific map.
Use this command to configure tail drop by setting queue limits on egress queues.
Use the no command to remove a queue limit.
Command Syntax
queue-limit (<1-629145600>) (packets|bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms)
no queue-limit
Specify queue-limit threshold range values in packets, bytes, mbytes,ms us or Kilobytes.
Specify the units of queue-limit in packets (min 9 - max 614400)
Specify the units of queue-limit in bytes (min 9416 - max 629145600)
Specify the units of queue-limit in kilobytes (min 9 - max 614400)
Specify the units of queue-limit in mega-bytes (min 1 - max 600)
Specify the units of queue-limit in milliseconds (min 1 - max 50)
Specify the units of queue-limit in micro-seconds (min 1 - max 50000)
Default queue size is 62914560 bytes
Command Mode
Policy-class-map-queue mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)# policy-map type queuing default P1
(config-pmap-que-def)#class type queuing default q1
(config-pmap-c-que-def)# queue-limit 1 mbytes
Use this command to configure weighted random early detection (WRED).
Use the no command to remove a WRED configuration.
Command Syntax
random-detect (green|yellow|red|all|) (min-threshold|)<1-629145600> (bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|packets)(max-threshold|) <1-629145600> (bytes|kbytes|mbytes|ms|packets) (drop-probability <1-100>|)
random-detect (weight <1-31>|))
no random-detect (green|yellow|red|all|)
no random-detect weight
Specify the minimum threshold. In the range of <1-629145600>
Specify the maximum threshold. In the range of <1-629145600>
Specify the units of queue-limit in packets – range (min 1, max 614400)
Specify the units of threshold in bytes – range (min 1024, max 629145600)
Specify the units of threshold in kilobytes – range (min 1, max 614400)
Specify the units of threshold in mega-bytes – range (min 1, max 600)
Specify the units of threshold in milliseconds – range (min 1, max 50)
Threshold value in ms will be calculated from interface-speed and will be converted into bytes
Drop-probability is the fraction of packets dropped when the average queue depth is at the maximum threshold.It can be configured per color Specify the drop-probability in the range <1-100>
Configures the weight factor used in calculating the average queue length. Specify the weight in the range <1-31>. Value specified will be set for all colors
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Policy-class map queue mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)# policy-map type queuing default P1
(config-pmap-que-def)#class type queuing default q1
(config-pmap-c-que-def)# random-detect min-threshold 1000 mbytes max-threshold 2000 mbytes
Use this command to configure shaping on an egress queue to impose a maximum rate on it.
Use the no command to remove a shaping configuration.
Note: Minimum configurable queueing shape rate is 469 Kbps and maximum queuing shape rate is 483 Gbps. Granularity is 469 Kbps for low range and 1.56 % for higher range.
Command Syntax
shape (<1-483000000>(kbps|mbps|gbps) | percent <1-100>)
no shape
Shaping is based on an average rate. Average rate for shaping in the range of <1-483000000>.Min shape rate configured is 469 kbps and max shape rate configured is 483 gbps.
Specify the units of kbps per second
Specify the units of mbps per second
Specify the units of gbps per second
Specify the percentage from 1 to 100
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Policy-class-map queue mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)# policy-map type queuing default default-out-policy
(config-pmap-que-def)# class type queuing default q0
(config-pmap-c-que-def)# shape percent 25
shape rate
Use this command to configure shaping on an egress port to impose a maximum rate on it.
Use the no form of the command to remove a shaping configuration.
Note: Minimum configurable port shape rate is 52 Kbps with Granularity of 52 Kbps and maximum shape rate is 1000 Gbps, but applicable maximum rate may be speed of interface.
Command Syntax
shape rate <1-1000000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps)
no shape rate
Specify rate for shaping in the range of <1-1000000000>. Min shape rate configured on port is 52kbps and max shape rate configured on port is 1000gbps
Specify the units of kbps per second.
Specify the units of mbps per second.
Specify the units of gbps per second.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)# interface xe11
(config-if)# shape rate 100 mbps
service-policy type qos
Use this command to attach a service-policy of type qos to the interface.
Use the no command to remove a service-policy from an interface.
Command Syntax
service-policy type qos input NAME
no service-policy type qos input NAME
Specify whether the policy map is of type qos.
Specify the policy map to attach to this interface.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#interface xe3
(config-if)#service-policy type qos input PQOS
service-policy type queuing
Use this command to attach a service-policy of type queuing to the interface.
Use the no command to remove a service-policy from an interface.
Command Syntax
service-policy type queuing output NAME
no service-policy type queuing output NAME
Specify whether the policy map is of type queuing.
Specify the policy map to attach to this interface.
By default, default-out-policy is attached on all interface
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#interface xe3
(config-if)#service-policy type queuing output PQOS
Use this command to configure service-queues for sub-interfaces or use port interface queues.
Use the no parameter of this command to remove a queue limit.
Command Syntax
service-queue physical | flow-id
no service-queue
Configures queue per interface.
Configures physical port queues.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.4.1 and this command is applicable for Qumran1 and Qumran2 series platforms.
Note: When user create a sub-interface (eg., xe4.1), the sub-interface will use port queues for traffic forwarding and will not have its own queues.
OcNOS(config)#interface xe4
OcNOS(config-if)#service-queue physical
set cos
Use this command for matching traffic classes set action as change CoS in the egress packet to the prescribed value.
Use the no command to remove the assigned value from the class.
Note: This command only applies to normal switch ports of type trunk/hybrid. This command does not apply to AC, CEP, or PNP ports. See the qos map-profile (Qumran) command for options for these types of ports.
Command Syntax
set cos <0-7>
no set cos
Specify CoS value to assign for this class of traffic
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Policy-map-class-qos mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#policy-map my_policy1
(config-pmap-qos)#class traffic_class2
(config-pmap-c-qos)#no set cos
set dscp
Use this command for matching traffic classes set action as change DSCP in the egress packet to the prescribed value.
Use the no command to remove the assigned value from the class
Command Syntax
set dscp (<0-63>|af11| af12| af13| af21| af22| af23| af31| af32| af33| af41| af42| af43| cs1| cs2| cs3| cs4| cs5| cs6| cs7| default| ef )
no set dscp
DSCP value
DSCP (001011) decimal value 11
DSCP (001100) decimal value 12
DSCP (001101) decimal value 13
DSCP (010101) decimal value 21
DSCP (010110) decimal value 22
DSCP (010111) decimal value 23
DSCP (011111) decimal value 31
DSCP (010000) decimal value 32
DSCP (010001) decimal value 33
DSCP (101001) decimal value 41
DSCP (101010) decimal value 42
DSCP (101011) decimal value 38
(Precedence 1) DSCP (001000) decimal value 8
(Precedence 2) DSCP (010000) decimal value 16
(Precedence 3) DSCP (011000) ecimal value 24
(Precedence 4) DSCP (100000) decimal value 32
(Precedence 5) DSCP (101000) decimal value 40
(Precedence 6) DSCP (110000) decimal value 48
(Precedence 7) DSCP (111000) decimal value 56
DSCP (000000) decimal value 0
DSCP (101110) decimal value 46
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Policy-map-class qos mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#policy-map pmap1
(config-pmap-qos)#class cmap1
(config-pmap-c-qos)#set dscp af12
set precedence
Use this command for matching traffic classes set action as change precedence in the egress packet to the prescribed value.
Use the no command to leave the precedence value unchanged for the class
Command Syntax
set (precedence (<0-7>| critical| flash | flash-override|immediate|internet| network| priority| routine))
no set precedence
Specify IP precedence value to assign for this class of traffic
Critical precedence
Flash precedence
Flash override precedence
Immediate precedence
Internetwork control precedence
Network control precedence
Priority precedence
Routine precedence
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Policy-map-class qos mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)# policy-map policy1
(config-pmap-qos)# class class2
(config-pmap-c-qos)#set precedence 3
set queue
Use this command for matching traffic classes set action as change CoS in the egress packet to the prescribed value.
Use the no command to remove the assigned value from the class.
Command Syntax
set queue <0-7>
no set queue
Specify queue value to assign for this class of traffic
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Policy-map-class qos mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)# policy-map my_policy1
(config-pmap-qos)# class traffic_class2
(config-pmap-c-qos)# set queue 3
show class-map
Use this command to display qos/queuing class maps.
Command Syntax
show class-map (type (qos|queuing)|) (NAME|)
type qos
Specify the QoS type class map
type queuing
Specify the queuing type class map
Specify the named class map
Command Mode
Privileged executive mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#show class-map c1
Type qos class-maps
class-map c1
match cos 3
show interface counters
Use this command to see the interface counters.
Note: VPLS BUM traffic will not be read in the interface queue statistics.
Command Syntax
show interface IFNAME counters queue-stats
Interface name.
Command Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#show interface xe1 counters queue-stats
E - Egress, I - Ingress, Q-Size is in bytes
| Q | Q-Sz | Tx pkt | Tx byte | Drp pkt | Drop byte |
q0 629160 100 12000 0 0
q1 629160 0 0 0 0
q2 629160 0 0 0 0
q3 629160 0 0 0 0
q4 629160 0 0 0 0
q5 629160 0 0 0 0
q6 629160 0 0 0 0
q7 629160 0 0 0 0
show policy-map
Use this command to display:
1. Type qos/queuing policy-map
2. Non zero statistics for type qos or queuing classes on interfaces
Command Syntax
show policy-map (NAME | (statistics (class NAME | type (qos | (queuing (default rate (gbps | kbps | mbps) | rate (gbps | kbps | mbps)|)))) | type (qos | queuing)|)
Name of the policy
Type qos policy-map
Displays QoS statistics
class NAME
Name of the class
type qos
Type of the QoS
type queuing
Type of the queuing
queuing default
Default queue of the port
queuing rate
Default queue of the rate
Rate in gbps
Rate in kbps
Rate in mbps
Command Mode
Privileged executive mode and Configure mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
P1#show policy-map statistics
Type qos class-map statistics:
| Class-map | Match pkts | Match bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |
C1 100 6796 0 0
Type queuing class-map statistics:
| Class-map | Total pkts | Total bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |
q7 1689 108888 0 0
q6 8 912 0 0
q6 8 912 0 0
q7 104 7052 0 0
P1#show policy-map type qos st
P1#show policy-map statistics type qos ?
| Output modifiers
Output redirection
P1#show policy-map statistics type qos
| Class-map | Match pkts | Match bytes | Dropped pkts | Dropped Bytes |
C1 100 6796 0 0
show policy-map interface
Use this command to:
Display non-zero QoS statistics and configurations of type QoS and queuing policy-maps on an interface.
Display the interfaces and policy-maps attached to them.
Queuing policy-map drop statistics include all dropped packet counts in the queue (even policer drops).
To check statistics, the user needs to enable the QoS statistics profile for Qumran devices. QoS can use either the ingress-ACL statistics profile or the ingress-QoS statistics profile. When ACL groups are configured on the same interface as QoS and both ACL and QoS require explicit counters, the user must configure the ingress-QoS statistics profile along with the ingress-ACL statistics profile. Note that this configuration has other limitations on statistics profiles. For more details, refer to the hardware-profile statistics command.
Command Syntax
show policy-map interface (NAME (type (qos (input | output |)| queuing)| (statistics (class NAME (type (qos | queuing (rate|)) | type (qos | queuing (rate|)))) | class NAME)|brief)
Command Mode
Privileged executive and Configure mode
Introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
To display the attached policy-maps on the interfaces, use the following command:
OcNOS#show policy-map interface xe1
Interface xe1
Type QoS statistics status : enabled
Service-policy (qos) input: A
Class-map (qos): A (match all)
match vlan 2
set cos 3
matched : 88091758 packets, 132137620500 bytes
transmitted : 88091758 packets, 132137620500 bytes
Class-map (qos): B (match all)
match vlan 3
Service-policy (queuing) output: default-out-policy
Class-map (queuing): q0
priority level 0
Class-map (queuing): q1
priority level 1
Class-map (queuing): q2
priority level 2
Class-map (queuing): q3
priority level 3
Class-map (queuing): q4
priority level 4
Class-map (queuing): q5
priority level 5
Class-map (queuing): q6
priority level 6
Class-map (queuing): q7
priority level 7
OcNOS#show policy-map interface xe2
Interface xe2
Type QoS statistics status : enabled
Service-policy (queuing) output: asd
Class-map (queuing): q0
priority level 0
Class-map (queuing): q1
priority level 1
Class-map (queuing): q2
priority level 2
Class-map (queuing): q3
priority level 3
Total : 88331951 packets, 132497934000 bytes
Green : 88332412 packets, 132498622500 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Total : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Green : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Red : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Class-map (queuing): q4
priority level 4
Class-map (queuing): q5
priority level 5
Class-map (queuing): q6
priority level 6
Class-map (queuing): q7
priority level 7
To display the attached QoS policy-maps on the interfaces, use the following command:
OcNOS#show policy-map interface xe1 type qos input
Interface xe1
Type QoS statistics status : enabled
Service-policy (qos) input: A
Class-map (qos): A (match all)
match vlan 2
set cos 3
matched : 89779233 packets, 134668833000 bytes
transmitted : 89779233 packets, 134668833000 bytes
Class-map (qos): B (match all)
match vlan 3
OcNOS#show policy-map interface xe2 type queuing
Interface xe2
Type QoS statistics status : enabled
Service-policy (queuing) output: asd
Class-map (queuing): q0
priority level 0
Class-map (queuing): q1
priority level 1
Class-map (queuing): q2
priority level 2
Class-map (queuing): q3
priority level 3
Total : 119883527 packets, 179825298000 bytes
Green : 119883992 packets, 179825995500 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Total : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Green : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Red : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Class-map (queuing): q4
priority level 4
Class-map (queuing): q5
priority level 5
Class-map (queuing): q6
priority level 6
Class-map (queuing): q7
priority level 7
To display all QoS and queuing policy maps on the interfaces, use the following command:
#show policy-map interface brief
| | QOS | |
| Interface |-----+------|QUEUE |
ce49 default-out-policy
ce50 default-out-policy
show qos-profile
Use this command to show the all configured QoS profiles configurations like type, name, maps configured except for the default maps, attached info (to how many interfaces it is attached) etc,
Command Syntax
show qos-profile (type (cos-to-queue | dscp-encap | dscp-to-dscp | dscp-to-queue | exp-to-queue | queue-to-exp | precedence-to-precedence | precedence-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos)(NAME|)
profile for cos to Traffic-Class map
profile for dscp encapsulation map
profile for in Dscp to Dscp map
profile for dscp to Traffic-Class map
profile for exp to Traffic-Class map
profile for precedence to precedence map
profile for precedence to Traffic-Class map
profile for Traffic-Class color to cos map
Profile map name (maximum 32 characters)
Command Mode
Privileged exec, config, interface, class-map, policy-map and policy-map-class
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#show policy-map interface xe1
Interface xe1
Type QoS statistics status : enabled
Service-policy (qos) input: A
Class-map (qos): A (match all)
match vlan 2
set cos 3
matched : 88091758 packets, 132137620500 bytes
transmitted : 88091758 packets, 132137620500 bytes
Class-map (qos): B (match all)
match vlan 3
Service-policy (queuing) output: default-out-policy
Class-map (queuing): q0
priority level 0
Class-map (queuing): q1
priority level 1
Class-map (queuing): q2
priority level 2
Class-map (queuing): q3
priority level 3
Class-map (queuing): q4
priority level 4
Class-map (queuing): q5
priority level 5
Class-map (queuing): q6
priority level 6
Class-map (queuing): q7
priority level 7
#show policy-map interface xe2
Interface xe2
Type QoS statistics status : enabled
Service-policy (queuing) output: asd
Class-map (queuing): q0
priority level 0
Class-map (queuing): q1
priority level 1
Class-map (queuing): q2
priority level 2
Class-map (queuing): q3
priority level 3
Total : 88331951 packets, 132497934000 bytes
Green : 88332412 packets, 132498622500 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Total : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Green : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Red : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Class-map (queuing): q4
priority level 4
Class-map (queuing): q5
priority level 5
Class-map (queuing): q6
priority level 6
Class-map (queuing): q7
priority level 7
#show policy-map interface xe1 type qos input
Interface xe1
Type QoS statistics status : enabled
Service-policy (qos) input: A
Class-map (qos): A (match all)
match vlan 2
set cos 3
matched : 89779233 packets, 134668833000 bytes
transmitted : 89779233 packets, 134668833000 bytes
Class-map (qos): B (match all)
match vlan 3
#show policy-map interface xe2 type queuing
Interface xe2
Type QoS statistics status : enabled
Service-policy (queuing) output: asd
Class-map (queuing): q0
priority level 0
Class-map (queuing): q1
priority level 1
Class-map (queuing): q2
priority level 2
Class-map (queuing): q3
priority level 3
Total : 119883527 packets, 179825298000 bytes
Green : 119883992 packets, 179825995500 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Total : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Green : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Yellow : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Red : 0 packets, 0 bytes
Class-map (queuing): q4
priority level 4
Class-map (queuing): q5
priority level 5
Class-map (queuing): q6
priority level 6
Class-map (queuing): q7
priority level 7
#show policy-map interface br
| | QOS | |
| Interface |-----+------|QUEUE |
ce49 default-out-policy
ce50 default-out-policy
show qos-profile interface
Use this command to show the all configured QoS profiles configurations attached on an interface.
Command Syntax
show qos-profile interface NAME
Profile map name (maximum 32 characters)
Command Mode
Privileged exec, config, interface, class-map, policy-map and policy-map-class
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#show qos-profile interface xe11
profile name: cos-map
profile type: cos-to-queue
qos profile cos-to-queue cos-map
cos 0 dei 0 queue 0 color green
cos 0 dei 1 queue 0 color yellow
cos 0 queue 0
cos 1 dei 0 queue 1 color green
cos 1 dei 1 queue 1 color yellow
cos 1 queue 1
cos 2 dei 0 queue 2 color green
cos 2 dei 1 queue 2 color yellow
cos 2 queue 2
cos 3 dei 0 queue 3 color green
cos 3 dei 1 queue 3 color yellow
cos 3 queue 3
cos 4 dei 0 queue 4 color green
cos 4 dei 1 queue 4 color yellow
cos 4 queue 4
cos 5 dei 0 queue 5 color green
cos 5 dei 1 queue 5 color yellow
cos 5 queue 5
cos 6 dei 0 queue 6 color green
show queuing interface
Use this command to see the configurations of queues that are attached to an interface.
Command Syntax
show queuing interface NAME
Interface name.
Command Mode
Privileged exec & config mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
# show queuing interface xe1/1
Egress Queuing for Ethernet xe1/1 [System]
L0 L1 L2 Group PrioLevel Shape Bandwidth
q0 - High - -
q1 - High - -
q2 - High - -
q3 - High - -
q4 - High - -
q5 - High - -
q6 - High - -
q7 - High - -
show running-config qos
Use this command to show the user configured QoS configurations.
Command Syntax
show running-config qos (all|)
Show all QoS related configuration information including all defaults.
Command Mode
Exec, config, interface, class-map, policy-map and policy-map-class
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#show running-config qos
qos enable
#show running-config qos ?
all diplay all qos info including defaults
| Output modifiers
> Output redirection
#show running-config qos all
qos enable
qos profile cos-to-queue default
cos 0 dei 0 queue 0 color green
cos 0 dei 1 queue 0 color yellow
cos 0 queue 0
cos 1 dei 0 queue 1 color green
cos 1 dei 1 queue 1 color yellow
cos 1 queue 1
cos 2 dei 0 queue 2 color green
cos 2 dei 1 queue 2 color yellow
cos 2 queue 2
cos 3 dei 0 queue 3 color green
cos 3 dei 1 queue 3 color yellow
cos 3 queue 3
cos 4 dei 0 queue 4 color green
cos 4 dei 1 queue 4 color yellow
cos 4 queue 4
cos 5 dei 0 queue 5 color green
cos 5 dei 1 queue 5 color yellow
cos 5 queue 5
cos 6 dei 0 queue 6 color green
cos 6 dei 1 queue 6 color yellow
cos 6 queue 6
cos 7 dei 0 queue 7 color green
cos 7 dei 1 queue 7 color yellow
cos 7 queue 7
qos profile queue-color-to-cos default
queue 0 color green cos 0
queue 0 color yellow cos 0
queue 0 color red cos 0
queue 0 cos 0
queue 1 color green cos 1
queue 1 color yellow cos 1
queue 1 color red cos 1
queue 1 cos 1
queue 2 color green cos 2
queue 2 color yellow cos 2
queue 2 color red cos 2
queue 2 cos 2
queue 3 color green cos 3
queue 3 color yellow cos 3
queue 3 color red cos 3
queue 3 cos 3
queue 4 color green cos 4
queue 4 color yellow cos 4
queue 4 color red cos 4
queue 4 cos 4
queue 5 color green cos 5
queue 5 color yellow cos 5
queue 5 color red cos 5
queue 5 cos 5
queue 6 color green cos 6
queue 6 color yellow cos 6
queue 6 color red cos 6
queue 6 cos 6
queue 7 color green cos 7
queue 7 color yellow cos 7
queue 7 color red cos 7
queue 7 cos 7
qos profile dscp-to-queue default
dscp 0 queue 0 color green dscp 0
dscp 1 queue 0 color green dscp 1
dscp 2 queue 0 color green dscp 2
dscp 3 queue 0 color green dscp 3
dscp 4 queue 0 color green dscp 4
dscp 5 queue 0 color green dscp 5
dscp 6 queue 0 color green dscp 6
dscp 7 queue 0 color green dscp 7
dscp 8 queue 1 color green dscp 8
dscp 9 queue 1 color green dscp 9
dscp 10 queue 1 color green dscp 10
dscp 11 queue 1 color green dscp 11
dscp 12 queue 1 color yellow dscp 12
dscp 13 queue 1 color green dscp 13
dscp 14 queue 1 color yellow dscp 14
dscp 15 queue 1 color green dscp 15
dscp 16 queue 2 color green dscp 16
dscp 17 queue 2 color green dscp 17
dscp 18 queue 2 color green dscp 18
dscp 19 queue 2 color green dscp 19
dscp 20 queue 2 color yellow dscp 20
dscp 21 queue 2 color green dscp 21
dscp 22 queue 2 color yellow dscp 22
dscp 23 queue 2 color green dscp 23
dscp 24 queue 3 color green dscp 24
dscp 25 queue 3 color green dscp 25
dscp 26 queue 3 color green dscp 26
dscp 27 queue 3 color green dscp 27
dscp 28 queue 3 color yellow dscp 28
dscp 29 queue 3 color green dscp 29
dscp 30 queue 3 color yellow dscp 30
dscp 31 queue 3 color green dscp 31
dscp 32 queue 4 color green dscp 32
dscp 33 queue 4 color green dscp 33
dscp 34 queue 4 color green dscp 34
dscp 35 queue 4 color green dscp 35
dscp 36 queue 4 color yellow dscp 36
dscp 37 queue 4 color green dscp 37
dscp 38 queue 4 color yellow dscp 38
dscp 39 queue 4 color green dscp 39
dscp 40 queue 5 color green dscp 40
dscp 41 queue 5 color green dscp 41
dscp 42 queue 5 color green dscp 42
dscp 43 queue 5 color green dscp 43
dscp 44 queue 5 color green dscp 44
dscp 45 queue 5 color green dscp 45
dscp 46 queue 5 color green dscp 46
dscp 47 queue 5 color green dscp 47
dscp 48 queue 6 color green dscp 48
dscp 49 queue 6 color green dscp 49
dscp 50 queue 6 color green dscp 50
dscp 51 queue 6 color green dscp 51
dscp 52 queue 6 color green dscp 52
dscp 53 queue 6 color green dscp 53
dscp 54 queue 6 color green dscp 54
dscp 55 queue 6 color green dscp 55
dscp 56 queue 7 color green dscp 56
dscp 57 queue 7 color green dscp 57
dscp 58 queue 7 color green dscp 58
dscp 59 queue 7 color green dscp 59
dscp 60 queue 7 color green dscp 60
dscp 61 queue 7 color green dscp 61
dscp 62 queue 7 color green dscp 62
dscp 63 queue 7 color green dscp 63
qos profile dscp-to-dscp default
dscp 0 color green dscp 0
dscp 0 color yellow dscp 0
dscp 0 color red dscp 0
dscp 0 dscp 0
dscp 1 color green dscp 1
dscp 1 color yellow dscp 1
dscp 1 color red dscp 1
dscp 1 dscp 1
dscp 2 color green dscp 2
dscp 2 color yellow dscp 2
dscp 2 color red dscp 2
dscp 2 dscp 2
dscp 3 color green dscp 3
dscp 3 color yellow dscp 3
dscp 3 color red dscp 3
dscp 3 dscp 3
dscp 4 color green dscp 4
dscp 4 color yellow dscp 4
dscp 4 color red dscp 4
dscp 4 dscp 4
dscp 5 color green dscp 5
dscp 5 color yellow dscp 5
dscp 5 color red dscp 5
dscp 5 dscp 5
dscp 6 color green dscp 6
dscp 6 color yellow dscp 6
dscp 6 color red dscp 6
dscp 6 dscp 6
dscp 7 color green dscp 7
dscp 7 color yellow dscp 7
dscp 7 color red dscp 7
dscp 7 dscp 7
dscp 8 color green dscp 8
dscp 8 color yellow dscp 8
dscp 8 color red dscp 8
dscp 8 dscp 8
dscp 9 color green dscp 9
dscp 9 color yellow dscp 9
dscp 9 color red dscp 9
dscp 9 dscp 9
dscp 10 color green dscp 10
dscp 10 color yellow dscp 10
dscp 10 color red dscp 10
dscp 10 dscp 10
dscp 11 color green dscp 11
dscp 11 color yellow dscp 11
dscp 11 color red dscp 11
dscp 11 dscp 11
dscp 12 color green dscp 12
dscp 12 color yellow dscp 12
dscp 12 color red dscp 12
dscp 12 dscp 12
dscp 13 color green dscp 13
dscp 13 color yellow dscp 13
dscp 13 color red dscp 13
dscp 13 dscp 13
dscp 14 color green dscp 14
dscp 14 color yellow dscp 14
dscp 14 color red dscp 14
dscp 14 dscp 14
dscp 15 color green dscp 15
dscp 15 color yellow dscp 15
dscp 15 color red dscp 15
dscp 15 dscp 15
dscp 16 color green dscp 16
dscp 16 color yellow dscp 16
dscp 16 color red dscp 16
dscp 16 dscp 16
dscp 17 color green dscp 17
dscp 17 color yellow dscp 17
dscp 17 color red dscp 17
dscp 17 dscp 17
dscp 18 color green dscp 18
dscp 18 color yellow dscp 18
dscp 18 color red dscp 18
dscp 18 dscp 18
dscp 19 color green dscp 19
dscp 19 color yellow dscp 19
dscp 19 color red dscp 19
dscp 19 dscp 19
dscp 20 color green dscp 20
dscp 20 color yellow dscp 20
dscp 20 color red dscp 20
dscp 20 dscp 20
dscp 21 color green dscp 21
dscp 21 color yellow dscp 21
dscp 21 color red dscp 21
dscp 21 dscp 21
dscp 22 color green dscp 22
dscp 22 color yellow dscp 22
dscp 22 color red dscp 22
dscp 22 dscp 22
dscp 23 color green dscp 23
dscp 23 color yellow dscp 23
dscp 23 color red dscp 23
dscp 23 dscp 23
dscp 24 color green dscp 24
dscp 24 color yellow dscp 24
dscp 24 color red dscp 24
dscp 24 dscp 24
dscp 25 color green dscp 25
dscp 25 color yellow dscp 25
dscp 25 color red dscp 25
dscp 25 dscp 25
dscp 26 color green dscp 26
dscp 26 color yellow dscp 26
dscp 26 color red dscp 26
dscp 26 dscp 26
dscp 27 color green dscp 27
dscp 27 color yellow dscp 27
dscp 27 color red dscp 27
dscp 27 dscp 27
dscp 28 color green dscp 28
dscp 28 color yellow dscp 28
dscp 28 color red dscp 28
dscp 28 dscp 28
dscp 29 color green dscp 29
dscp 29 color yellow dscp 29
dscp 29 color red dscp 29
dscp 29 dscp 29
dscp 30 color green dscp 30
dscp 30 color yellow dscp 30
dscp 30 color red dscp 30
dscp 30 dscp 30
dscp 31 color green dscp 31
dscp 31 color yellow dscp 31
dscp 31 color red dscp 31
dscp 31 dscp 31
dscp 32 color green dscp 32
dscp 32 color yellow dscp 32
dscp 32 color red dscp 32
dscp 32 dscp 32
dscp 33 color green dscp 33
dscp 33 color yellow dscp 33
dscp 33 color red dscp 33
dscp 33 dscp 33
dscp 34 color green dscp 34
dscp 34 color yellow dscp 34
dscp 34 color red dscp 34
dscp 34 dscp 34
dscp 35 color green dscp 35
dscp 35 color yellow dscp 35
dscp 35 color red dscp 35
dscp 35 dscp 35
dscp 36 color green dscp 36
dscp 36 color yellow dscp 36
dscp 36 color red dscp 36
dscp 36 dscp 36
dscp 37 color green dscp 37
dscp 37 color yellow dscp 37
dscp 37 color red dscp 37
dscp 37 dscp 37
dscp 38 color green dscp 38
dscp 38 color yellow dscp 38
dscp 38 color red dscp 38
dscp 38 dscp 38
dscp 39 color green dscp 39
dscp 39 color yellow dscp 39
dscp 39 color red dscp 39
dscp 39 dscp 39
dscp 40 color green dscp 40
dscp 40 color yellow dscp 40
dscp 40 color red dscp 40
dscp 40 dscp 40
dscp 41 color green dscp 41
dscp 41 color yellow dscp 41
dscp 41 color red dscp 41
dscp 41 dscp 41
dscp 42 color green dscp 42
dscp 42 color yellow dscp 42
dscp 42 color red dscp 42
dscp 42 dscp 42
dscp 43 color green dscp 43
dscp 43 color yellow dscp 43
dscp 43 color red dscp 43
dscp 43 dscp 43
dscp 44 color green dscp 44
dscp 44 color yellow dscp 44
dscp 44 color red dscp 44
dscp 44 dscp 44
dscp 45 color green dscp 45
dscp 45 color yellow dscp 45
dscp 45 color red dscp 45
dscp 45 dscp 45
dscp 46 color green dscp 46
dscp 46 color yellow dscp 46
dscp 46 color red dscp 46
dscp 46 dscp 46
dscp 47 color green dscp 47
dscp 47 color yellow dscp 47
dscp 47 color red dscp 47
dscp 47 dscp 47
dscp 48 color green dscp 48
dscp 48 color yellow dscp 48
dscp 48 color red dscp 48
dscp 48 dscp 48
dscp 49 color green dscp 49
dscp 49 color yellow dscp 49
dscp 49 color red dscp 49
dscp 49 dscp 49
dscp 50 color green dscp 50
dscp 50 color yellow dscp 50
dscp 50 color red dscp 50
dscp 50 dscp 50
dscp 51 color green dscp 51
dscp 51 color yellow dscp 51
dscp 51 color red dscp 51
dscp 51 dscp 51
dscp 52 color green dscp 52
dscp 52 color yellow dscp 52
dscp 52 color red dscp 52
dscp 52 dscp 52
dscp 53 color green dscp 53
dscp 53 color yellow dscp 53
dscp 53 color red dscp 53
dscp 53 dscp 53
dscp 54 color green dscp 54
dscp 54 color yellow dscp 54
dscp 54 color red dscp 54
dscp 54 dscp 54
dscp 55 color green dscp 55
dscp 55 color yellow dscp 55
dscp 55 color red dscp 55
dscp 55 dscp 55
dscp 56 color green dscp 56
dscp 56 color yellow dscp 56
dscp 56 color red dscp 56
dscp 56 dscp 56
dscp 57 color green dscp 57
dscp 57 color yellow dscp 57
dscp 57 color red dscp 57
dscp 57 dscp 57
dscp 58 color green dscp 58
dscp 58 color yellow dscp 58
dscp 58 color red dscp 58
dscp 58 dscp 58
dscp 59 color green dscp 59
dscp 59 color yellow dscp 59
dscp 59 color red dscp 59
dscp 59 dscp 59
dscp 60 color green dscp 60
dscp 60 color yellow dscp 60
dscp 60 color red dscp 60
dscp 60 dscp 60
dscp 61 color green dscp 61
dscp 61 color yellow dscp 61
dscp 61 color red dscp 61
dscp 61 dscp 61
dscp 62 color green dscp 62
dscp 62 color yellow dscp 62
dscp 62 color red dscp 62
dscp 62 dscp 62
dscp 63 color green dscp 63
dscp 63 color yellow dscp 63
dscp 63 color red dscp 63
dscp 63 dscp 63
qos profile exp-to-queue default
exp 0 queue 0 color green
exp 1 queue 1 color green
exp 2 queue 2 color green
exp 3 queue 3 color green
exp 4 queue 4 color green
exp 5 queue 5 color green
exp 6 queue 6 color green
exp 7 queue 7 color green
qos profile dscp-to-exp default
dscp 0 color green exp 0
dscp 0 color yellow exp 0
dscp 0 color red exp 0
dscp 0 exp 0
dscp 1 color green exp 0
dscp 1 color yellow exp 0
dscp 1 color red exp 0
dscp 1 exp 0
dscp 2 color green exp 0
dscp 2 color yellow exp 0
dscp 2 color red exp 0
dscp 2 exp 0
dscp 3 color green exp 0
dscp 3 color yellow exp 0
dscp 3 color red exp 0
dscp 3 exp 0
dscp 4 color green exp 0
dscp 4 color yellow exp 0
dscp 4 color red exp 0
dscp 4 exp 0
dscp 5 color green exp 0
dscp 5 color yellow exp 0
dscp 5 color red exp 0
dscp 5 exp 0
dscp 6 color green exp 0
dscp 6 color yellow exp 0
dscp 6 color red exp 0
dscp 6 exp 0
dscp 7 color green exp 0
dscp 7 color yellow exp 0
dscp 7 color red exp 0
dscp 7 exp 0
dscp 8 color green exp 1
dscp 8 color yellow exp 1
dscp 8 color red exp 1
dscp 8 exp 1
dscp 9 color green exp 1
dscp 9 color yellow exp 1
dscp 9 color red exp 1
dscp 9 exp 1
dscp 10 color green exp 1
dscp 10 color yellow exp 1
dscp 10 color red exp 1
dscp 10 exp 1
dscp 11 color green exp 1
dscp 11 color yellow exp 1
dscp 11 color red exp 1
dscp 11 exp 1
dscp 12 color green exp 1
dscp 12 color yellow exp 1
dscp 12 color red exp 1
dscp 12 exp 1
dscp 13 color green exp 1
dscp 13 color yellow exp 1
dscp 13 color red exp 1
dscp 13 exp 1
dscp 14 color green exp 1
dscp 14 color yellow exp 1
dscp 14 color red exp 1
dscp 14 exp 1
dscp 15 color green exp 1
dscp 15 color yellow exp 1
dscp 15 color red exp 1
dscp 15 exp 1
dscp 16 color green exp 2
dscp 16 color yellow exp 2
dscp 16 color red exp 2
dscp 16 exp 2
dscp 17 color green exp 2
dscp 17 color yellow exp 2
dscp 17 color red exp 2
dscp 17 exp 2
dscp 18 color green exp 2
dscp 18 color yellow exp 2
dscp 18 color red exp 2
dscp 18 exp 2
dscp 19 color green exp 2
dscp 19 color yellow exp 2
dscp 19 color red exp 2
dscp 19 exp 2
dscp 20 color green exp 2
dscp 20 color yellow exp 2
dscp 20 color red exp 2
dscp 20 exp 2
dscp 21 color green exp 2
dscp 21 color yellow exp 2
dscp 21 color red exp 2
dscp 21 exp 2
dscp 22 color green exp 2
dscp 22 color yellow exp 2
dscp 22 color red exp 2
dscp 22 exp 2
dscp 23 color green exp 2
dscp 23 color yellow exp 2
dscp 23 color red exp 2
dscp 23 exp 2
dscp 24 color green exp 3
dscp 24 color yellow exp 3
dscp 24 color red exp 3
dscp 24 exp 3
dscp 25 color green exp 3
dscp 25 color yellow exp 3
dscp 25 color red exp 3
dscp 25 exp 3
dscp 26 color green exp 3
dscp 26 color yellow exp 3
dscp 26 color red exp 3
dscp 26 exp 3
dscp 27 color green exp 3
dscp 27 color yellow exp 3
dscp 27 color red exp 3
dscp 27 exp 3
dscp 28 color green exp 3
dscp 28 color yellow exp 3
dscp 28 color red exp 3
dscp 28 exp 3
dscp 29 color green exp 3
dscp 29 color yellow exp 3
dscp 29 color red exp 3
dscp 29 exp 3
dscp 30 color green exp 3
dscp 30 color yellow exp 3
dscp 30 color red exp 3
dscp 30 exp 3
dscp 31 color green exp 3
dscp 31 color yellow exp 3
dscp 31 color red exp 3
dscp 31 exp 3
dscp 32 color green exp 4
dscp 32 color yellow exp 4
dscp 32 color red exp 4
dscp 32 exp 4
dscp 33 color green exp 4
dscp 33 color yellow exp 4
dscp 33 color red exp 4
dscp 33 exp 4
dscp 34 color green exp 4
dscp 34 color yellow exp 4
dscp 34 color red exp 4
dscp 34 exp 4
dscp 35 color green exp 4
dscp 35 color yellow exp 4
dscp 35 color red exp 4
dscp 35 exp 4
dscp 36 color green exp 4
dscp 36 color yellow exp 4
dscp 36 color red exp 4
dscp 36 exp 4
dscp 37 color green exp 4
dscp 37 color yellow exp 4
dscp 37 color red exp 4
dscp 37 exp 4
dscp 38 color green exp 4
dscp 38 color yellow exp 4
dscp 38 color red exp 4
dscp 38 exp 4
dscp 39 color green exp 4
dscp 39 color yellow exp 4
dscp 39 color red exp 4
dscp 39 exp 4
dscp 40 color green exp 5
dscp 40 color yellow exp 5
dscp 40 color red exp 5
dscp 40 exp 5
dscp 41 color green exp 5
dscp 41 color yellow exp 5
dscp 41 color red exp 5
dscp 41 exp 5
dscp 42 color green exp 5
dscp 42 color yellow exp 5
dscp 42 color red exp 5
dscp 42 exp 5
dscp 43 color green exp 5
dscp 43 color yellow exp 5
dscp 43 color red exp 5
dscp 43 exp 5
dscp 44 color green exp 5
dscp 44 color yellow exp 5
dscp 44 color red exp 5
dscp 44 exp 5
dscp 45 color green exp 5
dscp 45 color yellow exp 5
dscp 45 color red exp 5
dscp 45 exp 5
dscp 46 color green exp 5
dscp 46 color yellow exp 5
dscp 46 color red exp 5
dscp 46 exp 5
dscp 47 color green exp 5
dscp 47 color yellow exp 5
dscp 47 color red exp 5
dscp 47 exp 5
dscp 48 color green exp 6
dscp 48 color yellow exp 6
dscp 48 color red exp 6
dscp 48 exp 6
dscp 49 color green exp 6
dscp 49 color yellow exp 6
dscp 49 color red exp 6
dscp 49 exp 6
dscp 50 color green exp 6
dscp 50 color yellow exp 6
dscp 50 color red exp 6
dscp 50 exp 6
dscp 51 color green exp 6
dscp 51 color yellow exp 6
dscp 51 color red exp 6
dscp 51 exp 6
dscp 52 color green exp 6
dscp 52 color yellow exp 6
dscp 52 color red exp 6
dscp 52 exp 6
dscp 53 color green exp 6
dscp 53 color yellow exp 6
dscp 53 color red exp 6
dscp 53 exp 6
dscp 54 color green exp 6
dscp 54 color yellow exp 6
dscp 54 color red exp 6
dscp 54 exp 6
dscp 55 color green exp 6
dscp 55 color yellow exp 6
dscp 55 color red exp 6
dscp 55 exp 6
dscp 56 color green exp 7
dscp 56 color yellow exp 7
dscp 56 color red exp 7
dscp 56 exp 7
dscp 57 color green exp 7
dscp 57 color yellow exp 7
dscp 57 color red exp 7
dscp 57 exp 7
dscp 58 color green exp 7
dscp 58 color yellow exp 7
dscp 58 color red exp 7
dscp 58 exp 7
dscp 59 color green exp 7
dscp 59 color yellow exp 7
dscp 59 color red exp 7
dscp 59 exp 7
dscp 60 color green exp 7
dscp 60 color yellow exp 7
dscp 60 color red exp 7
dscp 60 exp 7
dscp 61 color green exp 7
dscp 61 color yellow exp 7
dscp 61 color red exp 7
dscp 61 exp 7
dscp 62 color green exp 7
dscp 62 color yellow exp 7
dscp 62 color red exp 7
dscp 62 exp 7
dscp 63 color green exp 7
dscp 63 color yellow exp 7
dscp 63 color red exp 7
dscp 63 exp 7
policy-map type queuing default default-out-policy
class type queuing default q0
priority level 0
class type queuing default q1
priority level 1
class type queuing default q2
priority level 2
class type queuing default q3
priority level 3
class type queuing default q4
priority level 4
class type queuing default q5
priority level 5
class type queuing default q6
priority level 6
class type queuing default q7
priority level 7
interface ce49
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface ce50
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface ce51
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface ce52
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface ce53
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface ce54
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe1
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe2
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe3
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe4
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe5
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe6
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe7
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe8
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe9
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe10
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe11
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe12
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe13
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe14
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe15
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe16
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe17
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe18
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe19
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe20
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe21
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe22
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe23
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe24
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe25
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe26
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe27
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe28
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe29
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe30
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe31
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe32
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe33
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe34
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe35
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe36
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe37
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe38
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe39
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe40
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe41
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe42
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe43
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe44
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe45
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe46
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe47
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
interface xe48
service-policy type queuing output default-out-policy
Use this command to set the rising threshold level for broadcast, multicast, or destination lookup failure traffic. The storm control action occurs when traffic utilization reaches this level.
Storm control is used to block the forwarding of unnecessary flooded traffic. A packet storm occurs when a large number of broadcast packets are received on a port. Forwarding these packets can cause the network to slow down or time out.
Use the no form of this command to disable storm control.
Granularity of storm-control is around 18 kbps for lower values and it increases when configured with increase in rate. Deviation is expected +-7/8 % of rate configured for lower value rate changes.
If the burst-size limit is set too low, too many packets will be subjected to rate limiting, and the desired rate limit will not be achieved. The burst size needs to be large enough to accommodate the maximum transmission unit (MTU) size of the packets.
Command Syntax
storm-control (errdisable|((broadcast|multicast|dlf) (level LEVEL | <0-4294967294> (kbps|mbps|gbps) burst-size <1-33292>)))
no storm-control (errdisable|broadcast|multicast|dlf)
Error disable interface on storm control
Broadcast rate limiting.
Multicast rate limiting.
Destination lookup failure limiting.
Sets the percentage of the threshold.
The percentage of the threshold; percentage of the maximum speed (pps) of the interface <0.0000-99.0000>.
Sets absolute threshold value <0-4294967294>
specifies the units of Kilobits per second.
specifies the units of Megabits per second.
specifies the units of Gigabits per second.
Set burst size
value of burst in kbps
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#storm-control broadcast level 30
(config)#interface xe2
(config-if)#storm-control multicast level 30
(config)#interface xe3
(config-if)#storm-control multicast 300 mbps
(config)#interface xe4
(config-if)#no storm-control multicast
trust dscp
Use this command to classify the traffic based on DSCP map on L2 port.
Use the no form of the command to remove the configuration.
Note: By default, the trust of L2 ports is CoS. If the user wants to map the traffic according to the DSCP value, trust dscp can be set on ports to achieve the requirement.
Tagged packet color is based on the DEI bit. Untagged packet color is based on DSCP value.
Out-DSCP option in dscp-to-queue profile is not applicable on L2 interfaces when trust DSCP is set
Only “default” dscp-to-queue profile is valid for trust DSCP. User-defined dscp-to-queue cannot be attached on L2 interfaces.
Command Syntax
trust dscp
no trust dscp
Configure port trust state
Classifies ingress packets with the packet DSCP values
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#trust dscp
wfq-queue weight
Use this command to set WFQ-queue weight for a queue.
Use the no form of the command to un-set configured WFQ configuration.
Command Syntax
wfq-queue weight <1-127>
no wfq-queue weights
WFQ queue weight to be configured.
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Policy-class-map queuing Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#policy-map type queuing default default-out-policy
(config-pmap-que-def)# class type queuing default q0
(config-pmap-c-que-def)#wfq-queue weight 2
vc-qos map-profile
Use this command is used to binding PCP to TC mapping profile to attachment circuits.
Use the no form of this command to remove the profile.
Note: Profile configured on the VPLS service is effective for all attachment circuits associated with VPLS service. However, if a profile is bound to attachment circuit, that profile takes higher priority for that attachment circuit.
Command Syntax
vc-qos map-profile (cos-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos) NAME
no vc-qos map-profile (cos-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos) NAME
Profile for CoS to queue map
Profile for queue-color to CoS map
Profile map name (maximum 32 characters)
By-default, “default” global cos-to-queue map is applied on an attachment-circuit if no user-defined cos-to-queue profile is applied on interface or VPLS-service.
Traffic received on VPLS service will be affected by QoS treatment by configurations in the following order:
1. PCP to TC/TC to PCP profile configuration bound to attachment circuit.
2. PCP to TC/TC to PCP profile configuration bound to VPLS service.
3. PCP to TC/TC to PCP profile configuration bound to ingress port.
4. Global PCP to TC/TC to PCP profile configuration.
Command Mode
interface-VPLS modes
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#interface xe1
(config-if)#mpls-vpls vpls1 service-template st1
(config-if-vpls)#vc-qos map-profile queue-color-to-cos qc-profile-2
vpls-qos map-profile
Use this command is used to binding PCP to TC mapping profile to VPLS service.
Use the no form of this command to remove the profile.
Command Syntax
vpls-qos map-profile (cos-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos) NAME
no vpls-qos map-profile (cos-to-queue | queue-color-to-cos) NAME
Profile for CoS to queue map
Profile for queue-color to CoS map
Profile map name (maximum 32 characters)
By-default, “default” global cos-to-queue map is applied on a VPLS service if no user-defined cos-to-queue profile is applied on interface.
Traffic received on a VPLS service will be affected by QoS treatment by configurations in the following order:
1. PCP to TC profile configuration bound to VPLS service.
2. PCP to TC profile configuration bound to ingress port.
3. Global PCP to TC profile configuration.
Command Mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 3.0.
(config)#mpls vpls vpls1 1
(config-vpls)#vpls-qos map-profile cos-to-queue CQ-PROFILE-1