Spanning Tree Protocol Commands
This chapter provides a description, syntax, and examples of the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) and Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) commands. It includes the following commands:
bridge cisco-interoperability
Use this command to enable/disable Cisco interoperability for MSTP (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol).
If Cisco interoperability is required, all OcNOS devices in the switched LAN must be Cisco-interoperability enabled. When OcNOS inter operates with Cisco, the only criteria used to classify a region are the region name and revision level. VLAN-to-instance mapping is not used to classify regions when interoperating with Cisco.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> cisco-interoperability (enable | disable)
Specify the bridge group ID
Enable Cisco interoperability for MSTP bridge
Disable Cisco interoperability for MSTP bridge
By default, cisco interoperability is disabled.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
To enable Cisco interoperability on a switch for a bridge:
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 2 cisco-interoperability enable
To disable Cisco interoperability on a switch for a particular bridge:
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 2 cisco-interoperability disable
bridge instance
Use this command to add an MST instance to a bridge.
Use the no form of this command to delete an MST instance identifier from a bridge.
Command Syntax
bridge (<1-32> | backbone) instance (<1-62>)
no bridge (<1-32> | backbone) instance (<1-62>)
Bridge identifier.
Backbone bridge.
MST instance identifier.
The bridge instance default is 1.
Command Mode
MST configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 4 protocol mstp
(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
(config-mst)#bridge 4 instance 3
(config-mst)#no bridge 4 instance 3
bridge instance priority
Use this command to set the bridge instance priority.
Use the no form of this command to reset the priority to its default.
Command Syntax
bridge (<1-32> | backbone) instance <1-63> priority <0-61440>
no bridge (<1-32> | backbone) instance <1-63> priority
Specify the bridge identifier.
Specifies the backbone bridge.
Specify the instance identifier.
Specify the bridge priority for the instance. The lower the priority of the bridge, the better the chances is of the bridge becoming a root bridge or a designated bridge for the LAN. The priority values can be set only in increments of 4096. The default value is 32768.
Specify the bridge priority.
By default, bridge instance priority is 32768
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
(config)#bridge 4 instance 3 priority 1
bridge instance vlan
Use this command to simultaneously add multiple VLANs for the corresponding instance of a bridge.The VLANs must be created before being associated with an MST instance (MSTI). If the VLAN range is not specified, the MSTI will not be created.
Use the no form of this command to simultaneously remove multiple VLANs for the corresponding instance of a bridge.
Command Syntax
bridge (<1-32> | backbone) instance (<1-63>) vlan VLANID
no bridge (<1-32> | backbone) instance (<1-63>) vlan VLANID
Bridge identifier.
Backbone bridge.
MST instance identifier.
VLAN identifier(s) <2-4094>. You can specify a single VLAN, a VLAN range, or a VLAN list.
For a VLAN range, specify two VLAN identifiers: the lowest and then the highest separated by a hyphen. For a VLAN list, specify the VLAN identifiers separated by commas. Do not enter spaces between the hyphens or commas.
The bridge instance VLAN ID Interfaces default-switch is VLAN100 100 ae0.0 ae1.0 ae2.0.
Command Mode
MST configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
To associate multiple VLANs, in this case VLANs 10 and 20 to instance 1 of bridge 1:
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 1 protocol mstp
(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
(config-mst)#bridge 1 instance 1 vlan 10,20
To associate multiple VLANs, in this case, VLANs 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 to instance 1 of bridge 1:
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 1 protocol mstp
(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
(config-mst)#bridge 1 instance 1 vlan 10-15
To delete multiple VLANs, in this case, VLANs 10 and 11 from instance 1 of bridge 1:
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 1 protocol mstp
(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
(config-mst)#no bridge 1 instance 1 vlan 10,11
bridge multiple-spanning-tree
Use this command to enable MSTP on a bridge.
Use the no form of this command to disable MSTP on the bridge.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> multiple-spanning-tree enable
no bridge <1-32> multiple-spanning-tree enable (bridge-forward|bridge-block)
Specify the bridge-group ID.
Enables the spanning tree protocol.
Puts all ports of the specified bridge into forwarding state.
Puts all ports of the specified bridge into blocking state.
If the bridge-forward option is entered when using the no parameter, the default behavior is to put all bridge ports in forwarding state.
If the bridge-block option is entered when using the no parameter, the behavior is to put all bridge ports in blocking state.
If no options are defined after the command no bridge <1-32> multiple-spanning-tree enable, then the default behavior is same as bridge-block command.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 2 multiple-spanning-tree enable
#configure terminal
(config)#no bridge 2 multiple-spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
bridge protocol ieee
Use this command to add a IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree Protocol bridge.
After creating a bridge instance, add interfaces to the bridge using the bridge-group command. Bring the bridge instance into operation with the no shutdown command in interface mode.
Use the no parameter with this command to remove the bridge.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> protocol ieee (vlan-bridge|)
no bridge <1-32>
Specify the bridge group ID.
Specify this as a VLAN-aware bridge.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 3 protocol ieee
(config)#bridge 4 protocol ieee vlan-bridge
bridge protocol mstp
Use this command to create a multiple spanning-tree protocol (MSTP) bridge of a specified parameter. This command creates an instance of the spanning tree and associates the VLANs specified with that instance.
The MSTP bridges can have different spanning-tree topologies for different VLANs inside a region of “similar” MSTP bridges. The multiple spanning tree protocol, like the rapid spanning tree protocol, provides rapid reconfiguration capability, while providing load balancing ability. A bridge created with this command forms its own separate region unless it is added explicitly to a region using the region name command.
Use the no parameter with this command to remove the bridge.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> protocol mstp
no bridge <1-32>
Specify the bridge group ID.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 2 protocol mstp
bridge protocol rstp
Use this command to add an IEEE 802.1w Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP) bridge.
After creating a bridge instance, add interfaces to the bridge using the bridge-group command. Bring the bridge instance into operation with the no shutdown command in Interface mode.
Use the no parameter with this command to remove the bridge.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> protocol rstp
bridge <1-32> protocol rstp (vlan-bridge|)
no bridge <1-32>
Specify the bridge group ID.
(Optional) Adds a VLAN-aware bridge.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 2 protocol rstp
bridge rapid-spanning-tree
Use this command to enable or disable RSTP on a specific bridge. Use the bridge-forward option with the no form of the command to place all ports on the specified bridge into the forwarding state.
Use the no form of the command to disable the Rapid Spanning Tree protocol on a bridge.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> rapid-spanning-tree enable
no bridge <1-32> rapid-spanning-tree enable (bridge-forward|bridge-block)
Specify the bridge group ID.
Enables the spanning tree protocol.
(Optional) Puts all ports of the specified bridge into forwarding state.
(Optional) Puts all ports of the specified bridge into blocking state.
When the bridge-forward option is used with the no parameter, the default behavior puts all bridge ports in the forwarding state.
If the bridge-block option is entered when using the no parameter, the behavior is to put all bridge ports in blocking state.
If no options are defined after the command no bridge <1-32> rapid-spanning-tree enable, then the default behavior is same as bridge-block command.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
configure terminal
(config)#bridge 2 rapid-spanning-tree enable
configure terminal
(config)#no bridge 2 rapid-spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
bridge region
Use this command to create an MST region and specify its name. MST bridges of a region form different spanning trees for different VLANs.
Use the no form of the command to disable the Rapid Spanning Tree protocol on a region.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> region REGION_NAME
no bridge <1-32> region
Specify the bridge group ID.
Specify the name of the region.
By default, each MST bridge starts with the region name as its bridge address. This means each MST bridge is a region by itself, unless specifically added to one.
Command Mode
MST configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
(config-mst)#bridge 3 region myRegion
(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
(config-mst)#no bridge 3 region
bridge revision
Use this command to specify the number for configuration information.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> revision <0-65535>
Specify the bridge group ID in the range of <1-32>.
Specify a revision number in the range of <0-65535>.
By default, revision number is 0
Command Mode
MST configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
(config-mst)#bridge 3 revision 25
bridge spanning-tree
Use this command to enable the Spanning Tree Protocol on a bridge.
Use the no parameter to disable the Spanning Tree Protocol on the bridge.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> spanning-tree enable
no bridge <1-32> spanning-tree enable (bridge-forward|bridge-block)
Specify the bridge group ID.
Enables the spanning tree protocol on this bridge.
Puts all ports of the specified bridge into the forwarding state.
Puts all ports of the specified bridge into the blocking state.
If the bridge-forward option is entered when using the no parameter, the default behavior is to put all bridge ports in forwarding state.
If the bridge-block option is entered when using the no parameter, the behavior is to put all bridge ports in blocking state.
If no options are defined after the command no bridge <1-32> spanning-tree enable, then the default behavior is same as bridge-block command.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 2 spanning-tree enable
#configure terminal
(config)#no bridge 2 spanning-tree enable bridge-forward
bridge spanning-tree errdisable-timeout
Use this command to enable the error-disable-timeout facility, which sets a timeout for ports that are disabled due to the BPDU guard feature.
The BPDU guard feature shuts down the port on receiving a BPDU on a BPDU-guard enabled port. This command associates a timer with the feature such that the port gets enabled back without manual intervention after a set interval.
Use the no parameter to disable the error-disable-timeout facility.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> spanning-tree errdisable-timeout enable
no bridge <1-32> spanning-tree errdisable-timeout enable
Specify the bridge group ID.
Enable the timeout mechanism for the port to be enabled back
By default, the port is enabled after 300 seconds
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 1 spanning-tree errdisable-timeout enable
bridge spanning-tree force-version
Use this command to set the version for the bridge. A version identifier of less than a value of 2 enforces the spanning tree protocol. Although the command supports an input range of 0-4, for RSTP, the valid range is 0-2. When the force-version is set for a bridge, all ports of the bridge have the same spanning tree version set.
Use the
show spanning tree command to display administratively configured and currently running values of the BPDU filter parameter for the bridge and port (see
show spanning-tree).
Use the no parameter with this command to disable the version for the bridge.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> spanning-tree force-version <0-4>
no bridge <1-32> spanning-tree force-version
Specify the bridge group ID.
Specify a force version identifier:
Not supported
By default, spanning tree force version is 0
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
Set the value to enforce the spanning tree protocol:
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 1 spanning-tree force-version 0
(config)#no bridge 1 spanning-tree force-version
bridge spanning-tree pathcost
Use this command to set a spanning-tree path cost method.
If the short parameter is used, the switch uses a value for the default path cost a number in the range 1 through 65,535. If the long parameter is used, the switch uses a value for the default path cost a number in the range 1 through 200,000,000. Use the
show spanning-tree to view the administratively configured and current running pathcost method running on a bridge.
Use the no option with this command to return the path cost method to the default setting.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> spanning-tree pathcost method (short|long)
no bridge <1-32> spanning-tree pathcost method
Specify the bridge group ID.
Method used to calculate default port path cost.
Use 16-bit based values for default port path costs.
Use 32-bit based values for default port path costs.
By default, path cost method for STP is short and for MSTP/RSTP is long.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 1 spanning-tree pathcost method short
(config)#no bridge 1 spanning-tree pathcost method
bridge spanning-tree portfast
Use this command to set the portfast BPDU (Bridge Protocol Data Unit) guard or filter for the bridge.
Use the
show spanning tree command to display administratively configured and currently running values of the BPDU filter parameter for the bridge and port (see
show spanning-tree).
Use the no parameter with this command to disable the BPDU filter for the bridge.
BPDU Filter
All ports that have their BPDU filter set to default take the same value of BPDU filter as that of the bridge. The Spanning Tree Protocol sends BPDUs from all ports. Enabling the BPDU Filter feature ensures that PortFast-enabled ports do not transmit or receive any BPDUs.
Note: On BPDU-Filter enabled port when BPDU is received the interface loses its port-fast operational status and re-enable the spanning-tree operation. Hence the "spanning-tree portfast" is removed from the interface which is an expected behavior.
BPDU Guard
When the BPDU guard feature is set for a bridge, all portfast-enabled ports of the bridge that have the BPDU guard set to default shut down the port on receiving a BPDU. In this case, the BPDU is not processed. You can either bring the port back up manually by using the no shutdown command, or configure the errdisable-timeout feature to enable the port after the specified time interval.
Command Syntax
bridge <1-32> spanning-tree portfast bpdu-guard
bridge <1-32> spanning-tree portfast bpdu-filter
no bridge <1-32> spanning-tree portfast bpdu-guard
no bridge <1-32> spanning-tree portfast bpdu-filter
Specify the bridge group ID.
Specify to filter the BPDUs on portfast enabled ports.
Specify to guard the portfast ports against BPDU receive.
By default, portfast for STP is enabled
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 3 spanning-tree portfast bpdu-filter
#configure terminal
(config)#bridge 1 spanning-tree portfast bpdu-guard
bridge te-msti
Use this command to enable or disable a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI).
The te-msti always refers to the MST instance indexed by the pre-defined macro constant MSTP_TE_MSTID internally. This is the only MST instance which supports the disabling of spanning trees.
Use the no form of this command to remove the configuration.
Command Syntax
bridge (<1-32> | backbone) te-msti
no bridge (<1-32> | backbone) te-msti
Specify the bridge group ID.
Identity of the backbone bridge group.
MSTI to be the traffic engineering MSTI instance.
By default, bridge te-msti is disabled
Command Mode
TE-MSTI Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#spanning-tree te-msti configuration
(config-te-msti)#bridge 2 te-msti
(config-te-msti)#no bridge 2 te-msti
bridge te-msti vlan
Use this command to enable or disable a Multiple Spanning Tree Instance (MSTI). When an MSTI is shutdown (disabled) each VLAN in the MSTI is set to the forwarding state on all bridge ports which the VLAN as a member of. When and MSTI is enabled (no shutdown), normal MSTP operation is started for the MSTI.
The te-msti always refers to the MST instance indexed by the pre-defined macro constant MSTP_TE_MSTID internally. This is the only MST instance which supports the disabling of spanning trees. All VLANs that do not want spanning tree topology computation need to be assigned to this te-msti instance.
This command is intended for supporting Traffic Engineering (TE) Ethernet tunnels. All VLANs allocated for traffic engineering should be assigned to one MSTI. That MSTI can in turn shutdown the spanning tree operation so that each VLAN path through the network can be manually provisioned.
Use the no form of this command to remove the configuration.
Command Syntax
bridge (<1-32> | backbone) te-msti vlan <1-4094>
no bridge (<1-32> | backbone) te-msti vlan <1-4094>
Specify the bridge group ID.
Identity of the backbone bridge group.
Specify a VLAN.
Specify a VLAN identifier to be associated.
Note: This designated instance is defined in 802.1Qay clause 8.9 to be 0xFFE.
By default, te-msti vlan is vlan1.
Command Mode
TE-MSTI Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#spanning-tree te-msti configuration
(config-te-msti)#bridge 2 te-msti vlan 10
(config-te-msti)#no bridge 2 te-msti vlan 10
bridge-group instance
Use this command to assign a Multiple Spanning Tree (MST) instance to a port.
Use the no form of this command to remove the interface from the MST instance.
Command Syntax
bridge-group (<1-32> | backbone) instance (<1-63> | te-msti)
no bridge-group (<1-32> | backbone) instance (<1-63> | te-msti)
Bridge identifier.
Backbone bridge.
Multiple spanning tree instance identifier.
Traffic engineering MSTI instance.
For Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB), bridge-group <1-32> refers to the I-component or PB bridge while the <backbone> bridge group refers to the B-component. Usually for a BEB (Backbone Edge Bridge) device, the backbone bridge-group is used for traffic engineering.
For a PB (Provider Bridge) device used as BCB (Backbone Core Bridge), bridge group <1-32> is used for traffic engineering.
By default, the bridge port remains in the listening and learning states for 15 seconds before transitional to the forwarding state.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#bridge-group 1
(config-if)#bridge-group 1 instance te-msti
bridge-group instance path-cost
Use this command to set a path cost for a multiple spanning tree instance.
Before you can give this command, you must explicitly add an MST instance to a port using the bridge-group instance command.
Use the no form of this command to set the path cost to its default which varies depending on bandwidth.
Command Syntax
bridge-group (<1-32> | backbone) instance <1-63> path-cost <1-200000000>
no bridge-group ( <1-32> | backbone) instance <1-63> path-cost
Bridge identifier.
Specify the backbone bridge.
Set the MST instance identifier.
Path cost for a port (a lower path cost means greater likelihood of becoming root).
Assuming a 10 Mb/s link speed, the default value is 200,000.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
(config-mst)#bridge 4 instance 3 vlan 3
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#bridge-group 4 instance 3
(config-if)#bridge-group 4 instance 3 path-cost 1000
bridge-group instance priority
Use this command to set the priority of a multiple spanning tree instance.
The Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol uses port priority as a tiebreaker to determine which port should forward frames for a particular instance on a LAN, or which port should be the root port for an instance. A lower value implies a better priority. In the case of the same priority, the interface index will serve as the tiebreaker, with the lower-numbered interface being preferred over others.
Command Syntax
bridge-group (<1-32>) instance (<1-63>) priority <0-240>
no bridge-group (<1-32>) instance (<1-63>) priority
Bridge identifier.
Backbone bridge.
Multiple spanning tree instance identifier.
Port priority. A lower value means greater likelihood of becoming root. Set the port priority in increments of 16.
By default, the port priority is 128
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
(config)#interface eth2
(config-if)#bridge-group 2
(config-if)#bridge-group 2 instance 4
(config-if)#bridge-group 2 instance 4 priority 64
bridge-group path-cost
Use this command to set the cost of a path. Before you can use this command to set a path-cost in a VLAN configuration, you must explicitly add an MST instance to a port using the bridge-group instance command.
Use the no parameter with this command to restore the default cost value of the path which varies depending on the bandwidth.
Command Syntax
bridge-group <1-32> path-cost <1-200000000>
no bridge-group <1-32> path-cost
Specify the bridge group ID.
Specify the cost of path for a port.
Specify the cost of the path (a lower cost means a greater likelihood of the interface becoming root).
Assuming a 10 Mb/s link speed, the default value is 200,000.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
(config-mst)#bridge 4 instance 3 vlan 3
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#bridge-group 4
(config-if)#bridge-group 4 path-cost 1000
bridge-group priority
Use this command to set the port priority for a bridge group.
The Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol uses port priority as a tiebreaker to determine which port should forward frames for a particular instance on a LAN, or which port should be the root port for an instance. A lower value implies a better priority. In the case of the same priority, the interface index will serve as the tiebreaker, with the lower-numbered interface being preferred over others.
Command Syntax
bridge-group (<1-32> | backbone) priority <0-240>
no bridge-group (<1-32> | backbone) priority
Specify the bridge group ID.
Backbone bridge.
Specify the port priority (a lower priority indicates greater likelihood of the interface becoming a root). The priority values can only be set in increments of 16.
By default, port priority for each instance is 128
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#bridge-group 4 priority 80
bridge-group spanning-tree
This command is used to enable or disable the spanning-tree on a configured bridge.
Command Syntax
bridge-group <1-32> spanning-tree (disable|enable)
Specify the bridge group ID.
Disable spanning tree on the interface.
Enable spanning tree on the interface.
By default, spanning-tree is enabled
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#bridge-group 1 spanning-tree enable
clear spanning-tree detected protocols
Use this command to clear the detected protocols for a specific bridge or interface. This command begins the port migration as per IEEE 802.1w-2001, Section 17.26. After issuing this command, the migration timer is started on the port, only if the force version is RSTP or MSTP (greater versions of RSTP).
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree detected protocols bridge <1-32>
Specify the bridge group ID.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#clear spanning-tree detected protocols bridge 2
clear spanning-tree statistics
Use this command to clear all STP BPDU statistics.
Command Syntax
clear spanning-tree statistics bridge <1-32>
clear spanning-tree statistics interface IFNAME (instance (<1-63>)| vlan <1-4094>) bridge <1-32>
clear spanning-tree statistics (interface IFNAME| (instance (<1-63>)| vlan <2-4094>)) bridge <1-32>
Specify the bridge identifier.
Specify the name of the interface on which protocols have to be cleared.
MST instance ID.
VLAN identifier where spanning tree is located <2-4094>
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#clear spanning-tree statistics bridge 32
customer-spanning-tree customer-edge path-cost
Use this command to set the cost of a path associated with a customer edge port on a customer edge spanning tree.
Use the no form of this command to remove the cost of a path associated with a customer edge port on a customer edge spanning tree.
Command Syntax
customer-spanning-tree customer-edge path-cost <1-200000000>
no customer-spanning-tree customer-edge path-cost
Specify the path-cost of a port.
Specify the cost to be assigned to the group.
Assuming a 10 Mb/s link speed, the default value is 200,000
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#customer-spanning-tree customer-edge path-cost 1000
customer-spanning-tree customer-edge priority
Use this command to set the port priority for a customer-edge port in the customer spanning tree.
Command Syntax
customer-spanning-tree customer-edge priority <0-240>
Specify the port priority.
Specify the port priority range (a lower priority indicates greater likelihood of the interface becoming a root). The priority values can only be set in increments of 16.
By default, priority is 1
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#customer-spanning-tree customer-edge priority 100
customer-spanning-tree forward-time
Use this command to set the time (in seconds) after which (if this bridge is the root bridge) each port changes states to learning and forwarding. This value is used by all instances.
Use the no form of this command to restore the default value of 15 seconds.
Command Syntax
customer-spanning-tree forward-time <4-30>
no customer-spanning-tree forward-time
Specify the forwarding time delay in seconds.
Note: Care should be exercised if the value is set to less than 7 seconds.
By default, priority is 15 seconds
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#customer-spanning-tree forward-time 6
(config-if)#no customer-spanning-tree forward-time
customer-spanning-tree hello-time
Use this command to set the hello-time, the time in seconds after which (if this bridge is the root bridge) all the bridges in a bridged LAN exchange Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs). Avoid a very low value of this parameter as this can lead to excessive traffic on the network; a higher value delays the detection of topology change. This value is used by all instances.
Use the no option with this command to restore the default value of the hello-time.
Command Syntax
customer-spanning-tree hello-time <1-10>
no customer-spanning-tree hello-time
Specify the hello BPDU interval in seconds.
By default, level is 2 seconds
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#customer-spanning-tree hello-time 3
(config-if)#no customer-spanning-tree hello-time
customer-spanning-tree max-age
Use this command to set the max-age for a bridge.
Max-age is the maximum time in seconds for which (if a bridge is the root bridge) a message is considered valid. This prevents the frames from looping indefinitely. The value of max-age should be greater than twice the value of hello-time plus one, but less than twice the value of forward delay minus one. The allowable range for max-age is 6-40 seconds. Configure this value sufficiently high, so that a frame generated by a root can be propagated to the leaf nodes without exceeding the max-age.
Use the no parameter with this command to restore the default value of max-age.
Command Syntax
customer-spanning-tree max-age <6-40>
no customer-spanning-tree max-age
Specify the maximum time in seconds to listen for the root bridge.
By default, bridge max-age is 20 seconds
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#customer-spanning-tree max-age 12
(config-if)#no customer-spanning-tree max-age
customer-spanning-tree priority
Use this command to set the bridge priority for the spanning tree on a customer edge port. Using a lower priority indicates a greater likelihood of the bridge becoming root. This command must be used to set the priority of the customer spanning tree running on the customer edge port.
Use the no form of the command to reset it to the default value.
Command Syntax
customer-spanning-tree priority <0-61440>
no customer-spanning-tree priority
Specify the bridge priority in the range <0-61440>. Priority values can be set only in increments of 4096.
By default, priority is 61440
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#customer-spanning-tree priority 4096
(config-if)#no customer-spanning-tree priority
customer-spanning-tree provider-edge path-cost
Use this command to set the cost of a path associated with a provider edge port on a customer edge spanning tree.
Use the no form of this command to remove the cost of a path associated with a provider edge port on a customer edge spanning tree.
Command Syntax
customer-spanning-tree provider-edge svlan <1-4094> path-cost <1-200000000>
no customer-spanning-tree provider-edge svlan <1-4094> path-cost
Specify the SVLAN identifier of provider edge port.
Specify the cost to be assigned to the group.
Assuming a 10 Mb/s link speed, the default value is 200,000
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#customer-spanning-tree provider-edge svlan 2 path-cost 1000
(config-if)#no customer-spanning-tree provider-edge svlan 2 path-cost
customer-spanning-tree provider-edge priority
Use this command to set the port priority for a provider-edge port in the customer spanning tree.
Command Syntax
customer-spanning-tree provider-edge svlan <1-4094> priority <0-240>
Specify the SVLAN identifier of provider edge port.
Specify the port priority (a lower priority means greater likelihood of the interface becoming root). The priority values can only be set in increments of 16.
By default, priority is 1
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#customer-spanning-tree provider-edge svlan 2 priority 0
customer-spanning-tree transmit-holdcount
Use this command to set the transmit-holdcount for a bridge.
Use the no parameter with this command to restore the default value of transmit-holdcount.
Command Syntax
customer-spanning-tree transmit-holdcount <1-10>
no customer-spanning-tree transmit-holdcount
Specify the maximum number that can be transmitted per second.
By default, bridge transmit hold count is 6
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth1
(config-if)#customer-spanning-tree transmit-holdcount 3
(config-if)#no customer-spanning-tree transmit-holdcount
debug mstp
Use this command to turn on, and turn off, debugging and echoing data to the console, at various levels.
Note: This command enables MSTP, RSTP, and STP debugging.
Use the no parameter with this command to turn off debugging.
Command Syntax
debug mstp all
debug mstp cli
debug mstp packet rx
debug mstp packet tx
debug mstp protocol
debug mstp protocol detail
debug mstp timer
debug mstp timer detail
no debug mstp all
no debug mstp cli
no debug mstp packet rx
no debug mstp packet tx
no debug mstp protocol
no debug mstp protocol detail
no debug mstp timer
no debug mstp timer detail
Echoes all spanning-tree debugging levels to the console.
Echoes spanning-tree commands to the console.
Echoes spanning-tree packets to the console.
Received packets.
Transmitted packets.
Echoes protocol changes to the console.
Detailed output.
Echoes timer start to the console.
Detailed output.
Command Mode
Exec, Privileged Exec, and Configure modes
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#debug mstp all
(config)#debug mstp cli
(config)#debug mstp packet rx
(config)#debug mstp protocol detail
(config)#debug mstp timer
show debugging mstp
Use this command to display the status of debugging of the MSTP system.
Command Syntax
show debugging mstp
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show debugging mstp
MSTP debugging status:
MSTP debugging status:
MSTP timer debugging is on
MSTP protocol debugging is on
MSTP detailed protocol debugging is on
MSTP cli echo debugging is on
MSTP transmitting packet debugging is on
MSTP receiving packet debugging is on
show spanning-tree
Use this command to show the state of the spanning tree for all STP or RSTP bridge-groups, including named interface and VLANs.
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree
show spanning-tree interface IFNAME
show spanning-tree mst
show spanning-tree mst config
show spanning-tree mst interface IFNAME
show spanning-tree mst detail
show spanning-tree mst detail interface IFNAME
show spanning-tree mst instance (<1-63>) interface IFNAME
show spanning-tree mst instance (<1-63> | te-msti)
show spanning-tree statistics bridge <1-32>
show spanning-tree statistics interface IFNAME (instance (<1-63>)| vlan <2-4094>) bridge <1-32>
show spanning-tree statistics (interface IFNAME | (instance (<1-63>) | vlan <1-4094>)) bridge <1-32>
show spanning-tree vlan range-index
Display interface information
Display MST information
Display statistics of the BPDUs
vlan range-index
Display a VLAN range-index value
Display configuration information
Display detailed information
Display instance information
Specify the instance identifier
Display Traffic Engineering MSTI instance
Specify the bridge identifier
Display the interface name
Specify a VLAN identifier, associated with the instance
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
The following is a sample output of this command displaying spanning tree information.
#show spanning-tree
% 1: Bridge up - Spanning Tree Enabled
% 1: Root Path Cost 0 - Root Port 0 - Bridge Priority 32768
% 1: Forward Delay 15 - Hello Time 2 - Max Age 20
% 1: Root Id 80000002b328530a
% 1: Bridge Id 80000002b328530a
% 1: last topology change Wed Nov 19 22:39:18 2008
% 1: 11 topology change(s) - last topology change Wed Nov 19 22:39:18 2008
% 1: portfast bpdu-filter disabled
% 1: portfast bpdu-guard disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout interval 300 sec
%eth2: Ifindex 5 - Port Id 8005 - Role Designated - State Forwarding
%eth2: Designated Path Cost 0
%eth2: Configured Path Cost 200000 - Add type Explicit ref count 1
%eth2: Designated Port Id 8005 - Priority 128 -
%eth2: Root 80000002b328530a
%eth2: Designated Bridge 80000002b328530a
%eth2: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
%eth2: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
%eth2: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 0 - Hello Timer 1 - topo change timer 0
%eth2: forward-transitions 4
%eth2: Version Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol - Received RSTP - Send RSTP
%eth2: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
%eth2: portfast bpdu-guard default - Current portfast bpdu-guard off
%eth2: portfast bpdu-filter default - Current portfast bpdu-filter off
%eth2: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
%eth2: Configured Link Type point-to-point - Current point-to-point
%eth1: Ifindex 4 - Port Id 8004 - Role Designated - State Forwarding
%eth1: Designated Path Cost 0
%eth1: Configured Path Cost 200000 - Add type Explicit ref count 1
%eth1: Designated Port Id 8004 - Priority 128 -
%eth1: Root 80000002b328530a
%eth1: Designated Bridge 80000002b328530a
%eth1: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
%eth1: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
%eth1: Forward Timer 0 - Msg Age Timer 0 - Hello Timer 1 - topo change timer 0
%eth1: forward-transitions 4
%eth1: Version Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol - Received None - Send RSTP
%eth1: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
%eth1: portfast bpdu-guard default - Current portfast bpdu-guard off
%eth1: portfast bpdu-filter default - Current portfast bpdu-filter off
%eth1: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
%eth1: Configured Link Type point-to-point - Current point-to-point
The following is a sample output of this command displaying the state of the spanning tree for interface eth1.
#show spanning-tree interface eth1
% 1: Bridge up - Spanning Tree Enabled
% 1: Root Path Cost 0 - Root Port 0 - Bridge Priority 32768
% 1: Forward Delay 15 - Hello Time 2 - Max Age 20
% 1: Root Id 80000002b328530a
% 1: Bridge Id 80000002b328530a
% 1: last topology change Wed Nov 19 22:39:18 2008
% 1: 11 topology change(s) - last topology change Wed Nov 19 22:39:18 2008
% 1: portfast bpdu-filter disabled
% 1: portfast bpdu-guard disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout interval 300 sec
% eth1: Ifindex 4 - Port Id 8004 - Role Designated - State Forwarding
% eth1: Designated Path Cost 0
% eth1: Configured Path Cost 200000 - Add type Explicit ref count 1
% eth1: Designated Port Id 8004 - Priority 128 -
% eth1: Root 80000002b328530a
% eth1: Designated Bridge 80000002b328530a
% eth1: Message Age 0 - Max Age 20
% eth1: Hello Time 2 - Forward Delay 15
% eth1: forward-transitions 4
% eth1: Version Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol - Received None - Send RSTP
% eth1: No portfast configured - Current portfast off
% eth1: portfast bpdu-guard default - Current portfast bpdu-guard off
% eth1: portfast bpdu-filter default - Current portfast bpdu-filter off
% eth1: no root guard configured - Current root guard off
Table 4-13 Explains the show command output fields.
Table 4-13: show spanning-tree interface output fields
Field | Description |
Bridge up | A network bridge is a computer networking device that creates a single aggregate network from multiple communication networks or network segments. |
Root Path Cost | Root cost for the interface. |
Root Port | Interface that is the current elected root port for this bridge. |
Bridge Priority | Used for the common instance. |
Forward Delay | Configured time an STP bridge port remains in the listening and learning states before transitioning to the forwarding state. |
Hello Time | Configured number of seconds between transmissions of configuration BPDUs. |
Max Age | Maximum age of received protocol BPDUs. |
Port Id | Logical interface identifier configured to participate in the MSTP instance. |
Role Designated | Designated role for the packets in the interface. |
State Forwarding | State of the forwarding packets in the interface. |
Designated Path Cost | Designated cost for the interface. |
Configured Path Cost | Configured cost for the interface. |
Designated Port Id | Port ID of the designated port for the LAN segment this interface is attached to. |
Priority | Specify the port priority. |
Message Age | Number of seconds elapsed since the most recent BPDU was received. |
Forward Timer | The forward delay timer is the time interval that is spent in the listening and learning state. |
Msg Age Timer | The message age contains the length of time that has passed since the root bridge initially originated the BPDU. |
Received RSTP | Number of times the received the RSTP. |
Send RSTP | Number of times transmitted the RSTP. |
show spanning-tree mst
Use this command to display the filtering database values. This command displays the number of instances created, and VLANs associated with it.
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree mst
show spanning-tree mst config
show spanning-tree mst detail
show spanning-tree mst detail interface IFNAME
show spanning-tree mst instance (<1-63>) interface IFNAME
show spanning-tree mst instance (<1-63> | te-msti)
show spanning-tree mst interface IFNAME
Display configuration information.
Display detailed information.
Display interface information.
Display instance information.
Specify the instance identifier.
Traffic Engineering MSTI instance.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show spanning-tree mst
% 1: Bridge up - Spanning Tree Enabled
% 1: CIST Root Path Cost 0 - CIST Root Port 0 - CIST Bridge
Priority 32768
% 1: Forward Delay 15 - Hello Time 2 - Max Age 20 - Max-hops 20
% 1: CIST Root Id 80000002b328530a
% 1: CIST Reg Root Id 80000002b328530a
% 1: CIST Bridge Id 80000002b328530a
% 1: 2 topology change(s) - last topology change Wed Nov 19 22:43:21 2008
% 1: portfast bpdu-filter disabled
% 1: portfast bpdu-guard disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout disabled
% 1: portfast errdisable timeout interval 300 sec%
% Instance VLAN
% 0: 1
% 2: 3-4
Table 4-14 Explains the show command output fields.
Table 4-14: show spanning-tree mst output fields
Field | Description |
Bridge up | A network bridge is networking process that creates a single aggregate network from multiple communication networks or network segments. |
CIST Root Path Cost | Calculated cost to reach the regional root bridge from the bridge where the command is entered. |
CIST Root Port | Interface that is the current elected CIST root port for this bridge. |
CIST Bridge | A CIST bridge is networking process that creates a single aggregate network from multiple communication networks. |
Priority | Specify the port priority. |
Forward Delay | Configured time an STP bridge port remains in the listening and learning states before transitioning to the forwarding state. |
Hello Time | Configured number of seconds between transmissions of configuration BPDUs. |
Max Age | Maximum age of received protocol BPDUs. |
Max-hops | Configured maximum number of hops a BPDU can be forwarded in the MSTP region. |
show spanning-tree statistics
Use this command to display detailed BPDU statistics for a spanning tree instance.
Command Syntax
show spanning-tree statistics bridge <1-32>
show spanning-tree statistics interface IFNAME (instance (<1-63>)| vlan <2-4094>) bridge <1-32>
show spanning-tree statistics (interface IFNAME | (instance (<1-63>) | vlan <1-4094>)) bridge <1-32>
Bridge identifier.
MST instance identifier.
Displays the interface name.
Specify a VLAN identifier, associated with the instance.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
In the following example, bridge-group 1 is configured for IEEE on the eth2 interface.
#show spanning-tree statistics interface eth2 bridge 1
Port number = 4 Interface = eth2
% BPDU Related Parameters
% -----------------------
% Port Spanning Tree : Enable
% Spanning Tree Type : Spanning Tree Protocol
% Current Port State : Forwarding
% Port ID : 8004
% Port Number : 4
% Path Cost : 19
% Message Age : 0
% Designated Root : 80:00:52:54:00:b2:49:c1
% Designated Cost : 0
% Designated Bridge : 80:00:52:54:00:b2:49:c1
% Designated Port Id : 0x8004
% Top Change Ack : FALSE
% Config Pending : FALSE
% PORT Based Information & Statistics
% -----------------------------------
% Config Bpdu's xmitted : 54327
% Config Bpdu's received : 0
% TCN Bpdu's xmitted : 50
% TCN Bpdu's received : 3
% Forward Trans Count : 1
% STATUS of Port Timers
% ---------------------
% Hello Time Configured : 2
% Hello timer : ACTIVE
% Hello Time Value : 0
% Forward Delay Timer : INACTIVE
% Forward Delay Timer Value : 0
% Message Age Timer : INACTIVE
% Message Age Timer Value : 0
% Topology Change Timer : INACTIVE
% Topology Change Timer Value : 0
% Hold Timer : INACTIVE
% Hold Timer Value : 0
% Other Port-Specific Info
% Max Age Transitions : 1
% Msg Age Expiry : 0
% Similar BPDUS Rcvd : 0
% Src Mac Count : 0
% Total Src Mac Rcvd : 3
% Next State : Discard/Blocking
% Topology Change Time : 0
% Other Bridge information & Statistics
% STP Multicast Address : 01:80:c2:00:00:00
% Bridge Priority : 32768
% Bridge Mac Address : 80:00:52:54:00:b2
% Bridge Hello Time : 2
% Bridge Forward Delay : 15
% Topology Change Initiator : 5
% Last Topology Change Occured : Wed Feb 17 09:39:58 2021
% Topology Change : FALSE
% Topology Change Detected : FALSE
% Topology Change Count : 5
% Topology Change Last Recvd from : 00:00:00:00:00:00
Table 4-15 Explains the show command output fields.
Table 4-15: show spanning-tree statistics output fields
Field | Description |
BPDU Related Parameters | Details of the BPDU related parameters. |
PORT Based Information & Statistics | Information of the port and interface for which the statistics are being displayed. |
STATUS of Port Timers | Status of the port timers. |
Other Port-Specific Info | Specific information about the port. |
Other Bridge information & Statistics | Information about bridge and statistics being displayed. |
spanning-tree autoedge
Use this command to assist in automatic identification of the edge port.
Use the no parameter with this command to disable this feature.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree autoedge
no spanning-tree autoedge
By default, spanning-tree autoedge is disabled
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#spanning-tree autoedge
spanning-tree edgeport
Use this command to set a port as an edge-port and to enable rapid transitions.
Use the no parameter with this command to set a port to its default state (not an edge-port) and to disable rapid transitions.
Note: This command is an alias to the spanning-tree portfast command. Both commands can be used interchangeably.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree edgeport
no spanning-tree edgeport
By default, spanning-tree edgeport is disabled
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#spanning-tree edgeport
spanning-tree guard
Use this command to enable the root guard feature for the port. This feature disables reception of superior BPDUs.
The root guard feature makes sure that the port on which it is enabled is a designated port. If the root guard enabled port receives a superior BPDU, it goes to a Listening state (for STP) or discarding state (for RSTP and MSTP).
Use the no parameter with this command to disable the root guard feature for the port.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree guard root
no spanning-tree guard root
Set to disable reception of superior BPDUs
By default, spanning-tree guard root is enabled
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#spanning-tree guard root
spanning-tree instance restricted-role
Use this command to set the restricted role value for the instance to TRUE.
Use the no parameter with this command to set the restricted role value for the instance to FALSE.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree instance <1-63> restricted-role
no spanning-tree instance <1-63> restricted-role
Specify the instance ID range.
By default, restricted-role value is FALSE
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#spanning-tree instance 2 restricted-role
spanning-tree instance restricted-tcn
Use this command to set the restricted TCN value for the instance to TRUE.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree instance <1-63> restricted-tcn
no spanning-tree instance <1-63> restricted
Specify the instance ID range.
By default, restricted TCN value is FALSE
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#spanning-tree instance 2 restricted-tcn
spanning-tree link-type
Use this command to enable or disable point-to-point or shared link types.
RSTP has a backward-compatible STP mode, spanning-tree link-type shared. An alternative is the spanning-tree force-version 0.
Use the no parameter with this command to disable rapid transition.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree link-type auto
spanning-tree link-type point-to-point
spanning-tree link-type shared
no spanning-tree link-type
Sets to either point-to-point or shared based on duplex state.
Enables rapid transition.
Disables rapid transition.
By default, spanning-tree link-type is enabled.
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#spanning-tree link-type point-to-point
(config-if)#no spanning-tree link-type
spanning-tree mst configuration
Use this command to enter the Multiple Spanning Tree Configuration mode.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree mst configuration
No default value is specified.
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#spanning-tree mst configuration
spanning-tree bpdu-filter
Use this command to set the BPDU filter value for individual ports. When the enable or disable parameter is used with this command, this configuration takes precedence over bridge configuration. However, when the default parameter is used with this command, the bridge level BPDU filter configuration takes effect for the port.
Use the
show spanning tree command to display administratively configured and currently running values of the BPDU filter parameter for the bridge and port (see
show spanning-tree).
Use the no parameter with this command to revert the port BPDU filter value to default.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree bpdu-filter (enable|disable|default)
no spanning-tree bpdu-filter
Sets the bpdu-filter to the default level.
Disables the BPDU-filter.
Enables the BPDU-filter.
By default, spanning-tree bpdu-filter is default option
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#spanning-tree bpdu-filter enable
(config-if)#no spanning-tree bpdu-filter
spanning-tree bpdu-guard
Use this command to enable or disable the BPDU Guard feature on a port.
This command supersedes the bridge level configuration for the BPDU Guard feature. When the enable or disable parameter is used with this command, this configuration takes precedence over bridge configuration. However, when the default parameter is used with this command, the bridge-level BPDU Guard configuration takes effect.
Use the
show spanning tree command to display administratively configured and currently running values of the BPDU filter parameter for the bridge and port (see
show spanning-tree).
Use the no parameter with this command to set the BPDU Guard feature on a port to default.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree bpdu-guard (enable|disable|default)
no spanning-tree bpdu-guard
Sets the BPDU-guard to the default level.
Disables the BPDU-guard.
Enables the BPDU-guard.
By default, spanning-tree bpdu-guard is default
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#spanning-tree bpdu-guard enable
(config-if)#no spanning-tree bpdu-guard
spanning-tree restricted-domain-role
Use this command to set the restricted-domain-role value of the port to TRUE.
Use the no parameter with this command to set the restricted-domain-role value of the port to FALSE.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree restricted-domain-role
no spanning-tree restricted-domain-role
By default, restricted-role value is FALSE
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#spanning-tree restricted-domain-role
spanning-tree restricted-role
Use this command to set the restricted-role value of the port to TRUE.
Use the no parameter with this command to set the restricted-role value of the port to FALSE.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree restricted-role
no spanning-tree restricted-role
By default, restricted-role value is FALSE
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#spanning-tree restricted-role
spanning-tree restricted-tcn
Use this command to set the restricted TCN value of the port to TRUE.
Use the no parameter with this command to set the restricted TCN value of the port to FALSE.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree restricted-tcn
no spanning-tree restricted-tcn
By default, restricted TCN value is FALSE
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#spanning-tree restricted-tcn
spanning-tree te-msti configuration
This command is used to put the terminal into the te-msti configuration mode.
After creating a bridge instance and adding VLAN to that bridge instance, use this command to enter te-msti configuration mode.
Command Syntax
spanning-tree te-msti configuration
No default value is specified
Command Mode
Configure mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#spanning-tree te-msti configuration
Use this command to set the rising threshold level for broadcast, multicast, or destination lookup failure traffic. The storm control action occurs when traffic utilization reaches this level.
Storm control is used to block the forwarding of unnecessary flooded traffic. A packet storm occurs when a large number of broadcast packets are received on a port. Forwarding these packets can cause the network to slow down or time out.
Use the no form of this command to disable storm control.
Note: Minimum granularity for storm-control is 64kbps.
Command Syntax
storm-control (broadcast|multicast|dlf) (level LEVEL | <0-1000000000> (kbps|mbps|gbps))
no storm-control (broadcast|multicast|dlf)
Broadcast rate limiting.
Multicast rate limiting.
Destination lookup failure limiting.
Sets the percentage of the threshold.
The percentage of the threshold; percentage of the maximum speed (pps) of the interface <0.0000-99.0000>.
Sets absolute threshold value <0-1000000000>
specifies the units of Kilobits per second.
specifies the units of Megabits per second.
specifies the units of Gigabits per second.
By default, storm control is disabled
Command Mode
Interface mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#configure terminal
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#storm-control broadcast level 30
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#storm-control multicast level 30
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#storm-control multicast 300 mbps
(config)#interface eth0
(config-if)#no storm-control multicast