OcNOS SP : Segment Routing Guide : Path Computation Element Communication Protocol Command Reference : BGP Link State Distribution Commands
BGP Link State Distribution Commands
BGP Link State distribution is achieved by retrieving the Link state and traffic engineering information from OSPF and advertising it through Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI) messages with well-defined TLVs and dedicated address families, called Link States.
BGP Link state capability is a means to collect link state information from OSPF protocol and organizing it into Node, Link, and Prefix NLRIs, and then advertising them to a BGP speaker connected to an external application, such as Path Computation Elements (PCE).
Use this command to advertise BGP link-state capability to BGP peers.
Use the no form of this command to not advertise BGP link-state capability to BGP peers.
Command Syntax
address-family link-state link-state
Command Mode
BGP router mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 4.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#router bgp 100
(config-router)#neighbor update-source lo
(config-router)#neighbor remote-as 100
(config-router)#address-family link-state link-state
(config-router-af)#neighbor activate
debug bgp link-state
Use this command to enable debug logs for BGP link-state distribution.
Use the no form of this command to disable debug logs for BGP link-state distribution.
Command Syntax
debug bgp link-state
no debug bgp link-state
Command Mode
Exec and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 4.0.
#debug bgp link-state
debug ip ospf dist-ls
Use this command to enable debug logs for OSPF link-state distribution.
Use the no form of this command to disable debug logs for OSPF link-state distribution.
Command Syntax
debug ip ospf dist-ls
no debug ip ospf dist-ls
Command Mode
Exec and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 4.0.
#debug ip ospf dist-ls
debug isis dist-ls
Use this command to enable debug logs for ISIS link-state distribution.
Use the no form of this command to disable debug logs for ISIS link-state distribution.
Command Syntax
debug isis dist-ls
no debug isis dist-ls
Command Mode
Exec and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 4.0.
#debug isis dist-ls
distribute bgp-ls
Use this command to enable BGP link-state capability in an OSPF or ISIS router instance.
Use the no form of this command to disable BGP link-state capability in an OSPF or ISIS router instance.
Command Syntax
distribute bgp-ls (throttle <5-20>|)
no distribute bgp-ls (throttle |)
Throttle time in seconds to process link-state distribution queue. The default is 5 seconds.
BGP link-state capability is disabled. The default throttle time is 5 seconds.
Command Mode
OSPF router mode
ISIS router mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 4.0.
#configure terminal
(config)#router ospf
(config-ospf)#distribute bgp-ls throttle 10
#configure terminal
(config)#router isis
(config-ospf)#distribute bgp-ls throttle 10
show bgp link-state
Use this command display the Link State information advertised by BGP.
Command Syntax
show bgp link-state (NLRI|self-originate|adv-router A.B.C.D|count|)
NLRI string
Self-originated link-state
Advertised link-state
Advertised router ID
Number of NLRIs
Command Mode
Exec and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 4.0.
#debian-x86_64#show bgp link-state link-state
BGP router identifier, local AS number 100
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP
Prefix codes: E link, V node, T IP reacheable route, I Identifier
N local node, R remote node, L link, P prefix
L1/L2 ISIS level-1/level-2, O OSPF, a area-ID,
c confed-ID/ASN, b bgp-identifier, r router-ID,
i if-address, n nbr-address, o OSPF Route-type,
p IP-prefix d designated router address
i [V][O][I0xa][N[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.1]]/216
i [V][O][I0xa][N[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.2]]/216
i [V][O][I0xa][N[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.2d25.0.0.2]]/248
i [V][O][I0xa][N[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.2d35.0.0.1]]/248
i [V][O][I0xa][N[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.3]]/216
i [E][O][I0xa][N[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.2d25.0.0.2][R[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.1]][L[i25.0.0.2][n25.0.0.1]]/376
i [E][O][I0xa][N[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.2d25.0.0.2][R[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.2]][L[i25.0.0.2][n25.0.0.2]]/376
i [E][O][I0xa][N[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.2d35.0.0.1][R[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.2]][L[i35.0.0.1][n35.0.0.1]]/376
i [T][O][I0xa][N[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.1]][P[0x1][p192.168.0.1/32]]/264
i [T][O][I0xa][N[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.2]][P[0x1][p192.168.0.2/32]]/264
i [T][O][I0xa][N[c100][b192.168.0.3][a0.0.0.0][r192.168.0.3]][P[0x1][p192.168.0.3/32]]/264
NLRIs, Total: 27, Node: 10, Link: 11, Prefix: 6
debian-x86_64#show bgp link-state link-state count
Total NLRIs : 16
Node NLRIs : 5
Link NLRIs : 8
Prefix NLRIs : 3
debian-x86_64#show bgp link-state link-state adv-router
BGP router identifier, local AS number 100
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP
Prefix codes: E link, V node, T IP reacheable route, I Identifier
N local node, R remote node, L link, P prefix
L1/L2 ISIS level-1/level-2, O OSPF, a area-ID,
c confed-ID/ASN, b bgp-identifier, r router-ID,
i if-address, n nbr-address, o OSPF Route-type,
p IP-prefix d designated router address
NLRIs, Total: 3, Node: 1, Link: 1, Prefix: 1
debian-x86_64#show bgp link-state link-state self-originate
BGP router identifier, local AS number 100
Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP
Prefix codes: E link, V node, T IP reacheable route, I Identifier
N local node, R remote node, L link, P prefix
L1/L2 ISIS level-1/level-2, O OSPF, a area-ID,
c confed-ID/ASN, b bgp-identifier, r router-ID,
i if-address, n nbr-address, o OSPF Route-type,
p IP-prefix d designated router address