IS-IS Show Commands
This chapter provides describes the IS-IS show commands:
show clns is-neighbors
Use this command to display IS neighbor adjacencies.
Command Syntax
show clns is-neighbors (detail|)
show clns WORD is-neighbors (detail|)
show clns is-neighbors IFNAME (detail|)
show clns WORD is-neighbors IFNAME (detail|)
Detailed information.
Information for a single IS-IS area.
Information for a single interface.
Command Mode
Exec mode and Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show clns is-neighbors detail
Tag abc: VRF : default
System Id Interface State Type Priority Circuit Id
0000.0000.0003 eth1 Up L1 64 0000.0000.0003.01
L1 Adjacency ID: 1
L2 Adjacency ID: 2
Uptime: 00:12:31
Area Address(es): 52
IP Address(es):
Level-1 Protocols Supported: IPv4
Adjacency advertisement: Advertise
Table 4-61 explains the fields in the output.
Table 4-61: show clns is-neighbors output
Field | Description |
Tag | Name that identifies the IS-IS area. |
VRF | VRF name. |
System Id | Uniquely identifies a system within an area. |
Interface | Interface from which the system was learned. |
State | Adjacency state: Init: Router is an IS and is waiting for an IS-IS hello message. IS-IS regards the neighbor as not adjacent. Up: IS is considered reachable |
Type | Type of adjacency: L1: Router adjacency for level 1 routing only L2: Router adjacency for level 2 only L1L2: Router adjacency for level 1 and level 2 routing |
Priority | IS-IS priority that the respective neighbor is advertising. The highest priority neighbor is elected the designated IS-IS router for the interface. |
Circuit Id | Number that the router uses to uniquely identify its IS-IS interface. When the interface is attached to a broadcast network, the Circuit ID is concatenated with System ID of the designated router for the interface. |
Adjacency ID | Adjacency identifier. |
Uptime | How long the adjacency has existed. |
Area Addresses | Area addresses associated with the intermediate-system adjacencies. |
IPv4/IPv6 address(es) | IP addresses of the ES or IS. |
Protocols Supported | IPv4 and/or IPv6. |
Adjacency advertisement | Restart: Suppress or Advertise. |
show clns neighbors
Use this command to display ES and IS neighbor adjacencies.
Command Syntax
show clns neighbors (detail|)
show clns WORD neighbors (detail|)
show clns neighbors IFNAME (detail|)
show clns WORD neighbors IFNAME (detail|)
Detailed information for all interfaces.
Information for a single IS-IS area.
Information for a single interface.
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show clns neighbors detail
Tag abc: VRF : default
System Id Interface SNPA State Holdtime Type Protocol
0000.0000.0003 eth1 0800.277b.411d Up 6 L1 IS-IS
L1 Adjacency ID: 1
L2 Adjacency ID: 2
Uptime: 00:15:58
Area Address(es): 52
IP Address(es):
Level-1 Protocols Supported: IPv4
Adjacency advertisement: Advertise
Table 4-62 explains the fields in the output.
Table 4-62: show clns neighbors output
Field | Description |
Tag | Name that identifies the IS-IS area. |
VRF | VRF name. |
System Id | Uniquely identifies a system within an area. |
Interface | Interface from which the system was learned. |
SNPA | SubNetwork Point of Attachment (SNPA): MAC address of the next-hop. |
State | Adjacency state: Init: Router is an IS and is waiting for an IS-IS hello message. IS-IS regards the neighbor as not adjacent. Up: ES or IS is considered reachable |
Holdtime | Number of seconds before this adjacency entry times out. |
Type | Type of adjacency: L1: Router adjacency for level 1 routing only L2: Router adjacency for level 2 only L1L2: Router adjacency for level 1 and level 2 routing |
Protocol | Protocol through which the adjacency was learned. |
Adjacency ID | Adjacency identifier. |
Uptime | How long the adjacency has existed. |
Area Addresses | Area addresses associated with the intermediate-system adjacencies. |
IPv4/IPv6 address(es) | IP addresses of the ES or IS. |
Topology | IPv4 and/or IPv6. |
Protocols Supported | IPv4 and/or IPv6. |
Adjacency advertisement | Restart: Suppress or Advertise. |
show cspf rsvp forwarding-timer
This command displays the information of Graceful Restart capable RSVP client to ISIS or OSPF, CSPF that are currently shutdown.
Command Syntax
show cspf rsvp forwarding-timer
Command Mode
Privileged Exec modes
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 5.0.
#sh cspf rsvp forwarding-timer
CSPF Server Protocol-Name GR-State Time Remaining (sec) Disconnected-time
ISIS RSVP ACTIVE 88 2021/08/18 04:49:23
show debugging isis
Use this command to display the status of the debugging of the ISIS system.
Command Syntax
show debugging isis
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show debugging isis
IS-IS debugging status:
IS-IS Interface FSM debugging is on
IS-IS Neighbor FSM debugging is on
IS-IS events debugging is on
IS-IS PDU debugging is on
IS-IS lsp debugging is on
IS-IS spf debugging is on
IS-IS NSM debugging is on
IS-IS Check-sum debugging is on
IS-IS Authentication debugging is on
IS-IS Protocol-error debugging is on
IS-IS Local Updates debugging is on
IS-IS Hello debugging is on
IS-IS BFD debugging is on
IS-IS MPLS debugging is on
IS-IS RIB debugging is on
show ip isis igp-shortcut-lsp
Use this command to display IS-IS shortcut MPLS label-switched paths (LSPs).
Command Syntax
show ip isis (WORD|) igp-shortcut-lsp
Information for a single IS-IS area.
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show ip isis igp-shortcut-lsp
Table 4-63 explains the fields in the output.
Table 4-63: show ip isis igp-shortcut-lsp output
Field | Description |
Tunnel-endpoint | Tunnel endpoint address. |
Tunnel-id | Tunnel identifier. |
Tunnel-metric | Tunnel metric. |
active/inactive | Whether the tunnel is active or inactive. |
show ip isis route
Use this command to display IS-IS routing table for IPv4.
Command Syntax
show ip isis (WORD|) route
Information for a single IS-IS area.
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show ip isis route
Codes: C - connected, E - external, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, D - discard, e - external metric
Tag xyz: VRF : default
Destination Metric Next-Hop Interface Tag
L1 20 eth1 0
C 10 – eth1 0
Each entry in this table has a code preceding it, indicating the source of the routing entry.
Table 4-64 shows these codes.
Table 4-64 explains the fields in the output.
Table 4-64: route codes and modifiers
Code | Description |
C | Routes directly connected to the local device that were not distributed via IGP. The device inherently knows of these networks, so there is no need to learn about these from another device. Connected routes are preferred over routes for the same network learned from other routing protocols. |
E | External. |
L1 | IS-IS level-1. |
L2 | IS-IS level-2. |
ia | IS-IS inter area (leaked). |
D | Discard route. A device performing summarization installs a discard route in its routing table for the summarized network range to prevent routing loops where portions of the summarized network range do not have a more specific route in the RIB. External and internal discard route entries are installed by default. During route summarization, routing loops can happen if data sent to a nonexisting network appears to be a part of the summary, and the router doing the summarization has a less specific route that points back to the sending router for the network. |
e | External metric. Routes can be redistributed into IS-IS with either internal or external metrics (internal is the default). The metric type determines the base metric value of the redistributed routes. The value of an internal metric is lower than 64. The value of an external metric is 64-128. |
Route Entry Fields
Table 4-65 shows the route entry fields.
Table 4-65: route entry fields
Field | Description |
Code | As explained in Table 4-64. |
Tag | Name that identifies the IS-IS area. |
VRF | VRF name. |
Destination | IP address of the remote network. |
Metric | ISIS metric used for SPF calculation (1-63). When a route is imported into the IS-IS network without a specified metric, IS-IS uses 10 for the metric value and the value is applied to both level-1 and level-2. |
Next-Hop | This route is available through the next hop router located at this IP address. This identifies exactly where packets go when they match this route. |
Interface | Interface used to get to the next-hop address for this route. |
Tag | Name that identifies the IS-IS area. |
show ip isis route igp-shortcut
Use this command to display the IS-IS IGP shortcut routing table.
Command Syntax
show ip isis (WORD|) route igp-shortcut
Information for an IS-IS area.
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show ip isis new_isis route igp-shortcut
Codes: C - connected, E - external, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2
ia - IS-IS inter area, D - discard, e - external metric
Tag aa: VRF : default
Destination Metric Tunnel-ID Tunnel-End-Point
Each entry in this table has a code preceding it, indicating the source of the routing entry.
Table 4-66 shows these codes.
Table 4-66: Route codes and modifiers
Code | Description |
C | Routes directly connected to the local device that were not distributed via IGP. The device inherently knows of these networks, so there is no need to learn about these from another device. Connected routes are preferred over routes for the same network learned from other routing protocols. |
E | External. |
L1 | IS-IS level-1. |
L2 | IS-IS level-2. |
ia | IS-IS inter area (leaked). |
D | Discard route. A device performing summarization installs a discard route in its routing table for the summarized network range to prevent routing loops where portions of the summarized network range do not have a more specific route in the RIB. External and internal discard route entries are installed by default. During route summarization, routing loops can happen if data sent to a nonexisting network appears to be a part of the summary, and the router doing the summarization has a less specific route that points back to the sending router for the network. |
e | External metric. Routes can be redistributed into IS-IS with either internal or external metrics (internal is the default). The metric type determines the base metric value of the redistributed routes. The value of an internal metric is lower than 64. The value of an external metric is 64-128. |
Route Entry Fields
Table 4-67 shows the route entry fields.
Table 4-67: Route entry fields
Field | Description |
Code | As explained in Table 4-64. |
Tag | Name that identifies the IS-IS area. |
VRF | VRF name. |
Destination | IP address. |
Metric | Tunnel metric. |
Tunnel-ID | Tunnel identifier. |
Tunnel-End-Point | Tunnel endpoint address. |
show ip protocols
Use this command to display IP process parameters and statistics.
Command Syntax
show ip protocols
show ip protocols isis
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "isis 1 "
Area Address(es): 52
Distance : (default is 115)
Table 4-68 explains the output fields.
Table 4-68: show ip protocols output
Field | Description |
Routing Protocol | “isis” and the name that identifies the IS-IS area. |
Redistributing | Protocols being redistributed (such as RIP, OSPF, or BGP), including metric, metric type (internal or external), and route map. |
redistribute isis | Whether redistributing IS-IS level-1 into level-2 and vice versa. |
Area Address | Network address of the areas into which the routing process is injecting routes. |
Distance: (default is 115) | Administrative distance. |
show ip route fast-reroute
Use this command to display Loop Free Alternate Fast Reroute (LFA FRR) routes.
Command Syntax
show ip route fast-reroute
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 3.0.
#show ip route fast-reroute
Codes: K - kernel, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, B - BGP
O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area ,p - stale info
* - candidate default
IP Route Table for VRF "default"
i L1 [115/10] via, eth1, 00:00:50
[FRR-NH] via, eth3
i L1 [115/15] via, eth2, 00:00:50
[FRR-NH] via, eth1
i L1 [115/15] via, eth1, 00:00:50
[FRR-NH] via, eth2
show ip isis route fast-reroute
Use this command to display Loop Free Alternate Fast Reroute (LFA FRR) route information and interfaces on which LFA FRR is disabled.
Command Syntax
show ip isis (WORD|) route fast-reroute
Routing area tag.
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 3.0.
#show ip route fast-reroute
Codes: K - kernel, C - connected, S - static, R - RIP, B - BGP
O - OSPF, IA - OSPF inter area
N1 - OSPF NSSA external type 1, N2 - OSPF NSSA external type 2 E1 - OSPF external type 1, E2 - OSPF external type 2
i - IS-IS, L1 - IS-IS level-1, L2 - IS-IS level-2, ia - IS-IS inter area ,p - stale info
* - candidate default
IP Route Table for VRF "default"
i L1 [115/10] via, eth1, 00:00:50
[FRR-NH] via, eth3
i L1 [115/15] via, eth2, 00:00:50
[FRR-NH] via, eth1
i L1 [115/15] via, eth1, 00:00:50
[FRR-NH] via, eth2
show ip isis lfa-config
Use this command to display the Loop Free Alternate Fast Reroute (LFA FRR) tie-break preferences for protection types and the termination hold-on timer.
Command Syntax
show ip isis (WORD|) lfa-config (level-1|level-2)
Routing area tag.
Level 1 only.
level-2 Level 2 only
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 3.0.
#show ip isis lfa-config level-1
TIE-Breaker Preference values
Primary Path: 20
Link Protecting: 30
Node Protecting: 60
Broadcast Interface Disjoint: 70
Secondary Path: 0
Downstream Path: 0
Termination Hold On Interval : 1000 ms
show ipv6 isis topology
Use this command to display IPv6 paths to Intermediate Systems.
Command Syntax
show ipv6 isis topology (level-1|level-2|)
show ipv6 isis WORD topology (level-1|level-2|)
Display information for specified instance.
Display the path to all level-1 routers in the area.
Display the path to all level-2 routers in the domain.
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show ipv6 isis topology
Tag abc: VRF : default
IS-IS paths to level-1 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
000F.0000.0001 --
000F.0000.0002 10 000F.0000.0002 eth2 0006.5B0E.D27D
IS-IS paths to level-2 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
0000.0000.0001 10 0000.0000.0001 eth2 0000.0CFA.F002
Table 4-69 explains the output fields.
Table 4-69: show ipv6 isis topology output
Field | Description |
Tag | Name that identifies the IS-IS area. |
VRF | VRF name. |
IS-IS paths to level-n routers | Each IS-IS level has a section with topology information. |
System Id | Uniquely identifies a system within an area. |
Metric | ISIS metric used for SPF calculation (1-63). |
Next-Hop | This route is available through the next hop router located at this IP address. |
Interface | Interface from which the system was learned. |
SNPA | SubNetwork Point of Attachment (SNPA): MAC address of the device. |
show isis counter
Use this command to display the MIB variables used to construct routing tables for IP networks for IS-IS as defined in RFC 4444.
Command Syntax
show isis counter
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show isis counter
Tag abc: VRF : default
IS-IS Level-1 isisSystemCounterEntry:
isisSysStatCorrLSPs: 0
isisSysStatAuthTypeFails: 0
isisSysStatAuthFails: 0
isisSysStatLSPDbaseOloads: 0
isisSysStatManAddrDropFromAreas: 0
isisSysStatAttmptToExMaxSeqNums: 0
isisSysStatSeqNumSkips: 0
isisSysStatOwnLSPPurges: 0
isisSysStatIDFieldLenMismatches: 0
isisSysStatMaxAreaAddrMismatches: 0
isisSysStatPartChanges: 0
isisSysStatSPFRuns: 7
isisSysStatPRCRuns: 0
IS-IS Level-2 isisSystemCounterEntry:
isisSysStatCorrLSPs: 0
isisSysStatAuthTypeFails: 0
isisSysStatAuthFails: 0
isisSysStatLSPDbaseOloads: 0
isisSysStatManAddrDropFromAreas: 0
isisSysStatAttmptToExMaxSeqNums: 0
isisSysStatSeqNumSkips: 0
isisSysStatOwnLSPPurges: 0
isisSysStatIDFieldLenMismatches: 0
isisSysStatMaxAreaAddrMismatches: 0
isisSysStatPartChanges: 0
isisSysStatSPFRuns: 3
isisSysStatPRCRuns: 0
show isis database
Use this command to display link-state database (LSDB) database information. The LSDB is the core of IS-IS routing. All link-state information advertised by neighbors in the same area is stored in the LSDB.
Command Syntax
show isis database
show isis database (detail|verbose)
show isis database (detail|verbose) WORD
show isis database (detail|verbose) WORD (level-1|level-2)
show isis database (detail|verbose) (level-1|level-2)
show isis database (detail|verbose) (level-1|level-2) WORD
show isis database WORD
show isis database WORD (level-1|level-2)
show isis database WORD (level-1|level-2) (detail|verbose)
show isis database WORD (detail|verbose)
show isis database WORD (detail|verbose) (level-1|level-2)
show isis database (level-1|level-2)
show isis database (level-1|level-2) (detail|verbose)
show isis database (level-1|level-2) (detail|verbose) WORD
show isis database (level-1|level-2) WORD
show isis database (level-1|level-2) WORD (detail|verbose)
Detailed information.
Verbose information.
Link-state packet (LSP) identifier in the form of XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XX-XX.
IS-IS level-1.
IS-IS level-2.
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show isis database detail
Area bb:
IS-IS Level-1 Link State Database:
LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL
000F.0000.0001.00-00* 0x00000007 0xE15E 1188 1/0/0
Area Address: 49.000F
IP Address:
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 10 IS 000F.0000.0001.02
000F.0000.0001.02-00* 0x00000003 0x3C66 1026 1/0/0
Metric: 0 IS 000F.0000.0001.00
Metric: 0 IS 000F.0000.0002.00
000F.0000.0002.00-00 0x00000003 0x8C4B 1025 1/0/0
Area Address: 49.000F
Hostname: isisd@redhat
IP Address:
Metric: 10 IP
Metric: 10 IS 000F.0000.0001.02
Table 4-70 explains the output fields.
Table 4-70: show isis database output
Field | Description |
Tag | Name that identifies the IS-IS area. |
VRF | VRF name. |
IS-IS Level-n Link State Database | Each IS-IS level has a section with Link-State Packet (LSP) information. |
LSPID | Link-state packet identifier in the form of XXXX.XXXX.XXXX.XX-XX. The first six octets (“XXXX.XXXX.XXXX”) are the system identifier of the router that originated the LSP. The next octet is the pseudonode identifier: • When this octet is nonzero, the LSP describes links from a designated router (pseudonode) that creates and floods an LSP that describes all systems attached to the network. This mechanism is similar to a router link-state advertisement (LSA) in OSPF. • When this octet is zero, the LSP is from a nonpseudonode which describes the state of the originating router. The last octet is the LSP number. If the value is 0x00, the entire LSP was carried in one LSP. If there is more data than can fit in a single LSP, the LSP is divided into multiple LSP fragments and each fragment has a different LSP number. An asterisk (*) means the LSP originated on the system where the command was given. |
LSP Seq Num | LSP sequence number. |
LSP Checksum | LSP checksum. |
LSP Holdtime | Amount of time the LSP remains valid (in seconds). An LSP hold time of zero means the LSP was purged and is being removed from the link-state database (LSDB) of all routers. The value indicates how long the purged LSP will stay in the LSDB before being completely removed. |
ATT | Attached bit. A Level-2 IS indicates its attachment to other areas by setting its attached bit in its Level-1 LSP 0. In other words, this is only set for inter-area routes. Level 1-only routers and Level 1-2 routers that have lost connection to other Level 2 routers will use the attach bit to find the closest Level-2 router. They will point a default route to the closest Level-2 router. |
P | Partition repair. A Level-1 area can become partitioned; this bit means the partition can be repaired via use of Level-2 routes. |
OL | Overload bit. Determines whether the IS is congested. When the overload-bit is set in an LSP, other routers will not use this router as a transit router during SPF calculation. Only packets for destinations directly connected to the overloaded router will be sent to this router. |
This command also displays information about the IS-IS TLVs in
Table 4-71 if present in an LSP. For more about the TLV information, search for “IS-IS TLV Codepoints” on the Internet, check ISO/IEC 10589:2002(E), or other standard mentioned in
Table 4-71.
Table 4-71: IS-IS TLV Codepoints
IS-IS TLV Codepoint | Description | Standard |
1 | Area Addresses | ISO 10589 |
2 | IIS Neighbors | ISO 10589 |
3 | ES Neighbors | ISO 10589 |
10 | Authentication | ISO 10589, RFC 6233 |
22 | Extended IS reachability | RFC 5305 |
128 | IP internal reachability | RFC 1195, RFC 5302 |
129 | Protocols supported | RFC 1195 |
130 | IP external reachability | RFC 1195, RFC 5302 |
132 | IP interface address | RFC 1195 |
134 | Traffic engineering router ID | RFC 5305 |
135 | Extended IP reachability | RFC 5305 |
137 | Host name | RFC 5301, RFC 6233 |
222 | Multi IS reachability | RFC 5120 |
229 | Multi topology | RFC 5120 |
232 | IPv6 interface address | RFC 5308 |
235 | Multi IPv4 reachability | RFC 5120 |
236 | IPv6 reachability | RFC 5308 |
237 | Multi IPv6 reachability | RFC 5120 |
show isis interface
Use this command to display detailed interface information.
Command Syntax
show isis interface
show isis interface IFNAME
show isis interface counter
Interface name.
Interface counters.
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
>show isis interface
eth2 is up, line protocol is up
Routing Protocol: IS-IS (abc)
Network Type: Broadcast
Circuit Type: level-2
Local circuit ID: 0x01
Extended Local circuit ID: 0x00000004
Local SNPA: 0800.2731.a9a0
IP interface address:
IPv6 interface address:
Level-2 Metric: 10/10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: 0000.0000.0001.01
Number of active level-2 adjacencies: 0
Level-2 LSP MTU: 1492
Next IS-IS LAN Level-2 Hello in 9 seconds
eth1 is up, line protocol is up
Routing Protocol: IS-IS (abc)
Network Type: Broadcast
Circuit Type: level-1
Local circuit ID: 0x02
Extended Local circuit ID: 0x00000003
Local SNPA: 0800.2714.e7f8
IP interface address:
IPv6 interface address:
Level-1 Metric: 10/10, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: 0000.0000.0003.01
Number of active level-1 adjacencies: 1
Level-1 LSP MTU: 1492
Next IS-IS LAN Level-1 Hello in 5 seconds
>show isis interface eth1
eth1 is up, line protocol is up
Routing Protocol: IS-IS ((null))
Network Type: Broadcast
Circuit Type: level-1
Local circuit ID: 0x02
Extended Local circuit ID: 0x00000003
Local SNPA: 0800.27e3.0e64
IP interface address:
IPv6 interface address:
LDP-ISIS Sync Configured
Holddown timer = 100 seconds, Remaining time = 90 seconds
Level-1 Metric: 63/16777214, Priority: 64, Circuit ID: 0000.0000.0001.02
Number of active level-1 adjacencies: 1
Level-1 LSP MTU: 1492
Next IS-IS LAN Level-1 Hello in 1 seconds
Table 4-72 explains the output fields.
Table 4-72: show isis interface
Field | Description |
IFNAME is up, line protocol is up/down | Whether the interface is up or down |
Routing Protocol | “IS-IS” and the name that identifies the IS-IS instance. |
Network Type | • Broadcast • Point-to-Point • Loopback |
Circuit Type | Whether the interface is configured for: • Local routing: level-1 • Area routing: level 2 • Local and area routing: level-1-2 |
Local circuit ID | Local circuit identifier assigned when interface is created. Each IS-IS interface is assigned a circuit identifier to identify the interface within the link-state database. If the interface is attached to a multiaccess network, the circuit ID is concatenated with the system ID of the designated IS. This is called the pseudonode ID. |
Extended Local circuit ID | Interface index. |
Local SNPA | SubNetwork Point of Attachment: for broadcast networks, MAC address. |
IP interface address | IPv4 addresses assigned to IS-IS interface. |
IPv6 interface address | IPv6 addresses assigned to IS-IS interface. |
LDP-ISIS Sync Configured | LDP IS-IS synchronization is enabled. |
Holddown timer | Delay for notifications of LDP convergence to IS-IS |
Remaining time | Remaining LDP convergence hold time in seconds. |
Holddown timer not configured | The LDP convergence holddown timer has not been set. |
Level-1 Metric | Interface metric value; used for SPF calculation. |
Priority | Priority for designated IS election. |
Circuit ID | Unique ID assigned to a circuit internally. |
Number of active level-1 adjacencies | Number of adjacencies formed with a neighboring router. |
Level-1 LSP MTU | Maximum transmission unit: maximum transmission size for a packet on this interface. |
Level-2 Metric | Interface metric value; used for SPF calculation. |
Priority | Priority for designated IS election. |
Circuit ID | Unique ID assigned to a circuit internally. |
Number of active level-2 adjacencies | Number of adjacencies formed with a neighboring router. |
Level-2 LSP MTU | Maximum transmission unit: maximum transmission size for a packet on this interface. |
Next IS-IS LAN Level-1 Hello | For broadcast networks, when the next IS hello will be sent on this interface. |
Next IS-IS LAN Level-2 Hello | For broadcast networks, when the next IS hello will be sent on this interface. |
Next IS-IS Hello in | For point-to-point networks, when the next IS hello will be sent on this interface. |
Bandwidth | Traffic engineering: interface bandwidth. |
Maximum reservable bandwidth | Traffic engineering: maximum reservable interface bandwidth. |
Available bandwidth at priority | Traffic engineering: available interface bandwidth at priority. |
Bidirectional Forwarding Detection is disabled/enabled/configured | BFD state |
show isis microloop-avoidance
Use this command to display microloop avoidance FSM states, timer values, and the oFIB route table.
Command Syntax
show isis microloop-avoidance (level-1|level-2|) (detail|)
Display level-1 information only
Display level-2 information only
Display detailed information for one or both levels
Command Mode
Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.3.0.
PE1#sh isis microloop-avoidance
Tag 1: VRF : default
Level-1 status:
Level-2 status:
PE1#show isis microloop-avoidance detail
Tag 1: VRF : default
Level-1 status:
Event type: Neighbor Down
Near end: 0000.0000.0001.00 Far end:0000.0000.0004.00
Hold-down timer running: Yes Time Remaining: 00:00:02.716
Delay timer running: No
Level-2 status:
oFIB Route Table:
Destination Metric Next-Hop Interface Tag
L1 30 xe2 0
Src: 0000.0000.0003
L1 40 xe2 0
Src: 0000.0000.0004
L1 30 xe2 0
Src: 0000.0000.0003
show isis spf-logs
Use this command to display the Shortest Path First (SPF) related information. It also display Partial Route Calculation (PRC) related information only when prc-interval-exp is enabled.
Command Syntax
show isis (WORD|) spf-logs (level-1|level-2|level-1-2)
Routing area tag.
Level 1 only.
Level 2 only.
Level 1-2
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 3.0.
#show isis spf-logs level-1
Tag 1: VRF : default
Level-1 spf logs:
Next SPF is not scheduled yet
SPF schedule delay min 0 secs 500 msecs
SPF schedule delay max 50 secs 0 msecs
SPF algorithm executed 5 times
SPF algorithm last executed 00:05:06.106 ago
PRC logs:
Next PRC is not scheduled yet
PRC schedule delay min 16 secs 0 msecs
PRC schedule delay max 65 secs 0 msecs
PRC algorithm executed 2 times
PRC algorithm last executed 00:03:58.256 ago
show isis topology
Use this command to display paths to Intermediate Systems.
Command Syntax
show isis topology (level-1|level-2|)
show isis WORD topology (level-1|level-2|)
Display information for specified instance.
Display the path to all level-1 routers in the area.
Display the path to all level-2 routers in the domain.
Command Mode
Exec mode, Privileged Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show isis topology
Tag abc: VRF : default
IS-IS paths to level-1 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
000F.0000.0001 --
000F.0000.0002 10 000F.0000.0002 eth2 0006.5B0E.D27D
IS-IS paths to level-2 routers
System Id Metric Next-Hop Interface SNPA
0000.0000.0001 10 0000.0000.0001 eth2 0000.0CFA.F002
Table 4-73 explains the output fields.
Table 4-73: show isis topology output
Field | Description |
Tag | Name that identifies the IS-IS area. |
VRF | VRF name. |
IS-IS paths to level-n routers | Each IS-IS level has a section with topology information. |
System Id | Uniquely identifies a system within an area. |
Metric | ISIS metric used for SPF calculation (1-63). |
Next-Hop | This route is available through the next hop router located at this IP address. |
Interface | Interface from which the system was learned. |
SNPA | SubNetwork Point of Attachment (SNPA): MAC address of the device. |
show running-config interface isis
Use this command to display the ISIS interface configuration.
Command Syntax
show running-config interface IFNAME isis
Interface name.
Command Mode
Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
#show running-config interface eth0 isis
interface eth0
isis tag 500 level-1
show running-config router isis
Use this command to display the ISIS router configuration.
Command Syntax
show running-config router isis
Command Mode
Exec mode
This command was introduced before OcNOS version 1.3.
(config-router)#show running-config router isis
router isis 1
passive-interface eth1