Bridge1#configure terminal | Enter configure mode. |
Bridge1(config)#hardware-profile filter cfm-domain-name-str enable | Enable CFM domain name as string. |
Bridge1(config)#interface xe6 | Enter interface mode xe6. |
Bridge1(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe6 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge1(config-if)#interface xe6.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe6.1 within the physical interface xe6. |
Bridge1(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge1(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 700 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 700. |
Bridge1(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe6. |
Bridge1(config)#interface xe8 | Enter interface mode xe8. |
Bridge1(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe8 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge1(config)#interface xe8.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe8.1 within the physical interface xe8. |
Bridge1(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge1(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 700 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 700. |
Bridge1(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe8. |
Bridge1(config)#bridge-domain 1 | Enter bridge domain configure mode and configure bridge domain instance 1. |
Bridge1(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe6.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe6.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge1(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe8.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe8.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge1(config-bridge-domain)#exit | Exit bridge domain mode. |
Bridge1(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P542 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P542, and level 5. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma542 | Create a CFM Maintenance Association (MA) type as a string with the name ma542. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 542 active true xe8.1 | Create a down MEP 542 for xe8.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enable Continuity Check (CC) multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 452 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 452. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge1(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P522 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P522, and level 5. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma522 | Create a CFM MA type as a string with the name ma522. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 522 active true xe6.1 | Create a down MEP 522 for xe6.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enables CC multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 252 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 252. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge1(config)#g8032 ring RING1 | Create a G.8032 ring named RING1. |
Bridge1(g8032-ring-config)#east-interface xe8.1 | Associate xe8.1 interface as the east interface in RING1. |
Bridge1(g8032-ring-config)#west-interface xe6.1 | Associate xe6.1 interface as the west interface in RING1. |
Bridge1(g8032-ring-config)#g8032 profile profile1 | Create a G.8032 profile named profile1. |
Bridge1(g8032-profile-config)#timer wait-to-restore 1 | Configure the wait-to-restore timer for 1 minute. |
Bridge1(g8032-profile-config)#timer hold-off 0 | Configure the hold-off timer with a value of 0. |
Bridge1(g8032-profile-config)#timer guard-timer 10 | Configure the guard timer with a value of 10 milliseconds. |
Bridge1(g8032-profile-config)#switching mode revertive | Configure the switching mode as revertive. |
Bridge1(g8032-profile-config)#exit | Exit profile configure mode and return to the ring configure mode. |
Bridge1(g8032-ring-config)#exit | Exit ring configure mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge1(config)#g8032 erp-instance erp1 | Create a G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance named erp1. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#ring-type major-ring | Configure the ring type as a major ring. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#ring RING1 | Associate RING1 with the ERP instance erp1. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#rpl role non-owner | Configure the node as a non-owner node in the ring. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#g8032-profile profile1 | Associate profile1 with erp1 instance. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel level 7 | Configure the R-APS channel level as 7. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel vlan 200 | Configure the APS channel VLAN as 200. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#ring-id 1 | Configure the ring ID as 1. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#commit | Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#end | Exit G.8032 configure mode. |
Bridge2#configure terminal | Enter configure mode. |
Bridge2(config)#hardware-profile filter cfm-domain-name-str enable | Enable CFM domain name as string. |
Bridge2(config)#interface xe3 | Enter interface mode xe3. |
Bridge2(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe6 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge2(config-if)#interface xe3.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe3.1 within the physical interface xe3. |
Bridge2(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge2(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 700 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 700. |
Bridge2(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe6. |
Bridge2(config)#interface xe8 | Enter interface mode xe8. |
Bridge2(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe8 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge2(config)#interface xe8.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe8.1 within the physical interface xe8. |
Bridge2(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge2(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 700 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 700. |
Bridge2(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe8. |
Bridge2(config)#bridge-domain 1 | Enter bridge domain configure mode and configure bridge domain instance 1. |
Bridge2(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe3.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe3.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge2(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe8.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe8.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge2(config-bridge-domain)#exit | Exit bridge domain mode. |
Bridge2(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P542 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P542, and level 5. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma542 | Create a CFM Maintenance Association (MA) type as a string with the name ma542. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 452 active true xe8.1 | Create a down MEP 452 for xe8.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enable Continuity Check (CC) multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 542 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 542. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge2(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P432 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P432, and level 5. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma432 | Create a CFM MA type as a string with the name ma432. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 432 active true xe3.1 | Create a down MEP 432 for xe3.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enables CC multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 532 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 532. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge2(config)#g8032 ring RING1 | Create a G.8032 ring named RING1. |
Bridge2(g8032-ring-config)#east-interface xe3.1 | Associate xe3.1 interface as the east interface in RING1. |
Bridge2(g8032-ring-config)#west-interface xe8.1 | Associate xe8.1 interface as the west interface in RING1. |
Bridge2(g8032-ring-config)#g8032 profile profile1 | Create a G.8032 profile named profile1. |
Bridge2(g8032-profile-config)#timer wait-to-restore 1 | Configure the wait-to-restore timer for 1 minute. |
Bridge2(g8032-profile-config)#timer hold-off 0 | Configure the hold-off timer with a value of 0. |
Bridge2(g8032-profile-config)#timer guard-timer 10 | Configure the guard timer with a value of 10 milliseconds. |
Bridge2(g8032-profile-config)#switching mode revertive | Configure the switching mode as revertive. |
Bridge2(g8032-profile-config)#exit | Exit profile configure mode and return to the ring configure mode. |
Bridge2(g8032-ring-config)#exit | Exit ring configure mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge2(config)#g8032 erp-instance erp1 | Create a G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance named erp1. |
Bridge2(g8032-config-switch)#ring-type major-ring | Configure the ring type as a major ring. |
Bridge2(g8032-config-switch)#ring RING1 | Associate RING1 with the ERP instance erp1. |
Bridge2(g8032-config-switch)#rpl role non-owner | Configure the node as a non-owner node in the ring. |
Bridge2(g8032-config-switch)#g8032-profile profile1 | Associate profile1 with erp1 instance. |
Bridge2(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel level 7 | Configure the R-APS channel level as 7. |
Bridge2(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel vlan 200 | Configure the APS channel VLAN as 200. |
Bridge2(g8032-config-switch)#commit | Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration |
Bridge2(g8032-config-switch)#end | Exit G.8032 configure mode. |
Bridge3#configure terminal | Enter configure mode. |
Bridge3(config)#hardware-profile filter cfm-domain-name-str enable | Enable CFM domain name as string. |
Bridge3(config)#interface xe3 | Enter interface mode xe3. |
Bridge3(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe6 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge3(config-if)#interface xe3.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe3.1 within the physical interface xe3. |
Bridge3(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge3(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 700 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 700. |
Bridge3(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe3. |
Bridge3(config)#interface xe16 | Enter interface mode xe8. |
Bridge3(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe16 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge3(config)#interface xe16.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe16.1 within the physical interface xe16. |
Bridge3(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge3(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 700 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 700. |
Bridge3(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe16. |
Bridge3(config)#bridge-domain 1 | Enter bridge domain configure mode and configure bridge domain instance 1. |
Bridge3(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe3.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe3.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge3(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe16.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe16.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge3(config-bridge-domain)#exit | Exit bridge domain mode. |
Bridge3(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P542 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P542, and level 5. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma542 | Create a CFM Maintenance Association (MA) type as a string with the name ma542. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 452 active true xe16.1 | Create a down MEP 452 for xe16.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enable Continuity Check (CC) multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 542 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 542. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge3(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P432 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P432, and level 5. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma432 | Create a CFM MA type as a string with the name ma432. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 342 active true xe3.1 | Create a down MEP 342 for xe3.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enables CC multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 432 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 432. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge3(config)#g8032 ring RING1 | Create a G.8032 ring named RING1. |
Bridge3(g8032-ring-config)#east-interface xe16.1 | Associate xe16.1 interface as the east interface in RING1. |
Bridge3(g8032-ring-config)#west-interface xe3.1 | Associate xe3.1 interface as the west interface in RING1. |
Bridge3(g8032-ring-config)#g8032 profile profile1 | Create a G.8032 profile named profile1. |
Bridge3(g8032-profile-config)#timer wait-to-restore 1 | Configure the wait-to-restore timer for 1 minute. |
Bridge3(g8032-profile-config)#timer hold-off 0 | Configure the hold-off timer with a value of 0. |
Bridge3(g8032-profile-config)#timer guard-timer 10 | Configure the guard timer with a value of 10 milliseconds. |
Bridge3(g8032-profile-config)#switching mode revertive | Configure the switching mode as revertive. |
Bridge3(g8032-profile-config)#exit | Exit profile configure mode and return to the ring configure mode. |
Bridge3(g8032-ring-config)#exit | Exit ring configure mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge3(config)#g8032 erp-instance erp1 | Create a G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance named erp1. |
Bridge3(g8032-config-switch)#ring-type major-ring | Configure the ring type as a major ring. |
Bridge3(g8032-config-switch)#ring RING1 | Associate RING1 with the ERP instance erp1. |
Bridge3(g8032-config-switch)#rpl role neighbor east-interface | Configure the node as the neighbor node for the ERPS ring and designate the east interface as the owner node in the ring. |
Bridge3(g8032-config-switch)#g8032-profile profile1 | Associate profile1 with erp1 instance. |
Bridge3(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel level 7 | Configure the R-APS channel level as 7. |
Bridge3(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel vlan 200 | Configure the APS channel VLAN as 200. |
Bridge3(g8032-config-switch)#commit | Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration |
Bridge3(g8032-config-switch)#end | Exit G.8032 configure mode. |
Bridge4#configure terminal | Enter configure mode. |
Bridge4(config)#hardware-profile filter cfm-domain-name-str enable | Enable CFM domain name as string. |
Bridge4(config)#interface xe6 | Enter interface mode xe6. |
Bridge4(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe6 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge4(config-if)#interface xe6.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe6.1 within the physical interface xe6. |
Bridge4(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge4(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 700 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 700. |
Bridge4(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe6. |
Bridge4(config)#interface xe16 | Enter interface mode xe8. |
Bridge4(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe16 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge4(config)#interface xe16.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe16.1 within the physical interface xe16. |
Bridge4(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge4(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 700 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 700. |
Bridge4(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe16. |
Bridge4(config)#bridge-domain 1 | Enter bridge domain configure mode and configure bridge domain instance 1. |
Bridge4(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe6.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe6.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge4(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe16.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe16.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge4(config-bridge-domain)#exit | Exit bridge domain mode. |
Bridge4(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P522 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P522, and level 5. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma522 | Create a CFM Maintenance Association (MA) type as a string with the name ma522. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 452 active true xe16.1 | Create a down MEP 452 for xe16.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enable Continuity Check (CC) multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 542 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 542. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge4(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P522 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P522, and level 5. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma522 | Create a CFM MA type as a string with the name ma522. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 252 active true xe6.1 | Create a down MEP 252 for xe6.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enables CC multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 522 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 522. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge4(config)#g8032 ring RING1 | Create a G.8032 ring named RING1. |
Bridge4(g8032-ring-config)#east-interface xe6.1 | Associate xe6.1 interface as the east interface in RING1. |
Bridge4(g8032-ring-config)#west-interface xe16.1 | Associate xe16.1 interface as the west interface in RING1. |
Bridge4(g8032-ring-config)#g8032 profile profile1 | Create a G.8032 profile named profile1. |
Bridge4(g8032-profile-config)#timer wait-to-restore 1 | Configure the wait-to-restore timer for 1 minute. |
Bridge4(g8032-profile-config)#timer hold-off 0 | Configure the hold-off timer with a value of 0. |
Bridge4(g8032-profile-config)#timer guard-timer 10 | Configure the guard timer with a value of 10 milliseconds. |
Bridge4(g8032-profile-config)#switching mode revertive | Configure the switching mode as revertive. |
Bridge4(g8032-profile-config)#exit | Exit profile configure mode and return to the ring configure mode. |
Bridge4(g8032-ring-config)#exit | Exit ring configure mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge4(config)#g8032 erp-instance erp1 | Create a G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance named erp1. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#ring-type major-ring | Configure the ring type as a major ring. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#ring RING1 | Associate RING1 with the ERP instance erp1. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#rpl role owner west-interface | Configure the node as the owner node for the ERPS ring and designate the west interface as the neighbor node in the ring. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#g8032-profile profile1 | Associate profile1 with erp1 instance. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel level 7 | Configure the R-APS channel level as 7. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel vlan 200 | Configure the APS channel VLAN as 200. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#commit | Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#end | Exit G.8032 configure mode. |
Bridge1#configure terminal | Enter configure mode. |
Bridge1(config)#interface xe6.2 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe6.2 for the physical interface xe6. |
Bridge1(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 2003 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 2003. |
Bridge1(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 800 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 800. |
Bridge1(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe6.2. |
Bridge1(config)#interface xe8.2 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe8.2 for the physical interface xe8. |
Bridge1(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 2003 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 2003. |
Bridge1(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 800 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 800. |
Bridge1(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe8.2. |
Bridge1(config)#bridge-domain 2 | Enter bridge domain configure mode and configure bridge domain instance 2. |
Bridge1(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe6.2 | Attach the sub-interface xe6.2 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge1(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe8.2 | Attach the sub-interface xe8.2 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge1(config-bridge-domain)#exit | Exit bridge domain mode. |
Bridge1(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P543 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P543, and level 5. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma543 | Create a CFM Maintenance Association (MA) type as a string with the name ma543. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 2003 | Add VLAN 2003 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 543 active true xe8.2 | Create a down MEP 543 for xe8.2 interface and activate it. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enable Continuity Check (CC) multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 453 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 453. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge1(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P523 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P523, and level 5. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma523 | Create a CFM MA type as a string with the name ma523. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 2003 | Add VLAN 2003 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 523 active true xe6.2 | Create a down MEP 523 for xe6.2 interface and activate it. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enables CC multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge1(config)#g8032 ring RING2 | Create a G.8032 ring named RING2. |
Bridge1(g8032-ring-config)#east-interface xe8.2 | Associate xe8.2 interface as the east interface in RING2. |
Bridge1(g8032-ring-config)#west-interface xe6.2 | Associate xe6.2 interface as the west interface in RING2. |
Bridge1(g8032-ring-config)#exit | Exit ring configure mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge1(config)#g8032 erp-instance erp1 | Create a G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance named erp1. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#associate-ring RING2 | Map the associate ring named RING2 to the ERPS instance erp1. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#commit | Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#end | Exit G.8032 configure mode. |
Bridge2#configure terminal | Enter configure mode. |
Bridge2(config)#interface xe3.2 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe3.2 for the physical interface xe3. |
Bridge2(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 2003 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 2003. |
Bridge2(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 800 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 800. |
Bridge2(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe3.2. |
Bridge2(config)#interface xe8.2 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe8.2 for the physical interface xe8. |
Bridge2(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 2003 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 2003. |
Bridge2(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 800 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 800. |
Bridge2(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe8.2. |
Bridge2(config)#bridge-domain 2 | Enter bridge domain configure mode and configure bridge domain instance 2. |
Bridge2(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe3.2 | Attach the sub-interface xe3.2 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge2(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe8.2 | Attach the sub-interface xe8.2 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge2(config-bridge-domain)#exit | Exit bridge domain mode. |
Bridge2(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P543 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P543, and level 5. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma543 | Create a CFM Maintenance Association (MA) type as a string with the name ma543. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 2003 | Add VLAN 2003 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 453 active true xe8.2 | Create a down MEP 453 for xe8.2 interface and activate it. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enable Continuity Check (CC) multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 543 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 543. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge2(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P433 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P433, and level 5. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma433 | Create a CFM MA type as a string with the name ma433. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 2003 | Add VLAN 2003 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 433 active true xe3.2 | Create a down MEP 433 for xe3.2 interface and activate it. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enables CC multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 533 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 533. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge2(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge2(config)#g8032 ring RING2 | Create a G.8032 ring named RING2. |
Bridge2(g8032-ring-config)#east-interface xe3.2 | Associate xe3.2 interface as the east interface in RING2. |
Bridge2(g8032-ring-config)#west-interface xe8.2 | Associate xe8.2 interface as the west interface in RING2. |
Bridge2(g8032-ring-config)#exit | Exit ring configure mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge2(config)#g8032 erp-instance erp1 | Create a G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance named erp1. |
Bridge2(g8032-config-switch)#associate-ring RING2 | Map the associate ring named RING2 to the ERPS instance erp1. |
Bridge2(g8032-config-switch)#commit | Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration |
Bridge2(g8032-config-switch)#end | Exit G.8032 configure mode. |
Bridge3#configure terminal | Enter configure mode. |
Bridge3(config)#interface xe3.2 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe3.2 for the physical interface xe3. |
Bridge3(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 2003 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 2003. |
Bridge3(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 800 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 800. |
Bridge3(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe3.2. |
Bridge3(config)#interface xe16.2 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe16.2 for the physical interface xe16. |
Bridge3(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 2003 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 2003. |
Bridge3(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 800 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 800. |
Bridge3(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe16.2. |
Bridge3(config)#bridge-domain 2 | Enter bridge domain configure mode and configure bridge domain instance 2. |
Bridge3(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe3.2 | Attach the sub-interface xe3.2 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge3(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe16.2 | Attach the sub-interface xe16.2 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge3(config-bridge-domain)#exit | Exit bridge domain mode. |
Bridge3(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P433 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P433, and level 5. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma433 | Create a CFM Maintenance Association (MA) type as a string with the name ma433. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 2003 | Add VLAN 2003 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 343 active true xe16.2 | Create a down MEP 343 for xe16.2 interface and activate it. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enable Continuity Check (CC) multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 433 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 433. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge3(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P323 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P323, and level 5. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma323 | Create a CFM MA type as a string with the name ma323. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 2003 | Add VLAN 2003 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 323 active true xe3.2 | Create a down MEP 323 for xe3.2 interface and activate it. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enables CC multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 233 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 233. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge3(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge3(config)#g8032 ring RING2 | Create a G.8032 ring named RING2. |
Bridge3(g8032-ring-config)#east-interface xe16.2 | Associate xe16.2 interface as the east interface in RING2. |
Bridge3(g8032-ring-config)#west-interface xe3.2 | Associate xe3.2 interface as the west interface in RING2. |
Bridge3(g8032-ring-config)#exit | Exit ring configure mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge3(config)#g8032 erp-instance erp1 | Create a G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance named erp1. |
Bridge3(g8032-config-switch)#associate-ring RING2 | Map the associate ring named RING2 to the ERPS instance erp1. |
Bridge3(g8032-config-switch)#commit | Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration |
Bridge3(g8032-config-switch)#end | Exit G.8032 configure mode. |
Bridge4#configure terminal | Enter configure mode. |
Bridge4(config)#interface xe6.2 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe6.2 for the physical interface xe6. |
Bridge4(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 2003 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 2003. |
Bridge4(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 800 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 800. |
Bridge4(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe6.2. |
Bridge4(config)#interface xe16.2 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe16.2 for the physical interface xe16. |
Bridge4(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 2003 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 2003. |
Bridge4(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 800 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 800. |
Bridge4(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe16.2. |
Bridge4(config)#bridge-domain 2 | Enter bridge domain configure mode and configure bridge domain instance 2. |
Bridge4(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe6.2 | Attach the sub-interface xe6.2 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge4(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe16.2 | Attach the sub-interface xe16.2 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge4(config-bridge-domain)#exit | Exit bridge domain mode. |
Bridge4(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P523 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P523, and level 5. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma523 | Create a CFM Maintenance Association (MA) type as a string with the name ma523. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 2003 | Add VLAN 2003 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 253 active true xe6.2 | Create a down MEP 253 for xe6.2 interface and activate it. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enable Continuity Check (CC) multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 523 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 523. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge4(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P323 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P323, and level 5. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma323 | Create a CFM MA type as a string with the name ma323. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 2003 | Add VLAN 2003 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 233 active true xe16.2 | Create a down MEP 233 for xe16.2 interface and activate it. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enables CC multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 323 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 323. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge4(config)#g8032 ring RING2 | Create a G.8032 ring named RING2. |
Bridge4(g8032-ring-config)#east-interface xe6.2 | Associate xe6.2 interface as the east interface in RING2. |
Bridge4(g8032-ring-config)#west-interface xe16.2 | Associate xe16.2 interface as the west interface in RING2. |
Bridge4(g8032-ring-config)#exit | Exit ring configure mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge4(config)#g8032 erp-instance erp1 | Create a G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance named erp1. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#associate-ring RING2 | Map the associate ring named RING2 to the ERPS instance erp1. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#commit | Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#end | Exit G.8032 configure mode. |
Bridge5#configure terminal | Enter configure mode. |
Bridge5(config)#interface xe2 | Enter interface mode xe2. |
Bridge5(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe2 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge5(config-if)#interface xe2.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe2.1 within the physical interface xe2. |
Bridge5(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge5(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 600 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 600. |
Bridge5(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe2. |
Bridge5(config)#interface xe20 | Enter interface mode xe20. |
Bridge5(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe20 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge5(config)#interface xe20.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe20.1 within the physical interface xe20. |
Bridge5(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge5(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 600 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 600. |
Bridge5(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe20. |
Bridge5(config)#bridge-domain 1 | Enter bridge domain configure mode and configure bridge domain instance 1. |
Bridge5(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe2.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe2.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge5(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe20.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe20.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge5(config-bridge-domain)#exit | Exit bridge domain mode. |
Bridge5(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P271 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P271, and level 5. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma8 | Create a CFM Maintenance Association (MA) type as a string with the name ma8. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 801 active true xe2.1 | Create a down MEP 801 for xe2.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enable Continuity Check (CC) multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 800 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 800. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge5(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P571 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P571, and level 5. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma7 | Create a CFM MA type as a string with the name ma7. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 905 active true xe20.1 | Create a down MEP 905 for xe20.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enables CC multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 906 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 906. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge5(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge5(config)#g8032 ring subring2 | Create a G.8032 ring named subring2. |
Bridge5(g8032-ring-config)#east-interface xe2.1 | Associate xe2.1 interface as the east interface in subring2. |
Bridge5(g8032-ring-config)#west-interface xe20.1 | Associate xe20.1 interface as the west interface in subring2. |
Bridge5(g8032-ring-config)#g8032 profile profile1 | Create a G.8032 profile named profile1. |
Bridge5(g8032-profile-config)#timer wait-to-restore 2 | Configure the wait-to-restore timer for 2 minute. |
Bridge5(g8032-profile-config)#timer hold-off 200 | Configure the hold-off timer with a value of 200. |
Bridge5(g8032-profile-config)#timer guard-timer 20 | Configure the guard timer with a value of 20 milliseconds. |
Bridge5(g8032-profile-config)#switching mode revertive | Configure the switching mode as revertive. |
Bridge5(g8032-profile-config)#exit | Exit profile configure mode and return to the ring configure mode. |
Bridge5(g8032-ring-config)#exit | Exit ring configure mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge5(config)#g8032 erp-instance erp2 | Create a G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance named erp2. |
Bridge5(g8032-config-switch)#ring-type sub-ring-vc | Configure the ring type as a sub-ring-vc. |
Bridge5(g8032-config-switch)#ring subring2 | Associate subring2 with the ERP instance erp2. |
Bridge5(g8032-config-switch)#rpl role neighbor east-interface | Configure the node as the neighbor node for the specified ERPS ring and designate the east interface as the owner node in the ring. |
Bridge5(g8032-config-switch)#g8032-profile profile1 | Associate profile1 with erp2 instance. |
Bridge5(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel level 5 | Configure the R-APS channel level as 5. |
Bridge5(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel vlan 200 | Configure the APS channel VLAN as 200. |
Bridge5(g8032-config-switch)#ring-id 3 | Configure the ring ID as 3. |
Bridge5(g8032-config-switch)#commit | Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration |
Bridge5(g8032-config-switch)#end | Exit G.8032 configure mode. |
Bridge1#configure terminal | Enter configure mode. |
Bridge1(config)#interface xe20 | Enter interface mode xe20. |
Bridge1(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe20 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge1(config-if)#interface xe20.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe20.1 within the physical interface xe20. |
Bridge1(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge1(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 600 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 600. |
Bridge1(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe20. |
Bridge1(config)#bridge-domain 1 | Enter bridge domain configure mode and configure bridge domain instance 1. |
Bridge1(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe20.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe20.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge1(config-bridge-domain)#exit | Exit bridge domain mode. |
Bridge1(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P571 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P571, and level 5. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma7 | Create a CFM Maintenance Association (MA) type as a string with the name ma7. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 906 active true xe20.1 | Create a down MEP 906 for xe20.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enable Continuity Check (CC) multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 905 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 905. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge1(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge1(config)#g8032 ring subring2 | Create a G.8032 ring named subring2. |
Bridge1(g8032-ring-config)#east-interface xe20.1 | Associate xe20.1 interface as the east interface in subring2. |
Bridge1(g8032-ring-config)#exit | Exit ring configure mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge1(config)#g8032 erp-instance erp3 | Create a G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance named erp3. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#ring-type sub-ring-vc | Configure the ring type as a sub-ring-vc. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#ring subring2 | Associate subring2 with the ERP instance erp3. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#rpl role non-owner | Configure the node as a non-owner node in the ring. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#g8032-profile profile1 | Associate profile1 with erp3 instance. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel level 5 | Configure the R-APS channel level as 5. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel vlan 200 | Configure the APS channel VLAN as 200. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#ring-id 3 | Configure the ring ID as 3. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#virtual-channel 100 attached-to-instance erp1 | Configure the virtual channel with VLAN 100 and attache it to ERP instance erp1. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#enable-tcn-propagation | Enable Topology Change Notification (TCN) propagation. |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#commit | Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration |
Bridge1(g8032-config-switch)#end | Exit G.8032 configure mode. |
Bridge4#configure terminal | Enter configure mode. |
Bridge4(config)#interface xe2 | Enter interface mode xe2. |
Bridge4(config-if)#dot1ad ethertype 0x88a8 | Configure xe2 as a Layer 2 port with an Ethernet Type of 0x88a8. |
Bridge4(config-if)#interface xe2.1 switchport | Create a Layer 2 sub-interface xe2.1 within the physical interface xe2. |
Bridge4(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 200 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with APS-channel VLAN ID 200. |
Bridge4(config-if)encapsulation dot1ad 600 | Encapsulate the sub-interface with data VLAN ID 600. |
Bridge4(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode xe2. |
Bridge4(config)#bridge-domain 1 | Enter bridge domain configure mode and configure bridge domain instance 1. |
Bridge4(config-bridge-domain)#interface xe2.1 | Attach the sub-interface xe2.1 to the bridge domain instance. |
Bridge4(config-bridge-domain)#exit | Exit bridge domain mode. |
Bridge4(config)#ethernet cfm domain-type character-string domain-name P271 level 5 | Create a CFM domain with character string type, name P271, and level 5. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm)#service ma-type string ma-name ma8 | Create a CFM Maintenance Association (MA) type as a string with the name ma8. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#vlan 200 | Add VLAN 200 to the CFM MA. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#ethernet cfm mep down mpid 800 active true xe2.1 | Create a down MEP 800 for xe2.1 interface and activate it. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#cc multicast state enable | Enable Continuity Check (CC) multicast for the MEP. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma-mep)#exit-ether-ma-mep-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA-MEP mode. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#mep crosscheck mpid 801 | Configure crosscheck for the remote MEP with value 801. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm-ma)#exit-ether-ma-mode | Exit Ethernet CFM MA mode. |
Bridge4(config-ether-cfm)#exit | Exit Ethernet CFM mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge4(config)#g8032 ring subring2 | Create a G.8032 ring named subring2. |
Bridge4(g8032-ring-config)#east-interface xe2.1 | Associate xe2.1 interface as the east interface in subring2. |
Bridge4(g8032-ring-config)#exit | Exit ring configure mode and return to the configure mode. |
Bridge4(config)#g8032 erp-instance erp3 | Create a G.8032 Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) instance named erp3. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#ring-type sub-ring-vc | Configure the ring type as a sub-ring-vc. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#ring subring2 | Associate subring2 with the ERP instance erp3. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#rpl role owner east-interface | Configure the node as the owner node for the specified ERPS ring and designate the east interface as the neighbor node in the ring. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#g8032-profile profile1 | Associate profile1 with erp3 instance. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel level 5 | Configure the R-APS channel level as 5. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#aps-channel vlan 200 | Configure the APS channel VLAN as 200. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#ring-id 3 | Configure the ring ID as 3. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#virtual-channel 100 attached-to-instance erp1 | Configure the virtual channel with VLAN 100 and attache it to ERP instance erp1. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#enable-tcn-propagation | Enable Topology Change Notification (TCN) propagation. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#commit | Commit the candidate configuration to the running configuration |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#end | Exit G.8032 configure mode. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#non-virtual-channel | Configure the non-virtual channel and attach it to ERP instance. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#enable-tcn-propagation | Enable Topology Change Notification (TCN) propagation. |
Bridge4(g8032-config-switch)#tcn-to-instance erp1 | Attach TCN propagation to ERPS instance. |
Acronym | Description |
ERPS | Ethernet Ring Protection Switching |
CFM | Continuity Fault Management |
ELAN | Ethernet LAN |
LIF | Logical Interface |
ACLIF | Access Control List Interface |
Bridge Domain | A logical network segment where bridging services are extended and managed. It defines a broadcast domain in Ethernet bridging. |
Bridge Ports | Physical or virtual ports/interfaces that connect devices within a bridge domain. |
Network Resilience | The ability of a network to maintain service availability and performance in the face of failures or abnormal conditions. |
Redundant Links | Backup or alternative network connections designed to ensure network reliability. |
Distribution Switches | Network switches that aggregate traffic from access switches and connect them to core switches or routers. |
Ring Topology | A network topology in which each network device is connected to exactly two other devices, forming a circular path. |
Failover | The process of automatically switching to a backup or redundant system or path in case of a failure. |
Downtime | The period during which a system, network, or service is unavailable or not functioning correctly. |
VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network, a logical segmentation of a network to isolate traffic and improve network efficiency. |
Backup Path | An alternative network path that can be used to reroute traffic in case of a failure in the primary path. |
Granular Control | Fine-tuned control over specific aspects or resources within a system or network. |
Resource Contention | Competition or conflict for limited resources, such as hardware resources in a network device. |
Sub-Interface | A logical interface created within a physical interface to allow multiple virtual interfaces with different configurations. |
Logical Interface | A virtual or logical network interface on a device. |