#configure terminal | Enter Configure mode. |
(config)# evpn mpls enable | Enable EVPN MPLS |
(config)# evpn mpls vtep-ip-global | Configuring VTEP global IP to loopback IP |
(config)# mac vrf eline500 | Create a new mac VRF named eline100 |
(config-vrf)# rd | Assign the route distinguisher (RD) value as |
(config-vrf)# route-target both 111:111 | Configuring import and export value as 111:111 Support: route-target export route-target import |
(config-vrf)#exit | Exit VRF mode |
(config)#commit | Commit the configurations |
(config)# evpn mpls id 500 xconnect tar-get-mpls-id 501 | Configure the EVPN-VPWS identifier with source identifier 2 and target identifier 501 |
(config-evpn-mpls)#host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp eline500 | Mapping vrf "eline500" to EVPN-VPWS identifier |
(config-evpn-mpls)#exit | Exit from EVPN MPLS mode. |
(config)#router ldp | Enter the Router LDP mode |
(config-router)#router-id | Configure router id as loopback address |
(config-router)#transport-address ipv4 | Configure ldp transport addess as loopback address |
(config-router)#exit | Exit from the router ldp mode |
(config)#interface lo | Enter loopback interface mode |
(config-if)#ip address sec-ondary | Assign IP address to Loopback interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit Interface mode |
(config)#interface xe8 | Enter Interface mode |
(config-if)# ip address | Assign IP address to interface |
(config-if)#enable-ldp ipv4 | Enable LDP on the physical interface |
(config-if)#label-switching | Enable label switching on the interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit Interface mode |
(config)#interface xe11.500 switchport | Creating L2 sub interface of physical interface xe11 |
(config-if)# encapsulation dot1q 500 | Setting Encapsulation to dot1q with VLAN ID 2 Supported Encapsulation: dot1ad, dot1q, untagged, default |
(config-if)# access-if-evpn | Entering Access mode for EVPN MPLS ID configuration |
(config-acc-if-evpn)# map vpn-id 500 | Map vpn-id 500 to interface xe11.500 (VPWS) |
(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode |
(config)# router ospf 1 | Enter Router OSPF mode |
(config-router)# ospf router-id | Configure OSPF router-id |
(config-router)# network area | Define the network on which OSPF runs and associate area id. |
(config-router)# network area | Define the network on which OSPF runs and associate area id. |
(config-router)# commit | Commit the configurations |
(config-router)# exit | Exit from router OSPF mode |
(config)# router bgp 100 | Enter BGP router mode |
(config-router)# bgp router-id | Configure BGP router-id |
(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 100 | Configure PE2 as an iBGP4+ neighbor |
(config-router)# neighbor up-date-source lo | Update the source as loopback for iBGP peering with the remote PE2 router |
(config-router)# address-family l2vpn evpn | Entering into address family mode as EVPN |
(config-router-af)# neighbor activate | Enabling EVPN Address family for neighbor |
(config-router-af)#exit | Exit form address family |
(config-router)# commit | Commit the configurations |
#configure terminal | Enter Configure mode. |
(config)#router ldp | Enter the Router LDP mode |
(config-router)#router-id | Configure router id as loopback address |
(config-router)#transport-address ipv4 | Configure ldp transport addess as loopback address |
(config-router)#exit | Exit from the router ldp mode |
(config)#interface lo | Enter loopback interface mode |
(config-if)#ip address secondary | Assign IP address to Loopback interface |
(config-if)#enable-ldp ipv4 | Enable LDP on the physical interface |
(config-if)#label-switching | Enable label switching on the interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit Interface mode |
(config)#interface xe14 | Enter Interface mode |
(config-if)# ip address | Assign IP address to interface |
(config-if)#enable-ldp ipv4 | Enable LDP on the physical interface |
(config-if)#label-switching | Enable label switching on the interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit Interface mode |
(config)#interface xe15 | Enter Interface mode |
(config-if)# ip address | Assign IP address to interface |
(config-if)#enable-ldp ipv4 | Enable LDP on the physical interface |
(config-if)#label-switching | Enable label switching on the interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode |
(config)# router ospf 1 | Enter Router OSPF mode |
(config-router)# ospf router-id | Configure OSPF router-id |
(config-router)# network area | Define the network on which OSPF runs and associate area id. |
(config-router)# network area | Define the network on which OSPF runs and associate area id. |
(config-router)# network area | Define the network on which OSPF runs and associate area id. |
(config-router)# commit | Commit the configurations |
(config-router)# exit | Exit from router OSPF mode |
#configure terminal | Enter Configure mode. |
(config)# evpn mpls enable | Enable EVPN MPLS |
(config)# evpn mpls vtep-ip-global | Configuring VTEP global IP to loopback IP |
(config)# mac vrf eline500 | Create a new mac VRF named eline100 |
(config-vrf)# rd | Assign the route distinguisher (RD) value as |
(config-vrf)# route-target both 111:111 | Configuring import and export value as 111:111 Support: route-target export route-target import |
(config-vrf)#exit | Exit VRF mode |
(config)#commit | Commit the configurations |
(config)# evpn mpls id 501 xconnect tar-get-mpls-id 500 | Configure the EVPN-VPWS identifier with source identifier 501 and target identifier 500 |
(config-evpn-mpls)#host-reachability-protocol evpn-bgp eline500 | Mapping vrf "eline500" to EVPN-VPWS identifier |
(config-evpn-mpls)#exit | Exit from evpn mpls mode |
(config)#interface lo | Enter loopback interface mode |
(config-if)#ip address secondary | Assign IP address to Loopback interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit Interface mode |
(config)#router ldp | Enter the Router LDP mode |
(config-router)#router-id | Configure router id as loopback address |
(config-router)#transport-address ipv4 | Configure ldp transport addess as loopback address |
(config-router)#exit | Exit from the router ldp mode |
(config)#interface xe24 | Enter Interface mode |
(config-if)# ip address | Assign IP address to interface |
(config-if)#enable-ldp ipv4 | Enable LDP on the physical interface |
(config-if)#label-switching | Enable label switching on the interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit Interface mode |
(config)#interface xe25 | Enter Interface mode |
(config-if)# ip vrf forwarding vrf100 | Bind the interface connected to the CE1 router with VRF 100 |
(config-if)# ip address | Assign IP address to interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit interface mode |
(config)# router ospf 1 | Enter Router OSPF mode |
(config-router)# ospf router-id | Configure OSPF router-id |
(config-router)# network area | Define the network on which OSPF runs and associate area id. |
(config-router)# network area | Define the network on which OSPF runs and associate area id. |
(config-router)#exit | Exit from router OSPF mode |
(config)# router bgp 100 | Enter BGP router mode |
(config-router)# bgp router-id | Configure BGP router-id |
(config-router)# neighbor re-mote-as 100 | Configure PE2 as an iBGP4+ neighbor |
(config-router)# neighbor up-date-source lo | Update the source as loopback for iBGP peering with the remote PE2 router |
(config-router)# address-family l2vpn evpn | Entering into address family mode as EVPN |
(config-router-af)# neighbor activate | Enabling EVPN Address family for neighbor |
(config-router-af)#exit | Exit form address family |
(config-router)# commit | Commit the configurations |
#configure terminal | Enter Configure mode. |
(config)#interface lo | Enter loopback interface mode |
(config-if)#ip address secondary | Assign IP address to Loopback interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit Interface mode |
(config)#interface xe24.500 | Enter Interface mode |
(config-if)#encapsulation dot1q 500 | Setting Encapsulation to dot1q with VLAN ID 500 |
(config-if)# ip address | Configure IP address on the interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit Interface mode |
(config)# router bgp 200 | Enter BGP router mode |
(config-router)# bgp router-id | Configure BGP router-id |
(config-router)#neighbor remote-as 100 | Configure PE1 as an eBGP4+ neighbor |
(config-router)# address-family ipv4 unicast | Enter address-family IPv4 unicast mode |
(config-router-af)# redistribute connected | Redistribute the connected route under address family IPv4 unicast |
(config-router-af)# neighbor activate | Activate the neighbor in the IPv4 address family |
(config-router-af)#exit | Exit form address family |
(config-router)# commit | Commit the configurations |
#configure terminal | Enter Configure mode. |
(config)#interface lo | Enter loopback interface mode |
(config-if)#ip address secondary | Assign IP address to Loopback interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit Interface mode |
(config)#interface xe14.500 | Enter Interface mode |
(config-if)#encapsulation dot1q 500 | Setting Encapsulation to dot1q with VLAN ID 500 |
(config-if)# ip address | Assign IP address to interface |
(config-if)#exit | Exit Interface mode |
(config)# router bgp 300 | Enter BGP router mode |
(config-router)# bgp router-id | Configure BGP router-id |
(config-router)#neighbor remote-as 100 | Configure PE2 as an eBGP4+ neighbor |
(config-router)# address-family ipv4 unicast | Enter address-family IPv4 unicast mode |
(config-router-af)# redistribute connected | Redistribute the connected route under address family |
IPv4 unicast | |
(config-router-af)# neighbor acti-vate | Activate the neighbor in the IPv4 address family |
(config-router-af)#exit | Exit form address family |
(config-router)# commit | Commit the configurations |
#configure terminal | Enter Configure mode. |
(config)# hardware-profile filter twamp-ipv4 enable | Enable hardware filter for ipv4 to configure TWAMP measure-ment configs |
(config)#commit | Commit the configuration |
(config)# twamp-light control | Enable TWAMP light controller on CE1 |
(config-twamp-light-con)# control-admin-state enable | Enable TWAMP Controller admin state |
(config)# interface xe24.500 | Enter Interface Loopback mode |
(config-if)# delay-measurement dynamic twamp reflector-ip | Configure delay measurement on interface to reflector CE2 |
(config-if)#commit | Commit the configurations |
(config-if)#end | Return to privilege mode |
#configure terminal | Enter Configure mode. |
(config)# hardware-profile filter twamp-ipv4 enable | Enable hardware filter for ipv4 to configure TWAMP measure-ment configs |
(config)#commit | Commit the configuration |
(config)# twamp-light reflector | Enable TWAMP light Reflector on CE2 |
(config-twamp-light-ref)# reflec-tor-admin-state enable | Enable the TWAMP reflector admin state |
(config-twamp-light-ref)# reflector-name pe2 reflector-ip ipv4 | Configure TWAMP reflector IP as CE2 interface IP |
(config-twamp-light-ref)#commit | Commit the configurations |
(config-if)#end | Return to privilege mode |