OcNOS-SP : System Management Guide : System Management Command Reference : Linux Shell Commands
Linux Shell Commands
This chapter is a reference for Linux shell commands that you can run at the OcNOS prompt.
Table 34-96 describes the commands. Note the following:
You must be in privileged exec mode to run these commands.
You cannot use the pipe (“|”) or redirect (">") operators.
Table 34-96: Linux shell commands
cat file
Display contents of file
Change to home directory
cd dir
Change directory to dir
cp file1 file2
Copy file1 to file2
cp -r dir1 dir2
Copy dir1 to dir2; create dir2 if it does not exist
Display contents of current directory
less file
Display the contents of file
ls options
Display contents of current directory
mkdir dir
Create a directory dir
more file
Display the contents of file
mv file1 file2
Rename file1 to file2
mv file dir
Move file to directory dir
Display current directory
rmdir dir
Remove a directory dir (only if empty)