OcNOS-SP : System Management Guide : System Management Command Reference : NetConf Call Home Commands
NetConf Call Home Commands
This chapter describes these commands:
callhome server
Use this command to add a call home server. A maximum 5 servers can be configured.
Use the no form of this command to delete a call home server. If the specified call home server is already connected with the OcNOS NetConf server, deleting it will not disconnect it.
Command Syntax
callhome server WORD (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME)
callhome server WORD (A.B.C.D|X:X::X:X|HOSTNAME) port <1-65535>
no callhome server WORD
An arbitrary name for the NetConf listen endpoint. Any valid string with length 1-64 can be used.
IPv4 address of the call home server
IPv4 address of the call home server
Host name of the call home server
Callhome server listening port
Note: The same address can be configured with different endpoint names, so use a different port number in those cases. For example:
callhome server name-1
callhome server name-3 port 5555
Avoid the redundant configuration: callhome server name-2
Default value for the port is IANA assigned port 4334.
NetConf call home mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.0.0.
The below configuration example illustrates how to define and manage callhome servers for NetConf communication.
1. Check the existing NetConf Callhome configuration usingthe show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(config)#netconf callhome
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
2. Configure the Callhome server.
(netconf-callhome)#callhome server name-1
(netconf-callhome)#callhome server name-2 port 12234
3. Check the current NetConf Callhome configurations using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
callhome server name-1
callhome server name-2 port 12234
4. Remove the configured name-2 Callhome server.
(netconf-callhome)#no callhome server name-2
5. Check the current NetConf Callhome configurations using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
callhome server name-1
debug callhome
Use this command to enable debugging for the call home module. Once enabled, all debugging related information will be logged in the system logger file.
Use the no form of this command to disable debugging for the call home module.
Command Syntax
debug callhome
no debug callhome
By default, debugging is disabled (only critical message are enabled).
NetConf call home mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.0.0.
The below configuration example illustrates how to enable or disable debugging for the Callhome module.
1. Check the existing NetConf Callhome configuration using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(config)#netconf callhome
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
2. Enable debug command for the Callhome module.
(netconf-callhome)#debug callhome
3. Check the current NetConf Callhome configurations using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
debug callhome
4. Remove the configured debug command to disable debugging for the call home module.
(netconf-callhome)#no debug callhome
5. Check the current NetConf Callhome configurations using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome
Use this command to enable or disable the NetConf call home feature. When the feature is disabled, all other configurations are removed except debug callhome.
Enabling the call home feature is required before doing any other call home configurations.
Command Syntax
feature netconf callhome (enable|disable)
Enable the call home feature
Disable the call home feature
By default, the call home feature is disabled.
NetConf call home mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.0.0.
The below configuration example illustrates how to enable or disable the NetConf Callhome feature.
1. Check the existing NetConf Callhome configuration using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(config)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
2. Enable the NetConf Callhome feature.
(config)#netconf callhome
(netconf-callhome)#feature netconf callhome enable
3. Check the current NetConf Callhome configurations using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
4. Disable the NetConf callhome feature.
(netconf-callhome)#feature netconf callhome disable
5. Check the current NetConf Callhome configurations using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
Use this command to add an interface to use to connect to a call home server. This is useful when in-band (front panel) ports are used as management ports.
Use the no form of this command to use eth0 as the management port.
Command Syntax
management-port IFNAME
no management-port
Interface used to connect to the call home server.
By default, eth0 (out-of-band management port) is used as the management port.
NetConf call home mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.0.0.
The below configuration example illustrates how to enable or disable the NetConf Callhome feature.
1. Check the existing NetConf Callhome configuration using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
2. Using the management port command, add an interface xe4 to connect to the call home server.
(netconf-callhome)#management-port xe4
3. Check the current NetConf Callhome configuration using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
management-port xe4
4. Remove the connected interface xe4 using the no command, and by default, eth0 is used as the management port.
(netconf-callhome)#no management-port
5. Check the current NetConf Callhome configuration using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
netconf callhome
Use this command to enter NetConf call home configuration mode. All call home configurations are done in this mode.
Command Syntax
netconf callhome
Configure mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.0.0.
1. The below configuration example illustrates how to enter the NetConf Callhome configuration mode.
#configure terminal
(config)#netconf callhome
2. Check the NetConf Callhome configuration using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
Use this command to enable or disable the reconnect feature in OcNOS, allowing users to control whether the system attempts to re-establish a connection if it fails. When enabled, OcNOS will make repeated connection attempts if the initial connection fails. If disabled, OcNOS will make only a single connection attempt; if it fails, it will not re-attempt the connection.
Command Syntax
reconnect (enable|disable)
Enable reconnect
Disable reconnect
By default, the reconnect feature is not enabled.
NetConf call home mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.0.0.
1. Check the existing NetConf Callhome configuration using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
2. Enable Reconnect:
(netconf-callhome)#reconnect enable
3. Check the current NetConf Callhome configuration using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
reconnect enable
4. Configure Retry Attempts and Interval for the system to re-establish a connection after failing a maximum number of attempts with a specified time interval.
(netconf-callhome)#retry-max-attempts 10
(netconf-callhome)#retry-interval 30
5. Check the current NetConf Callhome configuration using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
reconnect enable
retry-max-attempts 10
retry-interval 30
6. Disable Reconnect:
(netconf-callhome)#reconnect disable
7. Check the current NetConf Callhome configuration using the show running-config netconf-callhome command.
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
Use this command to specify the number of seconds to wait after a connect attempt to the call home server fails.
Use the no form of this command to reset the retry interval to its default (300 seconds).
Command Syntax
retry-interval <1-86400>
no retry-interval
Retry interval in seconds
By default, when the reconnect feature is enabled, the default retry interval is 300 seconds.
NetConf call home mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.0.0.
1. Enable the NetConf callhome feature and reconnect commands:
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
reconnect enable
2. Configure retry interval:
(netconf-callhome)#retry-interval 100
3. Check the NetConf callhome show output:
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
reconnect enable
retry-interval 100
4. Reset the interval:
(netconf-callhome)#no retry-interval
5. Check the NetConf callhome show output:
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
reconnect enable
Use this command to specify the number of retries the OcNOS should attempt to the call home server before giving up.
Use the no form of this command to reset the maximum attempts to its default value (3).
Command Syntax
retry-max-attempts <0-255>
no retry-max-attempts
Number of retries; specify zero (0) to retry infinitely.
By default, when the reconnect feature is enabled, 3 attempts will be made.
NetConf call home mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.0.0.
When users update the reconnect parameters, note the following:
Servers that haven't completed the configured retry count with the updated configurations will be included in the new count.
Servers for which the configured retry count has already been completed will restart the retrial process with the new configuration.
1. Enable the NetConf callhome feature and reconnect commands:
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
reconnect enable
2. Configure retry maximum attempts:
(netconf-callhome)#retry-max-attempts 10
3. Check the NetConf callhome show output:
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
reconnect enable
retry-max-attempts 10
4. Reset the attempts to its default value:
(netconf-callhome)#no retry-max-attempts
5. Check the NetConf callhome show output:
(netconf-callhome)#do show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
reconnect enable
show (xml|) running-config netconf-callhome
Use this command to display call home configurations.
Command Syntax
show (xml|) running-config netconf-callhome
Display the output in XML format
Exec mode
This command was introduced in OcNOS version 6.0.0.
The below show command displays the running configuration of the Netconf Callhome feature in a normal format.
#show running-config netconf-callhome
netconf callhome
feature netconf callhome enable
management-port xe10
reconnect enable
retry-max-attempts 10
retry-interval 100
callhome server local-nc
debug callhome
The below show command displays the running configuration of the Netconf Callhome feature in XML format.
#show xml running-config netconf-callhome
<netconf-server xmlns="http://www.ipinfusion.com/yang/ocnos/ipi-management-server">